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About Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1895)
WEEKLY JOURNAL, TllUUSDAY, JAXUAUY 21, lbO",. IX AMI AKUl'M) I1IK TOWN. C W. Manning of Xehanka was in town Saturday. J. I. Hartshorn of Louisville was u I'Uttsmouth visitor Friday. Wm. Wotenkamp is reported to be rapidly convalescing from Ids recent illne. Ueo. Lohnes of Eight Mile (Irove prrcinct was a Platlstnonth visitor Satutday. W. S. Ptirdy is lying very ill at his holm cn South Third street. His re covery is very doubtful. Will Carraher, the 1'nion wheelman, who is teaching school near Cedar Creek, was in town Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Klmer F.ikenbary were in Ashland Monday and atteudeu the wedditig of the latters' cousir. Miles Standish has returned from a trip to the south, having gone as far as Memphis. He is again at his home south-west of Murray. MeMaken & Sn completed their work of filling their local ice house, and paid off their men Saturday. They have nearly 2,000 tons in . Chas. Williams, a well-known far mer who lives in the vicinity of Ash land, was in the city Sunday, the guest of his niece. Mrs. 1. L. Hates. Lawyer Allen Heeson was the re cipient Friday of u genuine southern m.cking bird, the gfl of his sis't-r. Mrs. Tobie, residing in southern Mis souri. It is a hue sin er. i;eo. VulSery, assistant general pas senger agent for th Itiirlington, with he trters at Dentfr. was in town Suiili vbiting with his parents, Mr. and Mis. Jacob V-llery, jr. Therr dots not appear to be much consternation among the hair dressers over thr decision of Judge Chapman declaring the transfer switch law un cons jiutiona!. Lincoln News. With due reverence to the happ pair. e must sav ih it the wedding in vitation recently received at ihisoffice hits the b'iU ee to perfectii n. It re id: Yar presents ren lasted, etc." L viUviUe Courier-Journal. Now that the court li.Mise clock i t-eing regulated by Jeweller Arch I t'j'. m in. it is running smoothly and j keeping cued lime. The clock has J rea!!v I-erveJ the attention cf a jeweller ever since it was ilACel io the c )urt !iou?e tower. lhtjrday wai the anniversary l thr- liirthilay if lrtjatnin Franklin, .tml the i I iiz at the hth sch.1 baiKlir: was hnited in honor of the event. One jourijjter. when quizzed as to why Franklin was famoas, re torted tliat h- was "the inventor of lichtninir. I'iul Arxuutir. the km of he f and pjrk packers, i-i siil to luive made arrangements for tise -rec:ion of a S2.0.UaJ packing ant 111 .Suth Cniha. Increased ptckioij facilities in SjuUi Oaialia means a lrttr mar ket for Nebraska farmers. Mr. Armour is doubly welcome. Chria. Metzer, of Cedar Creik, bud his clothes r-et aCre rhtirsaay L.y the tire from a lighted cijrar. w hich fell I ltween his coat and Vrst whl!e he washe..vily wrapped up. A hole was! burnd through his corduroy vest and pantaloons before the lire was located, suit of clothes was spoiled, but no j other injury resulted. I .society across the river as neune- .a ..taaal.l nem nas recently ieen lorn asuuoer . . ny lion or me arresi anu imprison- m-nt ol a rnn turned Vinson ami n woman wlio has be-n living with him as his wife, but who proves to be at