Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, August 01, 1895, Image 12
THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. .LESSON VI AUG. 11 "THE BRA ZEN SERPENT." olden Textt A Moses Lifted Up the Serpent In the Wilderness, Even So Mast the Son of Man Be Lifted Up" John 3:14. NTRODTJCTORT The lesson for to day Includes Num bers 16. 17,' 20 and 21 : 1-9 and Deu teronomyl : 46; 2 : 1; 8 : 1-5 The pun ishment by the ser pents occurred In September, 1452 B. C. (Usher), thirty nine years after the exodus. The ser pents attacked the people in the south ern part of the Valley of Arabah, which -extends from the Dead Sea to the head of the Gulf of Akabah, otherwise known as the eastern branch of the Red Sea. In our last lesson we left the Is raelites at Kadesh Barnea, within forty miles of Beersheba, the first large place In Southern Palestine. Here they re mained thirty-eight years, the long time of Deuteronomy 1-46. They ar rived at Kadesh about a year and three months after the exodus, and left it nine months before taking Canaan. During these years Kadesh was their place of rendezvous. From time to time they changed their localities, but never gave up hope cf the fulfillment of God's prom ise. At this time they numbered 2,000, 000 souls and their camp extended over a large territory about Kadesh. Like the Bedouins of all ages, the different tribes kept shifting about within caravan travel of Kadesh. Some of the wander ings are given in Numbers 33: 19-36. ex tending as far south as Ezion Geber on the eastern arm of the Red Sea (1 Kings 9: 26.) The chief events of this epoch are as follows: 1. Korah's rebellion. 2. The budding of Aaron's rod (proving him a divinely chosen high priest). 3. The death of Miriam (sister of Moses). 4. Water from the rock at Meribah and the sin of Moses that kept him from enter ing the promised land (20:2-13). 5. The Jeath of Aaron at Mount Hor (20:22-29). BIT OF THE RED SEA. The reason for the long delay is given by Moses in Deuteronomy 8:12. II. 4. "And they (Numbers 20:22; 23:41) journeyed from Mount Hor by the way of the Red Sea (to the Red Sea) to com pass the land of Edom (Judges 11:1S); and the soul of the people was much discouraged on account of the way." At last they lost faith in God. 5. "And the people spake against God (Psalms 7S-19), and against Moses (Ex. 16:3; 17:3), Wherefore have ye brought us up out of Egypt to die in the Wilder ness? For there Is no bread, neither is there any water, and our soul (Numbers 11:6) loatheth this light bread." 6. "And (1 Cor. 10:9) the Lord sent J O X C y , , m ueui. aua; uci y serpenisiso canea irom the inflammatory nature of their bites) among the people, and they bit the peo ple; and much people of Israel died." 7. "Therefore (Psalms 78:34) they came to Moses, and said, 'We have sinned, for we have spoken against the Lord, and against thee; pray unto the Lord (Ex. 8:8-28), that he may take the serpents away from us.' And Moses prayed for the people." 8. "And the Lord said unto Moses, 'Make thee a fiery serpent of brass (of copper or bronze): put it upon a pole (set It upon a standard); and It came to pass; and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he (seeth It) looketh upon it, shall live." .j.nus uoa was 10 restore ineir iaitn. 9. "And (2 Kings 18:4) Moses made a :6erpent of brass, and put it upon a pole; :and it came to pass, that if a serpent had bitten any man, when he beheld (looked unto) the serpent of brass, he lived." And thus by means of a miracle the faith of the Israelites was again re stored. Had the means of cure been a mere natural remedy (so called) the peo ple would have believed In it and not in, G-od. The serpent Is now often used as a symbol of Christian faith. Water and food was also supplied by aid of miracles. It is doubtful If the serpents spoken of as poisonous were real serpents. Lange says: "The true, peculiar, per nicious, fiery serpent were their mur muring disposition and complaints against Jehovah." Sin is like a fiery serpent, often beautiful In appearance and secret in its approach. But the ef fects are pains that only fire can ex press. It Infects the whole system. It In flames every evil passion with Its venom. It is Incurable by man alone. If per mitted to go on It ends in death, mortal and spiritual. Compare the old serpent, the devil," the tempter and destroyer of jnen. TRUTH CONDENSED. Isn't It strange that the man who can drink or let it alone never does? If angels had to live with some men, .v,a would be more fallen' ones. Do as much good as you can, and .rt ni see to it that you do enough. In nine cases out of ten the