Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, August 08, 1895, Image 2

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All the world loves the hopeful man.
Lots of people mistake their preju
dices for principles.
"We never heard anybody but men say
that women dress to please the men.
It's Just as easy to think well as ill ot
your neighbors, and it makes you feel
better. '
Mrs. Julia Ward Howe says that In
his youth the poet Longfellow was a
good deal of a dandy.
Pessimists to the contrary notwith
standing, Cupid is still making more
matches than cupidity.
A rich Buffalo lawyer has been kid
japed and put in a cellar. These Buf
falo lawyers seem to get an unusual
share of attention.
There is hope even for Peru. The
new Liberal government has consented
for the first time to let Bibles pass
through the Custom House.
Spelling reform will never maku
much progress in Philadelphia. The
Quakers wouldn't fancy seeing the
name of their city spelt "Filadelfla."
The next time a bomb is thrown in
Russell Sage's office he will retain
enough presence of mind to pick out a
lover-priced clerk fcr a shield.
Mendel Howard, an American, was
convicted of forgery in London, recent
ly, and sentenced to ten years' impris
onment. And there is no pardon board
It is a query whether Mr. Gladstone,
anticipating the fall of Rosebery,
stepped down and out on account of his
failing eyesight or because of increas
ing foresight.
Under the Nicholson liquor law,
which is now in full force and effect In
Indiana, each tippler will have to carry
his own screen. The cotton umbrella
market will probably have a boom.
Harvard University, the oldest of
American colleges, has gone to the
New York police department for one of
Its "overseers," electing Theodore
Roosevelt to that highly dignified posi
tion. If this rule excluding wheels from the
big office buildings is made to apply to
all forms of cerebral merry-go-rounds
there is danger that some of the Chi
cago sky-scrapers -will be left tenant
less. Gov. Werts has appointed a dead man
to office. This is not an Improvement
on the Chicago plan. There the dead
men drew a salary under one Chicago
administration, but no appointment
was made out.
A New York man was sent to Jail on
a disorderly charge preferred by his
wife, which, he said, grew out of his re
fusal to do the washing and ironing.
The new woman seems to be triumph
ing everywhere.
How can China get any part of the
war indemnity which it must pay unless
by floating a loan in the United States
when the United States is compelled
to go to foreign bankers to float its last
$50,000,000 loan?
It costs the Sultan of Turkey and hia
numerous family $30,000,000 per annum
to keep at the head of the oriental
swim. This sum will not be abbre
viated when the entire outfit demand
a change of bicycles every season.
Fortunately, they are well supplied
with bloomer stock.
The report of the Postoffice Depart
ment shows that the use of bicycles by
the Chicago carriers has saved the gov
ernment $5,000 a year in car fare. The
prospect is that, in the bright lexicon
of street-car men, the bicycle agents
will soon be put down along with the
people who try to get injunctions
against the trolley.
Milwaukee authorities are investigat
ing the case of two little children of
one family who died recently having
insurance policies on their lives. The
Wisconsin authorities ought to be in
vestigated for permitting the writing
of insurance on children's lives. After
a few frightful examples the State law?
will take cognizance of the abuse.
The bloomer girls have companions
in their raimental troubles. At Spirit
Lake, Iowa, two men In bicycle cos
tume were refused admission to a hotel
dining room on the ground that their
trouserloons were not a proper object
for feminine contemplation. The legs
of the tables and chairs in that dining
room must be chastely swathed in vol
uminous pantalets.
To Professor Cope, of the University
of Pennsylvania, we owe the discovery
that we are descended from a paleozoic
fish. There are several intermediata
stages, but we finally get back, through
some billions of ages, to this four-Inch
fish, shaped like a cigar, and having
"neither, brain, skull, vertebrae, nor
red blood." .Some people might re
gard this unflattering to man, but It all
depends upon how you look upon it.
We have certainly something to con
gratulate ourselves upon In haiing
achieved anything from b un
promising beginning.
The citizens of Wayne have taken
steps for the organization of a board of
Custer county has a reat crop of
small grain and corn li in excellent
Mrs. Hart, wife of a Plattsmouth
physician, has been adjudged insane
and sent to the asylum.
The town of Randolph is enjoying a
building boom, and most of the new
structures are of brick.
Mrs. Charles Grier died while in a
dentist's chair in Omaha, she having
taken chloroform to alleviate pain.
