Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, August 01, 1895, Image 5

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    I -i
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Camber of Union Gets Second In
the Ten Mile Race.
The rUtlmiiouth Ma" Was Utiforlunat
Hold Daylight Itubbry at the Itut
ler Candy Kucinry- Ne
bmk City Sucker.
Slurl!iy't Iiicycl Ituce.
The University Park bicycle races at
Omaha last Saturday proved a big
event, and were witnessed by a large
crowd of people. Tom Patterson and
Harvey Holloway of this city had their
chances of winning any of the prizes
ruined early in the races, on account
of an unfortunate accident, in which
Holloway was quite badly injured. The
accident occurred in the one mile open
race. There were six starters in this
race and it was a very close and excit
ing one until Patterson of this city, in
an attempt to spurt, lost his right pedal
immediately after passing the graud
stand and fell to the right of the track,
aud Holloway, who was followingclose
behind, fell over him, running his ma
chine right over Patterson and, turn
ing a complete somersault, was
thrown heavily against the board
fence. Patterson was scarcely hurt
and got up, but Holloway never moved
and remained unconscious for several
A c.mple of doctors ran to his assist
ance and with the aid of restoratives
revived him and he was escorted to
the dressing room, where it was found
thit he was badly cut and bruised all
over and that he had received a serious
shaking up.
This accident upset the previous ar
rangement, to make the distance in
2:3d, and Fredrickson seemed it in
2:45 2-5, and was followed by Gadke
and Burdick respectively.
When the accident occurred Stuart
Livingston of this city, who was in the
grand stand, jumped down and ran
over to where Holloway lay. Sandy
Griswold, the referee, grabbed Stuart
and told him to staud back. Stuart
said he was a friend or Holloway'
and was from Plattsmouth,butit didn't
appear to make any difference with
the "great" Sandy. At that moment a
Cv)up!e of btneers noticed the disturb
ance and one of them cracked the offi
cious -andy nver the head with his
club. This part of the program was
greatly appreciated by a number of the
After the accident to Holloway there
w as a rumor in the grand stand that he
was dead and in the excitement sev- j
eral people fainted. When he rose tohis i
feet ke was cheeied by the spectators. 3
The ten mile race was one of the best
ever run in Omaha, and Cairiher of
Union, who went up with the Piatts-1
mouth riders', came under the wire
only a few feet behind the great Fred-
rickson. The latter rider discovered J
early in the game that be had no snap
with the Cass county boy, and he had
to strain every nerve to beat him.
Holloway would probably have won
this race had he been able to enter
but the accident made that impossible.
Yesterday's World Herald says: "Mr.
Holloway of Plattsmcuth says that he
intends to give up racing. He is dep
uty sheriff of Cass county and will be
a candidate for sheriff this fall."
Mr. Holloway was Been this after
noon and says that the World-Herald's
report that he is going to quit racing
is not correct. Happy is not the kind
of a man lo let a few bruises bluff him
out, and he will continue racing just
as long as it affords him pleasure.
Another Kobbery.
PJattsmouth has made an enviable
record lor robberies and burglaries
during the past few days. Saturday
afternoon at about half past two
o'clock O. T. Butler, proprietor of the
candy factory and ice cream parlors,
had occasion to be down stairs for a
few minutes, looking after so,me
candy, and his assistant was upstairs
on another errand. While the store
was thus temporarily deserted, some
sneak thief entered the room and went
back of the counter and deliberately
helped himself to the cash in the
money drawer, leaving some twenty
seven cents in pennies. Mr. Butler
does not exactly know the amount of
money stolen, but thinks it was about
three dollars and a half.
Thi3 was one of the boldest rob
beries that has ever occurred in the
city, as anyone passing on the street
could easily have noticed the theft,
and the streets were full of people on
that day, too.
Worked" the Nebraska Cityites.
A traveling horse show "worked" a
Nebraska City liveryman theotherday
iu great shape. The tourists had an
old gray horse in their outfit that ap
peared to be along on his pilgrimage to
the bone-yard. Horsemen who exam
ined it found that it was iiot less than
seventeen years old and it was covered
all over with brands, usually a pretty
sure indication that it was a plug from
Plugville. The liveryman owns a
"fast" mare, which be calls Alice K.,
and, after a little persuasion, a race
was arranged for between the "plug"
and Alice It. for $50. The race came
off last Friday and, in the language of
the Xebrastca City Press, "if Alice It.
had been fastened with a fifty-foot
rope to the shack of bones that skim
med along ahead or her, it is believed
that she would either have been choked
to death or had her neck broken square
Several of the sports in the town
down the river were very neatly
cleaned up by the combination, as they
bet their last red on Alice ti.