man who has riches paid too much for The first step toward heaven is taken heart says good-by to sin. When Adam left Eden, aft angel went hefore him, whose name was Hope. Many a prayer for a revival has failed because the preacher didn't want iit- has to keep busy to hold his own in the home of a praying mother. , the start and -truth I will have to chase it around the TIVI.sF.CTIOS. Hour It is Done In lloiton-roit-3Ior-tem of Animal. By means of part tions two rooms one in Newton and oueinAthol were made as much al ke as possible, both :s to shape and cubic space. Each room had a capacity of about TOO cu b c feet, which was somewhat larger than a room in Middleton in which a fatal case of poisoning from water-gas actually occurred. Three dogs, two cat and two rabb'ts, all apparently healthy and strong, were placed in the room "in Athol, and the water-gas in use there, containing about 80 per cent, of carbonic oxide, was allowed to flow in from a single ordinary burn er, at the rate of six feet per hour. The experiment began at 11:15 a. m and at 11:45 p. m. vomit ng, delirium. convulsions, etc., had already been noted. Half an hour later all the ani mals were unconscious, or apparently so, to respond to vigorous knocks and calls. At 2:30 pm., or about three hours from the start, the two cats werv dead, and the other ani mals were prone and quite uncon scious. The dogs died ut 3, 4, and H:;0 o'clock respectively the rabbits al o at f:.)0. in a word, symptoms of poisoning were well developed in an hour and a half. Deaths bejan to occur in a little more than three hours, and all were dead within eight hours. This experiment was witnessed by members of your board. . In the corresponding experiment at Xewton. maile with coal gas contain ing about 7 p.T cent, of carbon c ox ide, two do:s, two cats, two rabbits and two pigeons were placed in the room, and the gas was introduced from an ordinary burner, as before, and at the same rate (J feet per hour. The experiment began at a. in., and for three and one-half hours no symp toms of consequence were observed, and then only drowsiness and general anxiety, with" salivation in one case. At 4 p. m. i.e.. after e ght hours nothing more than a gradual exagger ation of these symptoms had occurred, t-.ecovery would, apparently, still have been possible, and even easy, at this time. After twenty -four hours, i. e., at 8 a. m. of the next day, one cat and one rabbit were dead, but the others were not even unconscious, being still re sponsive to knocks and calls. The professors ai-o experimented on themselves to a slight extent in a sim ilar manner. Continuing, Prof. Sedg wick said: We conclude that the eflect will be the same, in kind, on human beings as on the animals experimented with that is, as regards the gas investiga tion. We have no painful vivisections here unless some important investiga tion is to be made. Our vivisections are made while the animals are under the influence of anesthetics chloro form generally, rarely morphia. The animals used for the purpose are mostly frogs, rarely dogs, cats, rab bits, guinea pigs and pigeons, called higher animals. Nearly every day we have painless vivisection for teaching purposes. "This morning a gra.luate from a Western college .-et at work to studv the physiology of the heart. He took 3everal fro:s. chloroformed them, cut oil" their heads, then exposed the hearts, and studied their movements. In these lower animals the heart does not cease beating for hours, and in soue cases, uavs alter the head is .-evered, but in case of all animals h'gher than iept:les the heart stops almost immediately on decapitation. In many cases of vivisection the spinal cord is also destroyed, which prevents any nerve leel ng. No painful experi ment should be made to enforce on students facts alreadv known. I should not stop at pain of lower animals, that is, reptiles, etc., if by vivisection or dissection human lives can be saved or human suffering n l eved. or if there is a reasonable hope of do:ng it. 1 think there is great misunderstanding in regard to painful and painless vivi e.ton. The latter is as painless as dissection after death. Dogs and rab bits are used more espec:ally to leirn of blood pressure, and tor the stud v of heart movements, respirafon. etc. Itabbits are usually g ven hydrate of chloral and dogs morphine. I have given a dog enough morphine to kill twenty men. He was made perfectly unconscious, but still lived. "People get the idea that we take dogs in here, tie them down and carve them while they are howling with pain. No uch thing is done, as it would de-ft-at the objects wished