Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, August 15, 1895, Image 2

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    TALjIAGE'S seraiok
Ar'.iin Calt Upon Thr God. If So Be
That Cod Will Think Upoa Va That
We Perish Not Jonah 1 I 6 -For
Summer Pleasure Seeker.
to go to Nineveh
on an unpleasant er
rand. He would not
go. He thought to
get away from his
duty by putting to
sea. With pack un
der his arm, I find
him on his way to
Joppa, a sea-port.
He goes down
among the shipping,
and says to the men lying around the
docks, "Which of these vessels sails to
day?" The sailors answer, "Yonder is
a vessel going to Tarshish. I think. If
you hurry, you may get on board her."
Jonah steps on board the rough craft,
asks how much the fare is, and pays
It. Anchor is weighed, sails are hoist
ed, and the rigging begins to rattle in
the strong breeze of the Mediterranean.
Joppa is an exposed harbor, and it does
not take long for the vessel to get out
on the broad sea. The sailors like what
they call a "spanking breeze," and the
plunge of the vessel from the crest of
a tall wave is exhilarating to those at
home on the deep. But the strong
breeze becomes a gale, the gale a hur
ricane. The affrighted passsengers ask
the captain if he ever saw anything like
this before. "Oh. yes," he says; "this
Is nothing." Mariners are slow to admit
danger to landsmen. But, after a while,
crash goes the mast, and the vessel
pitches so far "a-beam's-end" there is
a fear she will not be righted. The
captain answers few questions, and or
ders the throwing out of boxes and
bundles, and of so much of the cargo
as they can get at. The captain at last
confesses there is but little hope, and
tells the passengers they had better go
to praying. It Is seldom that a sea
captain is an Athiest. He knows that
there is a God, for he has seen him at
every point of latitude between Sandy
Hook and Queenstown. Captain Moody,
commanding the "Cuba" of the Cunard
line, at Sunday service led the music
and sang like a Methodist. The cap
tain of this Mediterranean craft, hav
ing set the passengers to praying, goes
around examining the vessel at every
point. He descends Into the cabin to
see whether In the strong wrestling of
the waves, the vessel had sprung a leak,
and he finds Jonah asleep. Jonah had
had a wearisome tramp, and had spent
many sleepless nights about questions
of duty, and he is so sound asleep that
all the thunder of the storm and the
screaming of the passengers does not
disturb him. The captain lays hold of
him. and begins to shake him out of his
unconsciousness with the cry. "Don't
you see that we are all going to the
bottom? Wake up and go to praying,
if you have any God to go to. What
meanest thou, O sleeper? Arise, call
upon thy God. if so be that God will
think upon us, that we perish not."
The rest of the story I will not re
hearse, for you know It well. To ap
pease the sea they threw Jonah over
board. Learn that the devtl takes a man's
jioney and then sets him down In a poor
landing-place. The Bible says he paid
his fare to Tarshish. But see him get
out. The sailors bring him to the side
of the ship, lift him over "the guards."
and let him drop with a loud splash in
-the waves. He paid his fare all the way
to Tarshish, but did not get the worth
of his money. Neither does any one
who turns his back on his duty, and
'does that which is not right.
There Is a young man who, during
the past year, has spent a large part
-of his salary In carousal. "What has he
gained by It? A soiled reputation, a
half-starved purse, a dissipated look, a
peiuiant temper, a aisturDea conscience.
The manacles of one or two bad habits
that are pressing tighter will keep on
until they wear to the bone. You paid
your fare to Tarshish, but you have
been set down In the midst of a sea of
disquietude and perplexity.
One hundred dollars for Sunday
One hundred dollars for wine-suppers.
One hundred dollars for frolics that
-shall be nameless!
Making four hundred dollars for his
Instead of being In Tarshish now, he
Is in the middle of the Mediterranean.