A pretty girl
With wavy curl.
An evening party somewhat late:
A homeward walk,
A loving ta'k,
A kissing tableau at the gate.
A moonlight night.
A hand squeezed tight,
A little reference to papa;
A little kiss,
A little bliss,
A consultation with mamma.
A little church.
Fer bad or worse
You take the maia your wife to be:"
A trembling yes,
A loving pres.
A little wife to live with me.
Williams' Weekly.
Now that a good crop of small grain
has been secured to the farmers of
Cass county, and the corn crop is
almost assured there is hardly a good
reason why they cannot pay their ac
counts with the printer. There are
several hundred farmers in Cass county
who are in arrears for the Weekly
and they could, one and all, very easily
help us out of a hole, and a little help
from each one would work wonders.
Attempted enforcement of the "blue
laws" has broken out seriously near
the town of Eagle, this county. Wm.
Ewerth has tiled complaint iu a justice
court, charging his neighbor, Henry
Kettlehut. with having violated the
law and sanctity of the Sabbath by
riding bis binder in the field last Sun
day. Williun Snyder returned last Satur
day from a visit to his old stamping
grounds in Cass county. For many
years Mr. Snyder was an active leader
of the democracy in western Cass, and
he still takes a lively interest in poli
tics across the river. He reports that
although the old party has been badly
crippled by false leaders who have
tried to deliver its votes to the i ail
road republican candidates, .a strong
effort will be made this fall to place in
nomination such a ticket as will invite
the support of the better element in
all parties, and thus redeem the county
from the rule of the ring which now
controls it. Old Cass is of right a
democratic county, and we sincerely
hope Mr. Snyder's predictions may be
verified iu November. Papillion
One year ago Friday was the most
sorrowful one in the state's history.
The hot winds of July 26, which were
preceded by a drowth lasting sixty
days, destroyed every vestige of hope
for any kind of crops whatever. Thous
ands of poor families were compelled
to face winter without a mouthful of
food in their homes. Today, how
changed! Truly, we ought to be thank
ful. Something new, even in the matter
of "standing off" the preacher, was
discovered in Kansas. When the new
dominie called on FarmerTom Wilson,
of Keck Creek, Jefferson county, a
week or so since for a donation toward
his salary, Mr. Wilson said be had no
money, but said be would give two
rows of potatoes, each twenty rods
long. "If the Lord wants you to get
$20 from me," said the farmer, "he
will water the potatoes well, and I
will be mighty glad to have you get it;
if he doesn't I'm afraid you'll not get
This charm never fails. If a girl
will whirl around on her left heel three
times without stopping and then take
off her shoe, she -will find in the heel
a hair the color of the young man she
will marry. If there is no hair in the
shoe, the charm does not fail; she is to
marry a bald headed man.
It seems that girls are preparing to
become public speakers. A Boston
letter says: "Twenty-five youngladies
have just been graduated from the
Boston school of oratory. They have
been drilled to speak well and often,
and the best productions of the great
est poets have been improved when
set to the music of their sweet voices.
Let us hope their course of study em
braces such patriotic gems as that
qaint old song, 'The Hand that Hocks
the Cradle is the Hand that Rules the
Corn out near Weeping Water must
be keeping up the record for Cass A young machinist from New Castle
county, as the following from the Wyoming, and a former lady of this
Regnlatoi will testify: 'd Stack- city, who is now a widow, were mar
bouse was standing at the foot of a ried last Saturday and departed for the
cornstalk in bis field of corn west of west on B. & M. No. 5. By request
town last Saturday, and when our re- the names of the parties ate not pub
porter accosted him aud asked "how lisbed.
big his roasting ears were?" Ed ans
wered: "I don't know. I sent Dick up
to see about an hour ago, and I'm wor
ried to death about him." How so?
asked the reporter. "Can't he get
back?" "No: that's the trouble the
cornstalk's growing up faster than he
can climb down."
There is but one passage in the
Bible where the girls are commanded
to kiss the men and that is in the gol
den rule: " Whatsoever that ye would
that men should do uuto you do ye
even so unto them."
J. W. Baker, a farmer who lives on
the old J. M. Patterson tract near
Rock Bluffs, brought to town Monday
the stuffed hide of a timber rattle
snake, measuring live feet in length
aud six and three-quarter inches in
circumfeience. It was ornamented
with seventeen rattles. His suake
ship may be seen at Ben Ilempel's
museum in the court house.
