TIME CiRDCHMS. I How the Burlington'. New Schedule Affects the Running of Trains. ED. BRANTNER'S CLOSE CALL. 1 ... ...i.i... nr a liultet lu the lUrrel Of Bolfr U AH Tlt 9el 11 U Ute. llauklug Tm ' Karly ray-Nole. Tint Tim Crt. In accordance with a previous men tionhithe Xn,; nVwtimecard went iSo effect Si the Kurlington railroad on Sunday last. Several iru- standing previous reports to the con trary. No. 12, the evening train from Lincoln and Omaha, is not to be abandoned, as previously rumored, and will arrive here forty-two minutes earlier than by the old card. The west-bound afternoon Schuyler train. which was abandoned when the old time card went into effect, will be put back on the line, and will be a great accommodation to reople from out in the countv who journey to i'lattsmouth the county seat. The! departure of all trains fromthis point. according to the new card, will be as follows: east noisi. No. 2. dally S:ie. p.m. Xo. 4. daily 13:31. a. E No. 6. daily 12:21. . a. No. 13,froa Scbnjlereseept53iiaAy.ir.S3, .rx No. 1. daUy except Sunday T :t3. p. tx No. 93, dilly except Suaday IZ-ZX p. ra. No. 3 freight fron LouUville t-X p. o. WEST BOUND. No. 3. daily 3:43, p. o. No.S. daily... 9:15, a. a. No. 7, fast call, daily 3: lip. Q. No. 9, to Schcyler, except Sanity. ...4 CO, p. m. No. 11, d Ally 3:.p.m- No. 1 , daily except Sunday 7 : LS, a. m. No. freight to LouIrlUe v,a.m. A Clo Call. KJ. Drantner, a well-known vouth about town, has good reason for thank ing providence that he is alive, accord ing to all reports, and that his head was not perforated was because a re volver aimed at his head by a young woman failed in its mission. The name of the girl in question is Murray. rortant chan-es were made from the - m...- was a old schedule. Xo. it, the new train 'Park from n passing altirllngton en- from Billings to Chicago, will arrive ,ne H is brought in the name of tho in riausmouth shortly after midnight. 0 uVt VT ln, m .m in thu ritr. notwith- llty it is mainly for the benefit of nuu n tit ? Ed. took the youngladyoutdrivlngonlurm of Tootled Hanna, who ran the Sunday night and when she learned I that he carried a revolver, she asked to look at it. Ed. gave over the gun and before he' was awake to the real situation' the girl had pointed it toward his head and fired. The cartridge exploded,! but somehow or other the ballet lodged I in the barrel and failed to perform its I deadly mission. The girls action3are saiu 10 oe sucn tnat sne is not consid-l ered to be "just right' rnentaliy, and to this her strange tantrum is des cribed. Nabra.ka l!nk la l rlj tiy J no. A. MacMarphy, the veteran newspaper man, who formerly edited I the now defunct Plattsraouth Herald, I a quoted in Friday's Lincoln Journal I as follows: "Mr. Morton's iiat money lingo re- minds me of the old times. 1 was aIenan:ie -, with that watch as ae mere lad in Nebraska in 1ST7, when the noted financial crash came. I was I clerking for an old Frenchman up the I rivr on the borders of the Omaha re-1 erve. When the anti-Morton, pro - Hat banks banks began to lioudate I over the left as fa.st as a horse andl111 and sold for $2.0 a hundred to rider could gallop up the Missouri I river and communicate some secret orders bank after bank closed its doors. the cashier grabbed his little tin box I with all the real money thev had in it I and generally scooted across the river I in a skiff by night over into the United States. Faster and still faster fol- lowed the angry farmers and citizens withhandfuls of bills, to see if they could not save something out of the wreck, have those paner wads changed for something else.something I that would buy something they wanted The bank at Tekamah went up the spout like the rest; the cashier skipped between two daylights and left an aching void where that bank had flourished; and the word was passed On Up