Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, July 11, 1895, Image 8

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Monday night, when the council was
moralizing the city, it neglected one
very important bit of reform that of
suppressing the "white pants" fad.
The city's reformation will never be
complete until this is done.
It is respectfully requested that in
the line of further reformation, the
council banish the Sunday newsboy
from our streets.
It will now be in order for the hon
orable mayor and city council to adver
tise for bids for the construction of a
high board fence to surround the city,
and warrant to keep any person want
ing to spend money here, out of the
city's sacred limits.
David Brown yesterday packed a
choice box of peaches from his farm
south of the city, and sent them to
his old friend J. Sterling Morton, to
show him what a Nebraska Quaker
can do a year like this in growing
fruit. They were as fine as any
peaches that have ever been raised in
this state. Nebraska City News.
A rumor was current on the streets
today that some one shot three times
at Hon. John C. Watson while at his
home last evening. The report was
made from the whole cloth and had not
the least ground for its origin. Ne
braska City News.
A heavy flow of salt water was
struck last Friday at a depth of 215
feet, while sinking a well on the lots
of Church Howe in the eastern part of
the city. The water has a taste sim
ilar to that of the artesian well at Lin
coin. Auburn Herald.
A Beatrice girl read
ment in a Chicago
an advertise
paper: "Girl
wanted to sell baking powder. To any
girl who will send us 3 for three
dozen cans of our rapid selling baking
powder, and show that it had all been
sold, we will forward at once a beauti
ful safety." She sent the money and
by hustling like a house afire for three
weeks she managed to unload the stuff
The "safety" came in an envelope,
and was one of these brass pins, horse
blanket size, like mamma used to keep
up our style with.
As to the new woman, the best thing
to do with her is to marry her, I've
her and add her intelligence and pro
gressive notions to the comforts of
home. "No family should be without
one," as the advertisements say.
Last Sunday a party of young ladies
went from Valley to the Elkhorn
river, which is a short distance away,
on a picnic. While some of the girls
enjoyed fishing otheowent in bath
ing. Hiss Louie Oster was one of the
latter and in some way she got beyond
her depth and, not beingable to swim,
drowned in sight of her companions.
We often hear people telling how we
should "stand up for Nebraska," but
Nebraska does not need anyone to
stand up for her this year, as the state
is in such a healthy and prosperous
condition that she can stand up for
herself. Platte Center Signal.
To the bimetallists of England You
are hereby warned that one Euclid
Martin is now on bis way across the
ocean for the purpose of stopping the
agitation in favor of bimetallism in
Europe. Look out for him. If he
fails to be elected a delegate to any of
the conferences, he is sure to bolt. It
will be easy to recognize him by his
manner. If he attempts to arrange
another bond deal stop him. We
won't stand any more bonds. World
Mr. Gerlns's Figures Should Be Reversed,
The following comes to us written on
a postal card, post-marked at Wabash,
Neb. The hand-writing has strongly
marked German characteristics:
Mr. Editor: If our Landsman,
Matt. Geringwould reverse his remarks
at the Neb. Turn-Bezirk of the 29 last
that "not 2 per cent of the Germans in
America was for free coinage," he
would hit the bullseye a good deal
A Gebx an-American from Wabash.
16 to 1 you bet.
Estrayed On last Tuesday morn-
a cow belonging to the undersigned
strayed from our slaughter house.
Pure white from shoulders back, with
red neck, large, straight horns, point
Ing upward. Between six and eight
vears of aze. All damages will be
paid. II att & Otto.
Lost About two weeks ago, a RED
HEIFER, weighing about 800 lbs.,
with horns drooping toward the eyes.
Last seen near Stull's, on the Platte
bottom. Will pay liberally for her re
covery. Patterson & Kunsman.
There will' be an ice cream social at
the Rock Bluffs church on Friday
evening, July 12, for the benefit of the
Sunday school of that village. A cor
dial invitation is extended to the peo
pie of this city to attend.
The Sherwin-Williams
paint covers most, looks best, wears
longest, is most economical and of full
measure. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co.
D. Mcllugh, practical horse-shoer.
Dr. Marshall, Graduate DENT
IST, Fitzgerald block.
