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About Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1895)
POLITICAL, PERSONAL AKD PERTINENT. She wheeled and wheeled all day before She gave herself In marriage. And after that she wheeled still more, But t'was a baby carriage. Town Topics. The new Kudsiaa thistle law, passed by the last legislature, makes it a mis demeanor tor persous knowingly to permit the weed to grow upon tbeir premises, aud is punishable by u tine of not less thau $10 or more than SUK). nominated for governor. The plat form favors the free and unlimited coinage of silver, denounces the su preme court for its recent income tax decision and favors the issue of paper money by the government alone. The prohibs took advance ground for tariff reform when that was the issue. There's a bicycle girl iu Weehawken That has set all the neighbors totawken. This feminine biped Wean bloomers bright striped, . And red is the shade of her stawken. . Town Topics. sent to release the murderer on Dau. But for his money, the murderer would now be behind the bars. The courts of Omaha are puppets in the hands of mo Died men." Twenty thousand people listened to he address by Dr. Talmage at the Chautauqua grounds in Beatrice Sun day. . Jlixby, iu the Lincoln Journal says that Jt is not a good idea for a city treasurer to be constantly Bollin up. It makes trouble. - The Hastings electric light plant has bet-n sold for $10,000 to a New York party, who will remodel the same so as to give day and all night service. Nebraska's Union - Pacific-Iiailway-Attorney seuator "was beautifully sat down upon at the Cleveland conven tion of republican clubs and was given a chance to reflect on the propriety of going slow. The following from the Lincoln Journal relates to a former Platts mouth boy: "Rev. Guy Sinitu ot Trin idad. Col., is visitinir his uncle Hon. J. 1. Strode. Mr. Smith is a graduate of Cotner university. He will goto Colusa, Cal.,. next year to take charge of a church.' The whiskey trust is coming to naught, through its own rottenness more than the decisions of the courts. Some boys, who are so weakly that they cannot handle a hoe, can go out in the broiling hot sun and wield a base ball bat all afternoon and never turn a hair. This is one of the mys teriesof nature. Fremont Herald. An old gentleman named Moore went to sleep in the Missouri Pacific depot at Nebraska City Tuesday night and. upon awakening, discovered that he had been "touched" f or SS5 in cold cash and his watch and chain. The officers have as yet been ucable to lo cate the thief. The Maxima Mora claim has come! up to disturb the peace aud quiet be tween the United States and Spain just now. Mora was an American cit izen resident in Cuba who, during a former rebellion, had his property con fiscated by Spain, and Uncle Sam now wants that government to make resti tution. Time was in Nebraska when we de pended upon raiu makers, orrain fak irs for moisture, and the result was a continual long spell of dry weather and repeat. Now we trust in the Lord and throw the takirs and physic to the dogs, and the result is a full barrel of rain water every wash day. It pays to be pious. Fremont Trib- uue. F. F. Harwick, a farmer living near McCook, was killed last week by a stroke of lightning while at work in his field. A hired man who was work ing near Mr. Harwick was -rendered insensible. Uenrv WatLerson. the ereat Ken tucky editor,was in Omaha last Thurs One of the choicest entertainments j day, and when quizzed as to his views we can think of would be to get up a joint debate between Congressman Carlisle and bis unlimited coinage speech of 1S7S and Secretary Carlisle of Mr. Cleveland's. cabinet in 1SS5. Charles W. Mosber, the Lincoln, Neb., bank wrecker, now in the gov ernment penitentiary at Sioux Falls, on the political situation made this re ply: "I don't talk politics any more If God Almighty should come down on earth lie would not be able to straighten out the political situation Why should I try to do it V" It is a fact not generally known tha the great Bonanza mine of Nevada S. D., for five years, has been advanced from which Fair, Mackey and Stewar to the role of "trusty." He is now allowed to drive the penitentiary team to the postorfice and about town. He appears as happy and healthy as possible, notwithstanding the reports printed that his close confinement was breaking down his