the river. I "I was cleaning the horses early one I morning, when the old man rushed out.bare-heafle.l.flnr! .i.ntit- Tn, quick, take dls money, ride to Teka mah and get me some, good money; hurry up, the bank 13 broke, but may be you can get something,' and he thrust $1 in Hank of Tekamah bills In nay hand. "I saddled Shanghole and started. As I proceeded down the main road from every side-track and wagon trail a horseman would appear and join me, bound for Tekamah. He was after some of that good xooney, too, but alas I when we reached there only a closed door and an empty shanty met our view. An angrier set of men you never saw, and woe betide that banker man bad he been there that summer's morning. I aadly carried the $123 back to the old man. With the sangfroid of a Frenchman and the stoicism of the true frontiersman, whom no foul play can entirelj upset he only f 'Well, credit it on th' books, grn0 hen, itRo " ..ore the w rA VAn tre bleu Yankees trash. " Suits aggregating tlt250 , llM Gled gainst tte Chlcar0tBurIlDRton & Qutncy railroad at rh-AM w,thi the next few days. Thir. tn rH. cover leases causs 4 by lhe LifJ Ure in cvcniopc of A druat t ,Sni which started in the inmtor vnr.i r,f k. Martin lumber company, and vrhlchb't;jre tj,0 ames were under control, swept away the entire plant of several lumber conipauiea, besides the electrical plant of the Siemens & lla.ake company and the car building Jop of tl Well. & French company, The suit is belajc brought to make the ?n the the insurance companies who lost in the fire. Hon t'lour Kvperienrea. "Talking about hard tlnies," said Andy Taj lor, the wealthy farmer of IMattsmouth precinct, the other day to a Journ al reporter, "and the stor that Iv White told you, reminds me of some of the incidents of my early life in this county. Why, times are not hard now with the farmers like they were back in '3, u9 and 'GO. Then one could hardly get money for anything, and after 1 settled where I live now, and worked like a nigger, I hardly savr as much as live dollars in a year. Why, let me tell you some thing. A man named Capt. Archer, who won his title as captain of a coast ing vessel along the Atlantic, was the owner of the farm now owned by Charley Warner, north of my place. tcd had XQkdo considerable of an im provement there. He had a breaking team of four yoke of cattle, and he used to guide them by telling them to go to the 'laboard and 'sta'board,' instead of 'gee and haw I did a ood deal of work for him and acted is his agent while be was away from home. In the spring of he ran abort of money and went east to col lect some that was due there, leaving his wife on the farm, and myself to act for him and run the place. While he was gone som building hadt3tedone, and we were out of nails, so I posted off to town to get a ke g of nails, do ing to T.J. Ilanna.of the mercantile chief store in town, 1 told him of my wants. Well,' he sa!dt'jou give me tho cash ( ".0,I think it was.) and yon can have the naih. 1 am selling only for cash now.' "That was a poer to me, but I thought sure my credit was good for that sura, and offered to guarantee the pay myself, telling Lira the situation of affairs, and that the captain would return before Ions with nlentv of money, and would then pay for the nails. IJut it was no go. Money or no nails, he said. So 1 went back and reported the status of affairs to Mrs. Archer. The lady took from her dress her gold watch, worth $150, and told me to take that and pawn it for the na51a- 1 brought the watch into town. but Hanna wouldn't have it, and I couldn't find a hou! in town who would leurity. The fact Is, the money was not in tne county to do scarcely any of the business on. Everything was barter anJ trade. I sold wheat at .10 cents a bushel to ray my taxes with, and 1 Lave secn dressed hogs taken to Itoca iQterest on money borrowed