Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, September 19, 1895, Image 5

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    PERSONAL, POLITICAL AND PERTINENT. toe twenty one ballot will he taken,
nnrl thn th prtntoct is Avor Wurrpn
M U V , U a. a-a W J I. M V A W a
knows considerable about law but not
All the girl students at Mount Union
college, Alliance, Ohio, struck the
other day against obeying an order
which requires them to visit the gym
nasium every day. They objected to
exercising before a mule instructor.
A committee was appointed to call
upon ihe faculty. After discussion
the faculty decided to accede to the de
mand and the committee was notified
that a female instructor would be em
ployed. There are persons, who, if they
owned the earth, would never be happy
because they did not also hold a mort
gage on the heavens.
Among the relics shown at the old
settlers picnic at Hunboldt on the first
of August were two clocks made in
tlermauy, one made of wood in 1770
and the other of steel in 1773. They
still do their duty as time pieces and
keep correct time. The w ooden clock
was brought to this country in lbSG by
am Ilunkzer and the other by John
Frankhouser. E. C. Hill had a wagon
that he came to the picnic in that he
has used continuously since 1So9 aud
it isstill good for many years' wear.
Yerdon Pioneer Record.
much about politics.
-Febraska City
Monday at Minneapolis the Hoo
Uoos met in annual "Concatenation"
and after an address of welcome from
the mayor and suitable responses from
the Grand Snark and Scirvenator,went
into secret session. It may be well to
explain that Concatenation is the
Hoo IIoo equivalent of our word con
vention, and that the Hoo Moos are
lumber merchants of the southwest,
west aud northwest. They have for a
emblem or symbol the black cat. and
from this it may be inferred that they
are accustomed to make a night of it
when they meet in concatenation.
One of their practices at such times,
it is stated, is to "paint the town a
dilferent color." The Grand Snark
of the IIoo IIoos, it is interesting to
know, is a citizen of Arkansas, where
the order originated.
i'aris green, while poison to almost
everything else, is said to be beneficial
to cats.
When young men get on the train to
bid their girls good by, they stay on
until everyone else has jumped off, in
order to have uo spectators to their
farewells. These farewells are often
A prominent railroad otllcial is
quoted as saying that the freight car
tquipmeut of the western roads will prolonged uutil the train is in rapid
i.h tntallv intnipmiMtn fnr mnt i n tr t ho motion , and the young man has to
immense corn crop this year. Such an iumP at the l,elil ot' his limbs. Kail
arrangement is not surprising. A roatl men cal1 Ultse leaP3 from tue
freight car famine is no new exneri- train "kissing jumps," and say they
ence for western shippers. Kansas have never known anyone to get in
farmers have more than once had to jured by such a jump. Nebraska City
wait impatiently until the roads could I i'rss
handle their grain. A full crop in
this part f the country is such an The late .lay Gould was blessed in
enormous thing that any ordinary pro- leaving a daughter upon the earth who
vision for transportation is insufficient, is doing her best to make the name
And probably it is just as well that Could popular by notably generous
cars are not too plentiful. The crops deetls and Kitts- The world is blessed
are forced into market too fast as it is
for the good of the producer. The
over-abunduut supply exceeds the'
temporary demand and demoralization
of prices unavoidably results. A car
and made better by such women as
Helen Gould
Does it pay to attract conventions
to a city? lioston answers in the
famine, although unsatisfactory, both I aflirmative. The Knights Templar
t the shipper and the railroads, may I convention cost the hub $75,000, and a
probably be a blessing in disguise. I moderate estimate places the amount
Kansas City Journal. J spent by the visiting knights in the
city $750,000. A return of $H) for
A school teacher says the pupils who every il put out is a pretty fair in
have access to newspapers at home, I terest on the investment
when compared to those who have not,
are better readers, better spellers, bet
ter in punctuation and better gram-
The county comiuissioners Monday
afternoon awarded the contract for
marians, read more understanding printing the delinquent tax list for
and obtain a practical knowledge of j 1594 to the Evening News. The legal
geography in almost Halt the time it rate is 20 cents for each land and 10
requires others. The newspaper is cents for each town lot description,
decidely an important factor in h,ut Folk's figures were Hi cents for
modern life. Tecumeh Journal.
Charley lurbank Las a small or
chard of about three acres on his I'latt-
lord farm. From tins he estimates he
will have upwards of a thousand bush
els of fine winter apples, besides sevv
eral hundred bushels of early varieties.
