Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, September 05, 1895, Image 6

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When Corbett delivers his newly ln
Tented "rib-roast" Dallas will go wild.
The Chicago triplet a bicycle built
for three is said to be the fastest ma
chine out.
Mrs. Lee, a new woman in Utah, re
fuses to let her husband kiss her. Isn't
that awful?
Arizona comes to the front with a
petrified human heart. That's mighty
hard to beat.
A Mrs. Gooda Feeder has opened
boarding house at Ellinwood, Kas.
She's said to be a good Feeder.
The president's new girl baby hay
ing been named, the affairs at Wash
ington society may now proceed.
As soon as England gets her new
$100,000,000 worth of modern war cruis
ers equipped she will be ready for ar
bitration. Michigan has decided that for judi
cial purposes an oath administered by
telephone is binding. That decision
seems to be sound.
It Is refreshing to learn from Okla
homa that the Kingfisher girl who was
cruelly thrown on the world got up and
led her bicycle home.
A Pagosa Springs, Col., editor Insult
ed the visiting school ma'ms by saying
that their legs would not fill umbrella
covers. Did they wear bloomers?
All men are right-footed. The new
bells put in street cars that are rung by
the foot are never sounded by the left
foot, it is said. Even left-handed men
find their right feet most useful.
The New York boy who tried to cure
a sore foot by bathing it in the Chicago
river, and had to be carried away,
could get a big job on a Gotham paper
now if he could only limp back home.
General Campos is regarded by the
Cuban insurgents as a valuable piece of
property. They offer a reward of
$5,000 for him. Jeneral Campos would
do well to keep within "a hollow
The governors of twenty states havt
promised to attend the dedicatory ser
vices of the Chickamauga battle-field.
Some of them were there when it was
not so pleasant as it will be made in
Since that sea serpent turns out to
be only "a dead menagerie snake," pos
sibly New York may relent and allow
red rum to be sold on Sunday again
and avert the deep sorrow now over
whelming Gothamites.
Minnie Williams is an unfortunate
name. Two girls bearing the name
have been murdered recently, one, it
Is alleged, by H. H. Holmes in Chi
cago, the other, it is alleged, by Theo
dore Durant in San Francisco.
Up-to-date fathers with charming
daughters must needs learn to ride the
bicycle. The young people have dis
covered the advantages of the wheel as
an accessory to the elopement act, and
the father on horseback, unless he owns
racer, is "not in it."
The bicycle stooper is no more cruel to
himself than the driver who hogs his
horse's head up in the air Is to that
animal. The stooper, in fact, may be
the lineal descendant of the hog-bridle
fiend, notwithstanding that his opera
tions tend in an entirely different direc
ion. It ha3 been very truly said: "When
the white man wants an Indian reser
vation opened he begins to hint about
the imminent danger of an Indian up
rising, and the white man keeps it up
until he gets what he wants." This,
backed up by the soothing axiom that
an Indian is good for nothing until he
is dead, has been known to work won
ders. Some considerable surprise is indi
cated, by headlines in sundry ex
changes, that "President Cleveland en
tered a barber shop and quietly awaited
his turn to have his hair cut." What
would you have him do? Yank the
man in the chair out, and offer to fight
with the "next" for his place? Some
people have apparently strange ideas of
presidential etiquette.
In every community, it will be ad
mitted, there are business men who do
not advertise in any newspaper, not
withstanding the fact that they depend
upon the public for support, and do ad
vertise in some form or other outside
the newspaper. They read newspapers
themselves, see other men's advertise
ments therein in the same line of busi
ness, know that it pays them why
ion't they advertise?
While advocates of the bloomer would
have one think this costume Is gain
ing ground, yet the question Is almost
one of the past as far as Buffalo so
ciety girls are concerned, for they abso
lutely refuse to wear them without
skirts, and very few are even wearing
skirts shorter than the street length.
The sweet girl bicyclist of Ohio who
goes to church in red bloomers has
somewhat discouraged the few gentle
men of the pulpit in this country who
have been broad enough to advise
location of the new costume.
Citizens of York are enthusiastic for
sugar factory.
Thr k. - M. is rushincr work in its
shops at Plattsmouth.
Miss Lizzie Burk. a prominent school
teacher, died at Lincoln from typhoid
THEBurlinirton has inaugurated har
vest excursions and will have a number
of them.
