Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, September 05, 1895, Image 1

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9 ft
U JJbl
VOL. 14, NO. 37.
T 4
Vv M ivli 1
Last Monday's Bicycle Meet at the
New Eace Track.
The Young Man From Union Uiuon
trates That Me Is a Kider of No
Small Promise Lee AUiauu's
Team Is Heat en.
Those Bicycle Itaces.
A crowd of probably two hundred
people paid admission to witness the
bicycle races at the fair grounds Mon
day, while about the same number
occupied the "grand stand" on the
east side of the track, not having to
pay for that accommodation.
The Omaha wheelmen failed to show
up, no doubt, on account of the threat
ening weather, and up to two o'clock
it did look as though "Old Sol" had
gone back on the boys.
The local riders, however, did every
thing in their power to make the races
a success and succeeded fairly well in
pleasing the crowd, the "dead-heads"
on the eat side being especially
tickled. No records were smashed by
the riders and, in fact, "that would
have been well-high impossible, as a
stiff gale was blowing from the south
and the track was in a very slow con
dition at the northeast corner.
It was nearly three o'clock when
"Judge" John RobbinB tapped the
bell and announced the first race on
the program a one-third mile, open.
The riders all started out at a merry
clip, and it was a very pretty race, al
though the time was not as fast a3 the
crowd expected. Coming in on the
last quarter it looked like Holloway's
race, but Torn Patterson made a re
markable spurt just before crossing
the tape, and came in a winner by
about three fret, with Holloway,
Murray and Sam Patterson foljowing
lu the order named. The time was
0:51 1-5.
The mile, open, was the next race
on the program and was participated
in by T. Patterson, S. Patterson, Car
raher, Murray and Crawford. The
riders all jogged along at a funeral
pace until on the last third, when they
started to do a little real racing. Com
iou h round the northeast corner of the
track the riders were all bunched
when they struck the rough place at
that point. Carraher was going at a
terrific pace when he suddenly made
a balloon a3ceusion,parachute leap and
all. Carraher is a very lucky rider, and
was not hurt. If he w?ere thrown in
the river he would come out with his
pockets full of fish. His wheel was
bent a little and he rode Holloway's
the rest of the dav. The race was
won by Tom Patterson, and Sam Pat
terson, Murray and Crawford followed
Time, 2:55 3-5.
It was rather difficult to get a
auorum of riders for the five mile
handicap. The race was finally ar
ranged, however, and Carraher, Tom
and Sam Patterson started at the
scratch and Crawford and Murray
were each given a handicap, while a
fourteen-yeai-old lad named Robert
Mauzy was allowed a third of a mile
start. Carraher and Tom Patterson
really shouldn't have entered this race,
as they were booked for the five-mile
county championship, immediately
following this race. Tbe Patter
son boys both dropped out at the
end of a couple of miles, and
Carraher easily overtook the others.
Crawford dropped out next and the
race was uninteresting to tbe finish,
Mauzv is no slouch of a rider and
stayed in the race to the finish.
The county championship race be
tween Tom Patterson and Will Carra
her of Union was the feature of the
program. Carraher not only demon
strated that he was a speedy rider.
but a shrewd one also. He set the pace
from the start, and instead of jogging
leisurely along for the greater part of
the distance, he commenced at a kill
ing gait and it made Patterson fly to
keep up. Both riders kept the track hot
for seven laps and then Tom dropped
out, leaving the field to the Cass
coanty "phenom." Carraher rode
three miles and quit, it not being
"necessary to wear himself out. His
time for the three miles was8:20.
By mutual consent the distance in
the horse-bicycle race was cut down
from five to three miles." Lee Alli
son's running team and Harvey Hollo-
way were the contestants. The bicy
clist was allowed to ride on the third
uiile track, while the team took .the
half mile course. Holloway kept
iles and then gave way
o finished several hun-
to Carraher, who
dred feet in advance of the team. It
wa3 understood that the bicyclists had
tbe privnege of riding in relays, and
: the race was given to them.
