Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, June 06, 1895, Image 1

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VOL. 14, NO. 24.
x La 1 1
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i !
Two Young Girls Enticed Away
By Guileful Men.
John .luiies and Charle 1 uelkr Mc-aMien.
iircbe's Itoat ami. lu Coinpitiii Vllh
Cora ltryact huiI Lizzie An
ttioor, ltow Away.
For some years a young man of
rather unsavory reputation, named
Charles Yoelke, has resided in town.
He is said to be the unworthy sou of
an old soldier. He appeared to have
but little to do, but had time to acquire
a reputation in police circles. For a
brief period he has braced up a little
and has been paying attentions to
Miss Cora Bryant, the sixteen-year-old
daughter of Tom Bryaut, a resi
dent of Happy Hollow, Bryant did
not encourage the intimacy of his
daughter with Yoelke and would not
permit him to enterhis house. Never
theless, the girl was apparently faci
nated by Yoelke and met hirn and
kept in his company whenever she
could. Last Saturday night Bryant
c ime home near bed time and found
tne two talking at the gate. He
passed into the house. retired and soon
the daughter, lie supposed, did like
wise. It senuis, however, that a plan
had Lven agieed on for the two to run
away In the morning Bryant found
his daugbtei none and with her bad
gone her wardrobe, which was none
too large or luxuriuus. He informed
the police.
George Grebf, an employe of the
B. & M., who was the happy owner of
a boat, which lie had moored near
Bocky Point, soon after discovered
that his boat, with a neighbor's oars,
was gout?.
It was not long after this that a
young man named Anthony, residing
southeast of town, came down town
and brgan making inquiries as to the
v. hereabouts or his sister. Lizzie, a
giddy gixl. of hftven, whom he aaid
had run away from home with John
Jones, the husband of his elder sister.
He said Inrth of them had disappeared
the night belore.aud he wanted JoLes
arrested. Jones is also a man of little
worth and a tit companion ut Yoelke.
Butting these various facts together
it was guessed that these parties had
stolen Grebe's boat aud rowed down
the river, taking the girls with them
as company, and, of course for no good
purpose. It se.-ms that, young as she
is, the Anthony girl has not been as
pure as an angel before.
Latek John Jones and his giddy
sister-in-law, Mis Cora Anthony,
whom he took with him, returned to
town Monday evening and Jones was
at once taken in by the police for the
theft of Mr. Grebe's boat. He was
tried Tuesday before Justice Archer
and given a sentence of thirty days in
jail. lie told to the officers a tale of
utter innocence. He said the party
had started for Missouri to take up a
homestead, and then be meant to send
lor his wife. They traded the boat
near the Missouri line, however, for a
shot-gun and $1 in money, and footed
it home.
The Bryant girl, who is a cripple
and not very bright, arrived at home
about 8 o'cloek this morning, having
walked from Union. There were
blisters on her feet as big as silver
dollars and she was very nearly ex
hausted by her long tramp in her crip
pled condition.. She said that young
Yoelke came with her as far as Union,
where she left him to come home. He
was afraid to return. The whole af
fair was a most senseless escapade.
The state Pharmaceutical associa
tion, of .which our very worthy
fellow citizen, Henry B. Gering, has
been president for the past year, has
had its annual convention at Omaha
this week. The association is a live
affair, with a membership of several
hundred, from all part3 of the state.
Much business was done and many ex
cellent papers were read, tending to
advance the knowledge of Us mem
bers. Mr. Gering is spoken of very
highly as an efficient oflicial.
The writer hereof, having seen all
the bicjele riders in the Omaha ama
teur contest try their rretal, is clearly
of the opinion that Harvey Holloway
is as good, if not better than the best,
and, barring accidents, has a splendid
chance of winning the race. It is a
trial, not only of speed, but of man
agement, or head-work, and the Cass
county boy is no dullard.
To Our Frltrutl lu Cans ouuty :
Now that the sole purpose of the
managers of The Journal will be
to publish a weekly newspaper, and
wc wish it to be a reflex of the news
of Cass county, we are especially anx
ious to secure correspondents from
every precinct in the county who will
collect aud give us the news from
their several neighborhoods while it
is fresh and readable. Democrats in
the county who have opinions on cur
rent topics to express are also invited
to write them down and send to us
for publication. Do not be afraid to
express your opinions, because they
are just what other men desire to read.
Write for The Jocunal.
Inrreaaetl Tlino in the Mioi.
In recognition of the fact that a fair
crop is now assured for Nebraska be
cause of the abundant rainfall of the
past week, the B. A; M. management
gave orders Monday for an increase of
an hour's time in nearly all the de
partments of their shops in this city.
