Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, June 06, 1895, Image 4

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    The Weekly Journal
C W. SHERMAN, Editor.
Jne year, in advance $1.00
Six months, in advance 50
Three months, in advance, 25
Rates made known on application.
Entered at the poatolfice at Plattstnonta. Ne
braska, ai second class matter.
"I am clearly of the opinion that geld and sll
ver at rates fixed by congress constitute the le
gal standard of value In this country, and that
neither congress nor any state (nnder the con
titntlon) has authority to establish any other
standard or to displace this standard.- Pan'el
'According to myvlews on the subject ine-on-
splrtcy which seems to have been formed here
and In Europe to destroy by legislation and oih
enis from three sevenths to one half the me-
taiiic money tn the worlt is the most u'gntic I
crfxae of this oranv other age. Theconsumrr a
tlon of such a scheme would ultimately entail
more misery cpoD the haman race than all the
wars, pestilences and famines that ever oc
curred In the history of the worM." .U hn ;
Carlisle, lnlSTS.
Secretary Furnas of the state
board of agriculture, has issued the
premium list for the state fair, to be I
held at Omaha Sept. 13 to 20. It is I
arranged with the usual care and I
rvnrtxv I
Thk cry goes up from many hearts!
an.i vntoca thmnohmit' tha atnto f nr I
the resignation of Prof. Corbett, state I
superintendent of public schools, be
cause it was his cruel treatment that
drove Mrs. Notson to suicide.
Let it be remembered that it is the
duty of every citizen of Nebraska to
attend the state fair, to be held at
Omaha Sept. 13-20th. There will be
a great deal to be seen and learn d,
whatever your particular station in
Colorado cattle men and Wyoming I
sheep men havo come together with I
clash of arms on Colorado territory. I
The trouble arises from the attempt of
the sheep men to cross certain ranges
with their flocks in order to reach a
point from which to ship east. The!
governor has been asked to interfere. I
The railroads in Nebraska have sue-1
ceeded in getting their assessment re-1
duced $2,513,770. less than it was last I
year, and the people would like to know I
the reason why. Their assessment hBsj
always been too low in proportion to In-1
dividual assessments, and there would I
seem to be no possible reason for the!
large decrease. I
Supply and demand has little, if I
anything, to do with the price of I
metallic money as compared with!
other products. The price of such I
money is fixed by the coinage laws. I
Gold bullion is never worth more nor I
less than the mintage price. So under! lu,s ia,K ot oein& epenuent upon any
free coinage silver would never be bo,Jy' and eveu tLe necessity of foreign
nrM. tha th rir, vaw
News out at Eagle notes that Judge
napmau ia 10 uae iwo rivals air.
Windham and Mr. Beeson-for the
nomination for district judge. Any-1
thing to make a lively fight, gentle
men, me aemocrats mean to win
this time, and the more of a "ruction"!
you fellows get up the easier will it
be for a good democrat to step in and I
carry off the honors.
complains about its railway I
facilities and in derision boasts of only
uo"U6i' B,us luol,6" i w
tne town Derore six o clock in the ar-
ternoon-one-half of them after din-
ner. Plattsmouth hasn't so many
trains as that, and one of its roads
sees fit to run its trains to help other
towns than itself. The M.I', train I
runs from Lincoln to Nebraska City I
eveiy morning, instead or to this place.l
and people on that branch must wait I
more than a half day at Union before!
they can get to Plattsmouth.
The majority of the democratic!
tate committee of Missouri are gold-l
bugs and have declined to call a state
coavention to let the people have their!
aay on the silver question, although a
very general demand has been made j
for a convention from all over the
state. Tbe committee was appointed i
... A MM
some years ago and are mostly federal!
officeholders or applicants and are un-l
der the dictum of ex-Gov. Francis, the J
leading goldite In the state. It's all a!
mistake on their part, for they can I
never smother the rolce of the people. I
Editor Clark Howell Says This Couutry
Should Make ltd Own Finmi
clal System.
