Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, September 05, 1895, Image 7

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The Insurrection Strong: and Dally Gaining-
Ground A Letter From the Island
Sets Forth the Situation Plainly
Revolutionists Heretofore Humane
America to Be Appealed to for Belllg
rent Rights Losses of Spain Thus
Spain on the Defense.
Chicago, Aug. 31. Joaquin A. Ver
gas, ex-Mexican consul here, has re
ceived a letter from a friend near to
the high Spanish officials in Havana.
It is dated August 22, and has this to
say of the progress of the insurrection
on that island: "The insurrection is
strong and daily gaining ground. As
a proof, ever since the very beginning
the government forces are the ones
who are on the defensive, while the
insurgents are the attacking party.
Spain began active measures to quell
the rebellion February 24 last with
an army of over 70.000 men, regulars
and volunteers. Of these, though,
by battle and disease, she has lost in
six months about 1 8,000 men. In some
localities the troops have found them
selves in such perilous situations that
many of the soldiers and some of the
officers have suicided, while others
have lost their reason. The Cubans
have fought with unexampled bravery,
and have so far conducted themselves
with manliness and honor. For in
stance, the Spaniards left their
wounded comrades on the field to die.
They are taken in and cared for by
the Cubans, and when restored are set
at liberty. But this humane conduct
is not likely to last, for Martinez Cam
pos' party is continually working on
the Cubans to get them to institute a
veritable reign of terror. If that hap
pens, the torch will bo applied broad
cast over the whole island and no
Spaniard will then be spared."
Two Colorado Klines Engulfed by a
Hushing Torrent.
Central Citv, CoL, Aug. 31. The
accidental flooding of the Americus
and Sleepy Hollow mines yesterday
afternoon caused the death, it is be
lieved, of thirteen miners. Every ef
fort is being made to rescue the unfor
tunate men, but little" hope is enter
tained. A little after 3 o'clock the
water in the lower workings of Fisk
mine, east of the main shaft, broke
through the old workmen of a vein
that has not been worked for a num
ber of years.
Coursing eastward it struck the
Americus, where two Italian miners,
whose names have not been learned,
were at work in the lower part of the
shaft. They were both drowned. In
its course the water diverted to the
Sleepy Hollow mine, the easterly por
tion of the Fisk vein. Fourteen men
were working in the Sleepy Hollow,
three of whom escaped. A courier was
sent to the adjacent mines and all the
workmen escaped.
The rescaer who first descended in
the bucket. Mr. H. P. Risk, was found
at the 330 foot level. On reaching the
surface he was almost in an insensible
state. Other volunteers went down
afterward, but were net successful in
reaching a lower point in the shaft,
owing to the raising of the water. Ex
tra water buckets were sent for and
brought to the mine, which are now
working with a view to lowering the
They Are Censured for Employing an
Incompetent Engineer.
Denver, CoL, Aug. 31. The cor
oner's jury, after six davs' investiga
tion of the Gumry hotel disaster, made
its report last evening. It says that
the testimony was conflicting and that
it is impossible to fix the responsibility
for the disaster on any one person, but
that the owners, Peter Gurury and
II. C. Grenier, were blamable for re
quiring of their engineer sixteen hours'
work out of twenty-four, and for em
ploying an inexperienced engineer,
whose habits were dissipated and un
reliable. Engineer Hellmuth Loescher, the re
port says, had been drinking on the
night of the disaster, and further he
had not examined the safety valve to
the boiler for two months, proving
him to be unfit to occupy any position
of responsibility. The city boiler in
spector is censured for failing to in
spect the boiler after recent repairs
were made upon it. The report closes
with a recommendation tnat an or
dinance be passed regulating the use
of steam boilers.
A South Dakota Girl Xearly Kills the
Object of Her Affections.
Sioux City, Iowa, Aug. 31. For
some time Lena Dahl, daughter of a
farmer living near Westfield, S. D.,
had loved Henry Halseth, a young and
prosperous neighbor. Last week she
visited a medium and bought from her
an alleged love potion. Tuesday she
succeeded in putting the stuff into a
bottle of cold coffee, which he took
with his lunch to the fields where he
was harvesting. Then she watched
him from behind a hedge. At noon he
drank the coffee. Soon afterward
Halseth became seriously ill. A few
drops of the liquor still 'remained in
the bottle and a brief investigation
showed that strychnine entered large
ly into its composition. The fortune
teller decamped when she heard what
had happened. The girl has not been
arrested nor has she won Ualseth's
The St- Joseph, Mo., Financier, Stricken
Suddenly 'With Heart Disease.
