Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, May 09, 1895, Image 4

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    2 o
o sin.
or. ocr n.oTHixn tuat's what
THE other Jay a policeman
ctmo to our store end was go
lug to arreet ua because lie
iii:iii Avxa wi-itia
XTirvG a. KNiri:
Too freely. We explained that
prices were the ouly thing we
were cutting, aud that we were
cutting them to please the public
and when they knew we were
si it rou S6 OO, .
We did cot think anyone would
make us trouble for using a kuife.
The Leading Clothier.
Last fall we were told that we could
not luirrow money or renew loans if
Holcomb waselented governor. Never
theless, I now have money to loan on
good farm security, at a less rate than
ever before. Write or cull and see ine
if you desire a loan. J. M. Lkyda,
12-3m riattamouth, Neb.
I.lvingatou llifltta t'aature.
A.C. Fry&ons will pasture sut k
for the ensuing season on Living-tun
Heights. Custom is solicited. 1-lm
JIagnkt Cdemical Co.
Gentlemen: Of the many Pile pre
parations which I have used I found
none to do the work so quick and com
plete as Magnet Pile Kiixek. It
a "quick relief and positive cure," 5
you say. Very gratefully yours,
Alpiieus M. Phice,
Traveling Salesman, Maryville, Mo.
For sale by Gering & Co.
Ice! Ice! Ice!
Wholesale and retail, by the 4'ilo?s Ice
Men," II. 0. McMaken X Sos,
Telephone No. 72.
Pure Channel Icm.
Havini' procured my ice from the
center of the river channel, I feel war
ranted in guaranteeing that my pat
rons wlli pel the best and purest on the
market. Delivered free throughout
the season to all parts of the city.
Leave orders at the grocery stores of
P. J. Hansen or Zuckweiler & Lutz.
15 Geo. Poisall.
Notwithstanding the great advance
in prices on provisions our prices re
main unchanged.
J. C. Petersen.
l'ruinlntot triist of li!ir,eb.. Write
Magnet Chemical Co.
IJear i-irs: The goods which we
bought through your salesman are
sellers; the Magnet Pile Killeu es
pecially sells good and gives excellent
satisfaction. We have re-ordered
through our jobbers several timet.
Respectfully yours,
For sale by Gering & Co.
Col! Subject.
bee McMaken & Son and contiact
for your season's ice and get the cold
est Ice in the market. Telephone No. 72.
TheJouukal invites the merchants
of Plattsmouth t use its columns to
advertise their wares. We know that
it reaches the people who are to buy
of them or of some other dealers. The
farmers have begun stocking up for
spring and summer. Now is time to
invite them to buy of you. There is
no doubt but you can sell goods at
prices they can afford to buy for, and
.the only question is, will you make the
Invitation so that they will see it and
take advantage of it. Make a trial of
The Journal's columns, and you
will be pleased with the results, sure.
Ten barrels of sweet potato seed
from the Red River Valley, at
McCo u ut'h
Leave your order for the season's ice
with Polsall.
Uestaod cheapest fruit treeo in the
State at neiae a ou vuaaKu w
tlOO.000 to loan. National Exchange
Co. See adv't. another column. 14.
Notice Is hereby Riven that the part
nership heretofore existing between
the anderaigned doing business under
the firm name or Oliver & Ramagehas
been dissolved by mutual, consent,
neither member desiring to continue
the business. E. A. Oliveh,
Fred Ramge.
March 1, 1895.
Cany Different Observances of Thla rn
tentlal Staion.
The first week of Lent is remarkable
in some places, for its curious mixture
of penitential observances with gayety
and feasting. In" the United States, with
the exception of Mardi Uras at New Or
leans, and which Ls practically a sur
vival of the days of French ascendancy
in Louisiana, we hare nothing special
In our way of keeping Lent. Foreign
countries present the most attractive
field for the pencil of an artist in de
picting the color of the brilliant carni
val scenes, as well us the more somber
aspect of the religious incidents.
In Venice, when King Carnival I?
about to commence his sway, the repor
of three guns is heard, and the rejoic
ing citizens throng the approaches, by
land and water, to the city or Doges.