A man living a short distance from
Decatur had three fine work horses and
seventeen chickens killed by a stroke
of lightning.
Masked burglars robbed the post
office at Central City of S'Jl by drilling
the safe. The men w;re overtaken
and arrested in a corn field.
A max by the name of Anderson com
mitted suicide at Argo, eight miles
south of Oakland, by shooting. The
cause was illness. He leaves a wife.
While bathing" in the Missouri river
near Decatur, Charles Phillips, aged 17,
the only son of a widowed mother, was
drowned. His body was recovered soon
The total acreage of sugar beets
within a radius of six miles of Fremont
is 1,300 acres. The entire acreage in
the county will very nearly reach 2,000
Mrs. Julia Uleimeistkr of Nicker
son was taken violently insane recent
ly and was brought to Fremont for the
purpose of being sent to the asylum at
The management has changed the
dates of the fourteenth annual Cedar
county fair. Instead of September 24,
25 and 2t, the dates will be September
10, 11 and 12.
Rev. D. F. Hit.iies, a retired preach
er of the Christian church, and a lead
ing member of that denomination in Be
atrice, died last week. The deceased
was 70 years of age.
The corner stone for the Masonic
temple at Indianola was laid last week.
Grand Master Henry H. Wilson of Lin
coln officiating. A large number of
visiting Masons were in attendance.
Hoos owned by some of the farmers
in the vicinity of Schuyler are dying of
cholera. Three hundred head owned
by Representative J. C Van Housen
are the last ones reported attacked.
The farmers in this section, says a
Gothenburg dispatch, have been in the
midst of the harvest this week, and
from every direction comes the report
that small grain is much better than
George Kellar, a German bachelor,
of Norfolk, disappeared a week ago
Sunday, and fears are entertained that
in a fit of despondency he had killed
himself. He was a hermit and perpet
ual motion inventor.
Mrs. Matlaxd, of Omaha, was last
week shot and killed by Fred Wahl
gren, a man with whom she had co
habited for four years without being
married and by whom she had twin '
D03-S. The murderer is in jaiL
E. E. Day, a general merchant of
Weeping Water, who has been in busi
ness for eight years, was closed up last
week by Kilpatrick, Koch &, Co. of
Omaha, through their agent, W. H.
Gates. The amount is not known as
Peter S. Dutter. residing ten miles
northeast of Schuyler, sustained seri
ous loss by the burning of tw,o large
outbuildings, a barn and implement
wareroom and feed and meal grinding
establishment The loss aggregates
S3. 000.
The annual reunion of Southern Ne
braska Grand Army of the Republic
association will be held at Camp Slo
cumb, Fairbury, August 12 to 10 inclu
sive. The association, which comprises
eight counties, is making extensive
preparations, and expects to entertain
a large number of visitors.
Miss Martha JJowland, of Omaha,
aged 54, suicided last week by cutting
her throat. The woman had been la
boring under a species of dementia,
arising from fear of the loss of a finan
cial investment and further worriment
over a brother who was recently taken
to the insane asylum.
A youxg married woman, Mrs. Heils
of Decatur, and the mother of three
children, wrote a letter to a young
country lad asking him to meet her in
a certain place and they would elope.
The boy's father got possession of the
note and notified the woman's husband.
The elopement has been indefinitely
William Eg an,' the 16-year-old son
of Patrick Egan, who lives near Leigh,
Colfax county, was killed by lightning.
He was hauling grain from the fields
to the thresher and was struck when
the wagon was half loaded.
A German boy about 14 years old,
named Chalk, was drowned in Bryant's
lake, a small body of water two miles
east of Chadron. His clothes were
found on the bank, but at this writing
his body has not been recovered.
Mrs. Hilirebrand and Mrs. Gowey
of Burt county met with a serious acci
dent while out driving. The horses
ran away, throwing the ladies from the
buggy, one of whom sustained a broken
arm, the other having one leg and one
shoulder broken.
A Wandering Willie tramp, who was
working out a sentence of thirty days
on the streets at Bancroft, wearied of
the monotony and skipped out, taking
along with him the ball and chain at
tached, with which the authorities
had labeled him.
The state board of transportation
has issued to the Burlington an order
to open a station at LaPlatte, in Cass
county, within thirty days. The sta
tion at that place has been maintained
by the road from the time it was opened
in 1871 until January 21, 1895. Then
it was closed.
