Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, July 11, 1895, Image 2

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A railroad company makes Just as
xuch off of a corn crop whether it
Mils at 50 or 15 cents a bushel.
Mr. Corbett has gone into training,
but he is not using the nose of Mr.
Fitzsimmons as a punching bag.
In twelve of the twenty-eight largest
cities in this country the women out
number the men according to the cen
sus of 1890. The cities where the men
outnumber the women are those whose
growth is the most rapid.
It is reported that this year's peanui
crop will be only a pound and a half
for every man, woman and child in the
United States. But could not this have
been suppressed until after the circus
season was over?
In no other city in the land are peoplt
packed so close in shelters as on the
east side of New York. A remarkable
instance of sardine-like snuggling was
devloped during the trial of a neigh
borly row in the Essex police court.
The evidence disclosed the remarkable
fact that two families occupied a room
12x10 feet in Ludlow street. And what
do you think? They actually quarreled
because both families insisted on tak
ing boarders. No wonder it's mighty
hard to secure an accurate census of
the town.
The style of New York journalism
which sends men across the country in
box cars to write up tramps is not ele
vating to tramps or journalists. The
subject has been treated extensively in
newspapers and magazines, and a book
has been published thereon. It is a
hackneyed subject. If a newspaper cor
respondent is found beating his way he
should be treated like any other tramp.
Possibly his punishment should be a
little more severe. This sort of "en
terprise" is not commended by reput
able newspapers.
An unusual line of business furnishes
a living for a man in Washington. He
owns a large number of bulldogs, which
he rents to the owners of houses who go
away in the summer. Each dog is
chained in the back yard and intruders
are given a very cordial reception. The
dogs are effective guardians of the
premises intrusted to their care. The
rent of a dog Is but $3 a month, and
the owner, who is known as Bulldog
Douglass, goes the rounds each day and
feeds the animals. Up to the present
time no better way of protecting prop
erty in the absence of the owner ha?
been discovered.
The Pingree scheme grows in favor
In Detroit. Over two hundred acres
have been plowed in thaf city for pota
toes this spring, and about 1,600 people
have applied for land to cultivate. It
Is the rule to give one-third of an acre
to each family and enough potatoes and
beans to plant it. This will produce
sufficient "truck" to feed an ordinary
family through an entire season, and
many poor people in Detroit, who for
merly went hungry, now enjoy an
abundance of vegetables during the
winter. The land-seekers who were
distanced in the rush for the Kickapoo
reservation may repair their fortunes
and soothe their wounded hopes by re
pairing to seme enterprising city and
engaging in the cultivation of potatoes.
One of the states of the union where
the death penalty has not been in
flicted for any offense Is Michigan, the
others being Rhode Island and "Wiscon
sin. The people In Michigan, through
the legislature, have expressed the be
lief that life imprisonment for murder
is a failure; for the state senate the
other day passed by a nearly two-thirds
vote the law restoring capital punish
ment. If life Imprisonment meant what
it says there would not be such a de
mand for the restoration of the rope,
but kind-hearted governors, the impor
tunities of friends, and other influ
ences, have induced the executive to
pardon men who ought to have re
mained in prison for the rest of their
natural lives or be hanged.
You occasionally inee a man who
entertains you for a half an hour with
an account of his wonderful abilities,
and what he has done and expects to
do. The only Impression he makes
upon you Is that he is a born braggart.
Again you meet men who do not say
a great deal, but who give you, in a
few minutes, a keen appreciation of
their good sense and solid worth. You
sometimes read advertisements that
claim the earth, and all their bombast
only serves to prejudice you against
the advertiser. Again you see adver
tisements that do not claim half so
much, but which carry conviction of
solid worth and merit with every sen
tence. What makes the difference?
Does it not lie in the way in which
things are put? A man can maintain
a proper amount of self-respect with
out show! eg excessive conceit, and an
advertisement can be forceful and im
pressive without being offensive.
If a girl has been at home, and her
friends haven't seen her for a month,
it is the proper thing to give her the
ordinary greeting, but if she has been
in Rushville two days, and they
haven't seen her since her return, eti
quette demands that she be kissed. A
two mile trip on the cars warrants the
Three hundred young women in Dan
bury, Ct., have signed a pledge not to
marry any but total abstainers. It's
a little comfort even for an old maid to
feel herself a martyr.
