Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, August 01, 1895, Image 6

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    T'TTT? H A T."T A flT? QT7TMmT
JL 1 i I i JL rLJJirLA U JlHhjlLjn
Tbey Who Provide the Food of the
World, Physical as Well as Moral,
Also Decide the Health of the World
"Trials of Conspicuous People.
EW YORK, July 21.
1895. Rev. Dr. Tal
mage, who Is still
absent on his an
nual mid-summer, j
tour, preaching: and
lecturing, has pre
pared for to-day a
sermon on "Plain
People," a topic
which will appeal t i
a very large major
ity of readers any
where. The text selected was: Romans
16:14-15, "Salute Asyncrltus, Phlegon,
Hennas, Patrobas, Hermes, Phllolog-us
and Julia."
Matthew Henry, Albert Barnes. Adam
Clark. Thomas Scott and all the com
mentators pass by these verses without
any especial remark. The other twenty
people mentioned in the chapter were
distinguished for something:, and were
therefore discussed by the illustrious ex
positors; but nothing is said about Asyn
critus, Phlegon. Ilermas, Patrobas, Her
mes, Philologus and Julia. Where were
they born? No one knows. Where did
they die? There Is no record of their de
cease. For what were they distinguish
ed? Absolutely for nothing: or the trait
of character would have been brought
out by the apostle. If they had been very
Intrepid or opulent, or hirsute, or music
al of cadence, cr crass of style, or in
anywise anomalous, that feature would
have been caught by the apostolic cam
era. But they were good people, be
cause Paul sent to them his high Chris
tian regards. They were ordinary peo
ple, moving in ordinary sphere, attend
ing to ordinary duty, and meeting ordi
nary responsibilities.
What the world wants Is a religion for
ordinary people. If there be In the
United States 65,000,000 people, there are
certainly not more than 1.000,000 extra
ordinary; and then there are 64,000,000
ordinary, and we do well to turn our
backs for a little while upon the distin
guished and conspicuous people of the
Bible and consider in our text the seven
ordinary. We spend too much of our
time In twisting garlands for remark
able?, and building thrones for mag
nates, and sculpturing warriors, and
apotheosizing philanthropists. The rank
and file of the Lord's soldiery need es
pecial help.
The vast majority of people to whom
this sermon comes will never lead an
army, will never write a State consti
tution, will never electrify a Senate,
will never make an Important invention,
will never introduce a new philosophy,
will never decide the fate of a nation.
Tou do not expect to; you do not want
to. Tou will not be a Moses to lead a
nation out of bondage. Tou will not be
a Joshua to prolong the daylight until
you can shut five kings in a cavern.
Tou will not be a St. John to unroll an
Apolcalypse. You will not be a Paul to
preside over an apostolic college. You
will not be a Mary to mother a Christ.
You will more probably be Asyncritus,
or Phlegon, or Hermas, or Patrobas, or
Hermes, or Philologus, or Julia.
Many of you are women at the head
of households. This morning you
launched the family for Sabbath observ
ance. Your brain decided the apparel,
your Judgment was final on all ques
tions of personal attire. Every morning
you plan 'for the day. The culinary de
partment of your household is in your
dominion. You decide all questions of
diet. All the sanitary regulations of
your house are under your supervision.
To regulate the food, and the apparel.
a.nd the habits, and decide the thousand
questions of home life is a tax upon
brain and nerve and general health ab
olutely appalling, if there be no divine
It does not help you much to be told
that Elizabeth Fry did wonderful things
among the criminals of Newgate. It
Ioes not help you much to be told that
Mrs. Judson was very brave among the
Borne3ian cannibals. It does not help
you much to be told that Florence
Nightingale was very kind to the
wounded In the Crimea. It would be
better for me to tell you that the divine
Frl end of Mary and Martha is your
Friend, and that he sees all the annoy
ances and disappointments and abra
sions and exasperations of an ordinary
housekeeper from morn till night, and
from the first day of the year to the last
day of the year, and at your call lit Is
ready with help and reinforcement.