Here is a literary man, tired of the
faith of his fathers, who resolves to
launch out Into what Is called Free
Thinking. He buys Theodore Parker's
works for twelve dollars; Renan's Life
of Christ for one dollar and fifty cents;
Andrew Jackson Davis's works for
t:?nty dollars. Goes to hear Infidels
talk at the cltfts, and to see spiritual
ism at the table-rapping. Talks glibly
of David, the Psalmist, as an old liber
tine; of Paul as a wild enthusiast; and
of Christ as a decent kind of a man
a little weak In some respects, but al
most as good as himself. Talks smil
ingly of Sunday as a good day to put
a little extra blacking on one's boots;
and of Christians as, for the most part,
hypocrites; and of eternity as "the great
to be." "the everlasting now," or "the
Infinite what is it." Some day he gets
his feet very wet, and finds himself that
night chilly. The next morning has a
hot mouth and Is headachy. Sends
word to the store that he will not be
there today. Bathes his feet; has mus
tard plasters; calls the doctor. The
medical man says aside, "This is going
to be a bad case of congestion of , the
lungs." Voice fails. Children must be
sent downstairs, or sent to the neigh
bors, to keep the house quiet. You
say. "Send for the minister." But no
he does 'not believe In ministers. You
say, "Read the Bible to him." No; he
does not believe in the Bible. A law
yer comes in, and, sitting by his bed
aide, writes a document that begins. "In
the name of God, Amen. I, being of
sound mind, do make this my last will
and ' testament." It Is certain where
the sick man's body will be in less than
a week; It is quite certain who will
get .his . property. . But what will be
come of his soul? It will go into "the
great to be," or "the everlasting now,"
or "the infinite what Is It." His soul
is In . deep waters, and the wind is
"blowing great guns." Death cries,
"Overboard with the unbeliever!" A
splash! He goes to the bottom. He
pL'.iJ five dollars for his ticket to
Tarshish when he bought the Infidel
books. He landed in perdition!
Every farthing you spend In sin Satan
will swindle you out of. He promises
you shall have thirty per cent or a
great dividend. He lies. He will sink
all the capital. You may pay full faro
to some sinful success, but you will
never get to Tarshish.
Learn how soundly men will sleep In
the midst of danger. The worst sin
ner on shipboard, considering the light
tie had, was Jonah. He was a member
of the Church, while they were heathen.
The sailors were engaged in their law
ful calling, following the sea. The mer
chants on board, I suppose, were going
down to Tarshish to barter; but Jonah.
notwithstanding his Christian protes-
slon, was flying from duty. He was
sound asleep In the cabin. He has been
motionless for hours his arms and
feet In the same posture as when he
lay down his breast heaving with deep
respiration. Oh! how could he sleep!
What If the ship struck a rock! what
if it sprang a leak! what if the clumsy
Oriental craft should capsize! What
would become of Jonah?
So men sleep soundly now amid perils
Infinite. In almost every place, I sup
pose, the Mediterranean might be
sounded, but no line is long enough to
fathom the profound beneath every im
penitent man. Plunging a thousand
fathoms down, you cannot touch bot
tom. Eternity beneath him. around
him! Rocks close by, and whirlpools.
and hot-breathed Levanters; yet sound
sleep! We try to wake him up, but fail.
The great surges of warning break over
the hurricane-deck the gong of warn
ing sounds through the cabin the bell
Perhaps twenty years before you were TrTTT SUNDAY SHTTOOTi
born, vour father made sweet acaualnt- : illLi uv7Ai.vxii
rings. "Awake!" cry a hundred voices;
yet sound asleep in the cabin. .
In the year 1775, the captain of a
Greenland whaling vessel found himself
at night surrounded by Icebergs, and
"lay-to" until morning, expecting every
moment to be ground to pieces. In the
morning he looked about, and saw a
ship near by. He hailed it. No answer.
Getting into a boat with some of the
crew, he pushed out for the mysterious
craft. Getting near by, he saw through
the port-hole a man at a stand, as
though keeping a log-book. He hailed
him. No answer. He went on board
the vessel, and found the man sitting
at the log-book frozen to death. The
log-book was dated 1762, showing that
the vessel had been wandering for
thirteen years among the Ice. The
sailors were found frozen among the
hammocks, and others In the cabin.
For thirteen years this ship had been
carrying Its burden of corpses.
So from this Gospel craft today, I
descry voyagers for eternity. I cry,
"Ship ahoy! ship ahoy:" No answer.
They float about, tossed and ground by
the icebergs of sin. hoisting no sail for
heaven. I go on board. I find all
asleep. It is a frozen sleep. O that my
Lord Jesus would come aboard and lay
hold of the wheel, and steer the craft
down Into the warm Gulf Stream of his
mercy! Awake, thou that sleepest!
