Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, July 11, 1895, Image 5

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Two Ladies Nearly Run Over By a
Train Near the Pump House
IMilt-y of Umalu llrtotk Three State Kec
urtl tlollowtty tiet Ihlrd I'Uce lu
the Due .Mil (Tnpac-rd Knee
- Mix lbiieu Note.
A Narrow Kucupv.
Mrs. AuiLrose L'atterson and Miss
Uoltbins came very n?ar losing their
lives ou tlie 1$. & M. track on Friday,
up by the old brewery. They were out
with a horse and buergy and drove
down the ravine past Harry How
land's place, on the road to the water
works pump house, and just as the
c.'itne to the track an extra train came
bearing down on them. Mrs. Tatter
son sprang out iu time to catch the
horse and turn his head sidewise of the
track, but this was done so quickly that
Miss Itobbins lost her balance and was
thrown out upon the track. Fortu
nately the train was a short one and
the engineer was able to stop it a few
feet from the prone girl. Ten feet
more and the pilot would have struck
her. The horse was so frightened at
the noise of the engine that it broke
away from Mrs. l'atterson and ran
w ith the buggy down the track toward
town. When near the upper switch
house Omireis Dunn and Fitzpatrick
caught it and saved a further mishap.
Ken Miry Itiojele ltacea.
The fifth annual state meet of the
Nebraska division of the L. A. Y.
closed Friday at Kearney. It was
by far the most successful meet evei
held iu the state, and l lie prizes were
of . utlicieut value to attract a large
number of very speedy riders from
In the special race last Fridaj at:
unpaced mile the prize was-a gold
brick, donated ly Morgan & Wright,
the tire manufacturers. There were
six contestants in this race, and Tes
tier of Sutton won, his time being
2:20 2 5. llayman of Grand Island
was second. 2:21 3-5; Harvey Hollo
way, Plattsmouth, third, 2:22 1-3;
Fredrickson. Fremont, fourth, 2:24 2 5,
while Xelson of Chicago and Uotien
field of Xelson brought up the rear.
Hollitway made a good race and
showed thai he was capable of riding
with the best of "em.
O.i the quarter-mile, open, class It,
lliuby f Toledo, Ohio, won tirst prize,
his time being 0:322. Mills of Kear
ney was second and Kenshaw of Den
ver third.
1'ixley of Omaha won the half-mile
stale championship in 1:1)0 4-5, reduc
ing the state nearly four sec
seconds. Collins of Kearney finished
The one mile open, class 1J, race, for
the Grand upright piano, was won by
Uiaby of Toledo in 2:10 1-5. with Iten
sliaw of Denver second and Mills of
Kearney third.
rite two-mile championship for the
diamond medal was one of the most
exciting races of the day. There
were eight, s alters and were paced by
Fierce and Early on a tandem. Pixley
got behind the pacemakers at the start
and followed close in their wake for a
mil?- and a half, when he passed them
and won in 4:50 2-5, breaking all pre
vious stale records by uine seconds.
He was followed close by llayman of
Grand Island, who came in second,
with Collins of Kearney third.
The two mile handicap, was won by
Renshaw of Denver, who had fifty
yard, in 5:00 2 5. Mills of Kearney,
with 100 yards, made second, and
Parks of Denver third.
The next was a one mile open, class
A event, and was also paced by the
tandem. The first prize was won by
llayman of Grand Island, in 2:22 1-5,
followed closely by Collins for second,
and Pixley third, there being but the
fraction of a second between them.
Thi-i was followed by an exhibition
on the tandem by Pixley and llayman,
ruiiniiiL' start It was their first at
tempt and the half mile was made in
1 :0o 2 5.
The two-mile open, class li. was
won bv ltigby of Toledo in 5:15 3-5,
with Parks of Denver second, and
Renshaw third.
The meet closed with a live-mile
handicap, and there were thirteen to
enter, and was won by Sabin of
Heat rice, with a handicap of 150 yards;
Pixley of Omaha, who was a scratch
man. was a close necoud, coming in in
12:47 1-5, and making the third state
record he had beaten iu the afternoon,
llayman of Grand Island, another
scratch man. came in third, with two
others closely following.
