Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, June 20, 1895, Image 2

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In the vicinity of Elgin wind did
ome damage to property.
Lexington will have an old time
Fourth of July celebration.
A tremendous rain in Cedar county
done considerable damage to grovring
Mrs. Geo. Johnson, one of the old
est settlers of Saunders county, died
last week.
The town of Allen has raised a
poo'y sum for celebration of the
Fourth of July.
. Mrs. Ftta Fettigrew of Beatrice
has Veen adjudged insane and ordered
to the asylum.
Hurglars tried to rob the Cook
poModiee the other night, but were
frightened away.
Shelby is experiencing quite a
boom, and quite a number of new
buildings are being erected.
Fifteen teachers from Burt county
will go to the national educational as
sociation meeting in Denver.
G M. Hattes has been appointed
postmaster at Xickerson, Dodge county,
vice G. C Herman, deceased.
Mrs. Giland of Wilsonville jumped
Into Beaver creek with suicidal intent,
but the neighbors pulled her out in
time to save her life.
Scott Fhillea has lived on the Blue
river, in Adams county, twenty years,
and never t-aw the stream as high as it
has been during the past week.
The farmers and business men of
Ella, in Greeley county, have organized
an irrigation company, and will build
a ditch from the chalk hills to Elba.
Ernest Ilausmann, 9 years old, was
drowned in Frairie Creek, Hall county.
He was playing on some timbers in the
stream and fell into the water unno
ticed At a special meeting of the city
Council of Falls City an ordinance was
passed prohibiting children under the
age of 14 years on the streets after t p.
m., unless accompanied by their par
ents. Mrs. G. Milburn. of Ashland, while
returning to her home in Saunders
county, sustained quite a serious frac
ture of the ankle. Her team became
unmanageable and ran away, throwing
her cut.
Near South Omaha, Joseph Frokap.
while digging a well, was overcome
by gas 3nd died at the bottom. 130 feet.
His body was recovered by grappling
hooks. The deceased leaves a widow
and one child.
The creameries are paying farmers
a net price of about 15 cents per pound
fcr butter, when they take the cream
at 6 cents per hundred. It is better
than churning on the farm and selling
5 cent to S cent butter.
James Ish and wife of Omaha, ac
cused of the murder of Chappie, the
sewing machine agent, have been held
to the district court. They have been
admitted to bail, the former in the sum
cf $25,000 and the latter S5,000.
A Washington dispatch savs: The
secretary of the interior has denied the
motion for a rehearing in the case of
Oscar Williamson vs. Joseph F. Web
ber, involving a tract of land in the
Bloomington land district of Nebraska.
Boris Mazel and Koscoe I)ewitt,two
12-year-old Geneva boys, have been
sent to the Kearney reform school for
stealing a horse and buggy. An -year-old
boy was concerned in the crime,
but was discharged on account of his
August Dangberg, a farmer resid
ing near Wayne, is the owner of a two
legged live colt, which was foaled last
week. The hind lers are both perfect,
but the shoulders are poorly developed,
with no sign of a leg. He will endeav
or to raise it.
The Western Manufacturing com
pany, in business as prison contractors
in Lincoln since 1?:? have suspended
under a pressure of general creditors.
The company claims that its assets, if
properly disposed of, will meet all
liabilities, and values its manufactur
ing plant alone at 25,000. Chattel
mortgages on the machinery and fix
tures, in favor of H. J. Walsh and the
Nebraska National bank of Omaha for
J 10,000 each, and one to Green & Van
Duyn for 5,000 were filed.
The hardware store owned by E.
Cassett at Davie City has been closed
by the sheriff on a writ of attachment
6 worn out by Mrs. F. A. Snow. Cassett
is the Fella banker who attempted to
commit suicide, and who is now under
arrest for embezzlement.
Emerson's new creamery has been
running a month now and the farmers
reeeive prompt pay for their milk. They
receive 56 cents per hundred, which
nets them about 15 cents per pound for
their butter. This is highly gratifying
to the farmers and better than they ex
pected. Local merchants are only pay
ing from 8 to 10 cents for butter.