John Tighe was at College Hill Sun
day. Frank Towle of Weeping Water pre
cinct was in town yesterday.
Attorney E. II. Wooley of Lincoln is
in the city on court business.
Prof. Waterhouse of Weeping Water
was a Plattsmouth visitor yesterday.
E. J. and John Pittman of Nehawka
were in town yesterday on business.
Fred Englekemeier of Manley pre
cinct was a court house visitor yester
day. Uncle Jacob Vallery, sr., and son P.
J. Vallery, were Omaha visitors Mon
day. Coon Vallery of the precinct was a
passenger on No. 5 last Saturday for
Lincoln. . .
Henry Eikenbary's corn in one field
averages away above his head. He is
a six footer.
Rev. Father Carney conducted ser
vices at the College Hill Catholic
church Monday.
J.J. Milligan. special pension ex
aminer, was in town Friday looking
after bis business.
Dr. W. II. Dearing clerk of the
court, celebrated the Fourth among
friends at Elmwood.
Constable J. H. Thrasher has opened
up an office in the room recently oc
cupied by Judge Archer.
Eddie Ballance and sister, Mollie.
of Germantown, have been visiting
friends in town for some days.
Messrs. Thos. Murty, P. J.Shaffer
and Fred Dressen of Mt. Pleasant pre
cinct were county seat visitors yester
day. I. S. White of Rock Bluff precinct
was stacking his crop of alfalfa Mon
day. He says he has a good crop, and
will have a second off the same field
this fall.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Copeland and
children departedTuesday morning for
their future home in Havelock. where
Mr. Copeland is employed by the B. &
M. railroad.
Jack Denson was succeeded by a new
jailor at the county bastile Monday
fbe little fellow is the usual size
and arrived at about four o'clock Mon
day morning.
Mayor Newell, S. II. Atwood and
Roe Craig and their families spent the
Fourth at Cedar Creek. They report
that the fishing was good and a very
enjoyable time was had.
J. B. Meisenger, jr., the Sixth street
implement dealer, Monday sold a
complete threshing outfit to John
Churchill, whose farm is south of this
city. The sale amounted to some
Ilez. Strong of Nehawka was in town
yesterday, as usual mixing a little
politics with a good deal of business.
"Everything," he says, "except the
clerk of the court, is going republican
this year."
Rev. Dr. L. F. Britt, of this city.
presiding elder of the Plattsmouthdis-
trict, along with Gov. Holcomb, helped
to instruct the 10,000 people who gath
ered at Auburn for the celebration of
the Fourth.
Will Petersen, who has recently been
at Humphrey, Platte county, says he
never saw such crop prospects as are
to be seen in Nebraska this year, and
especially is this true of Platte county.
Corn as well as small grain is boom
ing. Lee Allison went over to Clarinda,
Iowa, on the Fourth to win glory and
ducats in a five mile race between
his team and some bicyclists, but a
heavy ram fell the night before and
made the track too muddy for the
Daniel Foster of Union precinct, the
man who flayed ex-Senator Polk alive
awhile ago, was in town on business,
Tuesday. He says be threshed out 200
bushels of winter wheat Monday.
which he had raised on 12 acres of
Mrs. Jos. Lake and daughter Aliee
departed Monday for an extended visit
to London, England. They sailed
from New York on Wednesday, July
10, on the steamer Paris, as second
cabin passengers. Henry Weckbacb
sold the ladies their steamer passage.
The School of Method.
Mrs. S. A. Benjamin, president of
the Michigan W. C. T. U. and superin
tendent of the national department of
Schools and Methods and Parliamen
tary Laws, will be the guest of the
local Union on June 19th. She will
give an address, and perhaps a parlia
mentary drill, in which gentlemen are
invitedto participate. Subject of dis
course and place and hour will be
given in ample time for all to attend.
Large delegations from Unions in the
county are expected, and, all in all,
this will be a Red letter day for the
local W. C. T. U. Mrs. Benjamin was
secured as a great card for the Crete
Chautauqua, and is not permitted to
make any engagements within a rad
ius of one hundred miles.
Prairie hay for sale by the acre. In-
I quire of
W3i. Neville.