St. JosEm, Mo., Aug. 31. Charles
B. France, for many yeans president of
the State National bank of this city
and one of the richest men in this city,
died suddenly this morning. flis
death was entirely unexpected and was
due to heart disease. He was 55 years
old. He leaves a wife and two chil
dren, who will Inherit one of the rich
est estates in the Platte purchase.
Comments and Criticisms of the Amer
ican Consul at Liverpool.
Washington, Aug. 31. The mar
kets for United States products in
Great Britain are reviewed in detail in
recent consular reports. At Liverpool
cattle from this country are re
ported as superior to the native
cattle, the latter including many
immature and young animals slaugh
tered for food and also a greater pro
portion of old animals. Consul Neal at
Liverpool reports, however, that sheep
from tha United States and other coun
tries do not compare favorably with
the British, lacKjng taste and tender
ness, and it is suggested by experi
enced men that this might be greatly
improved by shipping the sheep young
er, say 1 or 2 years old.
Large quantities of apples are re
ceived from various countries of
Europe, but the importations appear
to be regulated by the size of the ap
ple crop in the United States. Ameri
can apples command the highest
prices. Forty-five per cent of the
wheat and ninety per cent of the flour
in the Liverpool consular district come
from the United States.
Consumers depend to a large extent
on the importations of bacon tnd ham
from the United States and Canada.
The strongest objection made by the
Liverpool trade to hog meats packed
in the United States is that of insuffi
cient curing. The consumption of
American canned meats is falling off
and that of Australia is increasing,
due largely to relatively high prices of
American goods. Consul Neal recom
mends that the United States make
more of the finest goods for export to
compete with other supply sources.
An Amcricau Citizen Thrown Tnto
Prison at Hamburg:.
Decatur, Ind., Aug. 31. R. M.
Romberg, a prominent livery man of
this city, left here about two months
ago to visit his old home at Hamburg,
Germany. Word has just been re
ceived here that he has been taken by
the German officials and sent to prison
for twelve years. The crime with
which he is charged is that of whip
ping an official in the army prior to
his coming to this country. Romberg
came here about twelve years ago, and
has during his stay here accumulated
quite a fortune, lie is a prominent
member of the Democratic county cen
tral committee, lie has a wife and
five small children here who are wild
over the news.
Judge Sanborn's Order in the St. Joseph
and Grand Island Matter.
Omaha, Neb., Aug. 31. The order
of Judge Sanborn of the United States
circuit court in the case of the Central
Trust company of New York against
the St. Joseph and Grand Island has
been filed in the circuit court of Ne
braska. The order provides that the
five Union Pacific receivers be ap
pointed receivers of all the property
and franchises of the companj', and i
directed to maintain and operate such j
lines and property until otherwise or
dered by the court, as a part of the
Union Pacific system.
Rebel Reverses Reported.
Havana, Aug. 31. General Antonic
Macco attacked Plantation Union near
San Luis. The garrison of the fort,
fifty-nine in number, for three hours
sustained the fire of the insurgents,
who finally retired, leaving among the
killed Lieutenant Juan Vega and
among the wounded Captain Marces
Ramier, who died soon afterwards.
Six sharpshooters and swordsmen of
the command of Lieutenant Colonel
Tejera recently succeeded in ambush
ing and killing the insurgent Lieuten
ant Rablo Lanonde. The insurgents
succeeded in making their escape
through the country districts, but
troops are in pursuit.
A Windfall for a Rank.
Painesvillk, Ohio, Aug. 3i. When
the Painesville Savings bank collapsed
four years ago amcng the assets found
was 5250,000 worth of stock in a West
ern mine. At that time the mine was
thought to be worthless, but it is pay
ing a fair dividend, and the stock is
nearly at par. The indications are
that the depositors in the wrecked
bank will secure a good dividend, with
the prospects that ultimately they may
receive their deposits back in full.
Salvation Army Cavalry.
Denver, CoL, Aug. 31. The Salva
dion army of Denver organized a caval
ry corps of young women yesterday
and last night Brigadier General
French of St. Louis dedicated the new
branch of the service at the First Bap
tist churoh, which was hardly large
enough to accommodate the crowd.