Quite a little excitement prevailed
at Loup City, caused by a mad dog. It
managed to bite a couple of other dogs
and then disappeared without doing
further damage, and was found dead
the next morning. The dogs that were
bitten were immediately killed.
The three-eighth annual commu
nication of the Masonic grand lodge of
Nebraska in session at Omaha elected
officers as follows: Grand master, Hen
ry S. Wilson of Lincoln; deputy grand
master, Charles J. Fhelps; grand senior
warden, James I. Dinsmore; grand
junior warden, Frank Young of Broken
Bow; grand secretary, W. 1L Bowen
of Omaha; grand treasurer, Christian
Hart man of Omaha; grand marshal.
Judge W. W. Keysor of Omaha; grand
orator, F. G. Simmons of Seward.
Theo Wagner, a prosperous farmer
and stock raiser living about three and
one-naif miles northwest of Bodge,
lost a matched team of fine young
horses by being struck by lightning.
Lightning struck the house of B.
Shepard at Rising City, damaging the
structure quite considerably.
State Engineer Howell has re
turned from a visit to the irrigation
departments of Colorado and Wyoming.
He visited the southwest part of Ne
braska and reports that the recent
rains have done much damage to
ditches. In many places they were
filled up by the washing of rain down
Major Hal ford, former private sec
retary of Fresident Harrison, who for
two years has been army paymaster at
Omaha, has been transferred to Denver.
The major has been very active as a re
ligious worker in Omaha and his ab
sence will be much felt.
George Kingen, a parole convict,
was shot by Frank Hazelett, and will
probably die from the effects. The
shooting occurred in the south part of
York county, about three miles west of
Cordova, near the home of Hazelett. It
was an old feud and trouble had been
expected ever since Kingen was let out
of the penitentiary last March on pa
role. The State Sunday School conven
tion, in session at Beatrice, elected ofli
cers as follows: H. W. Trueblood of
Kearney, president; li. D. Gould of
Clay Center, vice president; E. J.
Wightman of York, secretary; W. A.
Heimberger of Grand Island, treasurer;
B. H. Follock of Beatrice, field secre
tary; T. R. Mathews of Fremont, chair
man executive committee.
Some comment has been occasioned
by a report printed in a state paper to
the effect that exhibitors at the state
fair would be obliged to pay switching
charges on their exhibits. This is em
phatically denied by the management.
The question of transportation facili
ties is not worrying the board and it is
practically settled that the street rail
way service will be extended.
The board of public lands and
buildings will not sub-let convict labor.
A new turn in affairs has occurred
whereby the board will probably re
lease to a contractor. A majority of
the members favor re-leasing and bills
may be advertised for soon. This an
nuls ex-Warden BeemerTs appointment
as superintendent and overthrows all
previous plans arranged by the board.
J. C. Schroeder, living near Sur
prise, was obliged to kill six large hogs,
which showed every symptom of hav
ing hydrophobia. Mr. 11. II. Hess,
Harry Hess and Mr. Stein have all
killed their dogs and it is understood
Mr. Coleman killed two hogs. Mr.
Schroeder killed three hogs which were
in a field with nearly 200 more, and he
has great fear that more hogs may go
Mr. Land, a man 10 years of age,
undertook to walk on the railroad track
from Neligh to Oakdale, a distance of
five miles. He was overtaken by a
freight train as he was on a bridge,
and seeing that he couid not cross he
sat down on the end of the timbers to
get as far away from the train as pos
sible, but was struck by the train and
knocked off, breaking his right arm be
tween the elbow and shoulder.
The board of public lands and
buildings met last week and let con
tracts for the fitting up of the new
branch of the soldiers' home at Mil
ford. The heating and plumbing was
let to L. W. l'omerene of Lincoln. S2.
173, being the contract price. The
boiler house is to be built and the boiler
set by Hester .!fc McCandless of Lincoln
for SI, ICS. There were half a dozen
bids and the next lowest on the boiler
house was only S13 higher.
Warden Leidigh points out for the
benefit of the Board of Iublic Lands
and Buildings the advisability of at
tempting to let the state prison con
tract for a term of two years, as pro
vided by the bill. Fractically the con
tract could only b let for twenty
months, or until the expiration of the
next term of the legislature Warden
Leidig says that at the present time
there are but ninety-nine convicts
confined who are not employed at con
vict labor.
