Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, September 12, 1895, Image 1

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VOL. 14, SO. 38.
An Unknown Man a Victem of the
"Big Muddy.".
lh Unfortunate Man lioes Down In View
of Several Men Police Kaiii the
Houses of Prostitution and
Arrest the Inmates.
A Stranger Drowned.
A man was drowned while attempt
ing to swim the Missouri river about
two hundred yards above the bridge,
at S:30 o'clock Monday morning. Riley
Eledge relates that while he was com
ing down to the river with his team,
with a load of melons, (his wife and a
neighbor being in the wagon), they
noticed a man coming past them to the
water" edge carrying a bundle under
his arm. and talked with him a mom
ent. The tVrry boat was on the west
side of the river at the time, and while
tbfy waited for it to come over for
them the stranger walked up the river
some distance and then deliberately
waded out into ttie river, apparently
thinking he could cross without swim
ming. When about half way over,
however, he threw up his hands and
was heard to shout "I'm gone," and
in full view of a dozen people sank out
of sight. Wm. Hensco'errowed out to
the vicinity in his skiff, thinking he
might recover his bundle so that the
identity of the unfortunate might be
learned, but the bundle sank before
he could get to it.
Mr. Eledge describes l:im as having
been of short stature, heavy set, with
a short, partly gray beard over his
face, about fifty years old, and that
he was an Irishman, as they judged by
his brogue. lie had come from the
direction of Pacific Junction.
'Pulled' the House.
Ofiieers Dunn, Murray and Denson
Sunday evening raided two houses ef
prostitution run by Mrs. Webb and
Mrs. Shaffer. At the first house the
officers arrested Mrs. Webb, Mrs.
Julius liamge and a light-haired
damsal who sails under the name of
"Silvertop." Several young men were
also captured and placed under arrest,
but upoa their promising to "call at
the captain's oifice," and settle up,
they were not placed in jail. The
next place visited was Mrs. J no.
Shaffer's, and it is reported that a
couple of men were also found there.
The quartette of "soiled doves" were
placed in jail, where they remained
over night. On Monday they were
taken before Police J udee Archer for
trial, charged with running houses of
ill-fame, and being inmates thereof.
Mrs. Webb and "Silvertop" were first
taken into court, followed by a large
crowd of bald-heads and others. B.
Cecil Jack acted as counsel-in-chief for
the women, and they pleaded guilty.
"Silvertop" asked the court's leniency
saying she would leave the city
within twenty-four hours and she ac
cordingly received a fine of $1.00 and
costs, amounting to $5 25, which was
promptly furnished by a "friend."
Mrs. Webb was taxed $5.00 as a fine,
and $3.00 for trimmings. She told the
court it would be a long time before
hhe would "cough up" $S.00. She was
evidently trying to bluff the judge, for
when he was preparing to make out
committment papers she weakened
and said she would "cough up" the
necessary funds. Mrs. Shafer and
Mrs. Ramge each pleaded not guilty,
and the former's trial was set for Tues
day morning and the latter's for Mon
day afternoon. Their bonds were
fixed at $100 each, and after making
an unsuccessful canvass for that
amount they went back to the judge's
office and entered a plea of guilty.
Mrs. Shafers fine and costs amounted
to $9.25, and the Ramge woman's to
$5.25, which was paid and the prison
ers allowed their liberty.
It is reported that warrants are out
for the young men who were found in
the houses.
A Oreat Head For HuitineHH.
A story comes to us of a certain
young man of this city liviug a little
too promiscuously with a young wo
man and then that when affairs were
progressing rather uncomfortably, lie
got a friend of bis. who lives in Penn
sylvania, to agree to . marry her, on
condition that he paid her fare back to
that state and her wedding expenses;
and that how, when the girl was once
gone, the young man made haste and
married another girl within a fort-
t .. ; I . ' ft 1 . r
"'tilt. it was hii example ui very
sharp practice, to say the least, about
which his acquaintances are all joking
Dig Damage Suit Filed.
Jacob Trietsch, as administrator of
the estate of the late Henry J. Hen
nings, has filed a suit in the district
clerk's office against the Chicago, Rock
Island & Pacific railway company for
$5,000 damages for the killing of Mr.
Henniug and for $250 for the killing
of Uenning's team and destruction of
his buggy and harness.
On the ISth day of last June Mr.
Hennings was driving to his home
near South Bend, and while crossing
the railroad track his buggy was
struck by a passenger train and he
was killed, together with his team.