Sumteu, S. C, May 30. The twenty
first annual meeting of the South Car
ol in a Press association was held here
today. Editor Clark Howell or thelsomeof the reasons wliy silver should
Atlanta Constitution was the orator
of the day. His sentiments seemed to
be those of the Carolina editors and he
was heartily cheered throughout Lis
1 address
Among other things he said:
'Fellow South Carolinians, look to
the glorious past of your great state
and ask if it justifies the condition
existing today. Glorify the state and
make peace with the union. The war!
has been over thirty years and the Magi
of the union belongs as much to South
Carolina as it does to Massachusetts.
Instead of lighting ourselves, let us
mase practical illustration oi me pai-i
able of the bundle of fagots by getting
togetner ana ngnung me -omer lei-
"There is a world of meaning in the
term of 'other fellow,' as here used. I collectively , and that the intio tailing I Carlisle' opinions were before he al
Ile is a gaunt, determined, iucono-J to eacli American is more t ban what I luwrd Mr. Cleveland to tecorne his
clastic enemy, who cares not for the I
sacred traditions of the republic and I
whose chief occupation is the destruc- j
tion of the ideas which prompted ourlditions of these diflVient countries.
forefathers to establish a government I
of the people and for the people of this!
couutry and not ftr any other country. I
The modern tory is more insidious I
than his prototype of old. He is morel
cautious, but no less dangerous. He I
sneers at the doctrines which through j
the usages of time and good service I
have become a part or our fixed public I
policy, and tells us that Jefferson was I
a demazoirue. that Monroe's hold eon. I
, -
tention that America belongs to Amer-
icans. is out of date and that it must
vield to the theorvof 'international I
commerce,' an insidious pretext which
is being used in many directions asaled," sajs he. "that in he history of
Trojan horse to turn the (Ireeks into I
the walls of our independence and'to J
surrender the control of our affairs to I
foreign shylocks. lie received with I
stolid indifference or positive approval I
the news of the lowering of the stars I
and stripes from the flagstaff of the I
public buildings of Hawaii, and when j
all America has centered its hope and I
its desire on the construction of a canal I
across Nicaragua, to be under our con-1
trol, he salutes the raising of the union J
jack at Corinto and sulks at the protest I
that it must come down or the United I
States will know the reason why.
"It was Patrick Henry who said in
his inspired and impassioned plea for
independence: 4Ve are three millions I
who are bold and vigorous, and we call
no man master.' It is the modern
tory who says: 'We are seventy mil-1
lions, with inexhaustible resources,
with the greatest country on which
God s sun ever shone, with mothers!
who have taught us what it is to bei
loyal and fathers what it is to be 5
brave, and yet British gold has made
cowards of us all.'
"Wear of right and we ought to!
bs independent. When the merciless!
hand of war had turned the plowshares
iuto swords, laid waste its fields and
checked the annual response of the
so to the touch of the husbandmen,
tne K eat wheels of Manchester's cot-
con mnis ceaSfcd tot,,r- Away with
countries setting the commercial and
uuaiiiiai pMiieru iuat we must IOllOW.
It i.H AN lfnnmirtiniltt ailmieiinn tn
I our forefathers mml miaioL.. n ,u
clarin?? OIir 5ndepemlence and as for
me t am not a v.f mon.,.,1
mit that, and I do not believe that you
Thkuk are many men who would
believe in and advocate a ut-i
ard were it not for the bankers and
- ,vi.j CkUUU
banks of this and every country in Fu-
rope are ukine such an active n!trt it.
auvocaniiL' tbe continuance of that
policy . Fven the president, vvhil
professing to faV0r bimetallism, nro
posen an issue of thirty-ear L'old
bonds, thus endeavoring to fasten the
gold standard on the country for that
length of time. The country knows
already that next to the rebels in arms
(the most dangerous men to the welfare
of the country during the war of the
rebellion were the bankers and specu-
lators -men who, for speculative pur-
poses, did nt hesitate to take Uncle
Sam by the throat and force the value
of greenbacks down to almost one
third their face value, while the soldier
was compelled to accept the greenback
in full payment at its face. If jack
(son, instead of the mild-mannered hes-
itating j,incoln, had been president in
18G2 3, the Shylocks of Wall street
would have stopped their antics against
l.the treasury and the credit of the gov-
ernment in short order. But they won
then, and it is this same claw of men
who are today, as they were then, the
enemies of the people. They would
force the gold standard upon the world
. Mm . . .