Arise from the dead, and Christ shall
give thee life.
Again: Notice that men are aroused
by the most unexpected means. If
Jonah had been told one year before
that a heathen sea-captain would ever
awaken him to a sense of danger, he
would have scoffed at the Idea; but here
it Is done. So now, men In strangest
ways are aroused from spiritual stupor.
A profane man Is brougnt to conviction
by the shocking blasphemy of a com
rade. A man attending church, and
hearing a sermon from the text. "The
ox knoweth his owner," etc., goes home
unimpressed; but, crossing his barn
yard, an ox comes up and licks his
hand, and he says. "There it is now
'the ox knoweth his owner, and the ass
his master's crib,' but I do not know
God." The careless remark of a
teamster has led a man to thoughtful
ness and heaven. The child's remark,
"Father, they have prayers at Uncle's
house why don't we have them?" has
brought salvation to the dwelling.
By strangest way and In the most un
expected manner men are awakened.
The gardener of the Countess of Hunt
ingdon was convicted of sin by hearing
the Countess on the opposite side of
the walk talk about Jesus. John Hard
oak was aroused by a dream In which
he saw the last day, and the judge sit
ting, and heard his own name called
with terrible emphasis: "John Hard-
oak, come to Judgment!" The Lord has
a thousand ways of waking up Jonah.
Would that the messengers of mercy
might now find their way down into
the sides of the ship, and that many
who are unconsciously rocking in the
awful tempest of their sin might hear
the warning, "What meanest thou, O
sleeper? Arise, and call upon thy God!"
Again: Learn that a man may wake
up too late. If, instead of sleeping.
Jonah had been on his knees confessing
his sins from the time he went on board
the craft, I think God would have saved
him from being thrown overboard. But
he woke up too late. The tempest is in
full blast, and the sea, in convulsion, is
lashing itself, and nothing will stop it
now but the overthrow of Jonah.
So men sometimes wake up too late.
The last hour has come. The man has
no more idea of dying than I have of
dropping down this moment. The rig
ging Is all white with the foam of death.
How chilJ the night is! "I must die."
he says, "yet not ready. I must push
out upon this awful sea, but have noth
ing with which to pay my fare. The
white caps! The darkness! The hurri
cane! How lone have I been sleenlnsr?
Whole days, and months, and years.
I am quite awake now. I see every
thing, but It is too late." Invisible
hands take him up. He struggles to
get loose. In vain. They bring his
soul to th-verge. They let It down over
the side. The winds howl. The sea
opens Its frothing jaws to swallow. He
has gone forever. And while the can
vas cracked and the yards rattled and
the ropes thumped, the sea took up the
funeral dirge, playing with open
diapason of midnight storm. "Because
I have called, and ye refused; I have
stretched out my hand and no man re
garded; but ye have set at naught all
my counsel, and would none of my re
proof; I also will laugh at your calam
ity; I will mock when your fear com
eth." Now, lest any of you should make
this mistake, I address you In the words
of the Mediterranean sea-cantain:
"What meanest thou, O sleeper? Arise,
call upon thy God. if so be that God will
think upon us. that we perish not:" If
you have a God. you had better call
upon him. Do you say. "I have no
God?" Then you had better call upon
your father's God. When your father
was In trouble, who did he fly to? You
heard him, in his old days, tell about
rime terrible exposure in a snow-storm,
at sea, or in battle, or among mid
rjJr'nt garroters, and how he escaped.
ance with God. There Is something In
the worn pages of the Bible he used to
read which makes you think your
father had a God. In the old religious
books lying around the house, there
are passages marked with a lead pencil
passages which make you thing your
father "was not a godless man, but that,
on that dark day when he lay In the
back room dying, he was ready all
ready. But perhaps your father was a
bad man prayerless, and a blasphem
er, and you never think"1 of - him. now
without a shudder. He worshiped the
world or his own appetites. Do not
then, I beg of you, call upon your fath
er's God. but call on your mother's
God. I think she was good. You re
member when your father came home
drunk late on a cold night, how patient
your mother was. You often heard her
pray. She used to sit by the hour med
itating, as though she were thinking of
some good, warm place, where it never
gets cold., ajid where the bread does not
fail, and staggering steps never come.