The visiting wheelmen were ten
dered a grand banquet last evening,
and all speak well of the treatment
accorded them by the Kearney people.
Fa km Loans made at lowest rates.
T. H. Pollock, over First Nat'l bank.
I. S. White of Rock Bluff precinct is
making an experiment in the growing
of alfalfa. We put in sixteen acres in
the spring. The grass has made an
immense growth, and is nearly three
feet high.
Mrs. Lillian K. Hasse. the most ef
ficient clerk in Judge Ramsey's office
is favorably mentioned as the candi
date of the populist party for county
judge at the coming election. There
is no question as to her ability to fill
the otlice.
The Elmwocd Leader last week cel
ebrated the Fourth by printing its
edition on pink paper with blue ink.
-A law passed by the last legislature
provides that on and after the tirst
Monday in July any person who shall
kuowiugly permit or suffer any Rus
sian thistle to grow on bis land, shall
be deemed cuilty of misdemeanor and
of maintaining a public nuisance, and
on conviction thereof before any court
having jurisdiction shall be punished
by a fine of not less than ten dollars or
more than one hundred dollars and
costs of prosecution, and the finding
of such thistle or thistles standing and
growing on any such land after the
date named in notice shall be prima
facie evidence that the person owning
or occupy ing the same or having the
control thereof knew of and permitted
the same to grow and remain thereon.
W. II. Dealing of Plattsmouth our
present efficient clerk of the district
court, was in tow n this week shaking
hands w ith his friends. He is a candi
date for re-election to that cflice on
the democratic ticket. Elmwood
This is a great country. Every year
we celebrate our independence by
wasting more powder in one day than
Washington and his armies had dur
ing all the years they fought the Brit
ish red-coats.
The Hastings reunion camp ground
has been christened Camp Sherman, in
honor of "Old Tecumseh."
Poor old Nebraska City has just
been afflicted with bloomers, and the
Press of that city has made the follow
ing startling discovery: "The bloomers
have made their appearance in Ne
braska City. Bicycle riders were
elated last evening at the discovery of
a beautiful female clad in fin de siecle
costume. Welcome the bloomers and
welcome the new woman."
The possibilities of rapid transit on
the bicycle is only coming to light,
liuret, the butcher's apprentice, ot
Paris, last week rode 515 miles and
636 feet in twenty-four hours equal
to 2H miles per hour, including stops.
The first 200 miles was made at a rate
of 24 miles an hour.
"It was a very noticeable thing yes
terday at the barbecue that those who
wer- supposed to have plenly of food
made the loudest clamor for something
to eat, and were not courteous to the
visitors. Such hogs should be labeled
and slopped until they learn how to
behave in public. Nebraska City
News. It is hoped that the above does
not refer to any of the Plattsmouth
In the ten-mile bicycle road race at
Nebraska City last Thursday, Win.
Carriher of Union. this county, won the
firat prize, while Morris Crissman, the
ex-Plattsmouth printer, was second.
"Of all the mean men I have run
across," said Publisher Sherman of
the Weekly Journal, I think the
meanest is the man who will have a
newspaper delivered at his house for
months without ' paying for it, and
then, after repeated promises to pay,
when asked for the money, will claim
that the boy didn't deliver it regu
larlv." An eighteen-year-old boy named
Edward Steffe, while bathing in the
Missouri river near Gibson Friday
afternoon, waded out beyond his depth
and, being unable to swim, was swept
away by the current and drowned.
The bodv was not recovered.
The presidential household at Gray
Gables was enlivened Sunday after
noon by the arrival of another girl
baby. Mother and child are reported
to be doing well. It is hoped now that
the president will be in a better hu
mor. We believe it has been demonstrated
that Methodist ministers, under the
itinerary system, do not move about,
on the average, more than ministers
to denominations which have the
"call" plan .The Cabinet in this coun
try does not change as often as thatin
England, which has a permanent mon
archy. P. S. How long would Mr.