to be attained, for they would not be in a normal con dition. In most experiments it is ab solutely necessary to have the animals under operation perfectlv qu et. as re gards pulse, etc. Therefore we must give them an am sthetie the eilVct of which we well know. For the purpose of gaining an idea of th normal heart, blood vessels and mechanics of the circulat on of the blood, we have an apparatus called the kymograph, consisting of along roll of white pa per, made to travel between cylinders by clo.k work, and with the greatest regularity. On this paper tracings are made with a pen in connection with a monometer, and this is connected di rectly the artery of the animal, which must be entirely unconscious, firmly .-eeured by a holder near by, strapped to a board. The heart cau es the blood in the artery to push, and a wavy line is made on the paper, which can be measured and studied. Im portant results in regard to the efl'ect of ditierent drugs upon the heart and blood vessels are thus obtained, and this without pain to the animals, as they are always put to death without bein allowed to recover conscious ness. ' Sam Jones' Specimen of a Mean Man. I knew a fellow in Georgia who had been married ten vears. His wife one morn ng suggested that that was her b rthday, and he said to himself: I've got a good wife; she has been kind, self-sacrificing and true in all respects; I must buy her a present." So he went down town that day and walked into a store and bought himself a new hat, consoling himself that nothing would more please a good wife than to raa'ie her husband a present of a new hat. He's the meanest man I ever saw. j as old as the city. ! THE PALL OF PRICES. WHAT ARE THE TRUE FIGURES IN THE PROBLEM? Champions of Gold Standard Accused of Using False Averages How Mathe matical Accuracy Requires Computa tion to n Made. D. O. Mason in Chicago Dally Record: In part the issue between those who favor the free coinage of silver, of bi metallism, and those who oppose such coinage is a question which Involves the extent of the fall of prices since the year 1873. The silverltes aver that the decline in the prices of commodities in general exhibits a signal proportion to the decline in the price of silver bul lion, the downward movement of the latter being responsible for the down ward movement of the former. To sup port this view various evidences are set forth; for instance, that silver bul lion has had during its shrinkage of valuation in the world's markets a cer tain steadiness of purchasing power in exchange for staple articles, while the purchasing power of gold has corre spondingly advanced. This position is rejected by the goldites, who resort to elaborate statistical tables of prices for proof that the contention of their op ponents is untrue, and seem to show by the quoted figures, that the fall of prices from 1SG0 to 1S92, covering 232 different commodities, was only about 8 per cent on the average, so that the decline from 1873 was from a heavy advance in prices above what they were in 1860, and not from a legitimate starting point. Now there is an Insuperable objection to the use of these tabulations of aver age prices. They are not actual prices, but only theoretic prices, and they bear the same sort of relation to actual prices which sophistry bears to legiti mate argument. In brief, they are prices obtained by violating a rule of arithmetic, yet they are paraded as having all the faculties and Inclinations of mathematical accuracy and certainty, while really Involving an Increase of blunder at every advancing step of their spurious computation or of their complication with other prices. If, for Example, a fundamental error of arith metical calculation is committed in obtaining the average price of any in dividual commodity for one day, how much augmented and aggravated must the error become when the calculation is extended over a week, a month, or a year, and how utterly unreliable, and even worthless, must such average price become when wrought Into com bination with 231 other average prices, each arrived at through the same vicious and misleading process directly violating arithmetical requirements. In order to compute an average price arithmetic demands the division of ag gregate cost by aggregate quantity; or, to express the rule differently, there must be obtained first of all the total of the quantities sold of any commodity, or of an assortment of commodities, sum of values realized at the various prices, whereupon the sum is to be di vided by the total, and the quotient is the average price. But within the last half century there has come into