CAUSED BY Vfl6ClNflTI0N. (From th Journal. Detroit, Mich.) .Every one in the vicinity of Meldrum avenue and Champlaln street, Detroit, knows Mrs. McDonald, and many a neighbor has reason to feel grateful to her for the kind and friendly interest she has manifested in cases of illness. She is a kind-hearted friend, a natural nurse, and an intelligent and refined lady. To & reporter she recently talked at aome length about Dr. "William's Pink Pills, giving some very interesting in stances in her own immediate knowl edge of marvelous cures, and the uni versal beneficence of the remedy to those who had used it. " I have reason to know." said Mrs. McDonald, "something of the worth of this medicine, 'or it has been demon strated in my own immediate family. My daughter Kittle is attending high school, and has never been very strong since she began. I suppose she studies hard, and she has quite a distance to go every day. When the small-pox broke out all of the school children had to be vaccinated. I took her over to Dr. Jame son and he vaccinated her. I never saw such an arm in my life and the doctor said he never did. She was broken out on her shoulders and back and was just as sick as she could be. To add to it all neuralgia set in and the poor child was in misery. She is naturally of a nervous temperament end she suffered most awfully. Even after she recovered the neuralgia did not leave her. Stormy days or days that were damp or pre ceded a storm, she could not go out at all. She was pale and thin and had no appetite. "I have forgotten just who told me about the Pink Pills, but I got some for her and they cured her right up. She has a nice color in her face, eats and sleeps well, goes to school every day, and is well and strong in every partic ular. I have never heard of anything to build up the blood to compare with Pink Pills. I shall always keep them in the house and recommend them to my neighbors." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Peo ple are considered an unfailing specific in such diseases as locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus' dance, sci atica, neuralgia, rheurratism. nervous headache, the after-effects of la grippe, palpitation of the heart, pale and sal low complexions, that tired feeling re sulting from nervous prostration; all diseases resulting from vitiated humors in the blood, such as scrofula, chronic erysipelas, etc. They are also a specific for troubles peculiar to females, such as suppressions, irregularities and all forms of weakness. In men they effect a radical cure in all cases arising from mental worry, overwork, or excesses of whatever nature. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all dealers, or will be sent post paid on receipt of price (50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50 they are never sold in bulk or by the 100) by addressing Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Schenectady, X. Y. A Joke That is Not Half True. It is a common joke that when a man's wife is out of town he writes a mournful letter, and then poes around and has a high old time. There is not much in that joke. It does not begin to do duty with the mother-in-law joke, and that is pushed far beyond its deserts. The fact is that out of a dozen men whose wives are out of the city for the summer there will be at least eleven who are really lonely, and, in fact, put in a very miserable time. They do not feel willing1 to acknowl edge it at first, and few like to have sympathy thrust upon them, but there are mijrhty few who do not in their hearts pay the highest kind of tribute to their wives and wish for their re turn. "W ashington Star. Word Which Rhyme Not. The number of English words whici have no rhyme in the language is very large, Five or six thousand at least are without rhyme and consequently can be employed at the end of the verse only by transposing the accent, coupling" them with an imperfect conso nance or constructing an artificial rhyme out of two words. Among the other words to which there are no rhymes may be mentioned month, sil ver, liquid, spirit, chimney, warmth, gulf, sylph, music, breadth, width, depth, honor, iron, ec-ho. THE NEBRASKA STATE FAIR. Special Hates and Trains via the Bar lincton Route. Round trip t it-l ets to Omaha at the one way rate, plus 50 cents (for admission cou pon to the State Fair;, will Le on pa'.e Sep teml er l'3th to -'Oth. at Burlington Route stations, in Nebraska, in Kensas on the Con; ordia, Ot-erlin and fct. Francis lines and in Ioa and ilisouri within 100 miles of Omaha. Nebraskans are assured that the '95 State Fair will