The poor people hare been looking for
ward to carnival-time for many weeks,
denying themselves to the last limit o
endurance in order to save enough money
to provide a suitable festa-dresH. Fisher
men in green coats and scarlet caps, the
Chiozzoti, as they are called, come in
from the fishing villages to the lagoons
where the people are supposed to hava,
remained unchanged since the olden
days. These fishermen carry baskets ol
ggs and .fowl. King Carnival land
from a boat and ascends his throne oat.
loggia of the palace, where the Doge
used to sit in the past. lie is hailed by
enthusiastic crowds. It was on this
same loggia, in carnival days gone bj,
that the young gondoliers, divided int
two factions called the Custelll and tbn
Nicoletti, engaged in wrestling contest!
be for the Doge.
Many and brilliant arc the varied
scenes of carnival-time. The street
are thronged with revelers disjjuised hf
grotesque masks and wearing fantastic
costumes, and the air resounds
with the curious carnival cry ci
'clo, cio" (your slave), varied by
playful shouts of "bon ti eonosoco
cara," as the male and female maskers
trip past one another, and thus pro
claim their mutual recognition despite
the adventitious aids of holiday dis
guise. At night the pleasure-seekers
crowd the galleries of the Proeurati?,
and in the caffe. among the grave por
traits of the Dog-es. they sit sippixig
their coffee, and making the air sound
with conversation and laughter. Out
side, under the canopy of stars, the
young fishermen join in dancing the
Manfrena, accompanying the motion
vith the rattle of castanets, and date-
,ng Indiscriminately with peasant
maiden or marchese, while the glare ol
red fire, ignited in the top of the Cau-
panile on St. Mark's piazza, luridly il
luminates the scene.
Behind the piizza the halls of th
Rid otto are brilliant with the scexiet
incidental to the progress of the mis-
nuentas DaiL. ine Kiuotto was ones
occupied by a gambling-hell larp;lj
patronized by
broken-down a r is to- I
crats who fancied that there lav
the opportunity of rehabilitating theii
shattered fortunes; but the place
eventually grew so hot Caat
the government stepped in nnd
closed it up. Not the least interesting
part of the carnival display is the pro
cession of the old aristocrats who were
rich and powerful under the eighteenth
century republie. These dilapidated
old swells are known as the lustris-
slma. They wear the old red clcake
which were once the insignia of t'iieir
rank now little better than a mock
ery. The parade of the lustrisslma If
regarded very much as a joke, and it u
oome times suggeted that the luvt.rle-
sima shanld Invite the "crowd" to n
ception at their ancestral palazzi; and
this badinage is taken In very croud
part by the old, shabby genteels whe
are themselves by no means unconscious
of the pathetic humor of their own po
In Russia, Lenten times are strictly a
period of fasting and abstentation from
mundane indulgence. Shrovetide, how
ever, is marked by a general feast ol
tf5irs pancacS cheese and milk, which
is kept up during the first week of Lent.
jjux. mis ls soon succeeuea uy a season
of great severity aiKl self-denial. In
fact, when Lent draws to a close, the
nation may be said to have reached a
condition of temporary physical d.;teri
oration in consequence. During the
first weeks of the Russo-Turkisb war of
IS77 the Russiin army became so weak'
ened by the olservance of the fasi thai
the czar, as head of the Greek church.
was obliged to issue an edict suspend
lng the operation of the ecclesiastical
law enjoininjf lasting. Had this not
been done, the soldiers would have been
unfitted for the arduous fatigues ol
the campaign. Church services during
Lent In Russia are most imposing. In
Moscow, at the church of Vassili Bhv
jenny, the metropolitan (or archbishop)
holds the inspiring services at th5 head
of his priestw, attired in their splendid
Vestments. There are no statues is
the church and no instrumental musla
The singing, on the other hand, is won
derfully hue, and those who have not
had an opportunity of hearing it can
hardly conceive how exquisitely har
monious purely vocal church music can
be made.