They who provide the food of the
world decide the health of the world.
One of the greatest battles of thl3 cen
tury was lost because the commander
that morning had a fit of indigestion.
You have only to go on some errand
amid the taverns and the hotels of the
United States and Great Britain to ap
preciate the fact that a vast multitude
of the human race are slaughtered by
Incompetent cookery. Though a young
woman may have taken lessons In mus
ic, and may have taken lessons In paint
ing, and lessons In astronomy, she is not
well educated unless she has taken les
sons In dough! They who decide the
apparel of the world and the food of the
world decide the endurance of the world.
An unthinking man may consider it
a matter of little importance the cares
of the household and the economies of
domestic life but I tell you the earth is
strewn with the martyrs of kitchen and
nursery. The health-shattered woman
hood of America cries out for a God who
can help ordinary women in the ordi
nary duties of housekeeping. The wear
ing, grinding unappreciated work goes
on, but the same Christ who stood on
the bank of Galilee in the early morning
and kindled the fire and had the fish
already cleaned and broiling when the
sportsmen stepped ashore chilled and
hungry, will help every woman to pre
pare breakfast, whether by her own
hand or by the hand of her hired help.
The God who made indestructible eu
logy of Hannah, who made a coat for
Samuel, her son, and carried it to the
temple every year, will help every wo
man in preparing the family wardrobe.
The God who opens the Bible with the
story of Abraham's entertainment of the
three angels on the plains of Harare
will help every woman to provide hos
pitality, however rare and embarrass
ing. It is high time that some of the
attention we have been giving to the
remarkable women of the-Bible re
markable for their virtue or their want
of it, or remarkable for their deeds De-
! borah ana J;r-1. and Herodtas and
A thai
Athaliah, and Dorcas and the Marys,
excellent or abandoned It Is high tlmo
some of the attention we have been giv
ing to these conspicuous women of the
Bible be given to Julia of the text, an
ordinary woman amid ordinary clrcum
stances, attending to ordinary duties
and meeting ordinary responsibilities.
Then there are all the ordinary busl
ness men. They need divine and Chris
tlan help. When we begin to talk about
business life we shoot right off and talk
about men who did business on a large
scale, and who sold millions of dollars of
goods a year; but the vast majority of
business men do not sell a million dol
lars of goods, nor half a million, nor a
quarter of a million, nor the eighth part
of a million. Put all the business men
of our cities, towns, villages and neigh
borhoods side by side, and you will find
that they sell less than fifty thousand
dollars worth of goods. All these men
in ordinary business life want divine
help. You see how the wrinkles are
printing on the countenance the story
of worrlment and care. You cannot tell
how old a business man is by looking at
him. Gray hairs at thirty. A man at
forty-five with the stoop of a nonogena
rlan. No time to attend to improved
dentistry, the grinders cease because
they are few. Actually dying of old
age at forty or fifty, when they ought to
be at the meridian. Many of these busi
ness men have bodies like a neglected
clock to which you come and you wind
It up, and it begins to buzz and roar.
and then tha hands start around very
rapidly, and then the clock strikes five,
or ten, or forty, and strikes without any
sense, and then suddenly stops. So is
the body of that worn-out business man
Now, what is wanted is grace divine
grace for ordinary business men, men
who are harnessed from morn till night
and all the days of their life harnessed
in business. Not grace to lose a hun
dred thousand, but grace to lose ten
dollars. Not grace to supervise two
hundred and fifty employes in a factory,
but grace to supervise the book-keeper.
and two salesmen and the small boy
that sweeps the store. Grace to invest
not the eighty thousand dollars of net
profit, but the twenty-five hundred of
clear gain. Grace not to endure the
loss of a whole shipload of spices from
the Indies, but grace to endure the loss
of a paper of collars from the leakage
of a displaced shingle on a poor roof.
Grace not to endure the tardiness of
the American Congress in passing a
necessary law, but grace to endure the
tardiness of an errand boy stopping to
play marbles when he ought to deliver
the goods. Such a grace as thousands of
business men . have to-day keeping
them tranquil whether goods sell or do
not sell, whether customers pay or do
not pay, whether tariff is up or tariff is
down, whether the crops are luxuriant
or are a dead failure calm In all cir
cumstances and amid all vicissitudes.