Brakemax G S. Bwtton was caught
between the cars at Edgemont and
crushed to death.
The president has appointed O. S.
Parmalee postmaster at Tekamah, vice
YV. II. Ivorns, resigneu.
A youxg farmer near Rushville step
ped into the cylinder of a threshing
machine and is short a foot.
The 10-year-old son of John Hobs
chield of Piattsmouth was kicked in
the face by a horse and frightfully
John W. Paul of Omaha attempted
suicide by throwing himself in the
river. A man near by snatched him
from his would-be watery grave.
A J. Gablkk, of Waco, Texas, and
Mrs. Venum of Blue Springs, were
drowned in the Elkhorn river at Nor
folk. Their bodies were recovered.
Hexry Thomas, aired 21 years, oldest
son of Phillip Thomas, living about
three miles west of Yutan, was drown
ed while bathing in the Platte river.
Friends of Maj. Clarkson of Omaha
are pushing him for commander-in-chief
of the Grand Army when the
national encampment meets at Louis
ville. While riding on a freight train a boy
named Scott, of Humboldt, 13 yars
old, fell under the wheels and was
killed. He lived but one hour after
the accident.
While threshing two miles south of
Hemingford, John J. Elinck, in at
tempting to place a belt in position,
was caught and his forearm literally
ground to pieces.
IIildretii camp, Modern Woodmen
of America, at liildreth, are making
preparations to erect a building with a
large lodge room on the second tioor
and store room below.
Dr. II. D. Harris, representative in
the legislature from the Fifty-fourth
district, has moved from Ogalalla to
Arlington. He was a resident of Keith
county for ten years.
J oh ann Sciivi.TZ, living about four
miles west of Scribner, committed sui
cide by hanging. Schultz was a hard
working farmer and for a number of
years had lived in that vicinity.
The ministers of Ord. Rev. James
Lisle of North Loup, Superintendent
McCall and a number of public spirited
citizens of Ord are arranging to hold a
Chautauqua on September 3 to 9 inclu
sive. In Johnson county last Sunday night
W"m. Tate, 20 years old, stabbed and
killed Archibald Cathcart, 18 years.
The killing was the result of an old
fend of long standing. The murderer
Ezra Latp of Mcorefield dared J.
Stambaugh of Bed Lion Mills to jump
into the Blue near McCool Junction
with his clothes on. Lapp was a good
swimmer, but was taken with cramps
and drowned.
Deputy United States Marshal
Baum arrested Lou Carroll for loot
legging at Ayr and Bosemont. Carroll
only recently was released from the
penitentiary, where he served a short
term for larcenj- from the person.
The Falls City State bank filed its ar
ticles of incorporation with the county
clerk, business to beyin September 10.
with S.jO.COO capital. The bank has
just completed a very fine building and
will start under favorable auspices.
Captain Hexxy, acting Indian agent
at Pine liidge, accompanied by Chief
Clerk George Cromer and a detachment
of Indian police, was in Chadion last
week to receive monej' for distribution
on the agency. The amount is S20,0u0.
Hans Kxunsox and Knud Knudson.
arrested for robbing a Union Pacific
train near lirauy isian l last week', were
arraigned in the district court at North
Platte and pleaded guilty. The judge
gave each of them ten years in the pen
itentiary. A little boj and girl. 7 and 8 years
of age, children of li. J. Cook, living
six miles west of Surprise were
drowned in the Blue, and a third one
came near meeting the same fate in en
deavoring to rescue the other two. The
bodies were recovered.
Jess Williamson of Hartington. aged
eighteen years, while bathing in the
mill pond was drowned. He could not
swim and petting into the water be
yond his depth, could not get back.
His companions attempted to rescue
him but were unable to do so.
The Oxnard Beet Sugar company at
Grand Island is preparing for the lar
gest campaign of the manufacture in
the history of the industry in this
state. The company has found it
necessary to offer extra prices for beets
delivered in November,' December,
January and February, these prices be
ing 23, 30, 35 and 40 cents respectively.
The board of managers of the State
Agricultural society, by the unanimous
adoption of a resolution, decided that
Tuesday, September 17, would be
'Golden Rod day." It will also, as an
nounced before, be Pioneers' day. On
that day the state board will decorate
the buildings and grounds with golden
rod. and every visitor to the grounds,
and especially citizens of the state, are
requested to wtar a bunch of Nebras
ka's floral emblem.
