Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, August 08, 1895, Image 1
State Histoiicle Society THE PL A TSMO 0 11 WEEKLY lBE JUST AND FEAR NOT." VOL. 14, NO. 33. P h A.TTS MOUTH, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 8. 1895. f f( PEK YEAR. )IUU IF FA1U IN ADVANCE. CRAWFORD SHOT. His Wife'S Argument Was In the Shape of Bullets- SHE HIT HIM THREE TIMES, Hut He Thinks She Didn't Mean to Kill Him A Visit to Heisel's Fl"nr Mill Find Them Very liusy Inert-Hard Output. .Sadie Craw fold had a little argument with her husband early Sunday morn ing iitni as a result she put in Sunday night Jt the Hotel Denson and her Jack is nursing several bullet holes in his person. She took occasion to fire four shots at him, three of them taking enVft. The way it nil happened was this: Mrs. Crawford and a youug wo man named Carrigan, who has been staying with her, went to a dance Sat urday night and did not return until on or two o'clock Sunday morning. Crawford came home shortly after wards and, finding there a man named Anton, null whom he had had some previous trouble, ordered him to leave, which he did. Crawford then had a violent quarrel with his wife, but final ly ihings quieted down and nothing further -occurred until next morning. Sunday morning Crawford came down town and shortly afterwards Airs. Crawfoid appeared on the streets also. When she started home Jack followed berand,arriviug at the house, renewed the quarrel of the night be fore. He lina'ly declared that he would beat her brains out and followed up th declaration by throwing a stick of wood at her. Sadie concluded that this was going a little too far and, producing a revolver, began shooting. The first shot did not bit him and he started toward her with the intention of taking the gun away from her. But Lei aim improved on the next three shots, and oue struck his left cheek bone and glanced off, another entered the corner of his mouth, knocking out a couple of teeth and coming out the back of his cheek, and a third struck him on the forearm, cutting the skin and burning two holes in his coat sleeve. He finally succeeded in gain ing possession of the revolver, but she recovered it again and retained it till taken away from her by the police. Mrs. Crawford had a hearing before Jude Archer Monday morning aud acquitted, ou the plea of self-defense. Judge Sullivan appearing in her behalf. Crawford, in telling about the shoot ing, said he didn't think she meant to kill him, but the fact of her hitting him three times would lead people to believe that he might be mistaken. A Flourishing Industry . A visit to Heisel's flour mill Monday morning revealed the fact that that institution is running eleven hours a day at present, with more orders than can be filled. The mill is turning out from seventy-live to eighty fifty-pound sacks of "Plansifter" and "Golden Star" flour a day, in addition to a large amount of corn meal and some rye flour. Mr. Heisel informed there porter that as soon as he could pro cure sufficient rye, the mill would be run at its full capacity about fifty barrels a day. This is a Plattsmouth institution that apparently has not felt the effect of the hard times, as it has been running from eleven to eighteen hours a day ever since its completion. Horse ICace Saturday. An interesting horse race occurred last Saturday at the fair grounds. The horses were owned by Jim Iianey and Charles Good of Murray and the match was for $10 aside, the distance being one-half mile. Kaney's horse was rode by Ed Brantner and Good's by a youug man named McEntee from Union. Raney's horse was an easy winner, the time being 54:i. It is re ported that about $125 changed hands on the race. Another match has been arranged for August 20, at the same place, the purse to be $100. Catholic Church struck. During" the storm Sunday after noon a bolt of lightning struck the tower on the Catholic church, and the large cross, which has stood on the building since it was erected, many years ago. was knocked off Consid erable plastering was dislocated by the shock. The damage to the church was fortunately very slight. The' Plan Sifter "dour is the popular brand. Ask tor it from your grocer. RAIN IN ABUNDANCE. Great Thuuder Storm Floods Cass County Yesterday Afternoon. Preceded by a storm of wind, a very heavy rain shower fell upon this city Sunday, beginning about one o'clock and continuing for about three hours. 