health. became so wealthy, was more of a gold than a silver mine, ifty-three per cent of its product was in gold and only 47 per cent in silver. That how those wealthy. is mine-owners became so A DEAD LEAP. "Oh, where can rest be found?" A weary poet sighs. That's easy. Drop into a store That doesn't advertise. Kansas City Journal. The man who gets the fewest letters complains most of the management of the postoflice; the man who complains most of the preachers pays them the east; the man who complains most of his neighbor is the meanest neighbor; and the man with the least sense is the most conceited. Written for The Jocbsal. I saw it loose its tiny hold Upon the faded stem. And downward to the garden mold It fluttered at my hem. So painlessly it seemed to part . And so content to lie, , t 1 laid the lesson to my heart That it was thus to die. Without regret to sink to rest Down at the Father's feet, Whene'er to Him It seemeth best, ' In resignation sweet Isabel Rh uet. Gorder & Son, iTHE OLD RELIABLE . . . ... IMPLEMENT DEALERS, Offer Special MONEY-SAVING BARGAINS for the Spring Trade which the opposition cannot touch. Particular attention is directed to Let it be remembered that it is the duty of every citizen of Nebraska to attend the state fair, to be held at Omaha September 13-20th. There will be a great deal to be seen and learned, whatever your particular sta tion in life. A tire broke out at Odell Friday and destroyed the business portion of the town before it could be checked. The loss will exceed $14,000. The Louisville Courier came out last week with a page printed in red and blue ink, announcing that the people of that town will celebrate the Fourth of July on a grand scale this year, a gooa program is neing arranged. The improvement in all lines of busi ness in Nebraska is noticeable since the late rains, and there is no longer anything to fear from crop failure. Every business man, investor, manu facturer and producer should push en terprise within prudent limits. Such a course will keep money in circula tion and result in the greatest good to the greatest number. Thy iot Fourteen Months. Nebraska City News. Friday morning the three men, Thos. Martin, Frank Kelly and Christ Ilar man, who broke into the residence of S. II. Hunter, north of the city some time since and were arrested after a long chase, were taken into district court and allowed to plead guilty. Judge Chapman read them a long lec ture on the evil of their ways and asked if they would tell where the jewelry was that they took from the residence, it being understood that if they would tell, their sentences would be about eight months, but they re fused to disclose its whereabouts, so the judge sentenced them to fourteen months each in the penitentiary, at hard labor. There was not a very strong case against the men,but rather than stay in the county jail until No vember and then be sentenced, they informed their attorney, W. M. Clary, that they would rather plead guilty and begin their sentence at once. If the men will tell the whereabouts of the stolen goods, the jndge will modify their sentences. Sa unler-Ca a County Summer School. Ashland Gazette. The Saunders and Cass county sum mer school will be held at Ashland again this summer. It begins July 15 and will last five weeks. One of the purposes of this school is to give teach ers of these counties a chance of rais ing the grades on their certificates. The county superintendents encourage their teachers to do this. An exami nation is given at the close of the sum mer scnool ana trie grades maae, wn If anv business man has the blues he be gooa in notn counties, it oners a should spend a day in the Nebraska Roou cnance ior tnose noming luiru corn fields. Congressman Dave Mercer of Om aha, who is on a trip to Japan and China, was arrested and locked up in Japan for trying to jump onto a rail way train while it was in motion. Our New . . . Moline Drill-Drop Planter, "New Departure"Tongueless p. lUlwonro . . . . And Janesville DISC VUIU YClUJi o THESE IMPLEMENTS CANNOT BE EXCELLED. In the Harness Line ... We are, as ever, in the lead. We are still making the same line of hand-made Work Harness which gave such excellent satisfaction last year. Our Light Harness is vastly superior in quality to the factory-made stuff and the price is lower than ever. Kindly remember that we use nothing but the Genuine, old-fashioned, OAK-TANNED LEATHER. WE GUARANTEE to save you money on good quality Wagons, Buggies and Spring Wagons. Call and be convinced. 