Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, May 30, 1895, Image 3

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i H.
All Kinds of
' vegetables
Ik Season.
I Ve are agents for the eele
I irated AMON' ) Mil
UUt (M V U A U i W V !
O1 11 Oil 1 fJTlVi-ilY 1
; ri YOU CAN .SET-
iAHirtir. Pro lift aiteutlon gtven to or.ier I
tor Seven of the
Main Strrct.
TIM ATT ta? J 11 i IX f A
Pure Wines, Liquors
Sole Agents for the Celebrated
, M I L W A U K U E
Pabst Beer.
;t'ivT5f s la ie to any part of
or shif ped to any i la-.-e.
Wi:oni you tru;t
your watch !
to clean or repair
To employ an inexperienced amateur,
who Uidy run ytfiir tlir.e-pi ce.
Is a wn:'U-iaaker of !?VBIKV KXI'KK
lt:"V;K 1 K.l 'tOI'K AM AMKKICA
He thorvuirhly understand- every branch
of hi au1 WM:K T EVKKY
charge any more than amatenrs either.
Jiefcr ?.ce nlm about that watch or clock,
' (mith it t'armele's Drug Store.)
jlO MiiD Strrt-t. - - I'Uttnnoulh, Mrl.
Dr. Agnes Y. Swetland,
Itial attention t ltMrlc, Diwase
Women and Woman'i" SnrireiT.
'iSS"1' Omaha, Neb
Attorney and Counselor at
(IKFK'K -liooinii 1 ami I uln Hl k,
Pltittsnioutli. - - - Neb,
Dr. Alfred Shipman,
Jfu j Office in Riley Hotel,
V " ( Main Street entrance.
; Telephone No. iZ. Itcsidence one block south
of M. P. depot.
The Plattsinoutli Mills,
C. UE;i3J:. Prop.
This Mill has Wi.u rebuli.t, -n 1 f uruUhed with
Machinery of the bat manufacture
i In the world. Their
"Plansifter" Flour,
His Df M.ij.erlcr in America. Olv9 it
rri-i nnrt t:e cot;iic-"1.
VLen Baby wm sick, we gave hei C&stoda,
-."ben she wo a Child, she cried for Castorta.
?7tim the Xiecazne JIIss, the clung to Castorla,
Whcrn had C Idrei she gave them C torla.
i. m. k. k. j
kast bound. i
xo. 2, daily B-.itt, p.m. j
o .? uai.y . .. . .. .. . .1,
No. 12, d.illy except Suudtiy
Nn. S'i. daily except Suuday
N. 30, freight from Louisville...
No.S. dally
No. 5, dally
No. 7, fast mall, dally
..H:25. p. m.
12 i. n.
..2:50, p. m
.. ..3:43, p. m.
9:15, a. m.
...2:12. p. ra.
No. 9, to Schuyler, except Sunday 2:20. p.
No. 11, dally
So. VI , dally except Sunday
No. 23, freight to Louisville ...
..4:R0, p. m.
..7:15, a.m.
..8:00, a. m.
i m r. u. u.
! t U.S(; NOHTH: Leaven.
fas-scuger. No. 1 4:50 a.m.
! Xo. 19. 5:03 p. m
! Freight, (dally exo'ptSuaday) 3:35 p. m
j t;olNG SOUTU:
' Passenger, No. 2 10:43 p. m.
j No. 194 11:52 a. m.
! einht, No, 1.2ft .t!IyexceptSuuday)10:05.TO
Ifmm.l.r lh... .11 with
j Theirs wa the battle and theirs tbe pain
h rs Is the iace an lours the pain;
Theirs was the sow lag. the harvest is ou
An .lall we e-ui give them to-day 1 now er.
, An exchange lells a dory or a trump
who rang a doctor's door bell and
tsfced the pretty woman who opened
the door if she would ask the doctor if
lie had a pair or pants to give away.
I am the doctor," replied the woman,
and the tramp fainted.