The plaintiff in his petition claims
that at the crossing where deceased
was killed there is a drop-curve and
deep cut, and that a bank of dirt fif
teen feet high obstructs the view of a
person crossing the track from an ap
proaching train. Petition further
states that the engineer failed to ring
the locomotive bell or blow the whistle
at the crossing to give warning; also
that the train was running at a speed
of sixty miles an hour, when the ordi
nary speed is twenty-five miles per
hour while running over crossings.
Attorneys II. D. Travis and Chas.I).
Grimes appear for the plaintiff and
the case will be tried at the coming
term of district court. It promises to
be a long legal battle.
A County Exhibit.
The Otoe county commissioners have
been appealed to to make an appropri
ation to pay the expenses for making
an exhibit of cereal and vegetable
products at the state fair. The sug
gestion is a good one and The Jour
xal believes that $40 or $50 could not
be more judiciously expended by the
commissioners of Cass county than for
such a purpose as that suggested, if
the right man to collect the exhibit
were selected, and the work of pre
paring it were begun at once. It is
well said that Nebraska got a "black
eye" last year on account of the
drouth, and Cass county, with its
bountiful'crops of the best that na
ture produces, ought to and could do
much by such an exhibit to set her
reputation right before the world and
once more give her a good name among
the states.
Let the board act, and act promptly,
in this matter, and we dare say there
is not a man of any influence in the
county but would sustain them in
their act.
The show could be made in connec
tion with the fruit exhibit now being
collected by the county agricultural
society and would fittingly supple
ment that.
Youthful Thieves.
For some time past the officials at
the B. fc M. shops have been missing
various pieces of copper and brass from
the company 'a yards and a quiet in
vestigation has been going on. A rag
picker was first suspected, but he suc
ceeded in clearing himself and sus
picion was then directed to a number
of small toys, ranging in age from ten
to sixteen years. Eight youngsters are
already known to be implicated in the
thefts and a sack full of the stolen
articles were found in an alley Friday
and are in the possessijn of Byron
Clark, the railroad's attorney. Mr.
Clark gave the boys a severe lecture
and nearly frightened the wits out of
them. Whether or not they will, be
arrested id not yet known, as the
amount of material stolen is not
Outlook For Cheap Corn.
M. E. Duff, the well-known grain
dealer, said the other day to a Ne
braska City News reporter: "I notice
that December corn is quoted at
twenty-four cents per bushel in the St.
Louis market, and that means that
corn here will bring about thirteen
cents, and that means that the farm
ers hereabouts will not sell their grain
and the dealers will not have any to
handle. Farmers cannot raise corn at
that price. Now, west of here in this
state it means that December corn
will only be worth ten cents per bushel
at the elevator. These prices are of
course based on ihe St. Louis quota
tions of today of corn for December
delivery. I look for prices to get bet
ter as the fall closes, but then, there is
a large crop of corn in the country this
Subscribe for Tiie Daily Journal
-only teji cents a week.
It is reported in Omaha that the Bee
train, which runs to Weeping Water
every morning, costs that newspaper
$1,000 a month. That is enterprise
with a big E.
For farm loans, aee J. M. Leyda.
Reliable abstracts also furnished.
Tpppr IT TO PHI I in the above table were not all teach
I ' JL IT 1 i LJ JLilO i Av-'.Lj.L. inir th sainw rnoms tht n:mt 1 wo Years
A Drunken Man Relieved Of $140
In Cold, Clammy Cash.
It is Afterwards Kecovered and Restored
to the Owner A Material Increase
In tli i:urollmeit at the
Public School ISoteii.
A Very .iiicotIi Man.
James Kelly Chicago, is the name
that appears on Jailor Denaon's regis
ter as the last arrival at that hostelry.
Kelly arrived in town Tuesday after
noon, and the police soon "spotted"
him as being worthy of watching.