The Russian thistle is to be found in
only a few townships in York county
and the road overseers of these town
ships are taking the proper steps tc
see that the thistles are exterminated.
The overseer of Baker township, N. M.
George, found quite a few along the
Elkhorn railroad and on the farms near
by, which were promptly attended to.
Company F, First regiment, Juniata,
and company F, Second regiment,
O'Neill, Nebraska National Guards,
have been ordered mustered out by
"Adjutant General Barry. The inspect
or general has been , detailed to take
possession of the state property and
frrward the same to the capitoL
1 The Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben at Omaha.
Samson, Lord High Chamberlain, has
I ordered that publication be given the
His Royal Castle, Omaha,
the 26th day of the 7th
month in the 569 year of
the reign of Ak-Sar-Ben.
De Editor, Most Noble and Valued sub
ject: By Decree of Ak-Sar-Ben, the King:
All hail the King. (Why don't you
hail?) I, Solomon, Lord High Cham
berlain to the King, (now all hail to
gether,) ask your aid in bringing the
many subjects within your province to
the King's review, to take place at
Omaha, Nebraska, as evening falls on
the night of September the 19th, 1895.
By publishing the enclosed clipping
from the Omaha Word-Herald, or as
much as your types will stand without
dire injury thereto, you will incur the
eternal thankfulness of the Lord High
It is the pleasure of Ak-Sar-Ben. the
King. All hail the King. Mail the
paper to Samson, Box 777, Omaha, Neb
Given under the hand seal of
Lord High Chamberlain,
By the Grace of God, King of Qui
vera, Duke of the Seven Cities of Cibo
la, Defender of the faith and Knight of
the Royal Host.
To our faithful subjects everywhere,
behold our royal edict.
It is our command that the week of
the present year, beginning September
16 and ending September 21, be set
apart for the occasion of our royal visit
to our beloved city of Omaha, Province
of Nebraska, for the purpose of cele
brating this year the Feast of Monda
min, the Good Spirit of the Harvest,
the King of Corn. It is decreed that
this be a time of high carnival, dazzling
pageants and magnificent fetes, pre
pared by our loving subjects for the
pleasure of ourselves and visiting pil
grims from many lands, and that on
Thursday, the nineteenth day of Sep
tember,as evening falls, the entrance
of our royal hosts through the gates of
the city will be made. It is therefore
enjoined upon all who owe us alle
giance, whether in this land of corn, in
the mighty east or in foreign lands,
that they assemble in the city of Oma
ha on this occasion to enjoy with us
the gorgeous spectacle, and royal hos
pitality tendered by our loving sub
jects. By order of the King.
Lord High Chamberlain.
To Make the Farmers Glad.
A copy of the official seal of the De
partment of Agriculture at Washing
ton, adopted June 21, has been received
at the office of the secretary of state.
In the act of congress approved August
8, 1S94, it is ordered that the official
seal, which is green in color, shall be
described in heraldic terms as follows:
Two and three-eighths inches in diam
eter, tzure, a shock of corn (or) upon a
base (vert), an American plow proper.
All within double Armulet (argent),
outer roped, inner leaded, charged
with the inscription at the base, scroll
bearing the legend, "Agriculture is the
Foundation of Manufacture and Com
merce." 1862, 18S9(or) a diapered back
ground of forty-four stars (argent) for
the states of the union. The seal also
bears the inscription State Depart
ment of Agriculture."
The Float In Parade.
Regarding the parade of floats at
Omaha on the occasion of the State
fair the committee desires that every
county in the state be represented. A
circular has been issued, from which
the following has been taken:
To raise the standard of these floats
this association offers a cash premium
for two of the best productions. First
prize S75, second prize $W. Douglas
county floats will not compete with
other counties in the state for prizes
We will furnish horses to draw the
floats while on the streets in the par
ade. We suggest that these floats be
built on running gear and loaded on
cars and brought to Omaha ready to
enter the parade. The maximum
height of any float must not exceed
fifteen feet, so as to admit passing un
der trolley wires.
The parade will pass through the
principal streets of the metropolis of
Nebraska; one-quarter million people
will witness the passing pageantry.
Fireworks and electric displays will
light and beautify the line of march,
bands will discourse excellent music.