(Written for The Jovrsa.v.)
I have planted a vine ; when the year rolls round
I shall gather the fruit thereof ;
I shall drink of the wine and my pulse shall
But no man shall share thereof.
The year rolled round and the fruit grew
But the grass grew high In his bailiwick.
I hare planted a tree and It soon will grow ;
I shall 6it in the shade thereof.
And my life unto me shall bo sweet, 1 trow.
But no man shall share thereof.
The tree grew tall and its ahadow fell
O'er the grave of him who had loved it
I have hidden my gold and no mortal eye
Shall bask In the gleam thereof,
For the frost and cold will come by and by.
And no man shall share thereof.
They laid his gold on each closed lid
And scattered the treasure so closelyhid
June 20, '95. Isabel Richey.
Licenses to wed have recently been
issued to Allan J. Shepherd and Delia
I'ly man of Greenwood, and Marion O
Metzger aud Louisa Stoebr of Cedar
Messrs. E. T. Toole, Geo. Weidmann
and Jas. W. Matter of Murdock pre
cinct attended county court on Mon
day on business connected with the
Thomas Folgat will case.
A foreclosure case was filed in the
district clerk's officeyesterday, wherein
Adam Boeck seeks to recover $2,000
from Wm. II. Shafer,C. C. Parmele as
receiver of the Citizens bank, and the
Bank of Cass county.
Sheriff Eikenbary and his deputy,
R. W. Jlyers, took Mike Doperollo,
the insane Polander, who was captured
at Weeping Water about a month ago,
to Lincoln on Monday, where he will
be placed in the asylum.
Sheriff Eikenbary has received in
formation from the steward of the in
sane hospital at Lincoln to the effect
that if Everett, the insane patient at
the county jail, is brought to the asy
lum they can now make room for him.
District No. 2 of Dawson county has
fifteen school buildings.
Grant levied a 25 mill tax for school
purposes, wnat's to De done wttn tne
license money?
Fad en Bros, of Banner county have
just harvested their crop of wool. It
weighed four tons.
A bunch of three-year-old steers.
just oil the grass, recently sold at
Kimball for $33 per head.
Perkins county sold short on hogs
last year, and farmers are woudering
what to do with all their corn.
Local patriots of Kearney are hold
iug public debates for the purpose of
settling the money question for good.
Harlan county will try to Ret the
$600 offered by the state agricultural
society for the best, agricultural x"
Buffalo county has been nearly
bankrupted paying scalps on rodents
caught in other counties and Judge
Scott has rendered a decision sustain
ing the treasurer in his refusal to pay
any mere warrants drawn for bounty
The school trustees of Grant, Per
kins county, are all women. Up there
a man stands no more show in school
politics than a muzzled dog at a fight
ing match.
Burt Patridge of Randolph, the
crack sprinter of Cedar county, ac1
cepted a challenge to run a hundred-
yard race against the champion of
South Dakota and came under the
wire a neck ahead.
Hundreds of acres of corn in this
vicinity, says the Callaway Courier,
are in sole possession of the weeds and
many a farmer who is trying to attend
to 100 acres already realizes that he
could have raised more corn with less
labor on fifty acres. When our far
mers learn to put more labor on less
land, they will begin to make a suc
cess of their business.
List of Letter
Remaining unclaimed in the postoffice
at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, July 10,
Anderson. May
Cavanaugh, Dennis
Farrell, P. M.
Johnson, A. S.
LIndberg, Mrs. C. C.
Brandmeyer, Fred
CurTler, Mn. C. II.
Dugan, K. A.
Hallett Bros.
Jones, Bertha
Moher, Mrs. Julia
Pullen, W. S.
Stratton, Alva
Schnellbacher, John
Persons calling for any of the above
letters or parcels will please say "ad
vertised." W. K. Fox, P. M.
ThektPlanSifter"flouris the popular
brand. Ask for it from vour grocer.
Honey to Loan
On farming lands. Low rates, long
times. No delay in securing loans.
