THE JOURNAL. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. OVEE THE STATE. A sew brick hotel is to be erected at Falls City. A Masonic lodge has been organized &t Hyannis. An irrigation company is to be or ganized at Springview. An epidemic of burglary seems to have struck Fremont, Peaches sell at Tekamah for 51 per bushel. Tmkhr is quite a building boom in augurated in the town of Hyannis. Hon. John C Watson paid S72,475 for a ranch of 3,b00 acres in Nance county. Near Lebanon wild hay is plentiful and farmers are putting it up while the sun shines. The authorities at Plattsinouth are making considerable efforts to stamp out the social eviL The 7-3t ear-old son of John Rhone of Cozad was kicked in the mouth by an ugly horse and badly disfigured. Dixon county is having something of a real estate boom. Several farms have been purchased by home-seekers within the past few days. The mandamus proceedings against the Dodge county supervisors to com pel them to live up to the provisions of the new township organization law are ready to be tiled in the supreme court. Havei.ock has a new hemp factory that will this vear consume the pro duct of 300 acres. Seed to plant 1,000 acres has been ordered for next year. It is claimed that a good crop of hemp will net the producer S-0 per acre Work has been commenced on the big Tzschuck irrigation canal at llur well, sixty teams having been engaged. The canal will be thirty miles in length and will irrigate the best territory in the upper part of the North Loup val ley. A H vas nis dispatch says the game season has opened, but the outlook is net promising. Duck and snipe are plentiful, but grouse are scarce. This is a great change from a few years ago when the hills and valleys were almost alive with grouse. The lG-year-old son of A. L. Green, Beatrice, has disappeared, and his par ents are anxious to know of his where abouts. He has dark brown hair, gray eyes, one of his front teeth has a corner broken off and built up with gold, is 5 feet G inches in height and slightly stoop shouldered. The Columbus Journal claims that beer in kegs :s being used to a large ex tent in Platte county as a substitute for joint debates as a vote-catching ar gument. Charley Hooper of Dodge county dug up a sugar beet from a patch .of twenty-seven acres that weighed a lit tle less than ten pounds. It is the largest one so far reported from any where. The doctors of Custer county have entered into a compact requiring a "re tainer"' from those demanding their services who have been in the habit heretofore of beating their bills with those whose pills alleviate all earthly ills. Mrs. Robert Bublow of Willow Creek. Pierce county, has been driven from home by her husband, and with her child was forced to walk eight or ten miles to Pierce. The cause is said to be stories told by Bublow's hired man while drunk. S. C IIrauy of Cozad is engaged to teach a district school two miles west of that place. Mr. Prady put in his time faithfully for two weeks, but not a scholar appeared. This is not on ac count of anything against the teacher, but simply because there are no chil dren in the district who can go. The Oxnards are confronted with such a large crop of sugar beets in Ne braska this year that they are sending out circulars offering the growers 25 cents a ton to hold the beets until No vember, and a like sum to hold them further until December, in order that the mills may be able to handle them. William Worland threshed on his place, one and one-half miles south of Chapman, from thirty acres, 3,010 bush els of oats, machine measure, overrun ning in weight from fifteen to twenty bushels to the hundred. This is the largest yield of oats ever harvested in that locality, and it is thought will prove to be the banner yield of the 6tate. A buggy belonging to Archie Borlan came into Havelock the other night about 10 o'clock. Upon investigation it was found that the dead body of Borlan was in the buggy. The horse had made its way into the village from the direction of University Place, which is about a mile and a half dis tant. It was evident that Borlan had come to his death from gun shot wounds. Ax accident, resulting in the death of John W. Drake, local manager of the Standard Oil company at Norfolk, occurred last week. A sediment had gathered in the gasoline tank and it was for the purpose of removing this that Drake entered the tank from the top. He was alone and was overcome by carbonic acid gas. He was removed and medical assistance summoned, but it was too late to revive him. The letter carriers at the outing in Lincoln on Labor day organized a state picnic