SHADOW. It falls before. It follows rSeWnd, Darkest still when the day is bright; Ko litrbt without the shadow we fiud. And never shadow without the light. Prom our shadow we cannot flee away; It walks when we walk, it runs when we run; But it tells which way to look for the sun; We may turn our backs on it any day. ' : Ever mingle the light and the shade That make this human world so dear; Borrow or Joy is ever made, And what were a hope without a fear? A mornlnsr shadow or youth Is cast. Warning from pleasure's dazzling snare, A shadow lengthening across the past, Fixes our fondest memories there. One shadow there is, so dark, so drear. So broad we see not the brightness round it; Yet 'tis but the dark side of the sphere Moving into the light unbounded. Is Craig-TenoL THE CONCLUSION. The smoking room at the club was deserted except for two men who sat iu easy chairs before a crackling crate lire. One was absorbed in the even ing paper, theother gazed into spare Bil l pr.nYd a particularly good havauo. rivsently a third person sauntered In and exchanged half a dozen words with the others, lie was a muscular, well-built fellow, with a firm mouth .Tid handsome eyes, but the face was made unattractive by a tiied. Indiffer ent expression, lie walked over to the table, and, pkkiij. up a magazine, absently turned the pages. It did not seem to interest him. for he threw it carelessly back and walked out of the -Jerome looks old." said Martin, grarefullv necking his cigar-ashes Iartly on the tray but more largely on the rug. -Vs." said Ford, looking up from the evening paper, "his trip into Asia doesu't seem to have braced him up. He went on reading, but Martin felt In a conversational mood, and was not casllv suppressed. -Poor health?" be inquired. Ford looked up again. -Hardlv that. Haven't you heard the story? had a bad time over a love affair about three years ago. Men don't die of broken hearts, nowadays, bat they are darned uncomfortable things." Ford was a bachelor; per haps he knew whereof he spoke. "Yes," said Martin. "I suppose they are uncomfortable. If a man Is built tl at way. Tell me about Jerome." Ford let the newsraier fall to the floor.and tapped the cushioned arm of his chair with his eyeglasses. -Not much to tell." he said. Like most men under sucn circum ti'nnx h pn loved the ooDortunity of j telling of the affair, but hated to seem their names. I was chossn manager, eacer ! and had my officer in Denver. "Go on." said Martin, carefully ex- i "The southern route run by Butter cnnning his cigar. ! ne ld not have as much promi- Jerome is afool," said Ford, fierce- J nence as ours, which for years was ly. "He fell in love with a girl and ! known as the 'pony express route. It can't get over it. The fair one In the ! started In at St Joseph, Mo., running case was Marian Ciosbv; an uncom- through Nebraska to Fort Kearney, to Tnoniv attractive eirl she w as. too. j Fort Laramie, Wyo., thence to Den- Went in for society and that sort of thing, but had plenty of brains insida her shapely little head. Had a score cf admirers, but first and foremost came Jerome. He had known her since her school-days, and they had always been excellent friends, al though he was ten or twelve years older than she. Jerome had every thing worth having to offer her, be sides being a loveable fellow, and we all took it for granted that she would marry him. I went there often In those days, being an all-around friend of the family. Mrs. Crosby told me in a moment of confidence one evening vben I had been dining there tbat she thought there was llttln doubt of Marlon end Jerome being married before long. They are not engaged, she said, 'and I suppose It Is not in good taste for me to speak of It. but Mr. Jerome has been devoted to Marion for more than a year, and 1 am sure Marion Is fond of him how could any. girl in her riht senses be otherwise?' Jerome never did any thing by halves. If he loved the girl, of which tlcre was small room for doubt. I knew he loved her with his entire mental and physical force. As to her affections, it was harder to tell alout them. Although a very jolly young person, she had a oersistent little way of keeping her affairs to herself, and one never felt inclined to take the risk of making himself ob noxious by asking questions. Though not specially talented in that direc tion, she was passionately fond of music, and one winter quite neglected her society friends to go into a oobe mian set. more or less professional, where her cleverness made her uncom monly welcome. It was there she met young Welhausen, a violinist, who gave promise of making himself fam ous. He was a .voung German of the middle class and possessed of only or dinary education, hut the musician In the man raised him above the com monplace and showed In