In reply to the statement by ex
Warden liecmer that the month's esti
mate for supplies for the penitentiary
sent in by to the bourd of public lands
and buildings by Warden Leidigh was
twice the amount ever required before,
the latter says that it is an exact du
plicate of the last one sent in by Con
tractor Dorgan. Warden Leidigh also
directs attention to the fact that even
had the estimate been too large, and
lasted for two months, the state vould
not have been a sufferer in the least.
The Gates college at Neligh is to
be removed to Norfolk. An agreement
has been reached to the effect that Nor
folk shall pay all outstanding debts
amounting to about 10,000, the same
to be deposited in a bank subject to
the check of the treasurer. Further
funds are to be provided by that town
to meet the running expenses of the
college for the next year, and if by
May 1 next S0,000 additional cash has
been raised by Norfolk then all opposi
tion on the part of Neligh to the re
moval of the college shall cease.
An Omaha paper says the reduction
of freight rates from the Missouri river
to Utah common points by the Union
Facific was a genuine lf-karat surprise
to competing roads in Utah. The Uic
Grande Western officials say that they
will meet the cut. and the general be
lief in railroad circles is that they will
endeavor to go the reduction one bet
ter. The Union Facific officials deny
that they have violated any pledges, as
it is alleged in the newspaper tele
grams by the Kio Grande Western. The
Union Facific representatives say that
the cut has been in contemplation for
some time, and that the cut was not
made secretly.
A Butte dispatch says: It looks
now a if the men charged with lynch
ing Barrett Scott will be tried in this
county, although nine-tenths of the
citizens of the county are highly indig
nant, believing as they do that it will
put the county to an unnecessary ex
pense and avail nothing, as it is gener
ally believed that much contradictory
evidence will be produced proving that
Barrett Scott was not murdered in
Boyd county. It is expected that it
will take fully one week to get a jury.
A special venire of 100 men will be sub
poenaed; but it is not believed that a
jury can be secured from less than 500.
The population of Butte is but 500, and
should this case come to trial it will be
doubled while the trial is in progress.
There is no telling just what will be
done until the trial is started.
C A. Forti-r, a resident of Spring
Creek, Keya Faha county, came into
Springview and gave himself up to the
sheriff, claiming lie iiau killed one
man, wounded two or three more and
pounded a woman nearly to death. The
people killed and wounded go by the
name of Woodford and are negroes.
I'orter. it seems, went after some mort-
cratred horses. The Wood fords refused
to give them up and a fight ensued,
with the abov results.
A man working for John Heldt,
living three miles from Yutan, was
kicked by a horse, receiving injuries
which resulted in his death a few hours
later. He refused to give any informa
tion regarding his identity.
Reports from Every Tart of the Ciilon
Are Favorable Retter Crop Condi
tions a Good Feature Failures for
the Week.
New York, June 17. It. G. Dun & Co.'s
Weekly Review of Trade says:
"It is no longer a question whether
business improves. Not for a long time
have our reports from all parts of the
country been so uniformly favorable.
The dally average of bank clearing ir.
June is 24.S per cent larger than last
year, though 11.4 per cent less than in
1S92. The most potent Influence has
been the receipt of more favorable ad
vices regarding growing crops. Labor
troubles are getting out of the way;
wages in many establishments are ris
ing, and, with the iron Industry just
now leading, there is general Improve
ment In manufactures. Monetary con
dition also helps. The time draws near
when, with good crops, exports will
bring gold hither, and though foreign
operations in stocks and bonds have
been insignificant this week, 4the effect
of the previous translations has not
been exhausted.
"Much diminished receipts of money
from the interior indicate better employ
ment In business and especially at the
West, the volume of commercial loans
steadily rises and is now fair for this
season, even In a good year. Western
receipts for two weeks of June were
3.116.6S0 bushels of wheat, against 3.001.
