Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, August 15, 1895, Image 6

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Jealousy is the thistle In the garden
of love.
Harry Hayward will remain In Min
nesota till November at least.
The campaign for honest state and
city government thrives on the corses
of its enemies.
Queen Victoria is worth $175,000,000,
and she is a widow. Respectfully ie
ferred to Mr. Depew.
The Sultan of Turkey, with the aid ot
his numerous wives, contrives to spend
annually $30,000,000.
The man who blows in the gun to see
if it is loaded has been succeeded by the
man who rocks the boat.
The Japanese are working them
selves up to the modest belief that one
Jap can lick five Russians.
Banker Lewis of Ohio began life poor,
but kept forging ahead until he was
$400,000 ahead of the game.
Judging from some of the game he
bags, we should say that Cupid must
do most of his hunting blindfolded.
A female footpad has turned up In
Kansas City. This may be the New
Woman we have been looking for bo
Russell Sage admits that his memory
is failing. That may partially account
for his failure to remember to be decent
to Laidlaw.
Should Bismarck die, young William
would come out and say to the Ger
mans: "Weep not for Bismarck; you
see I'm here."
The most horrible Cuban war stories
continue to come from Florida. Before
long they will be putting them up In
Connecticut wrappers.
The Philadelphia Times wants to bet
that, no matter what comes, the head
of the New Woman will be found rest
ing on a man's shoulder.
An old bachelor editor says "a baby
Is a howling success." He ought to have
added, the fellow who never had one of
his own at home is not.
An esteemed contemporary has dis
covered that there is a large demand
for small coin. This belongs to the
large band of "important if true" stor
ies. It is said so perfect is the construc
tion of the bicycle wheel, that it will
carry with safety a larger load In pro
portion to its weight than any other
wheel made.
An Atchison man of 60, who has
given so much to churches all his life
that he is poor, will start out in the fall
to win a few dollars back by becoming
a boy preacher.
It would be a very unfair thing for
Cuba to use the formidable means of re
taliation on this country for its anti
filibuster position which she possesses
in the imported cigar.
It is not surprising that Richard j
PrnVor cVinnlH Vi tVia mncf flutfoTinir I
things to say about the British system
of government. He came pretty near
being a monarch himself.
The making of collections of posters
Is not a new idea. Balzac, forty years
ago, wrote in "Scenes from Parisian
Life"; "You, who can drink no longer
from the chalice called through all time
the 'cup of pleasure, take up the task
of collecting something, no matter what.
(People have ere now collected hand
bills), and you will recover your
ingots of joy in small change. A hobby,
a mania, is pleasure transformed into
the shape of an idea."
Miss Remie Londonderry of Boston,
the round-the-world bicyclist, who ar
rived at El Paso, Texas, last week says
she has declined over one hundred and
fifty offers of marriage since she start
ed on her trip. During her journey she
has saved $1,500. There are lots of men
who are willing to marry any woman
who has demonstrated that she could
make a good living for them.
From Avon Park, Fla., comes an or
iginal idea for ending dull times. The
editor of its weekly Idea, quoting the
magical phrase of 1878, "The way to re
sume is to resume," asks his readers,
and through them the whole country, to
unite on a "Revival Day," say August
31, by which time let those with Idle
money decide into which of the many
promising channels they shall "turn it
loose." Let every dollar possible on
this day be put into circulation; see how
many debts can be paid; how many new
enterprises started, and how much
business consummated. The impetus
thus given, he believes, will put an end
to hard times.
Yes, blessed, is the peacemaker. It is
reported that Hon. John W. Foster is
to receive a fee of a quarter of a million
dollars for the aid he gave the Chi
nese government in settling terms of
peace with Japan. So much for listen
ing to the Chinese tael of woe.
One of the charges brought against
the bloomer girl is the uncertainty
with which she is viewed when she
leaves her wheel. At a distance of 30
paces it cannot be decerned with any
surety of being, correct whether "she is
going or coming.
Rev. John Kkhxs of Lexington, 86
years old, died last week.
Chase county got a grand rain and
everything in the crop line is promis
ing. John S. McCormick, one of Omaha's
early pioneers and freighters, died last
Efforts are making in Omaha to ap
prehend an organized band of dog
Tiik railroads have granted & rate of
one fair for the round trip to the Hast
ings reunion.
