Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, January 31, 1895, Image 2

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    The Plattsmouth Journal
pass away ami comnietce and ronmi-
factures would at once take a bound
C,7. SHERHAN. Editor.
Thm World Without tin. Ittbl.
'Scoff, then, you who dare, at Jesus
and his bible; bcoIT at all that is hU;
at Christendom and Christian civiliza
tion; scoff at the human family re
generated; at woman; BcofI at sacra
mental marriage and holy virginity;
scoff at the charity that has peupled
The president's message, sent to con- int0 a 8tato of prosperity. No doubt
gress on Monday, is a new revelation I the very rich would kick a good deal,
a new step-in proposed tlancial legis- J but the masses would experience In
iation. For the first time a president I stant relief and property would soon
terms for-DAILY. . I. k ,o crn-1 be in demand at advanced prices. The
. . ... . - .it a fl I 11213 kUV ICUIIUK V k"" I -
wib copy one jnr. n MT.nrs, 7 m ' . " . lU.wrlf..rUvr MO, i. Hmirn n to
unteoDTUx momria. in aavance, pi hint nn rriiirv nii nniipsirauie i ' " . r
iwrl nmoLth!?,.I.VlCt, tx . is A . . tr hav In tno C03t f mining silver, but he tells the tiatiou with asylums and hospitals;
pubUshM Terr afWnooa except sunsr. I1"" ' ,. not a word of the fact that the cost of scoff at the fatherhood of (iod and th
wkxkTTTouknaL. 11 ucuVccw,.."w mining gold In some instances does not J brotherhood of man; scoff at the en-
wiish juui.'au. n.u.w.ta rni.i atundard asl V - - . .1- ........
statirrr.ontrMr. '- rvrepi npr ront or Us value: nut rrancnisea siave. ai me moHi sacied
r. w 11 i . . . - t.i - - - - - -
OTuOTVeHuVjV'r; nonest ana nonoraoie oasis there j3 no thouRht of depriving the principles of your American constltu
forauettlenient of the government, a goK! lnner of the value the law places tion.
obligations. It proposes that congress on la metal. That Is all right for him Unbelief would take from us our
shall authorize the issue of foOO.OOO,- j to become rich, but the Bee would have bible and our Jesus. What dors it
000 of bonds to be paid, both principle us believe it morally w rong for the sll- give ? Where Christ is nut, there is
and interest, in gold, for the purpose J ver miner to obtain alike benefit. Ill- jbarbatlsm; there is servitude of the
of redeeming and retiring the green-I metalllsra at sixteen to one Is the true j weak; despotism of the strong; Inhu-
- - - - i . ... i . . . , . ...
mauiiy anu immorality uuurhiird and
unrcbuked by public opinion. Where
Christ is not, the family, with pure
woman as its queen, is not; sacred
matrimony is not.
"What will unbelief give us ? !t it-
plies: A scientific, rational world, be-
Kaird t the postoSc at Platuunoutti, N
brka, a coni daa matter.
Official County Paper.
for hard times.
The New York Sun puts Resident tn nolM MUed muler remedy
Cleveland down as a demo-pop. W ill . ,v.
. . - , . . , lliriJUCJUluuiivi, omi ...... ... . l'tnl Proiu Ilia (iir
net v
The bonds aro to bear 3 per cent., and Col docker Ul was for a time the edl-
Tde state legislature, by all ac- l)e U3auie as a basis for a new issue of tor of the New York World, and, under
counts, is wasting time on non-essen-1 national batik note. No doubt the his administration, it was as warm in
tials. It should get down to business 8Cheme Would be popular with the itsdevotlon to the single gold standard jjjnning with Itself aud ending with it-
and stop "resoluting." banks of the east, the great money- as it is now. Later Mr. tockrill was ,ejv
.1.1!-. . a . I
lenders both in this country and euuor or me corning Amemser. jt us first be consistent and from
Kuroi e, but that is all. No man of Mlolhr journals were and are lhls world eliminate what Christaln
business or of business sense can take ,r3ll",,ul,u 4,1 . principles and practices it fain would
anvcride or stock in the proposal to was compelled! to conform rwtallJ. TllM WOItl, luo,t p,ll)ly le
make gold the only money of final ac- ms VU!W lo puIlc or pealed, by unbelief, the family, dignity
T-r.,a ..ora aro nArfthnifd trnrti i . . I " i oi wcitiKiii . iuriv fttHi rraierniiv are
a. zuiuuj u m i aiu aj w v ma 1.1111 111 111 inr iur.1 lii lriinuL iiif 1 t . . . 1
i..i wwr.nA :. . iwiiunu letter, conuiuuiea to the Caistalu words, and without Chris-
j I greentacs or treasury iiuit nuusut- ,, M , vvi..iii . I .
fon.raii i.,i-.n r. rv .i.r frm r . Ketorder or .Monday . Cl. L otker II! Ue- liail ly lhey wou Inenince-s.
