Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, January 31, 1895, Image 1

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    y :uU HI ;,- rt.., I,
VOL. U. NO. c.
1.00 n
(Mill in adva.ncj:.
ill r p y
U 111
A Fictitious Newspaper Reaps a Rich
Harvest of Suckers.
A L4dd shot Can Vlmy llavc XVttU
Son orn M. P. Set-lion llouOnlal
Klmwuotl Various Int;' fat
ing .lotting.
A Smooth Swindle.
The Ladies- Monthly Geni was the
name of a publication at Cleveland, .,
the publishers of which perpetrated a
swindle, and reaped a harvest of suck
ers who paid them the neat sum of
50,000 before th authorities put a
stop l-y it. The Gem was extensively
advertised at 50 cents a year. Prizes
were offered for the successful work
ing of a puzzle. A Miss Koffman of
this city saw the ad. and wrote the
publishers. She was then asked to
send SO cents as costs for registering
her application. This done, the puz
zle was worked, the answer sent and
then she was asked to send three sub
scribers to the Gem at $1.00 each.
Then she was aked to end 4.3.5 for
some other purpose and then was
to get a fifty dollar gold watch. This
she did. aud today receive! notice that
tlie affair was a swindle and the 1. O.
D. had refused to deliver her money
order to the Gem publishers so that the
last payment she made will be re
turned to her. Miss Koffman is a de
vout Catholic and was drawn into the
scheme by having seen the Gem ads in
a German Catholic weekly , and pre
sumed that the publishers would ad
vertise notMcg that they would not
iuarante. Miss Koffman could ill
tfford the loss tf the money she ad
vanced to the swindlers.
Accidental hoUn; at Kim wood .
William Howell, the thirteen-year-old
sou of A. J. Howell, section fore
man of the Missouri Pacific at Elm
wood, this county, accidentally shot
himself about four o'clock yesterday
afternoon with a shot sun. lie had
lid the gun, which was already
cocked, down and when he went to
pick it up it exploded and the charge
entered his I-ft breast and passed out
over his arm. lie whs unconscious
when found. afew moments after the
accident- A doctor was summoned
who dressed the wound, and there Is
a chance that he may recover.
Urn .on iloj- t'nfort ua.
The members of the Deoson family
jest at present ar; somewhat unfortu
nate in the line of injury. Fred Den
tin is a switchmtu in the employ of
th- B. fc M. in the local yards. On
Tuesday he jurnejed up to Fort
Crvk iih a tf'itcb engine thit was
conveying some bad-order cars to the
storage below the fort
Fr-d was standing on top of the cars
when h coupling was made and the jar
threw him off his feet and he felltothe
ground below. His leg struck a rail on
an adjoining track and the muscles
Wt?re bruised in asevere manner. Fred
is confined to his bed at his home in
this city and will not be able to report
for duty much before two weeks.
Jess Den-on, an older brother, has
been employed for the past ten days
at Deerfield, whre he has been assist
ing Mc Maken & S n, thw Flattsmoutb
ic de Vrs in cutttngand packing ice.
YesterJ y morning a cake of ice
weighing about thirty-five pounds fell
off of a chute, distance of some thirty
fe-t b ve the ground. The cake
itru ?k Jesse on the i J and shoulders
and indicted a painful scalp wound,
the cut being m9 three inches in
length Fortunately for Jesse his
shoulder received the main force of
the blow, but had it been his head, the
aflair would surely have had a fatal
result. Th injured m in is taking an
nforcvI lay-off and is resting up at
hit home tn thin city.
' V'nphr Fr Harry Hill.
Kditoh Journal: I am glad that
ne people of l'Jattsmouth did not mob
Hill and his pal, yet, the two deserved
to be taken onto Main Btreet and have
their heads taken off. What sympathy
. does a man deserve who will walk into
f he house mt a worthy citizen, shoot
him down, then empty Ids revolver,
trying to shoot the other members of
. the family, while his pal is using a
club to help him? Juries are too
easily swayed by bull-calf eloquence
trying to get all the sympathy for the
criminal, while none is left for the
victim. 1).
