Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, March 14, 1895, Image 2

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    Tho Plattsiiiouth Journal
C. W. SHERMAN. Editor.
One copy on year, In advance . by mall . . .15 Ou
One copy aix months. In advance, by mail, 2 50
une copy one month, In advance, by mall, no
One copy, by carrier, per week 10
Published every afternoon except Sunday.
Single cepy, one year t
Single copy, aix montha 50
PubilaheU every Thursday. Payable In advance
Entered atthe postofflce t riattsmoutn, Ne
braska, aa second-class matter.
The bill to repeal the valued policy
law has been indefinitely postponed in
the house.
Warden Beemer of the state peni
tentiary is to be investigated for
cruelty to prisoners.
The president has got "a congress
off his hands' and has gone fishing
or hunting in North Carolina.
Ttik annexation of New Fouudland
to Canada is likely soon to occur. It
is looked upon with favor by the Eng
lish crown. '
Ir non-partisan action for the best
interests of all cities could be secured
it would be a great step toward secur
ing good government.
No CRor pays so well per acre as a
good orchard. No use going to South
bn California to raise fruit. It will
yrpaeig right herein Cass county.
The St. Louis Republic reports that
Mrs. Folsom, mother of Mrs. Cleve
land, has been in Omaha recently on a
tour of investigation of the Morton
The expenses of this city must be
cut down. This is apparent or the city
will go irretrievably into debt. The
electric light scheme ought never to
be passed.
One thing is needed in the coming
city council election: The business
element of the town ought to be recog
nized. Favoritism to particular inter
ests has no place in the council when
material interests cf the whole city
are at stake.
The legislature is really getting
down to hard work, and is sifting oat
numerous bills that cannot be passed
for want of time or ought not to be
passed. The university grab is still
alive, and it is possible the house may
pass it.
Taylor, the absconding South Da
ka defaulting state treasurer has
been captured and jailed at Vera Cruz,
Mexico, where he had just landed by
steamer from Ilavanna, where, in turn
he had been tracked. The state lost
305,000 by his villainy.
It was all a mistake about the win
ter's backbone being broken last week.
It may have been a little rheumatic,
but the snowstorm and cold of yester
terday and last night completely reju
venated it. With the mercury down
almost to zero old Winter became im
bued with all the vigor of youth.
The wheat market took a boom the
other day and went up 3 cents all be
cause reports of the agricultural de
partment showed a shortage of 70,-
000,000 bushels of the stock on hantl.
Corn followed slightly. For the sake
of some of our "long' holders of May
corn we hope it will keep on going up
The taxpayers of Grand Island,
without regard to party to the number
of 600, met Saturday night last and
nominated a strange ticket for city ofil
cers with Wm. II. Thompson, the Lit
tle Giant, the man who so electrified
the people of this city last fall, for
Senator Stewart has introduced
a bill for the abolition of the death
penalty in Nebraska. It is a good bill
and ought to pass; but if it does not
pass the present law ought to be
changed to make executions come off
in the penetentiary, and at an indefi
nite time. Such a bill would be of un
told advantage to the state.
The silver advocates who have their
headquarters at the Bimetallic League,
have organized a new party, with A.
J. Warner at its bead, and having
issued a manifesto have suggested the
came of J. C. Sibley as a proper candi
date for president. They are in gen
eral the fellows who, if they cannot
succeed, are anxious that the republi
cans shall like Taubeneck and that
class of populists.
The trouble between Brazil and Ar
gentine, which has been a source of
annoyance and discontent between the
two nations, has at last been set tled to
the satisfaction of both by the deci
sion of President Cleveland, as arbi
trator. The Argentine government
was awarded a decision in its favor.
Both sides to the controversy seem to
be pleased that it has been settled by
Omaha World-Ueratd.
The coming struggle for political
supremacy should not be a three-cornered
one. The leading issue will
necessarily bo the silver question. Ef
forts are being made to make it the
second or third matter of consequence,
but too much has been said and
written in this country in the past few
years for and against the white metal
for it to occupy a position other than
first in national politics until the ques
tion is settled. Every man in this
country has studied the question
more or less, and every man knows
whether he is for or against bimetall
ism. Thus the issue is squarely drawn
and there can be no middle ground.
The two parties will announeo their
declaration of principles in duo time.
The democratic party will come square
to the front as the avowed champion
of the free and unlimited coiuage of
silver at the ratio of 10 to 1. Tho re
publican party will either beg the
issue or declare unqualifiedly against
These two parties must settle the
question, and since it is evident that
the majority cf the people of the
United States are decidedly on the
side of bimetallism, and since there
will be no side party looming up to
advocate monometallism, it follows
that a third party organization would
draw all its support from the friends
of silver and weaken the cause in ratio
to the number of votes it could secure.
