Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, June 13, 1895, Image 2

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"After Him Waa gbtmttr, Whlcb Slew
tli Fhlllstlnes six Bandred
Hen wltb m OfGoad" Jodgea
Chapter 8, Terse
L n tx a
I-ftPVnjhJ farmer, waa plow
KM?ifV 1 with a yoke of
" "iftl Cr oxen, his command
was changed to the
shout of battls.
'Philistines, always
ready to make trou
ble, march up with
sword and spear.
Shamgar, the plow
man, had no sword, and would not prob
ably have known how to wield It If he
had possessed one. But fight he must,
r go down under the stroke of the Phil
istines. He had an ox-goad a weapon
osed to urgre on the lazy team; a weap
on about eight feet lone, with a sharp
Iron at one end to puncture the beast,
and a wide Iron chisel, or shovel, at
the other end with which to scrape the
elumps of soil from the plowshare. Vet.
with the Iron prong at one end of the
ex-goad and the iron scraper at the
other. It was not such a weapon as one
would desire to use In battle with anrved
Philistines. But God helped the farmer,
and leaving the oxen to look after
themselves, he charged upon the In
raders of his homestead. Some of the
lommentarles, to make it easier for
fehamgar. suggest that perhaps he led a
regiment of farmers Into the combat.
ex-goad up and down, and this way and
But the Lord does not need any of you
to help In making the Scriptures, and
Bhamgar. with the Lord on his side, was
mightier than six hundred Philistines
with the Lord against them. The battle
opened. Shamgar, with muscle strength
sned by open air, and plowman's, and
reaper's, and thresher's toll, uses the
only weapon at hand, and he swings the
ox-goad upand down, and this way and
that; now stabbing with the iron prong
at one end of It. and now thrusting
with the iron scraper at the other, and
now bringing down the whole weight of
the Instrument upon the heads of the
enemy. The Philistines are In a panic,
and the supernatnural forces come In.
and a blow that would not under other
circumstances have prostrated or slain,
left Its victim lifeless; until when Sham
gar walked over the field, he counted
ene hundred dead, two hundred dead,
three hundred dead, four hundred dead.
Eve hundred dead, elx hundred dead
all the work done by an
ex-goad with an Iron prong at one
end and an Iron shovel at the other.
The fame of this achievement by this
farmer with an awkward weapon of
war. spread abroad, and lion!xel him.
until he was hoisted Into ths highest
place of power, and became the third of
the mighty Judges of Israel. So you see
that Clncinnatus was not the orJy man
lifted from plow to throne.
For what reason was this unprece
dented and unparalleled victory of a
farmer's ox-goad put Into this Bible,
where there was no spare room for the
unimportant and the trivial?
It was, first of all, to teach you, and
to teach me, and to teach all past ages
since then, and to teach all ages to
come, that In the war for God. and
against sin, we ought to put to the bst
use the weapon we happen to have on
hand. "Why did not Shamgar wait until
he could get a war charger, with neck
arched and . back caparisoned, and
nostrils snlfSng the battle afar off, or
Until he could get war' equipment, or
could drill a regiment, and wheeling
them Into line, command them forward
to the charge? To wait for that -would
have been defeat and annihilation. So
be takes the best weapon he could lay
hold of, and that is an ox-goad. "We are
called Into the battle for the right, and
against wrong, and many of us have not
ust the kind of weapon we would pre
fer. It may not be a sword of argument.