That Is the kind of grace we want. Mil
lions of men want It. and they may have
It for the asking. Some hero or heroine
comes to town, and as the procession
passes through the street, the business
men come out and stand upon tiptoe on
their store steps and look at some one
who In Arctic clime, or in ocean storm.
or In day of battle, or In hospital ago
nies, did the brave thing, not realizing
that they, the enthusiastic spectators,
have gone through trials In business life
that are Just as great before God. There
are men who have gone through freez
ing Arctics, and burning torrids, and
awful Marengoes of experiences with
out moving five miles from their door.
Now, what ordinary business men need
Is to realize that they have the friend
ship of that Christ who looked after the
religious Interests of Matthew, the cus
tom-house clerk, and helped Lydia, of
Thyatira, to sell the dry goods, and who
opened a bakery and fish-market in the
wilderness of Asia Miner to feed the
seven thousand who had come out on a
religious picnic, and who counts the hairs
of your head with as mu;h particularity
as though they were the plumes of a
coronation, and who took the trouble to
stoop down with his finger writing on
the ground, although the first shuffle of
feet obliterated the divine callgraphy,
and who knows Just how many locusts
there were in the Egyptian plague, and
knew Just how many ravens were nec
essary to supply Elijah's pantry by the
brook Cherlth, and who, as floral com
mander, leads forth all the regiments of
primroses, foxgloves, daffodils, hya
cinths, and Ullles which pitch their tents
of beauty and kindle their camp-fires
of color all around the hemisphere that
that Christ and that God knows the
most minute affairs of your business life
and however inconsiderable, under
standing all the affairs of that woman
who keeps a thread-and-needle store as
well as all the affairs of a Rothschild
and a Stewart.
Then there are all the ordinary farm
ers. We talk about agricultural life,
and we immediately shoot off to talk
about Cinclnnatus, the patrician, who
went from the plough to a high posi
tion, and after he got through the dic
tatorship in twenty- cne days went
back again to the plough. What en
couragement Is that to ordinary farm
ers? The vast majority of them none
of them will be patricians. Perhaps
none of them will be Senators. If any
of them have dictatorships It will be
over forty, or fifty, or a hundred acres
of the old homestead. What those men
want Is grace to keep their patience
while ploughing with balky oxen, and
to keep cheerful amid the drought that
destroys the corn crop, and that en
ables them to restore the garden the
day after the neighbor's cattle have
broken in and trampled out the straw
berry bed, and gone through the Lima
bean patch, and eaten up the sweet
corn in such large quantities that they
must be kept from the water lest they
swell up and die. Grace in catching
weather that enables them, without im
precation, to spread out the hay the
third time, although again and again
and again it has been almost ready for
the mow. A grace to doctor the cow
with a hollow horn, and the sheep
with the foot-rot, and the horse with
the distemper, and to compel the un
willing acres to yield a livelihood for
the family, and schooling for the chil
dren, and little extras to help the older
boy In business, and something for the
daughter's wedding outfit, and a little
surplus for the time when the ankles
will get stiff 'with age, and the breath
will be a little short, and the swinging
of the cradle through the hot harvest
field will bring on the old man's vertigo.
Better close up about Cinclnnatus. I
know five hundred farmers Just as
oble as he was.
What they want is to know that they
have the friendship of that Christ who
often drew his similes from the farm
er's life, as when he said: "A sower
went forth to sow;" as when he built
f Jils best parable out of th scene of m
iaimer'8 boy coming back from his
wanderings, and the old farmhouse
shook that night with rural Jubilee; and
who compared himself to a lamb in the
pasture field, and who said the eternal
God is a farmer, declaring: "My Father
Is the husbandman."
Those stone masons do not want to
know about Christopher Wren, the ar
chitect, who built St. Paul's Cathedral.