Thus ended the labor day meet.
The Kepnblican Primaries.
The republican primaries in this city
last Saturday were the warmest in the
i history of local republicanism. The
; principal light was between Eiken
i bary and Holloway for sheriff, and
i Holloway seems to have captured the
! majority of the delegations. The Hol
loway ticket was elected in tne pre
cinct and all the wards except the first
and possibly a part of the second.
Some smooth political work was exe
cuted in the third, where the old poli
ticians were very neatly tripped up by
the younger element, after they
thought their ticket was elected. The
Holloway ticket was a winner in the
fourth, after a hard struggle, while
no opposition whatever appeared in
the fifth. The precinct ticket is about
evenly divided for Holloway and Wil
In the general roundup of the city
and precinct it appears that the Hollo
way forces are in a large majority
probably three-fourths but this may
change somewhat before the conven
As to the treasurersbip, Mr. Pollock
has apparently been turned down, but
whether most ot tne delegations win I
go to Davis or Capt. Wiles remains to
b seen.
s the managers had arranged to
down "Brick" Swearingen, and were
beaten to some extent, there is still
a good show for the guileless Brick.
George Houseworth apparently has
no opposition. He may be nominated
by acclamation for clerk of the district
As to the county judgeship the opin
ion prevails that most of the town del
egates are far Beeson, although both
Spurlock and Barr claim a good share
of the delegates.
Everything betokens a lively fight
at the county convention.
For Fast Driving.
Tuesday's Dally.
Justice Archer's court has been kept
hot" all day. While returning from
the races yesterday afternoon, a num
ber of men and boys thought they
would have a little race of their own.
but they had to pay for their fun. A
man named Vanderpool, living on the
Iowa side of the river, undertook to
pass every team on the road, and came
into town at apace that threatened the
lives of everyone he passed. Officers
Murray and Denson started after the
young man to arrest him, when he
jumped from the wagon and started
for the river. A man tripped him up,
he fell and was captured, and taken
before Judge Archer. He plead
not guilty, but a number of witnesses
were summoned and the judge found
him guilty. He was taxed some
eleven dollars for his fast driving.
Fred Hawksworth, Will Carmack, Sam
Archer and Wm. Webb were also ar
rested on the same charge, and the two
former plead guilty and received a
light fine, while Archer and Webb will
stand trial.
In Folic Court.
The case of the city vs. Sam Archer
for fast driving was continued until
September 16.
Wm. Web withdrew his plea of not
guilty, on the same charge, and was
fined $1 andcosts, ammounting to $6.35
which ;he paid.
Fred Hawksworth filed an affidavit
in police court, in which he asked
leave to withdraw the plea of guilty on
the charge of fast driving, on which he
was fined $1 and costs, amounting to
$3. He further alleges in his petition
that he is only fifteen years old; that
no time when he was driving did tbe
horses go faster than a walk; that it
was the first time he was ever arrested;
that through the representators of the
chief of police that it would be "better
for him," he was induced to plead
guilty to the charge, whereas he was
nnt aailtv. Jtidce Sullivan is his at-
tnmpv. .Tudi?e Archer savs he cannot
c? J a - - I
j n- -
. r 1 ' 1 , C
acton tne amaavit, as ue jiuuwa ui no
law that will allow mm to reopen a
case after the defendant has pleaded
guilty and has been fined.
Illness of Mrs. Krekenfeld.
Mrs.Claus Brekenfeld was taken
seriously ill last Sunday, and for a time
her life was despaired of, but she is
reported greatly improved today. Mr.
Brekenfeld, who departed last Satur
day for Greeley Center on a hunting
expedition, was telegraphed for. and
arrived home Monday. Mrs. Brek
eafeld'a many friends hope for her
speedy recovery.
ahead tor two ui
L.Lj-riJil 1 1 L 1 1
McClennan Gives a Reception
For Her Niece.
