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About Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901 | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1895)
POLITICAL, PERSONAL AND PERTINENT. K. H. Wooley has had ox-Chief of Police Cooper of Lincoln arrested for the embezzlement of the reward given for the apprehension of Hill, the murderer of Matt Akeson. County Attorney Woodward is trying to dis miss the ease on the ground that it is not a erimin il action. Justice Gould opposes this, and a change of venue lias been taken to the county court. Charles lirigham, who was ap pointed a clerk in the mailing depart ment of the Uoston postotlice when Martin Van Huren had just entered upon his term as president of the United States, is still there, aftar 56 years of consecutive service, bright, vigorous, and looking ten years younger than the eighty that he has seen. For killing bugs on plants the fol lowing is recommended: Take some leaves and stems of the tomato plant ami boil them in water until the juice is all extracted. When the liquid is cold it is to bo sprinkled over the plants attacked by insects and it at once destroys catepillars, black and green tlies, gnats, lice and other ene mies of vegetables, and in no way im pairs the growth of the plant. The Fruit Recorder says that the juice leaves an odor that will keep insects oil for a long time. Even the enemies of Mr. Bryan w ill be forced to admit that the reception accorded the brilliant ex-congressman wherever he has appeared before the public, has been such as to make every citizen of Nebraska feel proud tore member that his home is in this state. Klmwood has i cigar factory and Silas (Ireenslate, the veteran mer chant, is travelling and introducing its goods. Sy. ought to make a good drummer. Sunday's splendid rain was just what was needed to bring on the new potatoes. There'll be no shortage on that crop this year; that's certain. I he Union Ledger prints an official directory that must have been uncor rected in part, at least since lbV'2, as Messrs. Bryau, McKeighan and Kem are put down as the Nebraska members of congress. Wonder why the Ledger isn't a nev. spaperV Horace (Jreely once said: "It is strange how close men read the papers. We never say anything they don't like but we hear of it. If, however, we happen to say a cood thing we never hear of that nobody seems to notice it. We may pay some man a dtizt'u compliments and he takes it as a trilmte to his greatness never thinks it does him any good. Hut if we hap pen to say anything this man doesn't like, or something he imagines retlects on his character, see how quickly he tlies up and gets excited about it. All our evils are charged us, but we never apparently get any credit for the good $ wm do.' We are glad to note that our old friend Henry West fa II. who is well known in Talmage and Otoe and Cass counties as one of the best millers of the state, has been secured to run the new Klmwood llouring mills. His name and reputation is enough to know that the Hour produced will be of the best. Nebraska City Indepen dent. l'eople residing in the vicinity of Nebraska City experienced a severe electrii storm last Sunday afternoon. A few barns were struck by lightning and burned to the ground, while wag ons and trees were promiscuously splintered. Several peopje were ren dered unconscious by the lightning, but no fatalities resulted. Nearly an inch and a half of rain fell and one farmer iiad forty acres of listed corn washed out. Jailor John Denson drove down in the country Monday on official busi ness. He reports that the heavy rain of Sunday lias done considerable dam age in th vicinity of Rock Creek. All of'415ig" Frank Young's listed corn is completely washed out, while the mud on the roads in some places nearly covered the hubs of his buggy, the same being washed frcm adjacent far rns. A foreign scientist has a new test for death. With a candle produce a blister on the hand or foot of the body, if the blister, upon opening with a needle or other instrument, is found to contain fluid of any kind there is still life in the supposed dead body. Some people who grow weary at a sermon of more than thirty minutes will sit for hours in a crowded theatre or a circus and are sorry when it clones. Oinali i is keeping up her record for crime. Last Sunday Wn. II. Chap pie, a Singer sewing machine ' agent was shot and killed at the residence of James Ish. Mr. and Mrs. Ish are both in jail. The woman claims thai she did the shooting, but letters were found on the dead man signed by Mrs. Ish, which lead the officials to believe that the woman and Chappie had been criminally intimate, and it is believed that Ish found the couple in a compro mising position and killed the man. The following anecdote