You remember her now, as she sat, in
cap arid spectacles, reading her Bible
Sunday afternoons. What good advice
she used to give you! How black and
terrible the hole In the ground looked
to you when, with two ropes, they let
her down to rest in the graveyard! Ah!
I think from your looks that I am on
the right track. Awake. O sleeper, and
call upon thy mother's God.
But tierhaos both your father and
mother were depraved. Perhaps your
cradle was rocked by sin and shame,
and it is a wonder that from such a
starting you have come to respectabil
ity. Then don't tall upon the God of
either of your parents. I beg of you.
But you have children. You know
God kindled those bright eyes, and
rounded those healthy limbs, and set
beating within their breast an immor
tality. Perhaps in the belief that some
how, it would be for the best, you have
taught them to say an evening prayer,
and when they kneel beside you, and
fold their little hands, and look up,
their faces all Innocence and love, you
know xhat there is a God somewhere
about In the room.
I think I am on the right track at
last. Awake, O sleeper, and call upon
the God of thy children. May he set
these little ones to pulling at thy heart
until they charm thee to the same God
to whom to-night they will say their
little prayers!
Many years ago, a man, leaving his
family in Massachusetts, sailed from
Boston to China, to trade there. On
the coast of China, in the midst of a
night of storm, was shipwrecked
The adventurer .was washed up on the
beach senseless all his money gone.
He had to beg in the streets of Canton
to keep from starving. For two years
there was no communication between
himself and family. They supposed
him dead. He knew not but that his
family was dead. He had gone out as
a captain. He was too proud to come
back as a private sailor. But after a
while he choked down his pride and
sailed for Boston. Arriving there, he
took an evening train for the center
of the state, where he had left his fam
ily. Taking the stage from the depot,
and riding a score of miles, he got
home. He says that, going up In front
of the cottage in the bright moonlight,
the place looked to him like heaven.
He rapped on the window and the af
frighted servant let him in. He went
to the room where his wife and child
were sleeping. He did not dare to
wake them for fear of the shoke. Bend
ing over to kiss his child's cheek, a
tear fell upon the wife's face, and she
wakened, and he said, "Mary!" and she
knew his voice, and there was an inde
scribable scene of welcome, and Joy,
and thanksgiving to God.
To-day I know that many of you are
sea-tossed, and driven by sin In a
worse storm than that which cams
down on the coast of China, and yet I
pray God that you may, like the sailor,
live to go home. In the house of many
mansions your friends are waiting to
meet you. They are wondering why
you do not come. Escaped from the
shipwrecks of. earth, may you at last
go in! It will be a bright night a very
bright night as you put your thumb on
the latch of that door. Once In. you
will find the old family faces sweeter
than when you last saw them, and
there It will be found that he who was
your father's God, and your mother's
God, and your children's God, Is your
own most blessed Redeemer, to whom
be glory and dominion throughout all
ages, world without end. Amen.
Scarcity of Medical Yilliana.
Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes, who one
made some remarks in reference to a
charge that in his writing's he drew all
his villains from the clerical and legal
professions, said:
"I am afraid I shall have to square
accounts by writing one more story,
with a physician figuring in it. I have
long been looking in vain for such a
one to serve as a model. I thought I
had found a very excellent villain at
one time, but it turned out he was no
physician at all, only a I mean not
what we consider a practitioner of
medicine. I will venture to propose a
sentiment which, as I am not a work
ing physician, need not include the
proposer in its eulogy: The medical
profession so full of good people that
its own story tellers have to go outside
of it to find their villains."
NEW HOME DEUT. 6:3-15.
Golden Text: "Thou Shalt Bless the
Lord Thr God for the Good Land
Which He Hath Given Thee" Dent.
8 : lO In Canaan.
Good M Ilk.
So carefully are germs avoided in the
dairies of Denmark that the celebrated
butter of the country, much of which
is sent to England, is washed when
necessary in water that has been boiled.
The butter is, however, rarely washed,
but is first worked over by hand by
girls who are scrupulously clean, and
afterward filtered through clean gravel,
is white in color when finished, and is
artificially colored. It is very little
salted when used at home, but more or
less salt is added when it is sent as far
as England. It is said to retain its
fine quality when shipped better than
any butter known. As an incentive to
furnish only pure milk, the owners of
the cows are under contract to notify
the buyers at once if there is any sick
ness in their herd. The milk is then
bought from them and paid for at the
usual price, but is thrown away. Phil
adelphia Ledger.