be a vast improvement on its predecessors Larger mere brilliant 1 et ter worth seeing. Every one who can do so should sj end State Fair week, the who e of it, in Omaha. The outdoor ce'etrations will be particu lar attractive, surf ass in? anvtbingof the kind ever le ore undertaken by any west ern city. Every eveninr, Omaha will le aflame with e ectrie lights and glittering pageants wi l ara-le the streets. The pro gram i or the evenin:1: ceremonies is: Monday, Sept. lt'th Grand bicycle Car nival. Tuesday. Sept. 17th Ne': raska's j arade. Wednesday, Sept. 1Mb Mi.itary and t Jvir- -i arade. Ihursdav, Sert. lPth Knirhts of Ak-Sar-ten l'arade, to 1 e followed ty the "i eat of Mondamiu" Fa 1. Round trip ti Lets to Omaha at the re duced rates above mentioned, as well as full information a out the Buriinzton Route's train service at the time of the State Fair, ran I e had on application to iie nearest B. & M. R. R. agent. Homeorrkfru' Excursion. On Aug:. 2lUh. Pert.. ICth and 24th, 1SC, the Union Pacific System v ill sell ticket from 1'ounci Bluffs and Omaha to point touth ind west in Xer raska and Kansas also t Colorado. Wyominr, Utah and Idaho, east ot Weiser and south of Beaver Canon, at exceedingly low rate. For lu I information, as to rates and limits apply to A. C. Di xx, City Ticket Agent, 1202 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. A vein of coal five ieet thick was found 90 feet dee-i near Louisville, His. Among the books announced by Harper fc Brothers for publication in September is A Study of Death, by Henry M. Alden, author of God in His World. The extraordinary success of Mr. Alden's previous book, which wai pronounced '"the most successful work of religious thought of the season," and "the most noteworthy book of a religious kind (in style as well as in substance) published in England or in America for many years," insures a suitable reception for A Study of Death a book wholly uncommon, spiritual, hopeful and important. The largest cut stone in the world is in the Temple of the Bmn ml faalbac. PROBLEM OF FINANCE. EX-SENATOR FAR WELL WOULD SOLVE IT. Campaign for International Bimetallism Should Be Inaugurated and Kept Up Until Public Sentiment U Thoroughly Awakened. (John V. Farwell, in Chicago Record.) "The crime of 187S" became a veri table Horr-nets nest in the recent long debate. The "immaculate conception" of financial wisdom and honesty brought forth a gold standard, says Horr, and the child, says Harvey, has been the incarnation of monetary vil lainy, and each is applauded to the echo. The Congressional Record has be come a financial bible, in that any mon etary sect can turn over its pages and prove anything to suit all the high priests of finance. Even the saintly Tribune's columns have been subsi dized by the "Harveyized steel process" into saying things on both sides of the criminal indictment against congress hardened sinner that she is if Harvey is to be believed. Horr is horrified by Harvey's sug gestion that any criminal intent lurked in silver demonetization through the child-like and bland Messrs. Sherman and Hooper, who acted as wet nurses for the innocent gold-standard coinage law. The idea that it was coined in villainy and issued in deception so tried his nerves that he had to have a vacation for recruiting purposes. It was a most innocent law assur edly for "we only had greenbacks in circulation when it was passed." How could it affect us? True, we owed a $3,000,000,000 war debt, made on a bi metallic standard. Who in congress could be such a fool as not to want to pay it in gold if the creditors wanted it, or such a knave as to ask our gener ous creditors to take their pay in silver, then worth a premium of 3 per cent? Monstrous! This is all very plain. Of course, it is arrant nonsense to affirm that a law reducing the world's money more than one-half would make the other fraction that was left any harder to get when pay day came around. Only fools can hold to such an idea. They are not Tribunized. That's what's the matter with them. The idea that silver demonetization has made any difference in its real value, by destroying the most aggres- siro arr nnn e t n n t lomanrt fnr it or in v i M v. i j the value of gold by doubling the de- mand, is only a child's fancy. Full grown men know better. No wonder that Brother Horr is hor rified when Brother Harvey even hints that any one has not been elevated into the third financial heaven by the last twenty-five years of a beneficent gold standard. True, wehave had a few labor strikes and a few failures in the manufacturing world on account of a decline of 50 