The Lincoln News says: "It is re
ported lhnt Joseph Opelt, the well
known latidlold and cateiei. hue
turned hid Indian blood to good ac
e.ttint, ami has succeeded iu having
he goveinm-ni, in allotting the Oto
; Indian lands near Guthrie, Oklahoma,
j iiiv-a, quarter seetion to each of his
!Srohers and tiie rest tf The f;milv
I .rogn y. The Opel family history
t:i traditions ruu baek to the aborig
ine. Joe Oudt's grandmother having
t een an Otoe ha!f breed. The land is
-tid to te worth 410 an acre and 2.-UK)
tcifs of it fall to the Opelt family."
In the new school app-u tioninnnt
Ch-s coULty iemaMis in the fourtli
plitc as to enumeration and oppor
rionmeut, the school population show
ing S.154 and the apportionment beine
i-3.777.17. l)ouglas, Laiicjitter and
Gjjje are the only counties exceeding
Cas-s in I'OpuIai ion and apportion
mMit. Cutter. Saunders, Huffalo,
Oue arid S.iline follow next in order
fter Cass.
f he H. M. hns la'ely laMied a neat
t luklet lr-nring ttie title '-Custer's
itdtik-lield." It i- priuied on tine
p.i per and is e!tg!itl illustrated with
vew8 of the tutiioiis battle and battle-
held and alio a tiue portrait of General
'! dou't ever read them lyin' news
aper," said Farmer JJaiMay to the
gentlemen in the next seat. "That's
tight," replied his fellow-passenger;
you can't believe a word they say.'
And on the strength ot the slight ac
ptaiutauce thus fnrmed the polisbed
a rangersold the elf-eutlicientcountry-
ii) an two brass bricks for $1 .5ou each
One of our youii men went into Wm
Iennis' bath rooms the other day to
rinir was secured around his neck
nd he whs instructed how to use the
taut-el and the attendant left him. In a minute the air was rent by
screams that would put an Indian to
sleep and as ihe roof was ulowly rais
ing the door was burst in, and there
he was, jumping and agonizing. lie
hid turned on the boiling hot water,
and didn't know how to turn it off. He
was extricated before he was thor
ouirhly cooked. He iutends to reform
now, as he dou't want to go to a more
torrid country than that dodgaste
hath tub. Neb. City Ind.
A.W. Forbes.ex-treasurer ot the city
of Fremont, is inissintr fioin his home
in that city. Some time ago Forbes
was found short in his accounts to
the amount of $4,300, which his
bondsmen were compelled to make
good. It is supposed that he left home
to avoid prosecution criminally.
The iMckaniny .Minstrel company
which showed in I'lattsmouth two
weeks ago, came to jjrief at Nebraska
City and put up their band instruments
for expenses. Later they redeemed
their goods, only to "go on the rocks'
at Auburn, the next town the) struck
The Auburn Herald says: "The l'ick
aniny Minstiels. composed of colored
men and boys, came to grief in this
city Tuesday uioiuiug. They xave an
exhibition at Daughcrty's opera house
Monday night auri Tuesday morning
their ha?gatre and band instruments
were attached for payment of a board
bill at the Union house, amounting to
$13 BO. Thepioperty is in the hands
of the sheriff. The company left town
l'lu-silay over the Mo. I'ac. truckfl
h-aded for Omaha where most of them
The m-anest man on record ia said
to live in Center county, Penusyl-
..i ti i Y i
vauia. tie told his son-in-law one-
...... . . ,
hali interest in a cow and then refused
t to divide the milk, maintaining that
he sold only the frout half . The buyer
was alo required to provide the feed
the cow consumed and was compelled
to ctrry water to her three times a
ja., Recently the cow hooked the old
. bi3 aon.ln.
aw tor dninapes.