The progress of reform In New Torlc
Is shown by the refusal of a man to
accept a $7,500 office. Under the old
regime it would not have been offered
to a man who would refuse.
Whoever lives a lie does it with a sworfl
over his head.
The first work a woman did for the devil
she did with her" tongue.
This section In
cludes the history In
Numbers, 21 to 26,
and the whole of
Deuteronomy. The
events here record
ed occurred in the
year 1451 B. C. and
near the close of
the fortieth year of
the exodus and a
short time before
the death of Moses. The Israelites were
now encamped between Mount Moab
and the River Jordan. The book of
Dueteronomy consists chiefly of three
discourses with Moses, with certain ap
pendices. 3 "Hear therefore O Israel, and ob
serve to do It; that It may be well with
thee and that ye may Increase might
ily (Genesis, 15:5; 22:17), as the Lord
God of thy fathers hath promised thee
in the land that floweth with milk and
4 "Hear O Isreal: The Lord our
God Is one Lord." Note the emphasis
one God, only one. It would be a ter
rible thing to live under the impres
sion that there existed a plurality of
deities, some having one dominion and
others another. Jehovah fills the whole
universe. His word is the highest. The
One God has been revealed more truly
through the teachings of His Son,
Jesus Christ. The more we know of
Him the better we can love an1 wor
ship and trust Him."
5 "And thou (Deuteronomy, 10:12;
Matthew, 22:C7) shalt love the Lord thy
God (II. Kings, 23:23) with all thine
heart and with all thy soul, and with
all thy might." The specification Is in
tended for every faculty that can pos
sibly come into question heart, soul,
6 And these words which I com
mand thee this day shall be in thine
heart." This Is an invocation to learn
the Scriptures and to commit the words
to memory as well as their meaning.
6 "And thou shalt teach them dill.
gently unto thy children and shall talk
of them when thou sittest in thine
house, and when thou walkest by the
way, and when thou llest down, and
when thou risest up." The atmosphere
of the home should be full of these
truths. In every department of life the
law of God should be the law of the
s "And thou shalt bind them for a
sign upon thine hand (It was a literal
and formal Interpretation of this com
mand which led to the use of phylac
teries upon the arm and upon the fore
head); and they shall be as frontlets
between thine eyes." See our lllustra
9 "And thou (Deuteronomy, 11:20)
shalt write them upon the posts of thy
house and on thy gates."
10 "And it shall be when the Lord
God shall have (bring) brought thee
Into the land which he sware (prom
ised) unto thy fathers, to Abraham, to
Isaac, and to Jacob to give thee great
and goodly cities (Joshua. 24:13; Psalms,
105:44) which thou buildest not." The
Israelites were now about to change
their mode of living, from tents to
cities built of stone and wood.
11 "And houses full of all good
things, which thou fllledst not, and
wells digged, which thou dlggest not,
vineyards and olive trees, which thou
plantedst not; when thou shalt have
eaten and be full." (Equivalent to "and
thou shalt eat.") See Deuteronomy,
12 "Then beware lest thou forget the
Lord, which brought thee out of the
land of Egypt, from the house of bond
age." Note the word "beware" as used.
Operations of the Torreni System of
Guaranteeing ICeal Kstate Titles.
Illinois Is a commonwealth of many
small towns, In which, numerically,
the private banking institutions pre
dominate. Nor does the supposition
that business men prefer to deal with
incorporated banks seem to check the
progress of private banking enterprise
in that state. In 1890 there were 485
such institutions in operation; in 1894
there were no less than 500, exhibiting
a ratio of increase which is not
equaled by the growth of the nation
al or the state banks. The following
table gives the numerical position of
the three classes of banks at two
1890. 1895.
&V-- No. of No. of
xr.fc,v Bank3. Banks.
National banks 196 218
State banks 90 131
Private banks 485 590
The field for the national banking
system Is comparatively limited, owing
to certain well known restrictions im
posed upon the associations organizing
under it. In the country districts the
bankable collateral is largely composed
of land securities, an asset discoun
tenanced by the federal banking act.