per cent in the value of their products in exchanging them for gold but this does not prove that gold has risen in exchangeable value for such property. Of course, it don't only fools claim that. This is due only to the overpro duction of silver since it was demone tized, and to the expansive power of steam on the brain. Any one should see that without a financial telescope. Haven't university professors said so, time and again, if not oftener? Dare any one dispute their dictum? Verily, verily we have fallen on evil times when gold spectacles cannot make even blind people see the folly of wanting more real money. True, our property wealth has increased many hundred times since silver was relegated to the kitchen into the spoon business, which, together with property accumulations of the last twenty-five years, and of the centuries, must now be measured only with gold. But who is fool enough to believe that this alters the exchange able value of gold or the demand for it when hank bills, checks and credits can be printed by steam and any one can imagine that these can supply the place of gold, which must be admitted is a little scarce, when the imagination fails to make good its wonderful illu sions in the light of a panic which makes commerce see stars of the. first magnitude, while bankers call in their loans in the vain hunt for golden eagles, "gone where the woodbine twineth," into the wilderness of sin, while Sinai thunders the law, "Pay that thou owest," not in checks and bank bills, but in gold vanished into burglar-proof vaults and old women's stockings. (See Eccles on Panics not in his newspaper arc-light articles on the beauties of a gold standard, but in his tour of inspection of national banks, in the panic of 1893, looking for the location of said "woodbine" and a chemical that would turn pictures into gold.) Away with bimetallism. It has been bisected and dissected for twenty years Vitr rnr financial universitv sure-eons J until no one in his senses believes it i possible in this wonderful age of rev ' olutions and evolutions. Abraham, i Isaac and Jacob, David and Solomon, i Caesar of the Roman empire, and Jef ' ferson and Hamilton, of the stars and 1 stripes, with their centuries of financial 1 ignorance which had no printing presses run by steam, and no imagina ; tions that could turn filthy rags into money, have passed away forever. The i confidence game is now on top. Only make the people believe that free trade is the philosopher's stone in na tional prosperity and you have it. True, J when its ghost rose out of a Democratic victory, that precious stone was only skunk meat, kept a trifle too long made the people sick, j Only make the people believe that a ' promise to pay gold (with none to pay with) is the ladder Jacob saw that reached up to heaven, when hewas seeking a fortune under a bargp ... '"-V... . - the Almighty that if he would only make him rich he would give him back a tenth of the proceeds, and you have the key to all kinds of prosperity; but twenty years experience has demon- ! strated that while Jacob has been get- i ting rich Laban has been shorn 1 his wealth in exchange for gold. The ser vant has become the master of all val ues, from turnips to church steeples. Mr. Horr informs us that Newton and Copernicus foresaw the fall of silver and the coming revolution in many mat ters. It must have been when Newton saw the apple fall. And so the law of gravitation simply means that silver and all other products of labor must fall when gold was discovered to be the best metal to corner this business of falling. Copernicus, when he discov ered the revolution of the earth on its axis, simply foresaw that the power of gold as the best money metal only a little scarce would work a revolution in all commercial affairs. Why should n't these antediluvians forsee the wis dom that a few centuries would store up in the brain of Sherman and Hooper to construct a law that would do a thing that no one supposed was being done in 1873, but the wise men who dis covered gold as the only metal fit Tor legal money to run corners with on other products of labor the law of gravitation must of necessity attract everything of the nature of value to the center of the universe of trade, which is, of course, gold. The law of revolution on its own axis for mother earth is only another way of saying that everything worth a cent must immediately revolve around the gold axis of commerce to conform to human reason and an honest imagin ation, which with our own supply of confidence can make money of paper rags equal to gold until the bottom drops out of