Thus the men who were working eight
hours were put on for nine, while the
nine-hour men were given ten hours'
work. There is said to lea rush of
work in every department, and the
prospect is for better times in the f u
tuie. The fact is, very much repair
work has been put off just as long as
possible, and only such stock has been
repaired, in all the different lines, as
was absolutely necessary to tto the
business that came to hand. Now,
that a fair prospect exists of their be
ing work for the lines to do tne com
iug season, this do-nothing policy lias
been changed to one of activity, so
that when the work comes to hand the
company may be in a condition to do
it in short order.
A Watrr I'rrMur Tt.t.
The hre department was called out
Monday evening to make a test of the
pressure of the hydrants on Main
street. Four by di ants weie opened.
the hose attached aud water was
thrown, it was estimated, from forty
to eighty feet high from each nozzle.
That is, from one of the nozzles it was
thought the water reached the eighty-
foot mark, but the others lacked a
good deal of it. The test was made
under orders of Chairman White of
the water committee. Committeeman
(rimes knew nothing of the matter
and went to Omaha that afternoon.
He as quite put on', about the matter.
The test came a good deal below ex
pectations. It is reported that the
city engineer, who measured the
streams, says one measured 104 feet.
The Wniuvu'(.'lub.
At the last meeting of this oiganiza
tion the following officers were chosen
for the coming year:
President Mrs. M. B. Stoutenbor
ough. Vice president Mrs. Alice Cum
mins. Secretary Mrs. Nannie Sherman.
Treasurer Mrs. Kate Davis.
Cor. Sec. Mrs. Elizabeth Travis.
It was decided that the club Ehould
have department work next year, un
der the following leadership:
Art Mrs. Snyder.
Music Miss Burgess.
Literature Mrs. Chapman.
Parliamentary Law Mrs. Travis.
May Mortgage Ke-orl.
Cass county's mortgage record for
the month of May is as follows: Farm
property Oled. $05,988.42; released,
$54,455 Ho. Town property filed,
$5,163.25; released, $-5,791.40. Chattel
mortgages filed. $11,504.00; released,
A very good example of cash pay
ments has been set by Farmer John
Holschuh of the precinct. "I don't
believe," said he to the writer recently,
"that during the past fifteen years I
have ever bought anything without
paying for it on the spot. I pay as I
go. Many other people I know could
do so just as well as not, but they
don't do it. They make people wait
on their pleasure. It is a bad prac
tice," and the old gentleman put down
a dollar to pay for the Weekly
Lyman James of Greenwood and
Wm. Conn of Fairbury were in town
today, shaking hands with old friends.
Mr. James (an old-time republican)
says it is amazing how unanimous is
the sentiment among the farmers for
free coinage. Democrats, republicans
and populists are for the white metal.
The "O. K." bath rooms will re
main open on Sundays until 12 o'clock
(noon.) Best batha in the city. Price
15 cents.
Four Itailroad Men Go Duwu to Ieath at
KUItou Crrk.
Dispatches from McCook state that
the most appalling accident in the an
nals of railroading in southwestern
Nebraska occurred at 9 o'clock Sunday
night about midway between Oxford
and Edison, a few hundred feet be
yond where Turkey creelc crosses the
Burlington railroad. As a result, B.
V. Halwy, roadmaster ; Frank Jeffries,
engineer; C. C. Howell, fireman, and
Samuel Mundy, brakeman, are dead,
and Frank Harris, private secretary
to Superintendent Campbell of the
western division, is painfully burned
about the right leg, has a broken bone
in his right hand and is bruised gen
erally. The dead men were frightfully man
gled, two being dead when found, an
other dying shortly after being taken
from the wreck and Boadmaster Haley
dying Monday morning.
A crew and train left McCaok Sun
day morning for the purpose of crib
bing up any washouts that might oc
cur between Cambridge and Oxford as
a result of the heavy rains of the pre
vious night. They found everything
safe uutil they passed the Turkey
creek bridge, a few miles east of Edi
son. Here four men out of six on the
locomotive found sudden, unexpected,
terrible death. The high waters had
eaten away a hole thirty feet wide
and ten feet deep in the railroad em
bankment, leaving the rails and cross
ties apparently intact. Into this
opening the pooderous locomotive
plunged. The freight car next to the
engine crashed on top of it.
A train was rushed to the scene of
the accident from McCook and the la
bor of releasing the imprisoned vic
tims from the wreck w as quickly per
formed. The bodies of the dead men
arrived at McCook. where their fami
lies live, at 5 o'clock Monday morning.