association, to be known as the Western Letter Carriers' Picnic associa tion. The officers are: J. IL Stine, Omaha, president; W. M. Decker, Lin coln, secretary; C. W. Milton,- Omaha, treasurer; executive committee, W. H. Robertson, H G. Fischer, Omaha: W. J. Mangen, South Omaha; J. II. Clark and R. C. Van Cleave, Lincoln. A strange old German, aged about CO years, was drowned in the Missouri river just below Plattsmouth. The old man applied to the ferr3man for per mission to cross on the ferry from the Iowa shore, but was refused. He then attempted to wade and getting into deep water went down. The boiler on the ferryboat at De catur went to pieces last week. The explosion did no damage otherwise than badly demolishing the water tank. Orders have been placed at Sioux City for a new boiler. Bancroft has the largest school pop ulation of any town between Emerson End Tekamah, the number bsing 233. I wk.. ca HMm!a Am Paid. Under the sugar beet and chicory bounty bill, passed last winter, Secre tary of State Piper has made the tol- Inwinc nnrvii n tments of officers: For Grand Island, Albert II. Raesor, inspec tor; Captain George C Humphrey of DoniDhan. weiehmaster; S. H. Brews ter of Grand Island, assistant weigh- meter. For Norfolk: E. M. Norton, insnecton Hon. Edward C Burns of Scribner, weighmaster; George W. Mc- Larr of Norfolk, assistant weignmas ter;Georcre A. McArthur of Norfolk, assistant weiirh master. There are two assistants at Norfolk of equal rank and pay. The compensation of inspectors is fixed by law not to exceed the sum ox 25 cents for each package branded, nor the sum of $5 per day for any one day's service, and the inspector is required to rive a bond of S2.000. The weighmas- ters are allowed $5 per day and assist ants S3 for the time actually employed. A bond of $2,000 is required of the weighmasters. Former Nebraska TTomtn Killed. At Denver, CoL, in jealous rage Wm. Rose, a carpenter, left his work, pur chased a revolver and repaired to the home of Mrs. Phil Kuhn. on South Thirteenth street, determined to com pel her to live with him or else die with him. In the presence of her adopted child, upon her refusal to go with him. Rose fired four times as she was attempting to escape from the room, three bullets taking effect in her back. Rose left the house, but finding that a number of people were in pursuit he turned the revolver to his throat and sent a bullet into his head. The woman was fatally injured but Rose will recover. Both remained conscious, the woman remorseful and penitent, the man defiant. The wo man has a mother and sister living at York, this state. Treated Like a Meant. . This community, says a Fullerton dis patch, is greatly excited over a case of revolting cruelty brought to light by Sheriff Snyder. For several years it has been known that a family named Knapik, in the Polish eolun3. had an idiotic boy, and lately reports of their ill treatment of the unfortunate one have been circulated. Investigation by the sheriff developed that the boj who is also partially paralyzed, has been kept picketed out like a domestic ani mal in an out of the way place during the day and at night kept in a stable with the calves and other live stock. It was also ascertained that he was un provided with clothing of any kind during the summer months, but was al lowed to go in a state of absolute nudi ty. The unfortunate boy was taken charere of bv the authorities and his parents will be prosecuted. Anteioe's Alfalfa Crop. Among the Nebraska counties which have become interested in the raising of alfalfa is Antelope. For several years more or less of it has been raised, principally in email patches and more as an experiment than as a practical food supply for stock. The results of these experiments were so favorable that the raising of it on a more ex tensive scale has been entered upon. Last season was a most trying one on grasses and the tame meadows of the i ir a . - 1 oral nary grasses euner uieu ennreiy during- tne summer and winter or were so badly damaged that they were of very little use for hay purposes this season. Alfalfa, on the contrary, sus tained very little, if any damage, and this year has been a bountiful crop. Notable as showing the possibilities of the grass is the result obtained by Huffman & Rollins on their ranch in the Elkhorn bottoms. From land which was seeded this spring they have al ready cut one hay crop which averaged a ton, and there is another cutting ready which will yield fully as much more. Others whose land was seeded in previous years have already cut two crops and will get a third before the season is over. Agent Ordered