confidence. Truly, Broth er Horr, this is "an age of wonderful ' progress." when the shadow of gold can , be turned into bullion by printing pa j per and a high-toned fancy, i The congress of 1S73 cannot plead i guilty to an indictment of ignorance 1 and retain self-respect, but they can ; claim the wisdom of Newton and Co ; pernicus and the moral honesty cf vcri j table Josephus, tempted, it may be, by I a wicked lobby not Potiphar's wife i but as Copernicus and Newton believed ! in a gold standard to liquidate debts j made on a silver standard they could j not have been wrong in doing what they did, and therefore they were neither ignorant nor vile. Can't any . one see that such reasoning beats i Blackstone on the law of evidence in criminal practice? t We advise Brother Harvey to give up the contention at once. It would be so nice to believe that no one is wanting in brains or honesty, now that Col. Strong and Gen. George B. Swift are mayors of the two great cities which have been ruled with such unimpeach able honesty for so many years, that one may well wonder that "the crime of 1873" was ever invented by fertile imaginations. There could have been no motive for revolutionizing the J monetary system of the world but to I enable the laboring man to get gold to buy beer with certainly not. Then j why should not Harvey and all good j Christians request that the congress of 1S73 be voted a gold medal every one of them? If this had been done in Queen Victoria's country they would all have been knighted before night, that their fame might have been per petuated for the benefit of beermakers and the dear laboring classes. Gold medals, however, are better than empty titles for I remember when Baron Grant took in a bevy of English j lords with a Utah. silver mine, the stock exchange remarked, "The queen may s grant titles, but a title without honor is j a Baron Grant," and presto, change, i Baron Grant's mansion was prized and j sold, but the purchaser could not fill the tainted dwelling place of a baron, and had to tear it down because the said baron was a barren field in which to find honor or anything else of value in the markets of the world. Honest In dian, has not the gold standard proved a mammoth pall of the public to the gold barons who advised it for their own purposes of deceit as to results? Horr says commerce has settled the question and not law. Harvey says law settled it for centuries, so that gold and silver were legal money until 1873. Who is right on this question it is not hard to find. Would it not be well to find out ratios of property to money, that is, to meas ure it past and present and see whether the products of labor in both are properly protected? This is the basis of any ratio that can be consid ered honest and fair to all. Who paid for this famous debate? Will it sell in book form to let both parties out, by the public paying the bills, as in the sale of "Coin's Financial School"? Will either party rise to the occasion and with sound and consecrated com mon sense give us a currency law that the people can indorse, when the de bates are closed, at the polls? A com promise with the people is the only way out and it should be based on the ex perience of the past In the use of greenbacks, as well as silver and gold. The bankers of Europe and the United States should inaugurate it instead of sending Horr to demolish one humbug in the interest of another, and "let us have peace" instead of panics for the next 100 years. A campaign in the in terest of international bimetallism should be inaugurated and kept up un til public sentiment shall demand the only world-wide solution of a problem which for twenty-five years has vexed the ocean of commerce, with more storms than all other centuries of con flicts, in the destruction of values, in stead of wars, without any compensa tion whatever in the demonetization of silver. fJenRV dollars. HAS A SHEEP'S LEO. Bb Is Transplanted from Sheep to Boy in a Philadelphia Hospital. A few days ago in the operating room of the Hahnemann hospital in Phila delphia, a big healthy sheep was sac rificed that young Boyd Folwell might have a well leg. The operation which ensued, that of taking a bone from a live animal and implanting it in a hu man subject, is so uncommon as to make It worthy of more than passing notice. Folwell is a bright boy of 15 years, who received an injury to his leg about four months ago, which resulted In necrosis, or rotting of the shin bone of his right leg. He was admitted to the Hahnemann hospital, but nothing could be done to stay the progress of the mortification. A few days