Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, August 01, 1895, Image 4

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    The Weekly Journal
C W. SHERMAN, Editor.
One year, in advance, $1.00
Six months, in advance, 50
Three months, in advance, 25
Rates made known on application.
Entered at the postofflce at Plattsmouth, Ne
braska, as second-class matter.
THURSDAY, JULY 25, 1895.
"I am clearly of the opinion that gold and sil
ver at rates fixed by congress constitute the le
gal standard of value In this country, and that
neither congress nor any state (under the con
stitution) has authority to establish any other
standard or to displace this standard." Daniel
"According to myviews on the subject thecon
spiracy which seems to have been formed here
and in Europe to destroy by legislation and oth
erwise from three sevenths to one-half the me
tallic money in the world is the most gigantic
crime of this or any other age. The consumma
tion of such a scheme would ultimately entail
more misery upon the human race than all the
wars, pestilences and famines that ever oc
curred In the histpry of the world."-John G
Carlisle, in 1878.
Has the Xews heard from Missis
sippi yet ?
Repculicak office-seeker are about
as plenty as flies around the county
these times.
John McBkide, the hardware
dealer at Nehawka, is much spoken of
as a desirable democratic candidate
for sheriff. He is a good man, and
very popular where known.
There is no talk of fusion with the
populists this year on the part of the
democrats, and the bolters can unite
with the republicans and insure the
election of Judge Post without fail.
The Beatrice street car plant was
sold on Saturday to Victor T. Langtry
of Omaha for $22,050, the buyer ap
parently bidding it in for John Ilor
bach, who is expected to run it. By
this arrangement the property falls in
to the hands of the man who built it.
Gov. Stone of Mississippi is not
Gov. Stone of Missouri by a long shot
He isn't half as smart or half as good
a man. He is a goldbug, and the peo
ple of his state have rejected him and
thrown him overboard with a dull
thud while Gov. Stone of Missouri is
for bimetallism and Is popular with his
people and his party.
TnE generous shower of rain which
fell here Sunday morning extended all
over the county, and was just what
was needed to insure a good corn crop.
Without it, it was problematic whether
the crop would have amounted to
much. With it, the average farmer is
assured of at least thirty-five to fifty
bushels per acre, and the acreage
planted was greater in Cass county
than ever before.
Missouri democratic editors to the
number of 70 met Tuesday last at
Sedalia and had a great day of it, hav
ing addresses by R. I Bland, Go.v.
Stone and Senator Cockrell, and then
they passed resolutions favoring the
immediate return to the free and un
limited coinage of silver and gold at
the ratio of 16 to 1. Gov. Stone fa
vored the nomination of Mr. Bland for
the presidency on a free coinage plat
form. The Horr-Harvey debate on the
money question at Chicago came to a
close Monday, greatly to the advantage
of the silver side of the controversy.
Mr. Horr is an orator of rare powers,
and especially excels in wit and repar
tee, but in logic and facts he was at a
disadvantage from the start. The
gold men have been sadly disappointed
at the inability of their champion to
hold his own. They expected him to
demolish Harvey instanter.
The Horr-Harvey debate at Chicago
appears to be running into the ground.
The discussion has been pretty gener
ally sidetracked, foreign matter of a
personal sort and question that have
no connection with free coinage of sil
ver are being constantly lugged in and
the "book" that the originators of the
scheme proposed to get out and sell in
immense numbers will hardly be a
household treasure. State Journal.
Why don't the State Journal tote
fair and admit that the gold champion,
Mr. Horr is cne who is endeavoring to
diver attention from the real to im
aginary issues, and to personal matters.
Such is the fact, why not tell the truth.
Washington Post.
We hasten to acknowledge our error
in predicting some days ago that the
joint debate at Mobile between Hon.
It. II. Clarke of Alabama and the Hon.
William J. Bryan of Nebraska would
amount to nothing more than an inter
change of melodious wind and a com
petitive test of more personal pulchri
tude. As things happened it amounted
to a good deal more, for Hon. R. H.
Clarke "Blue-eyed Dick of Destiny,"
as they fondly call him in the cane
brake appears to have lost his tem
per, and received a most emphatic re
buke from an audience he counted on
to sustain him through thick and thin.
The New Orleans Times-Democrat's
account of the episode is, in part, as
"It is a matter of general comment
that Mr. Clarke, whose reputation is
that of a sagacious politician, should
not have perceived tbat his attitude
toward Mr. Bryan was a suicidal one.