is said to have occurred in 1801, and gives Abe Lincoln's views on the money ques tion in 1SG2: One morning when Sec retary Chase went to the U. S. treas ury, some wag had hung upon the door the picture of a big goose eating up gold and silver and discharging green backs. It worried Mr. Chase and he took it down and carried it over to Uncle Abe, who looked at it for a moment, and then said: "After the war is over they will reverse the bird and have him eating greenbacks and discharging gold and silver." Every since 1S73 the bird has been eating greenbacks and discharging gold only, so Lincoln was half right. We are satisfied that farmers would make much more of Jtheir gardens if they would make a practice of growing and preserving seed for their own use in abundance. The garden needs a little of what farmers are accustomed to call "tinkering around, "but it pays for all the attention it gets, and the more the atteution the better it pays. How dear to my heart are the beans that were sent us by kind loving friends in the last car of aid. The orchard and meadow and deep, tangled wild wood were mixed with the beans, and the freight wasn't paid. The old rotten beans, the worm-eaten beans, the moss-covered beans, we found them a sell. So we took Mr. Sack and the beans that were in it, and threw the d a things into the well. Cam bridge (Neb ) Kellidoscope. The river began cutting away the banks above Urownville last evening very rapidly and a largo force of men wtnt down to look after the same last night. The river is within four feet of the track. If it continues to cut the chances are that the track will have to be taken up and a stub train run between the break and this city. Nebraska City News. An irrigation plant is being put in at Pierce, Neb., for a cattle com pan j. The plant will consist of a fourteen foot irrigation mill and a ten-inch pump, having a capacity of one hun dred gallons per minute. It will care for from ten to fifteen acres in ordi nary seasons. Editor Howard of the Papillion Times declines to be dubbed a colonel of militia as designated by the gover nor. He is opposed to the whole scheme of state militia and says it is never used save in the interest of monopoly and for the oppression of labor. He wants nothing to do with it. TAKE TMK 15KLT. About thirty inches of rain fell on our good citizens Saturday night and Sunday. Hemingsford Herald. The following gem, which has been going the rounds of the press without credit, should I e cut out and pasted in every man's hat a9 a reminder of his duty when he desires to speak ill of any woman. Remember this young man He careful how you speak of a woman's character. Think how many years she has been building it, of the toils and privations endured, of the wounds received, and let no suspicion follow her actions. The purity of wo man is the salvation of the race, the hope of future greatness and the re demption of man. Wipe out her purity and man sinks beneath the wave of despair with not a star to guide his life into a channel of safety. Think, then, before you speak, and re member that any hog can root up the fairest Uower that ever grew, so the vilest man can ruin the purest wo man's character. Satan 13 preparing for a great sum mer's work, now that many ministers are preparing to take their vacations. When Governor McKinley picks up a paper ami reads of a manufacturing company increasing the wages of its employes he throws it down and de clares that he won't play any more. President Barnes has secured the services of the bands at (Jrand Island and Pawnee City for use of the coming state fair. The "Pacific Hose Com pany Kami," Grand Island, is com posed of thirty-two instruments. The "Pawnee Military Band" is composed of forty-four instruments. These two bands are the very best In the state, and will play music to lit the ears of the most fastidious. State Fair Bulle tin. Some twenty-four members of the German society of ladiesknown as the Frauen-verin engaged two large car- rv.'lllu tliij mnrninrr im1 ilniva nf the grove of Geo. Meisf nger, jr., eicht. UIIIC3 WCJl iUI9 tllj, WIIC1C lilCJ Will picnic today. Tbe party, 'ntend hav ing a'guoa time, and went prepared for that purpose, having a geuerous supply os eatables, and hammocks swings and all the paraphernelia nelia necessary to make a picnic a success. The Kansas City, St. .Joe & Coun cil Bluffs railroad company has had spotters out along the line, and as a result three of the oldest conductors in the employ of the road have been discharged, and several others are ex pecting the ax to drop upon their necks in a short time. Nebraska City is infested with van dals, who are destroying the property in the parks of that city. If the per petrators are caught they should be summarily dealt with. Since the