vogue a bastard system of calculating average prices a method which prob ably had its origin in the frequent im possibility of procuring the quantltes and the values indispensable to arith metical accuracy. By this illegitimate process the proper and essential data are entirely, arbitrarily, recklessly ig nored, and so-called average prices are computed by adding together the dif ferent prices and dividing by their numbers a departure from fact and truth which is without an atom of rea son or justification, because it invaria bly leads to error continually, in every direction whither it proceeds, and ac cumulates error upon error until a jum ble of absurdities and inconsequential I ties has been put in mathematical form with the superficial appearance of un assailable strength, yet worthless for any purpose of argument except to demonstrate its falsity and utter un reliability. Let me here illustrate the wide dif ference in result between the genuine method and the spurious mthod of com puting average prices: Ten barrels of flour at $3.75 each and one barrel at $6.50 would amount to $44; dividing this sum by eleven, which Is the total of quantities, we have $4 as the aver age price. Or, on reversing the terms of the problem, one barrel of flour at $3.75 and ten barrels at $6.50 each would, amout to $68.75; and, as before, dividing by 11, we obtain $6.25 as the average. This is the arithmetical method the sound process; it will en dure every test of accuracy to which It can be subjected. But the bastard method arrives at exactly the same an swer in both of these problems. Ac cording to that method the two prices $3.75 and $6.50 are added, making the sum of $10.25 in each case; and on division by two, which is the number of different prices, we get $5.126 as tlve average price a bastard average which is $1.12 above the fact in one instance, and $1.12 below the fact in. the other Instance. At the rate above the fact the eleven barrels would have cost $56.37an error of $12.37 a lit tle more than 28 per cent wrong. At the rate below the fact the eleven bar rels would have cost precisely the same as before, with the same amount of error, but now too little. Save as curiosities" of maladroit computation, what practical use can such trash of statistics be to anybody? To palm them oft upon the public as genuine prices and as staple material for argument is seeking to obtain the people's con victions under false pretenses. The illustrations above given of get ting average prices by sound rule and by violation of sound rule are supposed cases. Let us now apply these oppo site methods to actual experience. Be low are the quantity and value of flour exported from the United States in each fiscal year named, to which is added the average price a barrel, the fraction of a cent being extended to three deci mal places for the sake of great exact ness: Years ending Invoice Av. per June30. Barrels. values. barrel 1862... 4,882,033 $27,534,295 $5.63990 1863... 4,390,055 28,366,069 6.46144 1864... 3,557,347 25,588,249 7.13310 1865 2.604.542 27,222,031 10.45175 1866... 2.183.050 18.396.686 8,42706 1837... 1.300.106 12,803,775 9.84825 1868... 2.076,423 20,887,798 10.05950 1869... 2,431.873 18.813.865 7.73637 1870... 3.463.333 21.169.593 6.11249 1871... 3,653,841 24,093,184 6.59393 1872... 2,514,535 17,955,684 7.14076 1873... 2.562,086 19,381,664 7.56480 1874... 4,094,094 29.258,094 7.14641 Totals. 39,713,318 $291,470,987 $7.33938 These are average prices which are genuine and reliable. They are so near to absolute correctness that on multi plying the grand total of 39,713,318 bar rels by $7,33938, the general average price, the product will be found to be only $143.76 in excess of the fact, and a trivial error, which might be greatly reduced, or altogether avoided, by suf ficiently extending the decimal places representing the fraction of a cent in the price. How different, however, will be the result of computing average price by the method which violates arithmetical rule. In that case the sum of the an nual average prices is $100.37576, which, on being divided by 13, the number of different prices, yields an average of $7.7212123 per barrel, or $0.3818323 in excess of the real average. This error, applied to the grand total of 39,713,31S barrels, amounts to $15,163,972.41, being a departure of a trifle over 5 per cent from the fact. And if an error to that extent can be committed in falsely com muting the average price of a single commodity, who can truthfully say that a like error will not be committed many scores of times in computing the aver age prices of several hundred commo