Allison's Horse Will Kuu at the State
FairWin. Neville Secures a Con
tract For two Miles of Rail
roading. a pleasant iceceptioM.
A very charming reception was held
last Tuesday evening at the home of
Mis. W. N. McLennan in South Park
in honor of Miss McLennan of Ilorton,
Kas., who has been visiting here and
will make her home in this city this
winter. The evening was very pleas-
antly passed in dancing, cards and in
viewing the eclipse of the moon. As
near as could be learned, those present
were: Misses Edith Patterson, Rose
Hyers, Grace Stoutenborough, Mamie
Sullivan, Jessie Oldham, 1 lorence
White, Mabel Unruh, Anna Sullivan,
Miss Du Bois of Ashland and Miss
Atkins of New Albany, Ind., and
Messrs. Chas. Sullivan, Arch Coleman,
Henry Gering, O. K. Johnson, John
Coleman, Henry Snyder, Richard
Waugh, Win. livers, James Newell.
Gerald Drew, Frank Wiles and France
Horses vs. Dieycle.
The Hon. Win. Neville was in
aha Tuesday and while there about
completed arrangements, whereby Lee
. . . a, a a a 1 I
Allison and his runniug team will be
pitted against Reading, the soldier-
bicvclist. for a five or ten mile race.
It. W. Furnas was seen Tuesday and
gave every encouragement that satis
factory arrangements could be made.
There will be a meeting of the entire
board today and Mr. Neville and
Mr. Allison will attend and in all
probability complete the arrangements,
In addition to the purse, which the
management will hang up, there will
probably be a bet of considerable size
as Allison and his triends have every
confidence in the horses, while the
Omaha sports think Heading an easy
Another Runaway.
From Wednesday's Daily.
Miss Ceena Gisfi, the young lady
who carries the Itock Bluffs mail, had
another exciting runaway today. As
nreviouslv meutioned in these col-
umns, her horse, a half-broken bron
cho, ran away and threw herout of the
roadcart some six weeks ago. Today,
while driving in with the north-bound
mail, and while just outside the city
limits, her horse became frightened
and started to run. Miss Gish imme
diately jumped out and the horse, after
running down the road a short dis
tance, was stopped. The only damage
done was a pair of broken lines. Miss
Gish is at last convinced that the horse
is not safe to drive and returned
home with a farmer who happened to
be in town.
Marriage of Hen Ilenipel, Ir.
Ben Hempel and daughter, Mrs. John
Kline of West Superior, Wis., left
yesterday for Havelock, to be present
at the wedding of Ben Hempel, Jr.,
which occurred yesterday, to Miss
Hewitt, a teacher in Havelock's public
schools. Mr. Hempel is well known
here, having lived here from childhood.
till a few years aco. The bride is a
very estimable young lady, the daugh
ter ot one ot the old "t" engineers.
Tiie Jouiinal extends congratula
tions and best wishes.
Will Lay Two Mile of Track.
Wm. Neville has secured the con
tract for the construction of two miles
of railroad, which will be built imme
diately on the Iowa side of the Mis
souri river, opposite this city, from the
bridge north to where the river is cut
ting so fast. There will be consider-
able riprapping done at that point by
tne company to protect tne bridge, a3
it runs a fair chance of being left on
dry land if the river cuts in much
I farther,
a Total Eclipse.
There was a total eclipse of the
moon Tuesday night, caused by the
shadow of the earth on the moon.
The eclipse was first visible at
about ten o'clock and became total at
about twelve. Parties who were
watching it say the eclipse remained
total about forty-five minutes.
It is understood that Tom Patterson
and his friends are not willing to ad
mit that Carraher is the faster rider
of the two, and a race between them
i3 being arranged for next week for
a purse of considerable amount.
Cass County Will Exhibit.
