Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, September 19, 1895, Image 7

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Henry Waterson of the Courier-Journal
Deli-ers the Welcoming Address, and
James Whitcorab Riley Reads a Poem
Commander Lanler'i Annual Report
Work of the Women's Relief Corps
Other Matters of ' Interest to Old Sol
diers. The G. A- R. Encampment
Louisville, Ky., Sept. 13. The
twenty-ninth national encampment of
the G. A. R., the Woman's Relief corps
nd the Ladies' Circle of the (i. A. R.(
beg'an their conventions this morning.
Those meeting's were attended only by
delegates. General Lawler, the commander-in-chief
was loudly cheered as
he formally called the meeting to
order and introduced Henry Yatter
son, who made a flowery address of
welcome. In response. Past Commander-in-Chief
William Warner of
Kansas City, spoke . briefly, lie said
the boys in blue would never forget
the generous and great hospitality of
the g-ood people of Louisville.
When he had done talking. Com
mander Lawler said he took great
pleasure in introducing James Whit
comb Riley, the lloosier poet. Mr.
Riley tnen read an original poem.
Commander Lawler said that the
comrades had decided to honor Past
Commander John Palmer of Albany by
presenting him with a token of their
regard for the faithful performance of
his duty while he was Commander.
Judge Cochrane then presented him a
solid silver tea set, and General Palmer
responded briefly.
A gavel made of gold, silver and
copper, and studded with diamonds,
rubies and sapphires, was presented to
Commander Lawler by Senior Vice
Commander O'Leary of Montana in be
half of the Montana division. It was
given because General Lawler was the
first commander-in-chief who ever vis
ited the Montana posts.
Commander Lawler then delivered
his unuual address. In opening be re
ferred to Kentucky as the birthplace
of Lincoln. Then he complimented
the various officers in due turn.. He
said that the order had lost 56,956
members in the year, and now had
857,6j9 active members, with 49,600
suspended. lie called for a pension
law by congress which could not be
misconstrued or misapplied and advo
cated a suit to test the present law.
He spoke for a national appropriation
for Memorial day and against making
that day one of recreation. Compli
ments were paid to the women's or
ders, the Sons of Veterans and thanks
returned for past kindnesses.
The Woman's Relief corps met at
Library halL Mrs. Wallace presided.
The exercises were opened with sa
lutes, flag drills and tableaux in the
curriculum of patriotic teaching. The
opening session was devoted to wel
come addresses and responses and the
hearing of the annual reports of the
national officers. The total member
ship at the present time, according to
the reports is H0,7"4, or a gain of 35,
697 members over last year. The total
number of corps is 3,l4l, or a net gain
of .'7 during the year. The amount
expended in relief was 564,965.
The total amount expended dur
ing the year including relief and
current expenses was 183,329, while
the total amount of relief furnished
tince its organization was Si, 210,890.
Regarding the National Women's Re
lief Corps home at Madison, Ohio, the
report says: Since the opening of the
home ninety-four applicants have been
approved, 9 have died before coming to
the home, and 72 have arrived and
been cared for, 53 present during the
pat year and 43 inmates are now in
the home."
The Ladies circle of the G. A. R.
met at the board of trade with Mrs.
President Gunlock presiding. Its
opening session was also devoted to
hearing annual reports which showed
increased membership and good condi
tions generally. The ladies of the
circle, however, showed no general
disposition to unite with the Women's
Relief corn -
The Kansas Permanent Fund Short a
Large Amount.
Topeka, Kan., Sept. 13. The sub
committee of the permanent school
fund investigation committee has
al o it concluded its examination of
the securities in the state fund, and
will report to the full committee to
morrow that 815,900 of the bonds are
absolutely worthless, viz: Rice county,
10,003; Norton county, 82,500; Howard
county, 51,400; Comanche county,
2,000. These are school district
bonds, issued back in the early 70s.