202 last year, while Atlantic exports,
flour Included, were only 2.364.S17 bush
els, against 4.630.227 last year. Kffects
of the rise In prices were seen In the of
ficial report of May exports, showing a
decrease of 1.000.000 bushels from At
lantic, but an increase of 2.000.000 from
Pacific in exports. The price was re
duced 2i In trading. Corn also declined
about le. with better reports of growth.
"The official statement of 14. S decrease
In cotton acreage was quickly found. In
view of revised government estimates
for last year, to mean more than 20,
000.000 acres now growing cotton, which
much exceeds the best unofficial esti
mates, and from an area no greater over
9.000.000 bales were produced In 1S91. so
that the report gave no aid to prophets
of evil. That some reduction would be
well for the south Is clear, but the heavy
present surplus will cover a larger loss
than seems probable. Cottonmanufac
turers look for a speedy settlement of la
bor troubles and find a moderate de
mand for low. and medium, and heavy
weight goods, while some of the cheap
er lines of spring goods have been
opened with encouraging results, but as
to better trade there is still great uncer
tainty about prices. The anthracite coal
trade does not maintain the improve
ment recently reported, and with palpa
ble overproduction, bad faith being
charged again, the price has declined 25
cents. The coke producers about Con
nellsville have not yet made open decla
ration of their new compact, but con
tracts are being made at $1.35 for the
last half year, with provisions for ad
vance If wages rise.
"Failures for the last week have been
241 In the United States, against 232 last
year, and 24 In Canada, against 40 last
Indiana Crop Outlook Had.
Indianapolis. Ind.. June 17. Returns
from 254 townships in this state show
that the average amount of wheat
plowed up Is 4.5 per cent. It Is esti
mated that the average yeleld In these
townships will be 7.8 bushels an acre.
If the reports are correct, and the
same ratio will hold good throughout
the state, the total yield for the year,
besed on an acreage of last year, will
be only 19.S15.C07 bushels, a decrease of
61.2 per cent In the yield. It Is expected
that the reports from a large majority
of the townships will be in during next
week when a mor concise estimate of
the crop can be made than is now pos
sible. Threaten a Lynching.
Peoria, 111.. June 17. A hundred farm
ers living in the vicinity of Alta, this
county, have organized a posse and are
searching the country for R. W. God
dard. who Is wanted for attempting
criminal assaults on the 4-year-old
daughter of Mr. Bliss and the 13-year-old
daughter of Mr. Ford. The latter
declares he will shoot the offender on
sight, and the excitement Is at fever
heat. Goddard was formerly a resident
here, is a blacksmith, and has a wife
and two children.
Cutworms In Kentucky Tocacco.
Clnclnnat, Ohio. June 17. About six
weeks ago there were reports of rav
ages of the army worm in Kentucky,
but the stories subsided until yesterday,
when reports came that in Morgan
county. Ky., cutworms are working in
juriously on young tobacco plants.
Similar reports came from Owen coun
ty and Booth county, Ky., and Brown
county, Ohio. The state commissioner
of agriculture gives the tobacco acre
age In Kentucky as 80 per cent, and the
condition as 68 per cent.
Can Race at Koby, Ind.
Indianapolis, Ind., June 17. The Su
preme court adjourned yesterday with
out handing down the decision in the
Roby case. The governor and the attorney-general
had the appeal set for
ward and confidently expected the de
cision In the recent injunction case
would come before the summer vaca
tion. There will be no way to get at
the Supreme court until fall unless it
should come together in vacation.
Revolution Is Disastrous.
Washington, June 17. The state de
partment has received information of
the sertous devastation the revolution
in Colombia Is causing. The govern
ment is out of funds and Is making tax
levies which are hard to bear, placing
an enormous export tax on coffee, the
principle crop of the country. The revo
lution also has drained the country of
men, and has resulted in the destruc
tion of crops and of animals used for
To Erect a Statue of Cromwell.
London, June 17. The proposal of the
government to erect a Btatue of Oliver
Cromwell was adop-d in the house of
commons by a vote of 152 to 137. The
passage of the motion was secured only
by the support of the Orangemen.
The Secretary of the Treasury Talks
Against Silver.