A third party a silver party would
force a division of the house against
itself and defeat would be inevitable.
That the mouometallists will en
courage a third party there is nodoubt
whatever, nor is there any doubt that
the expense of such a movement
would be incurred very cheerfully by
the advocates of the single gold
standard, for that would throw the
machinery of government under their
control, which would be the minority
with class interests overriding the
majority, whose interests include the
productive agencies of the entire
It behooves the friend of the
the producers of the country, there
fore, to discourage propositions and
overtures which have for their pur
pose the organization of what would
amount to a formidable second silver
party, and thus hopelessly cripple a
common cause and give victory to the
most heartless and exacting taskmas
ter the producing class of this or any
othercountry could be bound to. But
surely no thinking man would lend
his support to such an impolitic course,
and let us hope that there are not
enough unthinking sovereigns tomake
such a movement at all formidable.
The minds of the people, the condi
tions of general trade, the low price of
farm products and the difficulty labor
has in finding employment all of
which is the direct consequence of de
monetizing silver, all conspire to give
the cause of silver which is the cause
of the people, a substantial victory a
victory the advantage of which would
immediately be felt in all the channels
of production and labor. Therefore
let not this most righteous cause be
weakened by it real or alleged friends.
The monetary commission to meet
other nations in conference which has
recently been authorized by congress,
has, ao far as the members of both
houses are concerned, been ap
pointed, and its character has been
determined. The members ap
pointed fron the senate are Jones
of. Arkansas, Daniel of Virginia
and Teller of Colorado two democrats
and one republican, but all advocates
of free silver. On the part of the
house there were appointed Messrs.
Crisp, Culberson and Hill two demo
crats and one republican. Crisp is
moderately for free silver, Culberson
is a little more pronouncedly so, while
Mr. Ilitt is a man of the "parity" sort
that is, he is afraid to trust silver as
money except when it is backed up
with a gold guarantee. The president
is to appoint three more members of
the commission making nine in all
but it matters not who he may name,
the advocates of the white metal will
be in the majority. The general opin
ion is, however, that it matters little
whom, the president may appoint, tho
commission will not be able to accom
plish anything; that the money-loaning
institutions of Europe are determined
to maintain tho single gold standard,
because they can thus corner and con
trol the volume of money, and they
have these governments under their
control, and will not permit the adop
tion of the double standard, and there
fore, that this commission can accomp
lish nothing. If, however, tho United
States were to adopt bimetallism these
European nations would soon be forced
to follow suit because otherwise they
would lo;se their trade with the silver
using countries which the United
States would gain.
A political organ which i3 con
stantly booming its party as the
panacea of all the ills of the nation
may be set down as an habitual liar.
Parties must bo judged by tho prin
ciples they are pushing forward, and if
they have none in the interest of the
masses that are uppermost, the party
must be condemned as having the
shadow without tho substance of pa
triotism. Tho dead level of partyism
is no better ou one side of the poli
tical fenco than on the other. To Il
lustrate: When the republican party
had no principle!) to push forward it
became fearfully corrupt, and credit
mbbilier schemes, Little Bock bond
jobs, the selling of post tradeships,
whiskey ring frauds and kindred cor
ruptions ran riot in its highest circles,
amid their most profound declarations
of patriotism. So when one sees a
prediction made that when that party
comes into power it will make every
thing lovely, you can depend that
someone is trying to humbug tho
It is an easy thing to fiud fault with
the doings or sayings of other people.
ThevirtuoHS action of a friend may be
distoited iuto a misdeed if committed
by another person. Thus we see that
our good neighbor, Bro. Polk, is find
ing fault and denouncing in language
quite as vigorous as it ia polite, the
proposed legislation for lending seed to
the drouth sufferers to the value of
$200, (KM as a grab and a steal, while
he lauds in the choicest rhetoric of pat
riotiam the scheme of giving a bounty
from the state treasury to ihe growers
of sugar beets (who do not need it) or
the makers of beet sugar. Senator
Manderson last year made a strong ar
gument showing that big money was
made by the growers of sugar beets t
and we presume he told the truth.
That being true the teet growers nee
no bounty, while it is quite evident
that the beet suar makers need no
bounty, else they would not havo so
mnch money to spend lobbying before
congress. The legislators who are in
tereited in pushing the fr?e teed ap
propriation esteem it an act of help to
the needy; but Brother Polk denounces
it as a steal. He looks upou the sugar
bounty as a great help to enterprise,
while many others regard it as a use
less donation from the people's treas
ury to the purses of men who are al
ready rich, or who do not need it. We
presume if beet seed were to be bought
with the appropriation and the bounty
be given to the farmers, a double bless
ing might be afforded. Cannot Brother
Polk work a scheme of that kind? Is
it not easy to find fault?