Headquarters for cheese at Weclc
bach's grocery.
A Tramp. HeroUm.
John Garrity, a tramp bumming
from town to town, prevented a hor
rible railroad wreck on the Burlington
Suuday afternoon. Garrity was
counting ties betweeu Deuton and
Crete when he came across a burned-
out trestle. He rushed back to Deuton
and had just enough strength-left to
tell the operator of the condition of
the trestle, when he dropped to the
ground completely exhausted. The
operator telegraphed ou to Crete just
in time to hold the east-bound flyer
No. 2 which was behind time and
would have pulled out for Denton and
certain destruction in about two
minutes. All Garrity wanted was em
ployment and the Burlingtou ofiiclals
were only too glad to reward the fel
low by giving him his much-coveted
fUlUtuoulh Decline.
The Lincoln Journal, in its report of
Tuesday's doings of the state senate.
"When senate file No. l,by Watson,
cime up lor tutrd reauing, atson
amended by making It apply only to
cities having less than 2.,ooo inhabi
tants and more than 10.000. He had
intended to fix the maximum at S,oOO,
so as to let in South Omaha and Platts-
mouth, but it is understood that the
lattercity is not desirousof complying
with such a law. The bill as it now
stands permits cities of less than 2.5,-
C.X) and more than to incorporate
as first class. A second bill has been
introduced to legalize acts of cities of
this class which incorporated under
the act that was declared unconstitu
tional by the supreme court."
Iturlkn tlarnlng lccrc.v
The total net earnings of the Chica
go, Burlingtan & Qulncy for the month
of Drceml-er, l'.OI. w ere t2nS,ll2, a de
crease from the same month of 1S13 of
!:0,122. Freight earnings for the
month decreased 167.151. Passenger
earnings increased $!,( and operat
ing expenses fell ofx.S522.ci71. For the
jear from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, the total
gros earnings of the road were
5H.S77, a decrease from IS'.G of iii..vtl,-eC-5.
Freight earnings were S 20 ,200.
75, a deciease of .'.1,0 -33,011.; passenger
arcings were 17,211 ,3-S. a decrease of
12.544.023; inisoelUoeous. fl.OXi.7tt;;
operating expenses were $19,111,307, a
crease cf 5f3o7,JS2; net earnings were
!2,$4)0,71, a decrease of ll,17J,152.
Everything considered, however, and
as compared with other roads, tLe
showing is an excellent one.
A roooth tel
Gwathmey fc Donelan. the Glen
wocd druggists, were the victims of a
very smooth game on Monday. A
stranger walked into their store, say
ing he was employed on the new depot
at Pacific Junction that they had rnn
out of paint and became to purchase
a sufficient amount to complete the
job He purchased the paint and
Uiauc UUb all lutuiic iit trKUidt
paper, signing the same to be approved
by the assistant superintendent at
Creston. The paint was hauled to the
depot, placed in a Pacific Junction car
and went to the Junction. On Tues
day morning a telegram was received
from Sup't Duggan saying that the
man was an i in poster, while it was
also discovered that the car bad been
entered during the night and a portion
of the paint stolen. Why the man
chose this method and what he was
going to do with the paint after he got
it Mill remains a mystery. Glenwood
DUirrm I. 3!cnlfled.
The Lincoln Journal says: 'Os
car Callahan of Henkelman, Dundy
county, was In the city Thursday and
had occasion to report to members of
th'i state relief commission the condi
lion of affairs in his district. Mr.
Callahan said he was satisfied the com
mission was doing all in its power to
relieve suffering and was doing it well.
Dundy county, he said, was as bad off,
probably, as any county in thedrouth
stricken region, but it was folly to say
that peoplo were starving. There were
many people in need of help and they
w;re getting it. He said the commis
sion was imposed upon to his certain
knowledge, but it was hard to prevent
it In one town in a northwestern
county he knew of a man who was act
ing as a sort of a distributing agent,
who had 200 bushels of potatoes in his
cellar, and yet had complained to the
commission that nothing had been
se nt to the town. There were similar
cases all over the district; not many,
but enough to show that some of the
reports sent to Lincoln w ere not to be
rolled upon. Mr. Callahan thought the
work of the commission was as
thorough as it well could be."