It may not be the spear of sharp.thrust
Ing wit. It may not be the battering
ram of denunciation. But there Is some
thing we can do, and some forces we
can wield. Do not wait for what you
have not, but use what you have. Per
haps you have not eloquence, but you
have a smile. "Well, a smile of encour
agement has changed the behavior of
tens of thousands of wanderers, and
brought them back to God. and en
throned them in heaven. You cannot
make a persuasive appeal, but you can
set an example, and a good example
has saved more souls than you coull
count in a year, if you counted all the
time. Tou cannot give ten thousand dol
lars, but you can give as much as the I
widow of the Gospel, whose two mites, j
the smallest coins of the Hebrews, were j
bestowed in such a spirit as to make
her more famous than all the contribu- i
lions that ever endowed all the hospilil j
and universities of all Christendom, of j
all time. You have very limited vowab- j
ulary, but you can say "yes" or "no."
and a firm "yes" or an emphatic no," I
has traversed the centuries, and will j
traverse all eternity, with good influ- j
ence. You may not have the courage to 1
confront a large assemblage but you
can tell a Sunday school class of two
a boy and a girl how to find Christ,
and one of them may become a Wil
liam Carey, to start Influences that will
redeem India, and the other a Florence
Nightingale, who will Illumine battle
fields covered with the dying and the
Again my subject springs upon us the
thought that in calculating the pros
pects of religious attempt, we must tike
emnlpotence, and omniscience, and
omniprenence, and all the other attri
butes of God into the calculation. Whom
flc you see on that plowed field of my
text? Ont hearer says: "I see ' Rham-
rar." Another hearer says: 'T see six
hundred Philistines." My hearer, you
have missed the chief personage on that
battlefield of plowed ground. I alsa se
Bhamgar, and six hundred Philistines,
but more than all and mightier than all,
and more overwhelming than all, I see
God. Shamgar with his unaided arm,
however muscular, and with that hum
ble instrument made for agricultural
purposes, and never constructed for
combat, could not have wrought such
Victory. It was omnipotence above and
beneath.and back f and at the point of
ihe ox-gcad. Before that battle was
over the plowman realized this, and all
Ihe six hundred Philistines realized it.
and all who visited the battlefield after
ward appreciated It. I want in heaven
J 1 A-O
to hear the story, for it can never be
fully told on earth perhaps some day
may be set apart for the rehearsal.
while all heaven listens the story of
how God blessed awkward and humble
instrumentalities. Many an evangelist
has come into a town given up to
worldllness. The pastors say to the evan
gelist: "We are glad you have come,
but It Is a hard field and we feel sorry
for you. The members of our churches
play progressive euchre, and go to the
theater, and bet at the horse races, and
gaiety and fashion have taken posses
sion of the town. We have advertised
your meetings, but are not very hope
ful. God bless you." This evangelist
takes his place on platform or pulpit.
He never graduated at college, and
there are before him twenty graduates
of the best universities. He never took
one lesson in elocution, and there are
before him twenty trained orators.Many
of the ladies present are graduates of
the highest female seminaries, and one
slip in grammar or one mispronuncia
tion will result In suppressed giggle.
Amid the general chill that pervades
the house, the unpretending evangelist
opens his Bible and takes for his text:
"Lord, that my eyes may be opened."
Opera glasses In the gallery curiously
scrutinize the speaker. He tells in a
plain way the story of the blind man,
tells two or three touching anecdotes
and the general chill gives way before
a strange warmth. A classical hearer
who took the first honor at Yale, and
who is a prince of proprieties, finds his
spectacles becoming dim with a moist
ure suggestive of tears. A worldly
mother who has been bringing up her
sons and daughters in utter godless
ness. puts her handkerchief to her eyes
and begins to weep. Highly educated
men who came to criticize and pick to
pieces, and find fault, bow on their gold
headed canes. What Is that
sound from under the gal
lery? It Is a sob, and sobs are
catching; and al along the wall, and all
up and down the audience there Is deep
emotion, so that when at the close of
the service anxious souls are Invited to
especial seats, or the Inquiry room, they
come up by scores, and kneel and re
pent, and rise up pardoned: the whole
town is shaken, and places of evil
amusement are sparsely attended, and
rum holes lose their patrons, and the
churches are thronged, and the whole
community is cleansed, and elevated,
and rejoiced. What power did the evan
gelist bring to bear to capture that
town for righteousness? Not one bril
liant epigram did he utter. Not one
graceful gesture did he make. Not one
rhetorical climax did he pile up.