Charley will realize in the neighbor- Way of building yachts to snatch the
hood of seven hundred dollars from cup tiiat America has held so many
this three-acre tract or land tins sea- years. At least, one is led to believe
son. Who is there who will say that I on reading the
fruit-raising doesn't pay? Springfield Uome of the leading papers of Great
each description. Just how the News
is going to make a reasonable profit at
those figures is hard to tell.
I hey have changed his name to
LL.ord Dunraciu'' at the clubs of
Gotham. Frobably the Valkyrie will
be Johnny Bull's last venture in the
(Written for The Jovbxiu)
I saw a plt'ous Bight; it touched my heart
A human creature 'reft of intellect
Wide wandering and with aimless feet, thro
Aud noisy streets that meet and intersect,
Then on and on by lonely field and fen.
Far from the haunts of men.
It was to me like some fair golden urn,
The abode of inceuse, most surpassing sweet,
Which some uncareful hand might overturn
And spill the precious treasure at his feet.
The bowl might still its former image bear,
But goue the perfume rare.
I thought again how one imperfect string.
One broken cord upon the silv'ry lute,
Unto the touch will lie unanswering;
Its value gone, its note forever mute.
Aud lost is all thf beauty of the strain,
The minstrel's cunning vain
'Tisnot the form, perfection lies not there:
The pearl Itself is hid within the shell,
The outward seeming hntta iiq part nor share,
Of what is shut within doth nothing tell.
The fairest urn may only empty be,
Tne unadorned give joy to thee.
The Itnlieminii Turntfot .
The first annual tournament meet
ing of the western division of the Nat
ional Union of Bohemian Tinners was
opened Sunday afternoon at lluser's
park in Omaha. The exercises of the
day were prepared simply for the en
tertainment of resident and visiting
Bohemians, and as such were emi
nently pleasing and successful. The
class went up to Omaha Saturday, and
are composed of the following mem
bers: V. Filny. Frank Ftak, Jos
Holly, Frank Vostrejs,Otto Bukmajer
Frank Ilrouek. Jos. Krytinar, Krnil
Ftak, John Hotter, and V. Bukmajor.
J. C. Ftak accompanied the classes
as judge from this city.
The western division of the national
union of Bohemian turners is one of
five divisions of the Union, which cov
ers the entire United States. It was
formed last year and comprises the
states of Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri and
Kansas. No tournament will be held
next year as in June the tournament
of the entire union occurs in St. Louis.
In .Iiulfjo Archer' Court.
Tuesday's Daily.
Judgment was rendered this morn
ing in the case of state vs. Geo. W.
Beverage in the sum of $21.27 in favor
of plaintiff. This is a suit for taxes.
Farmers' bank vs. Hiram Van Cleave
aud II. J. Walker, a suit on a note for
$101. OS, was decided in favor of plain
tiff. F.J.Hansen commenced two suits
on account before Justice Archer this
morning. One is for $(Hi.7o against A.
W. Osborn, and the other is against
NelsThornsen for$2G.00. .
A complaint was filed this morning
against Amos Cline. charging him
with brutally assaulting Geo. Mc
Conkie, a half-witted man.
Miss Elsie Smith, charged with be
ing an inmate of a house of ill-repute,
plead guilty to the charge and was
given $l.oO and costs. Not being able
to furnish the required funds, she was
taken over to jail.
A Nf ItrUfll.
Lincoln Journal.
Clerk Campbell of the supreme court
it . t . 1 . . , , C 1 , Sltli-
angry comments of I ,iew "1'" lur UUU1S W1 "'
room yesteruay ana wun cousiuerauie
Judge Chapman has again tried to
black Nebraska City's eye in granting
the injunction to compel the city
fathers to make a levy this year for
the fire hydrantiental. The people of
this county won't do a thing to the
judge for his many kind (?) acts to
ward the city and county, when it
comes to voting at the polls for a
judge in November, but retire him
from the bench, in case he manages to
secure the nomination at the hands of
the republican party. Nebraska City
Britain. They think they have been
done by a slick Yankee trick, but they
do not exactly specify how the trick
was worked. Lincoln Journal.