Decause iney can corner me gold at
their ' pleasure, and force down the
products of labor as they will. They
do not want silver as money on a par
with gold, because it would not be pos
sible for them to corner tin money
market, and the common people would
not be subject so much to thedietation
I of the Wall street tribe
Such ore
be restored to its old place as money of
fina- account
M. CJ. Mulhall, the eminent F.uglish
I statistician, lias published in the June
j number of the North American lie
view an article on ti e "L'ower and
Wealth of the United States," in which
he demonstrates certain very interest-
j ing facts, which are very gratifying
I to the average American. II im tables
j of figures show that the absolute ef
leciive iorc oi ine iiiuci ichii people is
I now more than three what it
was in im.ii; mat uie i iuumi Mates
possesses almost as much energy as
J (ireat lhitain, (leimany ami France
two Englishmen or (Jermmis ha e at
their disposal. He points out, by a
careful comparison between the con-
that an ordinary farm hand in the
United States raises as much grain as
three in England, four in France, live
in (iermanv or six in Austria. One
man in America can produce as much
Hour as will tVed, whereas in
Europe one man feeds only thirty per-J
Mr. Mulhall calls special attention
to the fact that the intellectual power
of the irreat republic is in haimonv
with the industrial and mechanical, I
1ST per cent of the total j pulationover I
ten Years of aire be'intr able to read and I
write. "It may be fearlessly assert-
the human race no nation ever before
possessed 41,i'00,o00 instructed citi-
Classifying the whole wealth of the
union under the two heads, urban and
rural, Mr. Mulhall finds the rural or
agricultural uheallh has only juad-
rupled in forty years, while uiban
wealth lms multiplied sixteen fold a
fact which is largely attributable to
the protective tariff in vogue since the
In a erirs of figures Mr. Mulhall
shows that the "rite in wealth and iu-
crease in wages came almost hand in
hand.' In dealing with the develop
rnent of fatm values, he makes the
following statement: "If the United
Mates ha I no urban population or in-
jdustries whatever, the advance of agri-
cultural interests would be enough to
(claim the admiration of mankind, for
it has no parallel in history.
His conclusions are: "If we take a
survey of mankind in ancient or mod-
ern times, as regards the physical, me-
chanical and intellectual force of na
tions, we find nothing to compare with
the United States in the present year
of 1K5, and that the United States
possess by far the greatest productive
power in the woi'd."
A uoom has been staited among the
rich nabobs of the east to make Chief
Justice Fuller piesident becaiihe of his
deciJon in the income tax case. It
can be depended that the boom will be
shoit-lived. The men who talk that
way havo used Judge Fuller for theJr
base purposes, - which look to the es
tablishment of a monejed aristocracy
in this country, and they will choose
some other tool for a presidential can-
.lt lA.. I II II ft.
uiuaie. air. rimer counm i carry a
single slate, and we doubt if he could
carry a county in the union; mimI the
men whose ends he has promoted are
too smart to break their necks over the
promotion of a man who can be of no
further use to then..
Tiik price of Hour, which has ad
vanced almost thirty-thiee and one-
third per cent in the thirty days,
is out of all reason, as based on the
present price of wheat. It is very ev.
dent that the millers throughout the
couutry are trying to take advantage
of the advance in the price of wheat
to bull the price of Hour. There is evi
dently a dangerous combineamong the
miner, .hat rt.oM l,e loo, 1
our Btate and national legislators
Mil vr-il -...ftl.. 1 A 1
the Nebraska Farmer.
Nkvsia vfai weather prophesies are
getting to be rather wearhome. Why
should any ordinary mortal undertake
to diagnose the character of the
weather for day after tomorrow in a
country so subject to climatic somer
saults that he never hat any distinct
recollection as to how the weather con
ducted itself da? before vesterdav.
We can form our opinion as to prob
abilities and then the weather can act
as it pleases.
