Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, March 14, 1895, Image 4

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Various Bits Of Interest to Journal
Principal Trade Organization of the Town
IIolU Iti Annual Election Great
Kxcitement At Oreapolla.
- Other nita of wa.
Hoard, of Trade Officer.
tt the board of trade meeting Tues
day night the following ctlicers were
elected and selected for the ensuing
President It. B. Windham.
First Vice President J. I. Unruh.
Second Vice President II. D. Travis
Treasurer S. "Waugb.
Secretary II. R. Gering.
Hoard of Directors Julius Pepper-
berg, Henry Boeck, Geo. E. Dovey, I.
Pearlman, J. V. I'genberger, sr., F. G.
Fricke, W. J. White, C. Ureckenfeld,
and C. A. Marshall.
Too Dead To Skin.
.No. T, the Burlington's west-bound
fast mail train, due here at 2:12 every
afternoon, crashed into a couple of
mules Tuesday afternoon in the neai
Icinity of Oreapolis. The two mules
were whisked into fairyland in an in
stant, but no damage or delay was oc
casioned to the train. Aside from the
calling of a meeting of the Oreapolis
rf ST- W ST A 1 4 wv kiaVt fmw "X. W i-vl
lUnU "-WUUUJ 1,1 U-U .MllJUl CCiJ
.ciwm.ic3c.uuuu yiuwuiuK iui uc
1.. : : j : . , I
burial of the deceased mules at the ex-1
penseof the municipal treasury, the
affair did not occasion any extraordi
nary excitement among the denizens
of the village.
The veto power is a safe Institution,
ordinarily, but it is somewhat strange
that it is used the ilrst time in several
years by a republican mayor in putting
the city of Plattsmouth on record as
being mean enough to refuse to com
pensate a democratic police judge for
aervices rendered. The mayor gives
as his reason that City Attorney Da
vies advised against the city being
liable for the police judge's unpaid
fees. The city attorney's opinion in
that regard is doubtless true, but the
law plainly gives second class cities
thPTWvcertnflTthpaaUriP of it- nffi.
cers when said compensation has not
already been fixed by statute. The
sections under which tht city could
legally proceed to compensate the po
lice judge are so plain of understand
ing that one must surely conclude that
the city attorney did not fully read the I
statutes. The attorney will beltion suit to restrain Dr. Abbott, the
finished at Lincoln in a few weeks and I
he will then be given another oppor-1
tunity to put the mayor on the right
The Glenwood Tribune delivers it
self of the following roast at the ex
pense of three men who are well-known
to Plattsmouth people: "The strong
arm of the law has reached out and
gathered in three saloon-keepers from
the Junction, to be tried at this term I
of court. They are Clay Conner, I
Sherm Hill and John Shafer. Conner!
is well known to the people of the
West End. lie run a saloon in theltleman will also conduct the regular
Junction for several years and then
moved over to Plattsmouth and oper-
ated there until his place became so
disorderly that the city council revoked
his license. He then came back to
Pacific Junction and has been running
a dive there ever since. Hill is a tin
horn gambler and all around tough,
who has been operating in Glenwood
and Pacific Junction for a number of I
years. Shaf er is an unsavory character
who drifted into the Junction some !
time ago and for several months has
been bar-tender at Conner's saloon."
Sheriff Eikenbary has concluded to
take an appeal from the 1100 allowance
made by the county commissioners for
the Hill execution and has secured
counsel to nanoie nis case, rue ap
peal will be filed with Clerk of Court
Dearing in the very near future and if
the commissioners hold to their allow
ance, a warm legal contest Is assured.
The sheriff bases the justice of his ap -
peal on the fact that In neighboring!
counties where executions have been
held, the sheriffs were allowed from
$-300 to $1,000 for the executions. In
the Hill case Sheriff Eikenbary filed a
bill of $500, and as the affair was car
ried out in a manner which reflected
all the credit possible to Casq county.
he feels that he should have been al
lowed the full claim.
Some people who have orchards seem
to think that after the tree is planted
it needs no attention, but that is all a
mistake. To insure a crop of first
class fruit the trees must not only be
properly trimmed and pruned, but in
the spring, when the buds are swell
ing, the branches should bo sprayed
with a preparation that will kill off or
drive away those insects that, if left
alone, will Injure the fruit by deposit
ing their eggs In the bloom and poison
ing or destroying the fruit. Persons
who have been trying this proces.s the
most recommend It the highest.