All are fraudulent and some are for
geries. The Rice county bonds are
known as the "Sam Wood lot."
In addition to the 15,900, the sub
committee will list a lot of other
bonds as doubtful and some as prac
tically worthless because the com
munities responsible for them are too
poor to pay them. This list is as fol
lows: Scott county, S142,0u0; Hamil
ton county, 810,000; Kearney county,
f5,200; City of Saratoga, $1,000; City of
Cimarron, gl 5.000; total, 3174,200.
The total amount of bonds therefore
that the submittee will list as fraudu
lent or non-productive will be nearly
Ilusiness Failure at St. Joseph.
St. Joseph, Ma, Sept. 13. The B.
L. Griswold music house, at 703 Felix
street, failed last night, with liabili
ties at $17,000 and assets of about $25,
000. The German-American bank and
the Busch-Gerts Piano company are
made preferred creditors.
Died of Yellow Fever.
Washington, Sept. li. The state
department received a cablegram last
night from Vice Consul Dawson, at
San Salvador as follows: "Consul
Munchmeyer died to-day of yellow
fever; his wife attacked with same
disease." He was appointed February
last from West Virginia. His prede
cessor, Consul Pollock, also died of
The Syndicate Deposits Gold.
New York, Sept. 13. The govern
ment bond syndicate yesterday after
noon deposited $3,000,000 gold at the
sub-treasury to the credit of the gOT-ernment.
A Decrease la All Items Except Mineral
Oils Fl fares for Eight Months.
Washington, Sept. 13. The exports
of mineral oils during August were
$5,036,815, as against $3,6G5,0il in Au
gust, 1894. During the last eight
months the exports of mineral oils
agregated $34,404,413, against $25,618,
520 for the same time last year.
The exports of breadstuffs during
August amounted to $9,956,130, against
$10,884,210 during August, 1894. Dur
inng the last eight months the exports
of breadstuffs were $73,184,853, against
$85,364,583 covering the same period
last year.
The August cotton exports amounted
to $1;292,735, as compared with $3,239,
6o5 in August, 1894. For eight months
the exports were $201,527,601, against
$208,117,000 in the same period last
The provisions exported last month
amounted to $11,281,389, against $15.
930,141 in August last year. For the
eight months the exports were $101,
'38,663, against $122,747,365 last year.
The total exports of these four com
modities daring August was $27,207,
019, and for the eight months $410,
254,990, against S43,408,0OO in August,
1894, and $441,830,000 in eight months
last year.
Mere Than m Mile a Mlnnte Between
New York and Buffalo.
New York, Sept. 13. The New York
Central yesterday made a new world's
record in the running of fas trains
on a long distance schedule. At
5:40K, a special train of four cars, the
entire train weighing 562,000 pounds,
under the direction of George II. Dan
iels, the general passenger agent of
the road, left the Grand Central
depot. It . arrived at Albany at
7:54:55, making the run of 143 m iles in
135Hnimutes. A stop of one minute
was made at Albany for the purpose
of changing engines. Syracuse was j
reached at 10:17:18. making the run of
143 miles from Albany in 140 1-6 min
utes. The total run from New York
to East Buffalo, 436K miles, was made
in 407 minutes, an average speed of
64 K miles an hour. This gives the
New York Central the world's record
for a long distance run with a heavy
train, its train being nearly twice the
weight of the English racing trains.
He "Won the Mile Open for Class B a j
the Big: Springfield Meet.
Springfield, Mass., Sept. 13. Yes
terday was the first day of racing at
the Springfield Bicycle Club meeting
and 5,000 people were present. The
weather could not have been better
with no breeze stirring.
A. W. Porter was the winner of the
five mile handicap in the remarkable
time of 11:34 2-5, breaking the profes
sional record for that distance 16 sec
onds. In the one mile, professional
class, Sanger won easily from Tyler,
with Coleman and Baker close to the
second man.