Dave Miller, as agent for the Cass
County Agricultural society, is pre
paring to make an exhibit of fruit for
this county at tne state fair. He yes
terday made a trip down into the
county to interview some of the
orchardists and see for himself what
the condition of the fruit crop was. A
representative of The Journal ac
companied him. The orchards of
Frank Moore, G. W. Shrader, L. B.
Brown, Lee Allison and that known
as the Drost orchard, among others,
were visited, and many samples of
fruit were promised for the exhibit.
uthers will be "Seen later. The great-
est disparity exists in the quality of
the fruit, as well as the quantity on
the trees, owing largely to the atten-
tiou and treatment given the trees by
the owners. Some splendid samples
of fruit were obtained. Mr. Moore
h:is about thirty-five varieties of ap-
pies, a few plums and peaches. Some
are very large and well proportioned.
Neither of the others have so many
varieties, but what they have are xine-
looking. Mr. Shrader treated the vis-
itors to all the peaches they wanted
from his trees and, although small, the
fruit was very toothsome and luscious.
But, say, if you want an idea of the
way the corn grew in Egypt during
the fruitful years revealed in Pha
raoh's vision, you should take a bugcy
ride through Cass county ! It will du
you good. The sight is simply won
derful. Kugiueer Austin's Experience.
One of the unusual things about t lit
Brady Island train robbers is that En-
gineer Austin, who was compelled. r.i
. a 1 A. A
the muzzle of a gun, to stop the train,
was also the engineer who had l Le
pleasure of hauling the robbers to the
penitentiary. Engineer Austin took
occasion to go back to the coach and
have a talk with the two boys, whom
he readily recognized as las pursua.-.i.e
friends, and who, also, :ior ?low
in recognizing Enginet i Austin. The
elder of the brothersgreetsd Mr. Austin
v:.' a hear.; : "How lo yc do, Engi-
neer and shook haruis wiin Litii m a
friendly manner. Engineer Austin
thinks he has had quite a remarkable
experience with these fellows. Kear
ney democrat.
Chapman Kuorknl Out.
The republican primaries for Cass
county were held Saturday and the re
sult in Plattsmouth is said to be that
Judge Chapman was not only knocked
out of time, but wa3 placed upon the
ground and stepped upon by his ene
mies until they got tired. The 2srews
cannot vouch for tbe stories told, but
from what we can learn the Chapman
faction only carried one ward in
Plattsmouth,and fared but little better
in the country. It is also rumored
that the dissatisfied crowd has selected
another candidate, who will go into
the convention with eight or ten votes
to back him. This will mean Chap
man's death knell if Otoe will support
a home man. Nebraska City News.
lleneUts of the New Card.
Messrs. Delle3 Denier and Bert
Mayfield, of Elmwood, and a half
dozen other passengers came to town
Sundav the first-fruits of the new
train on the Missouri Pacific. Delles
related how he had known as many as
thirteen people in one day getting
teams and driving over from Elmwood
to South Bend in order to get into
Plattsmouth the same day over the B.
& M. That is some evidence of tbe
need of the new train service. Besides
he says he never came to town but he
had numerous errands for people who
couldn't afford to lose two days.
A Nebraska Man Ilreuks a Kecord.
Ed. Donovan of North Platte, Neb.,
Tuesday broke the world's profes
sional and amateur record for the 100-
yard dash In the national champion
r V a Ta..
snip root-race, at urocston, aiass.
Donovan lowered the record to 0 3-5
seconds. The world's record was tied
twice in the trial heats. The former
record was 9 4-5 seconds, both profes
sional and amateur. The 100-yard
dash for professionals was hotly con
tested by Donovan and Tom Mcrris of
Santa Anna, Cal. Morris was tbe
favorite, he having tied the
record in practice.
Wants HaKNemeler to 1! Here.
August Steinkemp, the German far
mer who had his back filled with shot
several weeks ago by Henry Gable out
near Louisville, was in town today,
consulting with the county attorney.
He wants him to be sure and have Dr.