When the family of Prof. J. P. Bobb
of Curtis commenced their usual avoca
tions of the day, the ab
sence of Mr. Bobb was noted. Soon
after his body was found hanging bv
the neck. Life was extinct. No rea
son has thus far been offered to ac
count for the deed.
The water contracts which are being
prepared by the secretary of the North
Loup Irrigation and Improvement com
pam' for the coming year will be con
ditioned 6o as to sell water by the
second foot, instead of by the acre, as
was the case this season. It is thought
that this will contribute to the more
economical distribution of the water.
Rev. Lee Hint of Ashland had a
larrow escape from death while at
work in the sand pit at Dean's, lie
;vas digging sand for the improvements
jo his house, and came out of the pit
'or a few minutes rest, when it caved
n, piling several tons of dirt where he
Condition of the State Hacks.
Quarterly report of the condition of
the state and private bands (4G6 in
number) of the state of Nebraska at the
close of busines on the 1st day of, Au
gust, 1895:
Loans and discounts f21,C92,fS0.91
Overdrafts.. 1(11,128.09
United States bonds on hand 20, 13.63
Stocks, securities, judgments,
claims, etc 633.SS2.43
Due from national and other
banks 2.9C2.839.9J
Banking house, furniture and
fixtures 1.60S.223.S7
Current expenses and taxes paid 527,076.51
1'rer.ilum on United Mates and
other bonds and securities 2,437.65
Checks and other cash Items 121,100.9.
Cash I,306,.v45.31
Other real estate 557,145.40
uther assets not otherwise enu
merated 16.887.08
Total f29.156.56l.76
Capital and stock paid In f 9,690.47.0
Surplus fund l.'22,623.75
Undivided profits 1,112,29 .03
Dividends unpaid f.MW.71
General deposits..' 16,217.370 57
Notes and bills rediscounted 201,322.02
Hills pavable 7b8.70x.tX)
Other liabilities not otherwise
enumerated .... 48.897.08
Total $29, 15d.561.76
High Schools Designated.
The new law, providing for free at
tendance at public high schools, which
went into effect this month, makes it
the duty of the State Department of
Education to determine annually what
schools in this state are properl3' equip
ped and subject to the provisions of the
law. Superintendent Corbett gives out
the following:
'Vibout June 1 the state superinten
dent sent out to all Inch schools and to
all county superintendents a circular
containing full information as to the
manner in which this determination
would be made, together with a blank
form for reporting the necessary data
from each high school. The absence of
school superintendents and principals
during the vacation has pi evented
many schools from sending in the re
ports The state department has. how
ever, just completed a partial list, sub
ject to the addition of other schools as
their reports are received.
"The following classifications of the
graded schools of the state indicates
the maximum amount of high school
work approved by the state depart
ment, except in unusual cases and after
special investigation.
"Class A Including all high schools
m districts navmg niteen or more
teachers, such schools being expected
to carry four years, or grades, of tne
state course for high schools, or its
"Class B including all high schools
in cistricts naving six to lourteen
teachers, such schools being expected
to carry three vears of the state course
for high schools, or its equivalent.
"Class C In districts having three
to five teachers, such schools being ex
pected to carry two years of the state
course for high schools, or its equiva
"Class I) In districts having two or
threts teachers, such schools being ex
pected to carry one vear of the state
course for high schools or its equiva
Progressive Education.
The teachers of Jefferson county
have this year adopted something new
in the organization of an educational
council, the membership of which is to
consist of three teachers from the vil
lage and three from the country
schools. The officers of the teachers'
association are to be ex-ofticio members
and the county superintendent is to be
ex-ollicio chairman. To this council
is to be referred the work of preparing
programs for the countv association
and the consideration of such other
matters pertaining to the welfare of
the school system as may be submitted
by the association or superintendent.
Captured a Horse Thief.
Plattsmouth dispatch: Constable
Newkirk of Alvo arrived in this city in
charge of a young farm hand named
John Knox, arrested at Alvo the dav
before on the charge of horsestealing.
Knox appropriated two horses from a
pasture, but was arrested soon after
the commission of the theft. The man
shows symptoms of insanity, and is
either acting a part or is crazy.
Worked by Smooth Artists.
A goodly portion of Johnson county
has been worked by a brace of smooth
soap agents. These agents would sell
their unsuspecting victim about 25 cents
Worth soap for SI, agreeing to deliver
a prize to the purchaser a few days
later in the shape of some choice bits
of chinawore. The dollar would in
variably be paid, the soap given, but
the prizes have failed to materialize.
