COMMISSIOXKRV PROCEEDINGS. Plattsmoutii, Neb., Feb. 5th, 1805 Hoard met pursuant to adjournment. Present: J. C. Hayes, Geo. V. Young and J. M. Patterson, county commis sioners, and Frank Dickson, clerk. Minutes of January meeting read and approved, when the following business was transacted in regular form: Hoard, after auditing and allowing claims against the county, adjourned to meet Feb. Cth. Feb. (ith. Bids for county printing were opened and contract awarded to A. U. Mayfield, at the following rates: Court dockets, 15c per case; treasurer's statements, $4.00; road notices, 2oc per square, and commissioners proceed ings free. Uids for burial of paupers were opened and contract awarded to Streight: Sattleron the following bid: Coffins, $1.00 per foot; over-boxes, 2ic per foot, and trip to cemetery, $1.75. Physicians' bids for ensuing year were opened and contracts awarded as follows. District No. 1, Plattsmouth city and precinct, to K. D. Cummins, at Slil.OO per annum. District No. 2, Kock Muffs, Liberty and Nehawka precincts, to F. J. Chainpney, at $34.34 per annum. District No. 3, Weeping Water, Avoca and Si of Mt. Pleasant and Center precincts, to W. A. liurke, at ?tMrt per annum. District No. 4, Eight Mile Urove, Iouisville and Ni Mt. Pleasant and Crnter precincts, to Hichard Ixrd,at $4?.crt per annum. District No. 5, South Dend, Salt Creek and Xi Greenwood and Fire wood precincts, to A. (I. Hamilton, at $49.00 per annum. District No. 6, Tipton, Stove Creek and S4 Greenwood and Klrnwood pre cincts, to N. 1. Hobbs, at $7".00 per annum. Druggist report of II. V. McDonald, for the six months ending Jan. 7, IS'm, tiled and approved. Overseer settlements O. J. Wort man, district No. 5, allowed $35.70; Wm. Morrow, No. IS, $30.00; A. A. Leesley, No. 23, $32.07; Geo. Hanson. Xft 2S, $30.00; A. IL Weichel, No. 30, $:w.00; M. li. Williams, No. 53, $34.00. Feb. 7th. Itonds approved Joseph Mullin, Soldiers' Kelief commission: Chas. Joyce, assessor 3d ward, Weep ing Water. Road overseers O. J. Wortman, district No. 5, John Kirker, No. ;I. S. Hassemeier, No. 12, Fen Heckman, No. IS; J. A. Davis, No. Iff; A. llickli. No. 24; A. A. Leesley,No 26; M. J. Nickel, No. 30; C. F. Harris. No. 06; M. B. Williams. No. 53; Patrick Hayes, No. 54; Chs. Uramlt, No. 55: J. O. Lynn, No. b'X Resignation of Al llabbitt, constable in Flmwood precinct, Gled and ac cepted. liids for rental of poor farm and boarding and caring for paupers were opened and contract awarded to 11. F. Dean, Le to pay as rent for said farm, $420.10 per annum, and to board the paupers at $2.25 per week each. ten. md. m. t. uase was ap pointed road overseer in district No. 42. Petition for public road, commenc ingata point on the old road as at present located about 40 rods from the SE corner of the SW of the XE of sec. 15-12-10, running thence a little north of west until itcrossestheravine right south of and near a clump of wil lows, thence in a northwest course on west side of ravine to a point about north or Williams' house, running thence across and up Pawnee creek in a southwest course until it strikes the section line in the XK: of sec. 10-12 I uience west on saiu line to ana terminating at the road running north and south through sec. 10-12-10, and to vacate old road from the commencing of the new, as above described, to road running north and south through sec 10-12-10, as above described, was taken up for consideration and granted, with the following change: Instead of run ning on the I section line in NF4 sec 10-12-10, said road shall be located to run on the t section line, between the X and Si of the NKi of said sec. 10- 12-10, aa surveyed and platted. Dam azcs were allowed as follows: On Ki X Wl sec. 15-12-10, $50.00. JJond of Hichard Lord, county physi cian in 4th district, filed and approved C LAIMS ALLOWED ON GENERAL FI ND. .1 C IUyes. salary ami expene I 7'j W) Ceo W Young, vaine C7 4 M Pattenon, aame C6 00 Frank Dickson, work, salary and exr 113 KS J II Peniwn, bdg and Mjt priaonem OS 00 JO Elrenhary, gdg pr, autn'ng Jury . . 