Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, August 15, 1895, Image 3
A Ghastly gpetr Disease, la ever, ut In no form is It more to be dreaded than In that of tha formidable j maladies which attack the kidneys and ' bladder. Bright's disease, diabetes, and travel may alike be prevented, if Inactivity i of the kidneys is rectified in time with Hos- 1 tetter s Stomach Bitters, sovereign also in j v BMra ui rneumatism, dyspepsia, constipa tion, malaria, billiousness and nervousness. The Voice of Animals. The roar of the lion can be heard farther than the sound of any other living1 creature. Next comes the cry of the hyena and then the hoot of an owL After these the panther and the jackal. The donkey can be heard fifty times farther than the horse, and the cat ten times farther than the dog-. Strange as it may seem, the cry of the hare can be heard farther than that of either the dog- or cat. "SaauB'i Xacle Cora BaVre," Warraated to rart or Money refunded. ngiit (or It. rrto II Mat. The present czar of Russia, like his fath er, is a great novel reader. If the Baby Is Catting Tooth. So rar ud that old and nll-Miil mmdj. Has. . fsawVi Booravo Svxvr for Cbildron TeaShlac- Papa Missed the. Blessing;. Little Jack prays every night for every member of the family. His fath er had been away at one time for a ahort journey', and that night Jack was praying- for him as usual. "Bless papa, and take care of him," he was begin ning' as usual, when suddenly he raised i s head and listened. "Never mind soout it now. Lord," ended the little fellow. "I hear him down in the hall." Albany State. Health maee Impaired Is not easily reg-alaed, yet Parker's tilng r Tonic has attained the results In many cases. Good for e Terr weakness and d. stress Actions speak and persuade, while mere words without kindly deeds are but vain. It la Bare thava wondrrf ml how patiently people suffer with corns. Get peaea j ana comfort by removing tuem with Uindercoras. Ocean telegraphic cables cost about (1,000 rer mile. Homeseekera. We desire to direct your attention to the Gulf Coast of Alatania. Our motto: If you anticit ate a ihange in location or for investment, why not pet the best? We have it," and in order to verify our statement we are making extremely low rates to homeseekers and investors that they may make a personal investigation. For tar ticulars and low raLroad rates address The Union Land Co., Mobile, Ala., or Idajor T. S. Ciarkson, Northwestern Agent, Omaha, Nebr. Netraska has thirty -three daily papers. The Latent Sensation. The surprisingly low rates offered by the Nickel Plate road to Boston and re turn account Knights Templar con clave and a choice of forty routes. Tickets on sale Aug. 19th to 25th Inclu sive; longest return limit; service strict Iv first-class. Sleeping car space re served in advance. For further infor mation address J. T. Calahan. General Aarent. Ill Adams street, Chicago. Fair Sailing through life for the person who keeps in health. With a torpid liver and the impure blood that follows it, you are an easy prey to all sorts of ailments. That " used-up " feeling is the first warning that your liver isn't doing its work. That is the time to take Dr. Pierce's Gold en Medical Discovery. As an appetizing, restorative tonic, to repel disease and build up the needed flesh and strength, there's nothing to equal it. It rouses every organ into healthful action. puriBes and enriches the blood, braces up the whole system, and restores health and vigor. From every tobacco chewer is wanted as to the merits of LORILLARD'S PLUG. All. good judges of chewing tobacco have thus far been unanimous in pro nouncing it the best in quality, the most delicious in flavor, the best in every way. It's Lorillard's. Ask the dealer for it, DR. WINCHELL'S " TEETHING SYRUP Is the best medicine for all diseases incident to children. It regulates the bowels ; assists denti tion: cures diarrhea and dysentery in the worst forms;cures canker sore throat: is a certain pre ventive of diphtheria ; quiets and soothes all pain invigorates the stomach and bowels; corrects all acidity : will cure griping in the bowels and wind colic Do not fatigue yourself and child with sleepless nights when it is within your reach to cure your child and save your own strength. Xr. tTaque'a German Worm Calces destroy worms & remove them from the system Prepared by sVamcrt Proprietary Ca., Chicago, 10. OL BT ALL DRUGGISTS. PRODUCING A PANIC. BANKS GIVE THE PEOPLE AN OBJECT LESSON. Jule;e Miller Quotes from Gold Stand ard Sources to Show That the Finan cial Horrors of 1893 Were Manufac tured for a Purpose. (Henry G. Miller, in Chicago Record.) The July number of the Forum con tains a very interesting article contrib uted by Mr. Wm. Solomon, "a member of one of the leading international bank ing houses in New York city, a stanch supporter of Mr. Cleveland in 1892 and a member of the committee on currency of the Reform club." "When read in connection with the events that tran spired soon after the inauguration of Mr. Cleveland as President it shows why the "gold" men of New York, in vestors of English capital In this coun try, supported Mr. Cleveland and how, and the object for which the financial panic of 1893 was initiated. In the course of the article he says: "The dangers threatening the