.,r..r r PnunR " tt,in aM inrest.oearing C!ares that "we vould be untrue totheUt f ,
workers in raorean county. ana aue 1 . ... . ' "v "v "" """-
. 1 .w . -si,louu';u,,luu U,T ' nignest ana uest tuteresis or a i our iur
There is one solution to the finan
cial difficulties in this city. Compel,
by penal statute, the assessor to assess
all property At its full value.
Hampton carries the country mail over
a star route in Georgia.
You trive u :i siMintltle world.
anxious enough to pay interest to no people if wo should yield to the de- thal , .m Klvr u, a materlal worll! ,t !
cert that proposal willingly. In this mauds or the money-changers of hum taity without a soul, without
Tnz republicans, backed up by the! message tte worst predictions of those Europe and demonetize silver. Let us wj c uhich to rie to the klei: a
sugar trust and high tariff democrats. I who oppos-d the unconditional repeal have our own currency," he in-.!tfd. humanity with no purpose in life but
are going to defeat the free ship bill in 1 0f the purchasing clause of the Sher-
the senate if possible. How natural man iaw i.13t year h ive b. en realized.
it is for usen to stand together. "There Tbev a5WTte J lhat itwa to be a death-
is honor among thieves." ., " t
blow to silver as money or ftnai ac-
After all, railway corporations are count, and now comes the president,
not so bad. Up in South Dakota they after rejecting siher a not good
hae paid their taxes in advance to enough lo redeem the greenback in,
keep the treasury out of the hole Tay- uow a !voi;atlng It retirement for the
Jor put the state in by stealing all the avowej t,fas,-u tht the greenback is
cash. Omaha World-Herald. lhe caeans by wWch lhetrfaaury is
Mn. Coolky's bill for dividing the pleted of its gold; and it is only one
state appropriation for fair between step further to declare that the silver
all the fair associations in each county
was introduced to show his apprecia
tion for the support he got from this
part of the county.
now in circulation uust be redeemed
in gold, and soon after that, that an
other 5CO,i0O,O' in gol l bonds must
be iisued to redeem the silver dollars,
because they will become a menace to
Lee Mantle, the new republican sen-1 the sold reserve. And where, pray, i
ator f rom Montana, was born in Eng-1 this to end Where is the gold to
land forty-one years ago. He was a J come from b keep up a reserve when
farm hand and then a telegraph opera- j every dollar that speculators can get is
tor in this country before he had made j shipped abroad to ti'l the vaults of
money in mining and real estate. I monarchies which care nothing for the
commoc ieop!e ? here is the de-
Hon John A. Daties was at home predion in prices of every other kind
over Sunday conferring with his friends J of property to end ?
on legislative matters. There is gene-J Is thre notion significant, think
ral approval of his course In favor of I you, in the fact that the sarae day
retrenchment, ia which direction he is l'rejideat Cleveland' gold-bug mes-
I . V m.
combatting the great majority ot his se was Hereto confess, casu wi.eai
fellow reoublicans. S0SJ m -&cago at ies tnat cents a
a a . . a. t. .a..a.
uusnei me lowest market at tms
Wn EAT was lower in price Monday J season of the year "? Does the honor
in Chicago than ever before and still 1 of the country require the adoption of
they say the gold standard is just the I a policy which j oints straisht to the
thing needed. Probably it is for niln of ne.iry all the people ?
rnniA chnhri mnnor inWi T!.-r I When one reads Mr. Cleveland's
can get more property ai security for
loans than ever before.
km 1 1 . I . . . .1
it mm ;i ru it aiiiviHri nrv ni n in vn i k .