Caroline Burmeister of this county
has began suit in the district court at
Nebraska City to recover $200 on a
chattle mortgage given by II. E. Huh
mann on July 13, 1895, on the stock
and fixtures of the bakery and confec
tionary store in the Bartling block, in
that city.
Why is it the B. & M. 11. 11. does not
recommend No-to-bac tor their en
gines? Because their engines have to
Attorney Sloan wentto PiattMiiouth
yesterday and secured a mandamus to
compel Supt. Ebright to pay Edward
Manley a balance due on salary as
hostler and attendant. The money is
tied up with other institute matters.
Nebraska City News.
People size up your business accord
ing to the size of the "ad." you run in
the papers. If you run no "ad." they
take it you have nothing worth adver
tising and don't want their trade.
Mi Had Nerve.
The Lincoln News quotes Detective
Langdon as saying: "You talk about
nerve, the nerviest woman I ever saw
was Mrs. Shellenbei ger, the Nebraska
City woman accused of the murder of
her little step daughter. After her
trial in this city I took her back to the
jail to await a verdict of the jury.
During the suspense she sat in the jail
sewing upon some garment for one of
Sheriff Melick's little sons. It was
fine goods and she was using a del
icate needle. She had just emptied
the needle when I received a telephone
message that the jury had come in and
that I should bring her in to hear the
verdict. I spoke to her and told her
what was wanted, and was startled at
her reply. What do think she said?
She simply quietly remarked, 'Wait
until 1 thread this needle and I will
be ready.' Without a quiver of her
muscles she threaded her needle and
then quietly laid aside her sewing and
accompanied me to the court room to
learn whether she lived or died. The
verdict was an acquittal. It was the
nerviest thing i have ever heard or
read of."
Bloomers In CJreeunood.
The editor of the Louisville Courier
tells of the popularity of bloomers in
Greenwood in the following:
"While out at Greenwood the other
day the writer saw new evidence why
the bloomers should become popular.
We were strolling along Main street
viewing the one time prosperous little
city where our childhood days were
spent, when down the street came two
beautiful young country girls on horse
back, riding clothes-pin fashion. They
easily managed the charging steeds on
which they were perched, and' of
course the bloomers made it possible.
And why not? If bloomers are to be
worn, surely they look as graceful on
either side of a horse as when clawing
the air astride a bicycle. Louisville
girls doubtless have not thought of
this new use for the "trilby pants"
and this item is given that they may
get in line and keep up with the times."
Were Considerably Frightened. .
The family of Judge Sullivan re
ceived quite a scare last Saturday
afternoon. That morning the family
horse was hitched to the buggy and
the three younger children drove down
to the farm of their grandmother, Mrs.
Nelson Jean, to spend the day. In
the afternoon when they were prepar-
J ing to return, and the horse's collar
j and part of the harness had been put
( on, the animal became frightened and
I dashed away. The horse came borne
with part of the harness dangling on
his body, and, of course, it caused
quite a commotion in the Sullivan
family. A searching party was im
mediately organized and sent out to
look for the children. They were soon
found, coming home in the Jeans car-
! riage, and the relief of the family can
be easily imagined when they learned
1 that the children were safe.
General Ryan's Conundrum Didn't Bother
the Irishman For a Moment.
One of General Ryan's peculiarities
is that he never telLs the same story to
the same man a second time. Not long
ago he was talking about his travels in
the United Kingdom. "I had always
thought," said he, "that the famous
Irish wit and repartee were only to "be
found on tho stage or in Lever's novels,
but I came away from Ireland with a
yery different idea.
"I was stopping at a little country
inn, and a game of cards was "in prog
ress. I was invited to take a hand, and
as an Americanized Irishman I thought
I ought to keep up the reputation of tho
country for sociability. I asked what
they were playing, and they replied
'Forty-five, ' an old time Irish game. I
told them that I barely knew the rules,
but that I could play seven up, euchre
or nearly any other American card game.
But they insisted on my taking a hand,
and I did bo. One of the pages, who was
standing at the back of my chair,
watched my hand pretty closely, and
the first time I made a bad play he said,
sotto voce: 'Holy Maxes, I niver see
6ucli a play iu me loife. I wonder
phwere the divil the mon cum from.
I paid no attention to liim, of course,
and went on with the game. The next
time I made a bad play, and it wasn't
very long, ho again said, talking to him
self, 'Bcdad, niver did I see a mon play
the loikes of that. ' I began to be an
noyed, but still I said nothing, altlfough
a man never likes to hear it said that
he plays a game badly, but the man wai
talking to himself and meant no harm
However, when he broke out the third
time I could contain myself no longer.