This corps enjoys the distinction of be
ing the only mounted Salvation army
fighters in the world.
The Wrong Man Was Killed.
Grand Rapids, Mich., Aug. 31.
John Smalley, the supposed train rob
ber, killed by deputy sheriffs at Mc
Bain, was, it has been learned, at
Brinton visiting his old neighbors last
week at the time of the hold-up and
until after the killing of Detective
Powers in this. city. The train rob
bers and the murderer of Detective
Powers are still at large and the offi
cers have as yet obtained no definite
clue as to their identity.
White Caps to be Prosecuted.
Excelsior Springs, Mo., Aug. 31.
Nothing has been heard from the two
men who were taken from the city
jail here and whipped Tuesday night
The colored people are highly in
censed and have taken steps to have it
legally investigated.
The steamer Bawnmore, ashore in
Oregon, is a total loss.
Rain deluged the Johnson county,
Kan., fair exhibits at Olathe.
The Kentucky Democratic state com
mittee issued an address to the party,
pleading for harmony.
It is said that the administration is
going to turn down General Miles in
selecting a successor to General Scho
fleld. Four prisoners escaped from the
Btoddard county, Missouri, jail by &w
lag the bars in two.
He Was Elected by a Practically Unani
mous Vote Pittsburg Selected as the
Place for the Next Knoampment Rain
Somewhat Dampens the Enjoyment of
the Knights Points of Interest Visited
abont Boston.
The New Commander.
Boston, Aug. 30. The grand en
campment of Knights Templar, at its
session this morning, elected Right
Eminent Sir Warren Larue Thomas of
Kentucky, grand master to succeed
Most Eminent Sir Hugh McCurdy.
Three hundred ballots were cast, of
which the successful candidate re
ceived 295. Very Eminent Sir Reuben
H. Lloyd of San Francisco, was chosen
deputy grand commander. Pittsburg
was then chosen on the first ballot as
the conclave city in 1808.
The following officers were elected:
Deputy grand commander. Very Emi
nent Sir Reuben II. Lloyd of San
Francisco; grand generalissimo, Very
Eminent Sir Henry D. Stoddard of
Texas; grand captain general, Very
Eminent Sir George M. Moulton of
Illinois; grand senior warden, Very
Eminent Sir Henry W. Rugg of Rhode
Island; grand junior warden. Very
Eminent Sir W. B. Melish of Cincin
nati, Ohio; grand treasurer, Very Emi
nent Sir II. Wales Lines of Meriden,
Conn., re-elected.
A dull gray sky and a rain-soaked
earth rather discouraged the Knights
when they turned out for the day.
Black and white plumes and closely
fitting uniform coats gave way to fa
tigue caps and business suits. Out-of-town
excursions were as numerous and
as attractive as yesterday. Golden
Gate commandery of San Francisco
visited Brock on. where the members
were en'-rtuined by Bay State com
mander. Cambridge commandry
took its quests, Washington of Atchi
son, Kan., on a trip to Silver Springs,
R. I., for a fish dinner. The
Knights of Arkansas and Texas, with
their ladies, were welcomed at Lowell
by the directors of the Southwestern
Te'.fgraph and Telephone company.
Luncheon was served at Lake view,
anl the party was escorted down the
Mcrrimac va'.le- to Lawrence. Some
of the Arkansas cominanderies and
thoe from Toronto, Canada, visited
Worcester as the guests of the Wor
cester county commandery
To-night the exolus of knights be
gan, several cominanderies leaving for
home. Large numbers will go to
morrow, but many of the delegations,
especially those from Western states,
will disband her..
Quick Justice Meted Out to the Nebraska
liaudits Given Ten Years.
North Platte, Neb., Aug. 30. Hans
and Knute Knuteson, the two young
Nebraska farmers who held up the
overland express on the Union Pacific
at Brady Island one week ago, were
taken to the penitentiary last evening,
with a sentence of ten years each for
the crime. They pleaded guilty. The
proof of guilt was absolute.
They said they were impelled to do
the work by the knowledge - that a
great fortune might easiij be made.
They s-aid they secured Ie.-s than S50
from the safe which they blew open in
the express car. The through safes,
which resisted their efforts, were
filled with treasure. The boys have
worked on farms in the sand
hills several years and were not re
garded as desperate characters such as
their bold conduct in holding up an
express train crowded with people in
dicates them to be. They said they
had been camping near Gothenburg
for more than a week previous to the
robbery, and one of them, Knute. did
considerable trading, visiting the
stores so often that he became well
known to several of the merchants.