Mrs. Van Warrrn of Fremont
yawned so wide that she dislocated her
jaw on both sides.
Hastings is making extensive prepa
rations for the state reunion, which
occurs this month.
Oscak Brown, a gray-haired man,
is in jail at Fremont, charged with as
sault on a seven-year-old girl.
Dundy county will hold a fair this
fall at Benkelman, October 10, 11 and
12. The county will also make a dis
play at the state fair.
Mrs. Crawford of Beatrice shot at
her husband with intent to kill. She
was discharged, it being shown that
she acted in 6elf-defense.
Dl-rixo a storm at Paxton the house
of John Iiichul was struck by light
ning, tearing off every particle of the
plastering in a new addition.
A committee of Lincoln citizens has
gone to work to raise 810,000 for the
purpose of putting Lincoln park in
condition for semi-annual race meet
ings. Col. Jordan, formerly of Nebraska,
and at one time editor of the Omaha
Republican, died last week at Wanbay,
S. D. He left Beatrice about three
years ago.
Willard Lashtrv, aged 8, of Beaver
City, was drowned in a small pond near
town. He and some companions were
fishing and he fell from a high bank
into the water.
a Mrs. Sadie Crawford at Plattsmouth
shot her husband the other day while
he was pursuing her with a club. She
succeeded in lodging three bullets in
and about his head.
The citizens of Paxton and vicinity
are forming an irrigation district
which, when completed, will make
Paxton one of the best little towns in
the western part of the state.
Pearl Browx at Nebraska City was
arrested for sending obscene literature
through the mails, lie was bound
over to answer before the United
States court in Omaha for trial.
The board of transportation has
ordered the printing of 5,000 new maps
of Nebraska for the use of the public.
These maps will show the irrigation
ditches completed and in course of con
struction, as well as the railroads.
State Bank Examiner Co wdry closed
the Citizens State bank at South Sioux
City. Liabilities are about $30,000; as
sets about $23,000. with affairs in bad
condition. This bank was the county
depository and over $8,000 was on de
posit. Wiliam IL Collicct, a patient at the
Lincoln insane asylum, committed su
icide by hanging. He tied a sheet
around his neck, throwing himself for
ward and strangling to death. Collicut
was from Cambridge, Red Willow coun
ty, and was 27 years old.
The Board of Public Lands and Build
ings held a meeting and let the con
tract for the new Erudition to the.Urand
Island Soldier's and Sailor's Home, and
also for the plumbing. G D. Campbell
was the lowest bidder for the main
work and secured the contract. His
bid was $8,075.
Polk county's relief committee has
just made its final report, having been
in the harness from February 3 until
August 3. During that time there
were over 400 families in the county
that received aid. The largest number
of persons receiving1 aid for any one
month was 1..1S4.
Judge William Aikins of Pawnee
City, the only surving ex-probate judge
under territorial government, now
over IK) years old, is believed to be on
his deathbed. He has been confined to
the house several weeks, much of the
time to his bed, unable to take nour
ishment, except small quantities in
liquid form, not enough to keep up his
Miriam McLaughlin of Tecumseh
burned his hand in a shocking manner.
He had a cloth bandage around his
hand covering a gash, and in turning
the gasoline on in a torch the flow was
excessive and saturated the bandage.
McLaughlin lit a match with the hand
in that condition. The bandage was
burned from his hand and the flesh on
that member terribly cooked.
Pat Sheedy, living on a farm four
miles northeast of Clay Center, met
with a very distressing accident. He
was hauling grain from the field and
in some manner one foot broke through
the bottom of the hay rack, so that the
leg was caught between some parts of
the wagon. The team ran away and
in turning rather short Mr. Sheedy's
leg was broken, or rather crushed. It
is thought the leg will be amputated.
Bob Anderson and Lloyd Alexander,
a couple of Hastings youths, broke the
Sabbath by trying to break each oth
er's faces. Anderson weighs 240
pounds and Alexander about 140. They
went to a livery stable on the edge of
the city, followed by their seconds,
bottleholders and time keeper. The
battle was short and little blood was
spilled. Anderson claims all honors,
as he knocked his man out in 6even
Joe Chelka, a 5-year-old Bohemian
boy of Plattsmouth, was playing near
the railroad crossing with several com
panions when the Missouri Pacific pas
senger struck him in the back of the
head, hurling him a distance of twenty
feet and making a compound fracture
of the skulL His condition is critical.