The Omaha Bee, in speaking of the
flower exhibit at the state fair, says:
"The general excellence of the exhibit
is noteworthy, but it is to be regrett
that a number of displays have been
crowded out. A laige exhibit was to
have been made by V. J.IIesserof
Flattsmouth, but he has withdrawn
on account of the crowded condition
of the floral department." ,
The state university opened Mon-
Japan nas joined tue armea peace day for tne fall term. The abandon-
brotherhood, having decided to spend
$25,000,000 for new battle-ships to be
built at Glasgow. This is the Euro
pean way to cultivate fraternal feel
ing and it has been quite successful
during the last twenty years
meut of the preparatory department
has given more room to the others,
and the registration in the collegiate
department already shows signs of in
crease. The attendance grows larger
despite the hard times. Chancellor
MacLean expresses himself as confi
dentthatthis year will see the number
greater than ever. More opportunity
for thorough work in each department
is promised by the executive division
of the faculty. All of the professors
are back from their summer outings,
refreshed and invigorated.
According to the correspondent of
the New York World, the guest of the
California Knights Templar at B03
ton made beastly hogs of themselves.
The California Knights proposed to
give away as souvenirs to visitors 15,
000 bottles of wine and 8,000 baskets of
fruit. The people jammed and
crowded together into the Farker I A Kansas City bloomer girl aspires
House where the reception was held, to be a globe-trotter, and modestly ad-
They fell over each other and broke vertises for $5,000 with which to wheel
down the glass doors. Many were I around the world in twelve months.
lifted off their feet by the mob, and
the Californians were perfectly dis-1 A raw potato will remove mud marks
gusted. The Boston papers wrote it from black clothes. It should be cut
up more mildly, but confess to an aw
ful jam. Boston seems to be as thristy
as New i ork on Sunday. A free drink
is an awful attraction.
Ostensibly E. F. Warren is making
a strong hght to secure the nomination
for district judge, but he stands no
show whatever of capturing thefr0,n dute of sale, on account of the
coveted plum. Cass county permitted
Judge Chapman to select his own dele
gates to the judicial convention and
he will undoubted only choose those
who are favorable to his candidacy.
The indications re that Mr. Warren
will also be permitted to select his
delegates. When the convention
meets Cass will have tweuty:six votes
pride exhibited some handsome im
proyements in the way of new furni
ture. With funds appropriated for
the purpose, Clerk Campbell has had a
new bench constructed. It is of quar
tered oak and fluted pillars aud carved
trimmings. It is built on a new oak
platform and is reached at either end
by a short flight of steps. Every piece
of oak is polished until it is as smooth
as marble. Behind the desk are six
massive oak chairs, carved, and up
holstered in leather, each chair rvsting
on ball bearings. The new furniture
cost about $500. The number of
chairs was increased to six, so thai
the three court commissioners might
sit with the three judges.
The ISIg- Shown.
Lemen Bros.' Combined Circus,
Menagerie, Hippodrome, Oceanic
Aquarium and Congress of Living
Fhenomena, will exhibit at Flatts
mouth, Monday, September 23. He
ports from all quarters prouounce the
above shows the leaders in teniei
amusements, and cannot fail to inter
est the masses. That it posesses manv
rare animals never before seen in this
country, the only real Aquatic Show
of sea animals, a great Hipprodrome,
a Double Circus, and many phenome
nal living wonders is without question.
Its career has been a triumphal suc
cess. It is enthusiastically received
and immensely patronized wherever it
spreads its tents, and it said to give
more aud better show than any other
organization in America. The news
papers are unanimous in its praise.
We look for a grand outpouring of the
populace hereon show day.
The City Knnd Picnic.
The city band went out to the hospi
table country home of Nicholas Holmes
six miles west of this city Sunday
morning and enjoyed a picnic in the
pleasant grove of that gentleman's.
Music, dancing, refreshments and ath
letic exercises, such as racing, jump
ing etc , constituted the day's enter
tainment. A large number of Flatts
mouth people attended, and all re
port a most enjoyable time.
benefits; 75 cents. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co. . I iC B,U,1U cvcijr uu at
i L IT A. l Il 1 1 - -
37-s roue x riauK a, tue j. eopies' uioimers.
The printers of Fremont have or
ganized a union with twenty-five
The Osceola Record has just entered
its twenty-third year of continuous
. The editor of the Butte Gazette
must be hungry; he offers to take
wheat on subscription.
Near Labanon wild hay is plentiful
and farmers are putting it up while
the sun shines.
J. S. Thompson of North Bend has
successfully produced sugar from
beets raiseil near that place.
Harlan county failed to prepare any
exhibit lor the state fair, but Furnas
county will advertise that part of the
st-te in royal style.