But there was something about
him that people had not taken
in the estimate when they prophesied
the failure of that work. They had not
taken into calculation the omnipotence
of the Holy Ghost. It was not the flash
of a Damascus blade. It was God. be
fore and behind, and all around the
ox-goad. When people say that crime
will triumph, and the world will never
be converted because of the seeming In
sufficiency of the means employed, they
count the six hundred armed Philis
tines on one tide, and Shamgar. the
farmer, awkwardly equipped, on the
other side; not realizing that the cha
riots of God are twenty thousand, and
that all heaven, cherubic, seraphic,
archangellc. Delfic. Is on what otherwise
would be the weak side. Napoleon, the
author of the saying. "God Is on the
side of the heaviest artillery." lived to
find out his mistake: for at Waterloo
the one hundred and sixty guns of the
English overcame the two hundred and
fifty guns of the French. God is on
the side of the right, and one man In
the right will eventually be found
stronger than six hundred men In the
wrong. In all estimates of any kind of
Christian work, do not make the mis
take every day made of leaving out the
Head of the Universe.
Again, my subject springs upon us
the thought that In God's service It Is
best to use weapons that are particu
larly suited to us. Shamgar had. like
many of us, been brought up on a farm.
He knew nothing about Javelins, and
bucklers, and helmets, and breastplates
and greaves of brass and catapults, and
balllstae, and Iron scythes fastened to
the axles of chariots. But he was fa
miliar with the flail of the threshing
floor, and knew how to pound with that;
and the ax of the woods, and knew
how to hew with that; and the oxgoad of
the plowman, and knew how to thrust
with that. And you and I will do best
to use those means that we can best
handle; those weapons with which we
can make the most execution. Some in
God'a service will do best with the pen;
some with the voice; some by extem
poraneous speech for they have
the whole vocabulary of the English
language half way between their brain
and tongue; and others will do best
with manuscript spread out befor
them. Some will serve God by the
plow, raising wheat and corn and giv
ing liberally of what they sell to church
es and missions; some as merchants,
and out of their profits will dedicate a
tenth to the Lord; some as physicians.
prescribing for the world's ailments; i
and some as attorneys, defending in
nocence, and obtaining rights that oth
erwise would not be recognized; and
some as sailors, helping bridge the seas;
and some as teachers and pastors. The
kingdom of God Is dreadfully retarded
by co many of us attempting to do that
which we cannot do; reaching up for
broadsword or falchion, or bayonet, or j
sclmeter, or Enfield rifle or Paixhan's
gun, while we ought to be content with
an ox-goad. I thank God that there are
tens of thousands of Christians whom
you never heard of, and never will hear
of until you see them in the high places
of heaven, who are now In a quiet way
in homes, and schoolhouses. and In
praying circles, and by sick beds, and
up dark alleys saying the saving word,
and doing the saving deed; the aggre
gation of their work overpowering the
most ambitious statistics. In the grand
review of heaven, when the regiments
pass the Lord of Hosts, there will be
whole regiments of nurses, and Sabbath
school teachers, and tract distributors,
and unpretending workers, before
j whom, as they pass, the kings and
. queens of God and the Lamb will lift
flashing coronet, and bow down in re
cognition and reverence. The most of
the Christian work for the world's re
clamation and salvation will be done
by people of one talent and two talents,
while the ten-talent people are up In
the astronomical observatories study
ing other worlds, though they do lit
tle or nothing for the redemption of this
world: or are up In the rarlfied realms
of "Higher Criticism." trying to find
out that Moses did not write the Pen
tateuch, or to prove that the throat
of the whale was not large enough to
swallow the minister who declined to
call to Nineveh, and apologizing for the
Almighty for certain Inexplicable
things they have found in the scrip
tures. It will be found out at the last
that the Krupp guns have not dene so
much to capture this world for God as
the ox-goads.