The opera house pharmacy at Plain
view was entered by burglars through
a door in the basement last week and a
small amount of money and jewelry
A number of prominent Germans of
Grand Island and vicinity are arrang
ing for a celebration of the anniver
sary of the battle of Sedan September 1.
News has reached Nebraska City of
the death Of Dr. Bowen at the asylum
in Lincoln. Dr. Bowen was one of
Otoe county's first settlers and up to
several months ago resided in Nebras
ka City. Several months ago he be
came insane and kas been in Lincoln
Relief Commission Report.
The State Relief commission's report,
now in the hands of the printer, shows
the following1 financial exhibit:
Cash donations $28,703 39
State appropriation, H. It. 113 . .0,000 00
t remium on state warrants 703 20
Custer county account, refund of
f relent 28 04
Buffalo county account, refund of
frelsht... 12 66
Refund of freight 2 3
Total 179,449 63
Provisions $12,092 04
Flour 15.102 06
Coal 4,772 0
Transportation 30,161 84
Printi np 604 00
In freight 6,62: 36
office expenses 7,137 54
Traveling expenses 48i 7
Refund to i. 11. Dunton 43 75
Kxchange on foi elgn drafts 150
Custer county, specially designated
douation 200 00
Custer county, specially designated
donation for coal and refunded... 24 50
Dundy county, legal services . Id 00
Cash balance on hand 2,163 22
Total $79,449 M
"In addition to the above there were spe
cial appropriations as follows:
Expenses formulating senate re
ports $ 320 CO
Expenses for postage, $250, less 1 per
cent discount 247 50
Expenses for tabulating and print
ing report, $.0 less 1 per cent 94 00
Expense for distributing of funds
of 11. K. 52. 500 00
Total .$ 1.661 50
Expenses for above appropriations? 1,067 50
Ttabulatlng and printing report.... 594 (0
Total 4 1.661 50
44The fund for tabulating and print
ing the report still remains in the hands
of the treasurer of the commission,
ready to pay for this work when com
pleted. The legislature allowed, out
of the $50,000 appropriated by the
state, S2,f00 for the carrying out of the
provisions of house roll No. 113. Of
this fund a small sum remains unex
pended. The Nebraska Reunion.
Hastings is making extensive prepar
ations for the reunion which takes
place there on the 26th, 27th, 28th,
20th, 30th and 31st of August. It is
argued that big crops in Nebraska,
Kansas and Iowa will be the signal for
a big crowd, and so Hastings is going
to work to prepare for their entertain
ment. You are invited to lay aside"
your business and come and hitch up
and join the procession. In the lan
guage of a circular issued to all man
kind, A weeks recreation will make a
new man of you. Your neighbors will
all be there and they will want to see
you. There will be balloon ascensions
every day and fireworks on three even
ings. There will be four big reunions
all held at the same time. The Ne
braska G. A. R.; the, lyansas-Nebraska
Interstate G. A. It. reunion; the Ne
braska Band Union reunion and the
Nebraska National Guards Encamp
ment. There will be free wood, free
hay, free straw and no limit to the sup
ply of good pure, fresh water, and
Hastings will have food on hand to feed
75,000 people three times a day, if that
many apply. Enjoy the fun and the
freedom which the boys won by their
valor on the field of battle.
The Russian Thistle Law.
The question of enforcing the provis
ions of the Russian thistle law in west
ern counties, says a Sidney dispatch, is
fast becoming one of considerable im
portance. There are many hundred
thousand acres of vacant government
land and educational lands in these
western counties and. as the Russian
thistle law makes no provision for the
destruction of the thistles on such lands,
there seems no way to meet the emer
gency of the case. Several of the west
ern counties have practically abandon
ed the destruction of this pest and there
seems to be no way out of theditliculty
unless the general government comes
to the rescue. The literal compliance
with the provisions of the law means
bankruptcy to all the western counties.
. ' Coming Uurk to Nebraska.
Norwich (Conn.) dispatch: Mrs
Annie T. Gardiner, the missing Ne
braska Christian endeavor delegate of
Arcadia, Neb., who was found living
as a domestic here in the family of
Edward IL Lapiere, consented this
morning to return home with J. W.
Landers, her husband's friend, who
found her. She stoutly maintained
that she is not insane.