1'he storm was quite general, as far as can be learned, telegraphic reports in dicating that it exteuded over the ter ritory embracing Lincoln on the west, Ft. Calhoun on the north and Syracuse on the south. For a time the w ind blew great guns and the rain fell in torrents, flooding the streets, filling the creeks bank-full and fully trying the capacitv of the sewer. During the storm several large stumps were washed through the sewer, and one very large one, it is reported, lodged in the sewer at some point on it3 passage toward the river. After the wind had blown for an hour it ceased and a gentle, steady rain fell for two hours more. The rain gauge at the B & M. station shows that 2.05 inches of water fell during the day the most water that has fallen during the same length of time for several years. The rain which fell a week ago in sured a crop of corn, but this one has added many thousand bushels to the yield. Telegraphic reports indicate thatthe storm was quite general over eastern Nebraska, from Hastings east, and from Beatrice north, and that it did a vast amount of good. Some hail fell in portions of Cass county. Sent Obscene Valentines. Pearl Brown, one of the band of Salvation army workers arrested last winter on charge of stealing hogs was again taken in charge by the officers yesterday. This time he will have to answer to Uncle Sam for sending ob scene literature through the mails. Henry Markle and other farmers were the recipients of this kind of literature and Inspector Sinclair was informed of Pearl's wrong doing and went down and brought him up for trial yester day afternoon. He had his hearing before IJ. S. Commissioner Sejmour yesterday afternoon and was bound over to ap pear in the United Statescourt at Om aha. His bond was fixed at $300 which be furnished. Nebraska City News. The Alfalfa I'alace. The state fair managers are in high spirits over the fair prospects. Every thing is shaping up to their satisfac tion. The alfalfa palace is now placed un der the supervision of G. II. Hervey, who will correspond with alfalfa grow ers and solicit exhibits for this depart ment. Western states are asking for space in the alfalfa palace for their mining and mineral exhibits. Space in this building is above, par already and the season for entry has scarcely opened. The alfalfa palace is the new and novel feature for the fair. World Herald. Some (iootl Luck forjudge Archer. Police Judge Archer has received a letter from a law firm in Kansas ask ing to be allowed to represent the judge's interests iu a valuable estate, consisti ng of a 640 acre farm in Butler county, Kansas. The property was owned by the late John M. Fowler, an uncle of Mr. Archer's first wife, who is dead, and the judge is one of sixteen heirs to the estate. Considerable money will probably be found also, as Fowler is known to have drawn $16,000 from a bank just prior to his death, and this money has not been found. Some ISi Potatoes. Jim Price, who lives down on the island was in town Friday, showing some sample potatoes of his raising that were simply "immense." They were of the "Beauties of Hebron" variety. Jim says he has a half acre of this variety which he thinks will yield about 100 bushels. He also says that be has ten acres of beans that will beat anything of the kind ever raised J in the state. Six Head of Horses Killed. A fast freight train on the B. & M. ran into and killed six head of horses out near Cullom Wednesday night The animals were the property of three of the Meisinger brothers, two horses belonging to each, and were in a pasture near the railroad. It is sup posed that they became frightened at the approaching train and ran in front of it and were killed. The Louisville brick works have been leased for three months to C. B. Williams who expects to begin work turning out paving brick about August 15. This will give employment to twenty men. SHE ABUSED HIM. William Hickson Files a Suit For Divorce This Morning. DEATH OF LITTLE JANET COOK. New Kecurd I looks Hecelved at the County Judge's Orlice Friday Which Are a Decided Improvement Over the Old Ones Notes. Wants a Divorce. William C. Hickson vs. Matilda Hickson is the title of a divorce case filed in the district clerk's office Tues day. The plaintiff avers that defend ant would '"scratch, beat ami other wise abuse him, causing blood to flow," and would use vile and indecent language in his presence, and also in dulged in intoxicants to excess. He prays for aLsolute divorce and the ie tention of some property. The mat ter will be heard at the coming term of district court. A Sad and. Sudden Death ' At six o'clock Friday morning Janet, the bright little daughter of Dr. and Mrs. E. W. Cook, passed to her final reward. Deceased was four years and eleven mouths old aud was idolized by her parents aud grand-parents. Cause of death was diebetes-millitus, frcm which the little one bus been suffering for some time. Several months yo Dr. Cook took his little one to Chicago for treatment for that disease and ip- on his return to this city the child showed some improvement aud it was hoped that she would entirely recover in a few months. The death is a most severe blow to the loving parents, being their only child, and they have the heartfelt sympathy of the entire com munity. The little one's demise was entirely unexpected, and Dr. Cook had her out riding for a short time Thursday. Everything known to medical science was done for the child, and its every