71 !V) 'SPolk,rzp 12 U) W K Fox, tamped envelopes w 10 Frank Morgan, mdse to oor 2 2.1 Bn Heinpel, Janitor CO 00 1J W ISatta, wle to poor too .foaShera, aame 7 00 J C Elkenbary, bdg pauper, less rent 139 oo HO Spncer, mdse to poor n 00 Omaha Printing Co, mdse to county .. 119 30 A II Wechbach, mdse to poor ... CC 16 Joa Fetzer. shoea to poor 1 75 It C Manuardt A Co, mdse to ioor C 00 State Journal Co, mdse to county Jos Graham, care of loor ... 12 00 F McCourt, radie to roor 35 CO II E Elkenbary, gdg Harry III II ei 00 I T Sheldon, indae to poor 6 oo Geo L Farley. aalary and ex p.... 102 00 J C Smith, keeping poor 10 0o W n Dearlng. expense etc 3 Oft F8 White, mdao to poor 353 00 A L Uphara, Mg poor 5) 80 I A Jacobaon, imlee to poor 21 00 J A Ilaaemeier, pby aerrlcea 6 ino 25 00 A Clark, xndae to poor 53 70 C M Leach, aame 32 0 D Cumtnlm, pby aal 4th quar St 25 ItVarlman.nidsotoJall 21 2 A U Mayneld, printlM 50 Aug Uaeh, radso to poor . . 2ti 00 V J Hanson, mnie IW 00 J K Nlchola, ttamo 12 0 Zuckweller t LuU:. aame It ,t C Hcmpel, vcod to poor - '0 S F Olrardet, mdsiJ to poor JJSwobola, aame - ,u Mrs It E Yoder. of poor. 0 Hay A Hubbard, mdse to poor.. 15 .' E O Dovey A Son, same W Sim Archer, hauling wood.. I N H Hobb, phy 81. one year 7MH) F Brendel. phy sal. 4th juar M Feutou Metallic Furniture Co, vault fur nl tare II E Palmer A Sou boiler Insurance 173 OO J 11 Tlmblln. tned aid to poor 1 W P 1) Hate, work at court home John Waterman, coal to county and to loor Evening News, printing Phil Greeu ,V Co, mdse to poor 00 2 OO 15 J3 Neb Tel Co. telephoue re; I S 75 E E Dsiy, mde to poor o 00 ambler Uros tj Co same 7 R C E Wescott A Son. clothing for poor . . 51 M lennett& Tutt, mde to ot 4.1 C 5 A U lUmilton, j hy nal 1 year 4 Dally Journal, pttntln; 7175 M Archer, fee uito va Chas Noyea S K" J C Elkenbary, same 3 M J D FurKtison. same 5 P0 A l.t-e. ame 8 John Mtttx. htmo 3 W T Ferstiocn. iim 3 00 r.UHMJK FI ND. A F Sturi!. 1 jmber . . . '. 'rank A Uidg?vny, .me y u) Avoca Lumber Co, ame 12 si John W;ermn. Minr 11 SO Avoca Lumber Co aame 11 Weeping Wattr Co, name aked 133 H) - B'.v 40 P M Dean. a.m .. ao 22 II ii Todd, icp-iir J.rld- 7 i uhn Hlr.t, mt le 4 to roi'NTY KOAD KTND Then E Fulton, rv;lr road tooltt . . 6 VJ S Komlae. py.-r road dtmaire ... . 2 0 Ja Crawfor!, btae ... . .1 . T J Fountain, aame i 40 II E Paukoatn, spike 73 JeM? Da-il. viewing rod 2 To Marlah Muck, road damage ..... to OU lioard adjourned to finish checking otHcials, and to meft Tuesilay, Match 5th, 15. Fi: an k DicKMiN, County Clerk. A t'ecnllar l.rcat Taa(l A novel situation appears in a North Carolina case, repectini the jurislic- tion of the crime of murder committed by shootinff from that state into Ten nessee, wtete the person killed was standing when struck. After the su- reme court of North Carolina de cided that thre was no jurisdiction in that state over the crime because he stroke wa.i,in leal contemplation, given in Tennessee, the prisoner was arrested in North Carolina as a fugi tive from justice, as we learn from counsel in the cae. on the basis of an indictment for the murder found in Tennessee, whereupon his counsel sued out : writ of habeas corpus. claiming that he was not liable to ex tradition because he had never t!ed from the demanding state and there fore was not a fugitive. From a deel