The best Iowa sorghum at oO cents a
gallon at Mr CouitT'H.
A Mrs. Johnson, who resides in the '
Kngel property, corner Fourth and ;
Elm streets, reports that her husband
has decamped with her little girl and
some $200, the latter sura represeutiug
nil her ready money. She is after the
recreant husband with a real ven
geance, and offers a reward of $50 to
the party who furnishes the informa
tion which will result in hia apprehen
sion. Representative Davies of Cass was
a member of a house committee ap
pointed to look into the matter of em
ployes, and the committee reported in
favor of cutting down the fore. 1 lie
report was filed yesterday and the
party of reform (?) decided that it
would not do to let out any of the
place-huuters by voting to indefinitely
postpone any action on the report. Mr.
Davies made a strong plea for the re
port's adoption, but it was without
avail. If Mr. Davies is a real reformer
he will forsake the party which
preaches that doctrine but never prac
tices it.
A man steals a horse, sells it to an
innocent party, who buys it in good
fa:th. The owner comes, takts away
his horse, and the man who has bought
it is loser to the extent of the purchase
price. A knave prcures a farmer's
signature to u paper purjuurtlng to be
an agency coutract for thesale of some
machine. Hy tearing off a part of it,
the remainder with the signature le
comes a promisory note, ltascal No. 1
sells it to llasca! No. 2 and the latter
sues to recover. The ccutts decide
that the farmer must pay the "inno
cent holder of the fraudulent paper
Is there anything cut cf joint in these
caes ?
Dr. Cook aud wif ru;med hoa.e
Sunday from Chu-jgo, whither thry
journeyed twt wtek ago to consign
the tre tiuent ! their little daughter.
Janet, to : specialist for dialetis.
The little girl returned with the par
ents, and the pecialist has ftrong
hops of her rre vcrr. Diabtlis in
children is ery rare, and recovery Is
rartr stiil. b it 'I e siciaht acriUs
s a reason for the hopelul condition
of the little girl, that the nature cf her
complaint was discovered before it
had progrt'!f d to any gleat extent.
The paticMt will be trealrd white at
her home in this city, and her recovery
may be a matter of many months.
George Dodson, the eighteen-year-old
boy who was arrested on Saturday
for robbing postoClce boxes at Lincoln,
has been bjund over to answer before
the United States court in the sum of
l,Oo). Dodon, In making his confes
sion, told thit there was a man en
gaged with him, but he did not know
his full name, the only name this con
federate had lnen know by being
'Dan.' He gave a description of his
confederate and says he can identify
him if he ever sees him. The officials
think the boy's story of having a con
federate is true, and that they know
the man. Dodson went to jail In de
fault of bail.
Black Hills miners w ill have another
opportunity to ote on the prohibition
question, the South Dakota legislature
having voted a few day a ago to resub
mit the question. At the statehood
election in 1S9, which adopted the
constitution and prohibition, the joke
of the day was to take a long farewell
pull out of a bottle and then vote for
prohibition. But it win not such a
joke when the votes were counted and
it was found that thn umeudment had
a majority of about 5,000. In some of
the small tow ns in the cistern part of
the state, which were always temper
ance towns, prohibition has worked
very well, but in Pierre, the stato cajv
Ital, Sioux Falls, Yankton, Huron,
Watertown and other large towns it
resulted in the establishment of "blind
pig3," and original packnge houses.
In the mining districts the law has
been openly and flagrantly violated.
The taking off of the $1,(HH) county
and city license resulted In doubling
the number of saloons in the towns
and big camps, and the opening of sa
loons in all the? small camps and at the
mouths of nearly evety gulch. The
only capital required being $25 for
Uncle Sara and credit fcr a five-gallon
keg of liquoi, a lot of the old boys
opened up saloons. The general opin
ion i? that prohibition will bo knocked
out by a majority five times as great as
the one by which it was carried six
years ago.