Mrs Combs, of Missouri. The parties were taken to Clenwood and placed j in j iil to await a trial for adultery. I'lattsmoiith has taken pattern after ih nrohihition lar.i of this city of a year ago and Ims ordered card-playing stoooed in the saloons of that ntiiet old citv. It will now be in order to make ----- . . aUw i.r.diihium? the nlaUng of high- live 111 the conn house, as we are told r iv r.fTUU anen.1 ti.tirh of hir valuable time at thi3 kind of J " I aTitHement LouivilIe Co'irier-Jour- nal. The s! ct d mcing party given at Waterman's hall 8 iturdiy evening by the vourtg men in h nor of the T. L.." .1 young ! tdies' tbming societ) , wa-. h'glilv eoj alle ff.iir. S tufi ;liir ' i'"ec - p. sit i if-Med in thr te-t s.him! .1 :;m a';fr.!l Jo iLe htK-''.s it fi i!i:ir ci whit-li the parly t: .-. .. : e V ri'i'r.V Italian or ' f . -ti . oiUitu a t ;i i-i (1 !! music. 1 1 1- r rftiiin ':niM-iit. o nwietetri n umbers. l V V.. ) .rscy and Uichard C O ti -aSf, tmK ':! ils lecently in d.': 1 ), t'-ef.-.J.. 4 ,-nittd jury , fil-d th ir b nl : fids I'liurs iHy iti the oaic; of thy el-;l: of v.m federal district court. The former g;ive a bond for nd th bitter was held in the Hum d ?0.ih no. Neither of ihe parties '.. J ... -.4 . jr-.4'e I hev c'ame t . i . . : . to-v rr'i'ilifd.- 't;.io,i lit--. The "Q" in cutting tlov, n expei.HtH at a terrilic rate along ita line from Pacific Junction toCreston. Mills sta tion is partially abandoned, only one man being retained at that point. The night c ilice at Hillsdale is also to bo abandoned it is thought and at other points along the route. In fact when all the changes that are contemplated are made there will be but live night ofllces between Crvston and Pacific J u nc t i on ( "J le u wood T r i bu n e . The committees who have in charge the collecting of clothing ami provi sions for the drouth sufferers of the west, held a meeting Saturday after noon and have secured the assistance of August (Jorder iu their work, who will receipt, for all goods that are left with him. and the public maybe sure that everything they give will bo used to the best advantage. Flour and meat will meet immediate wants, and farm ers nro urged to donate as liberally as possible. Aug. Smallfoot, living north of Dun bar, Otoe county, lost a daughter Fri day evening, aged five years, ten months and fifteen days, of diph theria.. This is the fourth child lost by this family within a week, having buried three in one day last week. Mr. Smallfoot's afflictions have been great this year. 'Last fall he came from the west, wheie he lost hisentire cropsby thedrouth, and was compelled to return to this county almost penni less after four years' hard struggle to live and accumulate. Nebraska City Independent. The putting on of the east-bound lljer. No. 6, on the Burlington, enables the Omaha Bee to steal asort of march on the Chicago dally papers, which are favored by the railroads and are whlized out over Illinois and Iowa by fast mail trains and reach the Missouri valley several hours earlier than ever before. The Uee puts a special edition, containing an abundance of fresh telegraphic matter, on Its press at about eleven o'clock each night. A limited edition is run off and the pa