In Syria the Marronites, or Christian
Syrians, who are adherents of tho Greek
church, lead very strict and devout lives
J 1 . T a m
aunng jLienu xneir ceremonies are)
elaborate and multifarious, for the Mar
ronites are distinguished by a certain
predilection for religious emblems of all
kinds, and possess the natural eye for
picturesque ceremonial characteristic of
semi-bar baric races. .
in imrai iimenca me injuia;i nonu-
i'Z'S ?
of courso catholic falth.Once a
She Wanted It l!lck.
Tjncle Ebony I'se done brought back
flat cfr ess your lady done guv ray wife,
sah, to go to de Coonville ball wid. She
say it won do.
liingo Why, what's the matter with
it, uncle?
Uncle EbonyIt's a little oil color,
sah. You see, she's done got to go Is
mournuV tah, on account ob her flrsf
Uushaa. 'Judge.
An Array
of Figures That
la Slniplj Ae-
It appears, according to the estimate
of French and Herman statisticians,
there liave polished In the wars of th
last thirty years 2,500,000 men, whiU
there has been expended to carry them
on no less than the inconceivable sum
of $13,000,000,000. Of this amount France
has paid nearly 1 3,500,000,000 as the cott
of the war with Prussia, while her losi
fn . men is placed at 155,000. Of thest
B0.000 were killed on the field of battle,
80,000 died of sickness, accidents, oi
suicide, and 20,000 in German prison r.
while there died from other causei
enough to bring the number up to the
given aggregate. The sick and wounded
amounted to 477,421, the lives of many
thousands of whom were doubtles
shortened -by their illness or Injuries.
According to Dr. Roth, a German au
thority, the Germans last during the
war 00,000 men killed or rendered in
valid and frtOO.000,000 in money, thlt
being the excess of expenditure oroi
material losses over the 1,250,000,000
paid by Frauce by way of Indemnity.
Dr. Enrol, another German statistician,
gives the following as the approximate
cost of the principal wars of the last
thirty years: Crimean war, 12.000,000,000,
Italian war of 1S49, $300,000,000; Prusso-
Danish war of 18C4, $35,000,000; War ol
the Rebellion North $5,t00,0OJ,000,
South li.SOO.OOO.OOO; Prusso-Austrian
war of IS, $330,000,000; Ruvto-Turktsb
war, $125,000,000; South African wars,
$3,770,000; African war, $rj,&50,00O;
Servo-Hulgarian, $170,000,000. All these
wars were murderous in the extreme.
The Crimean war, in which few battle!
were fought, cost 750,000 lives, ouly 50,-
000 less than were killed or died of the It
wounds, north and south, during the
War of the Rebellion. The figures, it
must be remembered, are German, and
iulcrht not agree precisely with the
American estimates. The Mexican an4
Chinese expeditions cost $200,000,00$
and C5.000 lives. There were 250.00$
killed and mortally wounded during the
Rubljv-Turkey war, and 45,000 each i
the "tatlan va of 1S59 and the war be
tween Prussia and Austria. In the
other wars the loss of life was relative
ly less, which did not make either th
men or money easier to part with in ths
more limited areas where they occurred
And this is but a part of the accounting.
. . & vast
since It does not inciuae tne millions
expended during the last twenty ye
in maintaining the vast armameoss
the European powers, the losses cause
bv stoma ire of commerce ana rnanuin
tures, and the continual derangeme
of industries by the abstraction tom
useful employment ox so many millions
of persons held for a period of mHltarj
service extending from three to flvs
rears. Tonon Lr Mail.
Mbvmij ilea's Atuf7
Tve seen royalty In almost every sit
uation in which the publio is permitted
I . . u t a 1 - J . .
w gaze on it," saw BTewia gwocvrui-
er, "ana me most impressive siut.
ever saw I think was the czar of Russia
at a court reception. The courtiers con
veyed every mode of expression, by
word and gesture, their respect and
veneration for their ruler. He seemed
to fully appreciate it. He stood unmoved
through all these demonstrations of
loyalty and fealty. He seemed to fully
realize the fact that he held absolute
power of life and death otot millions of
people. I do not think I could meet
another man so manifestly conscious of
his own authority and power and so en
tirely careless of others." Chicago
CTatleau and Sack-Uttck Coats.