It would be better to tell them how to
carry the hod of brick up the ladder
without slipping, and how on a cold
, morning with the trowel to smooth off
the mortar and keep cheerful, and how
to be thankful to God for the plain food
taken from the pall by the roadside.
Carpenters standing amid the adze,
and the bit, and the plane, and th
broad axe need to be told that Christ
was a carpenter, with his own hand
wielding saw and hammer. Oh, this is
a tired world, and it Is an overworked
world, and it is an underfed world, and
It Is a wrung-out world, and men and
women need to know that there Is rest
and recuperation in God and in that re
ligion which was not so much intended
for extraordinary people as for ordi
nary people because there are more of
The healing profession has had its
Abercrombies, and Its Abernethys, and
Its Valentine Motts and its Willard
Parkers; but the ordinary physi
cians do the most of the world's
medlclnlng. and they need to under
stand that while taking diagnosis or
prognosis, or writing prescription, or
compounding medicament, or holding
the delicate pulse of a dying child they
may have the presence and the dictation
of the Almighty Doctor who took tha
cae of the mad.nan, and. after he had
torn off his garments in foaming de
mentia, clothed him again, body and
mind, and who lifted up the woman
who for eighteen years had been bent
almost double with the rheumatism,
into graceful stature, and who turned
the scabs of leprosy Into rubicund com
plexion, and who rubbed the numbness
out of paralysis, and who swung wide
open the closed windows of hereditary
or accidental blindness, until the morn
ing light came streaming through the
fleshly casements, and who knows all
the diseases, and all the remedies, and
all the herbs, and all the catholicons,
and Is monarch of pharmacy and thera
peutics, and who has sent out ten thou
sand doctors of whom the world makes
no record; but to prove that they are
angels of mercy, I Invoke the thousand
of men whose ailments have been as
suaged and the thousands of women to
whom in crisis of pain they have been
next to God In benefaction.
Come, now, let us have a religion for
ordinary people in professions, in occu
pations. In agriculture, in the household.
In merchandise. la everything. I salutt
across the centuries Asyncritus, Phle
gon, Hermas, Patrobas, Hermes, Phil
ologus and Julia.
First of all. If you feel that you ar
ordinary, thank God that you are not
extraordinary. I am tired and sick.
and bored almost to death with extra
ordinary people. They take all their
time to tell us how very extraordinary
they really are. You know as well as I
do, my brother and sister, that the most
of the useful work of the world is done
by unpretentious people who toil right
on by people who do not get much ap
proval, and no one seems to say, "that
is well done." Phenomena are of but
little use. Things that ure exceptional
cannot be depended on. Better trust
the smallest planet that svJp.grs p !'.
orbit than ten ceer.te shooting this way
and hat, imperiling the longevity of
worlds attending to their own business.
For steady illumination better is a lamp
thao a rocket. Then, if you feel that
you. are ordinary, remember that yout
position Invites the less attack.
Conspicuous people how they have
to take it! How they are misrepre
sented, and abused, and shot at! Tha
higher the horns of a roebuck the easier
to track htm down. What a delicious
thing it must be to be a candidate for
President of the United States! It
must be so soothing to the nerves! It
must pour into the soul of a candidate
such a sense of serenity when he reads
the blessed newspapers!
I came Into the possession of tha
abusive cartoons In the time of Na
poleon I., printed while he was yet alive.
The retreat of the army from Moscow,
that army burled In the snows of Rus
sia, one of the most awful tragedies of
the centuries, represented under the fig
ure of a monster called General Frost
shaving the French Emperor with a
razor ol icicle. As Satyr and Beelzebub
he Is represented, page after page, page
after page. England cursing him. Spain
cursing him. Germany cursing him.
Russia cursing him. Europe cursing
him. North and South America cursing
him. The most remarkable man of his
day, and the most abused. All those
men In history who now have a halo
around their name, on earth wore a
crown of thorns. Take the few extra
ordinary railroad men of our time, and
see what abuse comes upon them, while
thousands of stockholders escape. All
the world took after Thomas Scott,
President of the Pennsylvania Railroad,
abused him until he got under the
ground. Thousands of stockholders In
that company. All the blame on one
man! The Central Pacific Railroad-
two or three men get all the blame if
anything goes wrong. There are 10,000
In that company.