They will be in other sections of the
state, and the people are warned to be
on their guard.
A Deepwater Convention.
opeka, Kan., Aug. 31. Governoi
Morrill has issued a proclamation for
a Western states conference conven
tion, to be held at Topeka, October I,
to consider plans to secure united
action by the people of the West for
the utilization of the deep water in
the (ulf of Mexico, and to arrange for
an inter-American exposition for the
display of Western products. Gov
ernor Morrill's action is taken at the
instance of Governor Cnlberson, of
Cuba Will f-ic-k Itecognltlou.
New Yokk, Aug. 31. Touias Estradz,
Palma, president of the Cuban revolu
tionary committee, says that no at
tempt will be made to obtain belliger
ent rights until next December, when
a Cuban minister will be sent to the
United States. He believes that Spain
has now realized that the end of her
rope has been reached.. ,He claims
that the cost of sending reinforce
ments is to great that Spain cannot
furnish any more men and will have to
give Cuba her freedom within the i.ext
few months.
In the present Salisbury ministry
blood tells, or title does, for nearly all
of them belong to the titled classes;
but so does education count, for nine
of the members are graduates of Ox
ford and three from Cambridge.
As an indication of the various voca
tions that lea to affluence and inde
pendence, it may be cited that the ali
mony asked for and practically set
tled upon the wife of pugilist "Jim"
Corbett $100 per week is larger than
the sum allowed, in any of the swell
American divorces of the last several
The United States District Attorney and
a Deputy Marshal Report the Result
of Their Investigation Into the
Matter to the Attorney Gen
eral No Justice for
Poor Iak
Washington, Sept. 2. The depart
ment of justice has recieved from the
United States attorney and marshal of
Wyoming the official reports of their
investigation into the Bannock Indian
troubles made by direction of the at
torney general.
The district attorney says: "I have
no doubt whatever that the killing of
the Indian Tanega on or about the
13th of July was an autrociousand cold
blooded murder, and it was a murder
porpetrated on the part of the con
stable, Manning, and his deputies in
pursuance of a scheme and conspiracy
to prevent tne Indians from exercising
a right and privilege which is, in my
opinion, very clearly guaranteed to
them by the treaty before mentioned.
Should prosecution on the part of the
United States be determined upon it
would be useless to commence it be
fore a commissioner. As the law is
now, we are bound to bring prisoners
before the United States commissioner
nearest to the place of arrest, and in
this case it would be before Mr. Pet
tigrew. the commissioner at Marys
vale. I am informed that he is thor
oughly in sympathy with the so-called
settlers in that region and that he ad
vised the constable, Manning, and his
posse, that the provisions of the treaty
under which the Indians claimed the
right to hunt upon the unoccupied
lands of the United States had, for
some reason, ceased to be operative.
Hence, I think to cause the arrest of
these men and take them for hearing
before this commissioner would simply
result in their discharge.
The United States deputy marshal
who investigated the trouble s ays that
after a careful investigation of the
whole affair he finds that the reports
made by settlers charging the Indians
with wholesale slaughter of game for
wantonness, or to secure the hides,
have been very much exaggerated.
"During my stay in Jackson's Hole,"
he continued, "I visited many portions
of the district and saw no evidences
of such slaughter. Lieutenants Gard
ner, Parker and Jackson of the Ninth
United States cavalry, who conducted
scouting parties of troops through all
portion's of Jackson's Hole, also found
this to be the case. On August 12 I
visited a amp of Bannock Indians who
had been on a hunt in Jackson's Hole.
The women of the party were prepar
ing the meat of seven or eight elk for
winter use, and every part of the ani
mal, even to the brains, entrails and
sinews was .being utilized either for
future food supply or possible source.
of pront.
"In connection with the trouble be
tween the Indians and the whites, I
spent some time inquiring into the
causes for the unconcealed hostility of
the Jackson's Hole people against the
Indians. There was little or no com
plaint among the settlers of offensive
manners on the part of the Indians.
