A Paralytic Cured. Hl Grandfather, m Revolutionary Sol dier, and His Father, Both Died of Paralysis, Yet the Third Gener ation Is Cured --The Method. (From the Herald. Boston, Mass.) Like a thunderbolt frcm a clear sky a strode of paralysis came to Mr. Frank T. Ware, the well known Boston auc tioneer and appraiser, at 235 Washing ton street. He went to bed one night about Mix years ago seemingly in robust health When he awoke his left side w etifrened by the deadening of the nerves. The interviewer sought out Mr. Ware to get the facts. He gave the in teresting particulars in his own way: "The first shock came very suddenly while I was asleep, but it was not last ing in its effects, and In a few weeks I was able to be about. A few months after, when exhausted by work and drenched with rain I went home in a very nervous state. The result was a tecond and more severe shock, after which my left arm and leg were prac tically helpless. "My grandfather, whr was a soldier in the Revolutionary War. and lost an arm in the struggle for American inde pendence, died finally of paralysis. My father also died of paralysis, although it was complicated with other troubles, and so I had some knowledge of the fa tal character of the disease which Is he reditary In our family. After the sec end shock I took warning, for, in all probability, a third would carry me off. "Almost everything under the sun was recommended to me and I tried all the remedies that veemed likely to do any good, electricity, massage and special ists, but to no effect. "The only thing I found that helped me was Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I verily believe that if it hadn't been for those pills I would have been dead years a fro. "Yes, I still have a slight reminder of the last attack six years ago. My left arm is not as strong as the other and my left foot drags a little, as the paralysis had the effect of deadening the nerves. But I can still walk a good distance, talk as easily as ever, and my general health is splendid. I am really over sev enty years old, although I am generally taken to be twenty years younger. "The Pink Pills keep my blood In good condition, and I believe that is why I am so well. Mr. Ware has every appearance of a perfectly healthy man, and arrives at his office promptly at eight o'clock ev ery morning, although he has reached an age when many men retire from active life. He says that In his opinion both his father and grandfather could have been saved If Pink Pills had been obtainable at that time. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Peo ple contain all the elements necessary to give new life and richness to the blood and restore shattered nerves. They may be had of all drutrsists or direct by mall from the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Schenectady. X. T.. at 50 cents per box. or six boxes for $2.50. Wanted a New Trial. A numerous scene was enacted in the Euperior court room at Jackson, Ga., re cently (according to the Atlanta Con stitution). A negro had been charg-ed with burplarizinjr a store. . Colonel Watkins defended him, and was about to open the case with a well prepared oration of his innocence, when the ne pro quietly informed the colonel that he desired o plead puilty. JudpeBeck according-iy read the law in the case and sentenced the negro for ten years. Dumbfounded at this' long" sentence, the negro rolled his eyes round and beckoned Colonel Watkins to come for ward, and when the lawyer reached his side, the neprro gently whispered: "Say. Mr. Wadkins, kain't yer "peal fer a new trial?" FLOTSAM. A Maine paper has suspended pub lication for two weeks to give its em ployes a vacation. Two men and three New Haven (Conn.) boys killed fifty-seven copper head snakes the other day. About half of the towns in Rhode Island have asked to be included in the provisions of the good roads law, pasted last January, permitting the use of $30,000 for good roads. Staid old Lewiston. Me., has been shocked and scandalized during the past week or so by a bloomer girl who smokes a cigar while riding her bicycle about the streets of the town. On the average, and taking England and Wales, one person in 73 is a Smith, one in 76 a Jones, one in 115 a Will iams, one in 148 a Taylor, one in 162 a Da vies and one in 174 a Brown. Fish are disappearing from Canadian as well as American waters in conse quence of the fact that fish weighing less than a quarter of a pound are seined out in fine nets and marketed. English is now included in the list of subjects in the examination for ad mission to the great military schools In France. Hitherto German has been the only foreign language necessary. A Lowell