The Crete assembly opened undet
favorable circumstances.
The teachers' institute at Beatrice
had an enrollment of 225.
Gov. Uolcomb delivered an address
at Auburn on the Fourth.
It is said there is not a poor field of
small grain in Burt county.
Fok the tirst time in seven years Pen
der is without a woman on the school
lini) Cloud has decided to allow the
presence of saloons, the license being
Si, 000.
There were ten thousand present in
the closing hours of the Beatrice Chau
tauqua. Thk populists of liage county will
hold their county convention on the
31st cf July.
Citizens of West Lincoln have of late
been much agitated over the appear
ance of a mad dog.
North Loui is without a bank, and
it is said the town is worthy of an in
stitution of the kind.
Ainswokth is tearing down her old
school house and will erect a modern
structure at a cost of 87,000.
Watches and other valuables have
turned up missing in some of the towns
visited by Wallace's circus.
The residence of John C. Martine
of Nebraska City was burglarized, and
that gentleman's pantaloons relieved
of SJn.
Hox. A. CJ. Scott of Kearney, who
was a member of the national board of
World's fair commissioners, died last
Some parties in Burt county are
prospecting for coal, and indications
are that success will attend their
The school enumeration of Fremont
shows 2,6Si children of school age.
This gives an estimated population of
nearly 10,000.
The work of a crawfish at Ashland
stopped a flouring mill and left the
town in darkness by interference with
the electric light.
A Union Pacific engine struck' and
killed a man near Silver Creek the
other day. He had nothing about him
that would lead to identification.
W. H Jackway recently purchased
sixty acres of alfalfa from Lawrence
Kelly, a few miles west of Kearney,
paying S40 per acre for the piece.
The Smyth Syrup company of Hast
ings has nearly 1.000 acres of sugar
cane under cultivation and gives em
ployment to fifty men in caring for the
In the district court of Dodge county
Judge Marshall sentenced Bud Coon,
who pleaded guilty to uttering forged
papers last week, to two years in the
The state board cf transportation
has made its findings in the Prairie
Home station case against the Chicago,
Bock Island & Pacific railroad compa
ny in favor of the company.
This 3ear"s school census in Schuy
ler, which has just been completed, by
V. W. Sutherland, shows an increase
over last year of twenty-seven, there
being 1,050 children of school age.
A coach load of insane patients,
twenty-nine in number, transferred
from the Lincoln asylum to the asylum
for incurables at Hastings, went out on
the Burlington from Lincoln last week.
The creamery plant at (Jenoa was
sold by the sheriff to satisfy the de
mands of relentless creditors. It was
purchased by local parties who will set
it going if enough milk is pledged to
make it pay.
Tony Hydock, a saloonkeeper at 330
North Twenty-seventh street. South
Omaha, shot and instantly killed
Charles Taylor, a colored man of
Omaha, who was in the act of carrying
away stolen goods.
The son of Wesley Loos, of Elwood,
about 10 years of age, accidentally
shot his brother, 12 years old, with a
32-caliber revolver, the ball penetrated
into the stomach. The wound is
thought to be fatal.
What promises to develop into one
of the most sensational scandals which
has ever agitated Lincoln society came
to the surface last week. It involves a
prominent divine of the city and the
wife of a leading druggist.
Miss Vesta ISkay, daughter of Hon.
E. F. Gray of Fremont, was admitted
to the bar. Miss (Iray enjoys the dis
tinction of being the first lady ever ad
mitted to the Dodge county bar. She
is a graduate of the state university.
The city marshal of Fairmont ar
rested two boys aged 8 and G years
with a stolen horse and carriage. The
boys refused to talk or give their
names, but it was learned they be
longed at Geneva, whither they were
H. A. Whitteker, the Baptist min
ister who was arraigned in the district
court of Dodge county on the charge
of embezzling ?G5 from Esly fe Camp
of Fremont, pleaded guity- and was
sent to the penitentiary for eighteen
General A. A. Averill, United
States army inspector, has recently in
spected the Soldiers' and Sailors' Home
at Grand Island, and reports that he is
well satisfied with the present man
agement and finds affairs in excellent
Prohibitonists in state convention
at Lincoln made the following nomina
tions: For justice of the supreme
court, A. J. W olf enberger, of Lincoln;
regents of the state university, J. J.