pers are bundled off to the union depot and put aboard the Purlington's No. 0. which leaves Omaha five minutes before midnight. I5j thi means the He? reaches evry town of any import ance 'on the llurlington's Iowa line quite a bit in advance of the fast mail train from the eust.nnd that paper i ihus in possession of quite an ad vantage over the Chicago dailies. In this case the favoritism shown the Chi- cago papers in the way of having fast M trains afforded them is more than offset by the Uee's enterprise "d.'iixuet Chemical Co. Mary ville, M"o. ;entlernen: Of the n:,ny File pre parations which I have used I found none to do the work oi'iick and com plete as MAtisrrr I'n.r. Kiu ku. It is 1 'Nj iik relief and positive cure, as yen say. ry criemi:v yours. Ai I. rnn't:. Traveling Sa!eraan. For .a!o hj lierir.s A Co. Ar .ttilnit Annetitliin The -c!ietne of annexing Sontli Omaha to th metropolis of Nebraska i loin favor amors th poi! of the former town. Sinc tin news that Armour, t U-. ti Chsca-o j trk i . coming to South Omaha and tbatSouth Omaha is to hav a Hjj,i.h sovrn- rant building has been received, there Las set in a strong current aain- jui- t,PXation, and it is very doubtful if tht proposition woidd carry today if put to a vote of the p? ,-:. Many wrll- known citiei;s , w ho a few week ago were hallooing themselves hoarse for annexation, have changed front com pletely and say that they can now see their way clear for remaining out of Omaha. Japanese File Cure is the only one thal caI 0e KUHraljtt.,,(j. IM jt is the . s , . b Fricke tS- Co vic i Tr-Kir Pr .it, Henry Carstens, a young farmer liv ing near L'ierce, this state, met asome what tragic death yesterday. He and two farmers had been engaged In dig Ug a well. One of the men told It . a 1 a a . "ut 'ul curbing before digging any deeper, r -ir lu n1 ca e in. nenrj , , : 1 . Ul " c."t-ni ami went Ik a a t l a-:i,n- Y,u'r WK uui mre minutes ne was miri. n ne- neaui aujui. iuo irn vi auu. iieip 9 l a.t tl tt . was uumeuiaieiy caueu, utit ine uouy was not recovered for four hours Carstens was a married man, about 24 years of age, and leaves a w ife ami one child. Carsten s death was the Maine which befel Chas. Neely some three months ago at Louisville, this count) . A :l!ratl IJim-1j tlll.t Wrirr Magnet Chemical -o ( i n i' e m e 1 1 : Maun kt Kii.i.i:i: (Mired me of Itching Files in three, ap plication-. I can cnsc:ieritiou.sly r romniil i' to perform the work. John Cahi:i an, Ornaha, Neb For sale by (iering S: Co. Talking about the electric lights Clans IJrekenfeld opines that the best thing for the city to do is to buy the electlic light system and also the water woikr., for that matter as soon as the city is able to do so. The friends of JIiov JiritLaien joicing at the prospects of his early it coverv to halt h. O. L M r.'. ,J-n.,M;l, HI., write: Mlav' ti-il yutir .IstpHtiefir Tile rtitr and fouml It a hure permanent cure." 1 Sold by Tricke & Co. ICnml NotUe. To ALL WUOV IT MAT tONCKHN? The oonnnlHsloiier appointed tit view n road comtiuMwlnir at the souilnvtt rumor of Mrtlni Itfceen 15t. town ten lo. rmni twelve t-, rtiouttiK thence thirljr (.'