Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, February 21, 1895, Image 2

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    TIio Plattsmonth Journal
C. W. SHERMAN, Editor.
One copy one year. ladTnce, by mall... 13 Oil
One copy tlx montha, In advance, by mall, 2 SO
one copy one month. In advance, by mall, fc)
One copy, by carrier, per week la
Published every afteruoou except Sunday.
ltnr!e cepy. one year II 00
SUiKlecoi-y, tlx montha 50
fubUahed every Thursday. Payable In advance
Entered at the po j to aice at Plattsmouth, Ke
braasa. aa second clasa matter.
Thanks to Congressman Bryan for
copies of late speeches in congress.
Cmukch Hoavk was knocked out on
the first round for re-election as de
partment commander of the G. A. It.
by C. K. Adams.
Secretary Morton of the agi
cultural department is tendered the
thanks of Txik Journal for valuable
public documents.
It is to the credit of the western re
publicans in the house that while they
could have carried the gold bond reso
lution they did not do it.
The harvester invented by McCor
miek in has been so improved that
it is said it will cut and bind an acre
of grain in forty-live minutes.
The tkingof issuing bonds to main
tain the gold reserva reminds the pub
lic of a serial story being puhlished in
installments. Fremont Herald.
Hainer, Meikeljohn and Mercer,
the three Nebraska republicans, voted
with liryan, McKeighan and Kern
against the gold bond issue on Thurs
day last.
Mr. Cleveland will have to bear
the ignominy of trying to force gold
bonds upon the people. lie cannot
saddle such an infamy on the demo
cratic party.
Tue discovery has just been made
that ex-State Treasurer Ramsey of
Illinois was a defaulter to the state to
the amount of $363,o3?.52, and that his
bondsmen had made it good.
The birth of Lincoln was celebrated
in many parts of the country on Mon
day. Henry Watterson excelled him
self in the delivery of an oration in
eulogy of Lincoln in Chicago.
Tin: Plattsmonth Electric Light
plant has no contract with the city,
but it furnishes light as usual, just the
same. Who ever heard of a corpora
tion being so generous before 'i
The latest gold bond proposition
forced on congress through the ways
and means committee was defeated in
the house yesterday after a hot debate I
of five hour3 by a vote of 1G7 to 120.
The Brooklyn street car strike is off
the men having failed to make their
point. It was another case in which I
the reasonable demands of labor were
crushed by the avartceof conscienceless
TriE oleo bill passed the house yes
terday by a big majority, and it will
probably become a law. It strikes hard
at the South Omaha manufacturers
of that article, and was drawn in the
interest of the creamery people.
The issue for "00 will be the monej
question. And the democratic party
will stand for the free coinage of gold
and silver, or it will present two can
didates for the presidency. The con
test will be the northwest against the
balance of the country.
If the quarrel between Boyd and
Morton is to be continued, it may be
well to remember that although Mr.
Boyd was not chosen a member of the
cabinet, he was elected governor of N e-
braska a position which Morton
sought and came out away down third
in the race.
The republican party in Nebraska is
responsible for the robbery of the state
by Mosher and for the scandal now
rampant as to the Dorgan-Mosher con-
tract for tuning the penitentiary. If
John A. Davies wants to make a clean
record he must wash his hands of that
filthy mess.
Is the death of Isaac P. Uray, U. S.
minister to Mexico, the state of In
diana lost one of its foremost citizen
and ablest public men, and the United
States an accomplished diplomat and
statesman. The honors paid by the
Mexican government at his funeral
were very complimentary.
It has long been admitted by all stu-
dents of, social ccience as well as think-
ers generally that the greea ror money
lies at the root of all our eocial evils.
Men will stifle conscience, mock relig
ion, erovel in the mire of politics, gam-
ble through the high-toned mediume of
stock exchanges, cell their manhood,
betray those who have trusted them,
anMiintF or everything for money.
Tinwin vtrs
itryau the itmve. j
Papinion Timet.