F. S. White has a few cans of corn
left at 10 cents a can or three cans for
25 cents. 143
The A. O. H. Celebration.
The following is the program for the
A. O. II. entertainment to be rendered
at White's opera house on Saturday
evening, March 16th, in commemora
tion of the birthday of St. Patrick :
Piano Solo "Irish Diamonds '
Miss Kate Neville.
Address May or Newell
Vocal Solo "Harp of Tara'
Mlsn EUa Clark.
Trio 'I Saw From the lieaetr
Misses Cagney, Clark and Guthxuan
Kev. Father Nugont.
Vocal Solo.
, "Come Hack to Erin"
Mis M arista Cajcney.
, Judge Chapman
. . . "Ml Take You Home Kathleen"
Mr. John Lovtll.
Vocal Solo.
An opinion has been handed down
by the supreme court reversing the de
cision of the Lancaster county court
in the case of the Call Publishing Co.
of Lincoln vs. the Western Union Tele
graph Co. The plaintiff had sued the
defeudant for 41,1m) on the ground
that it discriminated in its charges for
press telegraph tolls in favor of the
Lincoln Journal. The plaintiff had
been paying $75 a month as tolls cn a
1500 word report, while the morning
paper was charged but $125 for a 5000
word report. The jury gave plaintiff
a verdict for $H00. The opinion was
written by Commissioner Irvine, and
was dissented from by Chief Justice
Xorval. It finds no error in the pro
ceedings, but declares the verdict was
not sustained by sufficient evidence.
State of Ohio, Citv ori ,
Toledo, Lucas Co. J -
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he
is the senior partner of the firm of F.
J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the
city of Toledo, county and state afore-
an. firm n..v th(
lum 0f one Hundred dollars lor eacu
. . . J .
and every case of catarrh that caunot
be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh
Fkank J. Cheney.
Sworn to before me and subscribed
in uiv presence, this f-th day of Decern
ber, A. D. 1S"I.
seal: A. . ti LEA SON",
Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh cure is taken inter
nally and acts directly on the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system.
5end for testimonials, f rea.
F. J. CnENEY & Co.. Toledo, O.
Chas. Sherman, the Omaha thug who
attempted a hcld-up on Phil Krause,
the Albright grocer, and a former res
ident of Plattsmouth. was tried in
Omaha yesterday and found guilty on
the charge of attempting a highway
rouuerj u i? stniwiuewu-
I , V . 1
coin peimenuary. in me meiec ir.
Krause shot of! Sherman's hat and it
was due principally to the identifica
tion of the thug's hit that he was con
victed. Dr. Hay, superintendent of the Lin-
coin asylum, has dropped his injunc-
governor's appointee, from taking pos-
session by force, and in return Dr. Ab-
Ibott agrees to not resort to force, but
on the contrary submit the claims of
each to the supreme court and abide
by the result. A stipulation was
signed to that effect yesterday and the
result will prove rauch better for all
parties concerned.
Uev. J. W. Shanis, D. D., editor of
the Omaha Advocate, will occupy the
pulpit at the M. 11. church in this citv
nextSunday at both the mornine and
m w
evening services. The reverened gen
I quarterly meeting of that church on
j that date, The general public is in
I vited to hear him preach.
The local division of A. O. H. will
celebrate St. Patrick's Day, March 10,
on Saturday evening next at White's
hall, by a lecture from Kev. Fr. Nugent
of Louuvilld. A musical program has
also been prepared by local talent. All
are invited. Coi.
The Commercial School
A thorough and practical instruction
in book-keeping andotherbranches,by
Mark Mibalinez, an experienced ac
countant, at Waterman's hall.
An Invoice of 9ure No. 1 mackerel
just opened by Zuckweiler & Lutz.
Buy the Improved Singersewing ma
chine. Anton Trillity, local agent,
office In Unruh's furniture store.
Chas. bpencer is in the city visiting
jwith the family of his father, II. G.
Dr. Marshall, DENTIST . Fitzger
ald block.
Prominent Druggist of Illalr,Nel.tVrlt:
Magnet Chemical Co.
