Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, June 20, 1895, Image 5

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A retired farmer says he has made a
discovery. In each potato hill he
plants a bean. This he has done lor
three years and during that time he
lias not been bothered by potato bugs,
lie lias also raised a good crop of
beans each season.
The Union Pacific has begun cutting
rates on its Utah business and the
ltio (Jrande has met the cut rate by a
further cut. So there is a war on.
The population of Creston, Iowa, as
taken by the assessor, is 6,818, a de
crease of :."2 since 1S90. The loss is
attributed to the reduction in the rail
road shop force some time ago.
V. II. Harvey, author of Coin's Fi
nancial School is said to have an in
come of $700 to $1,000 per day on his
There is no danger of doubling the
value of the silver out-put to the mine
owners, and at the same time paying
labor with a fifty-cent dollar.
The Fremont Fish Protective associ
ation offers a reward of $25 for evi
dence that will lead to the conviction
of any person or persons found aeininer
any lake within twenty miles of that
The young man who boasts that he
works with his head, says an exchange,
instead of his hands, is respectfully
reminded that the woodpecker does
the same, and is the biggest kind of a
bore at that.
It has been ascertained by experi
ment that the feeding of corn and
wheat to hois that corn makes lard
and wheat makes lean meat. A
weekly change from one to the other
would be just the thing to make first
class bacon "a streak of fat and a
streak of lean."
A thoroughly developed live colt,
with two perfect hind legs but no fore
legs, was dropped Tuesday by a mare
owned by August Danberg, who lives
southwest of Wayne. Where the fore
legs should be the body is perfectly
smooth and covered with hair.
How to make the new dress: Take
the material for two skirts and make
the sleeves; then take the material for
one sleeve and make the skirt.
An alleged farmer, remarked the
other day that he had not planted any
thing for the reason that if a big ciop
was raised it would be worth nothing,
and if tli3 crop was a failure he would
be out nothing. He i3 a fair sample
of the men who howl calamity and cry
hard times.
It proposed to use old Ft. Omaha as
a cadet training school, a preparatory
to tit them for the higher schools at
West Point and Annapolis.
F. F. Fllswoith was ejected from a
train between Prescott and Corning,
Iowa, a couple of years ago because
the agent who sold him his ticket
made a mistake in the date. lie sued
the company for damages and was
awarded $t',iMj. The case went to the
supreme court and the judgment was
alarmed this week. Glen wood Opin
ion. The Western Manufacturing com
pany, which has worked the convicts
at the state penitentiary under con
tract since 1SSS, was Thursday forced
to suspend. The liabilities exceed
$G0,C)O and it is not likely that the
company will again resume. Mosher
was one of the heaviest stockholders
in the concern, ami the failure of the
Capitol National bank is largely re
sponsible for the Western Manufac
turing company's misfortune.
Some one has truthfully written
"that any man can take a newspaper.
It is the cheapest thing he can buy.
It costs him little more than a postage
stamp. What good does it uo you?
It instructs you and your wife and
childien. It comes to you every week
rain or shine, cvslm or storm, bringing
you news of the neighborhood. No
matter what happens it enters your
door as a welcome friend, full of sun
shine, cheer and interest. It shortens
the long summer das, and enlivens
the long winter, night. It is your ad
viser, friend and gossip. No man is
just to his wife ami children who does
not give them the home paper to read."
The wheat, oats, and grass are all
making gieat growth since the recent
Nebraska City is preparing for a
monster celebration on the Fourth of
July. Fdward Kosewater of the Om
aha 15ee and Judge Chapman of this
city will deliver addresses.
It is reported that Frederickson and
IvJjjhill are now disqualified from
enteiing the races at the state bicycle
meet for accepting prizes greater than
allowed by the League of American
hnHmen. That organization does
not allow a member to accept a prize
greater in value than $50. The first
and second prizes in thecolliseum race
were worth $100 and $S5, respectively,
and Edghill and Frederickson, by ac
cepting them thereby disqualified
The Alliance shops commenced
Monday to work nine hours a day.
This is a sign of returning prosperity
to the J J. & M. company. For the last
two years the Alliance simps have been
working but eight hours a day. The
change from eignt to nine hours a day
being occasioned by increased business
on the division. Alliance Grip.
Pacific Junction will celebrate the
fourth of July.