() ro.s eiot. thtnre nineteen 1 10 r.!s north, lit I y-livo ( '") rod eaM, thpiicpMMiili el'jhteeiHl'O tih to ,ettlii line, (hem e eat on f-ct'tlnn line hIhiuI two hundred Hinl thirty live (.';'.M root mid tcriuInHtltiit at Koiuh enl corner of teciloti lifu-cu tI5, town ten (I'-M, range twelve tl'i. Caxti county. Ne traku. to lo known hk ronl . it UK ha reported In favor of the l.t-urintf thereof, and all objections thereto, or elitlnm for damages, timet le t'.Uri In the comity elerkM o!!tre on or before noon on the 1:0th tiny 'f March, A 1, 1. or auch road will be acted upon without reference thereto. Kit AN K DU'KsoN, W. A. SWKAKlNtiKN. fount) t'ierk. 4-1 lieputy. First National Bank I'l.ATTSMoUTIl, Mill. Capital, ptvid up $50,000 OITICKKS: K. Pov t v. K. K. Wmti: S. Wai oii. It. N. IK.vkv . . . rrot.ietit . . . Vice prt blent i'nhlcr A!-t'.uit t'lili r in;i:fTius: George K. 1 vey. K. T. . White. 1. Ha-.Tkw. rt)i I II. N. lK'ey. eref il ntient!on iriveti to the lntcre-t of cuttotitcr. to!!et tlotiH um le uI i-rouij liy rpmltteJ for. UUhet tuarkt t rice j-al t for county wnrrii. Q l Ptate :i1 co-iritr touS Zuchweiler & Lutz TI10 Grocoiif, Cor. Sixth and Fearl Sts., K V. F. I KVKUYTHlNii IN lltKIU LINK Sell Cheap, Give Good Weight, Deliver Promptly. 11 a oia ttstou Is soi.Ii iTt l. P. J. HANSEN, PKALKK IN STAPLE unci FANCY r j I T I I I ( . r I I f 7 j JL V Vy y JL X V- KJ m ! ' Crockery Gla sswaro, FLOITR AND FEED! A Spooinlty. One door North of rostofficc - - j ""W X T 1 j F. Mala Strfft, I'latljiaoath. (3j Bi Qj Q m I! 11 g-; j Teas and Coffees Unexcelledt furtlre Hros Oltbratrd CANNED GOODS. soli: agent fo Pilisbury's MINNESOTA FLOUR, Tl lt in thr Wi.rl.!. Th "KXXX" :uH "IleHt" Hranis HEART DISEASE 3D YEARS! Short Drcalli, Palpitation. Mr. C. Vi. McKlnsoy, pottmnstrcf Kolcomo, ih1.,;uu1 a bravo cx-solllcr, nays: "I bad boon prrvcn-ly troubled with heart tii-?cao ever binco leaving the army at the close cf the lato war. 1 wa1? troubled with palpitation and shortness of brent lu 1 could not sleep on my left Ri.lo and had pain around niy heart. I boeanio fo ill that I wn nuicU alarmed, and for tunately my attention was called to Dr. Miles' Heart Cure I decided to try it. The ilrst bottlo made a decided impnivemenUn my condition, and live bottles have com pletely cured me." G. V. McKlNFEV. I. M.. Kokrano, Ind. Dr. Miles Hmrt Ctiro U M on a roltlvo puuriiuteo lh;it Ij tirst botllw will iK'tietit. All drostRSst ai'U It nt tl, 0 ixitt lri for t or It will ' Kent, prepaid, on rcflrt of price by tho lr. Mile MuUlcal Co., Ukhart, luU. Sold by all tlrtifrKiata. if V DEfORt Or. E. C. wM's l.'crvo rm1 Orain Trcalmer.l H iM uu.l'T j.-IUvo written irtmrnnten, l y nutlu r letl uk'ei t nly, t i u,- V i.k Mer'iory; Irv nf I'.riitn Ncrvi ) r; J. I .I.t'.'.o. R' ; t ni'"i. tn ; Mk'tit 4wM-; K' i ln niti; i,t ,' .;! 1 Ni-rvuu-iiw; Ijifitu le; ail ljri'iii; I of l'uwer of the tO ii inti llrHin la t-uhrr net, nu--l hj ovt-r'erti.n; Vuu'.hful Ki ror, or !.x-vwlt Vrc Tohniio .iuii .r Ll'iuor, wlti. i. f.'-n ler..l t MlM-r, ( Muii)itl,.n, lu-Hinty nn i Dcnth. lly uir.t IIbI't; UfrK; ! h wiittn t uurr.r t lit 4-1:100 refuti.l luonpy. WlsrseoldJlHi Hi f. Aci-rtaia euro fr CVn. lt. I'.ihl , a thmn, tir.u liirl -, Troup, V tKx.j.injf licwli, s,.rt Thro'tt. I'leiu :itit t- tnk". HrnttH uIo .);( in.i -': '.!, r-V. Fi.'