Here a cautious banker operating at
his discretion, and comparatively un
limited as to the nature of the securi
ties in which he may deal, secures an
opportunity for rendering an efficient
service to the community. As affect
ing the availability of such invest
ments in Illinois, it is of interest to
note that real estate security is about
to be relieved of many of the disabling
legal burdens which interfere with its
easy transference. The legislature of
Illinois recently passed an act provid
ing for the introduction of what is gen
erally known as the Torrens system
Under this system titles to real estate
are guaranteed bv the state, so that
once the title is established the instil
ment of proprietorship many be trans
ferred with the facility of a negotiable
note. Thus titles to real estate become
bankable assets of greater effectiveness
than that class of securities has ever
enjoyed. The American Banker years
ago urged the general introduction of
the Torrens system for the particular
reason that it turned a cumberstone
security into a quick asset of unques
tioned validity, and the results of the
experiment now to be tried in Illinois
will receive the closest attention of all
who are Interested in freeing the
material of credit from obsolete legal
Makes the
Weak Stek
Hood's Sarsaparilla tones and stre.
the digestive organs, creates an a,
and lives a refreshing sleep.
Is the one True Blood Purifier, i
,1 OJIIta the after-dinner r
tlOOd S K1II9 family cathartic.
. 1
Mnlartford Jificyc)
Eeg-ant la Design
Snprlor La "Workmanship
Strong: and Easy Humdng I
Hartfords arc the sort of b
cycles most makers ask $100 fr
Columblas are far super .
to so-called " specials," for whit
$125 or even $150 is asked.
It is well to be posted upon th
bicycle price situation.
The great Columbia plant is wor.
ing for the rider's leneljt, as usua
miovioimoi ,
THm Columbia Ctaloa, a work J
hiahaat art, toiling of and picturm' .
All am naw iuiumuiHi ibu hhviv
tt from any ColambiA Af ant, or U 1
Cncral Office
ad Factories,
W for two 2-cant atamps.
The President m Traget.
One of the most disgraceful features
In our modern style of journalism is
that the President of the United States,
whose very station should command
respect for him. is made a constant
target for disrespect, writes Edward
W. Bok in the Ladies' Home Journal.
It makes not the slightest difference
whether we admire or do not admire
the man who occupies the Presidential
chair. He is placed there by the ex
pressed suffrage of the people, and
when he is so placed and is the occu
pant of the high office, he has a right
to the respect of the people of the coun
try over which he presides. But this
is denied our President. The decent
respect which we mete out to ordinary
men is refused him. We excuse this
by saying that he was not our choice,
or that he holds the position by acci
dent. No man elected to the office of
President of the United States can be
an accident. He is placed there because
of his fitness for that office. And al
though we may not agree always that
he is as able as some other man. it is
only pure justice that we give him
the benefit of the doubt.
Tba cearaa of lnjtroi tion in t&ls Academy, eond
by tba Religion of the Sacred Heart, embrac
whole rantnt of cubjacta necea-Ary torocitttmer
and roflned education. Propriety of deportmen
aonai neatnee and the principles of morality a
Ject of un. e-intf Attention. Extensile grroun
ford tbe put U every facility for useful bodi j
cie; their health ia an object c f oonatAnt fo.l.
anl in flckne.n they are atienJed with matenut
Tail term opens Tuesday, Sept. Si. For furth
tlcular, adJre THE MPEKIt
Aradrmj sarred Heart, nt. Joseph
TUFSOAY. SEPT. 3d. 1895.
full courier in 1'Iaialrs. abetter. Velenee.l
Civil At: d Mechanical EiiartneerlnaT.Tno
Preparatory and Commercial Cour. St. d
Hall for boys under IS la unique in tie completer
lta equipment. Catalog-ties tnt free on appllcat'
Hit. Axn&cw Houusskt, c. s. O., Kotre Paine
The great era of prosperity in store for
the Jews might cause them to forget
God, so they are Invoked to beware.
The history of the Jewish nation, its
fall, and the scattering of the tribes
will prove very instructive reading to
young Christians.
13Thou shalt fear the Lord, thy
God, and serve (Deuteronomy, 11:20)
him and shalt (Psalms, 63:11; Isaiah,
65:16; Jeremiah, 5:27, 12:16) swear by His
14 "Ye shall not go after other gods
(Deuteronomy, 8:9, 11:28; Jeremiah,
25:16) of the gods of the people (Deute
ronomy, 13:7) which are round about
15 -For the Lord thy God Is a Jeal
ous God among you' " (Deuteronomy,
7:4, 11:17). lest the anger of thy Lord
thy God be kindled against thee, and
destroy thee from ofC the face of the
earth." Future lessons will more fully
explain this text.