Louisville Ky., June 17. Secretary
Carlisle last evening made an address
on the currency question. He repeated
his argument that the undervalued met
al would be driven out of the country
by the adoption of a bimetallic system,
and at some length paid attention to
the claims that the fall in the price of
silver was due to Its demonetization.
He said: "It Is Insisted that the fall in
the price of silver is attributable to the
legislation in Germany, the United
States, France and various other coun
tries during and since the year 1873, and
most illoglcally It is also insisted that
notwithstanding the reduced price of
that metal Is the result of the un
friendly action of a great many govern
ments acting in concert and with a set
tled purpose, the United States alone
can restore the value of sliver. Of
course If it required the action of
twelve or thirteen different governments
to bring the price of silver to its pres
ent state It would seem quite cleat that
no one of them alone could restore It.
The fall In the price of silver was not
due to the legislation complained of but
to an enormous overproduction. While
the farmers and other producers are
struggling to live comfortably and meet
their obligations, owners of silver mines
have accumulated enormous fortunes.
That the flat of the government does
not make money was illustrated by the
history of the trade dollar. What hap
pened to the trade dollar would be ex
actly what would happen to all other
sliver dollars if free and unlimited
coinage was adopted."
Trial of Alleged Lyncher of Barrett
Scott Commenced.
Butte, Neb., June 17. The celebrated
Scott trial Is now commenced. The attorney-general
entered a nolle In the
case of Plnkerman, Stanton, Roy, and
Oberle, four of the defendants, leaving
but threee and reducing the preemp
tory challenges of the defendants from
112 to thirty-three. Two hundred tales
men have been called already and nine
were xassed for cause. At that rate
it will take a week to secure a Jury. An
effort Is being made to secure a tent
owing to the poor sanitary condition of
the building. The court Instructed the
sheriff and bailiff to see that no one
entered the courtroom carrying arms.
Excitement Is very high, as the people
of this county are indignant that the
case is being tried In It, and the attorney-general
Is wholly responsible for
this. To-day witnesses to the number
of 200 will arrive. W. F. Gurley of
Omaha is here to assist the state.
Rockefeller Will Fight.
New York. June 17. Neither John D.
v-efeller nor Charles W. We'Jmore
will say anything in regard to thX7ls?Sja Rang of safe-blowers. He secured no
diet of 1340.000 damages by a jur; : money.
terday to Alfred Merritt, of Dulu h The officers of the bank gave the po
hls suit against John D. RockeJor of llceman and deputy sheriff $100 each for
for Sl.2L0.0OO damages for consolldldt ri
the Mesaba mines with the Rockefeller!
Iron properties. It is understood that
Mr. Rockefeller will appeal the case and
fight to the last ditch before he will
pay the Judgment.
Chicago Warehouse Rurns.
Chicago, June 17. The Oakland
warehouse, a three-story brick building
extending from No. 159 to No. 163 39th
street, was burned out last evening at
10 o'clock. The loss on the building and
the household goods stored In it will
be practically complete. The building
was worth $20,000 and was Insured for
$12,000. The value of the articles stored
In the building Is .variously estimated
and is probably about $75,000.
Con rich man Rrmann Itetter.
Vandalia. 111., June 17. Congressman
Reniann's condition has slightly Im
proved during the past twenty-four
hours. Ills mind Is clearer and he was
able to recognize and speak to the phy
sicians. He Is still unable to take nour
ishment. While his condition Is still
critical Drs. Hughes and Haller have
not given up all hopes.
Torpedo Itoat Is Fast.
New London, Conn., June 17. The
torpedo boat Ericsson ran twenty-five
miles on Long Island sound yesterday.
Her engines and machinery worked ad
mirably. She Is said to have made a
speed averaging twenty-flve miles an
hour. It Is believed she will easily win
a premium when she has her trial run.
Attempted Arson In Chicago.
Chicago, June 17. A deliberate at
teumpt to burn a house in which thirty
three persons were asleep was made at
No. 47 North Peoria street about 12:20
o'clock yesterday morning. The fire
was discovered before It had made much
headway. It is not known who started
the fire, but the police are trying to find
President Lincoln's Rrother-In-Law.