Inquire at First National bank. 7
Leave your orders for job work with
The Journal, an artistic job guar
anteed. -
Prominent Druggist of Blair, Neb., Write
Magnet Chemical Co. -
Dear Sirs: The goods which we
bought through your salesman are
sellers; the Magnet Pile Killer es
pecially sells good and gives excellent
satisfaction. We have re-ordered
through our jobbers several times.
Respectfully yours.
Palmer & Taylor.
For sale by Gering & Co.
soaiK OF tug itioiirs OF silveic.
"Up to the present time over 420,
000,000 silver dollars nave been coined,
nearly all of which han been coined
since the 'crime of 1873' and all of
which is a legal tender for debt, or
'redemption money,' as the silver theo
rists call it. It is not only nonsense
but dishonest to represent silver as
having been destroyed as primary
money. The silver dollars In current
use today stand exactly on an even
footing with gold as a redemption
money." N. Y. Adverat.
It is such statements as the above
upon which the people of the east are
fed to create prejudice against free
coinage. The fact is, under the policy
set out by Foster and Harrison, and
continued under Carlisle and Cleve
land, not a dollar of silver has or can
be used as redemption money. Silver
is actually treated as token, or non
legal tender money, and is not used to
redeem even the silver certificates re
turned by the gold-grabbing usurers.
While the law gives the secretary the
right to use it as such and to redeem
all paper issues with silver dollars.
the secretary and the president are so
completely subjected to the' interests
and control of the gold-grabbers that
they are afraid to use the option given
them by the Sherman law of 1890.
Cringing like slaves before their Wall
street masters, they have brought upon
the country all the disaster and ruin
that has run riot since the panic of
1893, and there is no hope of bettering
matters except, by the election of a
free coinage president and congress
On this sime subject the Nebraska
City News says:
'J. Sterling Morton, in auswer to a
farmer who wrote demanding the 'res
toration to its rights of the white
metal' made reply: "What rights is
S'lver deprived of at present? On the
12th day of June. 1895, in the treasury
of the United States there are 347,346,
422 standard silver dollars. Are they
not a legal tender for all debts, public
and private? What more rights would
the same number of gold dollars have.
The able secretary of agriculture
could improve his reputation for can
dor, if not for truth, by telling the
whole truth. While nearly all of the
silver dollars in the treasury are kept
there to redeem silver certificates and
treasury notes, their right to be used
for redemption purposes is limited by
the rule adopted by the secretary to
use only gold for such purposes. The
same number or gold dollars, under
this treasury ruling has the right of
ultimate redemption inonej. The sil
ver dollars have not. Mr. Morton
knows this, why is he not frank enough
to tell his farmer i riend so?
Marvin, postmaster at Beatrice,
imagines that to earn his salary and
hold his place he must villify, abuse
and lie about Mr. Hryan. His thirty
pieces are a heavy load for Mr. Marvin
to carry. .
Tdere is talk of nominating Vice
President Stevenson on a free silver
platform. Such a nomination would
be in the line of promotion, but when
he comes out squarely for bimetallism
it will be time enough to talk of him.
Tue republicans seem to think they
have a cinch on the next presidency,
but just let them perpetrate auother
straddle on the silver question, and
they will see how easy it is to beat
them with a western free coinage
13 rice, the corrupt capitalist who be
trayed tariff reform in the senate last
year, is again setting his pins to cap
ture the Ohio legislature for a re-elec
tion the coming winter. Honest dem
ocrats in Ohio would better elect For
aker, the fire-alarm republican than
such a traitor to principle aaCal Brice
It has been discovered by a keen
critic that Paderewski keeps his hair
short in Germany, only raising his
capillary 'chrysanthemum when he
starts out for an American concert
tour. Shrewd fellow that. lie was
quick to discover that musical talen
alone won't insure success in a country
given over to the worship cf freaks.
The Papillion Times complains be
cause the assessoisof Sarpy put a value
of 89 an acre on its farm lands, and as
serts that because that is a higher fig
ure than Cass county lands are assessed
for, therefore its lands pay more than
their share of the state tax. There is
a good deal of humbug . about that
That assessment is no nearer the act
ual cash value of the land than is the
assessment in Cass. Both are ridicu
louslv low. and ought to be raised to
at least three times the assessment
rate, but the land owners havenorigh
to complain.