At an anniversary of a deaf and
dumb asylum one of the children wrote
upon the blackboard words as sublime
as the Iliad, the Odyssey, and the
Dlvlna Commedla" all compressed In
one paragraph. The examiner, in the
signs of the mute language, asked her,
"Who made the world?" The deaf and
dumb girl wrote upon the blackboard,
In the beginning God created the
heaven and the earth." The examiner
asked her, "For what purpose did Christ
came into the world to save sinners."
dumb girl wrote upon the blackboard.
"This Is a faithful saying, and worthy
of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus
came Intot the world to save sinners."
The examiner said to her, "Why were
you born deaf and dumb, while I hear
and speak?" She wrote upon tha
blackboard, "Even so. Father; for so It
seemeth good in thy sight." Oh, that
we might be baptized with a contented
spirit! The spider draws poison out of
a flower, the bee gets honey out of a
thistle; but happiness is a heavenly
elixir, and the contented spirit extracts
It not from the rhododendron of tha
hills, but from the lily of the valley.
The Mohammedans have ninety-ont
names for God, but among them all
they have not "Our Vather." Anon.
NUMBERS 13:17-20, 23-33.
Golden Text:
Fear Them
Second Year
'The Lord Is With Us;
Not" Numbers 14:9
of the Exodus In the
Wilderness for Forty Days.
This section 1 n -eludes
Numbers 13
and 17 and the par
allel account in
Deuteronomy, 1:1, 2,
19-36; also Hebrews,
3:7-19, 4:1-3. Time,
July and August,
1490 B. C, the time
of the first ripe
grapes (v. 20), when
the spies were sent
out. They were gone forty days. At
this time the Israelites were encamped
at Kadesh Barnea, Just south of the
snnthprn border of Palestine. The
I place Is now called AIn Quadees, "the
I nll T." r, c. V. mona Via Virtlv'
the sanctuary, and Barnea "the desert
of wandering." It Is fifty miles south
Df Beersheba and eleven days' Journey
by caravan from Mount Sinai. At the
present- day it is the strategic strong
hold of the Mussulman on the southern
border of Canaan. It will therefore be
seen that the Israelites were close to
the fulfillment of God's part of the
covenant. Everything was now ready
for the people to take possession of
their new home.
17 "And Moses sent them to spy out
the land of Canaan, and said unto
:hem, Get you up this way, southward,
and go up Into the mountain." Not re
ferring at all to the direction from the
Israelites' camp, but to a well-defined
tract of territory forming the south
most portion of Canaan.
18 "And see the land what It Is, and
the people that dwelleth therein,
whether they be strong or weak, few or
19 "And what the land be they
dwell In, whether It be good or bad, and
what cities they be that they dwell In,
whether in tents (camps) or in strong
holds." 20 "And what the land is, whether It
be fat or lean (fertile or barren),
whether there be wood therein or not.
And be ye of good courage and bring
of the fruit of the land. Now the time
was the time of the first ripe grapes."
23 "And they came unto the brook
of Ess Col (the Spies) and cut from
thence a branch with one cluster of
grapes, and they bore It (upon a staff
between two; see Illustration) and they
brought of the pomegranates and of
the figs."
24 "The place was called the brook
of Eshcol (valley of) because of the
cluster of grapes which the children of
Israel cut down from thence."
25 "And they returned from search
ing (spying out the) of the land after
forty days."
26 "And they went and came to Mo
ses, and to Aaron, and to all the congre
gation of the children of Israel, unto
the wilderness of Paran, to Kadesh,
and brought back word unto them, and
to all the congregation, and shewed
them the fruit of the land."
27 "And they told him and said. We
came unto the land whither thou sent
?st us and surely It 'floweth with milk
and honey' (an expression used to the
present day) and this Is the fruit of It."
Deut. 1:25.