Cleveland's Cabinet have lasted in
England? Cincinnati Enquirer, Dem.
Among the many new, novel and in
teresting features to be seen, at the
state fair will be an alfalfa pal
ace. The plant is jnst now attracting
the attention of the farmers of the
state, and its prolific yield, great profit
with the least amount of labor seems
lo have a magnetic or hypnotic influ
ence upon them. At any rate alfaira
is all the rage, and the farmer of this
state who is not in possession of a
"patch" is woefully behind in agricul
tural matters. The palace is designed
to bring clearly and forcibly to the
attention of the farmers the many
virtues of this wonderful nutritious
plant to the end that it may become the
hay of the future.
Rev. Sam Jones says: "Wake up the
chuich, preachers, if you have to lick
an old deacon every Sunday morning.
For every deacon you throw through
the window 3,000 people will come to
hear you."
It is a good thing that the meeting
of the National Teachers' association
is being held in Penver this year.
Many of the attending teachers are
learning for the first time how large
their country is and that t here is some
thing west of the Mississippi river
worth seeing. This is a valuable les
son in itself. Bee.
It is reported that there are a good
many Russian thistles still growing on
the slope and bar east of the 15. & M.
tracks. It is the duty of the railway
company to destroy these pests, when
found growing on their property, and
the county commissioners should
notify the company of their, existence.
The Omaha police are yet unable to
discover how the body of John Seljan
who was murdered in that city last
Tuesday, was conveyed to the river.
The men arrested all tell contradic
tory stories and the case will probably
be interesting.
Death benefits amounting to $30,
600 were paid last month to the heirs
of deceased members of the Brother
hood of Railway Trainmen, making a
grand total of $2,913,413.70 paid since
the brotherhood was organized.
Allen Beeson, wife and daughter
and Mr. and Mrs. label of Plattsmouth
passed through town Weduesday en
route for Elmwood to attend the cele
bration. Mr. Beeson gave the Couiier
office a short call and informed us that
he was a candidate for the nomination
of county judge on the republican
ticket. Louisville Courier.
liryrn SprHka in Kentucky.
Congressman Bryan commanded the
closest attention of a large audience
at Frankfort. Kentucky, Saturday
night in arguing for bimetallism.
He said monometalits discuss
the difficulty in maintaining the
parity between the two metals, while
bimetallists are more anxious to main
tain the parity between the dollar and
all other property. He quoted from
Sherman, Blaine and Carlisle, showing
that the destruction of silveras money
and the adoption of the universal gold
standard would increase the purchas
ing power of the dollar and bring great
embarassment to society in general
while it would greatly benefit capital
ists. He asserted that the masses
favor bimetallism. The capitalists
favor a gold standard as the most
profitable to owners of money andj
credit. He showed that a change in
the ratio secured by increasing the
size of the silver dollar would lessen
the volume of money and make money
dearer. He quoted Willim C. Corn
well, president of the New York State
Bankers' Association, as saying that
the international bimetallism is a de
lusion and a fraud, and he insisted
that the United States should at once
secure the free and unlimited coinage
of silver at 16 to 1, because it was pos
sible for the United States to do so,
and because there was no probability
of international aid.
A Word From Uarsliiuaii .
Editou Journal, Plattsmouth,
Neb: I saw an article in your paper
about the wrestling match between
George Harshman of Avoca and John
Gosney of Benkleman, which occurred
at Talmage, and stated that Gosney
defeated Harshman. The way that
was done was through Referee Biggs'
ignorance in the fifth bout. Gosney
was thrown twice thit upon the floor
and the second time he was held there
and I called to the referee to come and
see if it was not a fair fall. The
referee told us to get up, and then de
cided it a foul. I refused to wrestle
any more while Biggs refereed, as his
decisions were the same all through
the match, and it was too hard wTork
to make Gosney say "enough' for the
small sum of $50. It was no smart
trick of them it was a dirty, low
down, low-lived trick, and they be
trayed im in confidence. They stole
$50 of my money and gave it to Gos
ney. Geo. Harshman, Jr.