Fx-Congressman W.J. Uryan spoke
to 3,000 people at Owensboro, Ky.,
last Friday. 11 is speech was three
hours long and in the same line with
his previous utterances. lie declared
that Carlisle had gone after John
Sherman. He had been a Moses, lead
ing the people out of financial bond
age, but had now turned about and
was commanding Pharoah's army in
How clear to my heart is the old yel
low pumpkin, when orchards are bar
ren of stutlin for pies! When peaches
and apples have both been a failure
and berries id' no kird have greeted
our eyes. How fondly we turn to the
fruit of the cornfield, the fruit our
children are taught to despise ; the
old yellow pumpkin, the mud-covered
pumpkin, the big-bellied pumpkin
that makes such good pies. Hayes
County Republican.
It's going to be no easy matter to
parcel out all the county offices this
fall to suit all prospective candidates
on the republican side.
An exchange seriously says: "A
registered Jersey cow belonging to At
torney Helsed of Sioux Rapids died
suddenly last week. A post mortem
revealed thirteen fence nails, a hand
ful of tacks, two big wads of tea lead
and a lady's hat pin. The hat pin had
penetrated the heart." This shows
that a successful lawyer may be a very
poor farther. Fven a scrub cow could
not be reasonably expected to winter
on such provender as that, ami as
sorted hardware as a steady diet is
pattieularly bad for a resistered Jer
sey. According to the most reliable in
formation at hand, the new woman
has appropriated about all the articles
of man's wearing apparel except the
Red Oak's racing meet June 25-iM
promises well to be the greatest of
its kind ever seen in the west. With
all the best trotters and pacers in the
woild, and over two hundred other
fast horses on the program, and with
a track that is said to be peerless, the
indications are favorablefor the bring
ing together of the biggest crowd of
people western Iowa ever saw, ami
racing events that have never been
paralleled. Success to the manage-1
merit. !
The Lincoln Journal says: Recently
a man who was boarding with his di
vorced wife tried to shoot a fellow
boarder aud got his head all battered
up by a policeman. Yesterday a man
who married a divorced woman who
has her ex-husband for a boarder fell
and broke his leg. Divorce is danger
ous, however you monkey with it.
The Union Ledger last week pre
sents the name of A. R. Eikenbary as
a republican caudidate for the nomi
nation of county treasurer. Mr.
Eikenbary is an old student of the
Plattsmouth schools, and is well and
favorably known in this vicinity.
The most powerful vision, says the
St. Louis Post-Dispatch, cannot dis
cern the smallest particle of good to
any state or to the country generally
that has resulted from the political
landslide of last year. The election of
corrupt legislatures, the elevation of
boodlers to the senate, and the utter
disregard of reformatory measures, no
matter how i ressing the need of them,
have disappointed all good citizens
who had hoped for some benefits from
so sweeping a change.
In addition to the drouth, hot winds
aud cold weather which havo been
prevalent in this part of Iowa, says a
dispatch from Riverton, farmers have
another calamity now to contend with
in the shape of the old-fashioned army
worm. These pests made their ap
pearance on the large farm of I). Ran
kin, a short distance southwest of this
place, last Thursday, and are now tak
ing the corn clean, having literally de
voured almost four acres up to this
date. The worms are traveling north
and step3 arc being taken to prevent
their further spread. So far they havo
not been heard of at any other point.
Alfalfa is getting more attention
this season than ever before.
'The first issue of the Columbus,
(Montana) Express was received at
this office Saturday evening. Its pub
lishers are Archie Potter, formerly of
this city, and a Mr. Aitken. The
paper is bright and newsy and starts
with a good advertising patronage.
The Jouknal wishes the Express
The farmer worked in the broiling
sun, whence all but him had lied.
" We're going to have another drouth"
is what his neighbors said. He heeded
not their warning cry, but kept on
plowing deep, and the last his neigh
bors heard of him he was muttering
"talk is cheap." And when the reap
ing time draws nigh and that farm
er's frame is lank, he has acrop, while
his neighbors cry "Please let me fill a
'blank.'" Samples of the above can
be had in any quantity at thirty cents
a rod, or, should you want something
more soothing, try this: The night
was dark, the clouds hung low, the
thunder rolled on high, a jimmicane
chased off the rain, now everything is
dry. We can furnish it at the rate of
two rods for sixty-live cents. Hol
brook Herald.
At the meeting of the executive
committee of the Cotton States and
International Exposition last week it
was decided that, owing to the very
heavy demand for space an annex be
built to the Manufacturers and Liberal
Arts building. Although the scope of
the exposition now includes fourteen
commodious buildings, the demand
for space is so great that orders are
filled with difficulty.