dities? When, therefore, it is asserted about the general average price per year of 232 different articles, measured in their rise or fall lr price by an index number, that the decline between the year I860 and 1892 was only about 8 per cent, what reliance can be safely placed on the conclusion, and what pos sible worth is it as evidence that the silverltes are wrong in their conten tion? The long array of prices sup porting the conclusion bears on its own face testimony to its own unreliability. Where is to be found the record of quantities sold'and of values obtained therefore, covering several hundred commodities throughout more than thirty years, and furnishing such a divisor and such a dividend as would comply with arith metical rule in ascertaining average prices? Who can point out such a rec ord? Nobody, for the record does not exist and never has existed in a shape to be available for the purpose named. Only one resort has been open to use the spurious and worthless method of adding prices together and dividing by their number. It Is no defense of such prices to say that they are published under the au thority of the United States, and are embodied in a report made by the finance committee of the United States senate. Arithmetical rule is not to be nullified by the pressure of mere au thority, no matter how high and power ful. The government, in preparing sta tistics for public information and use, Is as much bound to obey the rules of arithmetic as any private individual. When government refuses such obed ience, its departure from mathematical accuracy has no more binding force, and deserves no more respect, than the same blunder committed by one of its most ignorant citizens. Whoever cm ploys these bastard prices in argument, giving them the position and signifi cance of general prices, serves under the banner of error and contributes to the exaltation of sophistry. A still gr?ater entanglement in error takes place when, to strengthen the case against the friends of bimetallism, the false average prices are reduced to equivalent gold value; for such reduc tion must be preceded by the ascertain ment of the average price of gold an unattainable end. Not even for one day, much less for a week, a month or a year, can the average price of gold be obtained, simply because no record was kept of the data essential to the purpose from Jan. 13, 1862, until the close of December, 1878 the period of almost seventeen years during which gold was at a premium. It would be necessary to have the total quantities of gold sold within any chosen term and the whole sum paid for these quan tities before the divisor and the divi dend would be supplied, as demanded by the arithmetical rule. In the absence of these indispensable data, the only substitute is the false method of adding together the different prices of gold and dividing by their number. That addi tional violation of arithmetical rule augments and complicates the blunder. An argument built up on such an un sound foundation is like a tree rotten at the roots, which must be rotten in its branches. It is full time to call a halt in the use of these doctored statistics of prices. The evil grows constantly. It shows itself on every hand. As long ago as 1863 the finance report of the United States for that fiscal year set forth the highest and lowest prices of a con siderable list of staple articles, followed by the average price obtained by the spurious method. This list embraced the period 1825-1863. I have an annual report of the New York produce ex change, in which every average price is of the bastard sort. The late Prof. Elliott of the treasury department pre pared the false average prices of gold, which were used by that bureau of statistics to reduce the currency values of imported merchandise to equivalent gold value, as published in tabulations by the bureau a mode of statement which has led many honest minds to erroneous conclusions. Now we have the voluminous report of the finance committee of the United States senate tainted with the same violation of arith metical rule. What has brought into such persistent vogue a practice so In excusable, when it is considered that every graduate of our public schools is taught the rule which governs the case, and should be armed with information to detect at once the violation of the rule? DECIDEDLY MEAr The Decision of a Denver Judge on a So-Called Disturbance Case. A Salvation Army captain has been arrested and sentenced to thirty days in Jail in Denver,' Col., for "disturbing the peace," but really for holding out door meetings of the familiar noi3y sort. This