blowing of O. II. Wilson's safe at Dunbar ten days ago local merchants have ceased to use the com binations on their safes, as no money or valuables are left in them. It saves the burglar the trouble of blowing the safe, and the owner the expense of buy ing another. Nebraska City News. Andreas Ilaftas, the last veteran of the Greek war of liberty of died in Athens lately at the age of lift. One of the streets in Athens is named after him, and his funeral was a pnblic one. He had often expressed the wish to live until 1901 in order to be able to say that he had seen three centuries. Boys the world is wide. If you wish ,to be somebody "pitch in." The brave always have friends. Where others have gone you can go. If the old track don't suit, make new ones. Success is never obtained without ef fort. If you fail once, try again. If it's dark, strike a light. Are you in the shade? Move around; for if there's shade on one side, there is sunshine on the other. Take time, boys, don't hurry too much. Go slow, especially till you know the road or become ac quainted with your own team. Mind your own business. Don't stop to re tail gossip but go right on, straight ahead, and you'll cet there. Largest Circulation In Neliraka It isn't much wonder that the State Journal now has the largest circulation in Nebraska. It has reduced its price to C cents a month with Sunday, or " cents without Sunday; it has been spending more money for Nebraska news than any other paper; it has on its stafT such men as Bixby, Walt Mason and Annin. The Journal is being pushed at every point and is climbing steadily and surely away ahead of the other state dailies. Peo ple like a Lincoln paper, especially when it is as good as the Journal. A Woril in S-m. The remnant of Major McCourt's family having gone to join tlwir mother ami brothers in California, the major alone remaining to settle up his business. He expects to stay here about a month, and requests all who know thernselVes indebted to him ko call and settle. He wants no trouble with any of his old customers, but of course must have what is due him. Fakm Loans made at lowest rates. T. II. Pollock, over First Nat'I Lank. I.iitt of Letter Remaining unclaimed in the postofilce at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, June 1J, lS9.-i: Hattk, Charles Wilson. J. M. Persons calling for any of the above letters or parcels will please say "ad vertised." W. K. Fox, P. M. A I'roinf iiftit Wlioleaale (irocer of Omaha ., Writ en: To the atllicted: Several years ago I discovered a slight falling and blcedingof the lower bowel which increased and became very distressing. I made inquiry as tothe nature of the disease and learned that I had a somewhat aggravated case of Hemorrhoids or Piles. Was told of several remedies and used them as di rected, obtaining thereby some tem porary relief. Not being satisfied with such slight relief I cast about for a per manent cure; when a friend directed the use of the famous Magnet Pilk Killeu. I used it. Immediate relief from pain followed, and soon a com plete cure was affected. Very respectfully, Oscak Allkn. For sale by Gering & Co. Subscribe for the Wekkly Joun nal $1 per year, if paid in advance. I 'A mi LOANS. Last fall we were told that we could not borrow money or renew loans if Ilolcomb was elected governor. Never theless, I now have money to loan on good farm security, at a less rate than ever before. Write or call and see me if you desire a loan. J. M. Leyda, 12-3H1 Plattsmouth, Neb. Money to Loan On farming lands. Low rates, long times. No delay in securing loans. Inquire at First National bank. . 7 A Story & Camp organ, in first class condition, good as new, to trade for a good fresh cow. Apply to Mrs. G. F. B. Burton, Marblestreet, Plattsmouth, or poatofKce box 103. Tir k W 1: v. k ly - J UvteXrxt.' one'y eat for one dollar. The"PianSifter"llouri3 the popular brand. Ask for it from your grocer. CHINESE CRUELTY. An Eye-WitnrsH Tell of Some TrcaeherotM JIurdi'M Ainoni; the Celestials. An employe of tho Pacific Mail Steam ship Co., -who wa s stationed at Hoog Kong, gives the press a remarkable story of adventure which illustrates the fiendish barbarity of Chinese warfare. At the start the Tacping rebellion had much to recommend it to foreigners. It L supposed to hava originated in a na live petting hold of and reading" some ta-ay&hcets of the liible, printed in a Chinese dialect. The Initial impulse was that of re ligious reform. The leaders declare! war against idolatry, and set out on a ernsade to destroy images. Their num bers and power rapidly increased, and, as so often happens, it attracted abasci element of adventurers to its victorious standard, so that the revolt degenerated into a mixture of fanaticism and out lawn. A series of victories