to Oet Oat. Valentine dispatch: Reports from Rosebud agency are that Major Wright, United States Indian agent, together with his white employes, has been or dered from the reservation, the condi tions being that they will be allowed twenty days in which to go without molestation. It appears that Chief Crow Dog, who killed Spotted Tail in 1881, took with him a lot of young men and left the reservation in July without asking the agent's permission. On his return a few days ago Major Wright had him confined. This incited the Indians and a coun cil with the agent was demanded, look ing to his release. The council was re fused and Hollow Hern Bear, speak ing for the malcontents, demanded that the agent quit the reservation. Kebranka's Aid I Assured- W. B. Slosson of Houston, Texas, called on Governor Holcomb in relation to the Galveston deep water project, and the governor stated in substance: 'Nebraska is deeply interested in the western states conference to be held at Topeka October 1. and you can rely upon a full representation. I shall en deavor to accompany the delegation and hope that the securing of deep water at Galveston will be appropriate ly celebrated. It is the natural point of shipment for the products of Ne braska farmers and manufacturers. Practically half the distance from Ne braska to New York is saved, and it means more money for wheat and corn and the products of the packing houses and the mills of the state. The people of Nebraska are fully alive to this sub ject, and it is safe to predict that it will not be long before Nebraska pro ducts will be taken southward instead of eastward to find a market. We con fidently look forward to a representa tion of Nebraskans and Nebraska's products at the Inter-American exposi tion at Galveston in 1897." Captnred by the Conductor. Hemingford dispatch: Conductor Dan Colvin, who had charge of an extra freight east bound last night, saw two suspicious looking men getting in a box car at Adelia. Suspecting that they might be two of the men who broke jail at Hot Springs the day before, he quickly went back and closed the car door and locked it and telegraphed Sheriff Hall at Hemingford, who took charge of them. They proved to be the right men and were taken back to Hot Springs by the sheriff. SPAIN'S CUBAN PLANS. SPANISH MINISTER DE LOME TALKS ABOUT THE MATTER. REBELS WILL BE CRUSHED. The Government Forces Being Made Kaily for a Vigorous Fall -Campaign The Insurgents Are Hard to De feat on Account of Their Ciaerllla Methods Cli matic Conditions., Washington, Sept. 16. Senor Dupuy de Lome, Spanish minister to the United States, to-day expressed the opinion tnat the rebellion in Cuba was sure to be crushed, but it was impos sible to say just when, because of the conditions that exist. He character izes the methods employed by the rebels as guerilla warfare, and de clared that it would be impossible to have a decisive battle under such con ditions. A great deal of misinforma tion, he said, had been sent out-by the rebels. It is easy to account for the efforts now employed by the Spanish gov ernment," said the minister. "The climatic conditions of Cuba are very peculiar. July, August and Septem ber are the three great generals for the rebels. Two are dead and the third is fast dying. These months in clude the rainy season in Cuba and the most unhealthy for the Spanish troops. It is impossible to carry on successful warfare amidst pour ing rains. But the Spanish govern ment has been preparing for an active campaign. The second corps of 15,000 men have been landed id Cuba. It is probable that active movements will not begin, however, until the 1st of October or some time duriug .that month, according to the conditions of the weather. It is sometimes asked why troops are now landed in Cuba, when they are not to be called into active service for some time. The answer is plain. From the 20th of September until the -0th of November is the cy- clone season in the "w iuuie!., auu there is great difficulty in transporting troops, as well as great danger of loss of life. Before the 20th of September all the troops necessary to crush the rebellion will be landed, and as soon as the rainy season is over an ac tive and vigorous campaign will be begun. There can be no doubt as to the outcome. The small force under the insurrectionists will be scattered and the rebellion ended." Frit ate Assaying Bids Rejected. Washington, Sept. 1 6 Sec re t a ry Ca r- lisle has decided to reject all bids sub mitted under the advertisements of the treasury department issued in June last for proposals for the sampl ing and assaying of imported ores, in cluding