Tiik Wjibkly Jouknal will be
sent to any postoMlco In the United
States one year for one dollar, la ad
A New York I'hjht'h Statement, j
Mr. Carlisle was elected lo the house
of representatives and to the United
States senate distinctly as an avowed
silver man, and th free silver demo -
crats of Kentucky are preparing to call
him stearnly to account lor his
. .... . , " ' .
weather-cock politics in deserting that
cause. Recently Secretary Carlisle
made a lame attempt to slow that his
mesenr HttiLtxte on U.m iik-v .
r.. ......... j .......
tiou was the same that he has alwavs
m.t.utained. His elToi t v as justly
greeted with derision and rout nipt,
for it is llatly contradicted h his rec
ord in rongiess ant on the stuuip.
Less than live yeais ag Mr. Carlisle
deliberately voted in the United States
senate in favor of free and unlimited
coinage of silver at the ratio of 10 to 1,
independent of what action other gov
ernments mijjht take toward the white
metal, and, as if he were determined
that there .should be no doubt as to
I wlitt lit iitoott, lie voted on the very
Uametlay agHinstre-itrictingsilvercoin-
I ai? o S.1 mill ) month. Theso
j votes show unerringly what Secretary
J uientor, and it is not surprising that
j u jH dillicultv in Miuarinir his ores
J ent position w it h his past professions.
-X . V. Advertiser.
Whkj.k is Frank Hilton and the
state funds he hypothecated. The
suit against him seem ;n have been
ll-)t ill tl uliliHl.. W ,.. ii.if uuru
made a tmrtv and romnelled to heln
. . v - - - - v . . ' .... k f . ... .
make good the pilferir?s of a man
whom he knew w hen he appointed him.
I'lattsmouth News.
(lo afk the members of the iepulli-
Ka p rty or republican courts. The
-i.. . . ..
uas never yei received acentthat
was stolen from her and therhances
are l1 Rbe nevr will . Nebraska
City New
Foi: a gentleman supposed to be
dead, as alleged by some narrow-
minded individuals connected with
g. o. p. organs, the lion. William Jen
uings llryan is fornifhirg evidence of
life that will keep ihe aforesaid individual-
very busy to produce testimony
that the jury will accept as conclusive,
in support of their contention in the
I'uir.ArKLriiiA bankers ami business
men are organizing to light the silver
movement. The single gold standard
added $lG,7J3,so2 to Pennsylvania's
wealth, as represented by her returns
of property for taxation, in a single
year, and that in the face of h very
heavy slump in farm va'ues. Atlanta
Ecfc Iut.l.rnn Mar be 1 nliabltrd br
MUhty Ilot.
If our f vm were microscopes, what a
world of wonders, and even of terrors.
the atmosphere would appear to bal
Lvcnairthat is apparently pure con
tains a irrt-ht iininU'r of microscoDh?
floating purtieh-'i. There is diLst Jat
has ri-M-n tjin the ground, and been
transplanted from afar by the winds:
there is powderl? matter that has beii
ejected from the interior of the earth
by volcaiux-; tin-re are minute particles
of iucl.-.i itic matter that come limiting
Icwu out f interstellar space, and
there is a great variety of living germs
And organisms, some of which prtjdtico
diseases and death.
The iuvestigatk' that are going on
concerning the origin of the inlluenzfe
tiowafllietiu'.'iM.tnkiud in various quar
ters of the glob have l-d some men ct
science to conclude that a micro-organ
Ism, or liacilhis. of some kind, which
lives and is ditfused through the air, is
the cause of this uut troublesome dis-
lluteveu a bacillus, an small that th
utmost powers of the microsco)e are
taxed to rentier It visible, must hare
something to live on or it will perish.
In absolutely pure air it could notsur
ive, but !). Symos Thompson makes
the interesting suggestion that minute
particles of organic dust Heating in th
air may serve as rafts for it to live on.
What a strange picture this sugges
tion forms in the itaagin&tiou! Particle
of matter, too small to be discerned
with the naked eye, floating through
the atmosphere, and bearing, like
microscopic uet. uncountable millions
of organisms, whoso combined attack
ufliceato render a largo fraction of the
human race miserable.