They took the wheels otf the wagon
in which they had been sleeping, and,
together with the body concealed them
in the woods near camp where they
were afterward discovered. Saddling
the two horses they rode toward
Brady Island, at which point the train
was boarded. The horses were con
cealed in a deserted barn about two
miles east of the place where the rob
bery afterward took place. Then they
proceeded to hold up the train in the
most approved stylo.
Cloudburst and Tornado at Uloornlngton,
111. Two Lives Lost.
Bloomington, 111., Aug. 30. A
cloudburst, accompanied by a tornado,
swept the vicinity of Bloomington yes
terday afternoon, raging torrents
filling the dry water courses in a few
minutes, sweeping away trees and the
tents of the Wild West show at the
fair grounds. Five thousand people
were panic stricken and drenched, but
miraculously escaped injury and death.
A ravine near Miller park filled and
overflowed Morris avenue.
Mesdames Riddle and Roberts, of
Ileyworth were driving home with
daughters, aged 2 and 7 years, re
spectively, when their buggy was
swept from the bridge by the flood.
The children were drowned and the
women rescued with difficulty. Streams
in the country have filled the valleys
so as to almost swim horses.
Hundreds of Houses Burned.
Amsterdasi, Aug 30 . Fire at Hooge,
Sewaluwe, Brabant, has destroyed 343
houses. Fifty families have been ren
dered homeless. No loss of life is re
ported. The Lead Prod nctlon Increasing
Washington, Aug. 30. A bulletin
ias been issued by the geological sur
vey, giving the production of lead for
the first six months of 1895. It shows
that the total production was 103,000
tons, of which 83,000 tons were of de
silverized lead and 18,000 tons of soft
lead. Seventeen thousand five hun
dred tons of this were refined in bond,
The remainder being obtained from
American base bullion. The tcrtal pro
duct is an increase of 4,500 top over
the first six months of 1894, - n In
crease of 6,000 tons from ' six
months of 1893.
It is to be Tested in View of a Recent
Judicial Decision.
Omaha, Sept. 1. Consternation has
spread among irrigation promoters of
the west owing to a late decision of
Judge Ross of the United States court
for California, in which he takes the
startling position that irrigation bonds
! are worthless because issued under an
unconstitutional law.
The decision has caused a stir not
only in the state of California, where
millions of property are affected, but
in many of the western states which
have copied after the Wright law of
California. Nebraska is in this list
along with Oregon, Washington, Utah,
Kansas and North and South Dakota.
Efforts to test the constitutionality
of Nebraska's irrigation law are now
being actively pushed. At Ogalalla
the case of the Alfalfa irrigation dis
trict is soon to be argued. This case
involves the issuance of bonds upon
abont 7,000 acres of land. The princi
ple established in the decision of this
case will be eagerly watched for by the
promoters of enterprises of even greater
magnitude, particularly by the promo
ters of the Golden district, extending
through Brown, Rock and Holt coun
ties and covering 500,000 acres of
Nebraska's choicest lands.
The uniform decision of the state
courts has been favorable to the laws
relating to the construction of ditches
by public corporations organized with
powers similar to those of a municipal
corporation, within the particular
sphere in which the irrigation work is
undertaken. When, therefore, about
two weeks ago Judge Ross in the United
States court handed down an opposite
opinion an outcry was raised .such as is
seldom heard. The columns of the
western press teemed with adverse
comments. Judge Ross undertook to
hold that such an irrigation enterprise
was not a public improvement, of pub
lic moment, public concern and for pub
lic purposes. He decided that the law
conflicted with the first section of the
fourteenth amendment to the federal
constitution, which provides that "no
state shall deprive any person of life,
liberty or property without due process
of law. " Without considering the stu
pendous benefits to the land and the
almost fabulous increase of property
valuations and of population, he simply
stated that the law was for the benefit
of those whose land needed to be over
flowed, and so was of private concern.
The effect of such a decision if left to
stand would be to completely overturn
irrigation schemes. Even now the Al
falfa district, which has prepared its
bonds for issuance, withholds them,
awaiting the determination of the Ne
braska courts, and possibly of the
United States court. George W. Shields
of this city will go to Ogalalla to argue
in favor of the irrigation law passed at
the last session of the legislature. He
appears for the Alfalfa irrigation cor
poration and believes that the courts
will not follow the late decision of
Judjre Ross.