Bald proved himself the fastest rider
in the country, and captured the one
mile open in a burst of speed that left
the pacing tandem behind. He fin
ished three lengths away from Cooper
and Cabanne, who had both passed
Gardiner in the stretch.
Ohio's Delegation Will Be Solid For the ,
Great Apostle of Protection. j
Cincinnati, Ohio, Sept. 13. The
political sensation of to-day is the
comments made among politicians
upon the pronounced utterance of
Governor McKinley in favor of ex
Governor Foraker for United States
senator, and his urgent plea that
special attention be given to the elec
tion of the legislature. Those who
are accustomed to reading between
the lines maintain that the unexpected
position of McKinley is a part of. a
combination that is of national inter
est, and that among other things, it
means that Ohio will be a unit for
McKinley for president.
Fitzsimmons Wants In.
Chicago, Sept. 13. The Inter Ocean
prints a story in which it is said that
Fitzsimmons declared that he will re
fuse to meet Corbett in Dallas unless
he is ''let in" on certain concessions
on which be believes a large amount
of money will be realized. It is said
that he accuses Brady, Corbett, Joe
Vendisr and Stewart of Dallas with
gobbling up everything in sight, from
the lemonade stand to the eidoloscope,
with "which it is intended to reproduce
the fight throughout the country. It
is the latter eoncession that Bob is
jealous of, and it is said that he has
made a formal demand for a percent
age of the profits on it, otherwise he
declares there will be no fight.
Explorer Stanley Arrives.
New York, Sept. 13. Henry M.
Stanley, M. P., but better known as
the African explorer, arrived on the
steamer Majestic yesterday. In an in
terview he said: "My only reason for
coming over at this time is to visit the
great British Northwest territory,
which I have never seen."
Lynched In Arkansas.
Osceola, Ark., Sept. 13. Mrs. Rhea,
living on a farm twenty-five miles
north of here, was murdered yesterday
by two neirroes. Will Caldwell and an
old man, who were working for her,
and whose object was robbery. Cald
well was arrested, confessed and was
taken from the officers and hanged to
a tree. The old man was also caught,
and by this time has probably been
Secretary Morton has issued his ag
ricultural year book.
Secretary Herbert is considering in
vitations to go upon the stump in Ala
bama. Secretary Lamont and. President
CI eveiand conferred as to a successor
to General Schofield.
Secretary Carlisle has decided to
pass upon the sugar bounty decssion
of Comptroller Bowler.
The 6tate department, has received
ex-Consul Waller's affidavit of his
court martial by the French.
Three Hundred Thousand People Witness
the March The Host Led by Ex-Confederates
Soot hern Soldiers Cheer
Their Old Foes Enthusiastically Vet
erans All Show ihe Weight of Tears
How the Parade Was Formed.
Ex-Soldiers Again In Line.
Louisville, Ky., Sept. 12. Thous
ands of ex-Confederates and hosts of
other people gathered early this morn
ing along the streets to witness the
grand parade of the Grand Army of
the Republic and cheers were constant
as the divisions marched along to the
streets where they were to form. The
entire line of march was cleared of
everything while the Louisville Le
gion, the cadets and Kentucky Nation
al Guard patrolled the ways and there
was no delay. Forty thousand veter
erans were in line and fully 300,000
people witnessed the march.
The parade was headed by two ex
Confederates on horseback, Captain
John H. Weller and Captain William
H. Harrison. They did not wear the
gray, but were dressed in black Prince
Alberts with silk hats and red, white
and blue sashes, the same as members
of the citizens' committee. They also
wore red, white and blue scarfs and
rosettes. Captain Weller carried a
large United States flag and Captain
Harrison a large white banner of
peace. In place of the eagle on the
top of the staff, the white banner had
a dove carrying an live twig.
The ve t-rans showed the weight of
years a n.l the offee a of service. It
was the general remark that there
were never so many old, lame and fee
ble men in line. 'ut l,izy marched
proudly none the le-s.