Having turned his own guns upon him
self, Mr. Clarke proceeded to shoot
himself all to pieces. The result of
his wild accusations was soon mani
fest. The audience, at the opening of
the debate, was composed of equal
parts of bimetallists, monometallists
;ind persons of undecided opinions.
Iiefore the debate was over it was
manifest that Mr. Bryan's logic, per
fect self-possession and lucidity had
gained all or the non-opinionated and
had captured a large percentage of the
adherents of his hot-headed and de
nunciatory antagonist. At the conclu
sion of the debate the entire audience
waited on the sidewalk for Mr. Bryan
and pave him a rousing ovation, follow
ing him down the street to his hotel
with the most enthusiastic cheers.
Mr. Clarke's reception on coming into
the street was one of entire silence.
The crowd was all shaking hands with
the stately, dignified and courteous
gentleman from Nebraska."
Certainly this was not the elegant,
but somewhat tame affair we had pic
tured in our prophetic mind. The
"Blue-eyed Boy of Destiny." in fact,
became quite violent, and Bryan, the
"Infant Prodigy of the Platte," carried
off all the honors of the occasion. The
audience, almost in a body, followed
him into the streets and escorted him
to his hotel, cheering in tumultuous
enthusiasm, while the blue-eyed one
went away unattended, literally un
noticed. So far from being a merry
war, a mere opisode of grace and mu
sic, it was a Waterloo for the cuckoos,
an overwhelming triumph for the sil
ver men. We beg, therefore, to call in
"our original prophecy, with all sorts of
apologies to the soothsayers, and to
offer respectful compliments to the
Hon. William J. Bryan of Nebraska.
Mr. Barnett of Weeping Water,
who wants to be county judge, has
some recommendations printed in the
Weeping Water Republican which are
very far-fetched. Certain parties in
Council Bluffs speak of him as having
been a justice there for several years,
serving acceptably. That would have
been a good place, then, to gain pro
motion. They also represent that the
justice office is very near akin to the
county judgeship here. They speak
without knowing. A justice in Iowa
has jurisdiction of sums amounting to
SlOOorless, a Nebraska justice has
jurisdiction to the extent of $200, and
a county judge of SI, 000. Besides the
county judge has all the probate busi
ness to attend to, which is a grave re
sponsibility. Mr. Barnett should get
some more recommendations but not
of that kind.
TnE Nebraska City News (which
pretends to be democratic) prints with
editorial approval a screed from the
Lincoln Journal which abuses the reg
ular democracy of the state with a
venom born of hate because the repub
lican cabal was beaten last fall by the
action of the regular democracy. The
News cannot be very proud of its new
found love the organ of all that is
corrupt and reprehensible in republi
canism. But it is into such straits
that the bolters are compelled to go.
A committee of the Philadelphia
Grocers' association, appointed to in
vestigate and report on low and lower
ing prices, reported a lew days since
that the cause was the demonitization
of silver. The matter is to be dis
cussed at the next meeting. The
American merchants are learning the
lesson of depression and are asking its
cause, and the reply lies in demone
tized silver and unequal taxation and
that is all there is to it.
It is commonly remarked that "the
Lincoln Journal takes more interest in
advocating the interests of the gold
bug crowd of the democratic party
than it does Jn the republican cam
paign." The editors of that paper
know that the rogular democracy is the
active element they have to fight.
Salt Lake Tribune Rep.
Mr. Carlisle, in one of hi. speeches
delivered himself of five so-called ax-"
ioms, which the gold press of the east
is circulating as something profound
and unanswerable. They are as fol
lows: 1. T,here is not a free coinage coun
try in the world that is not on a silver
2. There is not a gold standard
country in the world today that does
not use silver money along with gold.
3. There is not a silver standard
country in the world today that uses
any gold along with silver.
4. There is not a silver standard
country in the world today that has
more than one third of the circulation
per capita that the United States has.
5. There is not a silver standard
country in the world today where the
laboring man receives fair pay for his
day's work
We will offset those five with six
1. There is not one free-coinage
country in the world today that is not
enjoying unexampled piosperit j , the
only draN back being a foieigu debt
contracted on the gold basis.
2. There is not a gold standard
country in the world today the popula
tion of which has not shrunken from
33 to 60 per cent during the last 21
years; uot one in which there is not un
exampled depression, distress and sor
row. 3. There is not a silver-standard
country in the world today that has
any need of gold money except to set
tle foreign balances, and there is not a
gold-standard countiy in the world to
day that the bulk of all the gold is not
locked up in the treasury or in the
banks, and the people are suffering
from "sound money" asphyxia.