country from an overthrow of the existing basis of values which it was recognized would result from the triumph of any but a sound-money candidate inspired vast numbers of men to go into a party or ganization which was to claim the field against the so - called Hill - Mur phy - Sheenan machine. It was well understood that a reform of the tariff was to be the nom inal issue of the campaign, and that all the changes were to be rung upon that theme; but enthusiasm for a reform of the tariff would not have produced for the 'anti-snapper movement the sinews of war. What did produce them was the conviction that the triumph of the democratic party, with Mr. Cleveland at its head, would mean a repeal of the purchasing clause of the Sherman act. A large number of the men who joined actively in the work of organization, though also tariff reformers, could not have afforded to make the numerous self-sacrifices necessary in taking an active part in the canvass on any but such a vital issue as that of the main tenance of the integrity of currency. The work of these men, happily was well rewarded, first in the national con vention in Chicago and subsequently in congress by the repeal of the pur chase clause of the Sherman act." It thus appears that the real object of these supporters of Mr. Cleveland, who for the most part were "Cleveland" republicans, was to secure a repeal of the purchasing clause of the Sherman act, and that their first success was by withdrawing attention from this object by making tariff reform the nominal issue in the platform and placing Cleve land upon it, and their second and final success was the election of Mr. Cleve land and the repeal of this clause. This platform declared distinctly in favor of the use of both gold and silver as standard money of the country and the coinage of both without discrimi nating against either metal. This sub ject was by both parties made to sleep during the canvass, and the tariff, the "nominal issue" of the campaign, was the only subject discussed. "The fading out of the silver issue," said the New York Evening Post on Oct. 15, 1892, "is one of the unmistakable signs of the times. Hardly any one talks about it now except those engaged in the pro duction of the metal." Mr. Cleveland was elected, and of the members of congress then elected there was, as stated in the public press, an ascertained majority of forty-five in favor of the free coinage of silver. The very first thing attempted by Mr. Cleve land after his inauguration was the pas sage of a law by congress when it should convene for the extra session was then contemplated not for the reform of the tariff, about which so much had been said during the canvass, but for a re peal of the purchasing clause of the Sherman act, about which nothing had been said. The sentiment of the west and of the south was in favor of free silver. This sentiment must be changed. How was the change to be effected? The Chicago Tribune of April 28, 1893, in speaking by its New York cor respondent of the conference of Mr. Carlisle, secretary of the treasury, with the New York bankers the day previous at the house of Mr. Williams, president of the Chemical bank, said: "Mr. Car lisle said that the country might as well understand now as at any time that it was suffering from a vicious silver law, and he believed that the only way to bring the silver-favoring com munities to a realization of the evil that is contained in that law is to per mit them to have an experience with the business depression which it is bound to cause. Some of the bankers smiled a little when they heard the secretary make this statement, and it seemed to them that Mr. Carlisle was hinting to them his belief that silver communities, or those sections of the country where what is called silver sentiment prevails, might just as well at this time as at any other be brought by personal experience to an under standing of what the effect of the pres ent silver policy of this government is going to be. In other words, the bank ers seem to think that Mr. Carlisle did not regard a little experience of hard times as an unmitigated evil just now, it would bring these communities and the men who represent them in congress to an understanding of these financial matters, so that possibly a re peal of the Sherman silver law and new legislation in the right direction may be looked for when congress meets. "At all events the New York banks fire not going to play the part of a stop gap, and Mr. Carlisle was told that at the conference yesterday. To turn $30, 000,000 or $40,000,000 of gold into the treasury at present would be simply to play into the hands of the silver men. The secretary told the bankers that the administration would continue to pay gold as long as it had it, and that there would be no issue of bonds unless an emergency arose when it was evident that the government must issue bonds or else be unable to pay its obligations in gold. The opinion of the bankers is that Mr. Cleveland and Mr. Carlisle propose to give the silver people an ob ject lesson, and there is a feeling that in the silver communities there are go ing to be hard times, some business depression, and that national bankers who do business in these communities are going to receive an impressive les son before congress meets, so