No such display will ever have been
presented west of St. Louis or Chicago,
and we appeal to your citizens to join
us in making this the proudest day of
our great state, and the beginning of a
new era in our prosperity.
State Fair Exhibits
Secretary Holmes of the Manufactur
ers and Consumers' association returned
last week from a trip to several of the
towns in the state in the interest of the
manufacturers' exhibit at the state
The Omaha manufacturers are not
going to take the choice of sites in the
manufacturers', building, for they con
sider themselves the host, and the out
of town men will be given the best
locations. Nearly every factory in the
state will be represented, and the ex
hibit will be one of the star attractions
of the state fair. The majority of the
manufacturers are going to put ma
chinery into the building and make
their products right there.
Lightning struck in five places in
Grand Island the other night. The
residences of Councilman Schauroup,
Rev. F. Gapert, George Burrows and
Andrew Burg were damaged, as was
also a barn beloning to William Pep
der. Fortunately no one was injured.
Nebraska Band Union.
The annual encampment of the Ne
braska Band union will take place at
Hastings the same week as the G. A.
R. Reunion,. August 26 to 31. It is ex
pected that from the forty bands now
belonging to the union there will be no
less than 600 musicians in camp. Many
applications are being received by Dr.
Charles E. Barnett of Archer, who is
secretary of the association. Many
publishing houses and instrument
maker are sending in prizes for the
contest besides the cash prizes already
A Motion for a New Trial to- Be Followed
by Appeal to the Supreme Court on
Legal Technicalities The People
Pleased With the Jury's Work
Would Have Been
Lynched If Acquitted.
Carrollton, Mo., Aug. 5. The
counsel for the defense in the Taylor
case are busy to-day preparing a bill of
exceptions and a motion for a new
trial. This will be presented to the
court next Tuesday. It is not at all
likely that a new trial will be grant ed
and they will take the case to the su
preme court. One of the errors they
will claim is the fact that one of the
young attorneys for the state,
in ' his argument, said to the
jury: "They have not placed
Mrs. William Taylor on the witness
stand. Why was this?" The court
rebuked him and told him to keep
within the record of the case and in
structed the official reporter to make a
note of it. The defense claim that the
statutes make this a particularly re
versible error. The defense, before
the case went to trial, objected to the
panel of forty, and to the twelve jury
men chosen, particularly because all
except four of them had stated that
they had expressed an opinion as to
the guilt of the Taylors, but more than
that they could and would try the case
on the evidence. They will object on
the ground that the very atmosphere
ot Carroll county was so full of hos
tility to the defendants that a fair
trial could not be had. The bill of ex.
ceptions, in the event that their mo
tion for a new trial is overruled, will
be a long one.
Virgil Conklin, for the defense, said
this morning: "We are, of course, very
much depressed at the verdict. We
have fought hard and fiercely for the
lives of the Taylors. I have nothing
except what is courteous, to say for the
court. Judge Rucker has tried the
case fairly and impartially, and has
granted us what we were entitled to.
Some of the state's witnesses were
well, I will say mistaken. In the
event of a new trial, which we expect,
we will make a much harder fight than
before, and will certainly disprove
some of the state's testimony. We
could not get a fair trial in Carroll
county. The air is full of vengeance
and it could not be kept out of the
i'ury room. However, what criticisms
have to make I will make in open
A man who came in from Browning
and Brook field said that the excite
ment at those towns when the word
that the Taylors had been convicted
was received was intense. The tele
graph operator received a telegram
over the wire five minutes after the
verdict had been rendered and the
news spread like wildfire. People
shotfted "Thank God;" "That's good;"
"Linn county is vindicated," and other
expressions of their relief at the end
ing of the case.
"Had the Taylors been acquitted
and had they returned to Linn or Sul
livan counties," this man continued,
"they would not have lived ten min
utes after they were first seen. The
people were terribly worked up over
this thing and would brook nothing.
It seems cruel to look at the matter in
this light, but consider their career of
crime, capped by the butchery of the
Meeks family. No man in that section
can think of it and keep cool."
The town is deserted and has re
solved itself once more into a staid
country town. All the witnesses,
jurors and spectators have left for
their homes. Judge Rucker left for
his home at Keytesville this morning
and will return to open court on Mon
day and will hear the Taylor's motion
for a new trial Tuesdav.