.., . .j ... . lo Baiisraction lor Doniy arte-
aione. anu w uie si-gniet reier- lltrs wllh a ieadrn sky over it. through
ence to what Europe may desire." whic!. ne.r, Ii0 ,ovl. tlo ,l0tl(. or r,1ll!m
! !. I - . ,1. I 1. I
lei(iKuo iouKri na.umciru alj0l. Hj,ere the strong aaert thtm-
counting-rooms of the World and the 9ejVes and the weak are ciushej tinder
two Advertisers. Col. Cockerill is able (ooV vlieM, pjea4tin, u the form of ac
ta speak out In hH own person and tSon there is no in.we' above
protest against the wreck and ruin nian himself, whoe voicec tlls to duty.
brought upon our peopv by a inone- wl0se. mcmorv stills rassion.
I -
tary policy uiciatea uy i-.uropeau -In this world entwine around your
monry-changers through their agents t,roWs Autr and the rose, and
in Wall street.
Kovcrnuient are
when they wither, as they will, s--k
repone in suicide. LuuIier has ben
for once consistent, it has proclaimed
suicide as the sole prop of Its unchris
tian world." Archbishop Ireland.
reference to "national credit" and
"honor" it reminds one of the remark
of Madame Holand while enronte to
It is confidently believed that the the guilotlne: "Oh, Liberty! what
Riley refunding bill will be defeated in j crimes are committed in thy name
the present congress and it oujht to.
The thing to do is to foreclose the gov
ernment's lien and let the road be
sold, so that the people will get the
honest capitalization t the 1'aclfij
railway Bystem.
It seems Impossible for the editor
ial writer on the Omaha l'ee who
writes on money, to learn any
thing. He is as stolid as a bourbon.
Sunday's Jlee contains an editorial on
the silver question which displays ig-
TriE Hawaiian matter Is still troub- J norance as dense on this subject as
ling the souls of Buch patriots as Fry, I one would expect to find in the col-
Houtelle, Lodge and Aldricb, and they I umns of the New York Post. It is
are taking up the time of congress in j held that the price of silver bullion is
airing their views and telling their I &aI upon the cost of mining, and
grievances. They are financially in
terested, or there might be some hope
of having an end of their clatter.
Tite good people of Georgia have
sent twenty-two car loads of provi
sions to the drouth-sufferers of west
ern Nebraska, and Alabama and Louis
iana are duplicating the generous gift.
Such generosity must not be forgotten,
and it will not be among people who
have hearts that can appreciate genu
inely humane sentiments.
Judok Kicks was let off with a re
proof of the custom which enabled him
to make way with the several thousand
dollars of money that belonged to
Uncle Sam. The usefulness of such a
man on the bench may be eeriously
juestioned. If he were a man of high
spirit and a proper fienso of honor he
would have resigned long since.
Tite Nicaraugua canal bill passed
the senate yesterday by a vote of 31 to
21 , and now goes to the house. Nearly
all the republicans voted or were paired
for the bill and most of the democrats
opposed it. It provides for a capital
atock of $100,000,000, and that the gov
ernment Bhall guarantee the payment
of $70,000,000 In bonds. In cane of de
fault of payment of interest or principal
of its debt, the government can fore
close and take or sell the canal. Ten
of the fifteen dirtctors are to be ap
pointed by the president.
that lecau9e In a few mines a compar
atively small quantity of nilver can be
turned out atseventy cents an ounce,
therefore that fixes the cost of the en
tire product of the mines, and, there
fore, to adopt free coinage at the rate
of 10 to 1 would bo an absolute
gift to all the miners of JV cents an
ounce. It is usele8 to argue with a
man who is bo willfully stupid as this.
There is no doubt but a few mine own
ers, who have bonanza mines would
grow rich very fast for a short time,
till their mines were exhausted, but
with the great m-ijority of mine own
ers it would be different. Their
profits would not be great- but they
would doubtless become prosperous,
and give many men employment, and
would thereby contribute to the gen
eral wellfare, which ihrough them
would soon spread all over the land.