M h.Polk in his paper keep repeat
ing the assertion that the republican
party will bring prosperity to the
country if it gets into power. It would
be interesting to know what Mr. Polk
thinks his party would do with the
financial question if it were in power
now, and it is also an interesting ques
tion what the party will promise to do
with the money question in order to
get into power. The money problem
ia the question of the day. It must be
settled right in the interest of the
masses. We know that Mr. Polk favors
free American silver, but will that be
the policy of his party ? We should
like to have him express himself. lie
knows that his party was in power
when the mischief from which the
peopJe are now suffering was accom
plished when the silver dollar was
destroyed and its free coinage was
stopped, now will his party reverse, its
action and give the people honest bi
metallism ? If not, how else will it
get into power? Let us know.
It must be very amusing to Gov.
Ilolcomb to note that the men who
were last fall the loudest-mouthed in
their declarations that his election
meant calamity to tho state, are row
urging him with the greatest solicitude
to take the course they have marked
out for him. It is a pleasure to know
that the pre-election predictions of
these men havo come to naught, and
they now have learned to rely upon
him as a most excellent chief execu
tive of the state.
Gov. HoLCOMit has signed the oleo
bill, which prohibits the manufacture
for sale or tho sale of oleomargarine in
the state, recommending the repeal of
that part which forbids its manufac
ture for sale in other states. Better
than this was hardly to bo expected in
view of tho fact that tho men who
wero making oleo were a part of the
"business men's association" at Om
aha who exerted every poaaiblo effort
to defeat his election.
City politics aeem to be in the dumps
nobody apparently taking any inter
est In tho matter. If the tax-payers
don't arouse themselves presently they
can depend that there are thoso who
will. On this occasion when economy
of tho most rigid sort ohould be exer
cised, and the best possible material
for the city council obtained, it Is time
to look about aud see what can be
done, instead of sitting down and do
ing nothing. Wake up I
Tho Lincoln Journal's Washington;
correspondent, Mr. Annin, writes thus
of our late congressman:
"Representative Bryan bade good
bye Tuesday to his friends in Wash
ington aud left tonight for Cincinnati,
where ho speaks ou bimetallism to
morrow evening. Mr. Bryan has quite
nn extended trip before him and will
lecture in Tennessee, Arkansas, Illinois
and Missouri before reaching home.
His programme is to conclude in Lin
coln ou the afternoon of March YJ. Mr.
Bryan states that he will at once re
lesumo the practice of law in Lincoln,
incidentally editing the Omaha World
Herald, at long range from that city.
He has concluded his public career for
tho present and seut out all his garden
seed, cleaned up all requests for public
documents, stirred up the pension office
upon pension matters and now earn
estly desires that uny further requests
of this nature shall be pent to his suc
cessor, who begins today to pull a sal
ary from the United States govern
ment fordoing work of that kind. Mr.
Bryan gave one-half of his garden
seeds to the relief commission for dis
tribution in the western part of the
state. The other half he divided among
the counties of his district, after filling
all orders received by mail. His last
work tu congress was done in securing
the passage in the house of the bill
admitting free of duty the diphtheria
cure known as antitoxlne. He called
this up about midnight on Sunday
night and got it over to the senate
about 2 o'clock on Monday morning,
but Senator Aldrich objected to the
consideration of the bill and it died
in the senate."
The music-lovers of Omaha have in
preparation a benefit to be given by
Jules Lumbard, the veteran concert vo
calist, who for more than forty
years has been hinging happiness into
the hearts of the people of this country
and it goes without saying that it wil
be a great occasion. A more generous
patriotic old soul is not to be found in
all thi broad land, or one who is more
deserving of such an honor. Gifte
with a great voice and having the talen
to use it, Jules Luuibard has .core
more successes in concert or solo than
any other American, and he has been
most unselfish in the bestowal of his
talents. He ought to have a great ben-
kins. A. J. Waun'eu says: "The
first net in the monetary revolution
that is fast transferring the wealth of
the world to the few hands was the
demonetization act of 1S73; the last
and culminating acts are these of 1M;,
shutting off the supply of money for
all India, and the United States from
silver.' Gen. Warner is partially cor
rect only. The money-loaning
system which has grown up in the
world, by which the earnings of labor
and enterprise are transferred to the
pockets of capit al, bad paved the way
for the success of the gold basis
Or course the rich people who have
income taxes to pay do not like to pay
the money, but they have no right to
question the justice of tho tax. They
kuoA- that tho poor are compelled to
pay more than their share of the tariff
taxes ou the goods they buy, and that
their own profits are not taxed at all.
There is abundant evidence accumu
lating, however, to the effect that a
great many men who ought to pay a
tax on income are endeavoring to
evade it. The life insurance companies,
too, the most rapacious and greedy of
all the corporations, are fighting the
tax in tho U. S. courts. They will
have it to pay, however.