Atlanta, Ga.. June 17. Dr. Todd, of
Abbeville. S. C, a brother-in-law of the
late President Abraham Lincoln, now
79 years of age, has gone blind. He
was a surgeon in the corps of General
Longstreet, and served all through the
war as a confederate, while his brother-in-law
was the president of the United
Germans Were Duped.
Berlin. June 17. In Ylew of the unex
pected achievements of Russian diplo
macy, especially in regard to the Chi
nese loan. It Is thought here the Ger
man ambassador in St Petersburg, and
the German minister at Pekln, have
been duped. It Is probable that they will
both be recalled.
Ohl's Murderer Indicted.
Trenton, N. J., June 17. The Mercer
county grand jury presented Justice
Gummere with a batch of indictments
which included that of John Collins,
colored, for murder in the first degree
for the shooting of Frederick Ohl, the
Princeton student.
. Prince Rlsmarck Feeling Weak.
Fredrlchsnihe, June 17. Prince Bis
marck is feeling very weak, and In con
sequence has canceled all of his en
gagements for receptions, etc., for the
The Reason for the Abandonment of
the naming Vessel, Why Not. by Its
Crew, Not Yet Known Yesterday's
News from Across the Water.
St. Malo, June 13. Particulars have
been received here of the desertion of
the passengers by the crew of the Brit
ish vessel Why Not after fire broke out
on board the ship while on her way to
the island ot Jersey. It appears that
fire was discovered in the Why Not's
hold Saturday and while the sailors
were attempting to quench the flames
a bucket was dropped overboard. A
boat was lowered to recover It and the
captain jumped into this boat and was
followed by the crew.
One passenger sprang overboard and
ewam after the boat, into which he was
reluctantly taken. The deserted pas
sengers were greatly alarmed and the
excitement among them increased when
a small boat was st-en to be pulling for
Erquay, where the crew eventually land
ed. Taking advantage of a breeze the
passengers handled the Why Not as
best they could and succeeded In beach
ing her near Erquay. The incident has
caused Intense excitement at St. Brieux,
the nearest town to Erquay, and the
matter Is being thoroughly Investigat
ed by the local authorities.
The captain of the Why Not, although
not under arrest. Is closely watched by
the police. It is understood that the
British consul here will take the mat
ter up and upon his report will depend
further action.
rainier of a Montana Bank Not Afraid of
a (ion.
Butte, Mont., June 13. A man, who
refused to give his name, entered the
Silver Bow National bank here at the
noon hour yesterday and demanded
money from W O. Thomas, who was In
charge. The demand was backed by a
revolver which was thrust through the
paying teller's window. Thomas
Jumped behind the counter, grabbed a
revolver and fired six shots into the
celling to attract the attention of peo
ple In the street. The robber ran out of
the building and with his pistol or
dered people out of his way.
A policeman heard the shooting and
met the man running away. A battle
took place between the two and was
kept up for a block, both emptying
their weapons at each other. A part of
the officer's coat was carried away by a
bullet, but otherwise no damage was
done. The robber was captured by a
deputy sheriff. He Is a stranger here,
having arrived ten days ago, along with
their work. The bankers had heard
that an attempt would be made to rob
them, but paid little attention to the
finver Not to Ra the Only Issua la 'the
Des Moines, la., June 13. The popu
list state convention yesterday adopted
platform which calls for the free coin
age of silver, but along with that other
popQllstlc measures. - The platform re
affirms the Omaha platform, calls for
the free coinage of silver, and asks that
all banks be required to give a security
for deposits, calls for the inspection of
workshops and factories, the readjust
ment of the salaries of public officers
on an economical basis, and the Imposi
tion of a 10 per cent state tax on all con
tracts to pay in gold. The following
ticket was nominated: For governor,
Sylvester Crance of Davenport; for lieutenant-governor,
A. It. Starrett of Hum
bolt; for supreme court judge. T. V.
Ivory of Glenwood; for state superin
tendent of Instruction, L. B. Tabor of
Guthrie Center: for railway commis
sioner. E. J. Stason of Wooodbury
Eisd Intimates That They Will Not
Accept Judge !errltts Kullag.
Denver, Colo., June 13. John M.