Go out against the Philistines. We
must admit the odds are against us
six hundred to one. In the matter of
dollars, those devoted to worldllness
and sin, and dissipation, when com
pared with the dollars devoted to holi
ness and virtue six hundred to one.
The houses set apart for vice, and de
spoliation and ruin, as compared with
those dedicated to good, six hundred to
one. Of printed newsnarxr sheets scat
tered abroad from day to day, those
depraving as compared with those ele
vating, are six hundred to one. The
agencies for making the world worse
compared with the arenclea for making
the world better, six hundred to one.
But Moses In his song, chants, "How
should one chase a thousand, and two
put ten thousand to flight?" and In my
text one ox-goad conquers six hundred
uplifted battleaxes; and the day of uni
versal victory Is coming, unless the Bi
ble be a fabrication, and eternity a
myth, and the chariots of God are un
wheeled on the golden streets, and the
last regiment of the celestial hosts lies
dead on the plains of heaven. With us.
or without us, the work will be done.
Oh. get into the ranks somewhere,
armed somehow; you with a needle.
you with a pen. you with a good book;
you with a loaf of bread for the hun
gry; you with a vial of medicine for the?
sick; you with a pair of shoes for the
barefooted: you with word of encour
agement for the young man trying to
get back from evil ways; you with somo
story of the Christ who came to heal
the worst wounds and pardon the
blackest guilt, and call the farthest
wanderer home. I say to you as the
watchman of London used to say at
night to the householders before the
tkne of street lamps came: "Hang out
your light!" "Hang out your light!"
Bow a Reptile Stole the 3111k from a
Fine Jen y Cow.
W. La. Hewey. living up In the Cross
Lake country, has a fine Jersey cow,
which usually keeps the family sup
plied with nn' abundance of milk, says
a Shreveport (La.) paper. On Monday
last Hewey noticed a falling off in the
milk supply and for every day there
after there has been a steady diminu
tion. Thinking that perhaps the pas
turage did not furnish sufficient nour
ishment for the cow, Hewey began to
give her an extra quantity of food at
night, but la vain. Every evening she
returned to the pen with an empty bag.
At last Hewey came to the conclusion
that some negro In the neighborhood
must be in the habit of milking the
cow before she left the pasture; so he
set about discovering the guilty party.
Yesterday his investigations were re
warded, the thief proving to be a singu
lar one. Indeed. In the middle of the
afternoon Hewey went Into the pas
ture, taking his stand behind a big oak
tree whence he could keep an eye on
the cow without being himself ob
served. For a long time there seemed
no chance of solving the mystery, as no
one appeared In the pasture. Finally
Hewey was about to give up the search
as a bad job. and drive the cow to the
pen. when he saw a big black-and-whlte-pied
snake glide out from the
thicket behind him and make its way
across the pasture to the Jersey. Fol
lowing after as rapidly as he could,
what was his astonishment to behold
the snake wrap itself around the Jer
sey's hind legs, holding them hard and
fast, and then grasp hold of the bag,
sucking away at the teats like a hun
gry calf. Hewey Is a new man to this
section, and this singular conduct on
the part of a reptile surprised him be
yond measure. Since consulting with
his neighbors, however, he has ascer
tained that the snake, called a "cow
sucker," Is a very common variety,
causing much loss among cattle-raisers
and milk men in this section.
Lord Kelvin maintains that the earth
is 100.000.000 years old.
Th skeleton alone of an average
whale weighs twenty-five tons.
At a Japanese banquet It Is a compli
ment to ask to exchange cups with a
A Dundee, Scotland, man Is working
on a flying machine that is built on the
bicycle plan
The total public debt of the sclf-gov-erninK
lirltish colonies amounts to
something like 300.000.000.
Out of every 100 hotels In England,
eighteen are "White Harts." ten "King
Arms." and eleht "Crowns."
Men attending the pans In salt works
are never known to have cholera, small
pox, scarlet fever or Influenza.