Bryan of Polk county, Mrs. Anna IL
Woodbey of Omaha.
The Winona Wagon company sued
N. Wullenweber & Son of Seward for
S9S0, the price of a carload of wagons.
The defendants claimed to have coun
termanded their order in season to
prevent shipment, and the jury re
turned a verdict for 8120 against the
Martin Bobbins of Ashland sustained
a very peculiar accident. While riding
horseback the animal shied, throwing
him to the ground. A large bottle
which he had in his hip pocket was
broken, and several pieces of glass
driven into his thigh. Some of the
pieces were five inches in length and
inflicted very serious injury.
Farmers in the east part of Johnson
county along the Missouri river report
the sandbars along the river as grown
up to a thick mat of Russian thistles.
They are consideraby worried over the
matter, as there is a probability that
their farms will get seeded to the pest
this year.
Prohibition State Convention.
The prohibition state convention
closed its labors by nominating the
following ticket: For justice of the
supreme court, A. J. Wolf berger of Lin
coln; regents of the state university,
J. J. Bryan of Polk county, Mrs. Anna
B. Woodby of Omaha.
The convention had quite a time over
the financial plank of the platform,
Wolfberger seeking to secure the in
sertion of a plank favorable to the free
coinage of silver at the ratio of 16 to 1
without regard to any other nation on
earth, and C. E. Bentley opposing it.
The amendment of Wolfuerger was
lost by a tie vote of CI to 61. The
financial plank adopted is as follows:
"The money of the country should be
issued by the general government only,
through government banks of loan and
deposit, directly to the people upon ad
equate security and at a uniform rate
ot interest. It should be a full legal
tender for the payment .of all debts,
pubbc and private, without exception
in favor ot contract stipulation. We
favor a money composed of legal tender
treasury notes based upon the credit of
the nation, coin being used for sub
sidiary purposes only."
Beyond Their Depth.
A very sad accident occurred south o
A Ida on the Platte river. While a num
ber of young men from that vicinity
were seining near the nine bridges on
Platte river they suddenly came to a
deep hole, and two brothers, Tom and
Will Fishburn, both being unable to
swim, sank and were drowned. The
boys were about 24 and 22 years of age,
respectiveH', and unmarried. Their
comrades worked hard to save them
lrom a watery grave, but to no avail.
Their father. W. H. Fishburn, one of
the best known and respected farmers
in that vicinity, was an eye witness of
the sad affair. The bodies were recov
ered after floating some distance down
the river. Another brother, Daniel
Fishburn, is a teacher in the Grand
Island schools. '
Probable July Weather.
Frofessor Sweezy reports that the
warmest July in the state during the
past nineteen years was that of 1890
with a mean temperature of 78.8 de
grees. The coldest July was that of
1S91, with a mean temperature of 70. 1
degrees. The average mean tempera
ture for Nebraska is 74.9 degrees.
The warmest day in July, was 1894.
The mercury rose to 114 degrees. The
coldest day was in lt91 when the tem
perature fell to 37.
The prevailing winds for July are
from the south at Omaha and the south
east at North Platte. The highest ve
locity recorded was S4 miles an hour at
North Platte on July 30, 18'.0.
The dryest July during the past nine
teen years was that of 1894, when the
average precipitation for the state was
1.43 inches. The largest precipitation
was that of 1879 when 5.92 inches felL
One Maniac Kills Another.
Governor Hoi comb has received a let
ter of explanation from Dr. Damarell,
superintendent of the Hastings Asylum
for incurable Insane, in relation to the
death of Patient Wood, killed by Car
roll. Dr. Damarell says that Carroll
attacked Wood June 15, beating him
over the head with a piece of stone.
Wood was rescued from the clutches of
the maniac and taken to his room.