cision ajrainst the prisoner, an appeal has been taken and is now pending in the supreme court of North Carolina. The North Carolina court having de cided against its own jurisdiction of the murder, on the ground of the pris oner s constructive presence tnlen- nes.see where the ball struck the vic tim, has now a pretty severe test of the theory of constructive presence. It mav be consistent to say that if he was constructively present for the pur pose of dealing the blow, he was so much constructively present that his actual presence in another state con stitutes an escape from Tennessee as a fugitive from its justice. If the court decides that he is not a fugitive from Tennessee and cannot be surrendered the only apparent way to secure a con viction wDuld be to abduct the mur derer and carry him into the jurisdic tion of the courts of Tennessee Otherwise."borler ruffians" will nil a larger place than ever in crimina annals. A newspaper item informs us since the above was written tha the prisoner won his case and has tx?en discharged. Case and Corn rnent. Tim Staltt ApMlv Lincoln News: "The case from Ilol county involving the constitutionality of the law requiring intersecting rail ways to put in connecting switches has reached the supreme court. This case was begun at O'Neill at the Octo ber term of district court in that city In it tho Htate board of transportation prayed for an alternative writ of man damua to compel the Sioux City,OW'ei & Western railroad and the Fremont KIkhorn & Missouri Valley railroad to put in a connecting switch at O'Neil and to put in force a joint schedule o rates for freight in car lots from every point on one line to every point on the ouici. jy supination tne case was heard by. Jndgo Chapman of Cass county, instead of by Judge Kinkead as the sitting was at Omaha. The de fendants demurred to the application alleging, in addition to the usual points of a general demurrer, that the pre tended act of tbe legislature under which tho action was brought was un constitutional and void for tho reason that it deprived defendants of their property without due process of law and denied defendants equal protec tion of the law. Judge Chapman sus tained the demurrer and dismissed the case, and the state board of transpor tation now comes to the supremecourt to decide the cjueation of constitution ality." Jos. Shera, the Itock liTuiTs mer chant, was in town Wednesday on his way to Omaha. The County 1'oor Farm. The county commissioneis Friday awarded the management of the county poor farm, just west of town. to Mr. II. F. Dean, a resident of Hock MulTs precinct near Murray. Mr. ean's bid was to pay 11-0 for the rent of the farm land and to board inmates or j per week. There were two or three lower bids than Mr. Dean's, that of Jas. (Jrace in particular, whoso of. er, if accepted, would save the county some $150 over that of Dean'n. The atter gentleman is a farmer of con siderable experience and bad a peti- ion largely signed by intluential citi- a yens, which especially recommenueu him as a person well-quaiilied to man age the furm. The board doubtless acted conscientiously in the matter. and although there ate a few com plaints, the awaid, we hope, will prove for the best interests of the county. Mr. Dean will succeed Sheriff Liken ary, who was also a bidder, during the month of March in the manage ment of the farm. In asking for bids the board has made it possible for the. saving of sev eral hundred dollars to the county, as there exists that difference between lr. Dean's bid and the present fig ures. lltl l ilrrlt .rl. Representative John Davies of Cass is foiniust, and righteously too, the idea of voting an increased appiopria tion of additional funds to the state university. The state treasury is in a fair way to become absolutely empty and it seems that ordinary sense would lictate to the state legislature that eeouomv should be practiced. 