A well-known traveling nursen man
who has been visiting this city off and
on for some eight years, and who is
reputed as beiug a very sober man, in
dulged a little loo much Tuesday in
the "flowing bowl" and as a con
sequence lie accumulated a mild jag
The fruit tree man was in Hans Goos"
saloon Tuesday afternoon playing
dominoes, and the man Kelly, being a
very smooth talker, soon gained his
confidence. Kelly w as seated just be
hind the nurseryman dm ing thegame,
and did not observe Officer Fitzpatrick
enter the saloon. At about six o'cloek
both men got up from the table and
went out on the street, the officer fol
lowing. They proceeded to the Per
kins house, where the nurseryman is
staying, and Kelly asked if supper was
ready. Just then the former started
out the door, and Kelly grabbed him
and pulled him back into the hotel
office, telling him to come and get sup
per. The officer had been standing
conversing with Jttr. Guthmai-.n about
the smooth-looking man. when the lat
ter noticed Fitzpatrick for the firt
time. He remarked that he guessed
he would go. and hastily left the office,
going down street- The officer hur
ried oyer to the drunken man and
asked him if his "roll" was not miss
ing. The man said it was not, but
the hotel proprietor and Johnny were
not satisfied, and made a hasty search
of his clothes, and, as they suspected,
his money "had disappeared. The offi
cer hurried down street in time to see
Kelly vanishing up the alley on Itichey
street. A search failed to reveal his
whereabouts and Johnny started up
the railroad track. Just then he spied
his man running down the river bank,
near the switch shanty, and soon cap
tured him. Kelly handed over a
pocketbook, remarking that he had
found it. The wallet was empty and
the officer asked him where the money
was, but Kelly pretended he didn't
know anything about it. Leaving
some switchmen to hunt for the money
the man was taken to jail. lie was
searched several times and each time
a new installment of money wasfound.
He said he had plenty of money, and
his supply did seem inexhaustable.
While going through him the fellow
nearly toek Johnny Fitzpatrick's
watch from his pocket without that
official noticing it. After being
searched four times he produced a
quarter and told Jack Denson to buy
some t bacco for the other prisoners.
Posey Messersmith found the roll of
money, amounting to $140, in the
weeds where Kelly had run down the
bank, and it was taken care of until
the nurseryman sobered up sufficiently
to keep it.
A ood Showing.
For the benefit of a few skeptics who
have been circulating reports that the
Plattsmouth schools are on the decline,
TnK Journal, has taken occasion to
secure a table of the first day's enroll
ment foi thepast three years. There
suit will be most gratifying to the pat
rons of the schools, and in fact to ev
ery loy al citizen. The total increase
over two years ago is 146 and over last
year it is seventy-four. Bead the fol
lowing table:
!My3jlN4 ls:i,-
High school room.
Miss C lark
Miss Wilson
Miss .Jamison ...
Miss Hfcisel
Miss Wright
Miss Adams
Miss Klukead
Miss Kennedy
Miss Davis.."
Miss Shepherd
Miss Ilempel
Miss Wright
Miss MKnn
Miss Porter.. ,
Miss ( !ass
Miss Hayes
Miss Hyers
Miss Smith
Miss Williams
Mies Schlegel
Miss Rupp
Miss Purdy ... .
Miss Fox well
31 1
3:1 !
44 !
Total I 8841 9f.G'l030
I The teachers whose names appear
as now but the enrollment is given for
the rooms in which they now preside,
which can be compared with the two
prior years.
Defender Wins.
New Vohk City, Sept. 7, 3:50 p. m.
ISpecial to The Daily Journal.
The first of a series of five races for ;
the American cup, between the De
fender and the British challenger,
Valkyrie, is in progress at this hour
off Sandy Hook. The two boats
crossed the starting line at 12:20
p. m. to negotiate a distance
of thirty miles. The wind was light,
less than eight knots to the hour.
Valkyrie turned the lifteen-mile mark
at 2:55 and was over a mile in the
At the time of the arrival of the
special to The Journal concerning
the great international yacht race, the
Valkyrie was ahead and thiugs looked
blue for the American vessel, but later
on the wind freshened, and the
Defender passed her competitor and
crossed the line an easy winner.
Peter C. Kellogg believes that it
would improve racing if every horse
that lias not won one out of three
heats should be sent to the stable.
There is a lady in Fitchburg older
than the United States. She is Mrs.
Andre Berube, and was 108 years old
on July 4th last. She was born in
1787 at St. Andre, near Quebec. The
oldest of her four children is living at
the age of eighty-six.
Here is a game law always in effect
in Oregon, codes or no codes : "Book
agents may be killed from Aug. 1 to
0-t." 1; spring poets from March to
Juy; scandal mongers from Jan. 1 to
Dec. 31, inclusive ; umbrella borrow
ers from Nov. 1 to May 1 and from
Aug. 1 to Nov. 1. Open seasons all
the year round on life insurance
agents and the fellows who borrow
their neighbors papers.
An Oakland Cal., woman, to whom
her husband recently deeded all his
property, has rewarded him by publish
ing a notice saying that she will not
be responsible for any of his debts.
Now he is sorry he is a fool.