For the following two days Wood
seemed to be on the road to recovery,
but suffered a relapse and died on the
morning of June 18. Dr. Damarell is
emphatic in his statement that there
was no attempt at. concealment, but
says the utmost publicity was given to
the affair. However, it is true that
the governor was not informed of the
tragedy until after June 20, and then
not until he had read an account of the
affair in the papers. The dispatches
from Hastings conveyed the intelli
gence that the patient had been killed
on the spot and at the time the attack
was made. This statement is evident
ly wrong.
llobbed the Creamery.
Bert Carter and Jess Wilson were ar
rested by Sheriff Hunter of Custer coun
ty, upon a warrant charging them with
stealing about 800 pounds of butter
from the Sargeant creamery. After
the arrest the butter was traced to
where it had first been placed, in XV. J.
Wood's cellar, and from there taken in
the night to the ice house, where it
was found by the officers. It is claimed
Wilson had no knowledge of the theft,
but believed it was Carter's butter, and
that he accompanied Carter for com
pany. Carter claims the creamery
owed him and would not pay him and
that he he took the butter to get his
State Mortgage Indebtedness.
The following is the report erf mort
gage indebtedness record of Nebraska
for the year ending May 31, 1894, from
the bureau of labor and industrial sta
tistics of Nebraska:
No. filled Amt I No. satisfied . Amt
24,46a S22.418.2tt5 2tt 22. 39 $16,889,739 09
l,t20. ?9,916,50tf 50 7,613 f',384,109 58
113,187 $23,8t.-,107 01 52.008 .. .$13,37.825 11
Sheriff and other deeds in foreclosure:
Farm, l,4f ; city, TJO.
The following are the comparisons be
tween 1S;'4 and L"9o:
No. filings Amt
End! ng May 31. 194 14n,-70 $55,4!4.9Gi 17
Knding May 31, 18J5 110.106 45,139,115 87
No. satisfied Amt
Ending May 31. 1S91 KJ.020 S38.611.67j 73
Ending May 31, 189 64.054 33.132,204 98
Filings more than releases:
No. Amt
Ending May 31. 1894 64,250 $16,883.2114 9S
Ending May 31. 195 .... 5.'.05i 12,000,850 89
Less in 1895 than 1894 .12.198 $ 4,870,444 10
Saloons Close in New York.
New York, July 2. New York was
as "dry" as the Desert of Sahara Sun
day. There was a huge premium on
wet goods, and those who failed to
lay in a supply Saturday night suf
fered. Sharp at midnight every sa
loon in town closed tight and left their
bars exposed. Drug stores and res
taurants, where drinkables have al
ways been procurable, locked their
sideboards tight as a drumhead.
Quite a building boom is on at Craw
ford. A number of costly structures
are being. erected.
Three of One Family Killed Twenty Fei
sons Badly Injured Three Churches
and Nearly Every Store and Resi
dence In the Place Demolish
ed or Damaged Dam
age Done Elsewhere.
foRT Scott, Kan., July 8. A tor
nado accompanied by a violent rain
storm, which was as destructive as a
waterspout, swept through the heart
of Baxter Springs last night, demol
ishing residences, stores and churches,
killing tlve persons and injuring
twenty more, several probably fatally.
The dead are:
H. Hums.
Mrs. Webster, her 4-year-old daugh
ter and her mother.
James Neal
Neal's mother and A. H. Hanbuck
were fatally injured, and several
others may die.
The wires were down until to-day,
and the news is as yet meager.
The storm struck the town about 6
o'clock and continued for two hours.
It was not anticipated and no prepara
tions had been made to resist it. When
it had abated and the work of rescue
was begun, a dozen homeless families
were found on the streets or in the
! ruins of their homes.
Mrs. Webster and her mother and
daughter were found in their wrecked
nibbs was killed in his house.
The Baptist, Methodist and Christian
churches were all wrecked. Cooper &
Ilodgkirk's brick store building, the
best structure in town, was almost de
molished, one wall and rear end being
blown in, destroying the stock of dry
goods. Nearly every other building in
the town was destroyed or badly dam
aged. Twenty-seven box cars were blown
from the Kansas City, Fort Scott and
Memphis track and the freight and
passenger depots were almost demol
ished and much damage resulted.