A recent report shows that T1.530 con
victs last year parsed through the for
warding prison at Truman. Russia.
The wings of an owl are lined with a
soft down that enables the bird to fly
without r.aklng the slightest sound.
It cost Kentucky $114 to secure the ex
tradition from Ohio of Napoleon Bona
parte Shackleford, who stole a $2 hog.
The mud baths of Dax. In France,
have existed and been more or less cel
ebrated since the time of the Romans.
A carp taken out of the water may be
kept alive for twelve hours by a piece
of bread soaked In brandy placed In Its
The total amount of gold In circula
tion at the present time Is estimated at
about 1,070.000,000, weighing altogethei
875 tons.
A great many girls say "No." at first,
but, like the photographer, they know
how to retouch their negative.
Justice will not ask, "What Is the
least you will work for?" but rather,
"What Is the most I can pay?"
Keep your troubles to yourself. When
you tell them you are taking up the
time of the roan who is waiting to tell
It Is not work that kills men; It Is i
worry. Work Is healthy; you can hard
ly put more upon a man than he can
The Gold IolUr Is the DlihonMt Dol
lar Itecause Its Purchasing Power Is
Inrreafl by the Manipulations of
Hankers and Their Allies.
In the Chicago Dally Record of May
10 Edward Atkinson repeats the deflni
tion of honest money given in his ar
tide of April 26: "Coins which," being
melted down, retain the entire value
for which they were legal tender be
fore they were melted." With this defi
nitlon as a foundation he builds up an
argument against the free coinage of
silver, calling It a "dishonest money,'
and as such to be rejected as a coin
In another paragraph of the same ar
ticle he admits or states a fact which
upsets his own conclusions by verifying
a principle which he ignores in his ar
He states that the silver coinage o
India possessed a bullion value equiva
lent to the value of the coins them
selves until the closing of the mints
After the closing of the mints the rupee
while not redeemable In gold as is our
silver money, yet as bearing the stamp
of government and made a legal tender
for the payment of debts had a greater
value than the equivalent weight of un
coined silver. On the same principle
closing the inlnta of the world to goli
would cause the coined gold mads legal
tender for the payment of obligations
to have a greater value than an equiva
lent weight of gold bullion. His deflni
tion of unsoundness applies to all coin
money, for all money metals depend
for a part of their value on their use
for coinage purposes, and while of in
trinsic value for use in the arts lose a
part of their value as compared with
other products when made the object
of unfavorable legislation which limits
or stops their coinage.
A sound dollar should represent
certain amount of labor and be capable
of ready transformation into any prod
uct of labor. The rule Is the world over
that what costs little labor to get Is
worth little. Dlue sky may be quite
desirable, but as a product entirely of
natural conditions and not of labor it
is not counted as having material value.
When a promoter by artful persuasion
succeeds in getting money for some
thing which has no value except In the
mind of the credulous purchaser he is
said to have been selling "blue sky."
The value of any commodity when car
ried to its final analysis Is the value
of the labor expended to secure the por
tion of the required supply which is
produced under the least favorable con
Disregarding the speculative element
In mining, which Justifies greater ex
penditures in prospecting and develop
ment than are sure to be realized In
profits, the average value of silver or
gold Is measured by the labor expended
in working the least productive deposits
and reducing the poorest grade of ores
necessary to supply the world's de
Coined money has an intrinsic value
which makes it universally acceptable.
because when melted up and used in
the arts it releases to other occupa
tlons labor which must otherwise be
expended in mining an equivalent
amount of metal for such use.
If the labor cost of producing the
metals remained the same, whatever
the demand for them. If, In other words,
the precious metals were merely a prod
uct of labor, and not a natural product,
occurring in small and isolated quan
tities, an increased demand for any one
metal would bring about such an In
creased production as would in a short
time restore the equilibrium of values.