Four Deaths In a Ball Room.
Chtllancingo, Mex., Aug. 5. In the
village of Chilepa a ball was in pro
gress at the home of Joseph E. Ferra
ta, last night, when Louis Martinez, a
young Spaniard, became enraged at
being refused a dance by a young lady,
and drawing a revolver began firing
indiscriminately into the crowd of
dancers. He tired a dozen or more
shots and killed three men and one
woman. He then fled.
Ex-Strikers Want Huge Damages.
San Francisco, Aug. 5. Attorney
Gjeorge Monteith, as legal representa
tive of Harry A. Knox, the strike
leader of last year, has filed a com
plaint charging the Southern Pacific
and others with false and malicious
imprisonment, and praying forS500,000
damages. Similar suits in like amount
will also be brought within a few days
by two other strikers.
Another Claim Against Spain.
New York, Aug. 5. Charles Lynn,
the "Cuban cattle King," who arrived
from the scene of the insurgent fight
ing in Santa Clara province recently,
proposes to push a claim of 8150,000
against the Spanish government for
the destruction of his father's property
and the imprisonment of his mother in
jail at Trinidad, Cuba, without war
ant of law.
Yale Oarsmen Ambitions.
New York, Aug. 5. There will be
another international contest between
the athletes of Oxford and Yale uni
versities if arrangements can be sue-
cessfully made. xaie oarsmen
are anxious for a test of strength and
skill with the Oxford or the Cambridge
StambnlofTs Friend Assassinated.
Berlin, Aug. 5. A telegram from
Sofia states that M. Matajiefy, an in
timate friend of the late M. Stambu
loff, and leader of the Liberal party
at Tatar Bassardjik, eastern Roumania,
has been attacked by assassins and fa
tally wounded.
The Notorious Iowa Prohibition Law
Violator an Evangelist.
Albia, Iowa, Aug 5. "Stormy"
Jordan of Wapello county, who has
given the authorities more trouble in
Iowa on the prohibition question than
any other half dozen persons, has
joined the Methodist church and has
turned out a full-fledged evangelist.
Before the prohibition law' was passed
in Iowa Jordan used to run a
saloon at the "Q" depot in
Ottumwa, and had the sign over
his door, "The road to hell,"
After the law became operative he
spent a fortune in fighting the meas
ure. Times without number he was
arrested and fined for selling liquor
unlawfully, and many times was im
prisoned. He was " considered the
toughest case in the state, and
"Stormy" Jordan was known far and
near by all the outlawed characters.
He was constantly under police sur
veillance, lie appeals now to his old
associates most fervently, and is now
pointing the way to heaven with as
much fervor as he formerly did to
hades. Hundreds flock nightly to
hear him.
A Great New Lake Vessel Launched.
Cleveland, Ohio, Aug. 5. The new
steamer Yale was launched at the
yard of the Cleveland Ship Building
company to day in the "presence of a
big crowd of people. She is the
largest boat ever built at this port
and will be the best equipped freighter
on the great lakes. She is owned by
Robert Rhodes and others of this city.
She is 36 feet over all. 45 feet beam,
28 feet deep, constructed of open
hearth steel throughout. She rwill
carry about 4,200 gross tons of iron
ore on a mean draught of 15 feet or
6,0q0 net tons on a draught of 10 feet.
To Fight the Bell Company.
New York, Aug. 5. Telephone man
ufacturers and makers of telephone ap
paratus throughout the United States j
have arranged for the organization of
a corporation with a capital of S10,
000.000 to enter the field against the
Bell Telephone company. The pro
posed organization will be known, it
is said, as the Eastern Telephone Pro
tective association.
Cut and Stabbed Six Times.
Fredoxia, Kan., Aug. 5. Alonzo
Smith, in a quarrel last night with D.
Timmons, was severely cut and
stabbed six times. Smith is lying in a
dangerous condition to-day. Tim
mons was arrested and, in default of
S500 bail bond, is in jail.
Fatal Double Affray in Indiana.
Mount Vernon, Ind., Aug. 5. At
Maumee last night Polk Salon as
saulted C. W. Bacon and the latter
6hot Salon, who is dying to-day. Salon
shot Bacon three times, killing him
instantly. Bacon was a teacher and a
local poet.
A Great Iron Plant to Reopen.