Hut knowledge is power, and the more
we learn about our microscopic enemies
lu the air the better prepared we re to
resist tho'r assaults. Youth' Compaa
tow- ..... . . .
.MCI UOW I nun "Hi I'unii.
' " B"' ;ca. "Tn th. voiu.
issued from it bore the dates iGo'Z or
GOJ.the same dies being used, probably,
throughout the thirty-four years of
f.-oinage. Some coins had been made iu
fJermuda for the use of the Virginia
colony as early as 1044. Copper coins
bearing the figure of an elephant were,
struck in England for the Carolina and
New England in 1004. Coins were also
truck for Maryland bearing the efllgy
of Lord Ualtlmore. A mint was estab
lished iu Itupert, Vt., by legislative
authority in 1785., whence copper cenU
were Issued, bearing on one tddo a plow
arid a sun rising from behind hills, and
em the other a radiated eye surrounded
Vqf thirteen stars.
Rivers What do jou think of that
tory that a pug noao can be Rtraight
ined omt t Vying on one's face when fn
Lanks I think It's a lie on the faced
it ChlCAP-rt TriHiifiJk (
j DoctHr '
Happy Desire
I'm t lent.
to Serur
; That virtue will, in time, get all it
! arrears of pay is a tact too penem-liy
j admitted to need confirmation; hut it
! has always given ine great pleasure to
I chronicle such specific instances as hare
come to my notii.e.
j There lived not. long since in a tt
i dant village in Ponnsj'lvania a young
doctor: he was not unversed in that in-
- v
toresting art oi gtiessmg, Known a.- m-
science of medicine; but certain eceen
tri(.ities had retarded the rapid increase
; of his practice. Foremost among these
eeeeutricitics was a whimsical wa3' h
had of repairing, ever and anon, with a
bon comi ade or two, to some adjacent
town for the purpose of hecuring what
is technically known as "an edge."
In pursuance of this action, he .se
cured, one bitter February day, twe
congenial spirits and a suitable cenvey
ance. and the three visited a neighbor
ing town where they did themselves
Unusual justiee.
Having brought the community to
bright glow, they .started late at night
on their homeward journey. In the
vivinity of twou. ui. they were passing
a lone farm-house. The place was sur
rounded by a large batch of silence, anj
he thermometer sat twenty-seven de
re. below wro. At this junetu e a
merry thought struck the joyous yo'jnjf
Stopping the horses and taking the
more eapable of his companions, the
wo plunged cheerfully through the
drifts, and were soon lcno-king at the
far.rvr's d--or. In due time the click of
withdrawing bults was heanl, and the
worthy' husbandman, opening the dooi
on a chink, modestly asked what in a
There is where he made his mistake;
for seizing his unsuspecting arm. they
drugged him forth: and putting him op
their strong shoulders, as did .Fnca
old Anchises In-ar, they bore him to the
waiting vehicle. The farmer wa ar
rayed only in n nocturnal tunic of et
reptional brevity, and the keen night
wind pre mental his Kre with great
Throwing him in the bottom of the
sleigh, they wrapped hirn snugly in th
-o1k-s and started the willing steeds
A.ftera brisk spin of three-quarters of a, during which they regaled theii
vuei-t with appropriate melodies, they
removsl the roles and put him gently
by the roadid Then the three dror
hm. where in due time each, with the
assistance of the other two, was put to
bvii. The farmer, with adesperation born
of rVspair, got liorr.e the best h could.
The next eay th young doctor re
reirisl an urgent summons to the bed
:de of a runil jvitient who was sorely
tr;efcen with rheumatism,
"I fear thi -s is a very bad case," said
the win- practitioner: "how did you get
"I)ctor," n-niictl the agonized In
valid, I would not have this get out
t'or a thousand dollars: but last night
at midnight three drunken and murder
on wretches dragged me out of my bed
and carried me unclad a mile away
from home."
The young physician, who had not
received eighteen dollars for profession
al services in thirteen rnonths.vuiited the
farmer every day for seventeen weeks
at six dollars a visit; and so great be
came his fame that he was noon obliged
to turn away many wealthy patient!
who, while still in excellent health,
wished to pay him large retainers in
order to secure his rerTlees in ca& 4
ceed. John I. Lyons, In Puck.