It is not Uih dfsire of the Times to
be regarded aa a hero worshiper, and
yet we reel mat we snouiu aimost wur-
. M a t . . I iv
8iup me uruuaui anu eloquent jwuuk
. A. 1 ft 1 a. . . I
man who is so valllantly lighting for
the people in the halls of congress.
road lobby, spurning tho offers of place
and power aye, refusing even glitter-
ing irold in uuantity to be named by
himself, he stands there, the true
champion of his people, a strong tower
of strength against the onslaughts of
the railroad and money powers. Few
such instances of unseltlsh sacrifice of
self for the people's good adorn the an
nals of our own time. Truth aud
bravery are kingly attributes, and in
these is Hrvan kins. Long live the
V majority of the democrats of the
house on Thursday chose to follow the I
leadership of Mr. llryui instead of
that of Mr. Cleveland pie-counter and
all and declared themselves against
the issue of gold bonds. It was a most
glorious and significant victory, ahow-
ing that notwithstanding the fact that
ever since Cleveland took his seat he
has used tho patronage lever assi
duously to seduce members from their
path of duty to the people, a majority
have thrown their patronage to the
dogs, defied the poweis of Mammon,
and have stood up courageously, man
fully and patriotically for the principles
of their party and the true interests of
the people. If the friends of Mr.
Bryan were vuiu of his powers they
would be prouder of him today than
ever before; but it was enough to
know that enemies of free government.
of humanity aLdof honest money have
oeen overthrown. The last democratic
national convention resolved for its
party that "wo hold to the use of both
gold and silver as the standard money
of the country," and It was to main
tain this declaration that the battle
was fought, and Mr. Uryau was fully
justified when he declared, alluding to
Mr. Cleveland, that "the democratic
party owes hitn nothing. It ores him
only the gratitude it would owe a
guardian who has squandered a rich
estate. ho could hate s-tated a
patent truth more succinctly 'i Ke?d
of Maine followed liryan in the de
bate. It was very appropriate. He
represents the east while liryan repre
sents the west. He defended this sec
tion, but he also exposed the record
showing that Messrs. Wilson, Uynum,
Turner, Montgomery and Tarsney all
of whom are? now cuckoos had on
June i, 1SJ0, voted for the free coin
age ot silver. Such is the power of pa
tronage that these men would all vote
now for this gold bond bill. (And they
did.) The crisis is coming for the de-
mocracy at large, it wm uectue at ice
coming conventions whether patronage
and tho hope of office will be its guide,
or will it staud by its convictions of
Takino its cue from McKiuley the
News is willing to falsify history and
to deny the truth in order to, possibly.
make a point in favor of its pet theory
a high tariff tax. So it argues on the
assumption that it was the Wilson bill
that has created the deficiency in the
treasury, and that deficiency forced the
issuing of bonds. The truth is there
was a deficiency caused by the McKin -
ley act before Mr. Harrison went out!
of office, and Mr. Foster, Harrison's!
treaaury secretary, had plates made
and bonds printed in February and
had made n bargain for their sale to I
New York bankers. It was more than
a year and a half after this before the
Wilson bill became a law, and all the
time the deficiency, created by the
operation of the McKinley law, was
increasing showing very conclusively
that tho high tariff of McKinley was
directly to blame for this lack of money
enough to run the government. Fur
thermore, now that the Wilson bill is
coming into full operation, enough
J revenue is coming in to meet expenses,
and as soon as the income taxes come
in there will be a surplus of twenty
millions before the fiscal year is out.
Mr. McKinley knows these things to
be true, if the News does not, but they
are matters of such common report!
through the press, and coming through
ouiclal sources, that dense as Its ignor-
anceis, it ought to know these facts.