business man told his chil dren he would give them $3 If they would put & lot of wood into the cellar. They sublet the job to" other children for $1.50 and watched them work with great satisfaction. The peanut crop is likely to be a little short this year. Tennessee will probably produce an average crop, but in both Virginia and North Carolina the acreage in peanuts is 10 to 15 per cent lees than last year. Mission work in New Mexico com menced in 18X6. There are now 25 schools, more than 40 ministers and na tive helpers, and over 800 communi cants. There are about 40 missionary teachers on this field. The city of Texarkana voted the sa loons out, and immediately the Cotton Belt railway moved its machine shops from Pine Bluff r Texarkana, The company prefers to have its shops where there is no whisky sold. Islands have been evangelized entirely by native missionaries. The drink traffic is, as usual, the greatest hind rance to their work. The Christian Advocate notes that the towi of Duham, Me., with a popula tion of 1,253, has furnished 30 Metho dist ministers, and how many of other denomination? it does not know. . Finland has demonstrated that spirits are not necessary in cold countries, having become practically a total ab etinenci; country. This change has been effected under local option and woman suffrage. THIS BEATS HARVEY. GOLD ADVOCATE RENOUNCES THE CAUSE AS INFAMOUS. William K. Cart is, the Famous Newf paper Co rre upon dent, Has Learned that Silver Is Booming Japan Time for Us to Drop the Knglish Plan. Japan Correspondence of the Chi cago Record: Although there Is a practical illustration of the single sil ver standard system in national cur rency in Japan, which affords the deep est interest to every thoughtful man who comes here, I have said very lit tle on the subject, and that has been only quotations from others, because I wanted to study it from all possible points of view. It should be said in advance for a proper understanding of the situation that Japan attempted to maintain a single gold standard when the government was reformed some twenty years ago and failed. She then tried bimetallism, and theoretically still adheres to that policy, but English speculators carried away all the gold long since, and she is now reduced to paper currency, issued by the govern ment, redeemable in silver, and there fore sharing the depreciation and fluc tuations which that metal has suffered. When you hold a dollar note of the bank of Japan or the national bank, which are two very large financial in stitutions under the auspices of the government, it is worth just as much as a Mexican dollar, which is really the standard of value in all Asia, When Japan coined gold it was at par with Mexican dollars in all the empire, but the latter coins were at a discount in the English colonies of Hong-Kong and Bombay. The speculators of the latter cities would, therefore, bring to Japan tons of Mexican dollars and ex change them In small quantities in dif ferent cities of the empire for the na tive gold coin. They did it so secretly and so skillfully that before the pub lic was aware of it Japan had been actually drained of gold and had noth ing left upon which to base a bi metallic currency. This trick caused a suspension of gold coinage, and it has not since been resumed. There is no gold in circulation, or in the public treasury, or in the banks. You can buy gold coins at the curio dealers, and of the exchange brokers, and they make very pretty cuff-buttons and bangles for bracelets, but they have ceased to be money and are only regarded as bric-a-brac. There Is very little silver in circulation, but plenty of paper. The Japan coinage is based on the decimal system and corresponds with that of the United States. A rin was original- the same as a mill. Ten rin make 1 sen and 100 sen make 1 yen, which used to be as good as a gold American dollar, but is now worth about 51 cents. Therefore, a man who comes here from the United States or Europe with money that Is at par with gold finds his funds almost doubled immediately. The salary of the United States minister, which is $12,000 a year, becomes about 24,000 yen, because a yen goes just as far in Japan now, ex cept in the purchase of imported goods, as it did when it was worth a dollar. You can get the same amount of food and fuel, you can employ the same amount of labor, buy the same amount of clothing, and rents have not in creased at all. But all foreign mer chandise is bought and sold on a gold basis; that is, it has doubled in value. A can of American preserved meats which cost 75 sen a few years ago now cost m yen. An English hat for which you once paid 4 yen now costs 8. An