want was lovingly ministered to. but of no avail. The funeral of the little daughter of Dr. Cook, occurred Sunday from the residence of the parents, the if-jdns being followed to the cemetery by a large concourse of sympathyzing friends. The services were conducted according to the beautiful and im pressive ritual of the Episcopal church, Rev. H. 13. Burgess officiating. New Kecord Hooks County Judge ltamsey Friday re ceived two new record books which were ordered by the recent legislature The new books are entitled "Probate Record" and "Fee Book." Heretofore the probate matters have been kept in four books, but under the new provis ion two books will be all that are re quired. The fee book was arranged by Judge Ramsey and his assistant, Mrs. Hasse, especially for the conven ience of that office and contain sixty nine entrys of charge. It is believed that these books will considerably les sen the work in the county judge's of fice, although it will be alittle difficult at first. Senate file No. 7, an act to legalize irregular records made in a certain section (given below) and to repeal said section as now existing, will prove interesting reading to many. It is as follows: Be it enacted by the legislature of the state of Nebraska: Section 1. That section 1100 "of chapter 11, entitled "Courts," of the consolidated statutes of Nebraska for the year 1891, be amended to read as follows: Section 1100. The probate books shall consist of a "Probate Record" and "Fee Book, which shall be kept as tollows: 1. The "Probate Record" shall contain a full record of all wills, testaments and codicils, and the pro bate thereof , all letters testamentary, of administration aud guardianship, and all bonds and oaths of executors, guardians and administrators; all in ventories, appraisements, sale bills and other exhibits and reports received by the court, relative to the settle ment or disposition of estates, show ing the amount of all such estates, as shown by such instruments, together with a full record of all orders, judg ments and proceedings of said court, with the dates of each paper filed or entry made; and a full record of all the determinations of the district or supreme courts, upon appeal or peti tion in error, from an order or judg ment of said court. Evidence shall not'be recorded. All original papers shall be filed and preserved in the court. The "Fee Book" shall contain an entry of the title of all probate proceedings, and the date each paper is issued or filed, and the date of all orders and judgments entered therein; together with an ex act account of all fees allowed and paid iu each proceeding, showing the names of the persons receiving the same and for what such fees were paid Provided, that all records heretofore made under the authority of this sec tion, and which have been made in any one of the books heretofore provided for by said section, but not in the proper book, shall be as legal and valid and shall have the same force and ef fect as if made in the proper book. Section 2. That section 110(, chap ter 11, entitled "courts," of the con solidated statutes of the state of Ne braska for the year 1891, as now exist ing, and all other acts, or part of acts in consistent with this act, be, and the same are hereby renealed . Approved April 5th 1895.' I.f-rt the Hank Stranded. A dispatch from Weeping Water to the Bee says: "The failure, Friday, of E. E. Day, a general merchant and also fine stock breeder, is causing a great deal of comment, mostly among those who were depositors in the de funct Commercial Lank that failed ten months ago. Day owed the bank $4,100 and the security given was a mortgage on forty head of cattle. As the depos itors have only received a 10 per cent dividend so far, and find that most of the loans made by the bank were not properly secured, and that they will realize but little on the security given by Day, they are naturally worried. The latter gave the Kilpatrick-Koch Dry Goods company et al a mortgage on his home place for $9,273.37, and the same amount on his elevators, fine hogs and stock of merchandise. While this security will not pay out in full the wholesale houses it gives them a much better show than the bank. The depositors of the defunct bank, tiring of the dilatory methods pursued by the receiver, II. II. Moies of Beat rice, petitioned the courts for his re moval and the appointment of John A. Douelan, which was granted. Moies served ten months, and his salary and expense claim, which is to be filed, is over 53,000, which includes about three days work by the chair man of the banking board, Townley, for which he has an astonishing bill of nearly 300." Iliirliugton Western Extensions. The following story sent out a3 a special from Starbuck, Wash., is of in terest in connection with the account of the Burlington's pians for reaching the Yellowstone National park: "The Burlington railway is coming west, and there are reasons for the be