captain is a woman, Blanche Cox, and she is said to be re fined and educated, and to have of fended no more seriously against the peace and quiet of the good people of Denver than Salvation Army meetings are apt to. There may be circum stances that afford some justification for this performance of the Denver au thorities, but it looks from this dis tance as though they had been guilty of a bit of mean intolerance, of which their city ought to be thoroughly ashamed. The Salvation Army is a noisy institution, and their noise is an annoyance, and at times a nuisance.but it can be easily borne if the spirit and purpose behind it and the great good accomplished by that organization be kept in mind. Exchange. Peasant 'ostum for Fairs. Suitable costumes for the waitresses at an international fair to be held in a church would be the peasant cos tumes of the various nations. The most picturesque of the French peasant cos tumes is the Normandy, which consists of a gray woolen skirt, worn ankle length, a black overskirt turned back, washerwoman fashion, a black velvet bodice with a white muslin chemisette and short puffed sleeves. The cap should be of the kind known as Nor mandy. The Italian costume is a bright- colored skirt, with a long white lace or drawn-work apron. A Roman silk scarf should be knotted about the waist. A black velvet bodice and a muslin chemisette and long very full sleeves with a little Italian cap com plete the costume. The Italian cap is a long and narrow strip of linen which is placed lengthwise over the forehead with the corners turned back. The Dutch peasant wears a skirt of rough cloth with a long apron made with a square bib, a chemisette and sleeves similar to the French costume and a cap of stiff white linen shaped like a halo and worn with gold ear-rings. The Russian costume has a long skirt, over which Is worn a heavily-embroidered long apron, the usual bodice, long sleeves and a cap, cone-shaped, with a veil hanging from the end. A Courageous Widow. Amos Storey was one of the early settlers of Vermont. He plunged into the wilderness and started to clear land to which he was entitled by being the first settler. One day he was killed by the falling of a tree. His wife, who was still in Connecticut, hearing of the disaster, resolved to take his place and clear the farm herself, though she had ten small children. Years of toil, dan ger and hardship followed, but she actually carried out this remarkable determination. Before the sharp edge of her ax, acre after acre of forest gave place to fertile field. With her own hand the logs and bushes were burned and fruits and crops planted and raised. Fish were lured from their re treats by her angling and game was supplied by her unerring rifle. In order to have a safe retreat from In dians and wild beasts she dug out an underground room with a small en trance in a thicket, where she nightly retreated with her children. Unassist ed she thus supported herself and chil dren until they were old enough to help, and found themselves the pos sessors of a large and valuable farm. Trees That Are Trees. George S. Courter, a well-known res ident of North Yakima, returned to Ta coma last evening from a trip to Neah Bay and Clallam county, says Tacoma News. In speaking of the Neah Bay country Mr. Courter stated that the tim ber which he saw there is sure to make its owners wealthy. He measured sev eral large spruce trees of unusual size. One of these measured thirty-six feet in circumference at its base and an other which had fallen was 216 feet long to a point where it had been broken in two by a fall, and at this point it was fifteen feet in circumfer ence. Fluid Instead of Wire. It is stated in the Buffalo Express that Nikola " Tesla has perfected a etine the electric cur rent through a fluid in a tube, by which he claims that electricity can De irans- ittA rnm Mlaara Falls to New Or- UltVtcu Amv, - o - leans and successfully compete with steam at the latter piace. ine num ,,aaa in the tubes costs 'scarcely ilU U0 - more than water, and loses so little electricity In transit tnat me cost or onomtcoinn la little more than inter- .k U0 AAA est on the cost of putting up the poles. When lie's Dead and Gone. A Topeka man has arranged to have a St. Joseph newspaper thrown Into his mausoleum every morning after he is dead. He evidently expects a light punishment and wants to give the devil his due. I The river Rhine flows at three times the rate of the Thames. Laiugh and Grow Fat. You shall clo both, even if you are a slab sided, pallid, woe-begone dyspeptic, it you reinforce digestion, insure Lne conversion of food into