Except in rare instances, they have
kept away from the houses of the set
tlers and have not been in the habit of
begging. In no instance has there
ever been a well authenticated case
where a settler has been molested by
an Indian. The killing of game by
Indians and by the increasing number
of tourist hunters threatens to so de
plete the region of big game, deer,
elk, moose, etc., as to jeopardize
the occupation of the professonal
guides at Jackson's Hole. It
was decided at the close of last
reason to I eep the Indians out of the
region this year, and the events of this
summer are the results of carefully
prepared plans. This was admitted by
United States Commissioner Pettigrew
of Marysvale and Constable Manning
said: 'We knew very well when we
started in on this thing that we would
bring matters to a head. Some one
was going to be killed, perhaps some on
both sides, and we decided the sooner
it was done the better, so that we could
get the matter before the courts.' If
a full investigation of the trouble
Should be held, the fact would be es
tablished that when Constable Mann
ing and his posse of twenty -six
settlers arrested a party of Indians on
July 13 and started with them for
Marysvale, lie and his men did all they
could to tempt 'e Indians to try to
escape in order that there might be a
basis of justification for killing some
of them."
Trouble Expected in Oregon.
Buknes, Ore., Sept. 2. The Indians
at Warm Springs and Umatilla reserv
ations come to this country annually
to kill deer for their skins. The
county judge wrote to the agencies
asking that they be kept out, but with
out effect.and now the people threaten
to drive out the India s, fifty of whom
have already arrived. Should they
persist in going to Stein mountains,
there is likely to be trouble.
A Boy King Almost Drowned.
Biabbitz, Sept. 2. King Alexander
of Servia went swimming in the bay
of Biscy this morning with an instruct
or. Both were carried off their feet
away from the shore by the strong
current. The swimming master was
drowned in spite of the efforts to save
him and King' Alexander only reached
the shore with the greatest difficulty.
The attention of the Mexican consul
for Colorado, Casimere Belra, has been
called to the imprisonment of tvro
Mexicans who took part in the recent
bull fight at Gillette. These men paid
their fines when arrested at Gillette.
It istherefore claimed that they are
now illegally held id that the case is
likely to assume international feat-ores.
Improvement. In Markets Continue at a
Marvelous (Jait.
New York, Sept. 2. R. (J. Dun &
Co.'s weekly review of trade says:
Improvements in markets and prices
continues, and whereas a few months
ago everybody was nursing the faint
est hopes of recovery it has now come
to be the only question in which
branches, if any, the rise in prices and
tio ;r.i-nKA rf business mav tro loo
ncrease oi uuiic
far. A strong conservative leenng is
finding expression, not as yet control-
II u . !,- ;nHnctrio hilt
war ning against too rapid expansion
and rise.
In some directions the advance in
prices clearly checks future business.
But encouraging features have great
power. Exports of gold continue, but
are met by syndicate deposits and ex
pected to cease soon. Anxieties about
the monetary future no longer hinder
Crop prospects, except for cotton, have
somewhat improved during the week.
Important steps toward reorganiza
tion of great railroads gives hope to
investors Labor troubles are for the
present less threatening and some of
importance have already been settled.
The industries are not only doing bet
ter than anybody expected, but are
counting on a great business for the
rest of the year. The. advance in
prices of iron and its products has
added about S2 a ton more in a single
week to the prices of Bessemer iron at
Pittsburg and yet the great steel com
panies are buying wherever they can,
while the air is full of reports that this
or that finished product will still
further advance.
Lead is still 83.52j, though the pro
duction in the first half of lS-'o was
10.",y0 tons, with increasing stocks
from 3,158 tons in January to 8,511
tons in July. Coke is demoralized
with sales at Si. 10 per ton.
Wool has been speculatively hoisted,
so that sales have fallen below last
year's, in August 22,200,400 pounds, of
which 10,902,100 were foreign, against
2.".74t,8.0 last year, of which only
4,.r.'W,:;00 were foreign.
The prospect for wheat has hardly
improved this week, although the
price has fallen one-fourth of a cent.
Corn is coming forward more freely,
and the September prices have declined
a quarter of a cent with the promise of
a great crop; pork and lard are a shade
Shameless Conduct of a Kentucky Audi
ence Toward Mr. Bradley.
Eminence, Ky., Sept. 2. Tiie sixth
joint debate in the series of twelve,
which was to have taken place be
tween Colonel W. O. Bradley and Gen
eral I. W. Hardin, at Eminence, yes
terday, was called off on account of
the noisy demonstration of the crowd.
Colonel Bradley was to have opened
and closed the debate. When he at
tempted to begin the noise and dis
turbance of the ccowd was so great
that he was compelled to sit down.