his proud, clean-cut chin and the delicate lines about the mouth, only half hidden by his moustache. He spoke English flu ently, but with oddly turned phrases find a decided accent. He and Marian became friends at once. She admired bis talent and found him ttereseting He thought her intensely pretty and ; charming. Well, you know how such things go. If two people like that see much of each other they fall in love, and so It was In this case. Crosby pere and mere made a tremendous row. They had other plans for Ma rian. She was one of those young women whom every one expects to marry well and who consequently never do, and her 'sisters and cousins and aunts' chimed In and made them selves disagreeable; that Is the ad vantage of being a relative one can say such hateful things. "Poor Jerome was horribly broken np. Mrs. Crosby told me after ward that he pleaded with Marian an entire afternoon to see the mistake she was making In marrying a man so entirely out of the sphere In which she exist eda man of another nationality, be longing to a different class, and with Ideas of life totally unlike her own. But Marian seldom changed her mind after it was tirmly made up, and In spite of Jerome and the protests of her family she and Welhausen became engaged. MIt would have been a blessltu? to Jerome in those days if his father had never left him a cent and he had been obliged to dig for a living. As It was, he tried to write a novel, and when It was finished sent it to twenty-two publishers, one after another, each of whom returned it marked 'Unavailable-or without comment." The twenty-third returned- it with a note more forcible than courteous, saying that the manuscript was 'utterly unavail able, without a , redeeming feature," whereupon Jerome decided that litera ture was not, his forte, and, calmly putting the packet In the Are. tried to think of somethiug else to occupy his time and attention. "Late in the spring Marian and Wel hausen were married, Hy that time the family had calmed down and con cluded that the young Germn was rather a nice fellow after all, al though, perhaps, not exactly the man they would have chosen for Marian. He was not welcomed Into the family as Jerome would have been, but both he and Marian seemed fairly well satisfied with his reception. "After the wedding Jerome decided to go abroad. It was rather a humili- j atiu position for him, as every one ; knew of his attentions to Marian, but i he did not seem to consider it so, and ! never referred to the subject, even In ; the remotest manner. His going away j was by no means an idea to escape 1 observation. It was merely taken up as something to absorb his time and attention. He had been to Europe I half a dozen times, and wanted some thing new and exciting, so he decided on central Asia. If he had leen the hero of a novel the author. would have killed him off in a conflict with the na tives, but being a man in real life, and especially Jerome, he came back without a scratch, but with a con foundedly blase air." Martin took out a fresh cigar and lighted it. "And of course her marriage to Wel hausen turned out happily?" he said. "No," said Ford, "that was the un fortunate part, It didn't; but that ha nothing to do with Jerome." THE OVERLAXD MAIL. In 1S3S theFlrst Eiorni Waa Rnn Across the Plains. "The first express run across the Butterfield In 1S58." said Alexander ! Benhain of Montana, the manager of j the first overland express. "It started ) at Little Rock. Ark., and followed a j southern route through Kansas. New Mexico, Arizona, and then to Los An i geles, Cal. About two years later, in 1 1800, our company was formed .for the purpose of carryiug the mails to j the Pacific coast. It was known as i the Central Overland and Tike's Peak : Express company. William II. Rus- sell, Alexander Majors and a man j named Wadell formed the company. ! and the contracts with the government fr carrying mails were made out In er, io caii lise tjuy, to I'lacerviiie. s. T .1 . a ws i . Nevada, and to Sacramento, Cal. The whole trip, extending half across the continent, was made In seventeen days, when no acldent befell, and ac cidents were not so numerous as some people have imagined. From St. Jos eph to Denver the trip took seven days and from Denver to Sacramento was a Journey of ten days. That was, of course, by the regular stage route, and little time was lost in making It. "To accommodate our business we had about 150 coaches, most of which were kept running all the time. To haul them we had 1.500 horses scatter ed along the route from St. Joseph to Sacramento. In addition we had 0,000 or 7,000 head of cattle, which were used in hauling heavy freight and transporting feed for the horses and provisions for our men. You can see that the business was not by any means a small