supplied th rebels with enough treasure to tempt a number of foreigners, who were of an adventurous spirit, and who accepted services in the rebel army at high pay. They for a timo did much to keep tha forces within decent bounds, while theii knowledge of military tactics and dis cipline contributed largely to the suc cess of the campaigns. The agent ol the I'aeifie Mail Steamship Co. was on 3f these. His narrow escape he described it nearly these words: 'Things went from bad to worse ana the rebels became perfect devils, with out honor or compunction of any sort. I stayed lecaujie it was death to desert, but finally a sceue occurred which made me feel that I must try to get away no Matter what happened. We had in vested a walled town, and the inhabit ants had surrendered on the conditioi that their lives were to be spared. ''The terms were granted, and it wai agreed that the inhabitants should leav the city "by a certain gate without theii arms or possessions, after which thf town was to be sacked by the victors. Under this agreement the townspeople emerged from the narrow gate. "The Taepings had executioners sta tioned with heavy swords at either side of the gate, and as the poor wretches came out these headsmen would decap itate the m at a stroke, when eager hands would catch up the bloody corpses and Cing them on a heap on cither side. I was stationed iu the thick of the ma sacre, and I had to stand in the passage between the heaps of corpses, and there I remained till I sttxxl in a stream of human blood nearly up to my knees. "This so sickened me that I resolved to desert that night. "I managed to elude suspicious eyes and got to the bank of the river, where we were at the time, several hundred miles from Canton. Here I hid in a thicket of underbrush until night. I matured a very careful plan of escape. I had found a log which would just bear my weight, and my purpose was to float down the stream by night, con sealing myself by day in some clump of shrubbery along the bank. Of course in f-uch a thickly settled country as China it would be impossible for foreigner to go over land without dis covery. I trusted to luck to get food. "I would float down with the current during the night, and at the first streak of dawn would find a thick bush or a bit of rank grass,-and hide there tilt night again. "I slept much of the day. though al ways on my guard and half awake. Mr chief fear was of the dogs, who hate foreigners as much as their masters do, and have even a keener nose for scent ing their presence. But, as it happened, I was n,ot molested by man or beast, not 1 oegan to LMrttcTtf saaum get to .-anton in safety. "But the exposure and lack of food told on nie very fast and I was rapidly lie-coining exhausted. One morning I awoke frcm a half sleep and half stupor and found to my despair that I had fal len asleep on my log and had drifted ashore, without awakening till broad day. in the midst of a populous town on the river's bank. What awakened mo was the clamor of the villagers, who had discovered me stranded on the bank. I at once ttiought I had fallen into the hands of sympathizers with the Taep ings, alul looked for nothing but a speed y and a dreadful death. "I was not long in doubt as to my fate. I was seized and bound and car runt in triumph to the public square. Here I was put in a large iron cage, uch as is used for the exhibition of riminals in China, and on this cage was Inscribed the fact that I was a Tacpinff rebel. .My sufferings from that time on I can hardly narrate. One must know the Chinese to unrrtand the vilenesa Df insult and of behavior which was hcuped upon me. "With the practical spirit of their na tion my captors claimed me as their pri vate booty and I was exhibited for so much a head. Of course as I was a rare beast I was worth money and on that tucount was kept alive, but no tongue itin twll the horrors of my fate. The bystanders pcltf! iuc through the bars with all kinds of odious refuse, and climbed upon my cage and subjected me to the most indescribable indignities. I was fed only once a day and given no protection against the burning sun. I'h us I lived on day after day, though I should have lxen glad to die, both on account of my insupportable misery and because 1 knew that I was being' taken hlowly to prison and torture ana certain death. "i. however, did not wholly give up myself to despair. I managed to com iiiuuicntc with some of the spectators, whom I jierceived to Ik; more sympa thetic than tho mass, and in this way got information started toward Shang hai of my eapturo and suffering. My only chance was that the foreign em bassies would demand my safe keep ing' and a trial for treason. Even, then I supposed I should be condemned to death, but, at any rate, I should die