Tin: Nebraska City Tress is "talk
ng through Its hat" when it argues
that free gov rnment is secure In this
country becauso we have overcome
outward foe and .secession from wi th
ru Nominally we have a free govern
ment now, but it i: no louger one of
equality. Tho laws today are made
for the benefit of corporations nnd
ho wealthy. There must continue to
o be a struggle of the forces of labor
and enterprise with concentrated
wealth. It is true now as when first
ttored that "eternal vigilance is the
ricoof liberty.'
May. W. K. Vandkimiilt has re
tired her divorce from lit r Ji gtj with
ut a contest, ou the ground of adult
ry, aud while, by tho ruling of the
court, she is permitted to marry again,
e is not. Thus tho chief scion of the
ouse of Vanderbilt is without a lega
ieir. It will tako the "400" of the
ew York Uppertcndom a good while
o overcome the shock which this suit
ias brought upon it. Essentially cor
rupt as it is, its members have kept
up a semblance of eminent respecta
bility, and to have tho skeleton in the
closet brought before the world in this
manner was "perfectly awful."
D. W. Fostek of Union writes to
the Nebraska City Independent de-
Carpets and Rugs.
For the Spring Trade we
have replenished our Stock
of Carpets and Rugs at prices
to tempt anyone needing
goods in this line.
We Have the Stock
To select from in Cotton
Chain 2-plys, all Wool 2
plys, all Wool 3-plys, Body
Brussels and Moquettes.
Our Rugs are well select
ed and lower than ever in
Newest Goods at
Hard-Times Prices.
E. 6. DOVEY & SON.
fending the act of the legislature de-
prulng oleo makers of the right to
color their butter, but contending that
t Is all right for creamery butter
makers to use the sitae coloring mat
ter for their butter. His argument is
very-thin. He is asking for a privi-
ege he is unwilling to grant another.
It is a fraud in either case and the
farmer-creamery owner is the last man
who should be willing to take such nn
Tun Nebraska City News is pleased
to be called a "cuckoo" organ, and we
are quite sure nobody will object if it
lot s not, only it is, perhaps, too mild
a term to describe its lick-spittle Fort
or work. To expert anything better
of the News people, after the years of
etrayal of their party to. John Watson
which was like the treason of Ar
noldfor the money there was in it.
For such a concern to talk about
'honesty in politics !" Why, Satan
iimelf could not excel such sublime
The men who in 1SCI set up a gov
ernment of their own in the southern
states, and after obtaining possession
of everything within their borders
only wanted to bo "let alone,' showed
no less a spirit of disloyalty and indif
ference to their country at large than
do thoso men who, while professing to
e democrats, seceded from their party
n Nebraska nud sat up a party of
heir own to help out the republicans.
Sonio of that class talk of the man
who stood by the organization as party
Ik it were not for the enormous body
of debt incurred by speculation labor
of all kinds would command much
higher wages. As it is labor i3 taxed
to pay the interest on all this debt bo
foro it can apply a dollar to pay its own
wages. In addition to this interest on
borrowed capital and on rents must be
paid out of the fruits of labor's toll,
aud it is little wonder that the millions
who toil are kept at tho door of poverty
and want, while the few are rolling in
Tm: republican party aa represented
in tho city council last year seated .a
man as councilman to fill a vacancy
who was not elected and was not even
voted for, for the vacancy. To do that
they were obliged to go behind the re
turuH, a thing which it was necessary
to observe in order to secure the eUc
tion of Hayes fcr president in 1ST.-..
Joe llradley 's decision w as good repub
licanism then, but it was not good law
when Hawkins was needed in the city
We guarantee a fit in spectacles, c r
no sale. Geuing & Co
l'reldrnt f the (ionnry Live Stork Com
pany Write-
Magnet Chemical Co.
Gentlemen: I have for months been
a sniTerer from Itching Files, and tried
numerous so-called remedies which
nid me no good. I procured a box of
M Ao net File Killek. and I confess
" he first application gave me great re
lief, and whil I feel I am not entirely
cured, I believe that before I have the
entire box ued I will be well.
To every one suffering with this un
pleasant disease I sincerely recommend
Maonet File Killek.
Yours Truly. Sam Cosset.
South Omaha, Neb
Fres. Gosnev Live Stock Company.
Nine days later Mr. Gosney write?:
"I am entirely cured of the Files ard
Maonet File Killeii did it."
For sale by Gerlne & Co.
Ia cut in clothing!
ParticularlT In our Chllil-
rou's Department.
ii- juu jinve b euiau amount pi w
r.. . - . . .
iuouey to pena. ana rour child
O needs some clotbing. X
- - Surprise youf
How far a littlo money
will go nt
The Leading Clothier.
i i 1 a