one, and It continued to grow as long as there was any use for transportation. This was until the completion of the Union Pacific Rail way to California in 1S70. Then over land traffic and mail service could be managed to better purpose by the rail road, and our pony express went out of existence. Rut up to that time from thf day that the route was first opened in 1S50 its brsiness had stead ily increased. Even the building of the railroad assisted us, for our line was the best adapted for carrying to western station employes and provis ions." Chicago Journal. Laces In Kndlnh Palaces. The princess of Wales has Just made her daughter-in-law a very handsome present, namely, three flounces of most magnificent old English point lace, said to be worth something in toui figures. Some lace, of course, Is as valuable as precious stones old Ven etian point, point d'Alencon, the best English point and others. Now, It Is very well known to the Intimates of Marlborough house that the princess of Wales, who has always been one of the best dressed women In Europe, always keeping within the fashion, though never countenancing ecceu- tricity, has one cherished hobby in the direction or dress; a great fondness for collecting lace, of which her royal highness has a great number of spec imens of extreme beauty, value and rarity, only equaled by the collection possessed by the queen, who Is also a great connoisseur of the same expen sive and beautiful fabrics. It is said that the princess of Wales' collection of lace Is worth In actual money over 30,000 (only this I think Is below the real figure), while, If "associations" are also taken into con sideration, some of the more historic pieces are, of course, priceless. But in historical laces, of course, the queen beats the princess, for her majesty possesses some magnificent-laces, the property of former sovereigns, some of the most beautiful having belonged to Katherine of Aragon. London Letter. TALMAGE'S SERMON. THE PROPER SPHERE FOR WOM AN HER OPPORTUNITY. Xotsd Preach Says That Capacity Is tha Guiding Star of Woman's Usa faJness Tba AUaranaants That Arc DanCro. T. LOUIS, MO.. June 15. 1895. In his a . s.N? iermon ror today T?CaYRev' Dr- Talmase. iX iVdR-y who ha reached gJSZ lthls city on his western tour, ais cusses a subject of (universal Interest, viz.: "Woman's Op portunity," his text being: "She shall be called woman." Gen. 11., 23. Ood, who can make no mistake, made man and woman for a specific work and to move In particular spheres man to be regnant in his realm; woman to be dominant In hers. The boundary line between Italy and Switzerland, between England and Scotland, Is not more thor oughly marked than this distinction be tween the empire masculine and the em pire feminine. So entirely dissimilar are the fields to which God called them, that you can no more compare them than you can oxygen and hydrogen, water and grass, trees and stars. All this talk about the superiority of one sex to the other sex Is an exerlastlng waste of Ink and speech. A Jeweler may have a scale so delicate that he can weigh the dust of diamonds; but where are the scales so delicate that you can weigh in them affection against affection, sentiment against sentiment, thought against thought, soul against soul, a man's world against a woman's world? Tou come out with your stereo typed remark that man is superior to woman In intellect: and then I open on my desk the swarthy, irontyped, thunder-bolted writings of Harriet Marti neau and Elizabeth Browning, and George Eliot. You come on with your stereotyped remark about woman's su periority to man in the item of affec tion: but I ask you where was there more capacity to love than In John the disciple and Matthew Simpson the bishop and Henry Martyn, the mission ary? The heart of those men was so large, that after you had rolled Into it two hemispheres, there was room still left to marshal the hosts of heaven, and set up the throne of the eternal Jeho vah. I deny to man the throne Intellec tual. I deny to woman the throne affec tion ah No human phraeseology' will ever decline the spheres; while there Is an Intuition by which we know when a man la In his realm, and when a wom an Is In her realm, and when either of them la out of It. No bungling legisla ture ought to attempt to make a defini tion, or to say: "This Is the line and that Is the line." My theory is. that If a woman wants to vote, she ought to vote, and that if a man wants to em broider and keep house, he ought to be allowed to embroider and keep house. There are masculine women and there are effeminate men. My theory Is that you have no right to Interfere with any one's doing anything that Is righteous. Albany and Washington might as well decree by legislation how high a brown-thrasher should fly. or how deep a