.led Vance, who works for Ithece
Walker on the walker faim, turned
up a silver watch while plowing m a
ield the other day. It proved to be a
watch which Uhece had lost when a
oy, some fourteen 3 tars ago. The
watch keeps as gunl time as ever.
Your mouth is the front door of
your face. It is the aperture to the
cold storage of jour anatomy. Some
mouths look like peaches and cream
and some like a hole in a brick wall to
admit a tew door or window. The
mouth is a hot-bed of tooth-aches, the
bunghole of oratory. It is the crim
son aisle to your liver. It is patnot-
sm's fountain head and the tool-
... -
chest tor pie. Without it a politician
would be a wanderer upon the face of
the earth and go down to an unhon
ored grave. It is the grocer's friend.
the orator's pride and the dentists
hope. It puts some men on the ros
trum, and some in jail, n is tempta
tion's lunch-counter when attached to
a maiden and a tobacconist's friend
when attached to a man. Without it
married life would be a summer dream
and a dude would lose half of his at
traction. Ex.
Tweotr-Seven of the Veterans Gather
at a Uanquet tu Loucuu.
The survivon of the Immortal charge
in the valley of death" thirty-eight
years ago sat down together the other
afternoon, u binall company of gTizzled,
bemedaled veterans, to a banquet in
the banqueting room of St. James' hall.
says a London paper of recent date. In
the chair was Sergt. Herbert of the
Fourth Light dragoons while Lieut.
Wightman of the Seventeenth lancers
rccupied the vice chair. The commit
tee by whom the banquet was organ
ized searched the United Kingdom for
rnrvivors, and the result was the ap
pearance of twenty-seven men only. As
they met hearty grawps were given,
and the old familiar names called out
Jimmy," 'Pete," 'Harry," "Itill,"
answered to the old call, and as hands
ere wrung one gray-haired veteran
would say to another: "Good old chura.
e managed to wriggle together for
many a year." The medals which wew
worn spoke of Berviee m India during
themutlny as well as In the Crima.and
though the veterans, with one excep
tion, wore plain clothes.on every breast
the medals were conspicuously dis
played There were over thirty guests
pres-etit, noncommissioned nfheerst-in
the old regiments, so that the old and
the now life mingled together and com
radeship was cemented in good nut-
brown ale.
Of those present :n the charge ther
were nine of the Eleventh hussars, nine
of the Seventeenth lancers, eight of the
Fourth light dragoons, on. of the
tscots Grevs aiul two of the Llhth
Royal Irish hussars. The single sur
vivor who wore his uniform, and prob
ably the finest man in the company,
was Sergt. l'awke, who stood six feet
in height and measured fort "-f our
inches around the chest. He was twenty-two
years of age when he rode with
the Scots Greys iu the famous charjre
immortalized b' the dead laureate
There is not a white hair to be s.een in
his closely cut black crop; his cheeks
are clean shaven, and his black mus
tache Is pointed a la militaire. This
man of sixty not only stands erect and
firm ujk)u his leirs, but rejoices in his
strength, and in proof thereof he cut
bsrs of lead through with one sweep of
his sword, and played with a forty
pound club in a way to astonish every
one. The gallant sergeant wears upon
his breast the Crimean medal, with
three clasps for I!alaklaa. Inkerman
and Sevastopol, and also the Turkish
medal, and his forehead and cheeks
fchow now the marks of sword cut and
bullet wounds. There were r.-ven
wounds in all received by l'awke on the
eventful day, three of which were on
ids legs. Sergt. Fawke rode in the
lord mayor's show last year and earns a
livelihood as a teacher of physical ex
ercises in colleges arid schools.
Iteat Turns;.