. Ix.w'i' .; Ji It le, u.-watv. to Ai;.V. i i I js i.-'.'uml .uly I -j P. Frlckf & Cot druslsts. H. D. TRAVIS, Attorney and Counselor at Law. WILL I'l: TI l. IN AIL T1IK I KT. OKKI('i:-KMiii 1 ao.l ;. I iilmi Itl'k. Plattsiuontli. - - - Nob. f.- r-rvtv g-eaiamura URS V i .;"7i;,-i i. I. cpvU f 'iutniPiit aud t wi ( l.iAi-: ' t. i ox-!tt;iiir c'ur for Pt! 1 . vi ! u'i tiiifrw. Il tn opermtlott j ti'lit'M l:s ! 1 r f. .,' ion of crtiio acid, vhh j 5 n: j: 1 r :. l , ' ! th u jTi.::fiit rnrw, ti.d rJ-n ; f i. t , 11 . v. ( , ur-vcea.ry. Whr andur 1 M.n t tr : c'.;-eiaA? We guarantM.Q I ocu- c cur-i :iryc:ii, Yoa ouJ 17 ffi r- . imha-.i. !!. 1, c f. ir a t-r maiU dtjapl 1 - - .. ! . tl t-y eur cr-t't : f .- -VnflM Cured. Pliet Pren!i. J 1 it ill ,UH bilaaaneta LUfPlleti ! : IV. i'. .'-4 tTOi ACII UtAiUUlTOtt aat LI 1 i a 11., nul-i ana n ih. Nn. I First Premium j at the jCoIumbian Exposition (The SiDgeTManrg Co. ! iti:jx:i vi:i 541 First Awards, I't-U c t!:c n'ij:t frr of twitf!i uMai'.ifsl rxl,.- an 1 noro liin tlottUJe lh i.::n!-cr rot cUM by ail o!'ir rwmr MarhltiaJ CvJia j ai.J- . A r l tt-rt- i i r 1 oa the f olioa !r., Kaf-.ijljr -r-!ti M ifhiiifs V. S. N' j. 7. l.y l' U 1 -if:, Tfre 1 AMt-twat!r .::-. l;:, u ii-'ian?. oit.".g M liinr r it.rtv rt Kjiii.rot -lr:e, t.a .. 'ur ii. I Arti!ir Kartu!i'.riC, '!-!rj, Ta;--trj- Ma i ; Aln 41 arJ. rovrrlnc njarMne t -r u;:,iifc;fp in rmy line w I re a -':rs; in" ti I ime-l 5a r..i!-u a;-. 1 .ik iot.'i. Kn!t ;-kv! l-l!.. r . t if . for OrnJn'Mll stllr hlnc is -i t t . : h ;-. Kjr:. tiirrln. pr j-a:3.if:.:. -tajlUj;. K AGKN'TS WANTKl). The Singer ETfp- Co Ovor tlto World." Mr audi I.-,U1 !.... Cl- Ht , Omaha JT r. JQNSS. ; . LIVERYMAN. t'.r i'fw1 .V Hutlio Ut 1 t.--k an 1 ahm-st. ana schiidknecbt Bams. i i, riiK i-ij.-i i:;r Ui .f ait ! -rl; tl-ti. fru-: a Sa !!: i l.-n t t a Mxtfi j-a'M-MCcr Wici.n. r.;S H rr 'T Vfc.n, rry alia utvl (.(lifil'n f .r ( ! ti,-. ! P.I..1 f liiffi!., 'I'rMlti rlTi at i:::ifLH i:ati Tolophoim ?4l. Ir!rcs It na'.-!e. No creilit over ,lr. IM mi 1 in. r't.iinT arfl ll.- vile-l ta rail, atUfaftln I guar all Wr-1. w. i. Junes BEE30N &: ROOT. Attorneys at Law, rLATTSMofTII. NEll. of ficr, -F'uif' ra!.' ll(v k. orpr FIrtNfl Unl II. O. LIVINGSTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, II N SURANCE, riiHmoutli. Nelrka. The County Fair affords an excellent opportunity for thd pick-pocket to j;et your watch. If you would be proof against his skill, be sure that the bow (or ring) is a I This wonderful bow Is now fitted to tha Jas. Boss Filled Watch Cases, which are m.ide of two plates of gold soldered to a plate of composition metal. Look equally as well as soliJ gold cases, and cost tbout Iwilf as much. Guaranteed to wear S'.o years. Always lo. k fc r thistraJc mark, None genuine witluii-t it. 'fC Sold only through watch dealers. A atch CAKt t j enr hich a lsnd&om Ciiifn cent troo on rtqunit. KeystoncWatch Case Co.. PMILADULIMIIA. ftp ! , , i i 'j w-fr-r':-Tt 'r. ' ' n l r I '"-., ...--.-il.J' ..