trout should plunge, as to try to seek out the height and depth of woman's duty. The question of ca pacity will settle finally the whole ques tion, the whole subject. When a wom an Is prepared to preach, she will preach, and neither conference nor pres bytery can hinder her. When a woman Is prepared to move in highest commer cial spheres, she will have great influ ence on the exchange, and no boards of trade can hinder her. I want woman to understand that heart and brain can overfly any barrier that politicians may set up. and that nothing can keep her back or keep her down but the question of incapacity. My chief anxiety Is. not that woman have other rights accorded her; but that she, by the grace of God, rise up to the appreciation of the glorious rights she already possesses. First, she has the right to make home happy. That realm no one has ever disputed . with her. Men may come home at noon or at night, and then tarry a comparative ly little while: but she all day long gov erns it, beautifies It, sanctifies it. It Is within her power to make It the most attractive place on earth. It Is the only calm harbor in this world. You know as well as I do, that this outside world and the business world, are a long scene of Jostle and contention. The man who has a dollar struggles to keep It; the man who has It not struggles to get It. Prices up. Prices down. Loss es. Gains. Misrepresentations. Un derselling. Buyers depreciating; sales men exaggerating. Tenants seeking less rent; landlords demanding more. Struggles about office. Men who are In trying to keep In; men out trying to get In. Slips. Tumbles. Defalcations. Panics. Catastrophes. Oh, woman! thank God you have a home and that you may be queen in it. Better be there than wear a Victoria's coronet. Better be there than carry the pursa of a princess. Your abode may be humble, but you can. by your 'faith in God, and your cheer fulness of demeanor, gild it with splen dors such as an upholsterer's hand never yet kindled. There are abodes in every city humble, two stories; four plain, unpapered rooms; undesirable neighborhood; and yet there is a man who would die on the threshold rather than surrender. Why? It Is home. Whenever he thinks of It he sees an gels of God hovering around it. The ladders of heaven are let down to that houst. Over the child's rough crib there are the chantlngs of angelv as those that broke over Bethlehem. T' Is home. These children mar come up after awhile, and they may win high position, and they may have an affluent residence: but they will not until their dying day forget that humble roof, un der which their father rested, and their mother sang, and their sisters played. Oh, If you would gather up all tender memories, all the lights and shades of the heart, all banquetlngs and reunions, all filial, fraternal, paternal and con jugal affections, and you had only Just four letters with which to spell out that height and depth, . and length, and breadth, and magnitude, and eternity of meaning, you would, with streaming eyes, and trembling voice, and agitat ed hand, write it out in those four liv ing capitals, H-O-M-E. When you want to get your grandest Idea of a queen, you do not think of Catherine of Russia, or of Anne of Eng land, or Marie Theresa of Germany; but when you want to get your grandest Idea of a queen, you think of the plain woman who sat opposite your father at the table, or walked with him arm-In arm down life's pathway; sometimes to the thanksgiving banquet, sometimes to the grave, but always together sooth ing your potty griefs, correcting your childish waywardness. Joining in your Infantile, sports, listening to your even ing prayers, toiling for you with needle or at the splnnlng-wheel, and on cold nights wrapping you up snug and warm. And then at last on that day when she lay in the back room dying, and you saw her take those thin hands with which she had tolled for you so long, and put them together In a dying prayer that commended you to the God whofli she had taught you to trust Oh, she was the queen! The chariots of God came down to fetch her; and as she went up all heaven rose up. Tou cannot think of her now without a rush of ten derness that stirs the deep foundations of your soul, and you feel as much a child again as when you cried on her lap; and if you oou'd bring her back again to speak just once more your name, as tenderly as she used to speak It, you would be willing to throw your self on the ground and kiss the sod that covers her, crying: "Mother! mother!" Ah! she was the queen she was the queen. Now, can you tell me how many thousand miles a woman like that would have to travel down before she got to the ballot-box? Compared with this work of training kings and queens for God and eternity, how insignificant seems all this