"The difference between the opera
tions of a public and a private corpora
tion in irrigation matters," says Mr.
Shields, "is remarkable. The private
corporations are usually composed of
foreigners and their enterprise costs
from ?G to S30 per acre. Our enterprise
will cost but S3 per acre. Idaho irri
gates .100,000 acres in one district. It
costs S3 and twenty miles of the canal
went through solid rock. We will
probably argue this question historic
ally and show that in all ages irriga
tion has been considered of immense
public utility."
Report of the Board of Engineers on the
Chicago Drainage Canal.
Washington, Aug. 30. The report
of the board of engineers, consisting
of Colonel Toe and Majors Ruffner and
Marshall, appointed by the secretary
of war to examine and report the
probable effect of the Chicago drainage
canal upon lake harbor levels, was
made public by Secretary Lamont yes
terday. The board suggests that the
canal is not solely a state affair, but
says that as soon as it shall be used
for navigation it will become a na
tional waterway, and that federal su
pervision must be extended to it in
due time. The board discusses at
some length the water levels of the
Great lakes, pointing out that these
levels are a delicate matter and sub
ject to many changes.
The report makes no definite sug
gestions except to point out the neces
sity for actual measurement to deter
mine the effect of the canal upon the
lake and harbor levels.
Secretary Morton Issues an Important
Order on the Subject.
Washington, Aug. 30. An import
ant order giving full protection to
foreign consumers of American meat
products was issued by Secretary Mor
ton yesterday. It will prevent the ex
portation of any beef that is not in
spected, and will cause the exporters
of horse meat to mark the packages
that the nature of the contents shall
be apparent.
Federal Officers Complain.
Washington, Aug. 30. A decision
made by the comptroller of the treas
ury that the statute allowing double
fees to United States marshals, dis
trict attorneys and clerks ' in the far
Western states and territories of
Washington, Oregon, California, Wyo
ming, Montana, Idaho, North and
South Dakota, New Mexico, Arizona,
Utah and Nevada did not apply to
mileage, has caused much dissatisfac
ion among those officials.
The beer war in Chicaco has been
settled and prices have been advanced.
Charles Ray shot Mr. Williams dead
on the street in Middlesboro, Ky.
The mutilated body of a; murdered
man was found near South McAlester,
Ind. Ter.
Mississippi's first bale of cotton was
sold at Greenville bringing ten cents
a pound.
John Wren wick of Shelby ville, Ind.,
who had been drinking, shot and'
killed his mother.
Maxwell Nominated for Supreme Judge
and Ella W. Peattie and James II.
Boydston for Regents A Brief and
Pointed Platform Some Afterthought
Resolutions Names of the State Cen
tral Committee.
Nebraska Populist State Convention.
For Regents of the State University
Lincoln, Neb., August 29. The pop
ulist state convention met here yester
day and placed the above ticket in
nomination. The convention was
called to order by J. II. Edmisten,
chairman of the state central commit
tee. The chairman said that the first busi
ness before the convention would be
the election of a temporary chairman.
A. E. Sheldon of the Chadron Advocate
nominated Ed L. Heath of Rushville.
The nomination was seconded by Dr.
Steele of Hastings. Delegate Cohen of
Douglas moved to make the nomina
tion unanimous and he was elected by
The chair announced the following
as the committee on credentials: W.
L. Kirke, Antelope; W. E. Brown, But
ler; O. Nelson, Colfax; E. J. Hall, Hall;
F. Lu Laj'ton, Lancaster.
Mr. McKeighan gave some advice
about a platform, which he believed
should be short aud his, if he were to
make it, would simply declare for free
and unlimited coinage of silver at the
ratio of 10 to 1, without waiting for
England or any other nation to con
sent; for a supplemental issue of paper
money and against the enforcement of
any gold contract, and the regulation
of corporations.
Senator Allen was called'to the stage
and was warmly greeted as he came to
the front. He said in part that the
populist party would, he firmly be
lieved, come into power in the national
government as well as in the state. It
was growing and cementing itself as it
grew. He had seen the former haughty
and proud democratic party torn and
rent in twain by an issue that was first
raised by the populists.
Chairman Heath stated that when he
was elected as temporary chairman it
was with the understanding that Sen
ator Allen would be named as perma
nent presiding officer, and if he was
elected he would positively decline to
Senator Allen was nominated and
took the chair.