English umbrella for which you paid 5 yen costs 10, and a piano which was worth 500 yen now costs 1,000. The natural result is a decrease in the sales of foreign merchandise and an increase in the use of domestic articles. Speaking as one who does nottielieve in silver money, nor in bimetallism unless it be universally adopted and all the nations of the earth agree to main tain the value of silver, I must, never theless, admit that it is the uniform testimony of all concerned that the de monetization of the white metal by the repeal of the Bland law In the United States and the suspension of coinage in India was a great thing for Japan. It is a practical question here, and all persons interested, including officials, bankers, merchants, manufacturers and agriculturalists the workingman does not think, so he cannot be in cluded are anxious that the agitation shall continue indefinitely. lest the present prosperity of the empire ter minate. A few theorists, arguing from the standpoint of what ought to be in stead of what is, insist that Japan shall join England, the Latin Union and the United States in an international agree ment to maintain a certain parity be tween the metals, but It is by no means a popular idea. They are college pro fessors, minority members of parlia ment, idle men who think and read a great deal and do nothing, and others who are entirely without practical ex perience or a knowledge of trade and industry. Most of them have been educated in England and got their financial notions from reading the Times and the Economist. The solid, wise men, who are govern ing this empire, say: "No; let the debt ors and the creditors In Europe and America fight it out. Meantime we will saw wood. The longer England holds to a standard the better 'twill be for Japan. We have no foreign debt. We owe nothing abroad. Therefore we do not have to buy gold to pay interest charges. The import trade is nearly all in the hands of foreigners, and we don't care how high foreign manufac tured merchandise Is. Cotton, iron and flour will stay down in sympathy with liver, and it would be a good thing if nothing but raw materials were Im ported into Japan." If the value of gold measured by sil ver and other commodities continues to rise the manufacturing industries of Great Britain will be compelled to re move to silver-using countries or lose their markets. There has already been a very large exodus of cotton manu facturers from Manchester to India; and I hear of the early transfer of two other large cotton interests from Man chester to Shanghai. The chief mar kets of Great Britain are silver coun tries and colonies which will insist upon paying silver prices for what they buy as long as they receive silver wages for their work, or they will make their own goods. Twenty years ago, even ten or five years ago, you could get as much for a silver dollar in England, as in China or Japan. Now you can get only half as much. Gold wages have not fallen in England. Sil ver wages have not increased in China or Japan. The results of silver labor, however, sell for gold prices when they are shipped abroad. Thus the export trade Is stimulated in these countries, and having to pay twice as much as formerly for foreign merchandise the people stop buying abroad and supply their wants at home. For these reasons you will notice that India, Japan, Mexico and other silver countries are not only much more prosperous at present than the gold countries of Europe, but their domestic industries are greatly stimulated. In fact, financial and commercial depres sion is almost universal except in the countries I have mentioned, where there is nothing but silver money. Prices in England and the United States have fallen with silver, particu larly those of exportable products, while in Japan they remain the same. Cotton sells for about one-half what it did five years ago. Silk, which is cul tivated with silver wages, brings twice as much. Transportation charges have also fallen. Since silver was demone tized Japan not only gets twice as much for her silk but pays only half as much for her cotton and very much less for freight in taking the one to market and bringing the other here. While cotton fabrics are cheaper it is just as profitable to manufacture them in Japan, because the raw material and freights are correspondingly so. There is no additional cost for food, rent and other necessaries of life. Wheat and flour are selling at less than one-half what they cost in 1875. Rice remains about the same. The price of labor in both hemispheres has remained almost stationary, but from the Japanese standpoint it has doubled in America and England, and from the European