509 MAIN STREET, : : : PLATTSMOUTH. What More Could You Ask ? PEARLMAN, The House Furnisher, Offers to buyers the chance to secure the VERY BEST in his line which the market affords, and AT PRICES WHICH ABSOLUTELY DEFY COMPETITION. r Nebraska City Press: The procur ing of Mr. Edward Itosewater, editor of the Omaha Iee, as one of the ora tors in this city July 4th, was a wise stroke upon the" part of the chairman of the committee. Mr. Rosewater is not what may be Termed a gifted speaker, but be is a thorough student The largest farm iu this country is situated in L6uisiana, it being 100 miles one way by twenty-five the other. The feneing alone for it cost $oO,00. An exchange suggests as a sure method of exterminating the ltussian thistle that the ladies adopt it as a hat and a representative of the great class ornament. The idea emanates from nf naturalized American citizens.truly the brain, doubtless, ot some uigoieu American in heart and spirit, and any speech he may choose to make will be listened to by all thinkingmen regard less of political ties or party fealty. and unreasonable lover of song birds, Over $50,000,000 are spent in main taining' the churches of "the United States and 400,o00,000 in running the jails. Nehawka is going to celebrate the Fourth of July in a becoming manner, judging from the following in this week's Register of that place: "The genuine Glorious Fourth the one that has the original star-spaogled-eagle-e- pluribus-unum attachment, has been encased to ' up' at Ne hawka." grade certificates to secure second grades and those holding good second grade certificates to get first grades The best teachers are those who are constantly improving themselves. The indications are that the attendance) will be larger than last year. Supts. Clarke and Farley find quite a demand in their counties for this school and feel sure of a large attendance. TI1AT TIRED FEELING. Long they lingered by the gatew ay, in the garden be and she. lie was tall and straight and stately. She was lovely as could be Pale his face almost to wanness. As be Kissed and kissed her still . And the oneness of tbelr goneness Was a sight to make men IU. Cbicaeo Times Herald. The Scribner News breaks out in the following: "Old settlers say we are go ing to have an immense corn crop in Nebraska this year. There will be four stalks in every hill, three ears on every stalk, no ear less than eighteen inches long and three inches in diame ter, with a quart of shelled corn in ev ery husk that could not find room on the cob. Hurrah for King Corn! Eastern papers please copy. S If the corn crop only equals the crop of aspirants to office the prosperity of the Nebraska farmer is already as sured for this year. After a trial of more than two weeks' duration, Isaac Dickerson of Atlantic, Iowa, was cleared of the charged fraudulentbankingby a jury at Glenwood on Tuesday la'st. The Minnesota supreme court has granted a stay of execution for thirty days in the case of Harry Haywood, the murderer of Miss Ging. Claus Obermiller, a wealthy resident of Grand Island, committed suicide last Thursday by shooting himself through the cavity where his brains were supiwtsed to repose. A suit in attachment for $t00 was commenced against him yesterday and it is sup posed that he became despondent over this tact. He leaves' a wife and five children and was worth about'oO,000. The working hours have been in creased in the B. & M. shops at Have- lock. This is propitious. It means that the railroad people are preparing for a heavy fall traffic. Railroad man agers usually know what to expect. They do not know that a lull crop is absolutely assured, but they are confi dent it soon will be. Omaha Bee. County Judge Eaton of Otoe county has issued an even two hundred mar riage licenses from June 19, 1894 to June 19, 189-i. Nut a frotperous as Oars. The following from the Nebraska City News would indicate that the turnverein society of that place is not in as good a financial condition as the Plattsmouth society. "The turnverein society of this city is in a hard row of stumps financially as they were today sued tor the recov ery of debts incurred at their last pic nic. Owing to quarrels among them selves the meetings have been poorly attended, and one faction has seem ingly tried to pull the other down. The assets of