In shaft 49 of the Kansas and Texas
Coal company at Weir City, where
many miners were engaged, the water
rushed in with such rapidity that the
minprs lrelv escaned with their lives.
Every mule in the shaft was drowned. j
The creeks were swoolen beyond j
their banks within a few hours and :
fuller reports from the country round
about cannot but bring news of loss of
life and property from the combined
forces of wind and water.
The Memphis railroad's wrecking
train and bridge crews were called
from this city this morning to repair
its depots at various points and small
washouts which will not interfere
with traffic.
Destroyed by a flood
The Town of Winona, Mo., Swept Away
At Leaat Seven Lives Lost.
Spring field, Mo., July 8. A flood
has washed away the entire town of
Winona, Shannon county.
Seven bodies have been found.
Thirty houses have been destroyed.
An application for help has been re
ceived here.
Ottawa Partly Under Water.
Ottawa, Kan., July 8. The wate
in the Marais des Cygnes river here is.
the highest known in thirty years.
Forest park is flooded, the water hav
ing reached the platform of the taber
nacle, submerging nearly all the tent
ing ground occupied at the recent
Chautauqua assembly. The race track
is covered and the flood reaches to the
rear doors of the Atchison, Tcpeka
and Santa Fe shops. , It was up to the
top of the abutments of the Santa Fe
bridge this morning at C o'clock, but
by 11 o clock had fallen two inches.
The west bottoms on the west side
of the city are under water and a num
ber of people living along the river
were compelled to move their house
hold goods.
The city water works pumps stood
in ten feet of water yesterday and
were shut down. The city fire engine
was set to pumping water into the
mains at 6 o'clock last night and con
tinued till midnight, when the water
works pumps were started again and
are still working under water.
Delegates to the National Educational
Convention Gathering at Denver.
Denver, Col., July 8. About 3,500
delegates to the national educational
convention have arrived in the past
twenty-four hours.
At the morning session of the nation
al council of education a paper on ele
mentary schools was discussed briefly
by J. II. Baker of Colorado and C. B.
Gilbert of St. Faul, after which the re
port of the committee on state school
systems was read by the chairman,
Henry Sabin of Des Moines, Iowa.
The subject considered was "Unguard
ed Schools." He recommended the ab
olition of school district and the sub
stitution of township or county organ
izations, for the purpose of better dis
tribution of taxation and the revenues
received and of securing more ecnomi
cal and effective administration. Bet
ter training of county teachers for
their work was urged and county
normals suggested.
Drilling In Deep Mud.
St. Louis, Mo., July 8. Eain fell
last night and until noon to-day, con
verting Camp Hancock into a sea of
mud. This was governor's day at the
camp and despite the rain and mud a
good sized crowd was present. The
contest for prizes to-day was between
infantry companies in the maiden
class. Three prizes aggregating 93,250
were offered.
The House of Lords (lets a Boast in the
London, June 8. The house of com
mons at 10:30 o'clock to-day passed
through its third reading a bill devot
ing money to the maintenance of the
various public services until the next
parliament meets.
E. F. V. Knox, anti-Parnellite mem
ber for Cavan, vehemently protested
against the action of the house of
lords yesterday in refusing to go into
committee on the Irish municipal fran
chise bill after having passed the
measure through its second reading.
Mr. A. J. Balfour interrupted Mr.
Knox with the remark that this was
not the occasion for discussing the
house of lords. Mr. Knox endeavored
to continue his tirade and the speaker
was compelled repeatedly to call him
to order. Mr. Knox finally subsided
after denouncing the bigotry and
treachery of the government.
O. B. Clark and Mr. Labouchere pro
tested against the insane competition
of Great Britain with the other pow
ers in building warships and maintain
ing a costly army.
The house of lords met at noon. Lord
Salisbury said this was the last time
the house would meet before the disso
lution of the present parliament took
place, and he wished to reply to the re
cent speech of Lord Rosebery, in
which he had attacked the legislative
preponderance of the house of lords.