Avoca, Neb , July G, 1895.
.Last fall we were told that we could
not borrow money or renew loans if
Holcomb was elected eovernor. Never
theless, I now have money to loan on
good farm security, at a less rate than
ever before. Write or call and see me
if you desire a loan. J. M. Leyda,
12-3m Plattsmouth, Neb.
All ladies having a few hours leisure each day
should write me at once, regarding pleasant
home work which easily pays IIH weekly. This
is no deception and will certainly pay you to In
vestleate. Reply with stamped envelope.
Mrs. S A. Stebbins, Lawrence, Mich.
The Weekly Journal one year
for one dollar.
I sent a vessel far, far out to sea,
Its cargo was of hopes, as gay and bright
As butterflies In summer, and as light
As silver notes of merry, childish glee,
I bade It bring fruition back to me,
And watched it till it wavered out of Bight
Against the far-off border in its flight,
Unto the country of its destiny.
The day wears on and it has not returned,
But ships I wist not of have drifted in
Laden with treasures that I would have spurned
When youth was with me and unrest, its twin
But dearer, dearer by a thousand fold
Than that dream vessel I loved of old.
Isabel Iin hey.
County Legislation.
Plattsmouth, Neb., July 2. The
board met pursuant to adjournment.
Present J C Hayes, Geo W Young and
J M Patterson, County Commissioners,
Frank Dickson, county clerk. Minutes
of Juno session read and approved
when the following business was trans
acted in regular form:
The clerk was ordered to aeduce the
assessment on lot 1 sec. oO-ll-ll from
$87 to $20, the same being an erroneous
July 3. The claim of B Cecil Jack
for taking testimony at the inquest of
Ilenry Ilennings was refused. Cost
bill statu of Nebraska vs Frank Wana
maker was laid over as a misdemeanor
until such time as the law provides for
its payment.
Taxes on lots of H E Palmer, in Pal
mer's addition to Plattsmouth for the
year 1894, were ordered reduced one
half on the grounds of an erroneous
Complaiut of T II Pol loci:, agent lo
have reduction made in taxes on E i
lot o, bik 34, Plattsmouth for the year
18t4, was refused.
On complaint that lots 5 and G blfc 5,
town of Eagle were assessed as im
proved lots in 1894, when the same
should have been assessed as unim
proved lots and the board being satis
fied of the fact, the clerk ordered to
reduce the assessment to correspond
with other vacant lots in same block.
Claim of II N Stoll, for road dam
ages in sec. 15-10-12, was reconsidered
and $25 more were allowed, maksng
$100 in all.
Claim of Beeson & Root for attorney's
fees defending Jas Lindsay, case of
state of Nebraska vs Lindsay, was re
considered and 25 more allowed $10 of
the amount being held for Allen Bee
son's taxes.