Boadmaster Haley leaves a wife and
thiee young children. Engineer Jeff
ries a wife and six young children,
and Fireman Howell a wife and one
young daughter. Brakeman Mundy
was single. His remains hive been
taken to Aurora, 111., for interment.!
All carried more or less life insurance.
A 'ln of IfO To Hoy aud Light ilrl
- 4i rutin at 1 From the City StliooU.
The school year came to an end last
week w ith becoming ceremonies. The
graduating class was made up as fol
io ws:
W IllUm N. Halrd,
Lur B OatUt,
Minua W Lite,
Mattie Cttrmack,
Maud Kpniiie.
Luke L. Wiles.
Iios L. Hyere.
Anna Sullivan,
Matilda Vallery.
Blanche Keniit-dy.
The class day exercises took place at
White's opera house on Thursday
evening lat and the program consisted
in a laughable extravaganza, entitled
"The Was, The is. The Is To Be,"
which was executed in h decidedly re
freshing aud successful manner by the
"The Was" brought forcibly to mind
the early school days, and kept the au
dience convulsed with laughter.
"The Is" showed the fair girl grad
uates in becoming gowns with their
two brothers, which formed an inter
esting class ef ten.
"The Is To Be" was a serio-comic
glimpse at the future, which enter
tained the crowd.
" What It Is to Be a Senior" was the
subject chosen by Miss Anna Sullivan,
which she handled with a wealth of
fact and logic that brought old school
days vividly back to mauy listeners.
Luke Wiles delivered a good address
to the juniors, which they might heed
to thir advantage.
The graduating exercises were con
tinued over till Friday evening, at the
Presbyterian church, when Prof. Mar
ble of Omaha delivered a scholarly lec
ture on the "Beauties of Our Mother
Tonue" the English language. The
professsor has not the best delivery in
the world and his discourse was quite
lengthy, so that some persons in the
audience became impatient, but those
who had patience to follow the lec
turer through regard it as a produc
tion of rare merit.
The professor, in a neat address,
presented the diplomas to the gradu
ates. The exercises were varied by the
rendering of several vocal selections
that were received delightfully.
The recipients of the diplomas ac
cepted them with becoming diguity,
and were also presented with bushels
of flowers. The girls, to use the com
mon phrase, "looked just too sweet
for anything."
Tom Walling, abstractor of titles,
Todd block. Guarantees accuracy of
all his work. 25tf.
Mlx-Uay Iticyrle Kare.
People of this city, regardless of age,
sex, politics, religion or previous con
dition of servitude, are getting to be
greatly interested in the amateur bi
cycle race which is coming off this
week in Omaha the participants rid
ing two and a half hours each evening
from 8 o'clock till lOr'JO. Twelve
men were entered for the race, but
thus far five of these have dropped
out, leaving seven on the track. The
chief reason for the interest exhibited
in the race in Plattsmouth is the fact
that Harvey Holloway, the conceeded
champion long-distance rider in Cass
county, is in the race, with a reason
ably fair chance to win. The race be
gan cn Monday evening. The most
terrific pace ever seen in the west was
set by a boy of seventeen, named Edg
hill he having made exactly twenty
two miles the first hour, during which
time he gained nearly one mile on the
best other riders a part of which he
lost later on, however. There was a
bigcrowd present and it nearly went
wild over the boy's accomplishments.
The race is taking place in the Coli
seum, on a board track, requiring ten
laps, or circles, to make a mile.
Tuesday night's race showed the
leaders all well up to the front and re
markably even.
On Wednesday night there was a
bigger crowd than ever and there were
spells of excitement in which the spec
tators seemed to grow wild. Holloway
got a new and lighter racing wheel
during the day and was doing good
work with it when Fredricksou fol
low ed so close on a turn as to strike
his pedal, throwing both and badly
bending parts of the wheel, so he had
to go back to his former mount. He
lost two laps in time, and it was one
of the events of the evening to see him
make those laps back off the others.
At the close of the race Wednesday
night the scote stood: Fredrickson,
14U.7; Edghill, 150.2; Holloway, 149 5,
with the five others trailing after, two
to fifty miles. The feature of tonight's
racing, it is said, will be the effort of
Ilolton, a man who dropped out of the
race last night, to win a gold watch,
offered as a special prize, by making
the" best record for the evening. -
A special train has been engaged for
Saturday night to carry Plattsmouth
people who wish to see the perform
ance at its close.
The management of the affair seems
to be doing all it can to make it a fair
race, despite the reports of the Omaha
Bee, and there is no effort to beat any
body or treat any of the riders unfairly.