Dear Sirs: The goods which we
bought through your salesman are
sellers; the Maqnkt Pile Killer es
pecially sells good and gives excellent
satisfaction. We have re-ordered
through our jobbers several times.
Itespectfully yours,
Palmkii & Taylor.
1 or sale by Gering &Co.
Iecul Notice.
Thomaa Rerlln and Jlraroa Berlin, non-resident
defendants, are hereby notllled that on the
X'Ah day of February, 18.3, Herman Dettman
bled his petition and aflidavlt for at
tachment against theni In imtico court of
David McC'alg la 11 lm wood precinct, Cass
county, Nebraska, claiming rw.lz with 7 per
cent Interest from Afrit Mud, for goods,
wares and rnerchand iso sold the aaid Thomas
RerJIu, and necesaries for hlmaelf, the aaid
Emma lierlin and their family j that the return
of the constable discloses no troodn or Chatties
In said county npon which to levy but an Inter
est of aaid defendants sn lot 9, In block 3, Hor
ton't addition to Wabaidi, Nebraska, whereujjn
said caeo and proceedlniia were certified to the
district court of Cass county. Nebraska, where
the same la now pendlCR: that said property
has been attached in said suit. You are re
inlred to answer aid petition by Monday, the
fth day of April, li5.
Democratic Congressmen Isau A ManU
feato Declare the Money .OuenUou
Will He the Until Cry of
1 8SMJ.
Washington', March 2.--TL democratic tU
ver manifesto, which has been tho chief topic
of talk on that aide of the house for a few days.
was made public Friday. Whllo it ha heen
pencrally circulated for the consideration of
members, there- was no attempt to secure signa
tures until a late hour, locause the prime mov
ers in the matter were undecided whether to call
a caucus for discussion of the matter or to se
cure signatures or lssuo directly to the public.
In consideration of the short time left and the
pressure of business, it was determined not to
have a conference. Representatives from fif
teen states slKued the declaration at the instance
of Mr. Hryan of Nebraska, t-nt the canvass is so
far very Incomplete and the llt of signers will
not bo made public until It 1 comple te. The
paper 1 as follows:
We, the undersigned democrat. present for
your consideration the following statement:
We believe that the establishment of gold as
the only monetary standard, and the elimination
of silver as a full legal tender money will in
crease the purchasing power of each dollar, add
to the burden of all debts . decrease the .market
value of all other forms of property, continue
and Intensify buslnesa depression aud finally
reduce the majority of the people to financial
We believe no party can hope for enduring
success in the l ulled States as long aa it advo
catesa single gold standard, and that the advo
cacy of such a financial policy would be espe
cially so to a party which, like the democratic
party, derives Its voting strength from those
who may without reproach be called the com
iuoh pee pie; and we point to the overwhelming
defeat of the party In to the opposition
aroused by the veto of theslgulorage Mil and
to the still more unaulmou protest against the
issue of gold loud, as proof thatthedmorratic
party cannot be brought to the support of the
gold standard policy.
We believe that the money question will t e
the paramount issue la IsvO, and will so remain
until it is settled by the Intelligence and patrio
tism of the American Toter.
We believe a large majority of the democrats
of the Tnlte 1 States favor bimetallism and real
Ire itcan only te secured by the restoration of
the free and nnllisltcd coinage of gold a;.d sll
ver at the j renat ratio, and we assert that the
majority Las and should exert the right to cou
trul the policy of ti e party and retain the party
We U llevell 1 the duty of the majority and
wlttln their j-oer to take charge of the party
organisation and make the democratic party au
effective tostrurneU iu the arconillthiei:f of
needed reform. It Is not necessary that dem
crals should surrender thrlr convSctioias on
other nucsUons In order to take an active part
in the se ttlement of the question which at this
lira surpa . all other I ti tn Importance.
We believe that the rank and tUeof the party
should at once assort theum 1 e in the deeio
cratlc party and pUce it oa record tn favor of
the ttnmediale restoration of the free aisd un
Mttiilted coinag of gold and silver at the prasant
lin. wl:hoa: siai'Jng for the ai-j or tonstxt or
ar.y other nation, such gold and silver coin to
be a full legal tei: ier for al dsbts. j utile and
We urge all democrats sthofavor the financial
policy above set forth to associate themselves
together and trcprris their views upon the party
organisation; we urge all newpader la har
mony with the above financial jollcy to place it
al the head of the editorial column and assist
in the Imma-liate restoration of t sietallism.