A gavel made by populists of Califor
nia was presented to the chairman.
The tollowing were named as the
committee on resolutions: W. A. Mc
Keighan, J. N. Gafiin, W. A. Jones, J.
II. l'owers, II. G. Stewart and Wilbur
F. Bryant.
E. C Bewick's motion, that all reso
lutions be referred to this committee
without reading, was adopted, and at
6 o'clock the convention took a recess
for an hour and a half.
A motion was made that the conven
tion proceed to nominate a candidate
for judge of the supreme court. The
ballot resulted: Maxwell GG5, I). I
Care' 3, Magney 39. A motion to make
the ballot formal and Samuel Maxwell
declared the unanimous choice was
Nominations of candidates for re
gents of the state university being in
order, I. A. Sheridan nominated James
H. Boydston of Red Willow; E. C.
Bewick nominated Dr. II. M. Case
beer of Lancaster and James Kinney
nominated Mrs. Elia W. Peattie of
Omaha. On the call of counties the
vote stood. Casebeer 21SJ, Mrs. Beat
tie '!$, Boydston 575. Mrs. Peattie
and Boydston were declared the nom
inees for regents.
W. A. McKeighan was made national
committeeman in place of Chamberlain.
The state central committee was au
thorized to fill vacancies.
The committee on platform reported
the following, which was adopted:
"We the people's party of the state
of Nebraska, in convention assembled,
do put forth the following platform of
principles. We hereby reaffirm the
principles of the Omaha platform We
declare ourselves in favor of strict
economy in conducting the affairs of
the state government in all its branch
es. We believe the judicial affairs of
the state should be conducted on the
principles of justice and honesty, with
out partisan basis and in the interests
of the people."
In addition to the above platform
several resolutions were presented.
The first of these was one pledging the
the convention to the initiative and
referendum. Wilber Bryant, T. II.
Tibbies and Jules Schonheit opposed
this and J. II Powers and several
others supported it. The resolution
was adopted.
The following was read: We de
nounce as unpatriotic and un-American
any secret oath-bound organization
having for its chief object the creation
of a religious test for public office and
declare ourselves to be unreservedly in
favor of the maintenance of a non-partisan,
non-sectarian public school sys
tem." George A. Abbott offered as a substi
tute for the resolution: "The populist
party is opposed to any religious test as
a qualification for office or for member
ship in the party." The substitute was
adopted without a dissenting vote.
One resolution recommending a re
duction of all salaries of officers, state
and national, was adopted. One in
dorsing Governor Holcomb's position in
relation to the penitentiary contract
and his economical administration of
state affairs was adopted.
A grocer in Sandusky, Ohio, sells eggs
by the peck.
Horse-meat was used in Oregon, as a
regular diet, by the old missionaries,
from 1S33 to 1844.
In Lapland the men and women dress
exactly alike, with tunics, belted at the
waist, and tight breeches.
Maxim's cavalry gun weighs thirty
pounds. It can be strapped on a sol
dier's back, and will fire 700 shots a
The web of the common garden-sptder
Is so fine that 30,000 of them, laid side
by side, would not cover an Inch in
Convict Allen Tells of His Connection
! With Holmes.
Little Rock, Ark., Aug. 29. J. C.
Allen, alias Caldwell, the convict serv
ing a ten years' sentence here fcr
horse stealing, has made a statement
to Warden Moore in regard to H. IL
Holmes and his operations. The war
den believes the man knows a great
deal more than he has told, but he had
the statement put in writing, read to
Allen and verified in every particular.
He first met Holmes under the name
of Pratt in Tennessee in the fall of
1892. About three weeks afterward
Holmes, Pietzel, Minnie Williams and
Allen met in St. Joseph and Minnie's
Fort Worth property was deeded to
Allen in the name of A. E. Bond. The
deal was made with the understand
ing all around that it was to be swind
ling operation After making trips to
Leadville and Denver they went to
Fort Worth.