The Hee, however, labors under the
error which afflicts all gold standard
writers in that he assumes that all val
ues rightfully are based upon the pres
ent price of gold -forgetful that much
of that value has grown out of the
scarcity of g 'Id, made o by its having
been made the only metallic standard
of the present time, and that if bimet
allism were adopted at any reasonable
ratio much of that value now attained
by gold would soon vanish. Once
adopt the double standard and the ten
sion or demand for gold would soon
liUVKNl JC" of i.e
picking up jio tht as the income tax
begins to come in the treasurer hopes
soon to have mio uh m-ney from col
lections to pay current expense.. One Tin: public meet Jn: and iscussion
reason why the new tnritT I tw has not J at the council chamber Monday even-
produced enough revenue is because I ing has awakened great interest ti-the j
such large tuipoMattoivft of raw sugarlcity's finances, thank to Mr. Wind
tere made before the bill became a I ham and hU bo.ud of trad avtlant.
law as to Ia1 the refineries until the I The questions dUcus.ed and the Mi
present time, but this supply is now J getion made wre t!eerlni; cf j-ert-
about exhausted, and from this on I ous. careful attention. Il to reduce
ditleonth rw sugar will amount I expense t any considerable -tent in
monthly to a um. Then again, L legitimate it)Atit.t r i a puzzler, sure !
the reports thus far ma le as t in-Irnough. It w.- t If ewpected that
comes indicate that a ttiuch larger sum Mi. Windham's renmtV.s h reference
will be received from this source than to th water companj would bring lhe
rrd it ii:,uv- thii",t f hi? I repre"iii:iuv or mat concern to n
was exp
at ItMt f rty million will be collected
from thia oure, uud th. treasury o:Tl
cial are testing r:iy, and
defence, and he hit done o tiih more
a perity than might Im looked for.
D.iubtle.i the i.n anil Electric Liht
that there will be abundant revenue rompanj wt!l be he .rd later on.
collection to meet current experne
for the fut ir. Prom this on th claim
that the Wilson bill d.tH roV f urnish
revenue enougu to run Uio govern
ment will have no force, and the de
Th public should give them i hearing.
To be sure the I titer will have les
friends to uzUi for ihan the former,
bec.nise it has a more plausible case,
and bcii!e. f .ir ther, there ha leen
fenders of the s;eeial rwilrgi-.s of M' oi n ioU ' it construction and
eastern manufacturers will have lo m i.astncnt. Hut it should be heard.
The columns of Tin: .lt i;Nu. are
open t brief communications on the
subject of th city's finance.
for some better reason for
increasing taxes. The policy of the low
taril! is vin lie Hng itself.
Oli: fathers and grandfathers had
au old-fashioned idx that if they
could nor work for i 1 ad xy It was bet
Mn.C ritANK.atepublican of York,
take occasion, through the Hee, to
call Mttention to the fact that John M.
tertotakeTi or even r,() cvnU a day Thurston' platform isconstitucntonly
than nothing. The great majority of W1, "i!rond Interests, and Is not jus.
our wealthy men today beran life with tj!"M I')' !lt," 3"- consideration of pub-
that idea, and by hard work, dilligent ,ic l"l'n-y. In fact the inference is
application and economy have attained Plai" tlat he U still talking as th at-
iiifw fn ii.f.irrf.fli.ennv., linM ,f l.i.i. torney for the railroad and not ns the
ness. Hut this better half-a-loaf-than- rt'rr 'l',,,at,e t,f ll,e People, and if
none idea is ranidly disanncarins and U,iat Policy is adopted and the morb
many of the voun:; men and bovs of Kft refunde.l, as proposed, the
todav will not work unle.s at fancv PP,e ,ivll, uIonK the ,ln wlU be
prices. Few of them are disposed to compelled to pay freight charges based
.share the hardships their father cn. on the double capuanzauon to uie emi
dured even at treble the wages. Hence 'f f,f l 3 car9 ln sbort' ,ie arPue9
every town has its full quota of young
that if "Thurston voles for the exten-
men loafers who are growing up in ll m vole, not for federal con-
idleness and not le truing to do a day'n
work and live within their means.
Nebraska City News.
trol of railroads, but for railroad con
trol of federal government."
Sex ator Tki.i.ku contributes to the
Hawaiian discussion the nsseition
that the democratic party wjs beaten
last November because of President
Cleveland position on annexation
This, of course, overthrows the theoiy
Howl as much they please at tho
bugbear of a silver basis the country
is sure to bo forced to it if the effort to
keep up the gold standard is not soon
given up. And, furthermore, no man that democracy suffered because the
liable to show that such nn event, if vilon bill was a protection measure,
freo coinage of silver cornea with it, because too many democratic congresr
would not be a vast benefit to men voted for tho repeal of the Sher
the masses of the people, as compared man law and because too few voted for
with the presmt condition of wretched- it. Hawaii, after all, according to Mr.
news to everybody except tho money- Teller, settled the election and will de
lenders and thosu drawing large sala- termine that of ISO. A sage man is
-sD. if i. rra ,ninnn, r .iK-.r Teller. Ills discoveries in tho Held of
1IV9 w v tvUHMigu xrt aav Oil I I I
basis sure.
statesmanship are really amazing. Us.