Lord Salisbury proceeded to say that
the upper house took no share what
ever in the votes through which gov
ernments were displaced or inaugur
ated, neither did they have any part in
the provision of funds for the public
service. As regards other matters,
nowever, the house of lords possessed
precisely the same powers as the house
of commons; but he assured Lord Kose
bery that if the future career of the
Commons should be marked by such
bills as were introduced in the parlia
ment just nearing its end they might
depend on receiving strong opposition
from the house of lords.
Eight Itacers Taken From the
Stables at St. Louis.
St. Lours, Mo., J11I3 8. Eight race
horses were stolen from the stables of
W. if. Leo at the fair grounds last
evening during the progress of the
competitive drills on the parade
ground. The Lee stable, while not
Derby winners, included such good
performers as Pow Wow, Uncle Abb,
Fedora, Klack Knot, Ban Shee and
others, and all of the best were taken,
leaving only five non-winners and un
tried colts. The theft was made at a
time when all the employes were ab
sent, watching the soldiers, and abso
lutely no clue to the thieves can be
had. Mr. Lee has a brother interested
in the stable with him and the two
have not agreed and the owner thinks
it barely possible that his brother is
involved in the transaction. The loss
is over 512,000.
Heaviest Downpour of Fifty Years at
Jefferson City, Mo.
Jeffebson City", Mo., July 8. The
heaviest rainfall this city and vicinity
has had in fifty years fell last night.
Rain began falling at 7 o'clock and
continued almost incessantly until 6
o'clock this morning. It is estimated
that fully seven inches of rain came
down. Goose creek, which flows
through this city, overflowed its banks,
flooded the valle3r and filled many
houses with water to the depth of
three feet. Several bridges have
floated away. A bridge on the Le
banon branch of the Missouri Pacific
railroad is gone and it was late to-day
before trains could get through. The
Missouri river has risen two feet since
last uiyht.
Governor Morrill Orders the Closing of
All Joints at That Place.
TorKKA, Kan., July 8. (Governor
Morrill has summoned the police com
missioners of Wichita to appear before
him and show cause why they have
not closed the saloons there in
obedience to a letter written to them
by him ten da3s ago. He will appoint
radical Prohibitionists if the present
commissioners do not close up the
The governor has received two let
ters clamoring for the enforcement of
the law. One comes from Clay Center
and is signed Robert C. Ritchie, but
Attorney General Dawes says that no
such person lives there.
A Town Under Water,
Jefferson, Texas, July 8. The
bayou at this city began to rise rapid
ly Thursday evening and yesterday
there was a flood and the water con
tinues to rise at the rate of six inches
an hour. The bottom land farms are
entirely submerged and great damage
will be done. Many families have had
to abandon their homes and go to the
uplands. The lower part of the citj
is under water.
Russia's Minister to Be Changed.
Washington, July 8. Frince Canta
cuzene, the present minister from Rus
sia, now home on a leave of absence,
will return in September, only to pre
sent his letters of recall and pack up
his effects, for he will become Russian
minister at Stuttgart, Germany, at his
own request. While his successor has
not been finally appointed, it is be
lieved it will be M. Kotzebuk, now min
ister at Stuttgart.
Saratoga Dens All Closed.
Saratoga, N Y.. July 8. As the re
sult of President Sturges' ultimatum
recently issued to the police commis
sionersall of the gambling houses are
closed for the first time since this place
became a famous resort.
Pullman Wages Advanced.
Chicago, July 8. The Pullman Pal
ace Car company has advanced the !
wages of the employes at the Pullman j
SuOpS leu jjci vcuk, nil au v auc aitctl
ing about 4,000 people.
No Trouble Among Blackfeet.
Ottawa. Ont.. Julv 8. Mr. Dailv.
minister of the interior, states that '
there is no truth in the reports of
troubles among the Blackfeet Indiana. 1
R. M. Ilarber and A. G. Knight Severely
Arraigned They are Found Guilty of
Mutilating ard Altering Records in the
Howell Murder Case Harber a Leader
In Missouri for Tears Turned Down by
the State Supreme Court.
Disbarred from Practice.
Jefferson City, Mo., July 3. Judge
Sherwood filed an opinion in the su
preme court in banc this morning in
the proceedings instituted by Attorney
General Walker disbarring Colonel Ed
M. Harber and A. G. Knight of Tren
ton forever from practicing before the
supreme court.