Mrs. Gardiner will meet her husband
at the Palmer house, Chicago, at 9
o'clock tomorrow night. Her condition
today is greatly changed from that of
yesterday. She is but 28 years of age
md has been married nine years.
A Nebraska Man Got It.
C. G. 1'earse of Beatrice has been
elected superintendent of the Omaha
public schools for a period of one year at
a salary of $3,000. He is a young man,
a graduate of Doane college at Crete,
and has been superintendent of public
schools at Beatrice for eight years.
Indian Cattle Thieves Captured.
Chadron dispatch: Deputy Unitec
States Marshal Robinson, better known
as "Bear Track," Boss Farmer Charles
Dalkanberger and Frank Young,
official interpreter, all of Pine Ridge
agency, are in the city tonight enroute
to Hot Springs, S. D., having in charge
Harry Martin and Little Hawk, two
Indians charged with stealing cattle on
the reservation. Another Indian is
implicated, but evaded the officers.
Martin and the escaped suspect belong
on the Tongue River reservation in
yoming and were on the Pine Ridge
reservation without leave from their
agent. Little Hawk is a special police
man under Captain Penny and is evi
dently much disturbed over the loss of
his star and authority. The prisoners
will have their preliminary hearing at
Hot Springs.
An Injunction Asked For.
At Nebraska City Prof. Ebright, by
his attorneys, applied to Judge Chap
man for an injunction restraining Gov
ernor Holcomb or his appointee. Prof.
Johnson, from interfering with the
present superintendent (Ebright). ' The
petition 6ets up that plain till has been
legally appointed superintendent of the
Institute for the Blind by the board of
trustees, under authority of what is
known as the enactment of February
19, 1875. That he is in peaceful and law
ful possession of the buildings and
grounds and that he is responsible for
the proper care of the same,
As That Place Is Further From the Seen
of the Riots Than Shanghai, Wash
ington Officials Ilelleve That the
Attacks on American Mission
aries Are Ended Infor
mation Called For.
Washington, Aug. 12. A telegram
was received at the navy department
to-day announcing that Commander
Newell had sailed with the Detroit
from Shanghai to Che Foo. This latter
port is further fiom the scene of the
riots than Shanghai, and the navy offi
cials take. this as indicating that the
United States authorities in China do
not fear further outbreaks, especially
in the reg'on near Shanghai.
Upon receipt of the telegram, As
sistant Secretary McAdoo telegraphed
to Admiral Carpenter, -advising him
that there was a great deal of appre
hension here that American citizens in
China might lose their lives and prop
erty, and telling hira that every pos
sible effort should be made to protect
American citizens. He also asked the
admiral to cable him at once the real
situation, and whether there was dan
ger of further disturbances. Admiral
Carpenter.with the flagship Baltimore,
is at Nagasaki, Japan, which is about
400 miles from Shanghai across the
Japan sea, but there is no doubt that
he is well informed as to the situation.
The Supply Found in Many Sections, bat
Steadily Decreasing- In Amount.
Washington, Aug. 12. The natural
gas industry is fully revieweil in the
annual report of the geological survey.
The most important gas fields now are
those of Western Pennsylvania, West
ern New York, Northwestern Ohio and
Central Indiana, but gas has been found
in commercial quantities also in Arkan
sas, California, Illinois, Kansas, Ken
tucky, Louisiana, Missouri, South
Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, West
Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming.
The highest actually observed pres
sure has been about 300 pounds to the
square inch, closed pressure. In all
districts the pressure has increased
steadily and materially. Heretofore
natural gas could be easily carried in
pipes for long distances under its own
pressure, but now in most places arti
ficial means must be used to drive it to
the place where it is needed. No
statement of the amount of natural
gas consumed has ever been given and
the report says it is not possible to
make one. The amount has been
greatly reduced within the last few
years by the cutting off of the enor
mous waste that existed, while im
proved appliances have doubled the
efficiency of what is used. The total
value of that consumed in lo94 was
nearly $14,000,000. This is a steady
decrease from 188S, when the value
was 522,500,000.
Missouri Chantaoqaa Plans for 1806.
Skdalia, Mo., Aug 12. The di
rectors of the Missouri State Chautau
qua assembly have decided that Au
gust 1 should be the date for opening
the assembly in 1896. The program,
will be much more elaborate than ever
before. The board of directors lias
decided to begin at once the publica
tion of a quarterly paper, to be known
as the Chautauqua Herald, of which
Prof. G. V. Buchannan, superintend
ent of the public schools, will be
editor. The deficit of the last assem
bly was only 8100.