"Pietzel's conduct at Fort Worth
caused Holmes to send him to Kansas
City. While in Kansas City Pietzel
wrote several threatening letters to
Holme, in which he said that he
would turn up all the rascality unless
Holmes sent him money. Pietzel was
furnished money three times sent by
me at Holmes' request. Holmes vis
ited Pietzel at Kansas City to get him
to sign the necessary papers to secure
a loan of glG,000 on the Fort Worth
property. While Pietzel was in Kan
sas City, Holmes and Pat Quinlan, who
had joined us at Fort Worth a short
time before we left that place, had
several talks about putting Pietzel out
of the way, because Holmes had be
come afraid of him on account of
his drinking too much and knowing
too much. (It was known to us all
that Pietzel carried a S10,000 life in
surance policy). At our last talk
upon this subject, three days before
leaving Fort Worth, it was understood
that Pietzel was to be killed. I was
selected to assist Holmes in doing the
job, but in what manner it was to be
done was not definitely settled, only
that Holmes remarked that he had
something thai would make the job
easy, and a large trunk was purchased
in Fort Worth in which to place Piet
zel's body after being killed. At this
point nolmes patted me on the back
and said: 'Mascot, it is $10,000 and a
trip to Long Branch, and from there
to California and more buildings.
That night I advised Holmes to quit
the business, as he had enough money
not to resort to murder. lie replied
that he had been at the business so
long that it had become perfectly
natural to him, and he would not quit
"The plan agreed upon to dispose of
Pietzel was that we wjre to meet him
in St. Louis and together go from
there to Chicago, where he was to be
fixed.' It was between Fort Worth
and Denison that Holmes told me
that I must have my life insured for
810,000 in favor of ray little niece.
Remembering the large trunk bought
for Pietzel's body, 1 determined to
part company with Holmes, which I
did at Denison, and I have never seen
him since, but received as many as
three letters from him.
"The last time I saw Minnie Will
iams was at our meeting in St. Joseph.
Holmes told her that she must leave
the United States for a period of three
or four years. .India was agreed upon
as the country to which she should go.
I went to the depot with her, while
Holinos bcught her ticket and checked
her baggage, but where to I did n"t
know. While at Fort Worth I r ;
three letters from Minnie Williams .
Holmes. They purported to be from
India, the place I have forgotten. If
Minnie Williams is dead she has been
put out of the way since this excite
ment was gotten up in regard to
"The building in Chicago known as
the 'Castle' was erected especially for
a 'death trap.' and during my associa
tion with Holmes 1 was in it often, and
in fact occupied a room there. A
stranger to the city during the world's
fair was decoyed into the castle and
murdered for his money. He did not
have as much money as Holmes
thought only S3, 700. A bright little
boy was enticed into the casrie during
the fair and held in a room for five
days for a reward for his recovery.
No reward being offered they
were afraid to turn him out and the
gas was turned into his room at
night and he was suffocated. I could
mention other such cases of crime com
mitted in the 'castle' and discussed in
my presence, but these are sufficient
ex'cept one, and that was of Nannie
Williams. The cause of her killing, as
explained by Holmes, was that one of
the girls must be put out of the way
and that he could manage Minnie
easier than he could Nannie. Minnie
Williams was crazy in love with
Holmes and she was jealous of her sis
ter, as nolmes was paying her some
attention too. He took particular
pains to increase her jealousy to work
her up to the point of putting Nannie
out of the way."
Allen concluded by saying that
every word in his statement was true
and that he did not make it to secure
a pardon; that he knew Governor
Clarke too well to believe that he
would issue a pardon unless the evi
dence would break Holmes' neck.
Welcome fo Bishop Qogan.
Kansas City, Mo., Aug. 29. Bishop
James J. Hogan of the diocese of Kan
sas City, returned last night from a
year's absence in Europe, and was ac
corded a reception such as no other
man in a like position ever received in
Kansas City. A multitude of the par
ishoners of the diocese met him at tne
Union depot; 3,000 of them escorted
him through the city streets, while
numberless persons bade him welcome
as the procession moved to the cathe
dral. The entry was a triumphal one,
and every Catholic in the city, large
and small, old and young, added his or
her quota to the general greeting.
The Officer in Charge of the Kiowa In
dians Reported Murdered.
El Reno, Ok., Aug. 0. It was re
ported here to-day that Captain Bald
win, U. S. A., acting agent at the
Kiowa, Comanche and Apache agency
at Anadarko, had been murdered last
night by the Indiana. The report
lacks verification as yet, but federal
officers credit it, except that they be
lieve the murder was committed by
gamblers and whisky peddlers-against
whom Captain Baldwin had been wag
ing war for some time. A large, party
of deputy marshals is on the way to
that country.