A lady writes from Germany that she
la discouraged about learning the Ger
xuau language.
A German friend who tried to con
verfe with her in Knglish male such a
mistake that she fears she may dc as
badly In German.
The German gentleman iniux-ently
gave this rendering of a familiar say
ing: The ghost Li willing but the meat i
la DlTorr Court.
L)cfcndant.-i Lawyer If your honor j
plea-se. I would like to ask a recess for
ten minutes. A maiden aunt of the de
fendant has died and left him five hun
dred thousand dollars. I wish to con
sult with my client for a moment.
TlaintifTs Attorney (hurriedly) The
lady whom I have the honor to repre
sent instructs me to withdraw this com
plaint. If tJje court please, I move that
the case be dismissed. Texas Si f tings.
"Johnny," said his mother, do you
know who ate tlose cookies I left in
the pantry?"
"I do, mamma," replied the noblo
boy, his eyes filling with tears, "but it
would not be manly for me to tell,"
And that is how it came that John
ny's brother received two undeserved
spankings one for the cakes he did not
steal and uuother for his truthful Ue
ulaJ. Indianapolis Journal.
' ij.t-. ; i'ai-to,
lie -1 see by the census returns thu
Laurence, Mass., makes annually al
most twenty-live million dollars' worth
of textile" fabrics.
She Textile fabrics? What are
they? SermonsV--l)etroit Free Press.
Oui) Tlit:iK Sli ull Coni-l,
(Jrumpy I'shaw! Women tin never j
keep a st-ciet!
.Mrs. (Innnp.v Can't, eh? I'erhaju I
haven't i'ept the sc-et that the engage
ment rin;? that you gave me was plated
Uoslon IJIobe.
Notice to Creditors.
Statb op N'kbbahka. iaH ..
In the matter of tbe eMate f Mary HaLbelt,
Nutiow In hereby given that the rUlnis hik!
demamUof all perHons aeaiiiM Mary liatrhelt.
Oeceattcd, Inte of aaM county and Mate, will te
received, examined and adjusted by the county j
court at the court hou-t in IMat tsmomh, on th. !
tu day of A. I). lXJOat Hlo'elock lu I
the forenoon. And that t-ix months from ana '
after the tftb Jhv of Way, A. 1). lKiir la t. ttuiw ' i
llmltrd for credltcr-of Mild tri.Mi vu.o f l.-
thelrclaliu? for examlnatloji ao,'i aklpwHiiro I f '
Given under in-han tul sill day t.f May, A. M
D. 1 0"5.
. S, rMiKT, County Judge.
The best meats in the market.
PBESH - - -
In fact, even tiling uui want that is
the most palatable for the table,
and in the bet style, and form.
Call and we will prove it.
Fitirerald bll.. Main t . I'lattsmoutb
-.;- t
s - i
Tlie Pninloss Dentist.
Weeping Water, Nebr.,
Maketa ScUlty of Flue UuM F1211r;ir-. ioll
ati'l Porct-lain Crown. liri-J.'e v.ort, etc.
teeth positively kxtkactkd
It S'iVPJLi: and FANCY
A Spooialtv.
One door Mrth of Postofflce
First National Bank
C'Kjjitttl, pK.kl up 55G.OOtJ
V ii i-fv'eui
. Assistant Cr!er
K. I.'. '.Vuire ...
S. Wai.wi. . ...
II. N. Duvey . . .
l!Ui: THst
?k L. 1. K. .V fiiTc-.
W.,uvri m..i 11. N.
I'. :s-.-ksort!i
c-iis. .i,r r. t'i!!t'rt!iii vil n::. j rm t.'y
rtM.r.Ui-l Iliiit t Liifift ii! S i.r-
rinixity v:thii: ari l !m un-l cuuiity 1-.l.,Jw
,J3. copdovan;
. -
- i:j r i t r ':t:ii
Over Ono Million Pcrr le vi-ji the
W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes
All our shoes are equally satisfoctorv
They give the best value for the money. "
They njunl custom ihoes In t vis anil lit.
Their mcarlntr qualities are Ufi'v.irraHsed.
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