A Populist Organ for Topeka.
Topeka, Kan., Aug. 12. It is an
nounced that local Populists will next
week form a company for the publica
tion of a daily paper in Topeka. F. J.
Close, formerly Governor Lewelling's
private secretary, will be business
manager; James Butler, late steward
of the asylum for the insane at Topeka,
its editor, and I. N. Gish, late captain
of police, superintendent of its me
chanical department.
Italian Strikers In a Riot.
Pittsburg, Pa., Aug. 12 Two hun
dred Italians in the employ of Booth &
Flynn, city contractors, struck for an
advance of twenty-five cents per
day. Other men were secured to take
their places and to-day a large crowd
of strikers attacked them, picks and
shovels being used. Several partici
pants were seriously hurt. The police
scattered the rioters.
A Venerable Canadian to Marry.
Toronto, Ontario, Aug. 12. Sir
William Powland, lieutenant governor
of Ontario and president of the Con
federation Life Assurance company,
now in his 86th year, will soon lead to
the altar the widow of James Bethune,
late manager of the Dominion bank.
Relatives are strongly opposed to the
Heavy Wind In Oklahoma.
Hennessey, Ok., Aug. 12. A heavy
wind storm, which preceded a rain
storm last night, wrecked several
small buildings and did damage to late
corn. A car was blown off a siding on
the main track at Dover and the north
bound Rock Island train was disabled.
Business Man and Coachman Lost.
Chicago, Aug. 12. Moshier T
Greene, president of the Chicago Lum
ber company, and a coachman em
ployed . by W. A. Alexander, Mr.
Greene's son-in-law, were both drowned
by the capsizing of a boat at Highland
park yesterday afternoon.
The Bank at Goffs, Kansas, Closed.
Topeka, Kan., Aug. 12. The Citi
zens bank of Goffs, recently organized
by some oeneca capitalists, ha3 paid
off its depositors and gone out of busi
ness. I
The Former Says He Is a Candidate to
Succeed the Latter in the Senate.
Parsons, Kan., Aug. 12. At the en
campment yesterday ex-Senator John
J. Ingalls and Senator V. A. Peflfer
for the first time in their lives sat side
by side and addressed the same multi
tude from the same rostrum. In his
speech Ingalls spoke of his candidacy
for senator, and said: "I would as
leave be chosen next time as any time.
I believe a thing worth having is worth
asking for. If the people do not
see fit to give my worthy successor an
other term I would be glad to begin
where I left off. In the approaching
campaign I shall not antagonize any
other candidate, and if any-man should
say that eighteen years is long enough
for me to stay in Vie United States
senate I shall" not" Mr.
Ingalls spoke for over an hour, and
was compelled to conclude his re
marks to reach an awaiting train.
After a hearty handshake with Senator
Peffer he left the audience amid deaf
ening applause.
Senator Peffer made a patriotic ad
dress entirely free from politics, and
was frequently interrupted by ap
John Law son
Fails to Heat Titus'
an Hour's Bicycling.
Chicago, Aug.
12. Deep interest
was manifested at the national circuit
bicycle races to-day, particularly when
John Lawson, known as the "Terrible
Swede4" started to try to break the
American hour record of twanty-six
miles 1,489 yards, made by F. J.
Titus last j-ear. After passing the
eighteenth mile, at which point he
was about four minutes behind the
record, he fell and abandoned the
effort. It was found that his collar
bone was broken.
Omaha's Police and Fire Headquarters
Ouarded by Special Officers.
Omaha, Neb., Aug. 12. This after
noon Judge Hopewell decided against
the old board of police commissioners.
They, however, put sevent3'-five spec
ial policemen on duty about the jail
and headquarters and there must be
proceedings in ouster before the new
board can take control.
A Lunatic Kicked to Death.
Chicago, Aug. 12. John Anderson
and George Gough, the Dunning asy
lum attendants charged with having
kicked George Pucik. an inmate, to
death, breaking his breastbone and
eight ribs, were examined to-day and
held for murder. Anderson made a
full confession.
Hardin College to Be Knlarged.
Mexico, Mo., Aug. 12. The board of
Hardin college met this morning and
decided to enlarge the building.