standpoint it has been reduced one half in Japan. Take the cotton industry as an ex ample. The Japanese mills still pay 18 and 20 sen a day for male labor and 8 to 10 sen for women. In the United States the same labor receives $1.50 for men and 75 cents and $1 for women. But one class is paid in silver: the other in gold. From a Japanese stand point the Americans pay $3 and $4 for men and $1.50 and $2 for women. From the American standpoint the Japanese pay 9 and 10 cents for men and 4 and 5 cents for women. However one looks at it the difference is very wide, but the fabrics they produce sell for the same prices the world over. Therefore, while the outlay of one has doubled, that of the other has been diminished by one-half. The American and European manu facturer has to pay the same rent, the same insurance, the same price for fuel, the same interest on borrowed money and the same taxes that he did ten years ago. Therefore the difference be tween the cost of production now and then must come out of his dividends, and only by the most economical and skillful management can English and American manufacturers survive. On the other hand, the Japanese manu facturer has suffered no increase in fixed charges or in the cost of labor and gets double prices for his products. Where he declared 5 per cent dividends then he declares 10 per cent dividends now. The only disadvantage he suf fers is the enhanced cost of new ma chinery, but the gold value of ma chinery has fallen' with the decline of silver, so that his mill and plant do not represent more than two-thirds of the investment that would have been re quired ten years ago. The natural and irresistible result of all this is to attract capital into busi ness. Old mill3 are being enlarged a:.d new ones built. The output increases, competition lowers prices, and the man who is working on a gold basis suffers more and more. This explains why the increase in cotton manufacturing has been so great in Japan. But it ap plies in an even greater degree to rice, which is another great staple, and in which there is some competition with the southern states of America. Also of silk fabrics, paper and stationery, and many other manufactured prod ucts. The first cotton mill was erected here in 1863 with 5,456 spindles. In 1883 there were sixteen mills with 43,700 spindles. In 1894 forty-six mills with 505,419 spindles. There have been seven new mills with 160,000 spindles already added this year, and several more are nearing completion, which will bring the number of spindles up to 711,000 be fore January 1, 1896. The forty mills in the city of Osaka in 1894 paid an average dividend of 16 per cent. The highest was 28 per cent and the lowest was 8 per cent. The difference was due to management. The yarn mills pay the best. Great Britain and Germany have suf fered more than the United States from the result of silver depreciation, be cause they have a larger trade abroad and a more limited market at home. and they have not only been the vic tims of honest competition, but of dis honorable methods. A certain number of people in Japan, like those you find the world over, are fond of foreign goods. It is more a matter of vanity than of taste. The rise in the prices of imported merchandise pinched them, and to meet their demand the local manufacturers took advantage of the situation by imitating standard ar ticles that had been brought from Eu rope in large quantities. They sto.e patterns, forged trademarks, produced goods of an appearance to deceive the public, and sold them at the old prices. There was much miserable stuff, but many of them were wonderful imita tions. This was the severest blow that England and Germany have suffered, for the quality of the bogus articles, as well as the quantity, has improved by experience, and the native manufac turers have got a permanent hold upon a trade that is very valuable. WILLIAM E. CURTIS IT WOULD BE A LONG LIST. That Contained the Names of All the Mixed Drink Made in New York. "I wonder," said a Frenchman to a New York Sun reporter, "that the keep ers of American bars, who are so fam ous for mixed drinks, do not have a printed list of all the potables which they mix, so that men unfamiliar with them would know what to ask for. I mean a list that could be eeen r.t the bar, like the menu at a restaurant. Since I came to New York I have in scribed here upon this leaf of my note book some words of novelty, among which ycu may see, if you will look at it, a flip, a julep, a whisky sour, a cob bler, a fizz, an eggnog, a sangaree, a brain-duster, a cup, an alderman's nip, a stingo, a cooler, a Smith cocktail, a gin sling, a crusta, a sherbet and a frozen