work of voting for alder men and common councllmen, and sheriffs, and constables, and mayors, and presidents! To make one such grand woman as I have described, how many thousands would you want of those peo ple who go In the round of fashion and dissipation, going as far toward dis graceful apparel as they dare go, so as not to be arrested by the police their behavior a sorrow to the good and a caricature of the vicious, and an Insult to that God who made them women and -not gorgons, and tramping on. down through a frivolous and dissipat ed lif. to temporal and eternal damna tion. Oh, woman, with the lightning of your soul, strike dead at your feet all these al lurements to dissipation and to fashion, Your Immortal soul cannot be fed upon such garbage. God calls you up to empire and dominion. Will you have it? Oh. give God your heart, give to God all your beet energies; give to God all your culture; give to God all your refinement; give yourself to him, for this world and the next. Soon all these bright eyes will be quenched, and thes voices will be hushed. For the last time you will look upon this fair earth. Father's hand, mother's hand, slater's hand, child's hand will no more be in yours. It will be night, and there will come up a cold wind from the Jordan, and you must start. Will It be a lone woman on a trackless moor? Ah! no. Jesus will come up In that hour and offer his hand, and he will say: "You stood by me when you were well; now I will not de sert you when you are sick." One wave of his hand and the storm will drop; end another wave of his hand and mid night will break Into mldnoon; and an other wave of his hand and the cham berlains of God will come down from the treasure-houses of heaven, with robes lustrous, blood-washed and heaven glinted. In which you will array your self for the marriage supper of the Lamb. And then with Miriam, who struck the timbrel of the Red Sea; and with Deborah, who led the Lord's host Into the fight; and with Hannah, who gave her Samuel to the Lord; and with Mary, who rocked Jesus to sleep while there were angels singing ii the air; and with sisters of charity, who bound up the battle-wounds of the Crimea, you will, from the chalice of God, drink to the soul's eternal rescue. Your dominion U home, O woman! What a brave fight for home the women of Ohio made some ten or fifteen years ago, when they banded together and in many of the towns and cities of that state marched In procession, and by prayer and Christian songs shut up more places of dissipation than were ever counted. Were they opened again? Oh yes. But is It not a good thing to shut up the gates of hell for two or three months? It seemed that men en gaged In the business of destroying others did not know how to cope with this kind of warfare. They knw how to fight the Maine liquor law, and they knew how to fight the National Tem perance society and they knew, how to fight the Sons of Temperance' and Good Samaritans; but when Deborah ap peared upon the scene. Sisera took to his feet and got to the mountains. It seems that they did not know how to contend against "Coronation." and "Old Hundred." and "Brattle Street." and "Bethany," they were so very intangi ble. These men found that they could not accomplish much against that kind of warfare, and In one of the cities a regiment was brought out all armed to disperse the women. They came down in battle array; but oh, what poor suc cess! for that regiment was made up of gentlemen, and gentlemen do not like to shoot women with hymn-oooks in their hands. Oh, they tound that gun ning for female prayer-meetings was a very poor business! No real damage was done, although there was threat of violence after threat of violence all over the land. I really think If the women of the east had as much faith In God as their sisters of the west had. and the same recklessness of human criticism, I really believe that in one month three-fourths of the grog-shops of our cities would be closed, and there would be running through the gutters of the streets. Burgundy, and Cognac, and Heldslck, and old Port anl Schie dam Schnappj. and lager beer, and you would save your fathers, and your husbands, and your sons, first,' from a drunkard's grave, and second, from a drunkard's hell! To this battle for home let all women rouse themselves. Thank God for our early home. Thank God for our present home. Thank God for the coming home In heaven, t One twilight, after I had been playing with the children for some time, I lay down on the lounge to rest. The chil dren said, play more. Children always want to play more. And, half asleep and half awake, I seemed to dream this dream: It seemed to me thtit I was in a far-distant land not Persia, although more than Oriental luxuriance crowned the cities; nor the tropics