Pottsville, Fa., Aug. 5. The plant
of the Pottsville iron and steel com
pany at this place will resume opera
tions in about three weeks after a prac
tical idleness of many months.
Beaver Island Not Devastated.
Charlevoix, Mich., Aug. 5. The re
port that Beaver Island has been de
vastated by fire is a hoax. There are
small forest fires on the island, but
none of great importance.
Exeter's Bishop a Bitter Tory.
London, Aug. 5. The Anglican
bishop of Exeter, in a pastoral letter,
urges special thanksgiving and praj-er
for the defeat of the party which
threatened the church.
William Doolln Dead A pa In.
Wichita, Kan., Aug. 5. It was
learned that the body supposed to be
Willett s that was exhumed at King
fisher is no other than Bill Doolin
General Wayne's Victory.
Green ville, Ohi- Aug. 6. The cen
tennial of the conquest of the Indian
natives is being celebrated here to-day.
Daniel G. Hatch, chief of the bureau
of animal industry, is dead.
American officers have been invited
to attend the French army maneuvers.
The state department has been noti
fied that Belgium has adopted a new
tariff law.
Editor Olmos of Pueblo, Mexico, was
Nellie Thomas of Cincinnati, from
whose limbs forty needles were ex
tracted, will recover.
Ex-Governor Boies' friends are push
ing him for nomination for governor
by the Iowa Democrats.
Joe Patchen and Robert J. have been
matched to pace for 5,000 a side at
Buffalo this week.
The ?-months-old child of Ilenry
Ilackley, a farmer living near Ottawa,
Kan., was choked to death with a piece
of apple.
A Missouri Pacific passenger train
ran into a washout near Stockton,
Kan. , and four cars were derailed. No
one was injured.
The Rev. R. L. Kirkland has been
removed from the pastorate of the
Savannah Avenue Baptist church, St.
Joseph, Mo., as the result of recent
The postoffice department positively
denies the San Francisco report that
extensive frauds have been developed
in the weighing of California mails.
Forest fires are raging in the upper
peninsula of Michigan and in Mari
nette county, Wis., and much damage
is being done to crops and to standing
At the United Presbyterian synod at
Ottawa, Kan., an especial prayer was
offered that Governor Morrill might be
guided in the enforcement of all laws,
especially the prohibitory.
It has been positively proved that
John Burns, now serving a term in the
state prison at Auburn, N. Y., for an
alleged burglary in Buffalo, was at the
time in St. Joseph, Mo., and on the day
of the alleged crime pawned two rings.
Daughter of the Richest Man In Uason,
Ohio, Breaks Up a Church.
Cincinnati, Ohio, Augl. A fetr
days ago Miss Ida Coleman, daughter
of the richest man in Warren county,
and organist of the Methodist church
at Mason, bought a wheel. Then she
appeared at the base ball park in red
bloomers. The pastor, the Rev. J. J.
Wadsworth, smiled at her, but others
derided her. Saturday night a com
mittee waited on the minister and com
manded him to denounce bloomers the
following day. Sunday Mr. Wads
worth did not refer to Miss Coleman,
bicycle or bloomers. That night he
was told that he either had to de
nounce Miss Coleman's riding habit or
resign. He was given until last night
to do so.
Last night a prayer meeting was
held. Parson Wadsworth was in the
pulpit. The benches and aisles were
crowded. Miss Coleman waited until
the audience became restless for music
Then she strode down the aisle dressed
in bloomers as red as the sun and took
her seat at the organ. Some familiar
tunes were sung and played, but be
fore the minister could begin to pray
his audience, or at least the most of it,
had dispersed. As they were leaving
the building they were hissed. After
ward Parson Wadsworth and Miss
Coleman's friends continued the ser
Wyoming: Settlers Ask for Aid Against
the Indians.
Cheyenne, Wyo., Aug 1. The In
dian scare is spreading far to the south
and east of Jackson's Hole and settlers
in Fremont county are becoming
alarmed. Governor Richards last night
received the following from Dr. W.
Lovejoy of South Pass, in the Miners
Delight mining district:
South Pass, July 30. There is a
band of from 100 to 300 Indians within
a half day's ride of this place. They
are all bucks and things look shady
here. We have plenty of ammunition
and men, but need guns. Can you send
a few stands of arms?