At .sunrise the only clouds were from
the saiute of forty guns, and the
weather even was for peac. The de
partments began forming at an early
hour under special orders to have the
prowssion move promptly at 10:30
o'clock. At 0:30 another salute was
fired for the first grand division to
form. At 10 o'clock the guns indicated
that the escort was moving to the head
of the column and at 10:30 the salute
signaled all the ten grand divisions to
The divisions lined up as follows:
Drum corps, Louisville Legion.
Grand Army band of Canton, Ohio.
Colonel Henry S. Cohn, chairman of
committee on parade and review;
Thomas Satterwhite, jr., and Captain
C. E. Hordstron, adjutants; special
citizens (red sash).
Citizens' committee on parade and
review, 100 members (white sashes for
leaders of platoons, blue for rank and
Carriage No. 1 The governor of
Kentucky and staff.
Carriage No. 2 The mayors of Louis
ville. New Alban3 and .Teffersonville
and Colonel Thomas 11 Sherlej', presi
dent c'.'i :j is' committee. board of
inanagi . :id invited Chicago military
Columbia post of Chicago as Grand
Army escort to the commander-in
Commander-in-Chief General Thomas
G. Lawler and staff.
Members of the council of adminis
tration, aide de camp to commander-in-chief.
First grand division Red flag, Illi
nois, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.
Second grand division White flag,
Ohio and New York.
Third giand division Blue flag,
Connecticut, Massachusetts, New
Jersey, Maine, California, Rhode Is
land, New Hampshire, Vermont, Po
tomac, Virginia and North Carolina.
Fourth grand division Light red
flag, Maryland. Nebraska, Michigan,
Iowa and Indiana.
Fifth grand division Yellow flae,
Colorado, Kansas. Delaware, Minneso
ta, Missouri and Oregon.
Sixth grand division Light green
flag. West Virginia, South Dakota,
Washington and Alaska.
Seventh grand division Orange flag,
Arkansas, New Mexico, Utah and
Eighth grand division Purple flag,
Louisiana, Mississippi, Florida, Mon
tana, Texas and Idaho.
Ninth grand division Dark green
flag, Arizona, Georgia, Alabama,
North Dakota, Oklahoma and Indian
Tenth grand division Light blue
flag, Kentucky and battle flags of Ken
tucky regiments in charge of a guard
of honor.
Among the features of the parade
was old Ned, the warhorse, over 40
years old, that had heretofore tramped
with the boys along the line of march.
He is now so feeble that he to-daj'
rode on a float. The New Hampshire
department carried a large eagle. The
Ohio boys wore buckeyes, the Ken
tuckians lrad corn and crackers ana
others bore the emblems of their
When the Chicago commandery ap
peared the multitudes on the plat
forms and along the streets opened
the chorus of cheers for Commander
Lawler, and kept up the cheering as
the posts of the different departments
passed the stands and street intersec
tions. Quite a number of veterans became
exhausted and had to retire from the
ranks. Six were so prostrated by the
heat that they were taken in ambu
lances to the hospital, but none are
considered serious- prostrated.
Will Kins: for Freedom.
Chicago, Sept. 12. The Columbian
liberty bell starts on its trip around
the world on Friday morning at 8
o clock. It will first go to the Atlanta
exposition to remain two months.
Then it will be taken to New Orleans
and the City of Mexico, and from there
to Runnymeade, England, where the
bell will ring in commemoration of
Magna Charta. The rest of the jour
ney has not yet been planned, but it is
the intention to have the bell reach
Mount Arrarat in 1000. and ring at a
congress of representatives from every
religious organization on earth.
The Ohio Governor for Sound Mor.ey
and Against the Bond Syndicate.