ago It was decided that amputation of the limb would become .necessary to save the boy's life, and, after the parents had been so notified and were pre pared for the worst, Dr. Carl V. Visher, one of the surgeons of the hospital staff, decided that bone-grafting might save the limb. Accordingly a big, fine looking sheep was procured at the stock yards and taken to Dr. Visher's laboratory. The animal was shorn and shaved, and kept in first-class condi tion for a few days, when it was taken to the hospital. The boy was placed under the influence of ether, and the part of the bone of the right leg for seven inches above the ankle joint was cut away. The sheep in the meantime had been chloroformed, and the sur geons cut away a portion of its fore leg to the exact measurement of the part the place ofwhich it was to take. As soon as the bone was taken from the sheep it was fitted in the gap and the joints of the boy's bones were cov ered with periosteum from the sheep's bone, in order to afford the proper nourishment to the bone. The boy is said to be feeling well, but some time must elapse before it is definitely known whether or not the grafting is a success. Only a few operations have been successfully carried out. If the operation comes up to the expectation of the surgeons, Folwell will walk and run as well as he ever did in his life. SHE WAS NERVY. And Didn't Shudder at the Thought of Besting the Innocent Conductor. She was a business-like woman. There was nothing frivolous in her face, if I am any reader of counte nances. She looked as if she could drive a bargain with the skill of an ex pert. She boarded a Main street car, walked calmly to the front corner, sat down and began to read a newspaper. After several other persons had got on, the conductor came forward to collect the fares. The woman did not look up from her paper. The conductor rang up a number of fares, and then be gan to look puzzled. Evidently his re ceipts did not correspond with the men tal note he had made of the number he should collect. "Did I get your fare'" he asked of a man sitting on the opposite side of the car. The reply was affirmative. "And jours?" turning to his neigh bor. Still an affirmative reply. The woman continued absorbed in her pa per. The conductor looked hard at her several times, but evidently her sex saved her from an accusation of trying to beat the company. The conductor shook his head sadly, and returned to the rear platform. Then the woman stopped reading, and, with just the ghost of a smile on her face, began looking out of the window. I have seen men work'the trick often, but this was the first time I ever saw a woman who had the nerve to do it. Ex. War mrtltioiis in Cuba. A prominent Cuban who left the is land recently and is visiting New Or leans, says there is little doubt in his mind of the success of the revolution. The Spanish army is composed of very young men, who are not used to much exertion or a tropical climate. They are constantly harassed at night by small parties of Insurgents, who pre vent them from sleeping, and the sen try duty required is very heavy. The revolutionists live on the corn and oth er crops that grow wild in Cuba, and there are cattle enough in the deeper recesses of the forests to last an army two years. The hospitals in the larger cities are full of sick and wounded Spanish soldiers. Campos is virtually conducting a defensive campaign, and his hold upon some of the important towns is by no means secure. Cecil Rhode' "White Rhinoceros. Premier Cecil Rhodes recently came Into possession of a white rhinoceros, and has intimated his intention of pre senting it to the South African mu seum. It is a very fine specimen of a class of beasts now nearly extinct. It measured six feet four inches across the shoulders, and its long and short horns are two feet eleven and one-half inches and eleven and three-quarter inches respectively. Mr. Rhodes has sent the carcass home to be properly stuffed at his own expense, and the value of the gift ia very considerable. Baron Rothschild recently paid $2,000 for a white rhinoceros, and the museum would have been prepared to offer a similar price had not Mr. Rhodes come to the rescue. Mr. Rhodes' rhinoceros was killed in Mashonaland. Wheels In Their Heads. Stranger in the place (to native) What fine, large building is that yon der? A svLmmer retreat? Native Oh, yes; there are more than two hundred men and women stopping there now with their wheels. Stranger Indeed! A special resort for bicyclists, eh? Native No, a lunatic asylum! After an Esquimaux is burled no member of the family visits