The best law is the golden rule; tiia
best philosophy, a contented mind; th
best statesmanship, self-government;
the best war, that against one's own
veaknessess; the best medicine, cheer
fulness and temperance in ell things;
the best music, the laughter of an inno
cent soul; the best science, the extract
ing of sunshine from gloom; the best
art, painting a smile iipon the brow of
childhood; the best biography, the life
which writes charity in the largest let
ters; the best telegraphing, flashing a
ray of light into a gloomy heart; the
best engineering, building a bridge of
faith over the river of death; the best
diplomacy, effecting a treaty of peace
with one.'n own conscience; the best
journalism, printing only the good and
the true; the best navigation, steering
clear of the rocks of personal contention;
the best mathematics, that which
doubles the most joys, subtracts the
most sorrows, divides the gulf of misery,
adds to the sum of human pleasure and
cancels all selGshness. Detrclt Free
The Biter Bitten.
A Jewish lank dealer In YInnIpeg
I Imposed an old muzzle-loading musket
j on a green English immigrant a few
j days ago, along with thrilling ttneo
; dotes about Injun incidents. The
I greenhorn found the barrel plugged up
! with w hat seemed to be wads. He
! took it to a gunsmith to be cleaned,
ndthe Bmith poked out of the barrel
teven hundred and five dollars in good
, . , . ,
i Canadian bank notes. At latest ao-
1 emmta th lunkman waa belnfr clotfcl
J watched by his friend-
Tire lad
Experience of m
Votary of th
She was of uncertain age and thin,
and she could not get her piano up tha
boarding-house stairs. So the cartman
rigged up a tackle from the roof, put
Danger" cards on tha sidewalk and
hoisted the dangling rosewood and ivory
through the window. The hall bed
room boarder next door watched her ar
rival with mingled horror and curiosity
'I'm afraid she means business," he
remarked scntentiously to the hall bed
room board at the other end of the hall.
"Some people have pianos for ornament,
but nobody h'iSts up a pianner with a
pulley unless they mean business."
That afternoon the piano-tuner ar
rived, and when he went away tha
ownw started in, ravished the ears o
the hall bedroom boarder with a steady
stream of melody from four o'clock till
dinnertime, and after that she hung to
the keys until quarter past eleven.
And every time she trod on the loud
pedal the hall -bedroom boarder fairly
shook in his bed.
The next day the musical arrival de
roted herself to vocal exercises.
"She has a new system," exclaimei
Jie hall-bedroom boarder, who had tak
tn it in through the keyhole. "Sha
tands off in the middle of the floor and
takes flyers at the music."
How do you mean," asked the old
p-entleman from the second floor, wha
had come up in his dressing-gown and
carpet slippers to discuss the situation.
1 mean she loads up with a page of
music, and then stands off and peppers
the piano with big and little notes."
"It's worse than cats," added the hall
bed room boarder sadly, as he turned
The neA morning was Sunday, and
at eight o'clock the new boarder was at
the piano. She kindly omitted scales
and exercises, and worked off "Considci
the Liilies." The hall-bedroom boarder
next door dressed with feverish haste.
A moment later he knocked at his neigh
bor's door.
"I beg pardon for disturbing you," he
said, when she appeared, "but I have a
trifling favor to ask. I notice you have
been singing 'Consider the Liilies. I
want to ask if you won't sing the com
panion song, 'Consider the Hall-Bedroom
Boarder. It's asking a good deal,
but the whole household is interested
tn your music"
"You're impertinent, sir," she said,
angrily, slamming the door in the ap
plicant's face, and again the flow of
melody began.
After dinner, just as the boarders
were beginning to stroll upstairs, a pale,
determined-looking woman hurried
down to the landlady.
"I wish my bill immediately," she said.
in an excited way.
"You are not going to leave on Sun
day," remarked the astonished mistress
of the household.
"I am. I will send for my piano to
morrow, if you will have the dynamite
taken out." -
"The dynamite!" gapped the land
"Exactly. There's a notice on my
piano which says that enough dynamite
has been placed uuder the keys at C ma
Jor to blow me a mile and three-quarters.
I tiptoed around and packed up
the few things I had out, and now I'm
going. Yon have a miserable house and
a horrid, hateful crowd of people," and
the musician snapped her pocketbook
on the change and flounced out, leav
ing the landlady bewildered and speeoh-
a. Shabbily lreaet Wuiusu Wrapped La
the Mautle of Charity ror JLll.