28 "Nevertheless the people be
strong that dwell in the land, and the
cities are walled (fenced) and very
great: and moreover we saw the chil
dren of Anak there."
29 "The Amalekltes dwell In the land
of the south and the Hittltes and the
Jebbusites and the Amorites dwell In
the mountains; the Canaanltes dwell
by the sea and by the coast of Jordan
(along the side of)."
SO "And Caleb stilled (directed-their
attention) the people before Moses, and
said, 'Let us go up at once and possess
It; for we are able to overcome It. "
31 "But the men that went up with
him said, 'We are not able to go up
against the people; for they are strong
er than we.' " The Canaanltes were
large, active and trained to war.
32 "And they brought up (secretly
devised a new report) an evil report of
the land they had searched." They did
not wish to go to war and thus sought
to defeat the wishes of Moses.
33 "And there we saw the giants
(Nephllim), the sons of Anak. which
came of the giants; and we were In our
own sight as grasshoppers, and so we
were In their sight." So greatly did
their faithless fear distort the facts.
Sin generally begins with a look.
It Is sin that makes people doubt the
divinity of Christ.
: Sin always carries- a dagger under its
Beware of sins that shine. They will
kill the quickest.
Doubt is only another name for sin.
When the face of sin is seen, only
devils love It.
All sins promise to more than pay
their way to begin with.
To love any kind of a sin is to have
the devil's chain around your neck.
Whoever will say a mea.i thing, will
sooner or later do one.
Sin hates the man who makes it stop
and think.
It never takes any poison out of sin I
to give it a coat of whitewash.
Saying yes to any kind of a sin is !
saying no to Christ. Ram's Horn. !
Which Mar Be- Speedily and Con1 e
mlently Attached to the Machine.
The accompanying Illustration, taken
from the Scientific American, repre
sents a tlme-telllng outfit that has Just
been introduced for the use of blcy-
I clists. The convenience of having the
time constantly In sight admits of no
question; it Is the convenient attach
ment of the timepiece that deserves
consideration here.
The outfit here illustrated consists
of a low-priced but reliable watch and
holder so contrived that it may be
readily and conveniently adjusted in
place. The cut shows every detail rt
the device. It may be attached in a
moment to either the frame or the
The watch is specially designed to
stand any amount of shaking and
banging without being put out of or
Alton E. Porter, IIoaIoii 4-Year-Old
Ilncer, and Illn Itecord.
Alton E. Porter, son of J. W. Porter,
of Boston, Mass., is probably the
yougest Dicycie rider who races
against time and "goes after" the rec
ords. Although only 4 years and ten
months old he has ridden one-third of
a mile in one minute and five seconds
and made twenty-live miles in three
hours and five minutes, lie is in great
Little Alton E. Porter.
demand at Athletic entertainments in
Boston and vicinity and is a favorite
with The bicycle public. On all his
trips he is accomn: nied by his father
who supei intends his tiainiug and
takes proper care of him. The l'ttlo
fellow rides a Fowler said to weigh
enly nine and one-half pocL'ds.
Definition of Home.
A prize was offered recently by the
London Tid-Bits for the best answer
to the question, "What is home?'
Here are a few of the answers which
were received:
The golden setting in which the
brightest jewel is "mother."
A world of strife shut out, a world
of love shut in.
Home is the blossom of which heav
en Is the fruit.
The only spot on earth where the
faults and failings of fallen humanity
are hidden under a mantle of charity.
The place where the great are some
times small and the small often great.
The father's kingdom, the child
ren's paradise, the mother's world.
The jewel casket, coutaiuiug the
most precious of all jewels domestic
Where you are treated the best and
grumble most.
Home is the central telegraph oflice
of human love, Into which run innum
erable wires of affection, many of
which, though extending thousands of
miles, are never disconnected from the
one great terminus.
The center of our affections, around
which our heart's best wishes twine.
A little hollow scooped out of the
windy hill of the world, where we
can be shielded from Its cares and an
noyances Gambling In Trieste.