the gr&vs. XI is conslflervd unlucky to do Mb Highest of all in Learening Power. Confined ound. The intensity of confined sound is finely illustrated at Causbrook castle, isle of Wight, where there is a well 200 feet deep and 12 feet in diameter. The well has 18 feet of water in it, and the entire interior from top to water is lined with smooth masonry. Thislining so completely confines the sound that a pin dropped from the top can be heard very plainly to strike the water, at a distance of 182 feet below. Another instance is cited from India, where workmen at waterworks often talk with those at the reservoir, 18 miles away, their telephone being an IS inch water main that is no longer used for conveying water. St. Louis Republic, M. L.. THOMPSON & CO., Druppists. Cou dersport. Pa. sav Halls Catarrh Cure is the test and only sure cure for catarrh they ever sold Druggists sell it, 75c. The Woman Medical Writer. A London, writer, with due respect for women journalists, thinks that the only department of a paper that should be closed to a woman writer is the medical unless, of course, she is a medical "man." He goes on to say that the medical columns of any London weekly, it is easy to perceive, are con ducted by accomplished experts, but a case has recently come under his notice where a young woman who had failed as an art critic was set to answer the medical inquiries of correspondents on a country paper. "I forget to a deci mal what was the exact mortality of the district," he continues, "but the proprietor said if she remained much longer on the paper he should have had no subscribers left. One of her replies was something like this: 'To Daisy Thanks so much for your kind letter. Yes. The mistake was mine. It should have been a quarter grain of strychnine instead of a quarter of a pound for your father's complaint. How unlucky! Better luck next time, but I was so very busy. Yes. There is no better shop for mourning than Jay's.' " After six years' suffering, I was cured by Pisos Cure. Maky Thomson, 21 Ohio Ave., Allegheny, Pa., March l'J, "V. A nauchter' Cruel Joke. A story is beiDg told of a young lady who found a package of love letters that had been written to her mother by her father before they were mar ried. The daughter saw that she could have a little sport, and read them to her mother, substituting her own name for that of her mother, and a fine ; young man for that of her father. The j mother jumped up and down in her chair, shifting her feet, and seemed terribly disgusted, and forbade her daughter to have anything to do with the young men who would write such sickening and nonsensical stuff to a girL When the young lady handed the letter to her mother to read the house became 60 still that one could hear the grass growing in the back yard. "Hanson's ISagle Corn Salve." Warranted to care or money refunded. Aak yoJX drugg-Ut lor It. frice 15 cect. The Century for September will con tain three complete sketches of fiction by popular American writers, repre senting three different sections of the country. Mrs. Mary Hallock Foote will contribute a powerful story of mining life in the far west, entitled "The Cup of Trembling." Miss Sarah Orne Jewett will contribute a humor ous story of the New England coast, entitled "All My Sad Captains," and illustrated by Tape. The third is a roarinsr sketch, bv Harry Stillwell Ed wards, of neirro life in the south. It is entitled "The Gum Swamp Debate," and is full of humor, and is a faithful reflection of the characteristics of the negro race. Tickets at Reduced Rates Will be sold via the Nickel Plate road on occasion of the meeting of the Ger man Catholic Societies of the United States at Albany, N. Y., Sept. 15th to ISth. For further information address J. Y. Calahan, GenT Agent, 111 Adams St., Chicago. Small and Bteady pains I ring the kind of rk hes that do not take wings and fly away. Eiiliard tab'e, second-hand, for sale cheap. Applv to or address, H. C. Akin", 'ill S. I'-th St., Omaha, Se'a. Life has no basing like a j.rudent friend. The Onward March of Consumption is stopped short by Dr. TieTce's Golden Med ical Discovery. If vou haven't waited bej-ond reason, there's com pit te re covery and cure. Although by many believed to be incur able, there is the evidence of hundreds of living: witnesses to the fact that, in all itr. earlier stages, con sumption is a curable ' disease. Not every 'case, but a large per centage oj cases, ana we believe, fully 98 per cent, are cured by Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, even after the disease has progressed so far as to induce repeated bleedings