Ilassemeir here at the time of Gable's
hearing Sept. 17. Steinkemp re
turned to Louisville this afternoon .
Watch for the date of Joe & Frank's
grand fall opening.
The large irrigation ditch near Iler-
shey is used for a baptismal fount.
The city schools of Norfolk opened
Monday, with an enrollment of 000.
Fifty acres of land in Lincoln
county, under the ditch, yielded 4,000
bushels of oats.
Editor Sprecher of the Schuyler
' Quill owns more buildings than any
man in the town, and is putting up
Give us an ad., even if it is a small
one, says the Milford Mirror, so that
people may know yen are still in busi
ness. A little daughter of James Baxter
of Gering, fell from the "dome" of a
washing machine an 1 b:-L e her arrn.
I. L. Yoey of Harrisonburg, who fell
from his horse the other day, breaking
his collar bone, has had the same bone
broken twice befoie. He now cries
Preparations are ling made in
Ames for feeding a large number of
cattle the C'juiirg winter, and the fiist
shipment is expected about the 10th of
A living example of total depravity
at Gering sto:e a caddy of tobacco ard
secreted it under the school house
.step?. His name is unknown- by
?leuLs who ar e on his track.
The Mthodi;!, campmeeting just
:!ns d at Norfe!'.-: was fruitful of great
"kkI. Ov' i' l'.'O sinners were led awav
'mm tbe dett-rt -f unbelief and given
i good star: e n the- iiirht road.
The b-d of the Platte river at Goth-
T.bur Ial -.vr k was almost dry, tbe
onlv water llo'vinir beinc a sraallstream
vhieh i? r:vc it i:, V:?- iv.ith channel.
The '.rrigutkn: iliti Me I. we been ab
s.oi hii rKi-.i t L v water in the liver
ibis yer.
Barbara Bur. ;-; !:;'S her
rii-.innual suit tor divorce in tht-
D.'.jr- county co'jxis. livery spring
ar.d'. tl:e ok; Lar.n gets drunk and
Le.vl? tier with a tence board, and
i t vj-he.ffa 3 rut.. f r a divorct? and
alimony, he sobers up acd is forgiven
Andrew Bosewatcr, city ergineer o
Omaha was m tLe city yesterday.
lie was sent for by the water company
who are considering tbe feasibility cl
running an intake pipe north as far a?
Swallow hill, to be sine of plenty ol
water. The present channel lron
which they draw their supply is il i vine
up rapidly and before snowfall wib
probably be dry. If r ot it will freeze
to the bottom this winter.
The city's contract with t lie vater
company cans icr .Missouri rivei
water. Just how they will get this
kind of water at Swallow hill has not
been explained.
Program For Next Sabbath.
The following excellent program
will be rendered at the M. E. church
next Sunday:
Sunday school at 9:30 a. m.
Public service at 11 a. m. A de
lightful service for young and old.
Illustrated by hymns. Leading the
mind through doubting, conversion,
backsliding, reclaiming and final sal
vation. At 3 p. m. a shoit service at the
church preparatory to the sacrament
of baptism.
An interesting Epworth League
meeting at 6: 15 p. in.
Song service. Sut j-ct "God's Care
for Us," at S p. m.
Come, let us praise our lltdeemer
and worship before him.
A. B. Leach, an old friend of Post
master Fox, passed through the city
yesterday morniogon No.5,enroute in
Sheridan, Wyo. His home is at llush
ville, 111., where Kelly's early youth
was spent. Kelly had not seen him
for fifteen ears, and when he received
a telegram yesterday morning from
Leach at Paciilc Junction, saying that
be was on No. 5, and would be glad to
see him, 3l!y hastened to the depot.
He arrived jtict in time to jump on the, shake bauds and jump off again.
Did you sei Joe & Frank's new line
of shirts?