lead, lie is of the opinion that the sampling and assaying may be more effectively and economically conducted if the necessary faculties are furnished by the govjrn'iient, in stead of private persons r coroora- tions. A lilg California Concern Involved. Los Angeles. CaL, Sept. li. An ap plication is to be made in the United States supreme court for the appoint ment of a receiver for the San Diego Land and Loan company, a Boston cor poration with 54,000,000 capital, the owners of 10,000 acres of land at Na tional City, the National City Otay railway and the famous Sweet Water reservoir ana lion system, which sud- plies National City with irrigation and domestic water. Vonng Full man to Wed MIhs Oglesby. Chicago, Sept. IC. George M. Pull man, Jr., one of the twin sons of the sleeping car magnate has announced the entraerernent of himself and Miss Felicity Oglesby, the youngest daugh ter of ex-Governor "Uncle Dick" Oglesby. Miss Oglesby is about 22 years old, beautiful and accomplished. Young Pullman is about the same age, and will probably inherit about 8,000,- 000. Gas Woiks Holler Makers Win. Kansas City, Ma, Sept.. 16. The twenty-five boiler makers employed in building the big gasholder of the Mis souri Gas company, who struck yes terday, returned to work this morn ing, their demand for an increase of wages from S2.50 to 82.75 a day having been granted. Michigan Methodists Favor Women. Ann Arbor, Mich., Sept. 16. The conference of the Methodist Episcopal church, which embraces Eastern and Northern Michigan, has adopted a res olution instructing its delegates to the general conference to vote for the ad mission of women as members of con ferences. National Itank AIove Iowa Laws. Carroll, Iowa, Sept 16. Ex-Judge George Paine, in a suit in the district court here advanced the plea that a national bank was not liable to the penalties of the laws of Iowa, and therefore a district court of the state had no jurisdiction. Judge El wood sustained the obje on. Into London's Smartest Set. London, Sept. 61. Since her mar riage to Lord Beresford, the former Duches of Marlborough has gained ready admission to the smartest set of London. The prince of Wales has ac cepted an invitation to be a guest of Deep Den from Saturday, October 5, to the succeeding Monday. The Mora Claim Finally Settled. Washington, Sept. 16. Senor De Lome, the Spanish minister, at noon to-day delivered to Mr. Adee, acting secretary of 6tate, a draft for the equivalent of 81,9J,000, drawn on the Spanish financial agent in London in settlement of the Mora claim. - HILL SCORES ONE POINT. No Injunction Against Great Northern and Northern Pacific Consolidation. St. Paul, Minn., Sept. lO.The Great Northern Railway company and J. J. Hill, its president, have won the first preliminary skirmish in the con test precipitated by Thomas W. Pear sail in his application for a prelimi nary injunction against the proposed consolidation of the Northern Pacific and Great Northern railroads, made to Judge Sanborn of the United States circuit court, the judge denying the motion. The next step will be to hear the case on its merits. Evidence will be introduced on behalf of each state and another decision by the court will be the end of that issue. While this proceeding is a prelimi nary one, the victory is none the less an important step toward the consum mation soughtby President HilL The thorough investigation of the subject given by Judge Sanborn and his de ductions seem to point to a clear right to continue the plan that has for so long occupied the attention of the bus iness world. Cincinnati Fickle Works Darned. Cincinnati, Ohio, Sept If.. At 3:30 o'clock this morning an alarm of fire called the entire department to the river front, where the Jacob Weller pickle and vinegar works was found to be burning fiercely. In less than an hour the building and entire contents was destroyed, entailing a loss of SU'5,000 and making the third time that the place has been burned out, twice while occupied by the Emery Bros., the present owners, as a candle factory. llurylng Michigan Mine Victim. Calumet. Mich., Sept. 16. Every hearse in the county was pressed into service to-day to be used in burying the bodies of the recent victims of the Osceola mine fire. The mines were idle, the , miners going from one funeral to another. In addition to the thirty killed in the Osceola a week ago lour miners have since been killed by mine accidents. Women's Relief Corps Office rs. Louisville, Ky., Sept. 16. At this morning's session of the Women's Re lief corps Mrs. Plummer of Michigan was chosen as chaplain and Mrs. Ellen Daniels of West. Virginia