that it is hoped there may be a change of senti ment upon this matter when the extra ordinary session of congress is called in the early fall." On June 7, six weeks after the "Will iams house meeting," the New York Sun in its money article said, among other things: "The presidents of the New York banks think that the so called object lesson has been carried far enough and that they see nothing to be gained by a fur ther shrinkage in values and the un settling of credits." But the war upon the west and south was continued. On June 25 the India mints were closed against the further free coinage of silver (Cleveland and John Bull were evidently working the scheme together). The New York Tri bune announced the news in startling headlines: "A Blow at Silver Values The Action of India Severely Depresses the White Metal, Stimulating Repeal Sentiment The Silver Men Are Dumb." On June 30 the President issued his call for an extra session of congress on Aug. 7 following. Mr. Cleveland in his mes sage to congress said: "Our unfortu nate financial plight is not the result of untoward events nor of conditions re lated to our natural resources, nor is it traceable to any of the afflictions which ! frequently check national growth and prosperity. With plenteous crops, with abundant promise of remunerative pro duction and manufacture, with unusual invitation to safe investment, and with satisfactory assurance to business en terprise, suddenly financial distrust and fear have sprung up on every side. Numerous moneyed institutions have suspended, because abundant assets were not in.mediately available to meet the demands of frightened depositors. Surviving corporations and individuals are content to keep in hand the money they are usually anxious to loan, and those engaged in legitimate business are surprised to find that the securities they offered for loans, though hereto fore satisfactory, are no longer ac cepted. Values, supposed to be fixed, are fast becoming conjectural and loss and failure have invaded every branch of business. I believe these things are principally chargeable to congressional legislation touching the purchase and coinage of silver by the general gov ernment." The American Bankers' association of New York on Aug. 19, 1893. issued a circular to the bankers of the United States, which, among other things, said: "It is manifest that the immediate cause of the prolonged stringency is the fear and apprehension of disaster en gendered in the minds of the people by the continued purchases of silver by the government, and by the unceasing issues of its obligations thereof, re deemable in gold, which fear and ap prehension can only be removed and confidence restored by the removal -of the cause. The president of the United States having convened con gress in extra session and recommend ed to it such a repeal, the power of pub lic opinion should be brought to bear upon congress to induce favorable ac tion thereon. This may best be done by invoking the aid of the press and by citizens writing to their senators and representatives, and by sending them petitions urging such repeal, all of which should be done to the fullest ex tent posible and without delay." It is said that "between April 27, the day of the Williams house meeting, .and Dec. 30, 1S93, a period of eight months, more than 15,000 bankruptcies and suspensions of commercial and in dustrial concerns and companies had taken place, and more than 600 banking institutions and firms had been serious ly injured or were wholly ruined. The total amount involved in the bank ruptcies and suspensions of all these firms, companies and institutions dur ing these eight months was roundly $750,000,000. Three million men, women and young people who were contentedly at work in the shops, factories and mills on the 27th of April, 1893, were out of work on the 1st of January, 1894." In the midst of the wildest excite ment this measure was driven through the house Aug. 27, and the next day the house bill was reported to the seriate and passed that body Oct. 30. To secure the passage of this repeal bill it is conceded the executive patronage was used without limit. To arrest the production of silver by the goverment and thus remove one of the obstacles in the way of a perma nent fold standard brought upon the country financial ills which for magni tude can only be likened to those caused by the civil war. In the light of this experience how much will it cost the country in the destruction of values to remove from circulation all our silver and paper currency and substitute for it gold and convertible bank paper? That i3 what the single gold standard means, and is now the avowed object of gold monometallists. When this ob ject shall have been accomplished, "as money is the counterbalance of all things purchased by It," it will be so reduced in quantity as to be easily cornered, and prices of all forms of property, including labor, will be dic tated by the owners of money, whose interests wi'l be to reduce their general level to the lowest possible plane. It is for the people to say whether this shall be their condition - Sheep Industry of Patagonia. Down in Punta Arenas, a port on Terra del Fuego island, there Is much enthusiasm over the sheep industry, says a writer in the New York Sun. A manager