Egan, sole receiver of the Union Pacific
Interests In the northwest outside or
Utah and recently appointed co-ordinate
receiver with W II. Bancroft of
the Interests of the road in Utah ter
ritory, arrived in this city early this
morning on a belated train from the
west. Regarding the appointment of
Mr. Bancroft as co-receiver of the Union
Pacific Interests in Utah Mr. Egan said:
'Representatives of the American Trust
company distinctly stated they would
not submit to the appointment of a re
ceiver who was friendly to the Union
Pacific to act In conjunction with the
receiver appointed by Judge Gilbert and
Judge Sanborn. I cannot tell what ac
tion the company will take."
Likely the Amount Will Km Advanced
by French and Russian Rankers.
London, June 13. A Berlin dispatch
to the Standard says the Chinese loan
which Russia has guaranteed forms a
part of the war indemnity and was
raised in accordance with the terms of
a recently concluded secret Russo-Chl-nese
treaty. Japan has agreed that If
15,000.000 Is paid forthwith the remain
der may be paid within six years. It
Is therefore likely that the whole of the
Indemnity will be advanced by French
and Russian bankers, only China hopes
to induce Russia to be satisfied with 4
per cent Interest.
Nebraska Crop Rulletln.
Lincoln, Neb., June 13. The crop bul
letin for the week ending June 10 issued
by the Nebraska experiment station,
reads: "The week as a whole has been
a very favorable one for the growth of
crops. More or less rain has fallen in
all sections, averaging for the state as
a whole not far from normal. The cool
weather has been very favorable for the
growth of spring wheat and oats, which
have continued to improve, and will
probably In some cases make about a
full crop and generally will exceed half
a crop. Cultivating corn is general over
the state, and in some cases the crop
U being worked the second time."
i "
South Dakota's Defaulting Treasurer
Will Get Off Easy.
i Aberdeen. S. D., June 13. Attorney
J General Crawford, II. R. Horner and
I purine t" McPnv met In consultation
here last night, and it is reported that
an agreement In the case of ex-State
Treasurer was arrived at, substantial
ly as follows: Taylor Is to return and
surrender himself, turn over all his
property to the state, and take what
ever sentence the court may impose,
John T. McShesney of New York, also
will turn over to the state all his South
Dakota propetty. When all this is ac
complished Taylor's bondsmen are to
be released from the bond. The at
torneys agree that under the law Tay
lor's sentence will be comparatively
light, about one year In the peniten
tiary. Discontent Permeates Japan.
Victoria, B. C, June 13. Advices from
the Orient by the steamer Empress of
Japan, Indicate that popular discontent
at the submission to Rusflan Intimida
tion has far from subsided and that
further political complications may yet
result from it. Rumor has it that Rus
sia is preparing to take possession of
Port Lazarlff, in Corea, and great indig
nation is expressed that the Japanese
government has taken no active steps
to prevent this fresh indignity. In the
meantime Russia Is pushing forward
fortifications at Vladlvostock with all
possible vigor. The government of
Corea seems to be utterly demoralized
and Russian gold Is reported to be exer
cising a powerful Influence there.
Hoodie Scandal In Canlju
Ottawa, Ont., June 13. Startling facts
relative to the building of the Sault
Canal have been brought out at the In
vestigation of the Public Acomints com
mittee. It was shown the contract for
building the lock was awarded to Hugh
Ryan & Co. at J1.2S2.000, altnough two
lower tenders were presented. It was
further shown Ryan & Co.. after secur
ing the work, were allowed extras to
the amount of J795.000. Besides this an
unknown amount, representing the cost
of the change to Portland cement. Is yet
Indiana Rank Suspends.
Indianapolis, Ind.. June 13. The Bank
of Commerce yesterday suspended busi
ness. William Bosson, the cashier, said:
"We have simply suspended business
for the present. We have deposited suf
ficient money with the Indiana National
Bank to pay all of our depositors and
no one will lose a cent." One year ago
the bank closed its doors for a short
time, and the Knight and Ladles of
Honor secured a Judgment aculnst It for
$70,000, and a few days ago the Supreme
court Issued an excution against the
State Roard May Re Imprisoned.