although more than tropical fruitfulness filled the gardens: nor, Italy although mcfre than Italian softness filled the air. And 1 wandered around, looking for thorns and nettles, but I found none of them! grew there-. And 1 walked forth and I saw the aun rise, and I said: "When will It set again?" and the sun sank not. And I savr all the people In holi day apparel, and I said: "When do they put on worklngman's garb again, and delve in the- mine, and swelter at the forge?" but neither the garments nor the robes did they put off. And I wandered in the suburbs and I said: "Where- do they bury the dead of this great city?" and I looked along 'by the hills where It would be most beautiful for the dead to sleep, and I s&tr eastles and towns, and battlemsi; but not mausoleum nor monument, nor whit slab could I see. And I went Into the great chapel of the town, and I said: "Where do the poor worship?- where are the benches on which they sit?" and a voice answered: "We have no poor In this great city. And I wandered out. seeking to find the place where were the hovels of the destitute; and I found mansions of amber and ivory and gold, but no tear did I see or sigh hear. I was bewildered, and I sat under- the shadow of a great tree, and I said: "What am I. and whence comes all this? And at that moment there came from among the leaves, skipping up the flowery paths and across the sparkling waters, a very bright and sparkling group; and when I saw their step I knew it, and when I heard their voices I thought I knew them; but their ap parel was so different from anything X had ever seen, I bowed a stranger to' strangers. But after awhile, when they clapped their hands and shouted: "Wel come! welcome!" the mystery was solved, and I saw that time had passed and, that eternity had come, and that God had gathered us up Into a higher home; and I said: "Are we all here?" and the. voices of Innumerable genera tions answered: "All here;" and while tears of gladness were' raining down our cheeks, and the branches of Leb anon cedars were clapping their hands, and the towers of the great city were chiming their welcome, we began to laugh and sing, and leap and shout: "Home! home! home!" Then I felt a child's hand on my face, and it woke me. The children wanted to play more. Children always want to play more. A BONAPARTE LOVE LETTER- KaxJearinff Term with Which me lea. Wrote ta Mme. Rwamltr. An Invincible charm wraps up your very indifference. You repulse my prayers, you order me to be silent, you repeat the declarations that drive me to despair, you chill ray hopes,, you: dispel my Illusions as fast as they crowd-en me, and although, one word would make me happy you win not say It. A gesture, a kind look, another sight of you la the garden walk where you avoided me would transport my soul. I prefer to hear you chide me to being banished from your presence forever. In telling me that I am a mad man you infuse a grace Into the harsh words that make me truly mad. Those pretty trifling airs and graces of which you are unaware are mingled so dellolously with your refusalthat I oannot resent what you say. They go to the bottom of my soul. My Juliet, believe me when I say that I never knew what a deml sentiment was, that I could never lie to a woman, that I am capable of going through fire and water for her, and that I should be broken hearted were It not for the fancy that a momentary gleam of Joy passed over your face the last time I approached you. I was too timid to show my feelings. I did not dare ask you for as much as a piece of rib bon, as a symbol of my slavery, for a lock of hair, a flower. Send me a snfp or ribbon or a tress. Write nothing. I shall then respectfully throw myself at your feet. The only thing I want Is to see the tear of sensibility fall from your eye, or to hear from you that you trust me as a friend. This, Indeed, would be a blessing. Oh, Juliet, a ribbon, a lock of hair, or a tear! L. B, Too Lacy- to Move 'A most curious and sluggish creature Is the tautawa, a nine-inch lizard, whose home is In New Zealand. This little Imitation saurian has the repu tation of being the laziest creature ever created. He Is usually found clinging to rocks or logs along the shores of rivers and lakes and has been known to remain In one position per fectly motionless for many months. How the creature manages to exist L a mvsterv- Many people in the state of Washing : ton who dislike the abbreviation I "Wash.." are trying to substitute j "Wn." for it. ; Sitin has a .magnificent domain of : 119,000 square miles, a territory as lar-je as the combined area of Missouri and . Illinois. j The largest sailing ship afloat Is the remodeled Persian Monarch, S.9C3 tons measurement. Her iron masts are 1S4 feet high from the de-CK. ! There will be a copy of the great ba saar of Constantinople, a Cairo square and an exact reproduction of the Al- hambra at the Paris exposition in 190CX j Jlnklets I want my wife to be a woman who thinks before she speaks. 