J C Hayes, salary andexp $ 74 75
Geo W Young, same 2 20
J M Patterson, same 39 00
Frank Dickson, work sal. and
expenses 275 09
Ben Hem pel, janitor 50 00
C S Polk, salary and expenses. 25S 50
It F Dean, boarding paupers less
rent 31 OS
riatts. Water co., Water to
court house and jail 51 30
Mrs II E Yoder, boarding poor. 6 00
Bennett & Tutt, mdse to poor.. 10 00
Geo L Farley, saL and ex p. 103 00
S F Girurdet, mdse to poor 6 25
P A Jucobson, same 5 00
HG Spencer, same 11 00
State Journal co., mdse to court IK) 00
S A Davis, oil to poor farm . 1 40
P J Hansen, mdse to poor 3 00
F S White, same 8 Ot)
W K Fox, stamped envelopes
postals 13 50
Ambler Bros & co., mdse to poor 9 20
Aug Buch, same 30 00
I H Dunn, sprinkling streets... 4 00
C Brekenfeld, mdse to court... 10 90
J H Denson, boarding prisoners 39 25
A Clark, md?e to poor 24 80
B C Marcuardt & co., same 10 00
G A Rose & co., same 8 00
J C Smith, keeping cripple 10 00
Dora Fieischman, boarding
pauper (3 months) -.. 15 00
John J Swobda. mdse to poor. 11 00
A II Weckbacn, same 19 95
Beach & Venner, same 4 00
F Lathan, agent, B. & M.,
tickets for paupers 20 15
C B Bickel, erroneous taxes 10 09
M L Eriedrick, assessing Eight
Mile Grove Precinct 91 50
B F Moore, assessing Nehawka
precinct 00 80
Platts. Gas and Eiec. Light co. ,
gus. eourt house and jail .... 1015
J C Milier, mdse to court 12 00
Neb. Tel. co.,tel. rent (2 months) 33 05
Smith & Parmele, mdse to poor
farm 1 00
Homer McCay, assessing first
ward Platts., asked $103 150 00
E Ralnor & co., burial of pauper 20 00
A J McDonald, digging grave
for pauper 3 00
John II Hart, assessing Stove
Creel: precinct 121 00
Polk Bros, printing 2S 75
John Waterman, coal to poor.. 1 80
Omaha Printing co. , radso to
eourt 9 00
L C EiekhorT, jury fees and
bailiff fees assigned 50 90
Cost bill, inquesting of Henry
Ilennings 41 10
Cost bill, state vs James
Mrasek jr 8 90
Beeson & Root. def. James
Lindsay. 25 00
John II Wallinger, boarding
pauoer 7 0')
Phil Green & co., mdse to poor. 0 00
J C Eikenbary, attending court
and guarding prison. C3 00
J R Sheely co., building
bridges 514 90
same, repair of bridges 293 32
Weeping Water Lumber co.,
lumber 27 4S
John Waterman, srimo 0 48
Root & Edmunds, same.. 0 40
J It Sheely & co., build bridges
and repairs 314 20
J O McClain, spikes 1 75
Ebersole & Sans, repair road
grader 4 00
The board adjourned to meet in re
gular session, Tuesday, August 0, 1895.
Frank Dickson,
County Clerk.
A TrMt Prointcd.
On or about July 19th Mrs. A. G.
BeDjamin, superintendent of School of ,
Methods and Parliamentary Law, will
be in the city, the guest of the local
W. C. T. IT. She Ii:ih 4 national
... ,. . . ,
reputation as a parliamentarian and
speaker. Don't forget the date. Ex
tended notice given later regardiug
place and hour.
The Daily Journal prints all the
local news. Delivered at yonr house
for only ten cents a week. '
What More Could You Ask?
The House Furnisher,
Offers to buyers the chance to secure the VERY
BEST in his line which the market affords, and
I ' H E fact that my stock is the Biggest and Best in all
Cass county, deserves the attention of people desiring
something in the FURNITURE line. The three floors of
my store building are full to overflowing with new goods,
and everything goes at "depression" prices. Call and see
for yourself.
I. PEARLMAN, The House Furnisher,
Opposite Court House, Plattsmouth.
90 4OOO004 O08OOO
Buy Your
f p 0,
1 1 U
Every purchase made at his store
is a guarantee that you obtained the
best and most goods for the least money.
- AMI)
A Specialty.
One door North of Postoffice
First National Bank
Capital, paid up $50,000
Ueorue E. Dovkt President
F. E. Whitk .... Vice president
S. WiCUH Cashier
H. N.Dovet Assistant Cashier
George E. Dovey, F. E. White. U. Hawks worth
S. Waugh and H. N. Dovey.
careful attention given to the interests of
customers. Collections made and promptly
remitted for. Ilighest market price paid for
county warrauts and state and county bonds
Hrnoirs BrOiTiQsieiy.