as chairman and Mrs. Ellen B. Aldrioh at K'nu 1 and Mrs. Charlotte B. Wright of Mas- sacnusetts as members oi the executive board. CONDENSED DISPATCHES. The Columbian liberty bell left Chi cago on its tour of the world. W. D. Dabney has resigned as solic itor for the state department. San Francisco has quarantined against Honolulu on account of chol era. George Rogers, who lived near Jack sonville, 111., was murdered by burg lars. Statistics show that American im ports from Spain include garlic and onions. The civil service has jumped upon an examiner for taking part in a political convention. Dr. Burnett denies that he is seek ing a divorce from Mrs. Frances Hodg son Burnett. The Missouri W. R. C. elected offi cers and decided to meet at Eldorado Springs next year. Two young men, named McAfee and Clayton, were kil'ed in a shooting scrape at McRae, Ark. Surgeon General Wj-man states that the Pacific coast is well equipped to quarantine against cholera. Professor Howard B. Grose of Chi cago, will soon become editor of the Baptist Watchman of Boston. Uncle Sam has served notice upon opain mat sne must protect his mis sionaries in the Caroline islands. I he engagement of ex-Governor Oglesby's daughter to George Pull man, jr., of Chicago is announced. Charles H. Key was hanged fer the murder of Smith L. McLaughlin in the Chickasaw nation July 2, 18J4. over ?ii,uuo,uoo worth oi stun was imported from the cloth manufactur ing districts of England last year. Washington politicians are much interested in the outcome of the im pending silver contest in North Caro lina. Chattanooga people feel aggrieved because President Cleveland will not attend Chickamauga battlefield ded ication. The cow pea is being cultivated in Illinois as a substitute for wheat and corn, because chinch bugs have no use for it. Assistant Postmaster General Neil son says that the United States postal system in general is superior to those of Europe. Henry A. Soltan, a stableman of Springfield, Mo., committed suicide by taking carbolic acid because his wife had begun suit for divorce. Melville Scranton and Paul Shuelte of East Saginaw, Mich., were drowned in Tupper Lake, near-Malone, N. Y. , by the overturning of their boat. Thomas F. Bayard, United States ambassador to Great Britain, has ac cepted an invitation to lay the corner stone of the Congregational church at Gainsborough, England. Mrs. L. T. Yeomans of Oneida, N. Y., sister of President Cleveland, says, the president would not accept a third term She adds that he is opposed to the third term idea altogether. Bob Fitzsimmons says he will not step into the ring at Dallas unless he is assured of a 520,000 interest in the kaleidoscope scheme. He says that Joe Vendig, manager of the Florida Athletic club, William A. Brady and Corbett have sold the right to operate the machine at the ring and that he is entitled to a share of the profits. A $100,000,000 scheme is on foot to build at Niagara Falls the most gigan tic permanent convention hall ever conceived on this side of the Atlantic, and the erection of a gambling house which will be the wonder of the world. It is the intention to make Niagara Falls the convention city of the future and the Monte Carlo of A merica. SHIPMENTS OF GOLD. ANOTHER LARGE EXPORTATION FOR EUROPE. One of the Syndicate Houses Makes a Big Consignment In all S4.500.O0O are Withdrawn J. Fierpont Morgan Says the Syndicate is Still Standing by the Government and Will Make Good the WlthdrawaL Klg Gold Engagement. Nkw Yohk, Sept. 14. The engage ment of Jf.r00,000 in gold by Lazard & Freres for export to-day created a pro found sensation in Wall street. The fact that Messrs. Lazard and Freres are important members of the gov ernment bond syndicate increases the already great surprise in the matter of shipment. A member of the firm made the following statement to a reporter: "We believed that dur ng the first half of September a sufficient amount of grain and cotton and other bills would have been offering, and that the necessity, bf exporting this gold would thus be averted. Our ship ment of gold is an imperative neces sity in order to fulfill our business ob ligations with Europe. We believe that it will be a temporary expedient and that within the next few weeks plenty of bills will be offering and that everything will come around all right." The firm recite the low prices ruling for bread stuffs, the slow move ment of cotton and the fair supply of that staple already in European hands as causes for the lack of bills of ex change'and the necessity of gold ship ments. Other engagements for shipment to morrow swell the aggregate to S,500, C00. Of this sum, $.