the organization are Si'OO (with no assessments on the members) and the liabilities $13S." TH E fact that my stock is the Biggest and Best indl Cass countv, deserves the attention of people desiring something in the FURNITURE line. The three floors of my store building are full to overflowing with new goods, and everything goes at "depression" prices. Call and see for yourself. I. PEARLMAN, The House, Furnisher, Opposite Court House, Plattsmouth. o 5 It may be pointed out that all money is hard money these times hard to get. The graduating exercises of the1 Greenwood high school took place last Wednesday and Thursday evenings. The class wa3 composed of fourteen young ladies and gentlemen. Attorney J. A. Uooney yesterday while at Lincoln secured an order from the supreme court to have Court Re porter Tom Chapman give hiro a tran script in the cases of the state vs. Edward Baker, George Bennett and Elbridge Gerry, the hog thieves. He w auls to get a hearing in the supreme couit and unless.a transcript can be secured soon --the thieves will have served their sentences Nebraska City News. ' " , The recent rains have made the Blue river, near McCool Junction boom and overflow its banks. The dam at Fill more mills is reported ' washed out. Fish that were up the river and fish that were in -fish ponds, , owing to the washouts, have come down the river in such large numbers that people liv ing along its banks have been able to spear them with pitchforks, catching carp and cat fish weighing from two to sixteen pounds. The first assistant postmaster gen eral last week announced the changes in classification and salaries of presi dential postoflices. The salary of Postmaster Fox or this city is in creased from $l,S0O to $1,900. per year. Keruie I'tlmeter Married. . The following from last Monday's Lincoln Journal relates to a former Plattsmouth young man: 'Bernie B. Falmeter and Miss Abbie B. Gardner were married last evening at the home of the aunt of the bride, Mrs. D. C. Mosher, 2402 D street. Dr. II untinfton performed Che ceremonv Tho hniiaa u-na srnrrmHtlv (lefkPcl A aa uvsuuv a -J mm a- a v a- m j with plants and flowers. The wedding company was confined to the relatives of the bride and groom. Mr. and Mrs. 1 Falmeter will reside at242S E street." Auburn Will Celebrate. The lively little town of Auburn is going to celebrate the Fourth of July in grand style. Ex-Governor Furnas will be master of ceremonies, while Governor Holcomb will deliver the oration. Maj. 'Lige Halford.I'.S. A., (late private secretary to President Harrison), Col. Pace of Lincoln, Pre siding Elder Britt of this city. Church Howe and other distinguished gentle men will assist in making the celebra tion the grandest ever held in Nemaha county. One of the horses entered for the lied Oak races, owned by a gentleman from Tennessee, fell and broke its neck while speeding at that place Wednesday aftemoou The animal wa.s valued at $20, 000. The prohibitionists of Iowa met last Meek at Des Mones and nominated a full state ticket. Frank Bacon was The Fapillion Times observes that "money is powerful in Omaha, as illustrated by the court records in the Ish murder case. The law of the land practically says that if an examining magistrate shall hold a person for trial on charge of murder in the first degree the accused shall not be ad mitted to bail. But lsh and his re latives are rich, and they had no trouble in securing Judge Berka'acon- . Fruuilnvut Wholesale lirocer of Oiuaba Neb., Write: To the afflicted: Several years ago I discovered a slight falling and bleeding of the lower bowel which increased and became very distressing. I made inquiry as to the nature of the disease and learned that I bad a somewhat aggravated case of Hemorrhoids or Piles. Was told of several remedies and used them as di rected, obtaining thereby some tem porary relief. Not being satisfied with such slight relief I cast about for a per manent cure; when a friend directed the use of the famous Magxex Pile Killer. I used it. Immediate relief from pain followed, and soon a com plete cure was affected. Very respectfully, Oscar Allen. For sale by Gering & Co. K)uiuoflr Celebration. The program for the Fourth of July celebration at Elmwood will include a competitive drill by companies C and first and second regiments, Ne braska National Guards of Nebraska City and Lincoln, balloon ascension and parachute leap by Prof. Sexton of