punch; but I am told that be sides these peculiar things there are many others made by the New York barkeepers. How can any one unlearn ed in American concoctions recall the names of all of themT When you go into a restaurant you look over the menu for a long time to see what dishes are upon it, and then you make up your mi7d to order something you would never have thought of if you had not seen its name there. An acceptable New York friend, who is now.alas! in Chicago, once took me into a saloon, at the bar of which he invited me to a drink that was very tempting. I have wanted many times to get it again, but as I am unable to recall its name I do not know what to ask for. When I told the barkeeper its color and other pecu liarities, he said his compositions were very numerous, but he would fix some thing for me, which, however, I found to be very disagreeable. If he had been able to show me a list of all the mixed drinks prepared at his bar, I am sure I could have picked out that one of them which hr.d previously given me satisfaction. Print it in your paper that the barkeeper shall hang up a list of his specialties, for the instruction of stu dious strangers, who cannot be expected to remember the hundreds of words by which American mixed drinks are designated in New York." lot and Collie Han Kahhits. While angling in a secluded glen the writer some days ago witnessed a curi ous combination of poaching and na tural history. The facts are as follows: A hill shepherd, in destroying a litter of foxes, took it into his head to rear one as a pet. He did so, and the animal has net only become very tame, but is a most useful 'ally. It and a collie hunt ing together kill rabbits to a miracle. They wcrk very much in the same way as two lurchers. The coliie goes out and hunts the rabbits among the fern and heather of the braes or the rushes and long grasses of the stacks, while Reynard all the time sneaks about the holes and picks them up as they come in. They understand their respective parts perfectly. The collie seems to know that it is not his business to kill and the fcx is nevr under the slightest temptation to bolt out and give chase. Pall Mall Gazette. I'rc.of Thereof. "Here is an item," said Mr. Chug water, who was looking over his morn ing paper, "a'bout a man that fell from the thirteenth floor of a skyscraper the other day." "Did it kill him?" asked Mrs. Chug water. "Kill him? He ne er knew what hurt him." "I might have known it," rejoined Mrs. Chugwater, rubbing her nore thoughtfully, "Thirteen is such an un lucky tumter!" No "aue for Alarm. Mistiess Bridget, how many police men did you have in the kitchen last night? Bridget (modestly) Only foive, mum. Mistress Couldn't you induce one of them to stay all night? You 1: low I'm afraid of burglars. Bridget (brightening) Rist - aisy, mum; three uv 'em shlapes here regu lar. Judge. Not a Fault. When you talk with a dealer in horses, weigh not only your own words, but his. Young Fastkind I thought you told me this horse was without a fault? Stableman So Ol did, sor. Young Fastkind I notice one of his eyes is blind. Stableman That's not his fault, sor; it's his misfortune. Roxbury Gazette. Matrimonial Edict in Norway. In Norway a new law has been passed which makes girls ineligible for matri mony until they are proficient in knit ting, baking and spinning. Certificates of proficiency have to be earned, and without these no girl may marry. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report Fruitless Missionary KfTorts. A great deal of missionary effort has been expended upon the Chinese in California, and especially in San Fran cisco, but it requires a microscope to discover any real conversions after forty years of labor. In the way of doing actual good for the wretched people of our slums $100 will accomplish more than S10,000 spent in trying1 to change the Chinese in their Flowery Kingdom into followers of Christ and heretics to the doctrines of Confucious. Taking everything into consideration, it is a fair question whether there is not a great waste of Christian effort as well as of money in these attempts to con vert Chinese who won't be converted and whether it would not be mora prac tical as well as more Christian to con centrate some of this effort and money upon the heathen at our very doors who know neither Christ nor Confucius. Chicago Tribune. J C. SIMPSON. Marquees. W. Va , says: "Hall's Catarrh Cure cured me of a very bad case ot catarrh." Druggists sell it, 75c. Petrified Oysters. A bed of petrified oysters has been found on the top of Big mountain, just back of Forkston, Wyoming county. Pa. A short time since A. Judson Stark and William