Room for fifty more students will be
added as soon as the carpenters can do
the work. President Yancey is receiv
ing applications from the Atlantic to
the Pacific coast.
A St. Joseph Small Boy Drowned.
St. Joseph, Mo., Aug. 12. While in
swimming in the Missouri river to-day
with some companions August Pomo
san. aged iS, was siezed .with cramps
and drowned. This makes five boj-s
who have met death while swimming
in the river here'this summer.
Ferdinand Must Leave Bulgaria.
London, Aug. 12. The correspon
dent of the Standard at Sofia says:
"The Bulgarian delegation at St.
Petersburg was virtually told that
Russia would do nothing for Bulgaria
unless Prince Ferdinand abdicated."
Oovernuicnt Crop fteport.
Washington, Aug. 12. The August
government crop report makes the
condition of spring wheat 9".0 against
102.2 a month ago and oT. 1 a year ago.
The condition of corn is 102. ", against
99.3 a month ago and 03.4 a year ago.
There was S12,0o0,Ok) worth of coke
manufactured in the United States last
A demand is to be made on congress
next session for legislation providing
better protection for forest reserves.
Congressman Murphy of Illinois is in
Washington and says Morrison is the
most prominent Democratic candidate
for president.
A cloud burst near Del Norte, Col.,
did great damage in and about that
Spurious silver dollars are said to be
more plentiful in Wilmington, Del.,
than genuine ones.
Michael Arth of Andale, Kan., was
struck by a freight train and killed at
Rich Hill, Mo.
The Morning News of Waco, Texas,
suspended and the town is without a
morning paper.
C. E. Prather and P. A. Hollings
worth, rival editors of Meriden, Kan.,
engaged in a personal conflict on the
streets of lhat place. Both were badly
used up.
Governor Stone of Missouri has ap
pointed N. U. Gentry of Pettis county
as a member of the state board of agri
culture for three years.
Lightning struck Graves & Am
brose's mill at Nevada, Mo., badly in
juring James Perry and Thomas .lack
son and hurting three other men.
Chairman Thomas Taggart of the
Indiana Democratic central committee
has announced his willingness to ac
cept the nomination for mayor of In
dianapolis. Arthur and C. J. Johnson, brothers,
and A. C. Anderson were killed by
lightning at Odebolt, Iowa. They
were threshing, and had taken refuge
under a tree during a thunder storm.
The Bank of Palouse City, Wash.,
closed its doors because of an unex
pected demand from its largest credit
ora, which it could not meet. The
assets are $165,000 and liabilities
Cornelius Vanderbilt, J. Pierpont
Morgan, General Samuel Thomas, the
Rockefellers, C M. Depew and others
have bought 107 acres of the Cyrus
W. Field estate at Dobbs Ferry, N. Y.,
for country club.
So Declare
Missouri Democrats In Sta
Pertle Springs, Ma, Aug. 8. The
Missouri Democracy has declared with
out equivocation for the free and un
limited coinage of silver at the ratio of
16 to 1. The strongest resolutions
looking to that end were passed by the
state convention amid a storm of
cheers, and practically without a dis
senting voice. Further yet, the con
vention, by an overwhelming major
ity, voted to reorganize the state com
mittee, and nineteen new -members
have been added to it, all considered
to be heart and soul for the
white metal. The fifteen old
members whom, whether right
ly or wrongly the silver men
had considered committed to the sound
money doctrine, 13 to 2, now finds
itself purely an ornamental appen
dage to a soaring majority. There
are rumors that possibly thirteen of
the old committee will decline to
serve longer, but it is scarcely likely
that they will resign, as that action
would merely fix the silver men still
more firmly in the saddle. In spite of
these revolutionary proceedings the
work of the convention has been char
acterized by most remarkable har
mony. If the convention faithfully
represents the Democratic party of
the state, then beyond question 75 per
cent of the party are out and out silver
The convention began its business
with "Silver Dick" Bland at the helm.
The organization was perfected with
out friction and silver resolutions were
drawn and adopted and the reorgani
zation of the state central committee
was decided upon by a vote of 493 to
63. The plan of reorganization agreed
upon was that suggested by the con
servatives, which called for the doub
ling of the old committee, only four
additional committeemen elected from
the state at large by the convention
were added. This makes the new com
mittee certainly for silver, but as if
this were not enough, the convention
went further and so bound the new
central organization by resolutions as
to the conventions to be held next
year, that even were it as hostile as
possible to the white metal, its hostil
ity would be futile.
