Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, April 18, 1895, Image 4

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    1ne HiiNo and ANOTilKit. orcranized territoiv in the last session At "Sunnyaide."
of the legislature. He was accorded Nebraska has only a few real poets
Frank lUird, a press-feeder, who the leadership of the independents I and William Heed Dunroy is one of
has been employed by the Festner during the term, and although often the "few." Mr. Dunroy is a tttudenl
Printing company in Omaha, fell taking issue with Speaker Ilichards, of the state university at Liucoln and.
from the west approach of the Union was highly esteemed by that gentle- of course, fell in with Cliff Weaeott,
Pacific bridge at that place about one man and highly popular with all the who attends the big school from thin
O'clock yesterday morning and sus- representatives of the three parties in city, and through the latter made a
tained injuries which proved fatal, the house. Kvery member of the short visit with the Wescotts
He and a companion started for Chi- house, including the speaker, signed in this city last week at
cago in the night, and on getting to a petition to Governor Holcomb in "Sunnyslde." Mr. Dunroy evidently
Council Bluffs, were unable to get out favor of Captain Barry s appointment returned to Lincoln with the impres
on a train and started to walk back aboutthreeweeksbeforeadjournment, sion that the Wescott family is corn
over the bridge. At the west end they and the speaker presented it and acted posed of very pleasant people, as the
started to run to avoid the toll keeper, as spokesman of the delegation which Lincoln Call of yesterday evening
and Baird tripped and fell fifteen or waited on the executive. Captain contained the following from hi prn
twenty feet to the rocks below. The Barry will assume his duties at the under the head of At Sunnyside:"
injured man was about twenty-three adjutant general's oQlce April 17. The sun seems to shino far brighter
uan or The haJovs fall fur lighter,
l X.y-l !.. 1 kl. on OA I '
jonauuraay uas seiueu uia Thetr music seems completer
atrainst the Chicaeo. Burlington x I Atsunnysido
home, lived
with his mother in Chi-
Referring to the letter addressed
him by Secretary Morton under the
date of April 11, directing an investi
gation into all the causes of the rise in
the price of beef. Dr. Salmon, the chief
of the bureau of animal industry, has
presented to the secretary a brief
statement as to the prices in the Chir
cago market of dressed beef and ship
ping steers since January 1, 1S95. The
The statement showes the extremes of
prices for this class of cattle to have
been for January, J4.00 to 15.25; for
February 4.10 to $5.50; for March $4.60
to $0.20; for April (first half) $4.75 to
$6.00. Commenting on these figures
Dr. Salman says: "These prices show
that cattle on foot are approaching
paying figures for growers and feeders.
But they do not warrant any such sen
setional rise in the price of dressed
of the retail dealers in meat toconsum
ers. A normal rise in the wholesale
price of dressed beef and in the retail
prices should be only in proportion to
the rise Indicated for Leef on foot."
Tbo world about look cheerful.
No one wouM dare be tearful
At Sunuyhlde.
Quincy Railroad company, commenced I Tne very grH(ls ,eenn greener
in Douelas countv. and acrees to pay I The ky above is cleaner.
the costs. He sued for $9,000 for losing
a leg near Pacific Junction, la., on
A nril II'. ICC lid aahHail n lHl the
v Kven?ov0peem!ltol)O far truer.
Company in Uecember, receiving Temptations 1 know are fewer.
$100 in cash and an agreement to give
him a life position as flagman at $40 a
month, but in November, 1S03, he was
laid off, and therefore brought suit.
The stipulation of discontinuance does
not state the terms of settlement.
The world seems to me far dearer
. And heaven Its self seems nearer
At Sunuyslde.
Ob, long may It b juanted.
This bit of heaven transplanted,
In sun or rainy weather
May keep Its dear ones together,
A Curious Marring OrtlrtrMt.
Among the curiosities in Judge
li tmsey's ofiice the following relic has
been discovered:
Next Monday is Arbor day in Ne
braska. The governor has issued a
proclamation calling upon all citizens
rr nhuorvfl th dav hv nlaiitincr trees
. ,. I Tirkitoht or Xebhaska. County of Casa: I
and by appropriate exercises.biuce the I hereby certify that on theM day of September.
inception of the idea by Secretary Mor-1 a. i. ism, 1 did soiemntethe marriage of John
. . , I P. Aughe and Cecelia 1). Throckmorton at the
ton over 700,0)0 acres of trees hae hoilM.of Joseph Throckmorton In said county.
if to butchers by the great slaugh- been planted in Nebraska. Thirty years Given under my hand this S2d day of septeur
ing establishments, nor an advance ago Nebraska was noted as a state br A D u (.IULD Ju8llfe of the Peace
:h as has been reported on the part without trees. At the World' falrNe- N it. i further certify that up to this day.
braska took first place in the forestry
exhibit, and the display made was
from trees which were the outgrowth
of the Arbor day idea. It was first ob
served in Nebraska as a holiday in
1372: since then every state and ter
ritory, with three or four exceptions,
Oct. 15th. I have receive! nothing for the above
service and 70 miles to travel to perform It. or
to ray for recording this return either, nor do I
see any pro peel of getting anything.