Consul Haggard dwells, in his last
report from Tfieste, en the increase
of gambling In that city. Half a doz
en or more provincial lotteries are
drawn weekly In Trieste their infer
ior shares costing only 2d. or 3d. The
selection of ticket numbers is often
based upon dreams and "omens" em
bodied in a systematic form in a pub
lished book. It is Instructive to watch
the buyers of tickets examining the
winning numbers posted up in the
streets. Everv occupation Is repre
sented, in the towns and out of them,
and the waste of time and money is
great. Increasingly large sums, It is
said, which if circulated through the
legitimate channels of trade would
support an Industrial population, are
now flung from hand to hand in fever
ish speculation. There are reports that
the Austrian government contem
plates embodying in its penal code
some measures which might at any
rate restrict the present gambling
mania within narrower limits. It is
the fact, however, that the provincial
lotteries, in which the poorer classes
chiefly Indulge their speculative ten
dencies, are all government property.
London Daily News.
They Would Modify It.
mils Foreigners say that our stand
Ins: army Is too small by all odds.
Mills Pooh! Guess they never saw
a stapre-door after a comic opera with
a full female chorus.
Is caused by thin, weak, impure
blood. To have pure blood which
will properly sustain your health
and give nerve strength, take
ft You see them everywhere.
IJicjJcles g
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Colcmbias are the
product of the oldest
and best equipped bi- h
& cvrl faetorvin America, and are the re-
suit of eighteen years of successful p
striving to make the best bicycles in the g
S world. 1895 Columbias are lighter,
stronger, handsomer, more graceful
gj than ever ideal machines for the use of
sjs those who desire the best that's made, js
j-g Hartford Bicycles cost less $So, W
0 $60. They are the equal of many other Jjj
5 higher-priced makes, though.
W" arv m w -v
General Offices and Factories, HARTFORD.
Colombia Catalogue,
telling' of both Colum
bia and Hartford,
free at any Columbia
agency, or by mail for
two 2-cent stamps.
A' ASiC YOUi Liituuiji
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Nursing MothersJnfants0
Put a little of it out of sight
yourself, and see how good it
is. It's
The coarse of instruction In this Academy, conducted
by tb Kellgiou of the Sacred Heart, embraces tha
whole ranee of subjects mces aty to constitute a oolil
and refined education. 1'roptiety of deportment, per
sonal neatness and the principles of morality are ob
t Ject of unc e-v-ing: attention Extensive ground af
' ford the puplH erery facility for useful bodl jr exer
cise; their health is an object of constant .solicitude,
an 1 In sickness tbey are attended with maternal care.
Fall teim opar.a Tuesdar, Sept. 31. For further par
ticulars, address TI1K SI PKKIOK,
Academj Marred Heart, M. Joseph, Mo.
TUESDAY SEPT. 3d, 1305.
Full courses tn (,'lalrs.Ltleri,fle1fnce,L)w,
Civil a d Meclinlcl nfflnerlii;.Thorot:gl)
Preparatory and Commercial Courses. SkKdwaid's
Hall for boys under IS Is unique in the completeness of
Its equipment. CatoUoinies sent free on appllcatt- n to
Rkt. iiDitw Morkisskt, C. 8. C, Notre Dame. Ind.
The test nerve regulator known. It
cures nervous prostration, restores
nervo-vital and sexual powers. BMll
Vita lllue (Mercer's.) Sold by Rich
ardson Drug Co. and E. K. Bruce &
Co., Omaha, Neb., and all druggists.
The best known combination to build
up weak people. 1111 Ann?mlc
11 nk (Mercer's.) Sold by Richard
son Drug Co. and E. E. Bruce & Co.,
Omaha, Neb., and all druggists.
I Afltf for onr announcement In f'CYT Issue of this
LUUIV paper. It will show a cut 1A I of 1 style of
It would take seraral pages to gi-r details abont these
peerless machines. Handsome Illustrated Famphiet
Mailed Free. aokmts wmiu.
Sole Manufacturers, Chicago.
Free Cat aloe u. Geo,
Box 2 146, ftochester ,
Out of