1 he Lincoln Journal, as could be expected, favors the university grab and because Mr. Daies is numbered among the opposition, it deliver itself of the following at the expense of the repre sentative from Cass: "ISrother Davie' sympathy with the jHor lny on the rairie" and his determination to give nm money from the state treasury in reference to wasting it on the "(J reek and Latin trofessor in his warm room,'' us his excuse for refusing to vote for the completion of the library building and the provisions for suffi cient other room in the university buildings to accommodate the hoys on the prairie who would like as good an education, t ei haps, as the gentleman from Cass received either at public or private expense, is rather short sighted. Nebraska is a great and rich state, notwithstanding the tem porary disaster of a short crop or two. the toor boy will doubtless weather the storm this 3 ear and want to come to the university just as soon as the state is restored to it original pros perity ami thrift. The stateman who thinks he can fool the poor boy on the prairie with that sort of rot will wake up some morning to discaverthat the poor boy has a memory and will not yoon forgive that species of detnag - guery. The poor boy on the prairie can stand short commons for a year. if necessary, as many of the poor boys that grow up tefore him all the way from the I'enobscot have stood them before him. Hut if the advantages that the people of the United States have heretofore insisted upon giving the poor boy in the way of an educa tion are to be withheld from our poor Ijoys on the prairie by the par simony of the politicians of the stamp of the Cass county statemen, they may soon rise up to demand the reason why." All of which argues absolutely noth ing. When the Lincoln Journal, that defender of corruption and plunder in state affairs, abuses anyone it can be put down as plain truth that the per son abused ii 0:1 the right track. Fete Hrown, editor of the Nebraska City Fress, was in town for a few hours this morning on his way to Omaha. Kd. is the possessor of a trotting roadster which he thinks can reel olj a mile at a fast lick, and he bantered Tom Patterson for a race, the latter to ride his bicycle. Tom took him up in a twinkle, suggesting that they ride for a stake and gate receipts, winner to take all. The race will be run at the Nebraska City track after warm weather has fairly set in. and a goodly number of Flattsmouth people will journey to the moss-backed burg to witness Tom give Fete and his naga thorough skinning. FROM NOW UNTIL MARCH IO, J o EVERY dollar's worth of JOE'S stock of Cloth ing, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Gloves, Trunks, Satchels, etc., Will be Sold Regardless of First Cost, J o E -Ms OTjr -will never liOAro clicIi. an. c"D"Dcrtinit3r cxrr 3.123. IT -will tv-c-u. -big- interest to lo-a.'y zr-T supply ti r nezrt -winter. - - - - - -- -- JOE One Door West of Old Stand, Waterman Block. ent hhn llth tli !: k" The Msir ltt In Ihc eve lo hlin K jiitil nol j-our vjv. my Valentine. TUr -!lh mi l beauty i vour )m !r Mirje all the Jewel lare t tf So!ot)io: or ("rtM-nuv The annual encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic and the annual convention of tho Women's Kelief Corns are in session at Hast ings and will complete their work this evening. Omaha has been selected as the place for the next winter's en campment. Considerable politics has cropped out in tho selection of ofllcers for the next year, as also the delegates to the next grand encampment. For the first time in years thero is an open breach between T. J. Majors and Church Howe, the department com mander, and tho former has apparently made a combination to shut the latter out of recognition as a delegate, a courtesy it Is usual to accord to the de partment commander. Druggists C. II. Smith and Frank (f reen of this city were before the state pharmacy board at Lincoln yesterday and successfully passed their examinations. 