It. r. ULANIX Missouri.
W.J. nilYAN. Nebraska.
H. A. CoFTEEN. Wyoming.
J. P. COCK II ELL. Texas.
JOHN L. Mc LA I'll EN, South Carolina.
J AME O. M AG I IKE, California.
II. C. SNODGRASS. Tennessee.
GEOKGE l'. KICHAKImIN, Michigan.
M. A. SMITH. Arizona.
A. W. OGDEN, Louisiana.
J. A. C A TART, West Virginia.
II. L. MOORE. Kansas.
H. I. MONEY. Mississippi.
IL W. FY AN. Missouri.
. F. GRADY. North Carolina.
Charles H. MORGAN. Missouri.
O. W. SNELL, outh Carolina.
EDWARD LANE. Illiools.
D. P. DONOVAN. Ohio.
A. C. LATTIMER, south Carolina.
W. II. DEN SON. Alabama.
W. J. TALHERT. South Carolina.
JOHN S. WILLI AM rs. Mississippi
T. J. STRAIT. South Carolina.
A. M. CAMINETTI. California.
W. II. ROWER, North Carolina,
E. P. HOWELL, of AtlantaCofistltutlon.
J. mill) hlMJ, ex member or congress
These signers represent sliteeti states tnd two
territories. The paj-er was taken to the senate
Just before the close of the session, but it was
impossible tn have any conference with tho sen
ators or see any conslderabe number of them .
11. M. It. It.
No. 2, dally -.6:16, p. m
No. 4. dally 10:81, a. m
No. lO.frorn Schuylercxcept Sunday,.!! :M, a. ta
No. 12, dally except Sunday s:jr., p. ra
no. yv.aauy except aunaay 12:2-1. p. ra
No. 3), freight from Louisville 2:f, p. m
No. 3. dally 3 : l.T, p. rn
No.6, dally 9:15, a. m
No. 7, fast xnall, dally 2:12. p. in
No. 0, to Schuyler, except Sunday . .,.2:'JO, p. to
No. 11, dally 5:33, p. m
No. 01 , dally except Sunday 7:15, a. in
No. 29. freight to Loulsvillo H:oo. a. m
m. v. it. n.
. GOING NORTH: Leatca:
Passenger, No. 1. . 4.10 a. in
No. 190 fS:lp. m
Freight, No.127 (daily exc.'ptSunday) .1:5 p. m.
Passenger, No. 2 ... lo:43p.m
No. 104 11:52 a. in.
freight, No, 120 (dally except Suuday)
Park Omtsirr Pills will reduco your weight
PERMANENTLY from mo l.i pounds a month.
NO 8TARVINO, sickness or Injury; NO PUH
LICITY. Tht?y build np tho health and beaut!
fy the complexion, leavlnx No WlttNhLKSor
llabblness. STOUT AHDOMKNrt and dimeult
breatblnti surely roUovo-l. NO KXI'KIllM KNT,
but asclentlilc and poultlvo relief, adopted only
after years of experience. AU ordera nupplled
direct from oar otlice. Prlco 2.X) per package
or three package for f5.00 by mall postpaid.
Testimonial and particular! (sealodj 2 cents.
psrAU correspondonco strictly conUdtntlal.
Park Remedy Co,, Boston, Mas3
A sure euro for Ooiiorrlxvu, Oleet,
Iucorrlei (whites), ami all uu
healthy discharges. l'nsltlvi pre
ventltlve for Ntrleture. Trice, SO i ts.
bcut prepaid on receipt of price.
KllH.VNCi: CI I KM. CO.,
1'. O. ltox 031.
Omaha, Neb.
- ..
Could Hot Sleep.