Most new fashions which show a
radical change from long-established
modes meet as a rule with extreme op
position from the majority, yet many of
these very fashions finally win their
way to popular favor by sheer force ol
Insistence. Scores of derisive sdjecUvee
have been applied to the Watteau and
auck-back coats, but it appears that the
feelings of many of those who expressed
an adverse opinion of them have undsr-
irone something more than modifica
tion, and the sack-back and the Wat
teau models are actually looming up In
quite general favor. This can in s way
be accounted for. There are certain
articles of apparel that, for elegance and
fitness, are almost entirely dependent
oa contemporary fashions. The trained
skirt was a necessary adjunct to the
new coat. Still advice Is given to any
woman whose stature la under five feet
three inches to avoid it N. Y. Post.
-Cheap Fruit Cake One cup of but
ter, one of brown sugar, half pint of
molasses, two eggs, one cup of soul
milk, one teasnoonful of soda, one pound
of flour, one of currants, one and a half
of raisins, one teaspoon ful of cinnamon
half teaspoon ful each of clores and all
spice. Hake in a slow oven. This Is
excellent. Detroit rree lYess.
A lrawbur.
'How has that railroad into your city
affected her prosperity?"
"Euined it. People oan rot a war now
for less than it costs to ttaj'-MJuCbj.
Attorneys at Law,
OKFICrc-FUiRtrald block, over FlrlNt'l hank
Plattsmouth, Nebraaka
The Plattsmouth Kills,
C. HEISEIi. Prop.
Tbla Mill baa been rebuilt, end furulabed With
Machinery of the beat maaufacture
In the world. Their
"Plansifter" Flour,
Ilai no Superior In America. Give It
trial and be conylnced.
At the Old Stand Again,
Waterman Block,
Wla.exe E3!a,s 0;pe:n.ea. a,
IBrsirca. 2STeTxr Stocks: of
Hats and Gent's Furnishing Goods, Etc., of
the Best Material, Workmanship and the
Very Latest Styles. - - - - -
First Premium
at the
Columbian Exposition
The Singer Mao'f 'g Go.
54 Firot Awards,
Hoinr tha Diiubor of a war J oktattiJ
by aar atblUtor au4 more tbao doubl ib
Dumber r-clTa by all etbar SewiDf Macula
cvmat. AwarJa repaired on tb folio lif :
Fatally Sewtof Machlu. V. 8. No. 5.
I Y.t: U.anJ aluirla TbrcaJ Automatic
Chalu silub MacbJue. Saw In f Mbln
Cablnela. Art KnbrtlJrla, Lac a. Cur
taJoa. I pbolatery. ArUalle ruruitbina,
SwlDcao-l UtnbroMcrr. Tapatry Ma
chlsa Wwrk.
AIm 43 AwarUa. covarlDf iaacblDa
for maonfacture la Try !' bre a
itowlof Marblna can te ul o Wool
Cottoo an-t Silk Clotb. Kult GooJa
Ixatber. IC . fr Oruaravotal Mllcblng
Utition bolca. Kyrlela. Harriot. tvcr
tmlu(. sia;lo(. etc
The Singer BTfg Co
"Air.Ovortho Wvrld."
IF your aUhl U falling, c 1 on UEH
INO A CO.. and 'bey will mend It by fit
Udk your eea with rotr lenaea.
4 a
Yuan for Oood Kycalffrl.
Attorney at Law,
OKFICB : Beoond floor of the Todd hlocr. eaat
of the court houae.
Park OaaaiTT Pillb will reduce your weight
FKUM ANKNTLY from 1 to l&pounda a month.
NO STARVING, alekneaa or Injury; NO PUB
L1CITT. Thar build up the health and beautl
fVtheeomplaVlon.leaTlnir NO WUINkLK or
Sabblne... STOlJT ABlToMENa. and dimcnlt
breathlns aiiTaly relleyed. NO BXPICRIM, BNT,
but aaelentlflo and poaltUe relief, adopted only
after yeara of experience. All ordera aupplled
direct from our omce. Price W.W Pr pacaee
or three pack area for 19.00 by mall poatpald.