Mr. and Mrs. hum Itadke of the
Fourth ward are rejoicing over the ar
rival of a healthy boy baby their
first born at their household.
A Frightful Injury.
Henry Hayward, a young man who
has been employed on a farm down in
Johnson county, near Tecuroseh, was
tbo victim of a terrible acciderft Fri
day which will, in all probability,
cost him his life. Together with some
other men he was engaged in sawing
wood with a power saw. In some way
a stick of cord-wood was caught in the
machinery and thrown around with
terrific force, striking the unfortunate
young man squarely in the face. His
upper jaw was broken on both sides,
his nose broken and smashed into his
head, the bones of his face broken in
several places, his lower jaw torn from
its bearings and the teeth thereon
wern driven into the roof of his mouth
A hemorrhage followed which was so
great that, together with the injury,
the attending physicians think that
death will ensue. Young Hayward
has no relatives in the state.
I j jr i r Hartlgn' 11 y polhtial.
M. A. llartlgan, the former Platts
mouth 1 iwyer, has a theory of his own
in regard to the Barrett Scott tragedy,
and the following in Saturday "a Omaha
Bee will better explain It:
"M. A. Hnrtigan of Hastings, who
Is viMting Omaha, adds a new page to
the history of the Barrett Scott affair.
Mr. Hartigan was formerly a resident
of western Pennsylvania, where the
famous Mollie Maguires tramped upon
the dignity of the law for years. Mr.
Hartigan says that after the Mollie
Maguires were broken up and driven
out of thi country through the vigi
lance of James McParland of the
Pinkerton detective agency the. mem
bers of that murderous secret organ
ization who were not put in jail scat
tered. Many of them, it is said, came
west and located in Holt county. Mr.
Hartigan lelieve that the seeds of
crime w hich were nursed in western
Pennsylvania during the reign cf Mol
lie Majuirism hve blossomed alter
thee mmy years in Holt county, and
that among the vigilantes who killed
Barrett Scott were several former
members of the gang that terrorized
the mining regions of Pennsylvania
years ago
The platform of the Mollie Ma-
gmres contained two pianos, tine
was death to the people objectionale
to the organiz itian. The other was
i"e.recy as to who did the cold-blooded
act. The numWr of su4den deaths In
Pennsylvania was frequent, and the
fame of th Mollie Maguires soon
spread and created a reign of terror
Mr. Hartigan i positive in his belief
that the Holt county vigilantes are
simply a band i f murderers which is
an offspring from the pared organiza
tion mentioned.
Southern lenarsitr nil ?Cbrk Wit
The Atlanta Constitution is pur
ported to be responsible fur the follow
Ir.g over-drawn account of the destltu
lion which exists in western Nebraska
'In that bleak ml blighted land cf
drouth and desolation, thousands of
farmers are literally starving to death.
The crops have failed for two j-easons.
the farmers Pave no money and no
credit and can not get employment.
Families die in their lonely cabins for
want of food. Even water is hard to
get, the ground being frozen solid to a
depth of I V) feet. The level prairies
look like hard and smooth asphalt
pavements, and the cultivation of the
soil yields no return.'
And then that well-known wit, Walt
Mason, comes back with the following:
"The editor of the Constitution
means well, but he doesn't do justice
to ti e situation. The winter has been
so severe so lar, the thermometer
ranging from forty to seventy above
zero, that the ground is frozen clear
through to the other side, and three
inches of ice maybe seen on boiling
water. In this bleak and blighted
land of desolation thousands of farm
ers arc starving to death, having uoth
ingbetter than porterhousesteak, fried
eggs and potatoes to keep soul and
uody together. I he prairies are so
level ami bard and smooth that the
people can travel anywhere on roller
skates, and it would be foolish to try
to raise crops on them. Why destroy
the greatest natural skating rink in
the world, that pura kins may be
raised? The farmers would rather
starve three times a day than to go
without their skating. If some of the
easterners and southerners would
come here on an excursion train they
would then bo able to see to what des-
perate straits we are reduced, aud
they wouldn't have to depend for in-
lormatiou upon gentle-hearted cor
respondents who hate to tell the whole
Geo Ballance, the well known B. &
M. engineer, whs down from Lincoln
yesterday to visit with his family in
this city.
akocno tuk cornr KOO.M.