A. I.. fUILI.
Capt. Dave McCaig, who was shown
the above suggests that It might have
been paid in cotlonwood lumber or
prairie breaking", because thos were
The Chicago, Burlington & Quincy
railroad company has filed before the
state board of transportation an an-1 bave adopted the day, the date being tne only 0f money they had here
swer to the complaint of Bicharelloge- fixed so as to best suit the tree plant- then, and both of them were legal
boom who protested against the clos-1 ing season. Plattsmouth should do her I tender.
ing of a depot at the town of La I share of tree planting on Arbor day,
notwithstanding the fact that we have
more natural trees than any city in the
Platte. The company says the town
is of an insignificant character and is
within two miles of Oreapolis, which
is of easT access to the inhabitants of
La l'latte. The road says it will open
the station when public interest de
The fact that Wm. J. Bryan de
livered a religious discourse in a church
at Omaha on Sunday last, on "The
Immortality of the Soul," seems to
have struck the News man as a rare
occasion to sneer at him. The fact is, !
it is not the first occasion of the kind
by any means. He made an address
before the Brotherhood of St. Andrew
at the Eastern Presbyterian church In
Washington, last summer, from the
text, "And the Common People Heard
Him Gladly." From the News stand
point it may be that a public man can
not be a Christian.
the Lngllh language
arc )
T"HREE of the greatest words In
I 11
MOTHER can be pleased by having
tteHOME nicely papered or painted,
and HAPPINESS Is sure to be the result,
and there t:aa be no doubt where to pur
chase tbeai. as OKKINO & CO. have
the most complete and best selected
stock, at the very lowest prices.
Yours for Mother. Hoinw anl
The enormous growth in the bicycle !
business in recent years is indicated!
by the fact that whereas the total
number of bicycle manufactories in
the United States was but six in ISSo,
with an output of only 11,000 wheels,
and in 1890 but seventeen, with an out
put of 40,000, at the present time there
are 126 factories, which will make an
aggregate of nearly or quite half a
million machines this year.
The chorus club of the Thurston
Rifles have postponed their tripHo this
city until next week, when they will
give a musical entertainment at
White's opera house. The date and
program will appear later.
In referring to the manner in which
visitors were entertained at the dis
trict declamatory contest in this city
last week, the Weeping Water Repub
lican says: "The visitors all speak in
the highest praise of the courtesy and
attention of the people of Plattsmouth.
There was nothing left undone to in
sure th6 comfort and convenience of
all visitors, all of whom, had they
notified the committee of their com
ing, would have been entertained by
the generous hosts. Plans had been
made to take visitors over the town,
through the shops, and across the
river, but these plans were spoiled by
the rain. The attention of the High
School and citizens of Plattsmouth,
this year, stand out in striking con
trast to the colossal indifference of
Beatrice last year."
C. H. Parmele planted a small patch
of alfalfa cn some of his land near
Cullom last May and on examination
yesterday found that the plants had
grown very nicely, the roots extend
ing some eighteen inches in the
ground in one years growth. Being
such a dry season, it was not expected
that the first year's growth would be
so favorable. Mr. Parmele has con
eluded to plant one hundred acres this
spring and has already purchased the
seed for the purpose, the same costing
him $5 per bushel. Mr. Parmele is
the first one The Journal has heard
of who will plant alfalfa this year on
such a large scale.
At the Old Stand Again,
Waterman Block,
Wliere iECe ZE3Ia-s Opened, a.
Hats and Gent's Furnishing Goods, Etc., of
the Best Material, Workmanship and the
Very Latest Styles. - -
'T Buy a Dollar's Worth
A Melancholy Kiprltir .