A Cariosltr In Colds.
"The general prevalence of slight
colds," said a well-known lawyer at the
Continental Hotel last evening, "re
minds me of the sad case of an Inti
mate friend of mine who suffers very
much from annoying colds. His first
wife was a robust woman, who had a
wealth of fiery red hair, which, accord
ing to his notion, must have kept him
comfortably warm at nights. Be that
as it may, when she died my friend
married a dark-haired woman, and,
strange to relate, from the very first
night of the honeymoon he was afflicted
with a pestering cold. He had a sus
picion that the lack of that red hair
accounted for his affliction, so, by way
of a test, he sent his new wife to the
seashore and, strange to say, he enjoyed
immunity from the cold during her ab
The test nerve regulator known. )
cures nervous prostration, restor
nervo-vital and sexual powers. Ii
Vita IHne (Mercer's.) Sold by RL
ardson Drug Co. and E. E. Bruce
Co., Omaha, Neb., and all druggists.
The best known combination to bu;
no weak people. IMII Anrrmk
11 nk (Mercer's.) Sold bv Richar
6on Drug Co. and E. E. Bruce & C
Omaha, Neb., and all druggists.
Can only be accomplished with the very
of tools and . . applla
WuhaDavU Cream I
rator on the JJSj msmaam farmy01
sure of more I and bet
butter, while !,X thesklmi
milk Is aval- f v i5 uat)le fe(
Farmers will make nor
take to get a V Davis. N
Illustrated J catalof
mailed free Agents wa;
Cor. Randolph A Dctrborn Sts Chicago
Wherever the cross is. Christ Is.
A little religion Is hard to keep.
Whoever loves God, loves light,
sin nlwavs feels the safest In
When God measures men the standard
Is Christ.
No life can be a failure when God
directs it.
Humility dies the moment It looks
In the glass.
Nothing pulls toward heaven like a.
good example.
The man who hates light, will run
from a shadow.
Goldsmith Wai Full of Chivalry.
Poor "Goldy," as he was fondly nick
named later in life, did not look much
like a knight. Short or stature, with
a homely face deeply scarred by the
smallpox, awkward in his manners
and movements, he would have made
but a sorry figure in the lordly tourna
ment or at a royal banquet. And yet
he had within him not a little of the
knightly spirit. Generous to a fault,
daring even to foolhardiness, tender
hearted, impulsive he was just the
kind of a man to ride through the world
seeking adventures, and risking his
life in defense of the helpless and In
nocent. Had he lived in the days of
chivalry he would doubtless have been,
In spite of hi ugliness and ungainll
ness, s famous knight errant.
Found Fetrlfld Flah.
A prisoner on the stone-pile broke
open a big limestone and rolled out a
perfectly petrified fish at Portsmouth,
Ohio, the other day. The specimen is
complete, and is now at the mayor's
office. It 13 said by experts to be a
DR. i
Weakness and ,
llorders ,-
Erary cure guaran
O years' aiperienc
8 yaars In i iu iti ..
Hook Kre )
14 th A Faraan A
Oil HA, NEBj
IllnrtratacJ catalog showing WEX
8kht Fku. liars been tested and
mu mrrutM,
Sioux City Engine & Iron Works,
Successors to Pech Utg. Co.,
Manx City, Iowa.
TBS Rawer.. nmu kii,.w,..nA
11 U Wast Eleventh Straee, KanaasC.tyJfi
7? T r 1 Cl I O P 1 Jon nr wjnonus
i). Jl I U I KJ i J wathl nffton, J. C
Successfully Prosecutes CI a ins.
i LavtaPrlnclpal KWmla.r U.S.aba1oo Bum
Li J jra a Uat war, 13 Adjudicating oIaIiaa. ally lac
mm mi.
If rc I'ai a1ucu?. Geo,
Box 3146, rloc&eatar,
The purest treasure mortal times afford
Is spotless reputation; that away.
Men are but glided loam or painted
1 rl ll
uesi KXA
OctwhBrruD. Tawu tkxxi. tTa
In time. Sold by druggists.