The Kansas state board of charities
is in a bad way, even if it is still in ex
istence. The governor removed Mrs
Lease, on the demand of the two other
members of the board. She contested
his power of removal in the courts, but
be was sustained, and her dismissal is
confirmed. About the san.e time the
commission appointed at her instiga-
ion to investigate the other members
of the board on charges of boodling
convicted them on the testimony, and
have so reported to the governor. Mrs.
Lease claims that she is slightly ahead,
as her removal was not based on ac
cusations of dishonesty.
There is a good deal of talk on the
street and in high circles of authority
to the effect that the council made a
serious mistake in the passage of its
take-down-the screens resolution Mon
day night, and the probabilities are it
will be rescinded. It is represented
that a number of the saloons are hang
ing onto their business simply by their
teeth any how, and this resolution, in
dicating a public policy of restriction
and opposition is likely to close some
of them up a fact which would prove
undesirable and detrimental to the
revenues oc tne city ana tne puuuc
schools. It is held that if the saloons
were prosperous it would be well
enough to make them rigidly comply
with the law, but until then this jump
ing onto them has the appearance of
"The faith of the advocate of a sin
gle gold standard is composed of one
truth and one pernicious error. That
coined standard dollars should be of
equal legal value is true, but that the
metal in them must be of equal bullion
value is a fallacy so contrary to our
common sense and experience that it
cannot be much aided by prophecy.
Let us, as bimetallists, remember that
we are Americans, citizens of the great
republic, dealing calmly and deliber
ately with. our own highest interests.
Let us take counsel of faith and hope.
Let us go forth with manly hearts,
without fear, believing in all confi
dence that the silver and gold dollar of
our mints, the money of the past
sound, tried and true, shall also be
and remain the uionev of the future."
Senator Turpie.
In his recent 4th of July letter Pres
inent Cleveland talks solemnly about
the wrong of making "insidious ap
peals to popular ptssion and preju
dice." He evidently distrusts the good
sense of the people the masses and
has no confidence in their ability to
discover and discount demagogy.
When a man loses confidence in the in
telligence of his fellow men it is pret
ty good evidence lhac he has gone
wrong, and is trying to carry out plans
that are derogatoiy to the common
good. The fact is the president has
set up, like the childien of Israel in
the wilderness, a golden calf, or a god
of gold, which he is worshiping instead
og the true God, and he is afraid the
masses will follow their better sense
of right and believe those who teach
bimetallism. Such men as Jefferson,
Jackson and Lincolu never lost faith
in the good sense of the masses. They
had au abiding faith in the honesty
and patriotism of the people. It is
only the usurers that distrust the
masses. Well knowing that their bus
iness is accursed of liod and is a rob
bery of honest toil, they constantly
fear that it may be overthrown. Since
Mr. Cleveland has become rich he has
lost faith in humanity.
The Venezuelan Boundary.
Chicago Record.
With the return of Lord Salisbury to
power some fresh interest is awakened
in the matter of the boundary between
Venezuela and British Guiana. With
no justification but that of greater
power the British have little by little
moved the boundary line farther north
on their maps, and have thus appro
priated from helpless little Venezuela
a large extent of territory exceedingly
rich in natural resources. All effoits
to induce the British government to
submit the dispute to arbitration have
been unavailing. The foreign policy
of Lord Salisbury in the past has not
been such that the friends of Venezuela
and of fair play expect much at his
hands today. In 1890 Venezuelan am
bassadors approached him on the sub
ject and his reply was that England
would compromise on a stated bound
arywhich was in fact a line even fur
ther north than that drawn by Lord
Roseberry in 1S86
.Special Notice.
The 24th annual camp meeting of
the state Holiness association will be
held at Bennett, Neb., Aug. 16-26.
Rev. G. W. Wilson of Des Moines, la.,
and Rev. P. F. Bresee, D. D., of Los
Angeles, both members of the Na
tional Holiness association, will con
duct the meeting. Reduced rates on
all railroads. For further particulars
write to the secretary, II. (i. Wilcox,
The Weekly Joursjal has a more
general circulation over Cass county
than a,ny other newspaper published
in the county, and is therefore the best
advertising medium in the county.