N. Reynolds, jr., of Lafay ette college, amateur peologists, spent a day on the mountain and brought back a fine collection of the petrified bivalves. Some of the specimens are of mammoth size, one in Mr. Reynold's possession measuring twenty-two inches long by nine inches wide and weighing forty pounds. The specimens range in all sizes. Piso's Cure for Consumption relieves the most obstinate coughs. Rev. 1). Buch mveller, Lexington, AIo., Feb. -4, '94. Lemon Jnice as Polish. Lemon juice applied to cast iron arti cles gives an excellent finish to the sur face of the metal. It turns the portion of polished cast iron to which it is ap plied to a bronze black, and when touched over with shellac varnish will absorb a sufficient amount of the var nish to preserve it. To many lemon juice would 6eem to be a weak and in effective acid for metal, but everyone knows how quickly a knife blade of steel will blacken when used to cut a lemon, and the darkening of polished iron by the acid is very beautiful. "Hanson's Magic Corn Salve. Warranted to care or money refunded. Ask yoar Anggimt fur It. Fries 15 cent. A New Telescopic Idea. After laborious toil at constructing enormous and complex mechanisms by which telescopes can be directed to any quarter of the heavens astronomers have all at once bethought themselves of the plan of leaving the big tube im movable and horizontal, and throwing the image of the desired star into it by means of a reflector. This surprising ly simple plan is to be followed in mounting the great telescope which is to be a feature of the Paris exposition in lltoa- FITS All Fit stopped free by Pr. Kline's Great iere Kestorer. Io Fitattr tue hnauay's use. kfarvrlouscures. Treat ike and (Atrial bottle free 1 kitcahe. bead to Vr. k liue.aai ArchbU.f tola., fra The Atlantic Monthly for September contains the first installment of a three-part story, by Charles Egbert Craddock, entitled The Mjstery of Witch-Face Mountain. The second of Dr. John Fiske's historical papers has for a subject John Smith in Virginia, in which he reopens vigorously the discussion in regard to this interesting character. Bradford Torry contrib utes another Tennessee sketch. Chick amauga, which will be of special interest in view of this summer's mem orable gathering at Lookout Moun tain. Among other features are Guides: A Protest, by Agnes Repplier, import ant book reviews, and the Contrib utors' Club, lloughton, Mifflin fc Co., Boston. Calling a Halt. Washington Star: "There's just one thing that I want to say," said the pro prietor of the newspaper to his man aging editor, "and that is that we've been imposed on long enough." "What's the matter?" "We're going to turn over a new leaf. If these pugilists are going to do their fighting in the newspapers they'll have to pay for it the same as the baking powder manufacturers." There is no better magazine for wives and mothers than Good House keeping, Springfield, Mass. It has made a big success in all of its depart ments, but its 50,000 readers are de lighted with the series of anagrams which it has Leen publishing. In its September issue there will be one on 2tK popular advertisers and advertise ments, with a series of valuable prizes. The publishers will send a sample copy containing particulars for 2U cents. Frederick 'iecnyt-on, the e der Irother of Allred, Mill toon jub.itih a new volume of verses. Waste of time and -words are the two greatest expenses in life. OMEN'S FACES like flowers, fade and wither with time; the bloom of the rose is only known to the healthy woman's cheeks. The nerv ous strain caused by the ailments and pains peculiar to the sex, and the labor and worry of rearing a family, can often be traced by the lines in the woman's face. Dull eyes, the sallow or wrinkled face and those feelings of weakness" have their rise in the derangements and irregularities peculiar to women. The functional de rangements, painful disorders, and chronic weaknesses of women, can be cured with Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. For the young girl just entering womanhood, for the mother and those about to become mothers, and later in "the change of life," the "Prescription" is just what they need; it aids nature in preparing the system for these events. It's a medicine prescribed for thirty years, by Dr. R. V. Pierce, chief consulting: physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, at Buffalo, N. Y. Wheie the Interest Lies. I am an old woman and must have my say, and I tell you that when you all come into the fullest intelligence you will find that the three really interest ing things of life are that human being-s. are born, marry and die; that we grow up in families, have