Springfield, Ohio Sept. 12. In his
speech yesterday Governor McKinley,
after criticising the foreign and do
mestic policy of the Cleveland admin
istration, the governor asserted that
the real subject of contention in Ohio
is the tariff. He quoted Cleveland as
opposing Senator Brice as regards the
Brice-Gorman act, and he also quoted
the Cincinnati Enquirer as declaring
that a veto by Cleveland would "be a
cleaning up of much rubbish and un
cleanliness in the Democratic house
hold." Then he quoted the Ohio Dem
ocratic platform of 1894, favoring fur
ther reductions in the tariff, and
asked: 4Is this 'rubbish and unclean
liness in the Democratic household to
stand, and that which was a year ago
unworthy and impure and a stench in
the Democratic nostrils now to be ac
cepted as worthy and pure?"
Has the Democratic party of Ohio
changed its views since September,
1S94, and is now willing that the pro
tective duties, which are retained in
the Brice-Gorman-Wilson act, shall re
main, and the law be a permanent set
tlement of the tariff question? Is a
law, using the language of Mr. Cleve
land, 'which puts the wool of the
farmer on the free list and the pro
tection of tariff on the iron, ore and
coal of corporations and capitalists' to
receive the approval of the people of
Ohio by their votes in November next?
"My friends, there is one objection
to the law, if there were no others,
which must make its permanency im
possible. It fails to raise the needed
revenues for the daily expenses of the
government. That would condemn it
in the judgment of the American peo
ple, whatever difference they might
have on the question of protection and
free trade. The law, from the date of
its enactment to the present time and
it is now a year old has not raised
enough money from customs duties
and internal revenue combined to meet
the neeessary expenses of the govern
ment.' Taking up the financial question he
4iIn the first two years under the
fiscal policy of Mr. Cleveland's admin
istration, which is so warmly com
mended by the Springfield convention,
the government has been compelled to
borrow 8163,000,000, and the mainten
ance of the gold reserve now depends
upon a syndicate of foreign and home
capitalists, who are under contract to
preserve the credit of the nation until
the 1st of October a syndicate un
known to the laws and unrecognized
in the government, hired to sustain
the credit of the government. What a
'On the subject of money, the Re
publican party stands where it has
always stood for good money,
whether gold, silver or paper, all to
be under national authority, at all
times and everywhere to be equal and
interchangeable, which will honestly
measure the exchanges of the people
and deceive and cheat nobody. It
must be sound and strong as the gov
ernment itself and as free from stain
or taint as the flag of our country."
Secretary Carlisle's Annual Report Ex
pected to Contain Facts Regarding It.
Washington, D. C, Sept. 12. One of
the features of Secretary Carlisle's re- I
port to congress will probably be a full j
statement of the operations of the i
, 1 JI ? A A J 1 J 1 A I
Donu syndicate, ii is unaersxoou mat
it will contain several interesting facts
in connection with the transaction
which are as yet aly known to the
parties immediately concerned in the
negotion of the loan. The most im
portant problem the secretary will
have to deal with is that which
looks to the re'.ief of the treas
ary, involving a radical change
in the financial system. The desired
relief can only be obtained by the aid
of congress, and the secretary realizes
that it is going to be a very difficult
task to suggest a remedy which will
meet the approval of the Republican
house, with Reed, a candidate for the
presidency, in the speaker's chair. It
probably will be the policy of the Re
publicans to confuse, rather than un
tangle, the financial complications
during the next congress, for they are
counting upon making considerable
political capital out of the money ques
tion in the presidential contest.
The Valkyrie Ruled to Have Lost Be
cause of the Foul.
New York, Sept. 12. When the tug
Walter Luckenbach, with the regatta
committee of the New York Yacht
club returned, S. Nicholson Kane,
chairman of the committee, said
that the protest on the alleged
fouling of the Defender by the
Valkyrie had been entertained
and that the regatta committee had
held a confenence in regard to the
matter while the tug was on her way
to the dock, but that no definite con
clusion had been arrived at.
This morning the committee held a
long meeting in private and heard ev
idence in regard to the collision and
late this aftei noon sustained the De
fender's protest and awarded the race
to her.