1 said one day, the milk I buy is
taken from the creek: it isn't fit for
a man to drink; it makes me weak and
sick. Aud having spoken In this
strain, I went and bought a cow, she
had a soft and loving eye, a lofty.
thoughtful brow; she was a mournful
orphan cow, a creature calm and tnild;
the man who sold her said that she
was gentle as a child. I said, tonight
we'll have some milk as pure as milk
can be; and then I took the pail and
went to milk her, merilt e. That gentle
creature humDed herself and kicked
me through the roof, and left upon .my
classic brow her trademark with her
hoaf: she causht me on her crescent
horns and tossed me o'er a tree, and
then came round to where I lay, and
calmly sat on ui? ; he danced a polka
on my chest and jibbed in with her
horn, until I wished, like Job, that 1
had never once been born. My neigh
bors picked my pieces up when that
old cow was gone; they put in splints
my busted back aud glt.ed my forehead
on; they riveted my shoulderblades,
and nailed my collar bone, and fixed
me up in such a shape that I could
walk alone; and I toddled off in haste
though feeling pretty sick, to get the
milk the milkman brines from some
where down the creek. Walt Mason.
I.I.I of Letter.
Remaining unclaimed in the nostoffice
at riattsmouth, Nebraska, April 19.
Iloujrher. John Jewell. Eddie
Morion, Harding Spouler. Charles
I'ersons calling tor any of the above
letters or parcels will please say ad-
rrtis-d." V. K. 1 ox. r. M.
The case of T. Hudson vs. the
Knights of Pythias and Odd Fellows
lodges of O'Neill was tried In the
j county court of Holt county yesterday,
andthe jury returned a verdict for the
plaintiff. When Barrett Scott disap-
An Kxpnstv lilt of !tort.
Ed Mann and Frank McFadden
armed themselves with fishing tackle
yesterday and drove up to Clark's
lake, some four miles northeast of La
Platte, in Sarpy county, where they
angled for several hours with very fair
success. When they returned to the
buggy to start home it was found that
Ed's new tailor-made coat and vest
and the lap-robe and whip had been
stolen, and with the coat went a purse
containing some $2 and a fine, the
same belonging to McFadden that had
been stored in the coat for safe keep
ing. Some miscreant had quietly ran
sacked the whole buggy for spoil, al
though the anglers were but a short
distance off from the bugpy the whole
afternoon. The loys have reported
the theft to the sheriff of Sarpy county
While searching about the other day
among his papers. Clothier C, E. Wes
cott came across an essay written by
his brother, Charles J,., in the spring
of 1S-J1, when th two were teaching
school in adjoining districts in l-.ii
Porte county, Indiana. The ry
was read by the composer t the ex
ercises given in connection with the
ch'Hingof the brother's school, and by
thel.V.ter was preserved, although lie
had not sen it for years until its re
cent resurrection Charles J,, serveu
in the war of the rebellion as a union
soldier, aud died shortly alter the
tle of Murfreesboro. Mr. Wescott es
teems the essay highly, and proposes
that it be retained as a family relic.
To Whom It Mjr ( nnrftn:
1 am making a genuine effort to close
out my business here. o that I can
join my family in California iooii.
Therefore I must not onl fell my
good cheap, but I mu?t clo;e all run
ning accounts and sell for cah. Tiioe
of my friends whom I have been carry
ing should appreciate, thin fact and
call aud settle up at once. Friendship
cannot continue long unless it is
mutual. Call and rv me.
F. McCoUut.
Carpets and Rugs.
For the Spring Trade we
have replenished our Stock
of Carpets and Rugs at prices
to tempt anyone needing
soods in this line.
The makeis guarantee dtes not
amount to much unless the maker is
responsible. The makers of the Cres
cent bicycle aie solid. We can't afford
to risk our reputation on any other.
Lkhniioff Uuo. Couuty Agents.
w2'. Plattsmouth, Neb.
-1 a t a M .
peareu,iaeE.e louges eacn ouered are-
ward of $100 for the recovery of the I and hope to recover their property, al-
body. Hudson was with a party of I though the chance is really a slight
The directors of the fair association
have given their consent to the con
struction of a third-mile track inside
the present half mile course at the about eighteen which was searching one.
fair grounds lor tne accommodation the river looking for the body. He was Trouble i iir.winK.
oi uiujiciiato. K1 I urst to fasten his hook unon the dead A. B. Smith, the veteran and en-
cycling a decided boom and its con-man and he claimed the 8200 reward, trlneer and hot on the trail
Btruction will be hailed with joy by The others who were there objected to of the men who have lately take pos-
every rider in me city, ine cost will I this and said it should be prorated, but session of the bottom land just above
be borne ny tne wneeimen ana a meet- he would not consent to this and sued the water works pump house, the title
in of riders has been called for this I the lodges. lie got judgment for the of which rests in himself. Mr. Smith
evening at Bchulbotra at eight o clock fun amount. The case will be ap- had all but closed up a deal for the
for the purpose arranging details. I pealed. sale of some 200 acres of the tract, but
the fact that the "squatter" refuse to
m -a m a 1 I m . f ft M m
r.nvamr.r lio comt) ii mar aiier-1 I'oaimaster i?ox said to a Joiiiittat. oro hence makes ic lmDosiiDie ior air.