Dixon county is having something
of a real estate boom. Several farms
have beeu purchased by home-seekers
within the past few days.
The new opera house at Fierce will
be dedicated October 1. It is a hand
some modem structure, aud the peo
ple of Fierce are proud of it.
Valentine people point to the fact
that the United States disburse $200,
Ot.'O annually in the vicinity of that
town as one of the real reasons why
times are good.
The counties of Chase, Hayes,
Hitchcock, Dundy, lied Willow and
Furnas have now completed 175
irrigating canals, upon which have
bern expended $145,24.
The citizens of North Bend have
organized a syndicate for the purpose
at guaranteeing the cultivation of
3,000 acres of sugar beets for the next
live successive years.
It is claimed that a farmer named
Ayers. living near Boelus, unearthed
and iron kettle which contained $16,
000 in gold and a lot of badly decom
posed paper money.
The David City Fress, published by
Casper & McCune, is twenty-two
years old, the senior proprietor having
en one of it founders when Butler
county was an infant.
A sinner, whose thirst could not be
quenched by the water of life, broke
into a saloon at Wilber and carried off
four bottles of gin and five boxes of
very rank cigars. The goods were sur
rendered on the following day "with
out prejudice'' and the offender let off
on promise never to do it again.
The ladies who wear bloomers or
what-you-call-m, while riding bicy
cles, says the Fawnee Republican, are
now getting rapped by the pulpit and
crotchety editor. It beats all how
some men know about what a woman
should do. Some munch tobacco aud
spit the juice'all over a township, but
have no trouble in discerning that rid
ing a bicycle, dressed in a divided
skirt, is improper and indecent.
Samuel Johuson of Boyd county fell
in love with Gertrude Bartleson, also
of Boyd county, but when her father
found it out he warned Johnson to
darken his doorwav no more forever.
The next thing was an elopement to
South Dakota, where the Gordion
knot was tied by an expert and the
happy pair returned at once to be
blessed by her unhappy parents. Mr.
Bartleson didn't do a thing but lock
up the girl and kick his recreant son-
in-law with both feet. After obtain
ing possession of his wife by habeas
corpus proceedings, Johnson effected
a reconciliation with the old folks, and
all is vVell.
Leave your orders for job work with
Tub Journal, an artistic job guar
What More Could You Ask?
in half and rubbed on the marks.
St. Louin Kxposilion.
B. & M. will sell tickets to that point
at one fare and a third for the round
trip, tickets on sale September 5, 10,
12, 17, 19, 24, 26, and Oct. 1, 3, 8, 10, 15,
17, and limit for return to five days
St. Louis fair, one fare for the round
trip will be sold Oct. 5th to 17th in
clusive and limit for return to Oct.
14th. VjJi3!?" l- A-
Ithcumatittia Cured In a Dy.
"Mystic Cure" for Kheumatisra and Xeugral
gia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action up
on me system is remarkable and mysterious. It
removes at once the cause and the dissease .im
mediately disappears. The first close irreatly
druggists, Plattsmouth.
The House Furnisher,
Offers to buyers the chance to secure the VERY
BEST in his line which the market affords, and
I 1 H K fact that my stock is the Biggest and Best in all
Cass county, deserves the attention of people desiring
something in the FURNITURE line. The three floors of
my store building are full to overflowing with new goods,
and everything goes at "depression" prices. Call and see
for yourself.
I. PEARLMAN, The House Furnisher,
Opposite Court House, Plattsmouth.
s s
Groceries, Dry
Goods, Notions
General Mdse.
The Old Reliable
Pioneer Merchant
Every purchase made at his store
is a guarantee that you obtained the
best and most goods for the least money.
First National Bank
Capital, paid up $50,000
- AN1
George E. Dovet President
F. E. White Vice president
S. Wacgh Cashier
II. N. Doykt Assistant Caaier
George E. Dovey, F. E. White, D. Hawks worth
S. Waugh and U. N. Dovey.
A Specialty.
One door North of Postoffice
Sixth Street Checked Bain.
Careful attention given to the interests of
customers. Collections made and promptly
remitted for. Highest market price paid for
county warrants and state and county bonds
The Plattsmouth Mills,
C. HEISEL. Prop.
This Mill has been rebuilt, and furnished with
Machinery of the best manufacture
in the world. Their
"Plansifter" Flour,
Has no Superior in America. Givs it
trial and be convinced.