Now is the Time g
I The little Creeper under the q
" pillow begins work, and how
Is the question. Wehave pre
pared a solution of
Wide-Awake Druggists.
Semi-annual Clearing Sale of men's,
boys' and children's clothing. It is
necessary to force sale3 with all our
u-wuu auu uiaiu nunc It lo tlllio. l r:
have inaugurated a half-nrice sale
which will continue until all goods are
sold. This is vour chance.
Our entire stock of men's suits will
be closed out in four lots:
Lot 1. All f5 50 to 88 00 men's
suits, Bized 34 to 42. J O T C
Sale price H0. I O
Lot . All f9. 00 to f 11. 60 men's
Back or frock suits, sizes 34 to CT "7 ET .
42. Sale price C I O
Lot 3. All M2.00 to $18,00 men's
very fine frock or sack suits,
sizes 34 to 42. Sale prices. . ..
Lot 4 All f20 to $25 very
finest frock or sack suits.
equal to any $35 or t4 made- 10 "TCL
to-order suit. Sale price )llm i vJ
Boys' heavy trouser suits. In two
lots, sizes 13 to 19 years:
Lot 1 are 14.50 to fG suit3. Sale Q 7C
price vpOi J
Lot 8 are 17.50 to fll.50 boys'
longtrouser suits, same sizes. pr
Sale price vpJiJU
Boys' knee pant suits, ngos 4 to 15, good durable
suit, for 95c. worth J2 (X).
All wool knee pant suiis, same sizes, at S1.50,
worth 13.00.
Boys' wash suits that will wash, sl.ea3 to 8,
cord and whistle; all :"c and f 1 suits at 45c;
all f 1.75 to 2.75 wash suits at 1 25.
Linen and duck pants, apes 3 to 12. for 19c.
All wool knee pants, ages 4 to 14. for "Cc.
Mail orders receive our prompt
Waist Department.
The bottom is completely off the prices of
ladles' waists. We have just placed on sale
One Thousand Dozen
laundered percale waiss which were good
value Soc, 69c and 75c waists. Now all to be
closed out at 39c . Kvery color, every size, and
every one to be closed out at less than one half
Our sale of wrappers and dresses, as adver
tised in last issue of this paper, s ill continues.
Ladles, send for one of our flotli mackin
toshes, worth ?5.00. brown and tan colored,
now being sold at 85. 19.
A SPECIAL feature of this department for
the coming week will be a sale of TRIMMED
Children's bats at 7.1o and 95c.
Ladles' at 81.25, 1 r. 'S and 3.
Also special prices on ladies" and children's
sailor hats.
Hayden's Grocery Dep't.
Read theft prices on staple articles:
25 lrs coarse granulated sugar fl.00
21 lbs line granulated sugar 1.00
Elastic and nil kinds of starch, pkg 7c
Pure corn starch 6c
Laundry starch 3JC
(Jood rice, 4 Tts for 25c
Fresh 6h redded cocoauut in Lulk per It.. 25c
Baker's chocolate, per pkg 17c
Brown kidney beans, per lr 3c
Dew Drop syrup large jars 35c
French laundry soap, per bar 3c
Sapolio, per bar 6c
Pure tlueintr. per bottle 3V4c-
3-tt bars white castile soap worth 75c i5c
Mustard, per bottle 6c
Duke's Mixture tobacco, 1-B pkgs, with
pipe 25c
16th and Dodge
Will keep constantly on hand a full and
complete stck of pure
m i toiiiii
Also a full line of Drngrelst'H Snadriai.
Pure liquors for medicinal purposes.
Special attention given to
Messrs. F. G. FRICKE &. CO., are. the
only parties selling our Alaska Crystal
Spectacles and Eye-Glasses
In Plattsmouth. These Lenses are far
superior to any other sold In this city,,
possessing a natural transparency and
strengthlng qualities which will pre
serving the failing eye-sight.
Attorneys at Law,
OXFICE FUjttrerHlrt Mo k. over FiTstNat'l hank
... DEALERS IN . . .
T? ' i n ou. ir j
rresn ana an meat
414 Main Street, - - Plattsmouth, Neb-
riatt&mouth, - 'KeDraskii