at 40 jf1 cent Talk about hard times! I l'eoPIe don't know what hard times are now At,tl et 1 never saw a time when th pecp'o who lived hero had a PIentter of the necessities of life. Crora were good, and all we lacked was cheap transpDrtation to the markets t0 five plenty of money. There were n0 railroads nearer than Iowa I1 - 11'011 lDe easl ana ot. Joe on the ex-l80UtB while steamboats could only run about a third of the year on the UiU "Uouy.. 1 might say the only market we had then for corn and pork was by freighting by team to Denver aD1 the mountains. There we could et a Sod priaj for everything, but it C03t enormously for freightage." IJefaH Cannot be Cored Uj local applications as they cannot ?aca "casea portion of the ear. he only one way to cure deaf OMS. &na iat." by constitutional VWUJluui a3ic3i,;iremeuies. JJearness is caused bv an lunaraeu conanion oi mo mucous lin ing oi the oi tne eustachian tube. Whfn tnis tube js inMamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when It is entirely closed, deaf ness is the result, and unless the in flammation can be taken out anil this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which Is nothing but an luilamrd con dition of tho mucous surfaces. We will give one hundred dollars for any case of deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars; free. F. J. CrmsisY & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 7fc. If tho saloon men of the town were to take out no licenses for next year the men who are making a raid on them would And it disastrous to the public schooln. A To the Ca or Harry SI lit. Lawyer Matt Oering denies abso lutely that ho knows anything about any alleged petitions being In circula tion askingGovernor Ilolcomb to com mute Harry Hill's sentence to that of life imprisonment. He says that ho could not expect to secure any more than a few signers at the most, and besides he has no faith in petitions. He admits that he will make an appli cation to the governor beseeching that ollicial to commute tho condemned man's sentence, but petitious will not enter into the proceedings. Meanwhile It Is said a few interested people who believe that Hill deserves the sentence accorded him, witt circulate petitions requesting the governor to leave the matter alone, l'etitioti of that na ture would certainly be largely signed. l'rof. (leorgo M. ttreer, of McCool, Xeb., has Invented and had patented an Australian ballot counting ma chine that Is simple and inexpensive tn construction, but will count and enumerate accurately votes cast at any voting precinct or ward Inside of two hours after the polls are closed. The saving in wages of clerks and judges of election for extra time in counting will in one election about pay for the machine. The machine is now made with a de.sk containing drawers and ballot box. This desk in country townships -Is what Is needed by township officers to keep books and stationery in. Mr. Greer proposes to push the sale of the machines and In troduce the same in this state. The scheme appears to be a good one, and Tin: JortiswL gives its entire consent for the machine's use in Nebraska, providing that it registers democratic ballots only. The professor is invited to bring on his machine. Hay for I have about 10 tons of good, bright hay, mostly red-top, some blue-stem. put up without gettlrg wet last August ('OI). Have sold my farm and must get hay off. Can be seen at farm, east of Flattsmouth, about a mite from rifer. Man on farm will attend to It, or address. G count: A. Davie. r.