Regarding- the lucane.
The question, what shall we do with
our insane, has again come to the
front and is giving our county officials
considerable worry. Last uight Judge
Campbell received a letter from Lin
coln stating that Mrs. Janda has been
pronounced incurably insane and de
manding that-Otoe county remove her
as soon as possible. She cannot be
sent to the Hastings hospital, as that
asylum is crowded to its utmost. She
must be taken from Lincoln but where
will she be kept? It seems but little
short of murder to put her in that dark,
unwholesome hole called a county jail
and that is the only place w here she
can be kept. Nebraska City News.
County Convention ut the W. C. T. V.
The several W. C. T. Unions of Cass
county will meet in a two days' ses
sion at Nehawka, beginning Friday
afternoon, June 14th, with Mrs. Celia
Kirkpatrick as president and Mis. A.
P. Weston as secretary.
The program for the meeting is
quite elaborate, embracing many in
teresting features, including addresses
by Mesdames W. L. Cannon, A. B.
Churchill, Kirkpatrick, L. A. Wilson,
M. A. Wakelia and Miss Maud Ben
nie. A Demorest gold medal will be
contended for by various elocution
ists. Juhu U. liartlg-au Marrlea.
A dispatch from Hastings says:
"John C. Hartigan of Fairbury and
Miss Nellie Brown, daughter of Mr.
aud Mrs. II. S. Brown of this city,
were married at St. Mark's this after
noon (June 5) at 4 o'clock in the pres
ence of a large number of invited
friends and relatives. The ceremony
was performed by Kev. II. B. Burgess
of Plattsmouth. Mr. and Mrs. Harti
gan will make their home at Fair
bury." The thirteenth annual meeting of
the Plattsmouth high school alumni
was held Wednesday evening at Hotel
Ililey, includidg in its program a ban
quet. The association uumbers some
75 members. It goes without saying
that the young people had a nice time.
Dr. Marshall, DENTI8T Fitzger
ald block.
Gering & Co., sell the Munyon
The Weekly Journal one year
for one dollar.
The"Plan Sifter"flour is the popular
brand. Ask for it from your grocer.
Leave your orders for job work with
The Journal, an artistic job guar
anteed. Bright skies look down upon this
part of the Lord's moral vineyard and
everybody is happy.
The rain of last Thursday was not
as general over the county as could
have been desired.
Bev. Dr. L. F. Britt delivered the
address on Decoration day at Hum-
bolt, Pawnee county.
Thomas E. Williams and wife of
Louisville precinct were visitors in
town today.
Miss Mattie Carmack, one of the
high school graduates, has gone to
North Platte for a visit.
W. J. Hesser, the horticulturist and
florist, has gone to Colorado on busi
ness. He has many customer out that
Misses Mia and Barbara Gering and
Dora Fricke attended the meeting of
the druggists convention at Omaha
this week.
Bev. J. T. Baird's sermon to the
graduating class last Sunday morning
was highly appreciated and was a
word fitly spoken.
Jack Johnson of the Iowa bottoms
was in town on business the other
day. He is a hard worker and knows
how to make money.
The Sherwin-Williams prepared
paint covers most, looks best, wears
longest, is most economical and of full
measure. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co.
With a splendid prospect for a crop
this summer the merchants of Platts
mouth ought to strike out for the trade
that is to follow. Now is the time to
Dick Stultz and a companion caught
a fine specimen of German carp among
the willows near the water works on
Wednesday. It weighed twenty-five
This is the best time of the year to
paint your houses, barns and fences.
F. G. Fricke & Co., keep a full stock
of the best prepared paints in the mar
ket, at low prices.
A Story & Camp organ, in first clas.3
condition, good as new, to trade for a
good fresh cow. Apply to Mrs. G. F.
S. Burton, Marblestreet, Plattsmouth,
or postofiice box 103.
John Newham, one of the thrifty
farmers of Weeping Water precinct,
was in town last Friday on business.
He says for the time of year the corn
crop is much further advanced than is
F.J.Morgan and wife, T.M.Pat
terson and wife and Chas. Eads and
wife, with their "kleine kinder," pic
nicked at Bellevue on the 5th, during
commencement exercises of the col
lege. The Greenwood and Ashland ball
teams have lined up for three games
this season the Ashlands winning
each game. The latest was on Satur
day, the Ashlands winning by 17 to 11.
The Cass county boys should brace up.