Sexatou Manpisksok was in youth Luckktia dorr was one . or tne
a member - of the Ohio National pioneer equal suffragists of the last
y.nnav.. anl tlU lina hi knnnnack I irpnei nt Ion. She catno of the same
spick and span. Hy Its mido hangs a stock ns llenjamln Franklin, whom In
tattered old haversack, which telk of mental traits she resembled. She was
four voarB campaigning In the gal- refused admission to th world nantl-
lantold Nineteenth Ohio during the slavery convention Hi London in ISIO
war, because ebe wa9 a woman
What It will Do.
To our Friends and Patrons:
After due consideration we have
decided to adopt the
and on and after JAN. 1. 1895,
we will do no more crediting, ex
cept to those whose names are
now on our books and are very
prompt in meeting accounts.
We have tried the credit business
for nearly fifteen years and have
profitted but little thereby, the
most of our earnings being on
our books or lost by uncollected
By selling for CASH we CAN and
WILL give our patrons the ben
efit of our gains and the advant
ages derived from getting spot
cash by selling them goods
At Reduced Priees.
Of course we shall continue to
exchange goods for country pro
duce. Come in, get our prices
and see how far a dollar will go
these hard times.
No. 406, Main Street.
A Worthy Ftatnple.
I.!:iro'.n Jourcal.
Ileginnlnt: with s o'clock this morn
ing every applicant nl the counting-
room f the Journal ill r ceie n
of bread fre. No qu-sti n will t
asked, no name niii l - taken uni n
effort vrill be mate to ascertain tht
identity of those who c 11 No one w iH
know that any of tlir caller at
Journal oCie come o Jtk fr f. ni. I
is Intended that the injunction tc'v
in secret" shall be followed as closrlj
as possible, in order thnt it roav b-
demonstrated whether tliere are mum
of the poor in Lincoln ho ate noi
properly supplied by existing charit
able agencies.
The truth seems to be coming out
respecting the hot llcht certain repub
licans have been making In congress
respecting Hawaii, and it s foun i in
the fact that Messrs. IIontelle.Fr) and
Iolge are deeply interested in a finan-j
cil sense in scheme to annex th
Hawaiian Islands to the United States.
It's another Little 11) k bonds affair,
which came so near swamping Mr.
Illaine, and Mr. Cleveland has got hold
of certain letters that will prove,
when printed, to be almost as Interest
ing as Mr. lllaine'a letter to Mr. Fisher
which ended by saying, ln postscript:
"Hum this letter." Mr. Boutelle is a
bull-doser, but he may be called down
from his perch.
O rrt uJ.rIr In cvt Chili- 5"
0 rea ixjiriiiifi:!.
0 IF you hre a m'l amount tf
I tnoopy to cj'nd. nl y.-ur chJid
0 nr1. toiue cloUiins.
It will - -
- - Surprise youj
How far u llttle;money
will go at
Not Ira,
l i O. T ..i
JUJswillbe received at the office of UtnWCllCr OC lUU
the county clerk on or bt rore noon or
the 7th day of February, 1S95, for the
care and support of the poor and care
of poor farm for a period of three years
from March lt, 1SH5, providing the
affair of s-iid farm are conducted
satisfactorily to the board of county
commissioners. Said farm contains
120 acres. IJtds must stato how much
parties are willing to pay as rent for
said farm, and the price per week for
which they will board the poor, the
county to furnish all light, fuel and
clothing for the inmates. Board re
serves the right to reject any or all
bids FliANIC DICK60K,
dw2 County Clerk.
Plattsmouth. Neb., Jan. 23, 1505.
The Catholics of St. John's church
will give a bazaar and dance on the
1.1th and 14th of February, and expect
to have a great time.
Tho Grocers,
Cor. Sixth and Pearl Sts,,
Sell Cheap,
Give Good Weight,
Deliver Promptly.
a a u
ILAPIE& i u mo?
ar tha eriiaal ana only f BJSCH. ji afirt
liablamra on tba markat. Prio tlJXH aent tt
tsaii. Oaouiaa aolii ocuy hy
Friclio & Co., Druggists.