Prof. L. 1. Kdwunl-, ot Pn ston,
Id:ih, says: "I v;h all run down,
weak, rnTus and irritable! 1 linuli
overwork. 1 MilTcrcd fnm brain fa
tigue, mental tlepreion, etc. I be
came so weak aiul nervous that 1
could imt sleep. I would arUe tired,
discouraged and blue. 1 Invaa taking
Dr. Miles' Nervine
and now t vervtblnir is changed. I
antl ambit Uu. I can do more lu one
tiay now man 1 u-eii umio in .1
l or tbi- great go--! 1 gio lr. Miles
Restorative. Nervine I he sole credit-
It Cures"
Tr. Mllo-" Nenrlno Is Id on a rsvltlTO
ruannto that th ilrt Uitll will lntlu
Alldnu-kNtsM II It at ft.6!-H for sW. t-r
It wtllto M-ni, pn-tKid cm rv- liL of jri-
Vj the lr. MiU s MlU-al Ctx, l-kuart, li.d.
by all drtijrista.
fVe a Well
rtv tits.
Aar) of
rredarsa the J1U e lUsul-.s la Sd I'sjs. 11 a:.a
matcrf ully ar.d qul.-Vly. C-ri .ra atlothcra
lalL Younr c;er so:l retain tht-Lr ht tr.ahoi
dJ t.iJtn w;l rr ot'-r I) r:r wi;:hf -t a'vr
by csin? VITALtS. Jtcuic.lT at5 surely re
tore NVrruu-r.rvw lot t'.J.'.ay. In ;-t-cy,
Nurttljf Km'.ss!.-r.s. It IV er. Vi'.Ui lit or
crt.!cr biv Jwt. and all c Tec's of te.'.f
ifcuse or ricf M an.t tr.i.vcrt i,.r. wwi w
Inanity ant eyw"?T!ptn. Iniji on issv.r.K
VITAL1S. ct?. r. Can t-e carried In f fl
. . ii i! ii d(irvrM:liS. r!I let
ith a itite fUttra rratd r tre
fcy rr. IU -tnmfj. I '.rrulir I M
(lUatT UKSIIT l3PiXV, lkl.-s, liL
forssle a: PUf.srno ah. Neb., t y o.ll.snjdci
an l ticrlau & Co.. crislt.
our t rviun i a.
rrmpf niw?r ami an br.ii-.! ,ipm'n. srritit la
MINN AV I O., bi base bs.l t.'ri BftT yeuV
elrinr In lh itrjt bui. f'K nimuninu
t.rfi tirl'-ll rrinii.irnilt!. A llsnilbank of ln
ftirnmfeoa m .- rnuitf I'atrvlo nt bow to of,
lain itirm nmt trt", Al a rsak-ne of cediuo
leal 1U1I -!tft;tlflc Nx'ka sot f r.
I'attit ikn ttrmigh lurn A Cx reetre
srxrtal rt ice In lb Irnll fir . nirr irt m. r4
Ibna r .n Jtit wi.l.-lf tf or t ho rti' lic wit b
tnut et tn lii Insrntor. This i-l'-ri'l l ymjwr,
UauasI srrlr.t-l-rai:t If lilntrte.. bn r far the
larvet rirT-uiti..o cf anr cit!itne amrk in the
wirll. SilJ n rtr. fl!I'l ci t tern nt!i fre.
Iluilditig suitiion.niorttlilr, I.V.'os ur, Hmsle
Pfipttp, rvnta. r"s cry tiutulT etil,tns tx-ao
liful plftte. in colors. ant i'li"t-crft li of now
houoes. wil h ptsri. rtaMti: Vtiililt-rs ! show tbe
alct itfit-Ti nj twuf rtntrf-t. Allrixs
ill," N.N A l i, Niw loiiK, Jiil Iiuuauwar.
First Premium
at the
Columbian Exposition
The SingeTla'f 'g Go.
54: First Awards,
Itolrtfr tho ln:Nt nurnl.or of rtwards obtained
ly any eshttMtor nnd mora than tlunhle tiie
number received hy nil ntlier owIiik Maehlne
Companies. Awards received 0:1 the followlnjf:
Fatuity Sowlntr Maehlnos, V. H. No. 2,
I. F. C. H , ati-l Mnick Thread Atiiiatie.
"haln Stllrh Machine, Sfwlnsr -Mmlilno
Cal.inets, Art Kmbrnlde.rle, I-if' t'ur
tains, t'pholstory. Artistic Kuriilhl:iv;,
Sewlnirntid Embroidery, Tnpctry Ma
chlno Vrk.