Wm. E. Exline and Miss Buth A.
Trook of the vicinity of Union were
granted a license to wed by Judg
John Carnes, for indulging in an al
tercation in a lower Main street sa
loon last night, was fined to the tune
of $9.03. Carnes was short on financee
and went to jail to !oard it out.
The suit of Harvey Carper vs.
Henry Clapp, on trial before a jury in
Justice Archer's court Tuesday after
noon, was contested with considerable
warmth by the opposing attorneys.
Carper sued to recover toO. the penalty
fixed by the statutes for Clapp's fail
ure to release a chattel mortgage
within ten days alter Carper had sat
isfied the same. J. II. Haldemao ap
peared for Carper and Allen Be?son
and son for the defense. Tlie jury
found for Clapp.
The Missouri Pacific railway.
through its local treasurer, D. b.
Smith at St. Louis, paid' into the
county treasury Wednesday its check
for $11,819.33 In payment of its taxes.
Sheriff Eikenbary made a levy yes
terday on eighty-three lots in Mercer-
ville addition, the same being taken
as trie property or v m. Ij. urowne io
satisfy a mortgage for $0,000 held by
Harriet A. Townsend.
Anthony Yo3t,by William Yost, his
next friend, has filed his petition in
the district court of York county
against the Chicago, Burlington &
Qulucy railroad, asking $00,000 for
damages received by being struck and
run over by a switch engine at Alger,
111., while employed as a section hand.
II Joined lUm Jap.
Louisville people will remember Dr.
J. A. Scbuelka, who wasatoje time
a physician in this place and then
tnoved to a town in the western part
of the state where he got tangled up
in a murder scrape, mention of which
was made in thse columns atthe time.
Some time ago he sailed for Europe to
further advance his education, mean
time leaving his wife and family at
Lander, Wyoming. Mrs. Scbuelka
lias I een visiting in this city with
friends for the past month but re
turned to her home in Wyoming last
Saturday. Before leaving she received
a cablegram from her husband stating
that he had joined the Japanesearroy,
and we suppose the man of medicine
Is now busily engaged amputating pig
tails somew here in China. Louisville
Courier Journal.
At the election of officers by the Ne
braska Editorial association at lork
yesterday, Charley Hubner cf Ne
braska City was chosen president, the
same being a good selection In every
paiticular. The correspondent of the
Lincoln Journal at York, however. re
ports that Mr. II. is editor of the Ne
braska City Press when he should have
said the News. Such is fame!
Another Cahler I Short.
W. J. Zlrbut, cashier of the state
bank of Mllligan, a small town twelve
miles southeast of Fairmont, Fillmore
county, has seemingly skipped. Mr.
Zirhut makes his residence at Fair
mont, and as far as can be learned is
short to & considerable amount. The
exact figures of the alleged shortage
cannot be learned. Those concerned
are reticent, but circumstances point
to some interesting developments con
cerning the missing cashier. Specula
tion ou the Chicago board of trade is
reported as being responsible for the
Manager Babcock of the stock yards
company has been figuring on the dif
ference in price of hogs in the South
Omaha and Chicago markets shipped
from Iowa points. During the first
fifteen days of the present month the
Chicago price averaged 91.151, while
the South Omaha market stood $1,111
for light and mixed hogs. Thus there
was a difference of four cents per 100
pounds in favor of the Chicago mar
ket. Tho freight rateftom Iowa points
to Chicago is $37.23 per car. To South
Omaha from Iowa points the rate is
from $10 to $20 per car. This shows a
net difference in favor of South Om-
aha of from $12 to $20 per car. A ship-
per thus gets more for his hogs here
than if he sent them to the WindyClty.
-Omaha Bee.