-dlaw2 Glenwood. Iowa. An Otoe county man wants the legislature to compel all owners of wagons and bugaies to lengthen the doubletrees of their vehicles so that the horses will have to travel immedi ately In front. of the wheels and rot between, as under the present ht rangement. ly this means. he claims, the feet of the horses would prevent the cutting of ruts in the rads by the vehicles. Nebraska City New. At at the Jnstanc of cunty clerks a bill has 1-ren introduced in the legisla ture aNVJshtrg thf elT.ceof recorder of deeds, putting his work on the county clerk, and providing that clerks terms shall consist of four years, beginning Jan. 1, 1'7 thus extendingtheterras of those clerks now in o:Vce oc tear. It is a stn.ir t piece ot work, but we should have to think twlre. before sp orting it. Iloswell Morrow aud wife of Fight Mile ('rove precinct returned borne this morning from Modale, Harrison county, Iowa, whither they journeyed last week to attend the funeral of Mr. Morrow father. The deceased was eighty-one years old and wilt lx re membered as a resident of Cass county atKHil twenty-five years ago. Mrs. F. McCourt and children de parted this morning on one of the Ilurlington's tourist sleeping cars for their new borne at San Jocento, Cali fornia, where the husband has pur chased a fruit farm in the hope of bettering his wife's health. Mr. Mc Court and Ills elder sons wilt continue to reside in this city. Open your heartstrings to the poor. Don't go upon the presumption that because a person Is jioor h is shiftless or undeserving. Some of the best peo ple in the world are among the poorest. They may be honest and Industrious, but have not the faculty of getting on in the world, but are none the less de serving. The St. Joseph fair association, a member of the grand circuit, has de cided to hold a three days' midsummer race meeting on July 4, 3 and 0. The smallest purse offered is $1,000 and the largest $3,000. Allx and. Itobert J. and a host of other flyers have been secured and will take part in the meet- Io. The itlness of Gertrude Morgan, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I). C. Morgan, has developed into dropsy and the child is in a serious condition. Tiik JouitNAL, on behalf the many friends of the parents, hopes for the child's early return to health. John Uyan killed himself ut North Platte yesterday afternoon by shooting a pistol ball through his heart. He was one of tho U. 1. railroad men re cently discharged, and has been drink ing heavily during tho past few days. He leaves a wife and two children. Maj. D. H. Wheeler of Omaha wa in town on business today. While here a telegram reached hlra announc ing that his aged mother,residingncar Malvern, was at the point of death. He at once returned home and will be at her bedside this evening. Mortga W- Entire Stock of Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Gloves, etc., Must be Sold for the Benefit of Mortgagee's, EEG-ABDLESS OUT1 PPwICSS. Sulo of Stock Will Oommoucfl Tnosilay, Doc. 18th, Dollar's Worth Jh Sold. -One Door West of the JOE Was Known to Handle ONLY THE BEST OF GOODS. You Will Never Have Such an Opportunity Again. A. W. WHITE, I it t rcMlurr,! .jr Katie. Representative Davies of Cass county has introduced four new bills in the house. They are deseriled as follows: II . It. No. ir.by Davies To amend section of chapter V of the compiled statutes, entitled "Liquors," regulat ing removals of llcensrd sahxms from one location to another within a city. II. U.No. G0, by Davits To amend section of the statute eutlth-d Heads." II. It. No. r.Ol. by Davies To amend the statutes entitled "1 toads." II. it. No.GO-J, by Davies To amend the statutes entitled. "Cities of the second class and villaces." Llmbercer cheese ten cents a cake at J Weckbach's. Cases of forty years standing where operation? have failed, have been cured by Japanese Tile Cure. Guaran teed by Fricke V Co. l.Ut of l.itr Remaining unclaimed iu the postoHice at riattsmouth, Nebraska. Jan. 21: KUeatftcta. I I! i:ri'.;h, Ant.