A Counter-Revolution.
Colon, Sept. 12. The remnant of .
the Ecudorean government is fleeing
from Quito toward the boundary of
Columbia, There, it is reported,
agents of the late government are en
listing men to take the field against j
President Alfaro. The latter, fearing
that a formidable reaction might be
fomented by these agents, has dis
patched an envoy to Colon to ask that
measures be taken to prevent the or
ganization of armed forces hostile to
him in this republic.
Prospects 11 right for Piatt.
New York, Sept. 12. The Repub
lican primaries were held last night m
the 1,400 districts of the city to elect
delegates to the assembly district con
ventions. In most districts there was
a eontest between the Piatt men and
the Brookfield or reform faction. The
result seems to have been a decisive
victory for Piatt.
The Howard Divorce Suit Off.
IIats City, Kan., Sept. 12. In tne
Cnarles Howard divorce case, after
taking testimony, mutual friends in
tervened and the suit was withdrawn
and a reconciliation took place.
The Supreme Court Reported to Have
Held the Act of the Late Legislature
Constitutional An Opinion by the En
tire Court The Enactment Constitu
tional and the Appointments Legal
Final Outcome of a Matter that Men
aced Trouble.
The New Hoard lns.
Lincoln, Neb., Sept. 1L The Jour
nal gives publicity to the following:
According to information secured by
this paper the Omaha fire and police
bill has been approved by the supreme
court and the formal opinion will soon
be rendered.
There has been much guessing as to
the opinion of the supreme court, now
in preparation, and predictions of all
kinds have been published from time
to time. At first it was reported that
Commissioner Irvine was writing the
opinion in the famous case. Then the
report was circulated broadcast that
the court had decided in favor of the
old board of police commissioners and
against the constitutionality of the new
law, and as a result of this report the
wires between Omaha and Lincoln
were kept hot with telegrams of in
quiry. Incidentally the life of Com
missioner Irvine at Omaha was made a
The Journal has information of a re
liable character, to the effect that the
court has decided the case in favor of
the new board of fire and police com
missioners. The opinion was expected
the latter part of last week, but one of
the judges sent to the state library for
additional legal works to be used in
preparing one part of the opinion, and
therefore the handing down of the de
cision was deferred. It is now expect
ed any day, but may be withheld until
the regular full session of the court
which convenes September 17.
Contrary to expectation, the opinion
will not be written by any one member
of the court commission. It will come
as the opinion of the court, and not as
the writing of any one man. Accord
ing to information at hand, the three
judges. Chief Justice Norval, Justice
Post and Justiee Harrison, have been
engaged in working on various points
in the case, and in addition the com
mission has been consulted by the
The decision is not based on one turn
ing point alone. It takes up the sev
eral points at length and decides every
material proposition that arises, or is
likely to arise in the future, so that the
litigants will not be left in the dark.
The material points are the constitu
tionality of the new fire and police law.
and the legality of the appointment of
the new fire and police board. The
opinion sustains both the constitution
ality of the law and the regularity of
the appointments which were made by
Attorney General Churchill and Land
Commissioner Russell, the third mem
ber of the appointing board refusing to
participate in the meeting after having j
had due notice. i
This information, which leaked out
yesterday, has caused considerable ex
citement and wherever it is known is
the one topic of conversation, but it
was not generally circulated in this
city and is said to be wholly unknown
in Omaha where the people are person
ally interested. The rendition of such
an opinion will be followed by the re
tirement of the old board.
The Notorious Kansan Parses Away In
an Asylum HU Record.
Atciiison, Kan., Sept. 1 . John N
Reynolds, the notorious ex-evangelist
and convict, died in the Osawatomie
asylum this morning, whither he was
taken about a year ago.