The apple crop was uever so great
in this section as it is this year, and
the buyers and shippers are paying
from fifty to eighty cents per barrel
for them, and the apples must be
choice to bring that price. Jonathans
are the highest priced apples and a
large quantity were sold today at $1.50
per barrel. There is one thing, how
ever, that is noticeable, and that is
that the late apples, which do not
usually ripen before the first or middle
of October, are ripening now and fall
ing from the trees. Nebraska City
M. 1). Polk, editor of th'e Platts
mouth News, was in the city yester
day laying the pins for the downfall of
Judge Chapman's reigu. Nebraska
City News.
A well-equipped and thoroughly or
ganized movement, having for its ob
ject the placing of all fourth-class
postmasters in the classified service, is
now approaching maturity at Wash
ington. Two shanty boatmen, while digging
on the bank of the river near Cincin
nati last month, unearthed $20,000 in
gold coin.
They raise large crops of hops in
Oregon, and the banks have much ot
their money loaned as advances to hop
A load of new oats was offered with
out buyers in town the other day, for
121 cents a bushel. Do you suppose if
money were as plenty as it ought to be
such a thing could happen ? Still they
tell you that the gold standard is the
Overcome With the Heat.
The fifteen-year-old son of August
Bach, the groceryman while driving
the delivery wagon last Tuesday at
about two o'clock, was overcome with
the excessive heat, and was rendered
unconscious for some time. A physi
cian was summoned and restoratives
were applied, and the patient is im
proving nicely.
Our Former Tow iisman, W. C Showalter,
Write an Interesting: Letter.
David City, Neb., Sept. 9, 1S95.
Editor Journal: September has
come and with it the usual crop of as
pirants for the local offices. Some of
these aspirants are all right;some think
they are all right, and some of them
hope they may catch on. Theissuein
this county is the silver question and
the lines will be drawn here with ref
erence to that issue. Those who
seem to think that the question of free
coinage has nothing to do with local
politics, will awake with great abrupt
ness in the near future, only to realize
their grievous mistake. In a recent
convention in this city for the selec
tion of delegates to represent the dem
ocrats at a judicial convention a reso
lution was introduced endorsing the
Cleveland administration, and was
disposed of in short order by being
voted down. This disposition of the
resolution induced probably a dozen
persons to withdraw from the conven
tion and they were, almost to a man,
village postmasters, soreheads and
baukers. The democratic local organ
ization is well rid of their presence for
they have only demonstrated to the
great mass of the democrats that they
are republican helpers, and as such
have now made an open declaration of
their principles.
There seems to be no dearth of can
didates in Cass county, for I observe
by The Journal that the patriots in
all parties are willing to serve their
country for a reasonable consideration.
Some of the fellows have fed at the
public crib for lo! these many years,
and have grown sleek and fat, but the
tenacity of their grip can be easily
broken by the people if they are get
ting tired. And the people, if not ab
solutely tired, with reference to some
who are always on deck as candidates,
would doubtless desire a slight inter
val of repose. I think one of the
beautitudes says "Blessed be he who
expecteth nothing, for he shall be
filled," which I interpret as meaning,
when applied to democrats, that they
may get "full" when they least expect
it, and perhaps at the expense of one
of the republican candidates.
In imagination I am again with the
cohorts of your city when they meet on
election morn, eager to engage in the
fray. I hear the defiant shout of
Hank McMaken, who, with his follow
ers, deploy for the skirmish; I hear the
gutteral Teutonic laugh of Fred
Kroehler as he launches himself into
the thickest of the fight; I note the
grim determination of Kuffner and
Fairfield while buckling on their
armor; I observe the stalwart form of
Henry Shafer as he moves hither and
thither, nerving himself for the on
slaught; and the picture would not
be complete without the plausible
Andy Fry, who, with a stiletto as long
as a rake handle, is vigorously getting
in his work on his enemies.
But there are some familiar faces
that I do not see; faces of friends who
I learned to love, who have crossed to
that mysterious shore from which
no message has ever been received.
Butler county is in pretty good con
dition as regards crops, and with three
weeks of good weather a fair corn crop
will be secured. Much fall plowing
has been done and I presume the bulK
of the seeding has already been dis
posed of. The country looks fine at
the present writing pasturage could
not be better, and orchards groan un
der their load of fruit. Fruits of all
kinds grown in this climate are plenti
ful and cheap.