for a French company, own ing something over 100,000 sheep, with the necessary horses, said that they made 3 francs (about 60 cents) on every head clear of all expenses from the sale of wool alone. The increase of the lambs averaged about 90 per cent of the ewes, and this was an ad ditional profit. WThen told that esti mates made up the coast called for 100 per cent increase, he replied , that that could be had only when labor was abundant enovgh to care for the lambs when first dropped. The lamb at birth does not know anything not even Its own mother. Such helpless beings need great care, though after a week or so they require no more at tention. The long-wooled varieties of sheep are in favor there. A common ewe will weigh from 160 to 180 pounds In the fall. The lowest average of wool sheared is said to be 7 pounds a sheep. A printed table of statistics, which the manager carried, showed that the aver age yield in 1889 in all the Argentine was 4.4 pounds, while that of the United States was exactly that of the lowest yield of his flock 7 pounds. His range was considered poorer than the average, but it had sustained two sheep per hectare (two and a half acres). The one disease to which Patagonia sheep are liable is the scab. This is kept under by dipping them in various kinds of baths, the expense for same running from $80 to $90 gold per year for every 1,000 sheep. The next great est expense Is for the killing of pan thers. A common night's work of the panther is the killing of sheep to the value of $100 gold. Every shepherd, therefore, carries a carbine, and must be supplied with all the cartridges he wants. These rifles sell for less money in the Punta Arenas stores than in New York gun shops, but the annual expense for rifles and cartridges on some ranches runs up to hundreds of dollars. Foxes and a species of wild cat make havoc with the young lambs, and so these must be exterminated, too. What with hunting down vermin and looking after the sheep to keep them on the range and to dip them for the scab, the French manager has to em ploy a man for every 2,500 in his flock. On the whole, his flocks, numbering a little over 100,000 sheep, cost the com pany 200,000 francs (about $40,000) per year, while the sale of the last clip yielded 500,000 francs (about $100,000), and the price was not high. In his judgment, it would be a very poor business man who, after starting with a good outfit and 1,000 ewes on the Patagonia range, did not attain an in come of $20,000 gold a year at the end of ten years. Decreasing I'ne of Horses. Electric and cable roads, and more especially the bicycle, are playing the mischief, not only with horse breeders and the horse markets, but with most other industries. Most of these, how ever, are taking steps to overcome the competition and loss of trade conse quent upon the changed conditions. Some livery stable keepers. finding that the demand for horses and car riages was rapidly declining, have stocked up with bicycles for rent. One cable road that extended out into the suburbs, found that the receipts had fallen off so largely on account of the bicycle riders who formerly took the cars for their outings, that a deficit was likely to result, and added a trailer to some of their cars on which they carry free the bicycles of their pa trons. Horseshoers complain of a se rious falling off in their trade, and many of them are forced to seek other occupations, or add some other branch of work to that of horseshoeing. The trade in harnesses, wagons and other ' vehicles has fallen off, and the wear and tear on shoes is largely reduced. If the livery stable keeper rents bi cycles instead of horses, he'll not need to buy so much of the farmer's hay and oats. Meanwhile, the extension of the trolley and cable systems of propelling street cars goes merrily on, and the bicycle trade is booming as never be fore. A good many farmers are using them, too. Rural New Yorker- An Kge Preserving Flnld. Prof. F. L. Washburn, of the Oregon Experiment Station, gives, through the columns of the Rural Northwest, a re cipe which he has found most excellent. This recipe is well known to many in fact, has been published yet there may be many who would be glad to know it. Prof. Washburn states that he has kept eggs for one year and found them excellent for cooking at the expiration of that time. Another lot was kept for two years, and then about two-thirds of them, or nearly that pro portion, was found acceptable for use in the kitchen. In this second lot the good eggs were at the bottom of the jar, where, naturally, the liquid was stronger, while the yolks of the eggs above had shriveled and hardened, ren dering them unfit for use. The re cipe is as follows: Dissolve one pint of salt in one gal lon of water; slack two pounds of quick lime in three gallons of water; when entirely slacked, stir and allow it to settle two or three times and then pour the clear liquid off into a crock or any receptacle that can be covered, and add the salt water, making in all four gal lons of liquid. Eggs placed in this must be perfect ly fresh, clean and not cracked. They must be lowered into the liquid and not allowed to drop to the bottom of the crock, thereby running risk of be ing broken. No treatment of eggs be fore putting in brine Is necessary. Cattle Marketing in Texas The Texas Stock and Farm Journal says: The munificent rains which have fallen over every part of the range country, with the exception of the extreme northwest, preclude the probability of marketing much half-fat stuff. The opportunity Is also given the south Texas cattleman to ship to market be fore the Indian territory movement be gins. The difference in conditon be tween the north and south Texas cattle taken to the territory will insure the stringing out of their shipment, and, taken altogether, the expected rush and consequent drop in prices when the grass movement begins bids fair not to materialize. Anyway, that's how it looks now, but you never can . tell what to expect in the cattle business. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report " 0 BSOEJUTEETf PURE A Mean .Mean. A French paper teils of a man who oucht to be set down as the meanest man of the time. His name is Rapi neau, and he is the happy father of three children. His chief claim to meanness lies in the fact that he has lately discovered a plan to reduce his weekiy expenditure. Every morning', when sitting down at table, he makes the following proposal: "Those who will go without breakfast shall have twopence." "Me me!" exclaim the youngsters in chorus. Rapineau gives them the money and suppresses the breakfast. In the afternoon when the children were anxiously expecting their first meal, Rapineau calls out, "Those who want their dinner must give two pence;" and they all pay back what they received in the morning for going without their breakfast, and in that way Rapineau saves a meal a day. Harpers' Round Table. REV. H. P. CARSON. Scotland, Dak., says: "Two bottles of Hall's Catarrh Cure completely cured my little girl " Sold by Drug-gists. 75c. The Retort. "Where," inquired the tourist, "if I may ask, does your majesty get your taste for good living?' "In our neck," retorted the barbaric monarch promptly. Of the courtiers, those who laughed with conspicuous zeal were at once raised to knightly rank and adorned with the Cross of the Shirt Waist, while those who. to the number of three or four, had to be pounded on the back to save them from choking to death were ennobled. Detroit Tri bune. liegeman's Camphor lewwilli Glveertne. Cureciiappeti U Alicia and Ka-e. Tender or Sore Feet, Chilblains, Plies. Ac. C. U. Clark Co., New Haven, CU Tlie Hortte Canning; Factory. The building being erected just be low Linn ton by the Western Packing company for a horse abattoir is rap idly approaching completion. The foundations for the engines and boilers are all in, and the machinery is on the ground and should be in place in a few days. The building and plant are on an extensive scale, and will probably be ready for operation soon. The first shriek of the whistle will sound the death kuell of 5.000 cayuses now roaming- the plains of eastern Oregon and eating good grass, which might better be turned into beef and mutton. Mr. Switzler, who raised these horses, as he has many thousands before them, will dow retire from the business, and has expressed his determination of buying a bicycle, and, if he likes it, will perhaps start a bicycle factory. He says that the bicycles have driven the horse to the slaughter house; but when something newer has run out the bicycle it cannot be utilized for can ning, as the horse now is. Portland Oregonian. For Knights Templar. Low-rate excursion to Boston via Nickel Plate road. Tickets on sale Aug. 19th to 25th inclusive. Lowest rates; through trains; palace sleeping-cars; unexcelled service, including dining cars and colored porters in charge of day coaches. For particulars address J. Y. Calahan. General Agent, 111 Adams street. Chicago, 111. Stim pathetic When Judge Iluxton of North Caro lina as a young lawyer made his first appearance at the bar. the solicitor, as is customary in that state, asked him to take charge of a case for him. The younsr lawyer did his best, and the jury found the defendant, who was charged with some petty misdemeanor, guilty. JSoon after one of the jurors, coming round the bar. tapped him on the shoulder. "lluxton." said he, "the jury did not think that man guilty, but we did not like to discourage a voung man." Cireen Bag. Looking After the Trifles. "It is only by looking closely after the trifles that a profit can be made in these days of close competition," said the grocer to his new assistant. "Yes, sir, I understand," replied the boy. "For example," continued his employ er, "when you pick the flies out of the sugar, don't throw them away. Put them among the currants." Neatnesa and Health. Cleanliness is the safeguard of health. People who are not clean catch all man ner of unpleasant things. The history of plagues is the history of unsanitary conditions. When the cholera shows its hideous claws the authorities begin at once to clean up the foul neighbor hoods. Mortality is frail, but its pre servation is neatness. Married at Last. Thirty years ago, August M. Merrike of Laporte, Ind., asked a lady of 20 to be his bride. She refused him. He continued his attentions to her, and the other day he won her consent. She is now 50, and he is 91. Choice of Routes. r To Knights Templar conclave, Boston, via the Nickel Plate road, embracing Chautau- Sua Lake, Niagara Fal.s, Thousand Islands, Lapids of the St. Lawrence, Saratoga, Pal isade of the Hudson, Hoosac Tunnel, and ride through the Berkshire Hills by day light. Tickets on sale Aug. 19th to 2oth in clusive. Lowest rates, quick time and f ervk-e unexcelled, including palace keep ing and dining cars. Address J. Y. Ca a han. General Acent, 111 Adams street, Chicago, lor further information. Our total product of zinc in 18'.0 was 63, 683 short ton's. It is not enough to know, one must also be able to impart. - Sneezing was once thought to be a sign of good luck. The only joys which live and grow are those we share with others. Billiard table, second-hand, for sal cheap. Apply to or address, H. C. Aeik, 11 8. 