Splendid ciirutitu iiront for Norvoue or SL-k
Lripeciul or pviiural Neur;ia; also tor Mru
pepttia, AuaMuiii. i'.citiiloitt lor AJooliuli.
and other eicetised. 1 HJ. iHtkdU) ceuU.
151 S. Western -.eniio- CHtCAP"
m V. -to
WE wili n-'y L):t rowan .or rry .-n-;?
LiverComv'a.!'' . i" . 'iclt II In
digestion c':i-.ii;..ii . . r Cwitivrtiru .-e ca::not
cure with v'c i.-. ;-l1b! l.ivot when
the direct;;. -.iff-t! ic:i oouiplio.i wi.h. Ti
ai purely Vi, uJ m--i- tail to give sa
istactiou. ":j.-r "oiliru. jret bore, ?iceiit-.
Beware of ro'iiit. Ut i.- Unl iiHitatious. Tliepen
nine mbmnt.u tut. o! ouiv t.v TUIi UtiU C. WEsT
F. ii. Fricke & fo, dniffRlsts.
Tlie Good Ha:uartan'H
For Young and Middle Aged Men.
jniamoie renutiy lor Youthful Errors tind
litT Excesses. Melaucholy. Mt-niul Diiiii'sH
Nervous Det nty. Palpitation ,.- the ilea
Hid lreams, Dizziness Niuht I
Sickness and Fits. l!ju-na. :;vnc:. St. Vitus
Dane, and Rheumatism. !hive cured over
a) ca:es. From onr- to thr. v itottk- restores
vijfor and health. Send $ i'or a bottle by
P. O. money order. Adiir-
Council Ulutis, Iowa.
S. A Written CJwnrantre iriven eae h nur.
cha&er to retuxid mouj urates cured,
Groceries, Dry
Goods, Notions
General Mdse.
The Old Reliable
Pioneer Merchant
The Plattsmouth Mills,
C. HEISEL. Prop.
This Mill has been rebuilt, and furnished with
Machinery of the best manufacture
In the world. Their
"Plansifter" Flour,
Haa no Superior in America. GIts it
trial and be convinced.
Attorney and Counselor at
OFFICE-Itooius 1 and 2, Lnlou 111 k,
Plti-ttsmoTitli. - - - Ileb.
Lumber and Coal.
Mendota coal t 4.25
Hard coal 9.50
Canon City coal 7.60
Dr. Agnes Y. Sietland,
x-ecial attention to Obstetrics, Diseases of
Women and Woman's Surgeiy.
Office : "JEss."? il'sT"' Omala, Neb
Dr. Alfred Shipman,
Office In Riley Hotel,
Main Street entrance.
Telephone No. 95. Residence one block south
of M. P. depot.
Park Obksitt Pixm will reduce your weight
PERMANENTLY from 12 to 15 pounds a. month.
NO STARVING, Bickness or injury; NO PUB
LIC1TY. They build up the health and beauti
fy the complexion, leaving NO WRINKLES or
tlabb!ne88. STOUT ABDOMENS and difficult
breaUing surely relieved. NO EKPERIM KST,
but aacientlnc and positive relief, adopted onlj
after fears of experience. All orders supplied
direct from our office. Price 12.00 per package
or three packages for 15.00 by mail postpaid.
Testimonials and particulars sealed S cents.
fS"AU correspondence strictly confidential.
Park Remedy Co., Boston, Mass
Tlie Good Hiirnnritaii't
Clean Snccpjfor fho Blood!
Tin? Good Samaritan has been a practitioner
of rxiHiKine 2Z years and baa cured over ti
thousand cases of
No need of froinpr to the Slot SpringrM of
Arkansas or elsewhere when you can bo
cured at home of the Worst ltltod poison
man or woman ever becamea victim of.without
the use of inercury, arsenic or any other
mineral poison. Send tiO.tX) by P. O. money
order for a bottle of medicine. It only requires
from 1 to 3 bottles to cure a disease, from ono
c-eli to ten years standing. Address
Council Bluffs, Iowa.
P.S. A written guarantee given to each pur
chas'f to refund money unless cured.