The action was the result of the
murder trial of Joseph A. Howell, who
was indicted for murdering Mrs. Net
tie Hall, a Linn county widow, and her
four little children. The case was
tried in Grundy county and Howell
convicted of murder in t he first degree.
An appeal was taken to the supreme
court, and when the case was called
up for argument the attorney general
found that the transcript of testimony
had been mutilated and forged so as to
destroy all identity of the murdered
. T 1 i-M a! I J 1
pcrwu. xii oriei, me recorus nau oeen 1
so doctored as to leave the state with-
out any case. This matter, being
brought to the attention of the court,
measures were adopted to have the
records corrected and Howell was sub
sequently haDged.
The attorney general then brought
action to disbar the attorneys for the
defense. Major A. W. Mullins, one of
the attorneys, barely escaped by a
divided court, on the theory that he
did not know the records had been
This is the first disbarment proceed
ings ever instituted in the state su
preme court.
Judge Burgess did not sit in the case
against Harber and Knight, but all
the other judges concurred in the
opinion of Judge Sherwood.
Ilarber has been a leading man in
Missouri for the last fifteeu years. He
is quite an orator and Democratic pol
itician and has been a presidential
elector, and was regarded for some
time as an available candidate for con
gress. Knight, his partner, is not so
widely known, but he is a promising
young lawyer.
In his opinion Judge Sherwood
cored them severely for forging the
records and manufacturing testimony.
The Forces In the Various Branches
Classified for the Civil Service. '
Washington, July 3. The work of
readjusting and classifying the forces
of the pension offices of the country
has just been completed with a view to
shortly extending to them the pro
tection of the civil service laws. Here
tofore, as long as the pension agent
kept within the amount allowed
to him for the expenses of his office, he
could do pretty much as he pleased in
regard to the size of his force and the
amounts of salary paid. When it was
decided to put the cflices under the
civil service laws it was found neces
sary to change this system. The
amount and character of the work
done by each office was carefully
noted and classifications made accord
ingly. While this has resulted in
small reductions, both in force and
salary, in some offices, in others there
has been a corresponding increase, the
total appropriation being about the
same. The date when the civil service
order will go into effect has not yet
been determined, but will probably be
soon, now that the classification has
been completed.
The United States Defaulter Gets Eight
Years for Ills Long Past Crime.
Washington, July 3. Captain Henry
W. nowgate, the former signal service
disbursing officer, who after years of
wandering as a fugitive from justice
was found in New York city in busi
ness as a second-hand book dealer and
brought back to Washington, was sen
tenced to-day to eight years' imprison
ment in the penitentiary.
The Southern Pacific Overland Held Up
Passengers and Mall Robbed.
Grant's Pass, Ore., July 8. The
Southern Pacific overland train, north
bound, was stopped last night at 10:15 'y
o'clock by three highwaymen near Rid
dles, about thirty miles south of Rcse
berg, sticks of dynamite placed on the
rails disabling the engine by blowing
4Va flanrr off th nnn v trunks. With
the fireman, two of the highwaymen
Searched every car, from the express
car to the rear Pullman. Nothing was
obtained from the express car, for
there was no treasure on board. In
the-mail car the Portland, Tacoma,
Seattle and Victoria, Uritish Columbia,
registered sacks were rifled. The pass
engers were also searched pretty thor
oughly, but with what success is not
v . . -" -
One highwayman shot at Conductor
Kearney, who was in charge of the
train, but missed him. The men
mounted horses and quietly rode away.
Superintendent Fields of the South
ern Pacific, in an hour after he learned
of the holdup, had two parties on the
way to the scene of the robbery one
of officers and the other of mountain
eers. Every effort will be made to
capture the robbers.
A Filibustering Vessel Seized.
Washington, July S. Official infor
mation has been received here that the
real reason for the detention of the
United States authorities at Key West
of the small cutter Attick is that she
is charged with filibustering. Five
men on her have been held on suspicion
of being Cuban filibusterers.
A Prussian Princess ' as a Catholic
Berlin, July 3. According to gen
eral report here, the Princess Freder
ick Charles of Prussia, who has been
living in Italy for several months past,
Is about to become a Roman Catholic