4. There is not a silver standuid
country in the world today where there
are any idledeposits lying in the banks,
all the money being in active circula
tion and drawing large iuteiest, and
the circulation per capita in the United
States of real money is just about what
it is in Mexico, nearly all the money of
ultimate redemption being hid away in
the vaults of the treasury and National
3. There is not a silver-standard
country in the world today where the
laboring man is not receiving full pay
and more regular work than he ever
received before. There is not a gold
country in the world today where a
vast proportion of the people are not
idle, -and where wages are above the
rate of 1849, except where they have
been maintained by the stubborn per
sistence of the labor unions.
C. There is not a silver-standard
country in the world today where the
people are not doing better than ever
before. There is not a gold-standard
country where the people are not in
more distress, and suffering more hiss
and more apprehension than ever be
The silver debates are already back
numbers. The tide of prosperity that
has already set in has relegated the
silver question to the rear, and the sil
ver orators, who like Dan Voorhees see
the landslide and get from under quick
will not get hurt. Our Billy Bryan
had better put his ears to the ground
acd catch the whisper of the multitude
before it is too late. Polk's News.
Yes, we have heard that sort of talk
before. The State Journal, from which
the News gets its cue, said about the
same thing a week ago, and yet it
prints from one to three columns every
day trjing to kill a thing which it says
is already dead. The wish is father to
the thought; that's all. Why, Mr.
Field, when he held his joint debate
here with Mr. Bryan two years ago,
said the silver question was a dead is
sue that it would never be heard of
after the election, and men of that
faith have tried to down it ever since,
but they havu'tdone it, and they won't
until it is settled as the fathers settled
it more than a hundred years ago in
favor of bimetallism. After the con
federates had established their govern
ment and captured all the forts and
arms in the south they protested "that
they didn't want any war. All they
desired was to be left alone. , The
usury gang has taken free coitiage
from silver,having now gotten a corner
on the gold of the world, can pinch the
people whenever they please, bring on
panics at their option as "objeet les
sons," and they squeal like a pig under
the fence because men insist on having
their rights under the constitntion.
And until those rights are restored the
agitation will continue. Maik that.
TriEKE isn't a more suspicious con
cern in the world than an insurance
company, but in the case of II. II.
Holmes, charged with the murder of
a woman's husband and children to se
cure the insurance their worst sus
picions seem to be fully realized.
Havelock Times.
Written for The Daily Journal.
Many, many years ago there lived a
brave, m n.
He knew not what fear was. for he
was very brave.
All men praised him for his courage,
and worshipped him for his deeds of
His armies were successful in eveiy
battle and he rode in the front of his
He led his men to the field and thous
ands fell before his hosts.
And victory perched upon his ban
1 His friendssaid,"He is invulnerable
no man can conquer mm; even ueatlrs
sharp missies turn aside and fear to
pierce his breast."
Because of him therw were fatherless
children innumerable in the land.
And women wept for husbands slain
And in all the land theie was none
so brave as he.
He lived in a blaze of glory and the
brightness of the 8 tin wjts round abou
him .
And at last he died upon Ins bed.
An-' there was mourning in the 1 at m.
because of his departure.
They said, "The hero is dead; let us
build hi in a very high pillar and write
his name thereon, and let us make
much roise of grief.
"Let us mom n, for he is dead.
"For who kuoweth that we shal
look upon his like again."
And they built a pillar and carved a
wreath thereon and wrote his name be
neath in shining letters of gold.
And they laid his body in the dust
but his memory lives and dies not.
Now it chanced that the brave man
had a brother who was not brave.
Neither did he carry a sword.
But when the battle was over he
came out at night and bound up the
wounds of the fallen.
He gave them water to drink.
He washed the faces of the dead and
folded their hands upon tbtir breasts
But he was not brave.
In all the vears of his life he killed
uot nor slew.
They said, "Behold the brave man's
He wore a cross upon his bosom and
a cowl upon his head.
But none praised him.
He followed in all the fields where
the dead l.iy, and closed their staring
He gathered the children about bin.
and gave them milk to drink.
He comforted the stricken hearts of
But he won no battles.
He died at last ami they laid him to
rest in the ground.
And the wild grass grew above his
But the ears have come and passed
ami the mound has found its level
with the earth.
k I
Aim no mau Knows where tie was
To iK Castor is getting very much
interested in the luiciirt Martin rump
convention. He has got the rumps so
far organized that they call the Bryan
regular democratic convention the
bolters. Tobe has got his cheap John
editors proclaiming to the world tbat
Bryan and the free silver democrats
bolted and went over to the populists.