-.r IUT. WlUliti Hoe?. V N lcc. A'.f r ! :-4-:.t. I C?U-n.O r "".tilth. M! I :! Person calling for any of the above letters or parcels will p!e.ve say "ad vertised." W. 1C. Fox, 1. M. Mr. W. L. Mreet of Weeping Water is in the city visiting with Mrs. Swearingrn, while tnronte to lied Oak, Iowa, for a further iit with relatives. Magnet Chemical C. Princeton, lit. Dear Srs:--MAiN"i.T Pii.n Kn.i.r.r. is a hummer. It is sothing, quick and effective; does the wirk and is worth ilv time the money. Very Respectfully, P. Itous I in AMIS'. For sa! by Gering .V Co. A. H. WECKBACH, PKALF.K IN FANCY and STAPLE GROCERIES QUEENS WARE, FI-OUR and FEED All Kinds ok VEGETABLES- In Season. riftii OP KVl'ltr DPSCltlPl'ION Noil ALWAYS IN STOCK. We are agents for the cele- PntTfT brated DIAMOND MILLS bUlltt 8Si:.f: CITY BAKERY W II EKE YOU CAN OET GOOD, FRESH BREAD At ny time. Prompt attention glrcn to onlcrt Agent for Seven of the Best 'STEAMSHIP LINES. GIVE ME A CALL. Telephone ZQ. Main Slreet. Or. E. C. Wttt'a Nene and Brain treatment M lutlit tmlir liiive wrfti-t uuaranttxt, tjr author Imv rik'oot mly, tt cur Vvuk Monory; I-os of Dr.lnnti.l lsVrv l'iwtr; Ix.t Mantuw!: Oul'"knt.; Mglt idnM-u; y.U IrfJn: 1 ut ConfMi'iioo; hrvoon; I.nlfuilo; H DrnliM; LHut lwr of tbw Oi-tirraUv lr;ii In etlhr nci, onii-M iv-r-eerttin; Youthful Krror-i, or i:xo'ivw lo Tolmroo. Oj'lum or J.l'iuor, hl !i .xn l-a.l I Mlr, l'oiiuniitUn, IiiKonlty ami linlh. Iijruml 11 atxx; 8f :ri: with written pnirnnl' to curio refund iumiy. WrHT'rtCOCHll HY1UT. Aeertain cure for CwUk'tw, l!, Atthiua, JJrmu-hltl, Croup, holriif k'Wtfh, Noro 'J hront. PUH-nt to tako. Hmnll him l)K4'ontlrini..l; olil.fk. Mzo, HOW 'Jfxi.; oM It .izt, U"iw6Jo. OUAKAM UVJi i.xuU tny by F. ti, Fricke &. Co, druggists. II NEW gee s Agent What Cash To our Friends and Patrons: After due consideration we have decided to adopt the Cash 4- System and on and after JAN. 1, 1895, we will do no more crediting, ex cept to those whose names are now on our books and are very prompt in meeting accounts. We have tried the credit business for nearly fifteen years and have profitted but little thereby, the most of our earnings being on our books or lost by uncollected accounts. By selling for CASH we CAN and WILL give our patrons the ben efit of our gains and the advant ages derived from getting spot cash by selling them goods At Reduced Priees. Of course we shall continue to exchange goods for country pro duce. Come in, get our prices and see how far a dollar will go these hard times. BENNETT & TUTT No. 406, Main Street. H. A. WATERMAN & SON, DKAI.KKS IN Lumber and Coal. MondoUcoat ... 14.25 lUitf coal 1 00 Cation City coal . STREIGHT & SATTLER, 8ucror t Henry lUwk, Faraitore Undertaking Stove. Kinjfe, rintioa, fremt. Our ? it 't in Mai U cjaiplote in every iot.- An luvettatlon la certain t convlnct. 5500 Reward! VK will iav u'iOve tcw.nrl for anycnc oi Llvrr Comlan : Pyppsl.i, hick HmiI.icIh- I" dicttiot C;n.i!i..i!iu!t or Costivcnes wecanni'l cute with Yc:'s Wtfi' table I.lvcr Tilts when the directions i tc !'.ttctlv comptirI with. Tl" atw purely Vtg. i.iMo. inil never l toKlve luiactioo. t! .- OmU-u. Larc boxes. 2 cent Ileware of cou-.nortcil ' nnI imitAtionn The gen uine mitmitaclumt only by TIIK JOHN C. WiiST COMPANY, CHICAoO, iU 1 (Ca -J.- n.ml Continue Until Every Old Stand- for Mortgagee. i It will Do. W.L.OOUCLAS' THE I1CST. FOR A KING.- fcto. cordovan; FRTNCN A. CNAMCLUt) CALf. SOLES. Over One Million People wear the W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shots All our shoes are equally satisfactory They lv the beat value for the moiter. They equal caatom thoee la etvle an J fit. Their wearing qaalltlea are nnaurpaaaed. The prlcea are uniform, .tmpl on aole. From $i to S. saved over other makes. It your dealer cannot supply you we can. Sell Ly JOSEPH FfiTSEIl. BYRON CLARK. Attorney at Law, rLATTSMOUTH. NED. OFFICE; .Second floor of the Todd bloc e&tt cf the court bouse. PC - r 3.-LoP0UCE,3 I EXTRA TINE- 5. c