'l'ti li:n;.;- In your !ahily i hri k, Which .!y n futile M-le an-l mA, l'y at-em v Make tlirlr 1 h (i-U That uitU- sre jtiir kly nlicd to :-lt The t;rave ati'I il-r iak-e If I t-! I u,!i r far a a y , Au I !? from th e full tuduy a .Jay. att I forr t that fare dlv ine No ' in : l!, my Valentine ' That I full out ft M'A.on. If r-l the rea:j w hy luaM Ilath J-it the other in the tl.a tr, 11 J aumrr them in t!.U lean tro!n : llrr J el'rt e, A hr!ht blue vein. I- ! by t:ftj thiU:i J ' 1 V l'itillr S hM I rrtiir t iurr. The citins of Phtttmouth should bt pleased to know that the teacher i of the public scbwols hav rompletea arrangements for a tirst-cla.s series of lectures, to b given soon. This is somewhat of an experiment in I'latts mouth and we hope sui!icient interest will le shown in th enterprise toguar antee its continuance each winter. The i"r?t lecture of the course will be by the famous humorist and author. VA IVrkinsat the Presbyterian church on Thursday evening. Fetmary Jlst. The regular price for a IVrkins lecture is l ", but the teachers have secured a special rate m that an admission fee of riO cents cjti be charged. Frank (J. Carpenter will furnish the second lecture of the course on the in teresting subject cf China and Japan, Mr. Carpenter ban spent thousands ot dollars traveling in those countries collecting facts and photographs which will te used in his talk here. Chancellor Canrield. who needs no recommendation in Flattsmouth will deliver the last lecture of the course sometime in May. As most of us are acquainted with Mr. Cantield we do not hesitate to say that he will present us a masterpiece of eloquence and thought. Reserved seals for Mr. IVrkins lec ture can now be secured at LehnhotFs. Secure a seal as near the door as possi ble. Mr. IVrkins usually presents a bouse and lot to all w ho remain until the close of his le-ture. Manager Fbright received A.S. Ken nedy's contract from Cedar Mulls, Kan., y esterday. "Snapper Kennedy is the hard-hitting St. Joseph short stop who made such a favorable im pression here on one trip last year. He is live feet and a halt in height, twenty-live y ears of ase and weighs I V) pounds. He commenced play ing pro fessional ball w ith the Flattsmouth and lleatrice state league clubs In VJ. Since then he has been with Fhillips burg In the Montana league. St. Joseph In the four club Western league. New Orleans and Memphis in the Southern league and St. Joseph in the Western association. He played forty-three games in the Southern league and had a batting average of .353. He stood sixth in the league at batting and sec ond in shortstop-work. He was signed by the Detroit team this year but Man ager Strothers did not send him his advance money and finally released him to make room for a personal friend. Kennedy w ill play in the outfield here. Lincoln Journal. Tiik Joitknai. is assured by the su perintendent of the water company that unless people are more saving and economical in the use of city water thero iscertain to be a water famine. He asks all private consumers to use their cisterns and wells to tho lull ex tentof their ability. With a few days of warm weather the water