12th St., Omaha, Nab. SMI lie Felt -afe. The 4-year-old son of a well known naval oflicer was the other day enlight ened, on the death of a friend, as to what constituted the real ergo, which was indestructible, as contrasted with the perishable body. It was evident that this lesson sunk deeply into his mind, as appeared soon after, when his mama had occasion to spank the small man for some offense or other. Look ing up through his tears he stammered out. "Mama, you can't hurt my skin. And under my skin is me!" The little fellow did not know what a tremend ous truth he had stumbled on. Tobacco's Triumph. Every day -we meet men who have apparently lost aU interest in life, but they chew and smoke all the time and wonder why the sun ahine is not fcright and the sweet bird s song sounds discordant. Tobacco takes away the pleasures of life and leaves irritated nerve cen ters in return No-To-Bac Is the easy wav out. Guaranteed 10 cure and make you well and strong, by Druggists everywhere. Huntins the Antelope. On the prairie successful antelope hunting is no child's play. The game nearly always sees you first, and re tires in good order, but on double quick, to some hiprh knoll a long loile away, from which safe distance you are carefully surveyed by the keenest eyes. As you try to steal up within long rifle range, the band suddenly glides down the side of the knoll, seem ingly without effort, scurries across the next flat, and presently halts on an other high point at the end of another mile. The time was when antelope had 60 much curiosity and so little sense they could be brought up within gunshot by waving a ra:r on a ramrod or wrisrgling a No. 10 foot in the air; but that pe riod has gone by, at least in Montana. We tried it repeatedly, but found the pronghorn was not half the fool he had been represented. In the broken bad lands, where coulees are deep and sharp ridges numerous, it is an easy matter to stalk antelope, and to shoot them also provided you are a good shot, don't get the buck ague and can judge distance reasonably well. Au gust St. Nicholas. WINTER TfllEAT, XO ItCM! KLS PER ACRE! Did you ever hear of that? Well there are thousands of farmers who think they will reach this yield with Salzer's new hardy Red Cross "Wheat. Rye 60 bushels per acre! Crimson Clover at 13.60 per bushel. Lots and lots of grass and clover for fall seeding. Cut this out and send to John A. Salzer Seed co.. La Crosse, Wis., for fall catalogue and sample of above wheat free. (W.N.U.) Spain has extended the privilege of copy right to foreign authors. Piso's Cure for Consumption has no equal as a cough medicine. F. M. Abbott, Seneca St. Buffalo, N. Y., May y, 114. Over $100,000 was spent in improving the upper Mississippi river last year. FITS All Fits stopped free by Pr.KHne's Ore Jierve Restorer. No Fits after the Lrtaimy a ie. Marvelouscures. Treat ise an i 91 trial bottlfre tltcates. beaU to lr. KJine,S31 Arch bU,? tula., i-a Ke I've a pood mind to kiss you. She Youd tetter mind what vou're atout. Special Excursion to Boston. The Knights Templar conclave will be held In Boston from Aug. 26th to 30th inclusive. Tickets will be on sale via the Nickel Plate road from Aug. ISth to 25th inclusive. Rates always the lowest: through trains; drawing-room sleeping-cars; unexcelled dining-cars; side trips to Chautauqua Lake, Niag ara Fails, and Saratoga without addi tional expense. For additional infor mation call on or address J. Y. Cala han. General Agent, 111 Adams street. Chicago, 111. M. Louis I asteur has refused a German decoration. ; .V.v:-:;.i KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement and tends "to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live bet ter than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best products to the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy. Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneGcial properties of a perfect lax ative; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and feyera ana permanently curing constipation. ' It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid neys, Liver and Bowels without weak ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug gists in 50c and $1 bottles, but it is man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if offered. 3 NT rjTT 1 PARKER'S ? H HAIR BALSAM I ' - J Cleanw and bcaotittca the bale tr imf PiuiKtM a luxuriant frrowth. f " w' Wver rails to BMtore CM-ay I Hair to 1M YoutHful Coior. IXrSv Curt wupiiifMM fcitrr ihulu f yv., - f"V5 SLOP t rrurrr IV. I. 17., OmahaaS, ISPS. Mien answering advertisements kindly mention tbls paper.