ric a and nourishing blood, and re rover appetite and sleep by the sj? use of the great renovator of heltn. strength and flesh. Hostetter ? ob Bit ters, which a lso remedies malarial, kidney andrheumatic trouble, nervousness, con stipation and bllliousneas. A Crucial Test. You sr you can select a set of cho rus girls by mail? Get out!" Oh, it Is easy enough. I just ask her opinion on on subject., If, she.says that it is improper to wear knicker bockers on the bicycle, I know that she is not intended by nature for chorus exhibition." Indianapolis Journal. Indian oalr, one of the hardest of woods, will sink in water. Dmpure Blood Manifests itself in hives, pimples, boils and other eruptions which disfigure the face and cause pain and annoyance. By purifying the blood Hood's 8arsaparilla completely cures these troubles and clears the skin. Hood's Sarsaparilla overcomes that tired, drowsy feeling . so general at this season and gives strength and vigor. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the only true blood purifier prominently in the public eye today. $1 ; six for $5. I1UUU 5 PllIS tion. Frice25cents. DAVIS CREflH SEPARATORS Combined Separator, Feed Cooker, and Chain Power. Oimplet Practical, Effective, Durable, Cheap and Cood. Complete Dairy In Itself. Haves Time, Labor and Money. Book Mailed Free, vnw lor 16. ty AGENTS WANTED. & DAVIS Sl RANKIN BLDQ.AMFQ. CO. Chicago, III. fop your Any size yon want, SO to M Inches high. Tires 1 to H in ches wide hob, to fltaav axle. Rbtn Coat many tlmealn a sea son to have Mt ef low wheels to Ut your wagon fori an 11 nil grain, fodd.r, man are, hog, Ac Kc resetting1 of tires Catl'KrM. Addreos Kraplre SI far. C P. O. Box U, Qulncy 111. I E17IS' 98 LYE (PATXXTXD) The strongest and purest Lye made. Unlike other Lye. it being a fine powder and packed In a can with removable lid. the contents are always ready for use. Villi make the best perfumed Hard foap in 'JO minutes without boiling. It la the best for cleansing waste pipes, disinfecting sinks, closets, washing bottles, paints, trees, etc. PENNA. SALT M'PG CO. Gen. Agents PhllaPa. rl7lf!GHELi:S Regulates the bowels: assists dentition; cures dia rhea and dysentery in the worst forms; cures canker sore throat; isa certain preventive of diph theria; quiets and soothes all pain; invigorates the stomach and bowels; corrects all acidity; will cure griping in the bowels and wind colic. Mothers, try this good safe Syrup. Prepared by the EMMERT PROPRIETARY CO.. CHICAGO. o) FARMS IT I 111 1 1 I !?1 FARM along the M n-ii w b-i - line of raiiway in MANITOBA, ALBERTA or the SASKAT CHEWAN, apply for particulars to L. A. HAMILTON, Und C'otnmlnalener, WISJIIPE6. Immense wheat harvest assured this season. lAKiN INTUKAUY All! USED LOCALLY WITH Insufflator. II. SYKt'S SURE CURE CO.. H ' CAXTGN BLOC, CHICAGO. Sold by all druggist. The I est nerve regulator known. It cures nervous prostration, restores nervo-vital and sexual powers. 1111 Vit ISlue (Mercer's.) Sold by Rich ardson Drug Co. and E. E. Bruce & Co., Omaha, Neb., and all druggists. The best known combination to build no weak people. 1111 Aniemic 11 nk (Mercer's.) Sold by Richard son Drug Co. and E. E. Bruce & Co., Omaha, Keb., and all druggists. 1DUCATI0HAU ACADEMY OF THE SACRED HEART The count of instruction In this Academy, conducted by the Religious of the Bacred Bears, embraces the whole range or subjects necee ary to constitute a solll and retired education. Propriety of deportment, per gonal neatnees and the principle of morality are otv ject of une.-lug- attention. Extensive grounds at. ford the pupil erery faoilitr tor useful bodl'y exer else; their health in an object of constant solicitude, anJ In slukne-ts they are attenJed with maternal care. Fall term opens Tuesday, Bept. 3d. For further par ticular, address TI1K Hl'PKRIUH, Acadfiny Macred. Heart, St. Joseph, Ho. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM CleanHM and beautifies the bale rronictes a luxuriant growth. Never rails to Beetore Qrav Hair to its Toutaful Color Cures scalp diseases M hair tailinc. cOc.and t l.OUat Onirrnts Patents. Trade-Marks. Examination and advice as to Patentability of Invention. Send for ' Inventors' Guide, or How te Oct arateot " rAT2ICt O'm&SLL. w-ASgaTSTSH. IV & IV. N. V., Ornalia-3, 1895. When answering advertisement kindly mention this paper. tUKtii nrtuit ALL ttbt 1AIL6. Zi Rm) ri7h Min Tnatoi lvwt. TTSA L a, . ' . . . ITS in lima. toin nv arntreiBin. ri " n 1 V IW II V ' f f7i la cured Ny fxhm Dr. in 170. ivHas cared thoun- v fands siace and will llCar you. 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