Reynolds first gained notoriety
about nine years ago, when he came
here and started a live stock insurance
company, which did up hundreds of
farmers. Previously he had been an
evangelist, but had been sent to the
Iowa penitentiary for criminally as
stiulting a member of the church
where he was holding a revival He
was sent to the Kansas penitentiary,
for his live stock swindle, and during
his confinement ran for state senator
and received over 500 votes.
Reynolds wrote a book entitled
"Twin Hells," which he sold exten
sively over the country after his re
lease. He traveled over the country
by wagon, stopping at every town and
giving a lecture in his prison garb.
He became suddenly insane in Texas
over a year ago, and was never ra
tional afterward. He left a -wife and
several married daughters. He left
no property.
Dead at His Wife's lirave.
Chapman, Kan., Sept. 11. John
Crowley, an old resident, disappeared
last Wednesday and was searched for
in vain. At 10 o'clock yesterday he
was found dead at the foot of his
wife's grave in the Catholic cemetery,
where he had committed suicide
Wolves had eaten his face and bodj
so that he was uurecognizable except
for his clothes. His wife, who died
some time ago, had been mourned
deeply by the suicide, and lately he
had been very despondent.
"Trilby's Manager a Suicide.
St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 11. William
Palmer, traveling manager of the
"Trilby" show company, now playing
in this city, and a brother of A. M.
Palmer, the New York manager, was
found in his room this morning with a
bullet hole in his head. He had been
on a protracted spree.
Miners Entombed in the Burning Osceola
Cannot Re Released.
Houghton, Mich.. Sept. 11. The
situation in the Osceola mine, where
fifty miners are entombed, remains
about the same. Efforts to reach the
men proved useless on account of the
gases and the rescuers had to run for
their lives. The shafts were finally
all covered to smother out the fire.
They will be opened Wednesday and
another attempt made to recover the
Bold Plans to Escape From the Carrolltem
Jail Miscarry.
Corrollton, Mo. , Sept. 13. Soom
after the jury in the second trial of
the Taylor brothers rendered a ver
dict of jruilty of murder and Judge
Rucker sentenced them to be
hanged October 4. the two manifested
a friendliness for Night Watchman
Brown of the county jail and as soon
as they felt sure that he was their
friend they offered him a liberal sum
of money to assist them in 'breaking"
out of jaiL
Brown listened to the proposition
and then gave it in detail to Sheriff
Stanley, who instructed him to en
courage the Taylors and hear all their
Brown met the Taylor brothers the
next night and assured them that
he could and would fix it so
that they could escape, but that
as it would throw suspicion upon
him and the condemned murderers to
be seen conversing together, it
would be advisable to conduct
further -negotiations in writing.
They accepted the advice and as
the letters were received by Brown
they were submitted by him to Sheriff
Stanley, who, of course, knew what
replies were sent to the Taylors. Ex
tra guards will now be put in the jaiL
Colorado Bandits Make a Miss.
Grand Junction, CoL, Sept. 1
Just after the engineer of passenger
train No. 1, which left this city last
night on the Rio Grande Western road,
reached Crevasse, about twenty-three
miles west of here, he found that the
engine had been run on a siding and
was pulling only the mail and bag
gage car, the rear portion of the train
having: been cut off at the station.
Then two robbere, each of medium
size and masked, appeared, but finding
that they hud left the express car
with the train, mounted horses that
were in waiting and skipped for the
The first news of the hold-up was a
dispatch from Superintendent A. E.
McKee of the Rio Grande Western
railroad to Sheriff Innes: "Call on
agent of Rio Grande Western at your
city if you need a car to take you and
your deputies to Crevasse or other
Sheriff Innes and posse started at
once on a special train for the scene of
the attempted robbery. So far as
known the robbers secured nothing.
They Are Not "Ancient," '
Cleveland, Ohio, Sept. 12. At yes
terday's session of the Foresters a
long discussion ensued over the propo
sition to change the name by dropping
the word Aucient," and no decision
had been reached at the adjournment.