$,500,000 was drawn from the 6ub-treasury this morning. The Hanover National Lank depos ited ST00,0j0 in gold at the sub-treasury in exchange for greenbacks. The National Park bank later deposited $1,500,000, and smaller sums aggre gating nearly 81,000,000 were depos ited. There were rumors that the bond syndicate would deposit a large sum this afternoon. A reporter of the Associate.! Press called upon Mr. J. Pierpont Morgan, the head of the government bond syn dicate, and asked as to the truth of the rumors of the dissolution of the syndi cate. Mr. Morgan replied: "The bond syndicate is still in the field .mere nas oeen no rupture. me syn dicate will continue to do all it can to help maintain the treasury gold re serve at 8100,000,000. The obligation of the syndicate expired, however. some time ago."' Sub-treasury officials express confi dence that the impairment of the treasury reserve by the gold exporters will be made good by the syndicate. CHOLERA IN HAWAII. Kavages of the Scourge Unabated Honolulu Qaeen Lli Pardoned. In Honolulu, Sept. 5, via San Fran cisco, Sept. 14. Forty-one cases of cholera have been reported to date, with thirty-five deaths. The disease attacks only the natives. Every effort is being made to stamp it out. No island steamers are allowed to leave port without first remaining in quar antine for five days. Passengers must nndergo the same ordeal. The council of state held a meeting yesterday afternoon and evening and after appropriating 810,000 for ex penses incurred by the board of health the matter of pardoning political pris oners came up for consideration. The executive recommended that Carl Wideman, "Cupid," the four Lane boys, Junius Kaae, Joe Widdlefield, and thirty-nine others be pardoned The council adopted the recommenda tion. At the same meeting the queen was pardoned also, and the others will be liberated as soon as the pardons are made out. Howler, Kickard, Walker, Seward, Wilcox and other long-term prisoners will remain in jail. The government will allow all exiles to re turn to the country with the exception of the Ashford brothers, now in San Francisco. CAPT. SUMNER SUSPENDED The Commander of the Columbia Found Guilty of Neglect of Duty. Washington, Sept. 14. llie navy department made public the findings of the' court martial in the case of Cap tain George W. Sumner, late in com mand of the United States cruiser Columbia, tried recently at P-ooklyu on charges growing out of the injury t us tamed by his vessel in docking at Southampton in July. On the first charce, culpable ineffi ciency in the performance of duty, the court found him guilty m alessde- gree than charged, l he captain was found guilty of the second charge, of suffering a vessel of the navy to be hazarded in violation of the naval regulations. The sentence of the court is as fol lows: "To be suspended from duty only for a period of six months on waiting orders pay and 1o be repri- mande.l by the honorable secretary of the navy." Dr. Charles II. Hall Dead. Brooklyn. N. Y.. Sept. 14. The Rev. Dr. Charles H. Hall, pastor of the Protestant Episcopal church of the Holy Trinity, this city, died last night. Dr. Hall had been a park commissioner of civil service. He was a warm friend of the late Henry Ward Iteeeher and, delivered the oration at his funeral, and also at the. unveiling of Mr. Heecher's statue in front of the City hall. He leaves a widow and three children. Ciikyknxk, Wyo.. fcept. 14 United States Marshal McDermott has gone north to serve notice upon cattle com panies and others accused of illegally lencing public lands, to remove, their fences. It is believed there will be a vigorous protest against interference by the government. Oldest Mason and Preacher Dead. Pittsburg. Pa.. Sept. 14. The Rev. Samuel D. Wakefield, said to be the oldest Mason and the oldest preacher of the Methodist Episcopal church. died to-day at West Newton. He had been a member of the Masonic frater nity for almost seventy-five years. NEW C. A. R. COMMANDER. Colonel Ivan Walker of Indiana Cl..wn v.., 1 Gets the Next Encamp"'!