Sheriff Huberle captured the Dun
bar postoflice aud jewelry store burg
lars in a box car at Auburn last Wed
nesday night. They had a lot of the
plunder in their possession, and were
turned over to the U. S. postal author
W. II. Hearing, clerk of the district
court, departed Saturday last for Mad
ison, Wis., to attend the session of the
head camp of the Modern Woodmen of
America, of which body he is railway
secretary. He will return the latter
part of this week.
The county commissioners have
been in session this week, but noth
ing sensational has been done. True,
the board had a small ruction with the
sexton of Oak Hill cemetery over the
amount charged for burying paupers,
but that has blown over.
The infant child of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Beynoldsof Omaha, which died
on Saturday, was brought down from
Omaha Sunday and buried in the
Oak Hill cemetery. Mrs. Reynolds
(formerly MisB Ilouk) was a native of
Plattsmouth and they were mairied
and lived here for a time.
The June rise in the Missouii put
in its first appearance Tuesday morn
ing, and between nine and five o'clock
the water had risen some four feet
and had spread over the bar in iront
of town. The first rise is said to have j
been largely due to a rise in the Platte, j.
which was almost bank foll.EZZZl
Floyd Harshman of Avoca precinct
and a man named John Gosney of
Rawlins, Kas., will engage in a wrest
ling match on Monday evening next at
Nebraska City for $200 a side and the
championship of the states of Ne
braska and Kansas. The probabili
ties are that Harshman will meet the
best man he ever wrestled with.
Barry, a farmer living on the f
ottom, east of the big bridge,
Iowa bottoi
was thrown from a high spring wagon '
by a sudden lurch of tha vehicle while :
crossing through Happy Hollow Tues- f
day evening and was severely bruised j
up and came near having his neck ;
broken by the fall. Dr. Schlldknecht
was called and rendered surgical aid. :
Elder Youtzy has determined upon j
holding a series of gospel meetings at
the Christian church during the month
of June each week-day evening ex-f
cept Saturday. He will be assisted in t
a song service by a Miss Parkinson.
The elder is an entertaining and ear-
.Vrtv n n ra f Via irfill
supported by all the,Christians in the
effort to build up Christianity.
Mart Buttery, who is employed in!
the B. & M. storehouse, was the vic-i
tim of an accident Wednesday morn-!
ing that will disable him for somej
time, ne was handling a heavy draw4
bar when in some way it fell upon the?
two smaller fingers of his left handi
crushing the flesh in a a most painf ui
manner. Dr. T. P. Livingston, the
company's surgeon, placed the fingers
in splints and hopes to save them.
Frank Messia of Mt. Pleasant pre
cinct wa3 a visitor in Plattsmouth or
Tuesday. He says the condition oi
small grain is not very good, but u
improving since the rains; that fal
wheat is also improving, while the
corn is looking splendidly for this tim
of the year. He thinks the warn
weather of last week helped to put
good color into the corn, and in thai
way did it good. Farmers generall j
are wearing smiling faces. f
Messrs. B. L. Kirkbam, TVm. Benfr
and Willard B. Wise, formerly em
ployes of Ttie Daily Journal, art
arranging to publish a daily paper i j
our office, and from our type. The
have received flattering proposals a
support, and think they will succeetj
Being all printers they will be undt
no necessity of paying out money id
help, and hope to make wages out t
the enterprise which will beat loaf
ing by considerable.
Christian Metzger, a farmer soni
seventy years of age and quite feebly:
who lives at Cedar Creek, met with s
accident Tuesday afternoon while
town, which was a first thought to t
serious, in attempting to come ao
a stairway inthe Lehnhoff building
missed his footing and fell totheb
torn. His nose was fractured and
was given a bad shaking up. f
crowd gathered, a stretcher was pr
cured and he was carried to the Fc
kins house in a comatose conditio
but afterwards rallied and was'.ak
From Lincoln comes the followir;
"Warden Leidigh reports that out)
the twenty-three employes at the p
itentiary he has yet nine of the c
ones and there are five or six of the
who will probably be retained for so
time. The question raised as to w
is authorized to appoint the suborj
nates at the penitentiary, is conceed
to be enveloped in fog, which is left f
the failure of the legislature to mj
the proper provision for changing fri
the old system and adopting the c
contemplated by the new constitute
Commissioner Bussell is inclined j
believe that the governor has the i
pointing power so far as all the pe
tentiary employes are concerned.
There is no doubt but what Cass
county will have a good cropf. j
and in view of this fact we wilt j
sell you V
Wall Paper,
Paints and Oil
At nrices too low to mention!
You all know that "paint point:
to prosperity," so be sure anc'
paint your house and barn. ;
Gering & Co.