lief that it is coming in a hurry. A new route running nearly midway be tween the Northern Pacific and Union Pacific through a wild and unsettled country is now being explored and surveyed with all possible haste by the engineers of the company, who are working many miles south of the routes usually considered available for the Burlington road. The engineers are well supplied with surveying apparatus and evidently are anxious to get to work on the Rocky mountain slope From one of them it was learned that they propose to locate a line up the valley, working east toward the Wy oming line and probably crossing it in the northern part of Fremont county, opposite the national park, unless a better route through the Rockies can be secured by crossing into southern Montana." Oh, How Pitiful! Listen to the wail of the Nebraska City News concerning the coming im provement in the M. P. train service at this point: "The Press says that changing the running of the trains on the M. P. will not hurt Nebraska City Perhaps our obstinate contemporary will inform us how the people along that road will be able to come to this city, transact theirbusiness and return home the same day. We have long enjoyed a good trade from the north but now we will lose it." Sues For SilX,O0O. John A. Donelan, receiver of the Commercial bank of Weeping Water, last Tuesday filed five suits in the office of the clerk of the district court against, a number of people on notes due the bank. The amount sued for aggregates some $18,000 and will un doubtedly be hotly contested at the next term of district court. July Mortgage Kecord. The following is the mortgage record for the month of July as compiled at the court house today: Farm property filed, $22,779 50; released, $20,4S5. Town property filed, $11,263.75; re leased $13.5GS. Chattel mortgages filed, $22,101.34; released, $4,103.30. D. McIIugh, practical horse-shoer, makes a specialty of road work and bad feet on horses. I warrant my work to give satisfaction. . Northern Negro Outrages, Spring Valley, Illinois, has for two days been the scene of riot, rapine, disorder and mob law almost unpar alleled in this country. The occasion of the trouble is the co-existence at the coal mines there of many negroes and Italians, and the effort has been made by Italians to drive out or mur der all the colored people, who were brought there from the south to take the places of striking miners some years ago. At last accounts the ne groes and their families were fleeing for their lives in all directions by rail roads and on foot. The whole condi tion of affairs is the result of an ut terly heartless treatment of miners by the mine owners, who do not recognize humanity as of more consequence than brutes. Beyond question the corpora tion owning the mines would discount the Russian government it its treat ment of its Siberian convicts, and if its property should be destroyed it would be no worse than it deserves. As it is, the poor colored creatures of Italian fury are getting the worst of the wTarfare. NEUKASKA ITEMS. South Sioux City has a man who milks calf-fashion when he is thirsty. The Union Ledger is offering a free mineral bath to every paid up sub scriber. Travelling grocery fakirs are trading wormy peaches for promissory notes in Burt county. Only one man at Plymouth has paid his dog tax, and the marshal is think ing of killing all the dogs but one. Mrs. Anton Soukup of Morse Bluff fell from a buggy, and was picked up with no worse damage than a broken rib. The Northern Nebraska district of the Grand Army cf the Republic will hold a reunion at Neligh, Neb , August 8, 9, 10 and 11. If Adam and Eve could have beheld Burt county as it is today, says the Lyons, Neb., Sun, they would have un doubtedly homesteaded here, instead of in the garden of Eden. August 29 at 11 a. m. there will be a reunion of the veterans of Illinois be longing to the eighty-fifth regiment, at headquarters, Camp Sherman. Hast ings, and the boys are requested to be on hand-promptly. , At Randolph a fellow named Abbott trioil - v o o o n iAnfularito 'frnnnOT'" on Merchant Meyer, and whipped him because he refused to take it. The court taxed Abbott $34, which was paid in lawful coin of the realm. Some one criminally placed a chain in a shock of wheat, says the Ashland Breeze, which in threshing passed through William Meyer's machine, ripping it up badly. One of the men had a very narrow escape from losing his life. The dads of Nebraska City have passed an ordinance making it unlaw ful for any man, woman or child to "rush the can." Nothing less than a keg at a clatter can be carried from a saloon to be guzzled at the shed end of a store or printing office. The university club of Omaha has contracted with Pain to bring one of his great spectacles and exhibit it at Courtlaud beach for eight or nine eve nings prior to the state fair, the last representation to be before the fair opens. The amphitheatre atthe