Iowa City, Iowa. June 13. Ia the Keo
kuk Medical college case here three
Judges of the supreme court of Iowa,
Robinson. Klnne and Deemer, overruled
the motion of the college to quash the
writ of certiorari Issued by Judge Rob
inson. The appl'- tlon of the state
board of examiners for a stay of pro
ceedings in the superior court of Keo
kuk was denied. The members of the
state board will be Imprisoned for con
tempt of the superior court If they do
not obey that court's recent orders.
Confesses to a Murder.
Portland. Ore., June IS. Louis
Smlthle, who was arrested last Satur
day for the larceny of a cosv and has
been confined since then In the county
Jail, has confessed that In August, 1892,
he murdered George Young at Mott,
Cal. Mrs. Retta Young, widow of the
murdered man, has been arrested as an
Detectives Guard l'resldent Cleveland.
Buzzard's Bay, June 13. Secret ser
vice officers are to guard the President
and family again this season. Three
men will be employed. Their orders are
fully as strict as last year and It will be
next to Impossible for a stranger to
reach the President's home without first
encountering one of these officials.
Quotations from New York. Chicago, St.
Louis. Omaha and Elsewhere.
Butter Creamery separator.. 14 T 15
butter Fair to good country. 11 6 12
lggs-Freh 9 i 10
Honey 1'er 5 1 35
Ileus Live, per Tt....... 6 'ii
Lemons Choice Messlnas 5 5.) i 6 Oo
Oranges Floridas, per box.... 2 0 3 75
l'otatoes 7i.t t 80
lieans Navy, hand-picked, bu 2 0 2 20
Hay Upland, per ton 7 00 t& S 0
Onions bermuda per crate... 1 0 & 1 60
C heese Neb. ft la-, full cream 10 & 11
Pineapples per do 1 75 & 2 25
Hogs Mixed packing 4 4) W 4 45
Hogs Heavy weight 4 50 ks 4 55
beeves Mockers and feeder. 2 40 U 3 25
beef Steers a 15 4$ 4 70
bulls. 1 70 Ui 2 75
Mags 2i (A 3 (O
Calves. 2 5) 4 75
Cows 1 75 ka 3 75
Heifers 2 00 di 2 50
Westerns 3 25 4 4 00
frheeD Lambs 3 75 5 25
cheep Choice natives 3 00 (9 3 75
Wheat No. 2. spring M 51 (.3
Corn rer bu 5liA
Oats I er bu 33 ttf 334
Pork 12 55 i 12 t2'
Lard 6 65 (8 6 70
Hops Packers and mixed 4 4. 4 70
Cattle Steers corn fed 4 75 t 5 N)
fc-heep Lambs 3 50 . 0 00
fcheep Natives 2 00 & 4 25
Wheat, No. 2, red winter 82 6 F2l6
Corn N a 2 53 ni 66 u
Oats No. 2 34 i$ 3414
Pork 17 00 -,18 00
Lard 6 65 & 6 67
Wheat No 2 red, cash si tJ. gji.;
Corn Per bu 4 k& asi!
Oats Per bu 29 2' U
Hoks Mixed packing 4 wft 4 wy"
Cattle beef steers 4 to U 4
tlieeti Mixed natives 275 .s 3 Ko
Lambs 3 50 5 00
torn No. 2 j- ?
oats-No. 2 &
Vitle7r1tocJteP8 ?n1 feeders.. 2 25 w 4 20',
Hogs Mixed packers 4 30 ki 4 70
Tope Preparing for Ills Successor.
London, June 13. The Rome corre
spondent, of the Standard says it is an
nounced there that the papal nuncios at
Paris, Lisbon, Madrid and Vienna will
be created cardinals. The news causes
much interest in Vatican circles because
It will disturb the equilibria t of the
preponderance of Italian cardinals In
the sacred college. The pope In announ
cing the fact, said: "We hope thus to
create a position more In conformity
with papal Interests in the world and toy'
furnish the sacred collpe-e tha
o uamio
to KiioresMf ill v urmoimn jm u .
J ...w !, me U1U1CUHJ
and delicate period of our succession."