W. P. Thorne, the Democratic chair
man, arose and appealed to them for
order, but the crowd paid no attention
to him. Colonel Bradley attempted
again and again to speak, six times in
all. but failed to get a hearing. See
ing that any attempt to speak was in
vain, he gave it up. saying that the
noise was more than he could stand,
and refusing most positively to proceed
The colonel said: "I wish I had ray
voice a minute, so I could tell this
crowd what utter contempt I hold
thorn in." Then folding up his manu
script he left the stand. The action of
the auhience is condemned by the
chairman of the Democratic committee
us well as the Republicans, who were
present, and they declare it is an out
rage and disgrace to Henrv countv.
Two I'eople Killed an tl Fifty Injured on
an Kxcurslon Train in (leorgiii.
Macon, (la., Sept. 2. Two passen
ger coaches and the combination bag
gage and smoking car of an excursion
train left the track on the Southern
railway, between Holton and Topes,
yesterday morning, and fifty people
were hurt and two killed. It is im
possible to explain the cause of the
wreck, as the track is said to have
been in good condu. n There were
over 400 people on board the train.
Torn to Pieces by a Uogr.
Nevada, Mo., Sept. 2. The G-year-old
child of Lee Mundy, residing four
teen miles southeast of this city, was
attacked by the family dog yesterday
and almost torn to pieces. The mother,
who was in the house at the time,
heard the child's screams and ran out
to it assistance. She succeeded in
beating the savaee brute off with a
club, but not until the child had re
ceived what are thought to be fatal
wounds. Its face was chewed into a
Six Hundred Families Ilomelew,
ALRfiUKK(iUE, X. M., Sept. 2. A
cloudburst occurred last night near
San Marcial, a town of about 5t0
people, on the Santa Fe road, ninety
miles south of Albuquerque. Twenty
houses in the town were ruined and a
large number in the farming dstricts
adjacent. The loss is estimated at
$.-,000. No lives were lost, but about
600 poor families were ieft homeless.
Cleveland and a Third Term.
Loxdox, Sept. 2. St. Clair McKel
way, editor of the Brooklyn Eagle,
has a letter in the Times in which he
declares if President Cleveland is again
nominated it will be quite different
from any former movement in favor of
a third term. It will be a popular
protest against the limit, the earlier
reason for which has ceased. It will
be the people's act against conspiring
Great Masonic University.
Boston, Sept. 2. Knights Templars
are said to be planning the establish
ment of a great national university for
both sexes, to be controlled by and in
the interest of all Masons, with a per
manent endowment of $50,000,000. The
scheme contemplates the erection of a
sufficient number of fireproof build
ings to accommodate 10,000 students.
! . . .
Remains of Howard Fletzei jrounoi
In Indianapolis.
Indianapolis, Ind., Aug. 29. In
dianapolis will claim the right to try
H. II. Holmes for Harder. This claim
will be based upon the honriblo de
velopments of yesterday, which in
clude the finding of the charred
remains of 9-year-old Howard Pietzel
and evidence which before any jury in
the countrv would convict H. II.
, - , him and
, " " ' , 7 7 ufs bodv
, then having partially burned his body
Detectives Geyer of Philadelphia,
Richards of Indianapolis and Inspector
Gary of the Fidelity Insurance com
pany have been at work for weeks
hunting for traces of the boy's body.
He was traced here with Holmes and
disappeared. The city was scoured
and work began in the suburbs hunt
ing for a house rented by Holmes on
October 10, 11 or 12 of last year.
Yesterday morning the detectives
went to Irvington, a pretty suburb of
the city and the seat of Butler college,
and before they had been at work an
hour their attention was called by a
local real estate dealer to a small va
cant cottage situated in the woods at
the edge of the town and far removed
from any other dwelling, The party
went to the house, and a few minutes
later the officers found beneath the
side porch the missing .trunk which
was taken from the side door of the
Circle house in this city October 1Q by
H. H. Holmes, and which was thought
to contain the body of the boy.
In a barn connected with the house
ks a large stove of cylinderical shape
of the same pattern as Holmes bought
in Cincinnati. He rented the house
under the same alias. The stove had
been moved from the hout-e to the
stable by the owner of the house after
Holmes left. It was at once concluded
that the body had been burned in the
stove, and search was began for the
Last evening Dr. J. F. Barnhill's at
tention was called by a small boy
named Walter Jenny to the stove hole
where the stove had been. It was
filled with refuse. This was pulled
out and the remains of the boy were
found. Thysicians and dentists were
there, and in this pile of refuse hun
dreds of pieces of charred bones were
The teeth showed that the body was
that of a boy between 8 and 10 years
of age, and all the other bones con
firmed this. All were charred, and
pieces of flesh clung to some of them.