I turned around and said, "Look here,
my friend, are you playing these cards,
or am I?' The Irishman looked at me
for a moment, and then said, 'Nayther
xrv us, your honor, savin your prisince,
sor. '
"I 'joined the rest of them in the
laugh, and said, ' Well, boys, order up ;
that puts
'em on me, ' ' ' Cincinnati
It Wine Printer Could Tell by Their
Size and Shape.
Two printers lunched at a Park roTV
restaurant the other day. One ordered
'beef and" and the other two boiled
eggs. When the eggs were placed before
the ono who ordered them, he said to his
companion, "Why, those are Jersey
"How do you know they are Jersey
eggs? They might have been laid in
Pennsylvania or Kentucky for all you
know. ' '
"Well, I guess not. Those eggs came
from Jersey, and I know it. "
To prove it the proprietor was called
into the discussion, and when asked he
said the eggs were Jersey eggs.
Then the egg eater explained: "Over
in Jersey the farmers, or some of them
at least, use a board with holes, large
and small, bored in it. All eggs that
will go through the small holes are sent
to market, and those which will only go
through the large holes are reserved for
home consumption."
Another printer devised a scheme for
procuring good butter at his boarding
house table. The landlady had two ta
bles for her guests ranged one each side
of a large room. At one the women
boarders and married couples sat, while
at the other table the bachelors were
placed. At the women's table there was
always good butter, but at the other the
butter was emphatically inferior. A
printer boarder suffered long and pa
tiently, but at last he rebelled. He went
to the dining room just before dinner
one evening and changed the butter
from one table to the other. A howl
from the women's table shortly after
had the desired effect
The butter was of equally good qual
ity at both tables thereafter. New
York Journal.
A Suspicions Title.
In Chicago "The scoundrel addressed
a letter to me 'John Smith, B. A.,' "
exclaimed the city father wrathfully.
What of it?"
"What of it? What does 'B. A. ' stand
"Bachelor of arts. He thought you
wre a college graduate. "
"Oh, that's it, is it? I thought it
meant 'boodle alderman.'" Chicago
A Prominent TCtiolenale lirocer of Oiintha
Neb., Write:
To the afflicted:
Several years ago I discovered a
slight falling and bleedingof thelower
bowel which increased and became
very distressing. I made inquiry as i
to the nature of the disease and learned
that I had a somewhat aggravated case
of Hemorrhoids or Piles. Was told of
several remedies and used them as di
rected, obtaining thereby some tem
porary relief. Not being satisfied with
such slight relief I cast about for a ner-
mtinont- pnra nhan u frianH Hiroptcil
... . . , , . . t.
me use or ine ramous juaonet i'ilk
Kili.ek. I used it. Immediate relief
from pain followed, and soon a com
plete cure was affected.
Very respectfully,
Oscar Allen.
For sale by Gering & Co.
Leave your orders for job work with
Tiik Jouknal, an artistic job guar
anteed. Notice to Creditors.
State of Nebraska,
Cass Cochty.
In the matter of the estate of Henry J.
mngs, aeceasea:
JOOTICE is hereby Riven that the claims and
demands of all pertons against Henry J-.
Ilennings, deceased, late of said county and
state, will be received, examined and adjusted
by the county court at the court boue in Plans
mouth, on the 1st day of February. A. D.. ISsai.
at ten o'clock iu the forenoon, and that fix
months from and after 1st day of August, A I .
1895, is the time llmtted for creditors of said
deceased to present their claims for examina
tion and allowance.
Given under my hand this 25th day of July,
A. D., 1895.
Sl-4 B. S. RAMSEY, County Judge.
What More Could You Ask ?
J The House
Offers to buyers the chance to secure the VERY
BEST in his line which the market affords, and
THE fact that my stock is the Biggest and Best in all
Cass county, deserves the attention of people desiring
something in the FURNITURE line. The three floors of
my store building are full to overflowing with new goods,
and everything goes at "depression" prices. Call and see
for yourself.
I. PEARLMAN, The House Furnisher,
Opposite Court House, Plattsmouth.
I is
Every purchase
a guarantee that
best and most goods
p. j. hansen,
- a rv i
A Special tr.