Tbe Turiiveiein society will give a
grand ball and turning exhibition at
Waterman ball or. the evening of
Sept. 11. Ariarjements are being
made for a grand time, and tbe enter
tainment will te well worth theprice
cf admission, 50 cents, including dance
tickets. '2'Mf
Tobias castor, king ot the pie-biter.
was in town Monday aud Tuesday, diS'
trihutine passes to the cuckjo meeting
atLiocoln. It is not known whethe
lie &e-?t oca to Col. D.S. Draper or not.
Various Items of Interest to
ers of "The Journal."
The Hoard or Education Saves About 82.-
OOO on School Hooks Bound Over
to the District Court on a
Serious Charge.
A ilg Saving.
J. F. Winters, representing the
American Book company of Chicago,
has been in the city for the past sev
eral days, and the Plattsmouth school
board has closed a deal with Mr. Win
ters, whereby this district will be saved
an expenditure of some 82,000 for books
this year. All the old books are to be
traded for such new ones as are neces
sary, and thi3 big saving comes ju3t in
the right time.
Held to the District Court.
John Hanson, a young man who is
chaiged with placing a truck on the
M.P. tracks at Eagle last Saturday,
was brought to this city last evening
by an officer and had a preliminary ex
amination before Justice Archer this
afternoon. After listening to the tes
timony in the case Hanson was bound
over to district court under $500 bonds.
Hanson's parents are farmers living
in the vicinity of Eagle, and it is not
yet known whether or not he will be
able to furnish the required bond.
Schools Open Next Wek.
Next Monday morning the Platts
mouth city schools will again take up
thtir labors. The board of education
held a meeting Mondayevening and ap
pointed a special committee, consist
ing of llev. II. B. Burgess, J. L. Root
and Prof. McClelland, to examine the
new teacbers. Several substitutes
were also examined, so they will be in
veadinefs to fill any vacancies that
niny occur during the coming school
term. The schools will open with a
thcroughly competent corps of teach
ers, and everything points to a profit
able term.
Another Business Change.
Dr. W. B. Elster, a graduate dentist
from Ann Arbor, Michigan, has pur
ihastd the elegant dental parlors of
Dr. Giltner. Dr. Elster is a young
jaan who comes here highly recom-
uended, having practiced for several
years in Michigan. Dr. Giltner will
lepart in a few days for Chicago, from
which city he will probably go to Ger
many to practice, if satisfactory ar
rangements can be made. During his
short stay here he has made many
friends, who will wish him success in
bis new field.
The "Straight" Convention.
Tha administration wing of the
democratic party, which claims to b3
the "straight" democracy is holding a
state convention in Lincoln today.
Among those who went up from this
city and vicinity were Messrs. W. K.
Fox, Alf. White, P. E. Ruffner, 11. W.
Black, Thos. McCullough, Geo. D.
Amick, A. L. Rhoden, T. J. Faught,
J. F. Brendell, Jacob Vallery, sr., and
Nicholas Halmes.
Laid at Kest.
The remains of Mrs. Minnie A.
Schops, who died in Omaha Sept. 3d,
arrived in the city at 8:25 last evening
and were taken to the home of E.
Perry, a brother of the deceased. The
funeral occurred from the Christian
church at 10:30 this morning, Rev.
Youtzy conducting the services. The
interrment took place at Oakllill cem
Mrs. Lessie Hunt was married very
quietly to a Mr. Reed of Council Bluffs
la., Saturday. The bride is known to
everybody, having resided here since
childhood. The groom is an old resi
dent of Council Bluffs, and is quite
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Alshuler and
baby arrived in town Friday morning
from Chicago and will reside here
permanently. Mr. Alshuler went east
about a week ago to purchase the fall
stock of goods for Joe & Frank's
clotting emporium, and that enter
prising firm promises to show the peo
ple of Cass county some marvels in
clothing and furnishinggoods in afew
Mr.a. Hasse, the deputy
judge, who is filling that office in Judge
llamsey absence, said with a laugh
today that she was getting on so nicely
she didn't care much when the judge
j cams back.
. . . - -