He is having a haid time, however, and
will have trouble to show up his great
influence in Nebraska outside of own
ing a herd of very cheap mules who
run administration democratic papers
Grand Island Free Press.
Tije News says arguments on the
silver question are stale. It evidently
hasn't heard from Mississippi.
One On Cooli y.
ItepresentativeCooley of Cass county
has lost his reputation as a weather
prophet, b it his friends at the state
house am trj ing to cover up the mat
ter. An elderly lady told him the
other day that she had observed a sure
sign of rain, one which had not failed
her for twenty years. In the morning
she saw the chichens oil their feathers
and go out on the feeding grounds in
committees of one. all the time keep
ing separate, repotting progress and
asking leave to sit again, which meant
rain immediately. Mr. ooley came
to Lincoln and made several bets that
rain would fall during the tiny. Then
he stood'around and waittd, but that
day and several others passed without
a drop of moisture and as a result Mr.
Coo ley lost a lare part of his last win
ter's salar as a nir ruber of the house.
Lincoln Journal.
Doe Yiiur lireath Couin
. in Duchess Tiousers?
Many get theirs that way.
C. E. Wescott & Son in sales have
passed the line of 4,000 pairs of Duchess
Everybody happy in Ducuess Trous
ers. O. E. Wescott & Son sells tbem,
and everyone who tries them is sure
to buy none other.
Little Dinah Ventures a Remark at Sambo
Koblnwon's Poker Party.
Old Daddy November always took a
pride in saying: "I bawn ecn Chalston
befo' de wah, en I been lib yah eber
sense. I lib close to de battry whay
Mohlan wof stan, a berry nice place fur
hit, shonulf, speshumly eeii do summer,
kos een de night, w'en yo' wnk done,
yo' kin go sot on de battry en git nice
cool breeza "
On a very hot night in August the old
man occupied his favorite seat, and thus
discoursed with his friend, Primus
"Primus, is I ebber tole you 'bout de
narrer 'scape I mek on lass Fote ob
"No," said Primus; "you ain't been
tole me nuttin 'bout 'em. Wha kine
er narrer 'scape you mek?"
Daddy November held his hat be
tween Port Sumter and himself, struck
a match, held the match behind his hat
till he had lighted his pipe, and then
put the pipe in his mouth and the hat
on his head. Then ho said:
"E been befo Sambo Robison been
dig rock een do fosfite mine on de Ten
fahm, between de fawk ob de road en
de Fo Mile house. On de Fote ob July
Sambo hab kahd pahty wot persiss ob
fo nigger, ole Sambo heself, en him
friend Gawgo Washinton, en me, en
Hendry Drane, wot sell chicken. We
play monstous big games. You can bet
fibe cents ebery time. Well, Drane dole
de kahd, en Sambo gone bline. I git
two king, en ob koso I kum een. Wash
inton see de bline, too, an Drane kum
een. Sambo mek he bline good, en tek
tree kahd. I tek tree, Washinton tek wun,
en Drane tek tree.
"Wen I pick up my kahd, I moas tun
pale. I ketch wun mo king en two jack.
Sambo lay low, kause e him bline. I
bet fibe cent, en Washinton liff 'em fibo
ma Drane trow way ho han en kus..
Ole Sambo smole wun smile, en seen
my fibe cent en Washinton fibe cent, an
liff 'em anuder fibo. I try fer look like
I gwino bluff, en I hab my han on my
chip fur rise 'em geit, wen someting
happen wot noboddy ain't been kount
"Sambo got wan pooty leetle grand-
chile name Dinah. Do chile only 6 yare
old, but e know all do kahd. Dinah sat
behin Sambo en look on he kahd, en jisf
wen I gwme liff Sambo some mo de
leetle gal sing out: 'Oh, how funny!
Gainpa got all de queens!' Ob course
dat mek oxcitement, I trou way my full
house; Washinton fling fibe spade on do
table ; Drane larf ; he been kum een on
two seben, en Sambo, who hab de
queens sho nuif, say dam en tun roun
en slap do chile en tek em een de nex
room en put em een bed. Den wun soun
kum from de room what soun like
spank, en Dinah holler. I sorry fur de
chile kaws she tawk been sabe me at
leese sebenty-fibe cent. I mek narrer
"En wot Washinton say?" inquired
"Oh," replied Daddy November,
"Gawge Washinton say, Sambo ain't
got no right fur spank de chile, kaws
6he been tole de troof. " New York
The Many Virtue She Should Have
Best Please Her Husband.