Ilenco there is no excuse for misstating
Tin: following declaration explana
tiou, made by Mr. Bryan in the debate
on the recently-reported iSsue of gold
bonds comes nearer striking at the root
of the question In the financial affairs
of the country than anything we have
ever Been. (See Cong, llecord Feb. (I,
"Mr. Chairman, I for one do not be
lieve thattbis government Is under any
greater obligation to maintain its
credit than is any other privato indi
vidual. I believe that the dollar which
rhft irovf rnmeut makea ironi! enontMi
for on0 dtleu to receive from another
i8 a Kood enough dollar for the govern -
Iment to use when itpaysltsowndebts.
Jo not believe the government should
inaKo one rule ror itseir aim anoiner
for the people of the country. If the
filve,rf do"nrf Jf eood J!oughJli hJ?
Turrai tntiiAr iiAF ivaati smHtam ami Ctrl-
,t , . euouch for Uie eovern
kwi v M v a, u xa r a v. w -
tuent to use when it pays n tiebi which
. w . . a. .
it owes. I am not in favor of increas
iR the government indebtedness and
I itndAi 1 wr fit iraiitlAmnn frAin Mflinf.
Why 3 not the 8amo coin wJlloh u ro.
ceivable between individuals in pay
meut of debts good enough to redeem
me greennacKsor any coin noirsor urn
to ml s of the government V
Thk Plattsmouth News, in its
anxiety to thrust a fatal stab into the
political prospects of its party's repre-
sentative in the legislature, did a very
cheap piece of blackguardism in as
suming that Mr. Davies wrote a cer
tain editorial in this paper. Such an
assumption was no more gentlemanly
than u was Uu lut that melhoa of
tlhting seems to be on a level with
the general course of controversial
writiug in the News. Having been
driven from the position it took of
abusing Mr. Davies in demanding
economy in appropriations, the News
musl flm, f ftulL The wolf that fouml
fault with the lamb for mudtlyiug the
water below tho spring was in no
worse asituation than is the News fcr
attacking Mr. levies. It wauted a
chance to stab him, and thought the
university fight was a good cue. Mr.
Davies may not be so easily killed off,
however, as the lamb was by the wolf,
albeit the attack was no less ferocious
or bloodthirsty. This was a casein
which the lamb turned on the wolf.
The man w ho led the debate in the
Herman parliament for free coinage of
silver has for the last four years stood
jpon the same platform as that of our
Congressman liryan for free silver
and for tariff reform not one, but
both. His name is Count Mirbach
and he is described as a pleasing ora
tor, with a fascination that u mag
netic. He agreed at length to show-
that under monometallism agriculture
had coue from bad to worse in both
England and (ieimany, and that x
ports to silver-using couutiies had de
dined steadily. Even the uaonometAl-
lists did not deny that the depreciation
of silver was mischievous. M. Kihot
had declared the necessity in France
of reverting to the double standards
and held (lermany answerable because
the latter country had first adopted a
gold standard. The rural populace, as
well as manufacturers, were convinced
that the declining value of British pro-
ui:ci-s were ascit uauie iu uir i an ut nw -
ver. me titscusstou was a wosi inter
est iig one.
Hi:o. Calvin II. Faumei.k is all
right. He is very careful not to say
very much about the saloons, but
would be delighted to have Tin: JtR
N'AL denounce them. "I would like to
have the preas,"' he said, at the W. C.
T. L meeting yesterday, "speak out
on the saloon question." Did anj body
ever hear of Uro. Farmele taking J
cided action m favor of any reform
that was likely to cost his pocket-book
a dollar V If Brother l'rmele would
like to do something practical to keep
men from going to a saloon to loaf
or to meet friends as a necessity,
there is ample room for a man of his
means to do so by follow iLg tho sug
1 gestion made in The Journal a fort
night ago. We have no idea he will
do it, though. He is very kind to sug-
I cestthincs for others to do. Can he
take some of his own medicine?
would be glad to hear from him.
The greenbacks in circulation
amount to t)if Rtim of fi.1 lh.fM 10.000.