It developed during the discussion
that the New York delegation, which
comprises about one-fourth of the con
vention, has its hands tied, as the
grand court of that state instructed it
against a change of name.
Verdict in Captain Sumner's Case.
Washington, Sept. 12. The pro
ceedings and verdict of the court
martial in the case of Captain Sumner,
of the Columbia, tried for negligence
in docking his ship at Southampton,
reached the navy department yester
day afternoon. The officials of the
department refuse to state the nature
of the verdict in advance of its ap
proval, but it is surmised that the
accused has been found guilty and
sentenced to suspension for about one
year with loss of numbers in his grade
during that time.
Chamberlain, S. D., Sept. 18. Cap
tain Craigie, U. S. A., arrived at Val
entine yesterday from the Rosebud
agency. He says that Hollow Horn
Bear is inciting the Indians. The hos
tiles will permit no freight to be han
dled until the old rate is restored.
The captain looks for trouble in two
weeks. .
Quotations from New York, Chicago, St.
Louis, Omaha and Elsewhere.
Kutter Creamery separator.. 17 3 19
Hutter l air to good country. 14 18
hggs Fresh 13 W 14
Honey California, per B 14 i ,
Hens Live, per lb 6 64
Spring Chickens, per lb 8 84
Lemons Choice Messinas 7 00 & 8 00
Apples-per bbl 2 00 2 25
Oranges Floridas, per box 2 25 B3 3.1
l otatoes per bu 25 if 30
Watermelons per dozen. 1 75 ( 2 00
Leans Navy, hand-picked, bu 2 00 (it 2 25
Hay Upland, per ton 50 & 7 00
unions 1'er bu 25 ((6 40
I heese Neb. & la., full cream 10 & 11
Tomatoes - per bushel 75 W 80
Hops Mixed packing 4 10 tt 4 20
Hogs Heavy weights 4 20 to 4 25
;eeves Mockers and feeders. 250 6 3 :i'
Beef Meers 5 00 5 15
liulls. 1 75 tfi 2 50
Mags 2 25 GV 2 50
taives. 2 00 5 0
Cows 1 75 i 60
Heifers 2 00 4 00
Westerns 2 25 W 3 40
fcheep Lambs 3 00 t 4 50
sheep Choice natives 2 75 3 2
Wheat No. 2, spring 5843 87
torn rer bu 32 & 32
Oats i er bu 22 22s
Pork 8 25 8 374
Lard 5 75 5 77-,
Hogs Packers and mixed 4 20 is, 4 3
t attle Western range steers.. 3 40 n, 4 40
tbeep Lambs, 4 25 " 5 00
i beep Natives 1 25 & 4 00
W heat, No. 2, red winter 62 fft 624
Corn No, 2 3 38
Oats No. 2 23 (0 23
l ork 7 50 " 8 00
Lard 6 1T4 $ 6 20
Wheat No 2 red, cash 59 a 59 V
Corn Per bu 30 Zj. 304
Oat Per bu H & 19
Hogs Mixed packing 8 75 tos 4 10
Cattle Export steers 5 25 t 5 6
rbeeu Mixed natives 2 25 a 6 3
Lambs 3 00 & 4 75
W heat No, 2 hard 58 & 574
torn No. 2 24 i 23
Oats No. 2 174 14
Cattle tockers and feeders.. 3 00 b 4 00
Hogs Mixed packers 3 93 us. 4 25
t-heep Muttons 2 00 4325
Wants Unconditional Surrender.
London, Sept. 12. A Madrid dis
patch says Marshal Campos has an
nounced he would not accept proposals
of any kind from the rebels in Cuba
except unconditionally and after they
had surrendered their arms.
UoTerament Crop Keport.
Washington, Sept. 12. The Agri
cultural department September crop
report: Corn, 06.4; decline of 6.1;
wheat, harvested, both winter and
summer included, 75.4; oats, 86; rye
83.7; barley, 87.6.