The good wife is always good. Noth
ing puts her out. She may have neural
gia, a tipsy cook and twins who always
cry at the same time, but she never
looks cross or speaks hastily, and she al
ways sees that dinner is ready at the
proper moment. The children may have
mumps, chicken pox and measles, and
the plumbers may have stopped the Cro
ton water because they are fixing the
main pipe; the baker, butcher and milk
man may present their little bills with
exasperating frequency and with re
proachful remarks appended, and the
iceman may have "struck," but when
husband comes she always smiles beau
tifully and has something nice and cool
all ready in the refrigerator.
She never mentions disagreeable bills
to the partner of her soul and never
asks for money, but she is always nicely
dressed in cool, fluted muslins, or good,
rich cashmere, or something like that
No dowdy calico wrappers on her. She
makes everything herself out of noth
ing elegantly.
She is charming. All the men envy
him, but she never flirts. She is always
so glad to have his ma live with them,
and to take her advice in everything:
But, most of all, when he comes home
at 4 o'clock in the morning, walking
very feebly and with exceedingly weak
knees, she never casts a doubt upon his
statement that "they've been taking
stock down at our place, ' whatever may
be the season of the year, and she al
ways pities him for having to work so
hard. Philadelphia Times.
Directions For Sterilizing: 3111k.
Provide six or eight half pint bottles,
according to the number of times the
child is fed durinir the 24 hours. Put
the proper amount of food for one feed
ing in each bottle and use a tuft of cot
ton batting as a stopper. Have a sauce
pan that the bottles can stand in conven
iently. Invert a perforated tin pie plate
in the bottom and put in enough water
to come above the milk in the bottles.
Stand the bottles on it ; when the water
boils draw 'the saucepan to a cooler part
of the stove, where the water will re
main near the boiling point but not ac
tually boiling. Cover the saucepan and
et the bottles remain in it one hour.
Put them in the icebox or a cool place
n winter. Ladies' Home Journal.
"My dear baron, what are you doing?
Smoking two cigars at one and the same
'Well, you see, my dear fellow, in
this beastly hole you can't get any six
penny cigars such as I am in the habit
of smoking, and so I have to make shift
with a couple of threepenny ones.
Deutsche Warte.
Wm. Neville & Co.,
Pure Wines and Liquors
! gQje
Agents for the Celebrated
Pabst Beer.
Deliveries marie to any pnrt of the
city or Hlilpe'l to iiny pluce.
. . . MANAGER, ...
412 Main Street, - Plattsmouth; Neb
r nlUrVIl . ,
Will keep constantly on hand n full a nl
complete (-tool: of pure
Mi Ml liSliCls,
Also a full line of l' i iis;itV Suixlrt.o.
Pure liquors for medicinal purposes.
Special attention nU'en to
Messrs.. F. ti. FIUCKK & CO.. arc il.e
only i urties selling our Alaska Crystal
Spectacles and lye-Glasses
In PhittsD'outh. These Lenses are far
Mipcriorto any other sold in this city,
possessing a nuiiriil transparency and
Mrengthh.g ioaitH-H which will pre
serving thi? fail ins eye-sight.
Zuchweiler & Lutz
Cor. Sixth and Pearl Sts.,
a a u
The Painless Dentist.
Weeping Water, Nebr.,
Makes a Specialty of Fine Gold Fillings, Gold
and Porcelain Crowns, Bridge work, etc.
1 llw mo KKI.I . Itl.K
Sixth Street Checked Harn,
-Special attention to Funerala. ilttckt i:l be
un to all trains. "Promptness an 1 Hdeiityto
Customer ' " M lH-ir-o
W L : Douglas
43.sp Fine Calf&KAngaroi
v"Srf f W'La'DOUCr LA1
Over Ono Million People wear the'
W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes
All our shoes are equally satlsfactorv
They give the best value for the money. "
They equal custom shoes In style and fit.
Their wearing qualities are unsurpassed.
1 he prices are uniform, ctampod on sole.
From $i to $3 saved over other aikes.
It your dealer cannot supply yen- -. ,n. Sold by
Attorney at Law,
OFFICE: Second Boor of the Todd blork. mat
of the oouri noimp.
A.ttOrilGVS at La W
FHzRbrald block, over FlrsiNai'l baak
A 1 1 J-
(A, J