A Prominent Wholesale Grocer of Omaha
Neb., Writes :
To the afflicted:
Several jeara ao I discovered a
slight falliug and bleediDgof thelower
bowel which increased and became
very distressing. I made inquiry as
tothe. nature of the disease and learned
that I had a somewhat aggravated case
of Hemorrhoids or I'iles. Was told of
several remedies aid used them as di
rected, obtaining thereby some tem
porary relief. Not being satisfied with
such slight relief I cast about for a per
manent cure; when a friend directed
the use of the famous Magnet Pile
Killer. I used it. Immediate relief
from pain followed, and soon a com
plete cure was affected.
Very respectfully,
Oscar Allen.
For sale by Gering,& Co.
Itch on human, mnntie on horses, deg and all
stock, cured in ItO minutes by Woodford's auP
tary Lotion. Sold by F. G. Frlcke fc Co., drug
gists, Plitttsinouth. 37 S
American Public Health Ass'u. Denver,
Colo.. Oct. 1st to 4th, 189.V
The 13. & M. will sell round trip
tickets to Denver, Colorado Springs
and Pueblo at rate of one lowest
standard, first-class limited fare.
Tickets on sale Sept. 30th and Oct.
1st, limit to return Oct. 25th.
V7. L. Pickett, Agent.
The Weekly Joukxal will be
sent to any postottice in the United
States one year for one dollar, in advance.
Special attention to Funerals, llackt 1:1 be
un to all trains. "Promptness and Fidelity to
Customer" I g his motto
Park Obesity Pills will reduce your weight
PERMANENTLY from 12 to 15 poundsa month.
NO STARVING, eickness or injury; NO PUB
LIC1TY. They build up the health and beauti
fy the complexion, leaving NO WRINKLES or
flabbineBS. STOUT ABDOMENS and difficult
breathing surely relieved. NO EXPERIMENT,
but ascientine aud positive relief, adopted only
after years of experience. All orders supplied
direct from our omce. Prtee J2.00 per package
or tdree packages for 85.00 by mail postpaid.
Testimonials aud particulars sealed 2 cents.
iryAll correspondence strictly confidential.
Park Remedy Co., Boston, Mass
WE will :i t)v r: o e rewarc Tor any case oi
Liver Complaint ! X p.ia. ick Headache In
digestion Cotirti-i;ti in r Costiveness we cannot
cure with West's Vs.-prt.iblf Liver Pills, when
the directions a:c st ic'.! complied with. Th"
are purely Vcrct.ible. ?tid never fail to give sa.
isiaction. jir Coatcu. Large boxes, 25 cents
Beware of counterfeit's and imitations. The gen
uine manulacturcd bv THE JOHN C. WEST
F. G. Fricke & Co, drusRists.
Oiunhit Miti) Fair.
The )i. & M. will sell round-trip
tickets to Omaha Sept. 13th to 20th, In
clusive, return limit Sept. 23d, for one
fare, plus 50 cents.
W. L. Pickett, Agent.
W.L. Douglas
f 4.$3.sp Fine Calf UCangarml
3.50 P0UCE.3 SOLES.
Over One Million People wear the"
W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes
AH our shoes are equally satisfactory
They jrjve the best value for the money.
They equal custom Shoes In style and fit.
Their wearing: qualities are unsurpassed.
The prices are uniform, stamped on sole.
From $i to $3 paved over other makes.
Jl your dealer CUnot supply you we can. Sold by
Attorney and Counselor at
OFI' ICK-Uooina 1 and 2, I nlou Kl'k,
Plattsmontli, - - - Neb.
Lumber and Coal.
Mendota coal f 4.25
Hard coal 9.50
Canon City coal 7.50
Dr. Agnes Y. Swetland,
pedal attention to Obstetrics, Diseases of
Women and Woman's Surgeiy.
Office : "ef'p n Omaha, Keb
Dr. Alfred Shipman,
j Office in Riloy Hotel,
Main Street entrance.
Telephone No. 95. Kesidence one block south
of M. P. depot.
Fred Krug
Brewing Co.,
Fred Egenborgor, Agt.
Arnold's Bromo-Ceiorg..
Splendid enrative 5fnt for JJerrom or Sick
Headache. Brain Exhaustion. KleepJws? nt-sB.
Lepecial or penura) NeuraJKia-Lalso for Kliu
pepsia, Aosmia. Antidote for Alcohol it
and other excesses. Price, hi, 2&4J.aUueuu.
151 S. Western vCr.s. CnlZlr.