I noticed in The Journal last week
a letter from Chadron, wherein my
judicial friend, Ramsey, speaks of the
bracing effects of the ozone of that
region. The statement has made me
somewhat solicitous about the condi
tion of "Bas' " health, for when a dem
ocrat can enthuse on a little simple
ozone his appetites are about gone or
party fealty amounts to nothing.
Ozone does not amount to shucks in
this country as an inspiration for dem
ocrats. They prefer something after
the old order of things, and don't
breathe at all while indulging. My
advice to the judge would be to let
ozone severely alone. As to fusion in
this county, some say they will and
some say they won't, and Uncle Tobe's
cuckoos stand around and talk straight
democracy. W. C. Snow alter.
Farmers who expect soon to lay in
their winter's suitly of coal will
find that Henry Ilempel is prepared to
fill all orders for the best quality at
lowest prices. Yard at the B. & M.
shop yards S3 tf
Watch for the date of Joe & Frank's
grand fall opening.
Various Local Happenings in And
Aronnd the City.
He Will Probably Receive a Sentence of
Several Years la the Penitentiary If
He is Freren Gnilty Arrested
For Driving: too Fast.
Held to the District Court.
The preliminary examination of
James Kelley, the man who robbed
Charles Sadler, the nurseryman, of
$140 last Tuesday evening, occurred
at five o'clock yesterday afternoon be
fore Justice Archer. A. J. Graves
appeared for the defense. A number
of witnesses were examined and the
evidence against the prisoner was so
conclusive that he was bound over to
the district court under $500 bonds.
Kelley is a very sharp-looking man.
and the police no doubt have captured
an all-round crook. Officer Fitzpat
rick says the local police received a
card a couple of years ago giving a
fair description of Kelley, even to a
gold-filled tooth in front, who was
wanted for some crooked work in an
eastern city.
Wattersou's Welcome.
The twenty-ninth annual encamp
ment of the Grand Army is in session
at Louisville, Kentucky, and the fol
lowing characteristic welcome was
given the old "vets" by Henry Wat
terson, the great Kentucky editor:
"Welcome, gallants, all! The war
is over. The terms which Grant gave
to Lee, which Sherman gave to John
ston confirmed by those later consti
tutional amendments which stand as
an everlasting treaty of peace between
the north and the south have been
fully justified by the experience of
every southern soldier, have been fully
vindicated by the observance of every
southern soldier. With simple faith,
each joins in this day's festival, asking
of the other only that his heart be
warm. Up with the ensign of the re
public! Down with him who would
lower it"
"Though hell stood at the door."
List of Petit Jurors.
The following list of petit jurors
have been drawn by the county com
missioners for the September term of
district court:
J. L. Hartshorn, John Newbam, H.
M.Gault, W. R. Young, V. L. Leon
ard, S. M. Holden, Stewart Rough,
I. W. Toland, Wendell Heil, Wm. Sut
ton, C. J. Martin, .Chas. Warner, W. J.
Laughlin, J.Q.Adams, Fred Ramge,
H. E. Calkin, W. M. Tucker, W. O.
Ogden, John Sattler, A. B. Dickson,
W. M. Moore, C. J. Hammer, John
Todd and Samuel Long.
The Protest Sustained.
The regatta committee of the New
York Yacht club has sustained the
protest entered by Defender in Tues
day's race. The committee gives the
race to the Defender. Lord Dun
raven, owner of the Valkyrie, has
accepted the decision of the commit
tee as final and said he believed the
members to be gentlemen and yachts
men. Another heat will be sailed to
day and should Defender again win,
the cup will remain on this side of the
Another Fast Driver.
Will Lindsay, a seventeen-year-old,
youngster, was arrested last evening
for fast driving, and upon being taken
before Justice Archer this morning,
he plead guilty and received a fine of
$2.00 and costs, amounting to $6.25.
He agreed to settle up if he was al
lowed to go down to Murray, where he
has been working, and procure the
necessary funds.
S. S. English, the Eagle merchant,
who was in town. Thursday, having
come on the new M. P. train, said to a
Journal reporter that it was a new
sensation for him to be able to come to
the county seat and return home the
same day, and he came jnst to enjoy
the pleasure of the trip. Heretofore
he never came here but it took him
two or three days before he got home
The Journal was Friday the :e
cipient of a basket of pears and apples
at the hands of Mrs. G. Fickler, which,
for size and beauty, are hard to beat.
Mrs. Fickler wished us to know for a
fact that those who think that Cass
county is not well supplied with the
best fruit in the land are mistaken.
New goods are arriving every day at
Joe & Frank's, the Peoples' Clothiers.