company will be all right, but at present their source of supply is almost frozen solid. The state banking department at Lincoln has authorized the Farmers bank of Weeping Water to commerce business on March 1. This new insti tution is to have a capital stock of $10, 000 with John Donelan as president. General Manager lloldrege and Gen eral Freight Agent Crosby of the ii. & M.,camo down from Omaha this morn ing to meet Fresident JelTrey of the D. U. Sc G., who passed through town Cash- What It will Do To our Friends and Patrons : After due consideration we have decided to adopt the i Cash ystem and on and after JAN. 1, 1895, we will do no more crediting, ex cept to those whose names are now on our books and are very prompt in meeting accounts. We have tried the credit business for nearly fifteen years and have profitted but little thereby, the most of our earnings being on our books or lost by uncollected accounts. By selling for CASH we CAN and WILL give our patrons the ben efit of our gains and the advant ages derived from getting spot cash by selling them goods At Reduced Priees. Of course we shall continue to exchange goods for country pro duce. Come in, get our prices and see how far a dollar will go these hard times. BENNETT & TUTT i s i No. 406, Main Street. this afternoon on Xo. 3 from a trip to Chicago. The It. & M. officials boarded the I). 11. .V, G. magnate's car at this place and accompanied him as far as Omaha. Threo good street to rent, wood block. store rooms on Main T. H. For. lock, Sher- KAILUOAI) TIME TABLE No No No, No No. No, No, No, No. No. No. No, No. II. St M. 11. It. KAST HOUNl. . 2, laliy .4. dally 10, from Schuyler except 8uuJay 12, daily except Sunday , 93, dally except Sunday y freight from LouIsyIHc WEST HOUND. 3, dally 6. dally 7, fast mall, dally to Schuyler, except Sunday . .. 11, dally.... 91 , dally except Sunday , VI), freight to LoulHVille .5:16, p. m. 10:31, a. in. .11:55, a.m ,.H:25, p. m. 12:23. p.m. ,.2:50. p. m. ,.3:Ij, p. m. ..9:15, a. in. .2:12. p. m. .4:00. p. in. ..5:33, p.m. ..7:15, a.m. ..S:00, a. m. M . 1 K. ft. GOING NOKTH: Leavea. Passenger, No. I..: .....4:50 a.m. No. IB ..5:03 p. m. Freight, No. 127 (daily exc'ptSunday) 3:35 p. m. GOING SOUTH: PaHsenger, No. 2 lo:43 p. in. No. 194 11:52 a. ui. Freight, No, 128 (dally except8uuday)l0:03 a.m. w .r i y jc. .-cws ln:tarl KiUc-rel P I n tor r. i. ! n r. ; LV.t c r : : a ' t urn I.ill k V :M t. .V..l' - 1 .lthi r::. I!. it I'v in u ;:-'. I'l'AlUl'IMl .bi i-ur i(ir.t C C9i'rt r..ivi Kit. riJliOC ET.rt.iyt lvuilo m:cu;" fl.Trt frful .ul r.; tn tuz I :u;mi r :f r ; . : ratiiisto'jrs oriental co';r- "Tt tfio-ittvl . tr-i TuvJ J. Tl.oCr-v.; 3kinC, -facj Ce.iu tifie Lad.C vi;l f"..l ;t uv- m 'ilic;nt on i Mi;f.fy pertumed Tji'.t-t r-c. !n uirr io;. It u sbtioiutciy puro. j.a;- i inioft A n otrn.! r'rei U.c 1 ' I 0 Met'on; i luxury t.r 'UoBatii f.-r Irsf.-.r ,i u'. a i -h tRir, cw-i.' luofi'dip on l jc-..' Jit r1h of l"r.v 2.V-. 1'TCalol t !AGNETIC NERVINE. Mental prro- aiHi. SOfteninw 'T Is cold lth written guarantee t. euro WfrrvousPrCMRtrn- Inn. Fiik. Dilli ) neBS.Hi-HLliioheitsitl fulu.t',i au-tsl lyx Iit-PUKC rnti- ai.m. S i tlrwln. cnuMw Misery, woanitfwuiiieair., reeoiw, luipiipny. Lout Power iu eithori. wnntur Old Ab, lnvoluuUry rx.ffw", ouvv.l iutT-lilui(tiiit, jvtr-xf rtiim of th lirniu ftn.l "tcrot Youth. Itiriveato Wfak Onrana tfcoir ittural V lRfr 1 A'uMm the Joja ot life; curo.i , ,jV'.irr!iOi(i Riv.l Fi-nifclB Wcwkne. A ..icatii'H trout i .'t, ilaiu ir.ckiv, by tnul!, to auy l,lr'Nf, l v r 1-ix. C Ih.xoh f X With evt-ry J5 nir m kiv vm Guarantee to nire or i efuud tho lutmoy. n-vti'.aia frto. Uuaruuteo isuei ouly t our t ii"ieail-'t.