Lincoln, base ball by two Cass county league teams, sports of all kinds, Ku KIux parade, music by Elmwood silver cornet band, speeches by good orators and grand display of fireworks. , In Thin a Juke? There seem to be none of the legal fraternity in Cass county willing to come out in opposition to Attorney Dave K. Barr of Plattsmouth for county judge. Dave is all right and bis republicanism cannot be ques tioned. He has been a resident of Cass county for twenty years and is known to be honest, reliable and prompt in his dealings with men. He would prove a strength to the repub lican ticket. Elmwood Echo. o o e o o s Buv Your CI o o Groceries, Dry Goods, Notions I I General Mdse. o o OF: i F. S. WHITE The Old Reliable Pioneer Merchant Leave your orders for job work with True Journal, an artistic job guar anteed. Money to-Loan On farming lands. Low rates, long times. No delay in securing loans. Inquire at First National bank. 7 Prominent Druggist of Blair, Neb., Write Magnet Chemical Co. Dear Sirs: The goods which we bought through your salesman are sellers; the Magnet Pile Killer es pecially sells good and gives excellent satisfaction. We have re-ordered through our jobbers several times. Respectfully yours, Palmer & Taylor. For sale by Gering & Co. O S is O CI 00OwOOwOwC0wOOwOOwO OwOOwO OO0 0000 QQ Every purchase made at his store J a guarantee that vou obtained the n best and most goods for the least money. G. 11 PflllCLE, M.I The Good Samaritan's WORLD HERBAL DISPENSARY OF MEDICINE G. 3fl. PHNGLE. M.D. The Good NamaritauiA wriPinurpRAi nicprucAov nr. urrvnwr Cican Sviccp for the Blood! DALL1 OF GILEflD IIERVII1E, For Young and Middle Aged Men. Infallible remedy for Youthful Errors and later Excesses. Melancholy. Mental Depression. J Nervous Debility. Palpitation of the Heart, I sses. Knllmir k jne St Vitus 1 man or woman tfver became a victim of .without Had Dreams. Dizziness. Niirht Los Sickness and Fits. Hysteria, vneone iance. ana Kneumausu. ttave cured over 2idX caes. From uio to thre lottles restores vifrnr and health. Send $.".(0 lor a bottle by P. O. money order- Address Ca. W. PANGLK. 31. IJ., Council mulls, Iowa. f. S. A Written Ouarantee given each pur chaser to refund money unlesa cured. 0rnolfl's Bromoeleiy. Gering & remedies. Co., sell the Munyon A C Splendid enratit iwrent for Nerveas or Sick lleadiiche. Brain Libnusf inn. KltwwiltMsnesj. Lftpeciai or eneral Nur;U: W for Kheu 1 r -. 1 t; . j ..... ptwia. Anwraia. AHtiUotn for Alcohulu and other excesses, ltic, llK 25 ud 50 ceutu Efiervweoeat. THE ARNOLD CHEMICAL CO. 161 S. Western enu. CHIC5" $500 Kew. 2 u: WE wili pay the aove revvarc' Tor anv case ot Liver Complaint Myspsia, ricfc Headache. In digestion Constipation i r Costiveness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Fills, whin the directions are stnctH complied with. The' art; purely Vegetable. iaj never fail to give s.-ik-isiaction. Eupar Coatea. Larjrc boxes, 25 cents. Beware of counterfeits and imitations. The erm uine manutactured only by THE JOHN C. WJBsX COMPANY. CHICAOO, ILL. F. G. Fricke & Co, druggists. The Good Samaritan has been a practitioner of medicine - years and has cured over a thousand cases of SYPHILISanl SCROFULA No need of iruintr to tho Hot Springs of Arkansas .or elsewhere when you can be cured at hometif the Worst Blood Poitoa the use of mercury, arsenic or any other mineral poison. enu iiu.uu oy tr. u. money order lor a bottle of medicine. It only requires from 1 to 3 iKJttles to cure a disease, from one weet to ten years" standing-. Address G. W. PAXGLE. SI". D.. Council III u lis, lowa. P.S. A written fruaractee fnren to each pur chaa"Y to refund money unless cured. FAT PEOPLE ! Park Osksitt Ptlls will reduce yonr weight 1 fcKii A; ENTLY from. 12 to 15 pounds montn, NO STARVING, sickness or Injury: NO PCB LICITY. They build np the health and beutl- j fv the complexion. Ipavin NO WRINKLES or i nabblnesa. STOUT ABDOMENS and dlfflcnltl breathing surely relieved. NO EXPERIMENT, but a scientific and positive relief, adopted only after years of experience. All orders supplied , direct from our office. Price t2.00 per pacxare or three packages for t3JX) by mall postpaid.! Testimonials and particulars sealed i cents. I fJSPAll correspondence strictly confidential. Park Remedy Co,, Boston, Mass OHAS. GRIMES, Attorney at Law PLATTSMOUTn, NEB, OFFICE ; Second fioor of the Todd bloc, eu of tu9 xscSjX bcraa J h