beach built for Pompeii will be used and the show will be on as large a scale as that. Either "The Siege of Vicksburg," now running at Chicago, or the "Chinese Japenese War," will be shown, and the performances will be on consecutive evenings. The Omaha Bee says that "the great war at Jackson's Hole may have been insignificant in everything judged from a military standpoint, but it promises to compare well with other recent Indian outbreaks when the hole to be made in the federal treasury is taken as the chief consideration." Col. S. P. Holloway has an apple tree of the Ben Davis variety that is indeed a marvel so far as fruitfulness is concerned. One branch atout five or six feet long and as thick as a man's thumb, contains fifty-two fine apples. This beats the record up to the present time. W. C. Simmons, the barber, has lo cated his wife's earrings, which were stolen from his house during his wife's absence. As yet the other goods have not been recovered, but he expects soon to be able to get them. Justice Archer will hear the matter on the 17th of this month. Subscribe for the Weekly Joan-kal-$1 per year, if paid in advance. MRS. HART INSANE Wife of a Plattsmouth Physician taken to the Asylum. HE WAS ROBBED IN OMAHA. lSut He Was I'rohahly Trying to Work the I'olice Testimony Sent to the Oueen of Cireat Britain A Girl Goes Wrong. Adjudged Insane. Mrs. Dr. Hart, who has resided in thi3 city for about two years, was ad judged insane the other day, and Sher iff Eikenbary and wife took her to the asylum at Lincoln last Thursday. Mrs. Hart has been afflicted with mild insanity for the past twelve years, but it was believed that she would recover her reason in time. Lately, however, she has been getting worse, and at times was quite violent, threatening to take her life. She seemed to be laboring under the hallucination that some one was going to rob her. It took the sheriff and three ladies all morning to get Mrs. Hart to consent to be taken to Lincoln without force, but she finally promised to go without trouble, which she did. Although Dr. Hart and his wife have resided here only a short time, coming from Omaha, they have made many friends, who sincerely sympa thize with the doctor in his misfor tune. Claims He Was Robbed. Thursday's Daily. A strange young man with a large- sized tale of woe was iu town last night. He said that the night before he was in Omaha and while crossing the Union Pacific bridge two men slugged and robbed him. He said that when he awoke the next morning he was lying in an empty box car in the yards at Omaha, and did not have a stitch of clothing on. The yard men furnished him with-an outfit of cloth ing and he hoofed it to this city. He was given a bunk at police headquart ers last night, and the officers were going to investigate the matter today, but the fellow had left town before daylight. The police are inclined to believe that the fellow was trying to "work" them for the price of a meal and bodging. Sent to the lie form School. The following from last week's Glen wood Opinion will be of interest to Plattsmouth people, inasmuch as the girl formerly resided here: "Nettie Edwards, a fifteen-year-old adventuress of Pacific Junction, who was instrumental in landing one Moody in the penitentiary last spring, has come to grief and was sent to the reform school the first of this week. She ran away to St. Joe and was ar rested there and brought to Glenwood by Constable Ike Ballard. Her hear ing was before Squire Tolles and she was committed by Judge Smith of Council Bluffs." Testimony Sent to the Queen. The commissioners appointed by Governor Holcomb to investigate the Dawsou-McCarty escapade and report to him will have the testimony for warded without comment. While it is their opinion that both parties have been wrong, Assistant County Attor ney Slabaugh states that the evidence shows that the affair was condoned by the Dawsons. Queen Victoria will be given an opportunity to read over a verbatim copy of the testimony. Bee. Nine Cars Ditched. While switching some heavily-loaded coal and box cars in the B. & M. yards yesterday at about 4 o'clock, one of the rails turned completely over, ditch ing the entire train of ninecars. Two of the cars will have to be unloaded before they can be put on the rails again, as the wheels on one side are buried in the ground up to the boxes. Some of the cars came near jumping over onto the main line, and had this occurred it would have delayed the evening trains. The mystery of Minnie Williams' disappearance promises to become as deep as that attending the Charley Ross case. Durrant, the San Fran cisco man, is charged with having murdered her; Holmes, the Chicago in surance speculator, is credited with her death, while a number of lawyers contend that- she is alive. Minnie Williams will soon become as well known as John Smith." Tom Walling, abstractor of titles, Todd block. Guarantees accuracy of all his work. 10tf.