Shortly after the receipt of the above
the following was received from Lead
stone, in the same district:
Lewiston, July 30. Can you send us
guns? Indians are near here.
The governor says the Indians no
doubt are Utes from Duchesne, who
are hanging around in the hope that
there will be a big fight with the Ban
nocks which will give them an oppor
tunity to make an attack upon these
settlers and get back to their reserva
tion before the troops could interfere
with them.
No Truth in the Report That the Potta
watomie Were on the Warpath.
Topeka, Kan., Aug 1. The Indian
troubles on the Pottawatomie reserva
tion were not so serious as indicated
by the press dispatches from here. The
governor was not asked for troops, and
there is not the slightest danger of an
outbreak of any description. Indeed,
it is the impression here that some one
imposed on the reporters.
Colored Women Meet.
Boston, Aug 1. Mrs, Ruffin pre
sided at the second day of the confer
ence of the Colored Women of Amer
ica. The first part of the session was
for women only and was in secret. The
second part Mrs. Booker T. Washing
ton, wife of the president of the Tusk
egee institute at Tuskegee, Ala., read
a paper on "Individual Work for
Moral Elevation." She spoke of the
adaptability ot the colored women for
better conditions and told of the great
work of the institute.
Quotations from New York, Chicago, St.
Louis, Omaha and Elsewhere.
Butter Creamery separator.. 14 Tft 15
Butter 1 air to good country. 12 65 1 13
Kggs Fresh 10 49 10',
Honey California, per lb 14 ft 13
Hens Live, per lb 6 6
Spring Chickens, per lb 11V4 12
Lemons Choice Messinas 4 0) Wd 25
Apples per bbl 2 00 4 2 25
Oranges Floridas, per box.... 2 50 W 3 00
I'otatoes New 35 49 40
Watermelons per dozen 2 5J 45 3 00
Beans Navy, hand-picked, bu 2 00 46 2 20
Hay Upland, per ton 6 50 7 60
Onions l'er bu 50 u5 75
Cheese Neb. & la., full cream 10 49 H
Pineapples per doz 1 "5 4a 2 25
Tomatoes-per 4-basket crate. 85 & 90
Hogs Mixed packing 5 00 4i 5 10
Hogs Heavy weights 4 95 4J 5 00
Beeves Mockers and feeders. 2 40 45 3 X)
Beef Steers 4 00 5 00
Bulls. 2 15 4 2 40
Stags 2 75 4 3 00
Calves. 2 25 49 4 25
Cows 1 50 4 3 00
Heifers 1 00 42 3 00
Westerns 2 25 4 3 60
Sheen Lambs 3 00 5 CO
Sheep Choice natives 2 50 45 3 75
Wheat No. 2. spring 66 66X
Corn Per bu 43 4 43 4
Oats I er bu 23 4ft 23H
Pork .. 10 37 4U0 5D
Lard 6 50 44 6 55
Hogs Packers and mixed 4 90 j 5 10
Cattle Steers extra 3 40 u. 5 80
Sheep Lambs 3 00 ' 5 50
fcheep Natives 2 00 42 4 10
Wheat. No. 2, red winter 75 O 75
Corn No. 2 S 49
Oats No. 2 4 32 4J
Pork 12 25 -12 65
Lard 6 50 4ft 6 67tf
Wheats No 2 red, cash 70 V 70U
Corn Per bu 40 44 402
Oats Per bu 22 & 22V
Hogs Mixed packing 4 60 45 4 90
Cattle Beft steers 4 25 48 5 00
Sheep Mixed natives 2 75 6a 3 50
Lambs 3 00 4 50
Wheat No. 2 hard 654 19 66
Corn-No. 2 37 33
Oats No. 2 21 45 22
Cattle Stockers and feeders.. 2 45 40 4 40
Hogs Mixed packers 4 50 49 4 so
Would Sell His Tote.
Wichita, Kan., Aug 1. J. p.
Farout, county commissioner of Sum
ner county, had a preliminary hearing
at Argonia and was held in the sum of
$2,000. lie is accused of corrupt prac
tices in office. lie is alleged to have
agreed to give his vote to the Sumner
County Standard for the county print
ing in consideration of the fact that
the Standard, as the Democratic organ,
would oppose fusion between Demo
crats and Populists in the election of
1894. Farout is a Republican. It is
the first case instituted under the
Douglass corrupt practice act.