Teatlmonlalaand partleulare aealed S centa.
t3flrAU oorrdapoudence atrlctly oonBdenuaj.
Park Remedy Co., Boston, Mass
I trrrCou.o. l)v
-, nick Utartache In-
dicBtlou -pi'.'.i
eure with Wx. v
the "lireci nHi- . lriilv vouivl'1 with.
ar purely efft. . uJ never l iil to fflve aa'.
Beware or c.
nice tn!Ht ol y ry THK J OtiN C. Wh
i-.r:. on uniiinu". " r-'L
. r uiifi imiiiiinius. prr..- iiiV.aUV 4Ww
Ft G. Filcke & Co, drc&glsts.
a Dollar's Worth
Every purchase made at his store
is a guarantee that you obtained the
best and most goods for the least money. $
$I0O,D00. $100,000.
We have $100,000 to loan at a low
rate of interest on well-improved
farm lands in Cass county.
The National Exchange Co
Offloo: First atairs east of court liouse.
--DKA1 Kit IN
Lumber and Coal.
Mcndota coal .... t 4.15
Hard coal
ninnn Pltr roal 7.80
Those tiny Capeulea arc superior
c to Balsam of Copaiba,
I A jCubcba and Injections. W$jI)
Ifti lTuey euro In 4Q hours the
Q tamo diseases without any incon
B. 11 NDUE, H.I.
Xlie Good Haxtuti f tati'M
For Young and Midillo Aged Men.
Infallible remedy for Youthful Errors i iul
later Bxceasa. Mulaiiclioly. Mt ulal 1 in lun
Nerrous Debility, Palpitation of ilio IIhii.
Kid Droftins, Dustiness Nlylit I,oRr8, railing
Sickness and File. Hht ri, Syncvpi'. St. Vitus
Dance, and Uliouniatlmn. Ilavo urtl ovct
StKH) caaea. Fmru onti to thr itlUM kIojch
Vigor end bealth. tviu t.ViO lor a U.ttto l-y
V. U. money order. AiIUitbh
Ci. v. iats:i.i lit. !.,
Council llliillri, IvUva.
Jr. 9. A Wiltteii Ounrnntoc pivi n tacit rur
enaeer to rcluad money unlesa cutcd.
Groceries, Dry
Goods, Notions
? General Mdse. i
The Old Reliable S
, Pioneer Merchant
ttora Tbroat,
iiora pot, Acl, Old bum
JleT in Mouth, Uai r-Kallimrt
Writ COOlti
,'N EMEOY CO.. 07 UbmbIc Te
Ultlearo. 111 tor proof a of cure. CpH
tad, K&00.O0O. Wont turf rami la 1&'
te SSaay. 104-nc book. fVee. (
jltDoSQ's Brenio-Ceieiij.
Prlon.ltJ;' i!-nt tar Irvou9 or F i t-a
Uiwrial or 'ri-! N-nf:ij;' also lor h-i
Au.eii. Ant.Uotw for A)o..:io!i
an.1 ot hr o rwva. If low, 1(1, 25 J. u n?--KUiirvtsutut.
151 S. Wcsttnnvfnue CHICA"'
G. W. PHNGLE, m.D.
Glean Swscpjor ihc Dlood!
Tlit; (lootl SiimHrilau has loon a practitioner
ol iiifdirino 'i yraiM uud Las cured over a
thousand caers of
No ikhhI of jjoiii" to i lo Hot HprliiKU of
ArkiitiHutH r t li.t win tl wh-n you can Ins
ClllPd Hi lion O or lli Worst Ill.ol 1moi)
nut ii or milium i ver htv-tmoa victiiuot.Mithout
lliu uo of iiit icury. arsitno ir any other
... .... i . . . , . . . a3 .a A i . t m a- -. era -v
ruh r lor ti IkHUo it nuttK iue. 1 1 only ritiuttca
1 t t l lu.ll..u I. r.
in i u I u i tii hi . im in r uy i'. ii. nKkni'y
a diPHt from ono
i. v, nvsaUIW iri If.
t ------- v. . . m .
'.b vrrltl. n j ij:iri.(. o to cuch pur
chnsnr to refund money unless cured.