Miss Lulu Knight, Instructor in phy
sical culture, will be in the city Satur
day and give her class its first lesson
in physical culture at Waterman's
hall after 1.15. I4ady visitors aro welcome.
It Causes an Engineer! Eeath at In
cite Junction.
Ware IIou Slnll-i Will l on TH!
Th JIlMf flullivait AJToril flr-m-
iil Cntertftlnment for Tlilr
lleul Note.
Engineer Burns, an old employee on
the Burlington, and who has pulled
the throttle on a switch eiigiru-in the
yards at Pacific Junction r.rtl.e ps?t
six or eevei years,.! : L his !if- tAU
on uuty .uur3.iv iitf rM.'i. ; r.-'
fast mail train fi':a H ? tat wa late
Saturday. ;d i-. rit it d-p-ti:ed fur
Council BluiXa. Burns engine Lad been
hooked on behind to give it a f at start
out of the yard. Burns shoved the
mail train for some distance and ap
plied the air to stop his engine, but
when he endeavored to reverse the en
gine aud move back la the other direc
tion, the air-trak rod was foucd to be
broken and the ;.g:r- would net
move. Burns climbed -'cwn out of
the cab anil proceed i tw '-xarrdne the
broken brake rod. In so ? L w as
compelled to get under the ec'i.c
when, without a moment's vrarntng.
the ponderous machine started to
move in the direction which Burns
had before attempted to make it. and
the unfortunate man was mangled
and cut to pieces before the very eyes
of his fellow employes..
Burns was a married man ana the
fathered thiteor four children. He
was a popular railroad man and his
sad death is e!ep!cred by a host of ac
quaintances and friends.
That Hrboa(windl.
The case of the state vs. X. P. Ken
dall, charged with selling to the Ne
braska City National back false ware
house receipts, which was to have
been heard Saturday in Judge Eaton's
court, has been postponed until next
Saturday on the motion of the state.
It is claimed by the defendant's at
torney that he will be cleared of the
charge, as his books and other things
show that the grain was in the eleva
tors when he gave a mortgage on the
same. The state, however. Is confi
dent of being able to convict. Ne
braska Citv News.
Ilntcrtftloed Their Friend.
The Mi.e3 Harriett and Annie Sul
livan entertained a parly of friends at
their home Saturday evening in a man
ner which was tht roughly enjoyed by
the guests. Card playing and dancicg
were indulged In. and the serving of
an excellent luncheon brought the af
fair to a pleasant conclusion. Those
present were the Mi?ss Gerinj,
Wright, Leonard, Clark, Hyers,
Richy, Leist. Heisel. Cook and Annie
Mamie and Harriett Sullivan, and the
Messrs. Gering, Hayes. Bichey, Cole
man, Spurlock, Livingston. Eaton,
Hawksworth, Hyers, Parmele and
A South Dakota newspaper delivers
itself of the following at the expense
of the supreme court of that state:
With a crank hunting for one of the
members of the supreme court of this
state with a gun, another member
under indictment in his own county at
the time of his election for alleged
crookedness in connection with a bank
failure, and the third member so far
In his dotage as to be almost childish.
South Dakota supreme bench is in
deed in a pitiable condition. Judge
Fuller should go back to Faulk county
and resume his former occupation,
that of looking after a horse during
certain seasons of the year. Judge
Kellam should go back to Brule county
and stand his trial, while Judge Cor
son should be retired on a pension."
The anti-toxin treatment for diph
theria has been tried in the town of
Tekamah the past week with good re
sults. The five-year-old daughter of
C.A.Jack was very low with diph
theria, and since the injection of the
anti-toxin there has been a steady im
provement, until at the piesent time
she is considered out of danger.
Plaltsmouth physicians have some of
the medicine and will give it a trial
when an occasion first presents itself.
It is hoped, however, that tho town
will escape a visitation of this dread
Hons Weduesday, to Mr. and Mrs.
II. J. Helps, a daughter. Mother and
child doing well. Congratulations are
Limberger cheese ten cents a cake at