Also 4a Atrisrds, roverlf.R muehlnca
for manufacture In every line where a
Nc wlnir Marbitio can lo u-d on 'tl
i:tton iuid Silk eloib, Knit Uorl
Leather, ete., for Ornamental Stltf hlnit
liiitton Ixdcs. Eyelet, lUrrlnif, Over
seaming. May lnif, etc.
Tho Singer ETfg Co
'A11 Over tlio World."
Ilranch Ottloe 1.11(1 Ioufflaa Kt., Oinnlia
No iQConvrnlcnce. Elmpl.
sure. A2:LUXL? TaZZ
from any injurious subklanrc.
LAE33 SI2tr:2D.
We GUARANTEE a CUR C or refund your money.
IVice vii.(Hr bottle. S end 4c. lor treatise
UEMOWl' aiKOICAf: CO., Huston, f !.
( A
iv to .
:jvio Yj r vA
cm get J
. thin. J
To our Friends and Patrons :
After due consideration we have
decided to adopt the
Cash System
and on and after JAN. 1, 1895,
we will do no more crediting, ex
cept to those whose names are
now on our books and are very
prompt in meeting accounts.
We have tried the credit business
for nearly fifteen years and have
profitted but little thereby, the
most of our earnings being on
our books or lost by uncollected
By selling for CASH we CAN and
WILL give our patrons the ben
efit of our gains and the advant
ages derived from getting spot
cash by selling them goods
At Reduced Prices.
Of course we shall continue to
exchange goods for country pro
duce. Come in, get our prices
and see how far a dollar will go
these hard times.
No. 406, Main Street.
The City Hotel,
Corner M.iin and Third Sts.,
Special Attention Given to the
Accommodation of Farmers.
1 II O L S 1 UO O l ck I mom. .
R.ntos 31 Por a.y.
H. H. COOS, Prop'r.
W.L. Douglas
W W A M "as Vmm HT TO ft A KING.
t?s. cordovan:
W4w3.s? Fine Calt & Ka.ncarci
' r lad i ca
IK "t5i'
Over Ono Minion People wear the
W. L, Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes
AH our shoes are equally satisfactory
They Rive the best value for the tnonev.
Tliev eaual custom thoea In at vie and
na in.
Their svearinz qaalltla are unsurpassed.
The Prices are uniform, atamped on sole.
I - r-r n. tn ! invnl ovif otlier mnkcs.
11 your dealer caunoS supply you wo can. Sold by
We Havo Money to Loan at 6 percent
fin fiurm or ritr property In any aectlon of the
country where property has a nxed market
vault), money reauy loriouueuisis ioiii nurre
necurlty atxt littelsuooil. No eomiulsMlon. We
sollolt applications. Blanks furulslied upou
AI.MCN & CO., 40 44 Jtroadway.Naw York
Attorneys at Law,
OFFICU-KltigeralJ block, over FlxtNat'l bank
It will Do.
Count yr
lias parchasvl the Tamc'.e A Rtithe
ford stock ar. 1 will run both the
Main-st. and Schildknecht Barns.
Kits of all descriptors, from a Saddle
horse to a S!xieiu-pa?er.Kor .Wsjon.
Cat. Pall Hearer ffjn, Carrya:is and
cverTthlnft for picnics, weddings an I
'X"!'!!!! Orden
'l"oltiliftio 7(1.
PrJres Reason aMo. No credit over 30
lays, old and now enstcmers are In
vlt" 1 to call, vrht-n satisfaction is puar
tntecl. 1. JO.NKS
Wbea Baby sras alck. we gave her Castorla.
Mien a'u waa a Chl'vl, aha cried for Castorlx
When the becanio hs clung t- Castorla.
When shs Lad ChCdren, al;a garo them Castorla.
I A P i E S do luu know
. th. original nml only FRKNtlH. Mfoand re
;i..Mocnr on th. markat. 1'rijefl.tO; ecift by
.i...:i. (ioimino t old only by
Fricko A: Co., DruIsts.
irocla's Dicmo-Gelero.
Prim! id cnrjtfvt, (nt for Kfrroos or Sick
twial cr i-iifiKl Is;ir aim) ior JUi-. u
HHis, Aii.vmia. Ai ti;o for Aloh.'ii
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