A corner In monej would be like a cor
ner In wheat only maintainable for a
short time. An increased demand for
any precious metal causes the deposits
of that metal to be worked more closely
and a greater amount of labor expended
In proportion to the product, so that the
labor cost of the most expensive por
tion is greater and the value of the en
tire product correspondingly Increased.
Whon the amount of actual or re
demption money in the channels of
trade fail3 to Increase as rapidly as the
commodities to be exchanged the result
must be a fall in prices unless the short
age in actual money is made good by
an extension of credit. It is not suf
ficient that the amount per capita be
maintained, for the tendency In an in
dustrial nation where property rights
are secure is toward a per capita in
crease in all forms of wealth. What Is
called general overproduction of goods
is more properly underproduction of
money. We can never have too much
of everything, the consuming classes
being in a position to buy, but so long
as our financial system is based on the
use of gold and silver only as the money
of final redemption every period of in
dustrial activity such as we call "good
times" will be accompanied by an ex
tension of credit and is likely to be fol
lowed by a period during which credit
is curtailed and a general fall takes
place, first In the money value of com
modities and second. In the price of
labor. This recurrence of hard times
Will continue until some means is found
of effecting exchanges in which the
metals will have no greater part than
other commodities.
The panic of 18911 and 1894 is a direct
result of the demonetization of silver
in 1873, the abandonment of silver and
the substitution of a gold currency by
several leading nations of Europe and
the half-way character of the remedial
legislation adopted by our government.
The downward tendency of prices
was well defined from 1873 to 1878.
From 1878 the coinage of silver andl
later the issue of treasury notes in pay
ment of silver purchases offset in a
measure the downward tendency and
brought about an era cf good times last
ing uninterruptedly till 1SS5. when the
fall In the price of silver resulting la
a fall In the gold value of Argentine se
curities caused the Baring failure.
From thi3 time the issue of treasury
notes nominally secured by silver bul
lion but actually redeemable In gold
began to pass the point of safety. What
would have been far removed from in
flation with silver and gold at a par
ity became dangerous because resting
only upon a narrow foundation of
gold. The structure of paper money
was built higher at a time when half
the foundation (silver) had crumbled
away and the other half was being dug
Into to supply the Increasing needs of
European nations. Coexistent with this
was great Industrial activity and a re
sulting Increase In actual wealth. With
the volume of actual money constantly
diminishing and the volume of wealth
increasing a disturbance in the ratio
was Inevitable.
In every market in, which the natural
tendency of prices Is downward the fall
In prices is resisted by an accumula
tion of stocks. The classes who buy to
sell at a profit will hold property once
bought as long as possible before sell
ing at a loss. They will strain their
credit to the utmost limit before aban
doning the effort to sustain prices,
mortgaging their property, borrowing
on collateral, exchanging accommoda
tion paper and delaying the payment
of their bills.
It is the misfortune of sliver that it
has been "hanged first and condemned
afterward," Irevious to its demone
tization in 1873 It was worth most of
the time more as bullion than when
coined at the ratio of 10 to 1.
It is proposed by its friends to re
store to it the rights as a money metal
which It enjoyed prior to 1S73, and
which were taken away quietly, almost
secretly, without any public demand
and without any of the reasons which
are now so clamorously urged against
its restoration. That a re-establishment
of the parity between gold and
silver would benefit this country no
fair-minded man will deny. Whether
the commercial Influence of the United
States is sufficient to stem the tide and
offset the influence of the European na
tions who have adopted a gold standard
can hardly be ascertained without an
actual test, but when we face the con
tingency of gold going to a premium,
nothing Is seen which will affect unfa
vorably the prosperity of the country or
make such a change In values as would
work a hardship to the creditor class.
It has been argued that silver money
cannot be coined with sufficient rapid
ity to replace the gold displaced. It Is
not necessary that it be coined at all.
There are in the treasury of the govern
ment 3G9.0O0.0O0 silver dollars in addi
tion to those now in circulation.