In the evening the convention sent
greetings to the Democratic state con
ventions in session in Mississippi and
Iowa, exhorting them to stand firmly
for free silver and 16 to 1. It also sent
a personal tribute to Senator Joe
Blackburn of Kentucky complimenting
him on his fight for silver against over
whelming odds.
Che Pennsylvania Senator Scores His
Enemies In a Public Statement.
Philadelphia, Aug. 8. Senator
Quay has issued a formal statement in
reply to the charge that he had pro
posed to David Martin, the Republican
leader of this city, a bargain looking
to the cessation of hostilities between
them in the contest for chairman of
the state Republican committee. The
statement follows: "I have not met
Mr. Martin nor anv member of the
combine since the present contest was
begun, nor have I made nor received
from anybody propositions looking to
an adjustment. So far as the mnni
tipal rings of Philadelphia and Pitts
burg are concerned, there will not nor
eannot be any adjustment. My friends
are those of the party who have al
ways been willing to carry the Repub
lican flag under fire and stand by the
ticket nominated whether it is of their
making or not. I regard my election
s positively assured."
Inventor McCormick Critically 111.
Chicago, Aug. 8 Leander J. Mc
Cormick, the well known inventor,
znanufacturor and philanthropist, is
lying critically ill at Lake Forest.
Quotations from New York. Chicago,
Louis, Omaha and EUewhere.
Butter Creamery separator.. 14 Hj
Butter l air to good country. 12 W
tggs Fresh 10
Honey California, per lb U
Hens Live, per lb 6
10 -i
Snrine Chickens, per lb llv '
Lemons Choice Messinas 4 0J
Apples per bbl 2 00
Oranges Floridas, per box 3 50
1'otatoes New 0
Watermelons per dozen 2 5 1
Beans Navy, hand-picked, bu 2 00
Hay Upland, per ton 6 50
Onions 1'er bu -r0
Cheese Neb. & la., full cream 10
Pineapples per doz 1 75
Tomatoes -per 4-basket crate. 50
Hogs Mixed packing 4 70
Hogs Heavy weights 4 75
Beeves Mockers and feeders. 2 00
Beef Steers 3 55
Bulls. 1 SO
fctags 2 50
Calves 2 50
Cows 1 00
Heifers 1 0i
HI u Z.t
& 4 00
kit 35
3 00
fc& 2 20
(5 7 50
too 75
& 11
0 2 2
kit 4 75
m 4 k
A 3 65
ti 4 75
W 3 00
3 00
10 4
W 3 00
A 2 75
3 65
4 50
& 3 25
Westerns 2 50
fc-heeD Lambs 3 00
fcheep Choice natives 2 50
Wheat No. 2, 6pring
Corn Per bu
Oats 1 er bu
Fork ..
9 40
a 67
a 41
49 21!t
AC 9 5
& 6 55
5 10
O. 6 00
5 50
ft 4 10
6 50
Hoes Packers and mixed 4 0
Cattle Native steers. 3 60
fcheeD Lambs.
3 00
1 50
fcheep N atlves
Wheat, No. 2, red winter.....
Corn No. 2
Oats No. 2
46 &
. 30
.12 25
1 12 55
i& 6 50
11ft 4 90
a 4,00
'0 3 50
6 00
Lard 6 37
Wheat No 2red, cash....
Corn Per bu
Oats Per bu
Hogs Mixed packing
Cattle Beft steers
fcheep Mixed natives
4 6()
3 00
2 65
Lambs 3
Wheat No. 2 hard 65 66
Corn No. 2 35 ut 3014
Oats No. 2 22V43 23
Cattle Stockers and feeders.. 2 60 w 4 60
Uogs Mixed packers 4 60 5 4 SO
Judge Shaekleford Overrules Missouri
Capital Re moral Demurrer.
Jeffebson Citt, Mo., Aug.8. Judge
D. M. Shaekleford to-day overruled
the demurrer of the Sedalia rnnl in
the matter of submitting the capital
removal to vote of the people. This
means that in the opinion of the court
the resolution is invalid. w
The case will be annealed to tv. V
r..r111 of Judge
W "--Karuea as a most im
portant victory lor Jefferson City.