The president, backed up by the gold
interests, wants to retire theso by the
issuance of bond3 in their stead. If
the government were able to negotiate
boruls to this amount at .5 per cent, the
annual tax b.irden on the people would
be $10,380,000; if the bonds bore inter-
estat 4 per cent, the annual tax would
bo $13,810,000, and if it was obliged to
issue r rer cent, bonds the interest
would amount to $17,300,000. Who
lean say that this proposition to retire
I the greenbacks is not mado in the in-
terest of bond-holders and bond buy-
ers, and their ilk, tho national banks ?
It is an interesting fact that there
are no states whose banker cling
more firmly to the gold standard than
thoso which send to the senate and
house silver senators and representa
tives. Congressman Bryan of Ne
braska has always been one of the loud
I est advocates of free coinage, but dur-
ling the recent financial Hurry the ban
kers of Omaha hoarded gold until they
naa nearly $:i,ku,oou or the metal
locked up in their vaults. Nebraska
City News goldbug.
That is nothing new. Shylock is
Shylock,whether ho flourishes!!! Venice
London, New York or Omaha.
None of those bankers are supporters
or Mr. Bryan
I The attempt of the republicans to
monopolize Lincoln's birthday into a
party affair won't go. Lincoln's mem
ory is a heritage of all mankind. lie
was better and broader aud wiser and
kindlier than any one political party.
His heart beat for humauity for
God's poor aud for that freedom aud
equality which had been purchased at
Hunker Hill, at Saratoga and at York
town. I Ih was an instrument of (Jod,
sent to niau to prove once more that
blue blood, riches and college diplomas
are not the necessary concomitants
to successful leadership in the most
trying circumstances; but that com
mon honesty, mother wit aud humane
spirit and the rough struggles of prac
tlcal life are worth
more than all
Thk silver men in the senate have
concluded not to push a vote on the
Jones free silver bill at this session, as
it would make such a delay as to en
danger the passage of needed appro
priation bills and possibly cause; an
extra session, without accomplishing
anything of a practical character more
than the yea and nay vote of Monday
last that vote showing that a ma
jority of three in the senate is in fa
vor of tho free coinage of silver at the
present ratio. That vote showed also
that Senator Voorhees, responding to
tho iinitit-liouab!e will of the people
of Indiana, voted for the consideration
of the bill.
(cum an Y is aroused over the ilver
question aud her Keichstag has re
quested tho holding of another iuter
national monetary conference for the
remonellzlng of silver. With Presi
dent Cleveland in league with the
Kolhschilds wo don't believe it will do
any good. The thing to do is (or the
United States to declare in favor of the
immediate and unlimited coinage of
gold and silver at the ratio of to 1,
without waiting for the aid or consent
of any oilier nation on catth, and then
Cermany would at one fall into line.
France would follow and the power of
the IlDthschtlds would be broken.
God times would come at once.
The president made a very bad bar
gain when he closed a contract wth
the Holhschilds, according to John
Sherman. While bonds of that value
weto worth II- he only got 101 for
those he sold, losing wuw eight mil
lions iu the tran-sactlon. The fact
seems, however, that lie was frlght-
ened almost out of his wits by the fact
lhal iankers all over the country were
drawing gold out of the treasury, and
in a few days more tho nightmare of a
silver baais would have been an estab
lished fact. If tho president were a
bimetallist he would have made no
such blunder.
Alfred 11. Lewis in his letter to
the World-Herald from Washington
thus sketches tLe detu.cratic situa
tion: "To lay, as in tho extra session,
Cleveland is in direct opposition to his
party in the house and the senate, and
for that matter, in the country at
large. On the other hand, the repub
licans, with Sherman in the van, sus
tain him. Tho White hoiue is turned
round in its stall of politics. And it
is this double and twisUvl opposition to
his parly on th president's part, and
the resultant opposition of the party to
him, which is the cause of half our
grief. But the day has gone by for re
pairs; the fracture will remain."