It was iu a Chicago street car. The
womi.ii wasn't dressed particularly
well. Her gloves were worn and her
black dress rusty.
Perhaps she couldn't help it. Perhape
theie were those at home who needed
the money, or what it would buy, that
would have purchased more fashionable
attire. But this thought never occurred
to the two men, or rather males, who in
a half insolent and wholly sneering way
made side remarks about their fellow
passenger's appearance, and said it was
plain to be seen that "she was no lady."
Presently an old man with a heavy
basket boarded the car. The big, ro
bust fellows whose unkind language
had brought a blush to the shabbily
dressed woman's cheek never stirred.
But she did, and giving the old man her
Beat stood until the car reached Fifth
When the Italian woman, who held
one child in her arms and had three
other little ones clinging to her in fear,
was trying to cross the crowded street,
she took the hands of two of the chil
dren in hers and piloted them safely to
the other side.
When passing out of a down-town
business house, where the heavy doora
are swung recklessly" back and forth,
she held the door ajar until the woman
with the mite of a baby had gone in.
When the veil that a little toddler
wore became displaced she rearranged
It, tliat the bitter wind might not striko
the little face so cruelly. And when tho
timid, bashful man, who was a stranger
in the city, asked the policeman tha
way to his desired destination, and that
official, pointing to all the cardinal and
semi-cardinal points, grunted 'Down
there," leaving the man more bewil
dered than he had been before, she told
him in a clear, comprehensive manner
what he wanted to know.
But those were all trival tilings and
did not signify, and, after all, ah
- " Chicago Tribuna.
That Would Tim Aw rat.
Mrs. Keedick (indignantly) Bridget,
ou must leave this Instant! I won't
put up another hour with your im f
Miss Itafferty Aisy, now! If yez
tilks thot way sure an' I won't give ye
a ricommiudation to show to the nix
g'urrel. Judge.
A Sure Sign.
Bings How much do you owe your
livery stable keeper?
Slacks-Nothing. Why?
Bings Oh! I saw you shaking handa
with him and heard you asking after
all his family this morning. Tovm
I Carpets and Rugs. 3
For the Spring Trade we
have replenished our Stock
of Carpets and Rugs at prices
to tempt anyone needing
goods in this line. 'ZZ?
We Have the Stock
To select from in Cotton
Chain 2-plys, all Wool 2
plys, all Wool 3-plys, Body
Brussels and Moquettes.
Our Rugs are well select
ed and lower than ever in
Newest Goods at
Hard-Times Prices.
E. 6.D
Offer Special MONEY-SAVING
A V W was " ' 4t
attention is directed to
Our New . . .
Moline Drill-Drop
"New Departure"Tongueless PiQfnrc
And Janesville DISC UulllVdlUI o
In the Harness Line . . .
We are, as ever, in the lead. We are still making the same
line of hand-made Woik Harness which gave such excellent
satisfaction last year. Our Light Harness is vastly superior
in quality to the factory-made stuff and the price is lower
than ever. Kindly remember that we use nothing but the
Genuine, old-fashioned, OAK-TANNED LEATHER.
WE GUARANTEE to save you money on good quality Wagons,
Buggies and Spring Wagons. Call and be convinced.
O-03D2 3Z SOW,
What More Could You Ask ?
The House Furnisher,
Offers to buyers the chance to" secure the VERY
BEST in his line which the market affords, and
TH E fact that my stock is the Biggest and Best in all
Cass county, deserves the attention of people desiring
something in the FURNITURE line. The three floors of
my store building are full to overflowing with new goods,
and everything goes at 'depression" prices. Call and see
for yourself.
I. PEARLMAN, The House Furnisher,
Opposite Court House, Plattsmouth.
BARGAINS for the Spring
Planter, . . .