from the lungs, severe lingering cough with copious expectoration (including tubercu lar matter), great loss of flesh and extreme emaciation and weakness. I I I I I I I I I I j j I I I 1 wa m0 a w. a w a Hog Fence, Latest U. S. Gov't Report A Solution Found. The Boston Traveller says that a few weeks a.go a Maine young man bought a pair of socks cotaining a note saying the writer was an employee of the Kenosha (Wis.) knitting works and wanted a good husband. She gave her name and requested the buyer, if an unmarried man, to write with a view to matrimony. The young man who found the note considered the matter in all its phases and decided to write to the girl. He did. Awaiting the an swer with considerable anxiety he was at last rewarded with a curt letter stating that the girl was now the moth er of two children and had been mar ried four years, and the letter he had answered had been written ever so long ago. It was a "sock dollager," and the young man hunted for a solu tion. He found it. The merchant of whom he bought the socks doesn't ad vertise. The Modern Beauty Thrives on good food and sunshine, with plenty of exercise in the open air. Her Torm glows with health and her face blooms with its beauty. If her system needs the cleansing action of a laxative remedy, she uses the gentle and pleas ant liquid laxative. Syrup of Figs. Mouths. Some mouths look like peaches and cream and some like a hole chopped into a brick wall to admit a new door or window. The mouth is a hotbed of toothaches, the bunghole of oratory and a baby's crowning glory. It is patriotism's fountain head and the tool chest for pie Without it the politician would be a wanderer on the face of the earth, and the cornetist would go down to an unhonorhd grave. It js the gro ppr's friend, the orator's nride and the dentist's hope. Mammoth Spring M lon- ltor. F IT 8 All Fit s stopped f ree hx I r. K 1 1 n es G re ft ?erTe Hestorer. Nc r itsaftf r t lie tiri oav'R ut-e. llarvr luuscurt-.. Treatise ami S2tnal boMlfrt tj i it cfebts. betul to lir. Kiiueol at cL tot., i lai., 1 a Humilitv is a virtue ail i reach, none jrao tice, and yet everybody Ls content to hear praised. Experience lead rauny molhri- to say "Use Parser's bin erT ic." hmo it s-ntci-liy good for co.ds. i u:n and almost every wekne. The largest mammoth tusk yet discovered was sixteen feet in length. Thoae dlKtreaaing Corns! Ba.1 as they are. Hind, rcorns i.l rr muTe them ana then you cku wnli and run and jump as you like. The Nickel Plate road has authorized its agents to sell tickets at greatly re duced rates to Albany, N. Y., on occa sion of the meeting of the German Catholic Societies of the United States in that city, Sept. lfith to lsth. For particulars address J. Y. Calahan, GenT Agent, 111 Adams St., Chicago. Love toois the mind. not with the eyes, but with. The Greatest Hedical Discovery of the Age. KENNEDY'S MEDICAL DISCOVERY. DONALD KENNEDY, CF ROXBURY, MASS., Has discovered in one of our common pasture weeds a remedy that cures every kind of Humor, from the worst Scrofula down to a common Pimple. He has tried it in over eleven hundred cases, and never failed except in two cases (both thunder humor). He has now in his possession over two hundred tertificates of its value, all within twenty miles of Boston. Send postal card for book. A beneiit is always experienced from the first bottle, and a perfect cure is war ranted when the right quantity is taken. When the lungs are atfected it causes shooting pains, like needles passing through them; the same with the Liver or Bowels. This is caused by the ducts being stopped, and always disappears in a week after taking it. Read the label. If the stomach is foul or bilious it will cause squeamish feelings at first. No change of diet ever necessary. Eat the best you can gft, and enough of it Dose, one tablespoonful in water at bed time. Sold by all Druggists. Wheel fop your 1 B 0 iWk Any e!z yen wsnt, 0 to .S6 Inches h 1 ft To. Tii"f- 1 to M la ches wide fcul-s to f.tny xle. Karri Con many times in a Ma son to hare ret of low w!iei-)s to ft your .son fprhanllnc? grain, fudkicr, man ure, hoc. Ac. No. rwttinir of tlrea CatTz 1rt. Arfdra Empire Mf jr. Co.. r. O. Box S3, (juincy 111. f ci;: 1 18. SYCE'S SURE CORE CO.. II CJLXTON BLOC. CXICAC0. fcold by all druggists. Babbit Fence. se. etc. Quality LUblogue KKtK. Steel Web Picket Uwn Fence, etc. Quality first cIasb. PK CES LOW. vtlogue J-Khiv De Katb Tencs Co., 121 High St.. De Kalb, & 1 fei-HA ---- i I W V' -'A IS II W I X i l V vf. II Si XV 1 X s i - AND to Pr. t lTa I LOCALLY l-l lW WITH V Wr by sjJij Insufflator. sZL-