The Alliance Grip is responsible for
the following receipt for making
doughnuts: "Take a hole and put some
dough around it, then fry both in hot
A colored Baptist preacher in Ala
bama preached a sermon on death.last
Sunday, ami in describing the tor
ments of hell became so excited that
he ruptured a blood vessel and fell
dead in the pulpit.
From the Times.
IJert Holmes received a black eye at
the shops this week.
Louie O'Neill's mother came up
from Plattsmouth Wednesday evening
on a visit.
Julius Pepperberg, the well-known
Piattsmout h cigar man, was in town
Monday on business.
A steady increase in the number of
workmen continues. There are now
more than :50 on the pay roll.
Mrs. Langston is at Aurora, Ills.,
assisting in taking care of her father,
Col. Greusel, who is suffering with a
cancer in the face.
A number of the boys are getting
hurt in the shops nowadays. Prob
ably they are excited on account of
getting in full time once more.
Master Mechanic llawksworth is at
the Thousand Islands on a two weeks'
jaunt, which will include attendance
at a meeting of the National Associa
tion of Master Mechanics.
The revival services being held each
evening at the Christian church are
well attended, and much interest is
manifested. Rev. Youtzy is conduct
ing the meetings, assisted by Miss
Uelle Parkinson, the singing evan
gelist. Everybody is cordially invited
to attend each evening.
Farm Loans made at lowest rates.
T. II. Pollock, over First Nat'l bank.
A rromiuent tVliolenal rocr of Omiilia.
Neb., Writes :
To the afflicted:
Several years ago I discovered a
slight falling and bleedingof the lower
bowel which increased and became
very distressing. I made inquiry as
tothe nature of the disease and learned
that I had a somewhat aggravated case
of Hemorrhoids or Files. Was told of
several remedies and used them as di
rected, obtaining thereby some tem
porary relief. Not being satisfied with
such slight relief I cast about for a per
manent cure; when a friend directed
the use of the famous Magnet Pilk
Killku. I used it. Immediaterelief
from pain followed, and soon a com
plete cure was affected.
Very respectfully,
Oscai; AllkT.
For sale by Gering & Co.
Last fall we were told that we could
not borrow money or renew loans if
Ilolcomb was elected governor. Never
theless, I now have money to loan on
good farm security, at a less rate than
ever before. Write or call and see me
if you'desire a loan. J. M. Leyda,
12-3m Plattsmouth, Neb.
Prominent Druggists of lSliiir. Ne1., Write
Magnet Chemical Co.
Dear Sirs: The goods which we
bought through your salesman are
sellers; the Magnet Pile Killku es
pecially sells good and gives excellent
satisfaction. We have re-ordered
through our jobbers several times.
Respectfully yours.
Palm eh & Taylou.
For sale by Gering & Co.
Money to Loan
On, farming lands. Low rates, long
times. No delay in securing loans.
Inquire at First National bank. 7
The Weekly Journal, one year
for one dollar. .
The" Plan Sif ter"ilour is the popular
brand. Ask for it from your grocer.
What Chalk Marks on the Front Stoop or
Gato Slay Mean On the Other Hand,
They May lto Only tho Scrawl of Mis
chievous Iioyg "Which Meau Nothing.
Tho amateur Sherlock Holmes has
added another chapter to his littlo noto
book -which records tho significance) of
trifles that aro important clews to tho
doings of the criminal classes. Spots of
ink, cigar ashes, marks on tho finger and
tho particles of dust in tho folds of an
umbrella aro all eloquent to this observ
ant seeker after truth as revealing
times, places and occurrences in which
pcoplo may havo been engaged. Thero is
a wholo litcraturo on tho rands of New
York and vicinity, their color and con
sistency and tho various degrees of at
mospheric moisturo under which they
will bo reduced to a fluid state, whilo
toothpicks and matches as characteristic
of various restaurants and localities aro
full of meaning.
Now it appears, by what tho amateur
Sherlock Holmes has been revealing in(
a moment of confidenco, that tho dead
walls of New York, stoops of houses,
basement entrances and area gateways
iro tho signposts of tho criminal classes,
aud that what look liko tho rudo scrawl
ings of boys aro in reality tho secret
lymbols by which burglars communicato
with each other.