The skull bone and pelvis added to the
6ame convincing truth. The body tad
evidently been burned in a cob fire,
and in the huge stove found in the
Howard's overcoat was found at a
grocery store near by, where nolmes
had left it, saying the boy would call
for it. He never came. Owners of
the house recognize Holmes from pict
ures, and several neighbors distinctly
remember his face. All identify him
as the man who last October rented
the house with the same story he told in
Toronto and other places, came with
the boy and big stove, wash stand and
bed, stayed two days and then disap
peared. Seven people have identified
him, and all doubt is removed. Other
developments are expected, and with
this evidence Indianapolis will de
mand Holmes for triaL
A Successful House.
Mr. Olmsted, of Bentley fc Olmsted,
has just returned from Chicago, where
he went to meet a buyer of a large
western concern, and inspite of the
strongest competition Mr. Olmsted
brought back the order, amounting to
over SS.000, of shoes and rubber goods.
The Des Moines Leader.
Arthur Master, son of Lord Arthur
Master of London, England, and sec
ond cousin to the inarquisof Salisbury,
fell from a second story window at
Middlesboro, Ky., and was fatally in
Quotations from New York, Chicago,
Louis. Omaha and Elsewhere.
nutter Creamery separator..
Butter I- air to good country.
l.pprs Fresh
Honey California, per B
Hens Live, per lb
Spring Chickens, per lb
Lemons Chcloe Messinas
Apples per bbl
Oranjres Floridas, per box
7 00
2 00
2 50
7 SO
U 3 00
(& 30
IU 2 50
t 2 20
to 7 00
(6 0
& 11
da 2 25
do 4 60
kL 4 55
3 60
t 4 SS
W 2 50
& o 00
ta 4 50
!. 3 00
3 70
U 3 50
li 4 50
U 3 00
1 otatoes ew "
Watermelons per dozen 2 00
lieans Navy, hand-picked, bu 2 (O
liar Upland, per ton 6 00
Onions Per bu 40
Cheese Neb. & la., full cream 10
Pineapples per doz 175
Tomatoes - per bushel W)
Hogs Mixed packing 4
Hogs Heavy weights 4 5)
Bseves Stockers and feeders. 30
Beef Steers 3 BO
Bulls. 1 2.i
ttags 2 50
Calves. 2 00
COWS 1 2o
Heifers 2 00
Westerns 3 00
tbeeD Lambs 3 00
fcheep Choice natives 2 50
Wheat No. 2. spring
Corn Fer bu
Oats i er bu
60 8 60i
36 V' 36 H
201 1 21
Fork 9 50
Lard 5 92
Hogs Packers and mixed 4 20
Cattle Native steers. 3 60
fcheep Lambs 3(W
fcheep Natives 2 50
t 6 00
b 4 !5
J, 5 75
. 5 25
to 3 25
Yheat. No. 2, red winter 62 H
Corn No. 2 41t4
24 v;
Oats No. 2 . Z4 -a
Pork 11 00
Lard 6 30
Wheat No 61
Corn Per bu 34
Oats Per bu Q
Logs Mixed packing 4 00
Cattle Beft supers 3 75
fcheet Mixed natives 2 25
Lambs 3 00
11 50
to 6 50
y. em
& 2QV
to 4 45
to 4 80
8 3 25
4 50
Corn No. 2 3?, v
oats-No. 2 i54 is
cattle Mockers and feeders.. 2 40 u 4 20
llogs Mixed packers 4 25 to 4 50
fcheep Muttons 2 70 & 3 25
J Grant City, Mo., J. J. Hibbs, ex
treasurer of ttorth county, committed
de TTby, !hootinfiT himself in the
head. He loft a note stating that he
took his life to avoid shame.
The treasury department has made
arrangements to supply small bills
witn which to move crops.
A New York-New Jersey-St Louis,
combine is said to be trying tocritT
the Uncompahgre gilsonite lands?
KUonul Spiritualist associa
tion has begun a two irw
meat at Liberal, Uo. v"ip