In a decent manner and bo buried like a white man. Just what happened and how lonjr it took I don't know, for my Tilr:-vUnS's upt my reason, and for a looir trrxS-Llvn Vnsane, lut when I came to myself I found J"'sc. a hosPital I I. 4W, 4 .fJw 11 der THE OLD RELIABLE . . . IMPLEMENT DEALERS, Offer Special MONEY-SAVING BARGAINS for the Spring Trade which the opposition cannot touch. Particular attention is directed to Our New . . . Moline Drill-Drop "New Departure"Tongueless Pt 4-I wonro And Janesville THESE IMPLEMENTS In the Harness Line ... We arc, as ever, in the lead. We are still making the same line of hand-made Work Harness which gave such excellent satisfaction last year. Our Light Harness is vastly superior in quality to the factory-made stuff and the price is lower than ever. Kindly remember that we use nothing but the Genuine, old-fashioned, OAK-TANNED LEATHER. WE GUARANTEE to save you money on good quality Wagons, Buggies and Spring Wagons. Call and be convinced. 509 MAIN STREET, : : : PLATTSMOUTH. What More Could Y ou Ask ? PEARLMAN, The House Offers to buyers the chance to secure the VERY BEST in his line which the market affords, and AT PRICES WHICH ABSOLUTELY DEFY COMPETITION. THE fact that my stock is the Biggest and Best in all Cass county, deserves the attention of people desiring something in the FURNITURE line. The three floors of my store building are full to overflowing with new goods, and everything goes at "depression" prices. Call and see for yourself. I. PEARLMAN, The House Furnisher, Opposite Court House, Plattsmouth. o o o o o c o o s z o o o o o o s e Buy F. S. IH TE, Every purchase made at his store guarantee that you obtained the is a best and most goods . P108LB, fO. Thi Clnntl Uifiiiriiot.'u WORLD HERBAL DISPENSARY OF MEDICINE BALM OF GILEflD IIERVIIIE. For Young and Middle Aged Men. Infallible rmiotly for Youthful Errors and l.-ittT Kxcess-8. MeiiitK holy. M.-ntal lfc-prt-ion Nervous Holrlity. l'aloitat :on ,t tl... ii.v.rt o.tii urvtims. 1 Haziness. Aiciit Losses, lalhii"- ru-Kiit'Miimi r 11s, Jiystcna, ivticoim St.Vuus ianee, ami iciieuiiiut ism. JJave cured over M) cases. F rom one to three lottles restores ijrnr mm neuitn. enl s.,.M for tl Utttle b 1. I. money orrier. Address Council Itlulls. Iouii. I - S. A AVrilten Guarantee given each rur A flroeld's BrcmO'Celsry. fiplpndM enrnttve niTont fp Kervoo or Sick lUmiliK-Ii. Jirniu Khiiir-inn. slwnliKinwH. (HM-hil or i-''iHTMl .nrj I ia; also for liliHu 1 ruaU:u. Gout, Kidney li j'iupin. And lJy W.m, jiun-mii.. .1 Til lor AIOOIIOIH Hint othr fiii;3s. l'rice, l jtuloOtxmts. LUIervtsA-eut. THE ARNOLD CHC&lICAx CO. 151 S. Western 'vpnua CHiCAP 8500 Kew d Vl will pay ir.f a'xive rcwarr mrnnyiMse ot Liver Compl.unt Iys ".psia, sick Headache. In diKesliori Constipation r Costiveness vc cannot cure wdli West's Vegetable I.iver ri!ls, v hen uineiuanntfiri ire-i only bv THE IOUN C. WiisT : ;:T :j?AwO. 111. (I. la! Hit VVH' M .1111. . t. t t I I V ' 1 1 J I IC 1 It'l- A1IW-- nw purely Vc-tMMe. ;nl never fail to ive f i. isuciioti. S;!ft- t'oteu. La rgc bosres, ?5 cents & Son, Planter, . . . DISC UUIIIVUIUI o CANNOT BE EXCELLED. Furnisher, i o o 2 o o o o o o s o s o s o o o o o 0 o o o o o Your Groceries, Dry Goods, Notions I General Mdse. OF; The Old Reliable Pioneer Merchant for the least money. 1 G. PHNGLE, m.D. -inc; uoou um arttanis WORLD HERBAL DISPENSARY OF MEDICINE Glean Snoop for the Blood! The Good Samaritan has been a practitioner of medicine 'i years and has cured over a thousand cases of SYPHILISand SCROFULA No need of coins: to tho Mot NnrinirH of iArltnnsiiM or elsewhere when you can bo cured at homo of tho Worst ltlood 1'oisoit man or woman ever lecamc a victim of.without tho uso of mercury, arsenic or any other mineral poison. Send $10.00 by P.O. money order torn bottle of medicine. It only requires from I to 3 bottles to cure a disease, from ono week to ten years' standing-. Address ii. w. ia?c;ii-:. jr. Council IIIuHm, Iowa. P.S. A written puarantee piven to each pur chase to refund money unless cured. FAT PEOFIE ! Park OBBsrrr Pills will reduce your weight PERMANENTLY from. 12 to 15 pounds a month. NO STAKVINU. Blckness or Injury; NO PUB LICITY. They build up the health and beauti fy the comploxion, leavimr NO WKINKLES or tlabbiness. STOUT ABDOMENS and difficult breathlns suriily relieved. NO EXPEKIMENT. but asclentinc and positive relief, adopted only afteryears of experience. All orders supplied direct from on r othce. Price 12.00 per pacxase or three packages for 15.00 by mail postpaid. Testimonials and particulars sealed 2 cents. 3?A11 correspondence strictly confidential. Park Remedy Co., Boston, Mass CHAS. GRIMES, Attorney at Law, PLATTSMOUTn, NEB, OFFICE: Second floor of the Todd bl5ck, etit ' or Uxq court koma.