I'erii ats if the authorities would
take criminal action against the de
fiant Mr. Hilton, for embezzling public
funds, ho might bo induced to come
down off his high horse very rapidly
,s Krowin sentiment wai ne
reason wny ne uoesu t mm uin mo
money Is because he hasn't got it, and
the mere fact that he is a protege of
(;OV(frnor cjrounse, who is openly ac-
cused of having kept him in ofiice so
1 tliat he could acquire enough money
lo I)ay off an obligation to the ex-gov-
Jernor, should be rather an incentive
than otherwise to prompt prosecution
Lincoln News
Thk Nebraska City News does not
quote exCoveruor Boyd's criticism of
tho president's or Mr. Morton, but it
rn it a bilious attack. I or once
Tun .Ioi'un'al and tho News sub
stantially agrees, and we furthermore
think the News should commend the
statements of Mr. Bryan on the sub
ject. Nobody In Nebraska can dis
count the bitterness with which
(iov. Boyd and Mr. Morton can speak
of each other. But their personal
quarrels cau never again involve the
democracy of Nebraska.
Aptkii playing fast and looso for
two years on the monoy question the
St. Louis Republic has the gall to ask
the opposition to Cleveland's worship
of the golden calf and his single gold
standard propaganda to surrender-
that is, to give up their light, for the
sake of harmony In the party. What
is tho matter with the president har-
monizlng the party by carrying out the
party platform once? The trouble
with the Republic is that it is run in
tho iuterest of Shylock, and not for
ho people.
It is high time that tho state should
exercise its rights in the matter of the
Mosher penitentiary contract. Four
years ago tho attorney general rendered
an opinion to the legislature In which
he held that the contract was not only
void but vicious, iu that it could not
bo lawfully made, aud that tho present
aesignee, Dorgau, has uever legally ac
cepted the contract or given bond for
its fulfillment, as the law requires. It
Is a hcandalotiH condition of things.
No 3Iork patent truth was ever told
than that by Mr. liryan when he said
that whatever kind of money that was
good enough to pass between citizens
and was made a legal Under to pay
debts with,ls good enough for the gov
ernment to pay its debts with. The
honor of this nation does not require
that it shall be saddled with a system
which piles up burdens of debt upon
the people for no other purpose than to
enrich a lot of Shy locks who render no
equivalent for their ill-gotten gains.
What sort of party politics is it for
the News to attack its party represen
tative for acting in the interest of
economy, of common honesty and of
public good y In one column it abuses
and lies about the democrats, aud in
the next it lies about Mr. Davies in
the interest of tho robbers' roost at
Lincoln. If the News succeeds in
driving Mr. D .ivies into the democratic
ranks he will find a tiearty w
gether with all his friends.
I it uot strange that men who are
of intelligence and reputation enough
to get into the legislature should
misjudge their duty so much as to
think they have a right to tax every
body for their benefit t In this
country men pride themselves on carry
lug out the doctrine of equal rights to
all. aud of "equality before the law,
and yet the ruling power in the Ne
braska legislature contemplates taxing
everybody else for the benefit of the
Sksatxm: Davio B. Hili. and Rep
resentative Thomas B. Heed will find
It rather diScult to resurue. their for
mer position on the fence between gold
monometallism and bimetallism. Heed
was pushed off by Bryan. Hill tumbled
off of his own accord. Neither can in
vite the suffrages of the silver faction
in his party henceforth, Chicago
A t iucAiiO newspaper inserted two
advertisements side by side the other
day one for a good housemaid, and
the other for a living picture.or chorus
girl, the wages to be the same. At last
reports two hundred young women had
applied for the latter iosition and none
for the former. Verily, the millen
nium iu not in sight in the' w indy city.
Thk famers in western Michigan are
coming to the conclusion that there is
no money in trying to compete with
the Argentine, Russian India
wheat growers, and are going into
fruit growing on a larger a!e than
ever, .lust what the farmers of Cass
county ought to do, aud do
it right
Tiikui: is a cheering nvorl current
that one effect of the "Trilby" craze is
to make it fashiouable for women to
wear shoes really large enough for
them. I'erhaps Mr. Du Maurier might
be induced to write another novel
which would abolish the wasp-like
waist. Chicago Times.