One door North of Postoffice
First National Bank
Capital, paid up $50,000
Geokue E. Dovet President
F. E. Wuiti Vice president
S. Wicob Cashier
II. N. Dovet Assistant Cashier
George E. Dovey, F. E. White. D. Hawksworth
S. "Vfaugh and II. N. Dovey.
careful attention given to the Interests of
customers. Collections made and promptly
remitted for. Highest market price paid for
county warrants and state aud county bonds
HrDOlfl's BronKr-Coiery.
Splend id enrativw juront for Kerroos or Sick
Ileaduclie. Bruin l.xhiiu-tiou, Sleeplessiiis.
special or general .Nuralia;, also lor Iklieu
mat ism. Uout. Kiuney niioioer, aciu
pepaia. Anaemia. .Antidote for Alcohol u
and other eceaaed. l'licta, id, 23ld50oaA.
151 S. Western "cnuo CHICA'i'v
I -
I wili . v t!
'.i.r ieivar or any vase Oi
- . ii-i i, iirfc lic-Jaclie In
, LivtrComtmt u
digestion 0.r.'iiiuii-' r Lostiveness we cannot
cure with Wf .: .. -.' i -ibir Liver mis, wrien
th- direction-, rfif 'sti i-ttv votnplifd with. TIm
l aic purely vi eiaf m.J never fail tojrive Ea.
! isiactiou. : i vic leu. .nrerc boses, 25 cents.
! Eewarr of c.i-.i.iii:.: ' and iniitations. Tbepen-
nine manutiicuir -u by THE JOHN C WEST
COHPANi'. t liiAO. IL.I-
! F. . Frlcke & To. druffglsts.
G. LJ. F1DIU, M.D.
Tlie Good Oamaritan'ci
For Young and Middle Aged Men.
1 Infallible remetly for Youthful Errors tnd
later Excesses. Melancholy. Mcutal D -press ion.
Nervous DebJity, Palpitation the Heart,
Hid Dreams. Dizziness Niht losses. Fulling
Sickness and Kits. llcttiia. Svnci rw. St. Vitus
Dance, and Itheiiniatisni. Hiive cured over
M cases. From one to tim e little restores
vijror and health ik'ii i i.VnO lor a bottle by
P. O. money order. Ad.lrec
. Ci. W. I'ANfil.r, M.
I Council Kl utis, Iowa.
. F- S. A Written Guarantee given each pur
I chaser to refund money unless cured, .
Groceries, Dry
Goods, Notions
General Mdse.
The Old Reliable
Pioneer Merchant
made at his store
you obtained the
for the least money.
jThe Plattsmouth Hills,
C. HEISEL. Prop.
This Mill has been rebuilt, and furnished with
Machinery of the best manufacture
in the world. Their
Plansifter" Flour,
Has no Superior In America. Giva it
trial and be convinced.
Attorney and Counselor at
OFFICK-Itoonis 1 and S. Lilian Dl'k,
PlattsmoTxtli. - - - Neb.
Lumber and Coal.
Mendota coal 1 4.25
Hard coal 9.50
Canon City coal 7.50
Dr. Agnes V. Shetland;
pecial attention to Obstetrics, Diseases of
Women and Woman's Surgery.
Office : ,93"h"e ?' Omaba, Neb
Dr. Alfred Shipman,
Offlce in Riley Hotel,
Main Street entrance.
Telephone No. 95. Residence one block south
of M. P. depot.
Park Obisttt Pills will reduce your weight
PERMANENTLY from 12 to 15 pounds a month.
NO STARVING, sickness or injury; NO PUB
LICITY. They build up the health and beauti
fy the complexion, leaving NO WRINKLES or
flabbiness. STOUT ABDOMENS and difficult
breathing surely relieved. NO EXPERIMENT,
but a scientific aud positive relief, adopted only
after years of experience. All orders supplied
direct from our office. Price tZ.OO per package
or three packages for 15.00 by mail postpaid.
Testimonials and particulars sealed 2 cents.
&"AU correspondence strictly confidential.
Park Remedy Co., Boston, Mass
Tlie Good Samaritan's
Clean Sivocrfor the Blood!
The Good Samaritan has been a practitioner
of medicine years aud has cured over a
thousand cases of
No need of going- to the Hot Sprinssrs of
Arbaasas or elsewhere when you can be
cured at home of tlae Worst Blood Poison
man or woman ever became a victim of .without
the use of mercury, arsenic or any other
mineral poison. Send 1 10.00 by P.O. money
order lor a bottle of medicine. It only requires
from 1 to 3 bottles to cure a disease, from ono
week to ten years standing. Address
Council Illuffs, Iowa.
P.S. A written guarantee given to each pur
chase to refund money unless cured.