Chalk marks under tho edgo of ono of
your front steps may mean that your
houKi has been spotted and will bo bro
ken into on a certain data A rudo draw
ing on tho area railings may to tho en
lightened eyo of tho initiated mean:
"This man has a burglar alarm on his
second story windows and keeps a revolv
er under his pillow, but tho silver is in
the butler's pantry on tho first floor, and
tho house may bo entered through tho
second basement window, whero tho
latch is broken."
Tho fraternity which has developed
this sign languago to such a high degree
of perfection shows considerable ingenu
ity in its design, but no attempt is made
at accuracy of drawing, as that would
attract attention. Tho sign pictures of
tho burglars aro made to look as much
liko tho rudo scrawls of schoolboys as
Threo figures wcro found scrawled on
tho gateway of ono houso. Tho informa
tion thus pictorially conveyed was to tho
effect that tho hcuso was tenanted by a
lady, ono woman servant and a boy page.
That ho was a boy pago was indicated
by buttons on his coat, and tho servant
was indicated by a short skirt, dotted to
resemble a print dress.
Another picture in tho notebook of
tho amateur Sherlock Holmes was more
easily deciphered, as it showed merely a
fierce bulldog guarding tiio house, a
warning to all members of tho frater
nity. Tho next sign, taken from a houso
in the suburbs, was moro mysterious and
complicated, but upon a study it finally
resolved itself into tho announcement
that tho man who lived thero went out
to business at 9 in tho morning and re
turned at C in tho evening.
Another picturo gathered by tho ama
teur Sherlock Holmes daring his pains
taking investigation of this subject
showed accurato information, as was
subsequently discovered, upon tho part
of tho sign writer as to tho interior of
tho house. It indicated that thero wero
threo electric bells on tho windows, and
that ono woman servant was employed.
A crudo drawing taken from under tho
edgo of a stoop indicated that tho serv
ant thero had been "squared," and this
houso presumably was just ready to bo
burglarized. Somo of tho booty expected
to bo secured, together with warnings as
to possiblo difficulties to to met with,
wero indicated by sign pictures of silver
spoons, coin and plate, together with
tho statement that tho placowas "Al,"
but thero wero significant sketches of a
dog, a revolver and electric bells to put
tho thieves upon their guard as to what
to expect.
Frequently tho burglars, says tho
amateur Sherlock Holmes, put theso.
sign pictures on housc3 remoto from
those to which they refer, and in this
caso tho identity of tho latter is revealed
by mysterious symbols. This was tho
casq with a rudo drawing of a houso dis
covered on a street corner. It represent
ed a tall houso with a lino barbed with
an arrowhead leading to tho roof from
the street and indicating that tho best
mothod of ingress was through tho roof.
Tho street and number of this houso
wero also shown by a succession of nu
merals which only tho initiated could
Don't get frightened when you seo
chalk marks on your front stoop or area
gateway. Tho probabilities aro that
they aro merely tho idiotio scrawls of
boys. At tho samo timo examine them
closely, and if they seem to point to bur
glarious intent or design it might not bo
a bad idea to report tho matter to tho
police The latter will probably laugh
at you among themselves, having not
yet developed many Sherlock Holmes
propensities, but tho fact that tho signs
havo been noticed will, in somo mys
terious way, soon bo known to tho crim
inals, and those enterprising gentry may
bo frightened off. Now York World.
Lonj Sentence!.
Ex-Seuator Evarts was given, in the
preparation of his speeches and opin
ions, to exceedingly long and involved
though perfectly lucid sentences. This
gavo riso to moro or less jocular criti
cism on tho part of tho press. Somo one
mentioned it to Evarts ono day. His eyo
twinkled as ho said : "Yes, I know thero
aro two classes of people who aro very
much opposed to long sentences ; ono is
telegraph operators, and tho other is
Tho Alleghany river was called by
the Delaware Indians tho Wclikhanne, !
f 'fair water. " Several other name3 were '
fciven to this stream by the! early. ex-'
pigrers. . -.. w
Offer Special MONEY-SAVING BARGAINS for the Spring
Trade which the opposition cannot touch. Particular
attention is directed to
Our New . . .
Moline Drill-Drop
"New Departure"Tongueless Pi i4-'ii onro
And Janesville DISC vUlUVdlUlo
In the Harness Line . . .
We arc, as ever, in the lead. We are still making the same
line of hand-made Woik Harness which gave such excellent
satisfaction last year. Our Light Harness is vastly superior
in quality to the factory-made stuff and the price is lower
than ever. Kindly remember that we use nothing but the
Genuine, old-fashioned, OAK-TANNED LEATHER.