1 Plunkett Why don't you say you are a confirmed bachelor? Detroit Free Press. "What makes them call Boston the hub?" "I guess it's because its such a center for wheels." replied the vulga rian who thinks Browning is nonsense. Vp5' -n star. Many of the pleasure gardens and castles of the Japanese nobles are now turned into parks and schools, and used for other public purposes. Two or three species of birds are known to accompany the crocodile whenever he appears above water, and they give It the alarm when danger ap pears. The brain of man Is the most con voluted of that of any animal in the world. The lower the animal In the scale of Intelligence the smoother the brain. The humming bird. In protecting Its young, always flies at and pecks at the eyes of its adversary. Crows have been found totally blind from the humming bird's bill. There are practically no oaths In the Japanese language. About the most em phatic remark available for use, even by jlnriklsha men in a street blockade, is shlnksu, or "beast." Lady How nice you removed that bunion. Chiropodist Yes, I have bad considerable experience. I used to do all the carving at one of the biggest hotels in this city. Tamamny Times. Your Health Depends Upon pure, rich, healthy blood. There fore, see thatyour blood is made pure by C0oodl s Sasrsapairilla The only true blood , purifier promi nently in the public eye todiiy. Hood's Pm9&. it asic your: DRuaaisrr for WML IT 15 i THE BEST roo FOR INVALID JOHN CARLO & SONS. New York. artf ord Bicycles 9 Eersat In Desipt Snperior In "Workmanship Stroag aal Easy Running tiartfords are the sort of bi cycles most makers ask $100 for. Columblas are fir superior to so-called "specials," for which. $125 or even 150 is asked. It is well to be posted upon the bicycle price situation. The great Columhu plant is work ing for the. rider's cenefit,as usual Col umbias ,$ 1 0 0 c: c; c c c c c c c c c c C C 5 p POPE MEG. CO- IS Garl OScm- BOSTON NSW TONS OMIOAOO SAN rAHOI ua raxtonea, HARTFORD. Coam- MOVDIOE t Tlk Gala nblsv Catalosu. work of' CX L.tlliDof nd pietria clearlx Q v Co loin bias and Hartford a. la J DifHiit in, 11 tk. O tr from any Columbia. Aoi, or U IBAUOS, Vj for two 2-ont ittmpt. tinnnnnrrnnnn namaaacii BGemaifs Pepsin Gum, THEPERFECT10N OF ' CHEWING. GUM. A Delicious Recedj For &II Forms of J INDIGESTION. - c.irrio-seth&th nam. HAMt.n la nn AaJk wrapper. Each tablet cos tains on grain pur ;epsin. If the Kum cannot be obtained from dealers, send & cents 'n stamps for (ample pack see to Bf Juif.V CHEMICAL CO., 16 Bantc St.. C!eTelnd O. Originators of Pepsin Chewing Cum. Rfteta W&ieelc fop your Wagons mV to to U taeha h 1 g h. Tlra 1 to a la. to lit your asv rrhallir grain, fodilar, man or, bora. v Ko. pasatttar of ttro Cktl'irT-a. AddrOfta EnplraBfr. Co. r. O. Box U Qolncj- 111. EVIS' 98 LYE S) (patsnttdi The a'rtmoest anil tmrt-A Lr made. Unlike other Lye, It being a cue powder and packed in a can wun mnoTiDie no. tne contents are always r-a.lT for ase. Will make the txst perfamthl Hard 8oap In SO ruinates t-thout ioiltnQ. ft is lhr beat for cleati93 waste pi pea. disinfecting- sinks. clo.ets washing bottles, paints, trees. tc PENNA. SALT M'PG CO. Gen, Aa-enta, PhM pa. TKKATCO FREE. Pnattlrely Cured with Vegetable He medio Have cured thousands of oases. Cure case pro aounced bopeleao by beet physicians. i'rom first doss lymptums disappear; In ten days at lenst two-thirds all symptoms removed. Send for free txok testimo ilals of miraculous cure. Ten days treatment Tree by mail. If you order trial send 10c In stamps pay postage. DR.H.U Uhkn ft !ON. Atlanta.Ua. f ruu order trial return this adTertlnemant to na Cured the Or. la HT0. rtrod thoas- aada slaco aad win Cr Tsu Mead rrt aook. aadi toam Klaaa. l.OO. u. sykei ton con w.. n cirtoa 11.02., atuci . Sold by all drufgltta. IF" yrJJ I II V vi ri iv i I (IVY ( i U v i 11 va 1 V it II V' HA 1L SY P "L . -"v Tuu liTtnuuT I T 4t ABaa I - 1 0SII 11 : ': I i.e., iv II i I u roc XiX insaffistor.N n HAIR QA1.3AM CTeanias s4 Wattfiaa U balr. -I fromota a huunaiit growth. W 1? J"ore Gray UPC Ctair P M j l U) svt rtvrvfet Patems. Trade-riarlts, Kxamtnatio aa4 acvteo aa to PalsatabtUty of laveatloa. Saed for lavaators' Oatda, r Bow to Oot arataat." TATSgt OTAXMLU WaglOraTCaT. B. &. Van's GYismical Barb Wire Liniment. We ant men and byt to tntroduoe tt to farmer and h irseniea. Sen 1 ft c for sample. lf not satis fl .i mn y back) or writs VA1I TlLBoKO ciiKMiCAl. ft MFU. CO.. Wallace. Mbraaaa. Cvuffh SyTon. Taste GooL Use I , tn time. Hold by tfmii v taut . jj ifl Beet c2 T .- IGth ond Dodgo. r US tlitire. ltHcpit