noon officially promulgated the order! reporter in a moment of confidence. Smith to satisfy his prospective pur-
intinrr I'nntain Patrick II. Barry I that Herman liestor a lMattsmonth chaser who wants no law suits on his
ayUtUMUf) mwmf.w - I I
rt hA adintant general of the state to I precinct farmer, reads more news- hand. As a consequence Mr. S. noti-
nvpd Adiutant General Gage, re-lpapera than any other farmer who fled his lawyers, Messrs. Beeson and
itrned Captain Barry was a member I gets mall at his office. We can testify Root, to commence proceedings look-
. Marrm9etts reciment during I to another good quality of Mr. Bestor: ing to the forcible ejectment ef the
the war and lost an arm in the service I he always pays for his papers in ad- men from his premises. The case will
f hi country. lie is a resident of Ivance. He is probably as well posted be filed in district court tomorrow and
Scotia Greeley county, and represented I on general topics as any farmer in the Judge Chapman will hear the
that county and a portion of the un-f county. Ut an early date.
l'rtnlrient of the ioiiy Llv Stock Com
pany Wrllt!
Magnet Chemical Co.
uniiuman- I huve for months been
a sufferer from Itching Files, aud tried
numerous so-called remedies which
did me no good. I procured a box of
Magnet tile jvilleh, aim i coniess
the drat application gave me great re
tur un.t u hilM I feel 1 am not entire! v
cured, I believe that before I have the
entire box used 1 win ue wen.
To every one sullermg wun mis un
pleasant disease I sincerely recommend
Maonkt Fii,k Killkk.
Yours Truly, Sam Gosney,
South Oinyha, Neb.
Pres. Gosney Livestock Company,
vinfl.hvs later Mr. Gosnev writes:
"I am entirely cured of the Tiles and
For 8 ale by Gerlng & Co.
Perseverance may move a mountain.
It takes muscle to move a bicycle,but
a very little will make aCresentgo.
They run easy, are light and strong
$40 to $00. Catalogue free.
Leiiniioff Buos County Agents,
Plattsmouth Neb.
Among the special venire of sixty
names from which will be drawn a
jury to try the case of State vs. ex-
Treasurer Hill, Messrs. Aaron L.oder
and Geo. Bheldon have been selected
from this county. The case will be
tried in the supreme court.
Ice! Icet Icet
matter Wholesale and retail, by the "Boss ice
Men," II. C. McMaeen A Son.
We Have the Stock
To select from in Cotton
Chain 2-plys, all Wool 2
piys, all Wool 3-plys, Body
Brussels and Moquettes.
Our Rugs are well select
ed and lower than" ever in
Newest Goods at
Hard-Times Prices.
Application for Orngglit'i 1'erinlt.
To whom it mar concern: Notice la hereby
Klven that the undertlgned have filed their ap
i.llcatlon with the city clerk of the city of
Plattsmouth. Caas county, Nebraska, for a
drtiKRlsfa permit to soil spirituous and vinous
liquors for medlplnal. mechanical and culinary
purposes at their place of buslnens on the west
half of lot S. block 83. In aald city of Platts
mouth. for tho period of one year from May 1,
April 5, 1895.
A nnl Ini&l inn tor Ilrfl d trl tK p.nnlf
To whom It may concern: Notice Is hereby
given that the undersigned nave filed their ap-
Pllcatlon with the city clerk of the city of
lattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska, for a
druggist's permit to sell spirituous and vinous
liquors for medicinal, mechanical and culinary
purposes at their place of business on the wst
half of lot 5, block 84. in said city of Platts
mouth, for the period of one year from May l,
Aprils, 1805.
Application for Dragfflst'a Permit,
To whom It may concern i Notice is hereby
Riven that the undersigned have filed their
application with the city clerk of the city of
Plattsmouth. Cass county, Nebraska, for a
druggist's permit to sell spirituous and vinous
liquors for medicinal, mechanical and culinary
purposes at their place of business on part of
lots 1 and 2. block 36, In said city of Platts
mouth, for the period of one year from Mav I
18- nr o FRICKE&CO.
April 6, 1893.