With this immense reserve sliver cer
tificates calling for silver dollars and
made legal tender In the payment of
debts could be Issued on the deposit of
bullion, and since there would be no
question of the ability of the govern
ment to redeem its promise would cir
culate as the very safest form of paper
money, preferred for the settlement o
all large balances to the coin Itself.
The United States produced in 1890
nearly one-third of the world's produc
tion of gold. It will always as a nation
have gold to sell as a commodity in the
best market It can find. It mined In
1S90 three-fifths of the world's produc
tion of silver, and so far from being
flooded in the event of free coinage with
silver from India. China and Japan
will always have silver to dispose of at
Its market price in exchange for the
products of other nations and In pay
ing principal and Interest of its securi
ties held abroad. The United States, as
a nation. Is a debtor nation. The
greater part of its debts were contract
ed on a bimetallic basis when the dollar
measured In wheat was worth a bushel.
The Measurement of Value.
Money Is the universal yardstick.
Now an honest yardstick must always
be thlrtj'-slx Inches long. Whatever
length was laid off and called a yard at
the beginning must always be a yard.
If a merchant uses a yardstick only
thirty-two inches long he Is dishonest
and his yardstick is a dishonest yard
stick. If on the other hand the cus
tomcr after contracting for cloth brings
a forty Inch rod and Insists on its be
ing used as a yardstick he will be sus
pected of dishonesty. hen we com
pare the value (money length) of all
staple commodities we find that the
yardstick of value has been made long
er so that each dollar will purchase
more of almost everything than it once
could. The single standard dollar Is a
dishonest dollar.
Legislation which will Increase val
ues by making our monetary unit a bi
metallic unit, raising the price of sil
ver and all other staple products and
releasing our gold to the settlement
of foreign indebtedness has not the
slightest element of dishonesty. It is
Just because it will restore to the prod
ucts of American labor the debt-pay
ing power which has been taken away
by class legislation.
It is patriotic because it will promote
the prosperity of the whole country.
and do more than anything else to se
cure for it financial independence.
For the United States to Join with the
money powers of Europe in the adop
tion of a single gold standard Is to dou
ble its debts and to fasten around its
neck forever the chain of financial
servitude. It is as mad an act as that
of self-destruction, and. If I may be per
mitted an Illustration in dealing with
so serious a question, as unreasonable
and uncalled for a proceeding as that
of the man who sat on the limb of a
tree and sawed it off between where he
sat and the trunk. It is time the com
mon sense and patriotism of the coun
try should prevail. It is time that a
majority expressed in law their deter
mination to see Justice done between
the debtor and creditor classes and the
producing classes relieved from the
machinations of a grasping, wealth-
absolving, but not wealth-producing
If You arc Tired
All the time, without special exertion, as
tired in the morning as when you retire
at night, you may depend upon it, your
blood is impure and is lacking in vitality.
That is why it does not supply strength
to nerves and muucles. You need
Hood's Sarsaparilla
to purify and enrich your blood. A few
bottles of this great medicine will give
you strength and vitality because it will
make pure blood. Get Hood's.
Hood's Pills
cure habitual conatlpa
tion. Price 23 ceuta.
The best
Dyspeptfc,DeIicateJnfirm and
Wagon to a Star,"
I as Emerson said, that Is,
I don't be content with any
! bicycle except the best one
J made the COLUHIJIA.
Matchless as these famous
bicycles have been in past
years, you will rub your
eyes when you see the
quality and beauty of the
1S95 models 100.
Geaerat Off.ce od Factories, HAKTFOSSt.
san rnAMCisco.
pmovioimci. ourraxo.
. Yoti ne-ed the Colombia .
yt Catalonia, a work of art j
r that show every detail ol
peerless CVIatibiai and ra-
L 1 rfi k
Qtsbia affBcr: by mail tar I J4
two a-eaot stamp.
fop your
Any rtr yotj
want, ti to M
ln-!. h I g h.