- Louisville, Ky., Sept. 14. Ivan ti'.u t TrirlinTinnnlis was cite id commander-in-chief of the.G. A. K. and St. Paul as the place for the next en campment. Colonel I. A. Walker, coinman te- -in-chief of the Grand Army of the he public, was born m Indiana in With the Seventy-third Indiana volun teers he took part in the battles of Perryville and Stone river. . He was promoted from captain to maior. wat ! as-sicmed to the position of lieutenant- 1 colonel at the battle of Stone River : and afterward received a commission ' from Governor Morton. At the battle of Blount's plantation, ; near Gadsden, Ala., Colonel Hathaway was killed and Colonel Walker as sumed command. The .regiment was. compelled to surrender. The officers '. were sent to Libby prison. Colonel I Walker, with General A. I). Streight and twenty-four others, in February, 184, tunneled their way out from the ; prison pen to liberty. Colonel Walker ; was recaptured four days later and ! returned to .the prison, where he re ! mained until exchanged the following ! May- He returned to Ins regiment 1 and served until bad health from ex i posure compelled his resignation. He ; was a volunteer aide on the staff of Cenernl Wilson during the battle of ; Nashville. He lived at Nashville several years after the war and then moved to In : dianapolis. For nearly ten years he was first deputy in the office of the auditor of Marion county. He was a candidate for auditor of state in IfcOO on the Republican ticket, which was defeated. ; Governor Hovey in 18fl appointed ; him state tax commissioner and he still holds that office through the ap- pointment of Governor Matthews. In 1693 Colonel Walker was elected vice commander of the G. A. II. SAVED BY A BRAVE WOMAN The Wife of a Wjonilug Section Foreman Stops a Train Junt in Time. Cheyenne, Wyo., Sept. 14. Mrs. Olsrom, wife of a section foreman, while alone in the section house near Wolcott station, yesterday, found that the wooden bridge spanning a small gully crossed by the Union Pacific track was burning. The westbound fast mail, nearly an hour late, was approaching at a high rate of speed, endeavoring to make up lost time, and Mrs. Olstrom ran down the track and flagged the. train, which was stopped within thirty feet of the blazing bridge. The timbers were burned to such an exteut that tho train would have carried down. The passengers on the fast mail made up a purse of SO for the woman. EXPELLED FROM CHURCH. The Kev. J. T. Lighter Found Guilty by the Southern MethodUt Conference. Macon, Ma, Sept. 14. In the South ern Methodist conference the charge of immorality against the Rev. J. T. Lighter, appealed fron the Monroe City quarterly conference, was re ported on by the committee. He was found guilty and expelled from the church and ministry. Miss Stephens Mysteriously Robbed. St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 14. When Miss Margaret Stephens, sister of the state treasurer, went to the exposition Saturday evening she secreted diamond earrings worth S5(.'0 in a chamois bag on the inside of a dress in the closet of her room in the Planter's bou. When she returned the diamonds had di:ippeared, but nothing else was taken. The case is a complete mystery. William Taylor Make Denial. Carrollton, Mo., Sept. H. William Taylor, one of the brothers convicted and sentenced to death for the murder of the Meeks familj says he is the vic tim of a conspiracy, and declares that he did not write the the letters in re gard to a plot to bribe a jailer and es cape attributed to him in Wednesday's revelations. He regards it as an effort to prejudic the supreme court against the application for a new trial. Columbian Half Dollars In Demand. Washington, Sept It. The demand for Columbian half dollars in exchange for gold at par at the subtreasuries except San Francisco, continues with out abatement. At the present time there remains unsold only S8L',000. These halves have never been in cir culation and have the same legal ten der and redemption qualities as other half dollars apiece." Satolll and the Archieplnropacy. Washington, SepU 14. ArchLisho Satolli said to-day that he had nl o lutely no information or inti;nati.-n concerning the report that he w.:s to be created a cardinal. It is Mattel that he is proceeding with his duties as though there was no intension whateve of his beinir 'ei t. Rome for advancement or assignment to New York. No Marine Band at Chteamauga. Washington, Sept. 14. The Marine band will not be present at the dedi cation of the Chickamauga National Military park unless, private shall be found to pay its exrn n- Jt has been found that there ar funds in either the war or navy de partments for the payment of the ex penses of the band on the trip. Cuban Filibusters Indicted. Wilmington, Del., Sept. 14. The grand jury in the United States dis trict court has found true bills of in dictment against the alleged Cuban. filibusters, including Ralph Desoto of this city. The trial has been fixed for next Wednesday. Foultry Shipper Involved. Clinton, Mo.. Sept. W. The nTara. of W. G. Julian, wholsale poultry shipper, was closed about midnight last nitrht on an attachment for 84,700 by the Citirens bank here.