fr ends, lovers husbands, children; that the real fillip of existence, the stimulating charm, the ever renewed cordial comes frora these simple elementary facts; that they occasion the talk, the wit. the fun, th absurdities, the follies, the heartaches, which make life worth living. The Modern Beaatr Thrives on pood food and sunshine, with plenty of exercise in the open air. Her form glows with health and her face bloomB with its beauty. If her system needs the cleansing action of a laxative remedy, ehe uses the gentle and pleas ant liquid laxative. Syrup of Figs. One Spoon Enough. A Boston man traveling through the south was obliged to stop over in a. small town where there was but one hotel, at which the accommodations were hardiy to be called elaborate. When the colored waiter brought his dinner the Boston man found that he was to have roast beef, stewed toma toes, corn, peas, potatoes and coffee, the vegetables served in the usual stone china canoes. Presently he said to the waiter: "Dick, pass the spoons. " The waiter rolled his eyes in genuine amaze ment: "Spoons, sah! What you want, with the spoons? There's yo' spoon in yo' corn." Take Parktr'tGlnrtrTonlc borne with J oa- You 111 flntl it to eic.fd yuur exiecta'i ns in. abating coIjs, snd many ills, aches and eakueus. The record of attendance at the public schools of the United States durincr the last year gives a total of 15..r3U.:ft pujiis. Ialn la not conducive to pleasure. especia ly when occaiomM by corn Hunt rectus will plea&e you, for it removes them perfec-ly. Needle in Her lira in. In the clinic of Prof. Von Bardeleben, in Berlin, the other day a cuurious sur gical operation was performed. A 20-year-old seamstress named Wilhelmina Strange had a darning needle almost three inches long removed from her brain, where it must have been im bedded since babyhood- The poor girl all her life had often suffered head aches, sometimes aggravated by spasms. How the needle ever got there nobody knows. The patient has al ready been discharged from the charite- Coe's Congo. Balsam Is the oldest and best. It will break up a Cold quids, er than a nj thing else. It is always reliable. Try . In France an author's heirs enjoy their rights in his productions for fifty years alter his death. Billiard table, second-hand, for sale cheap. Applv to or address, H. C. Akiv, 511 S. l-'th St., Omaha, "eb. Temperance is the moderating of one's desires in ot odience to reason. Homeseekers Excursions. On Aug. 29th, Sept. 10th and "24th, 1'5 tha ITninn Psrifir SvKtem will sell ticket from Council Bluffs and Omaha to joint I south and west in Nebraska and Kansas ; also to Colorado, Wyoming, Utah and ! Idaho, east of Weiser and south of Beaver Canon, at exceedingly low rates. For lu.l ; information, as to rates and limits, aj ply tO A. C. Dl'NN, City Ticket Agent, 1302 Farnani St., Omaha, eb. The Greatest riedical Discovery of the Age. KENNEDY'S MEDICAL DISCOVERY. DONALD KENNEDY, OF ROXBURY, MASS., Has discovered in one of our common pasture weeds a remedy that cures every kind of Humor, from the worst Scrofulai down to a common Pimple. He has tried it in over eleven hundred cases, and never failed except in two cases (both thunder humor). He has now in his possession over two hundred certificates of its value, all within twenty miles of Boston. Send postal card for book. A benefit is always experienced from, the first bottle, and a perfect cure is war ranted when the right quantity is taken. When the lungs are affected it causes shooting pains, like needles passing through them; the same with the Liver or Bowels. This is caused by the ducts being stopped, and always disappears in a week after taking it. Read the label. If the stomach is foul or bilious it will cause squeamish feelings at first. No change of diet ever necessary. Eat the best you ca.i get, and enough of it Dose, one tiblespoonful in water at bed time. Sold by all Druggists. fop your Abt riim on f w ant, lit to st h IneRss h 1 g h. Tired 1 to H la ches wide hobs to f.tSBT sxle. Bsrre Cost saB7 time In a Ma son to bars t of low wheels to fit your waffon t s r h still nr SriLln.foddor, nuui. are. aogs, Ac :1a. resetting- of tlrss CsU'rrsc. AddrsM Empire tttr. C P. O. Box S3, QuUkt no. I E17IS' 00 LYE kJ (PATXN-IXD) The rt range ft and fmrtft Vf made, Unl.se other Lye. it being s fine powder and packed in a can with removable lid, the con t frits are alwsys n-adr for use. W Ui make the bttt perfumed Hard Foap. In 20 minutes without boilina. It Is tt be west for cleansing- waste pipes, ilialnf acting' sinks, closets, waahinf iftotties. paiata. trees, etc PEN N As SALT M'PG CO. ea. A-tju ran.!1!, i II X X V li Y Y II V J. K,