WE GUARANTEE to save you money on good quality Wagons,
Buggies and Spring Wagons. Call and be convinced.
cs-ozd: dz, SOIT,
What More Could You Ask ?
The House
Offers to buyers the chance to secure the VERY
BEST in his line which the market affords, and
THE fact that my stock is the Biggest and Best inall
Cass county, deserves the attention of people desiring
something in the FURNITURE line. The three floors of
my store building are full to overflowing with new goods,
and everything goes at "depression" prices. Call and see
for yourself.
I. PEARLMAN, The House Furnisher,
Opposite Court House, Plattsmouth.
uy Your
Every purchase made at his store
a guarantee that vou obtained the
J best and most goods
8. 11
V li tf 19 lift fci
5. w m 1
a 1111 umut
Tlie (iood H;i:ii:iritmi'K
For Young and Middle Aged Men.
Infallililo remedy for Youthful Errors and
later Excesses. Melancholy. Mental Depression,
Nervous Detlity. Palpitation .f the Heart.
Had Dreams. Dizziness. Kirht Losses. Falling
Sickness ami Fits, Hysteria. SynoojK. St. Vitus
Danee, and Kheumatisui. Havo cured over
i."0O0 cases. From one to three bottles restores
vijror and health. Send S.".(iO for u Uittle by
1. O. money order. Address
v. ia;:i.i, :r. i..
Council llliillsi, ioun.
1. S. A Written (Juarantce jjiven each pur
chaser to rct'uud monoy unless cured.
A I EnraftTs Bfonnmeieni.
I PplMulM rjrntiTO m-mit for Norvotin or Sit
hhk 5 lIHilaeh. Uruin l'.x hanstion. Nlncilpnrihi
PplMulM rjrntiTO m-mit for Korvotin or Sick
,H(-iid or .''' ml N"ir;;li:iti; ids fur lihou
. I : 1 t : . - ,
jxmi, Ann mitt. in; i.lo lor Altoblii
nml oihec Cico tjd. 1 1 ice, 10, 2Tiv J 00 ceut i
151 S. Western pnuiv CHICA'5'
mi n
$500 llCWa di
WE will f " i lie :i'i;ve rewnr for tiny ease ot
I.ivcr Cotnj'l.!::t L'y ;isi.i. ,-iick. Headache. In
di?Tstioii Cn:,ta:i u r Coctivcutss we cannot
cute vrith West's Vt f-t.:blr I.ivcr Pills, when
the directions are -lrK tl complied with. The'
arc piireiy Vegetable, itij never fail to give sat
isfaction. Snar Coatcu. La rpe boxes, 25 cents.
Uevvare of countrfeii3 atid imitations. The fren
uine niannlactnrrd onlv bv Till? JOHN C. Wli&T
F. G. Fricke & Co, druggists.
Planter, . . .
Groceries, Dry
Goods, Notions
General Mdse.
The Old Reliable
Pioneer Merchant
for the least money.
'g. m. phngle, m.D.
Good KamaritaiitK
Clean Snoop for ihc Blood!
The Hood Samaritan has been a practitioner
of medicine r.2 years and has cured over a
t housand cases of
No need of poinir to the Hot Springs of
Arkansas or elsewhere when you can bo
cured at home of tho Worst ltloott Poison
manor woman ever became a victim of.without
the use of mercury, arsenic or any other
mineral poison. Send f 10.00 by P.O. money
order lor a Ix.ttleof medicine. It only requires
trom I to3 lKttles to cure a disease, from ono
week to ten years' standing. Address
Council iilufls, Iowa.
1 .fr. A written guarantee p-iven to each pur
chaser to refund money unless cured.
Park Obesity Pills will reduce your weight
PKHMANENTLYfrom li to 15 pounds s month.
NO STARVING, sickness or Injury; NO PUB
LICITY. They build up the health and beauti
fy the complexion, leaving NO WKINRLE3 or
nabbinees. STOUT ABDOMENS and difficult
breath ins surely relieved. NO EXPERIMENT,
but ascientillc and positive relief, adopted only
after years of experience. All orders supplied
direct from our office. Price J2.00 per package
or three packages for fo.OO by mail postpaid.
Testimonials aud particulars sealed 2 cents.
t3?All correspondence strictly confidential.
Ptqrk Remedy Co., Boston, Mass
Attorney at Law,
OFFICE : Second floor of tha Todd block, east
Of thQ OQtm &0UJ8.