It looks very much as if that Lexow
committee had something else in view
than the uplifting of the morals of
New York city. Senator Lexow wants
to be the next governor of New York,
and Recorder (Joff Is booming a bill in
creasing his already very large salary.
Metcalf, the World-Herald corres
pondent at i,iuco!n,i3 making it un
comfortably interesting for the schem
ers about the capitol, both in and out
of the legislature, and is every day
demonstrating his eminent ability as a
critic of public men and measures.
Only the very best cigars sold at
ing&Co.'s rominiit Wholeaal tirooer or Omittiu,
Neb., Wrltea:
To the afflicted:
Several years ago I discovered a
alight falllug and bleeding of tho low er
bowel which increased and became
very distressing. I mado iuquiry as
to the nature of the disease aud learned
that I had a somewhat aggravated case
of Hemorrhoids or Biles. Was told of
several remedies and used them as di
rected, obtaining thereby some tem
porary relief. Not being satisfied with
such slight relief 1 cast about for a per
manent cure; when a friend directed
the use of the famous MaonktBilk
Killkk. I used it. Immediate relief
from pain followed, and soon a com
plete cur was affected.
Very respectfully;
Ost'Aii Allkn.
For sale by Gering & Co.
First National Bank
ri.ATTSMuUTH, Ni:il.
Capital, paid up $50,000
teoitiiK E. I)oYLY .
Vice president
l aihler
, .Assistant Cashier
P. K. Whitb
8. Wavuh.
11. N. 1KVY . .
OrorKe K. Dovey, F. K. Wh!t l. lUwkeworth
S. Wau'h BUI II. N. Wovcy.
Careful alt.-'itiua kIc to the Intercuts of
customer, folk-ottoim mmlo and rosoj'tiy
remitted for. Ulghc-M market irlce jaM for
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All Kinds of
In Season.
We are agents for the cele
At oj time. Frompt fct'.eutiou jrlre n to or!ert
Agent for Seven of the Best
Tflfphonr 15.
Main Street.
Zuchweiler & Lutz
Tlio Grocers,
Cor. Sixth and Pearl Sts.,
Sell Cheap,
Give Good Weight,
Deliver Promptly.
W.L.' Douglas
TLf $ 3.50 PCUCE.3 SOLES,
, I I ...MM.
" -CXTWA f:nc-
2. I7-? BsamShia.
-i,'.e-' W-L-DOUGLAq.
Over One Million People wear the
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All cur shoes are equally satisfactory
They five the best value for the money.
They equal cuitom Ih oca In at le and fit.
Their wearing qualities are anaurpaased.
The frier mrm uniform, stamped cm sole.
From ft to Si aaved over other make.
li your dealer cnuoot supply yvu we can. txii bjr
The Plattsmonth Mills,
C. HEISEI,. Prop.
TL1 Mill bas le.a rcimilt, aaJ furul&hcd will
Machinery of the tet manufacture
lu the urorU. Their
"Plansifter" Flour,
H no Superior la America. 5lv It
trial anvl bo rouTlucoiI.
Park Oritt Pills will rertuca your weight
PKKM AN KNTLY from U to 15 pounds a month.
NO jsTAKVIXU, niektiessi or injury; NO PITH
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QabhtnenN. STOUT AHDOMENS and lirticnJt
bwathlnjr surety relieved. NO EXPERIMENT,
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after years of experience. All orders supplied
direct from our oittoe. Price fAW per packaca
or tnreo packages for f.voo by ranf! postpaid.
Testimonial and particular sealed Scents.
5.rT""All correspondence strictly cou3dentlal.
Park Remedy Co., Boston, Mass
Attorney at Law,
OFFICE Second floor of tho Todd block
east of tho court house.
Attorney and Counselor at
OFKICi:-ltoom 1 and 3, I'ltlon ltl'k,
Plnttainoutli, - - - Nob.