Tire 1 to H la
ches wide
bu' to etanr
Bile. Hxrn
Coot many
time In a aea.
Kis to hare vet
ef low wheels
to ft tonr wiruB
for h anllnr
s;rala,fulier, man.
are. hoes, v No.
resettle f tires
Catlres. AdJres
KmrlreSirc. C
I U. Box S3, iixaej 111.
$1.00 WHEAT
Wheat Is Advancing From Day to
Day. and Now Is the Time to Buy.
The Chinch B vg. Heesian Fly. Pmnth. Hot Wind.
ITeaTT Frt an4 Ldg ht Surpli make Wheat cheap
at II W. T ers ts no m. n-y fc h male br rtanaln
bT ant 1-uklntr at thU Kreat ceieal Sfll fro n I to
cwnt higher each day and not hare a trade ob the.
We strongly aJile the parehe of wheat at the
present price, ca a marfin of n' t le than 4 e-ot
double your purchases as your profit will Justify It on
a afe merv'.n. an l the cliaoces are that larpe profit
will certainly be taken on Ihe laretment.
We had ritnr cuto-ner h made from 11004 to
3.000 In this a on Inrestnient of from IO0 to S300
dorinc at ten i!v.
Thert i no m- n y t o he m.idf Mf-fu p this msir
kfta1p,nre ,'r.rtn t,y to di. Huy wliral st
onrr. Send your order in ly !, have your b nk
wire us Ihe amnnt of i:iory t.epoMtisl to our cielit,
and we will at once pla,-e l ie oiticr on reefii t ol jour
telCirram, l:1n? you at lat tloe the fame u pur
chased. y. r fuither Information write us for Iaiy Xarktt
Jtul'tt in. w hich u-et-' hat an 1 wben to buy. and
al.-o our Manua on lelinir in l.raln. and
8to-k. Horn Kkfr. -. VT. NTAMKLLik Cl.,
Kooiii It. Trnilrrn' Kldx..
Beeman's Pepsin Gum,
A Delicious Remedy
For all Form of
(MFTIOX ee that the
B;imo Hcrmau is ou each
wrappt r.
h " h tablet contains one
1 Krala iur t ei sin. If the
i- Kam cannot bo oMaimM
l'.mnl (nl o T- w . . n 1 .i n I j
La stamps for sample p-.c!taire t i
lll.l.HA niEMIC.lLCO.,
. , 2 Itimk St.. C leveland, O.
Crlglnatoi-s of Peputn Chewing Gum.
S E17IS 98 LYE
and purttt Lye
ler it Deing
parkod in ran
id. the contents
r for use. ill
make the bttt perfumed Hard Knn
In '.D minutes itthut bailing. It Is
the beat tor cleansing waste pipes,
disinfect lr j sinks, closets, wastiiuy
bottles, paint, trees, etc 1
Gen. Asents, Thila Fa.
PAY FOR rLRASAVT WOIIK easily secured thronrt
a an early application lor Local AReucy lo sell the,
to farmers and lairynien. One style was shown la
last number of this journal. Aaother win asw k
pictured out. Meanwhile, n-rita for Handsome. Illus
trated Book Praa. Davis Rikvii ci rni wri
lUTtt. CO., Sola Manufacturers, M0 W. Lake St., Chioaffo.
. parkeiPg
hair balsam
Cieankes and beautifies the hair.
Promotes a luxuriant (rrowth.
Merer Taila to Bent ore Gray
II air tf Ita Tiunh 1 fir
j viuv. my uivnw, amir raiunf,
? V. and 1 1W at P-nrrtu
ir it w i
ii y
V V fx
I The ttivmarst
l I . ai niaue. uniiae oil
t ri A Hne powder and
J A 4jw"u remoyable 1:
J are aiwam rva.'
im-H, 's
,- -v v-'i
I I rwat t'oimh Syrup, 1. Sunns Good. Use I 1
Lsl Ultimo. Sold br dmcvlits. 'f
a Li