- --i What Y4 I i O V-n R5? a t a w n j Cn.storiii Is Ir. Saimiel Iit lers rescrij)tiun fur Infants mid Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic .substance. It Is :i harmless substitute for Paregoric, Iron, Southiiur Syrups, nrnl (Tastor Oil. It i." IMexisant. It tfiiaranleu Is thirtv y, . tiso ly Million.s of Mothers. Castoria 1st the v Iilldreu's 1'iiiiacea tlio Mother's Friend. Castoria. "i'atturlaiiao well aJajtl torLIMrrn th&t I rxinnw.l it aa mirieiior toanjri-r"i-rii.ti.r know ii to liii." JI. A. Avut, M. I., Ill So. Oxford St., nrtw.klj n, S. Y. " Tha tu f CajtorI is nivrral an ! i:a merit tn well knom tliat it a-"T;i a rk of eiiiiereiX'Kation tornJorw. il. lw ar tl . liitcIUfrat f amillM ho i!o im k-p C:uvUiria willlln easy rrach. Cakum MaitTTK, I). D N-ar York Cty. Tua CusTkvu. . 7 J 7 ! . ; x Sl - ill NTil l.i:. ;.,4'i:t:'i.1I. C Ui,!.. t i . .'!'ca 'it : I uri!- : t a. It no tf-c vai;:e of jour Hinioit (in., i j?iink U 1 ;tie r tct t'i:i-!yevtf .l..i rtJ for I':r: liiMi-i aiil ru;t. T4'.i!t'o''joJ in r f r ien 1. w ln f ir t j fr? n 1 c: let ! to l. t.-v.:;-iu:j-t.-n au . Lk ir i ti turrit i. a r-l Vy ilt'a C-ir. t,e i now c nr.: ;j .!. " M i tt J iJ.m: i i - n4r.r t J year v. 1 wa al ve 1 ty lilloli a Cnrr. lifit jr ciuiij-y nl o .M ' irrU M ar4;!i j a .-ir rrtn If. 1 ha 1 ft jI u:i-vI tt.rc f r.c!i a co..lrr'-i; a-..rl:c la tue aorll. 1 jul 1 n H t- wr.h . n a t. Jttie .f It 1 n !fce l...i-e for ttru ti-: t tbr J r:r- f it. It ras metwrni-jf lJ.Uri i 1j nr The City Hotel, C r.icr Main and Thirt! Sts., PLATTSMOUTH. A FIRST-CLASS HOSTELRY IN r.VF.RY KKSPECT. REFITTED and REFURNISHED Special Attention Given to the Accommodation of Farmers. First-Class Bar t Ion. onnrr CLEAN ROOMS AN D T A H L K Rates SI Per Day. H. H. GOOS, Prop'r. Thra Baby w kick, tre pire her Castortfc CTTica alio raa a Chill, cried for Castor!. VTLen h became Jtiss, rIio clung to Castori. When eho ha J Chilvlxrn, he gave them Castor!. LADSES 10 YOU r-vrr dpi. Frux le onurrs SIEEL BHD PEHHYROYBL PILUi n thotirinitml and only HIKNCH, Mfenad r. iiriM.cur n tho inrukt. rrioc f ecut Ly 3tail. Gi'iiuino M'hl ouly by Frieko & Co , ih'uists. We Have Money to Loan at 6 per cent n fitrm or rlty property in miy utM'tUtu of tl.o country rhcr property hn a liied rtirtrktt Tlue. Money realy for linmcliite loani bote eurlty nii'l title Is uoo.l . Nocoiurnl-ion. We ! Io it applications. I'.lankM lurnlhel nprt reiuet. ALI.KNJt CO..40& t i Uroadw o.New Vork Ulieo tiny CnuKs arosupcrlor to Ilaliiin of Opalki, CtiUba ami Injections mm hey ctire iu 40 hours tho .V samo dl?cacs without ruiylncoa Tcnlence. SOLO BY ALL DRUGGISTS to 6X1 s ri n 1 i fUUb Castoria. t'ulArii -ur-H Cjli", Czistiiitioii. V.'iiliAit i:iji;r-)!j jnM;-atiin. "For r-TTril yt-arn I Lave rw :r :jirivi' j ur (Vsi'ria, a:nl i-luiil rj iajs c .. ilofoai it l.X Jnv.iT iMjr j.r..-! ix-l N-n. fi. liTtli Stn--t ar:I Av. I.'. w York C;i, Vwrisr, 77 Mmoir SiTt.rtT, Zkw Yojjc Cm Tf ; . . . w : -' . - - 2!liS. J. It.MAl'.TIN i DR. A. MATTHEWS, Tlio Painless Dentist, Weeping Water, Nebr., vio j vj4 ty i.f Kit e in -i ri:;iug. ioi4 an. I PuricLiin rfiwr.. 'r );e w ork, e:c. TEETH rITlVELY EVTIIACTLI WITII-U T I'AIN .r. IANt;EK. Dr. Agnes V. Swetland, HOMEOPATHIST. !pccml atrontlon t f"tetrlr, D-tdcs tf Womea ftnI Woumi's Surgciy. nffifA " StrrH. OmiH V'h ULllU; . Tele; liene 11M VuUU lnl Aa0c a Well Aan of Me. VITALIS FRENCH HEfilEDY rro.lnrn the Abfttr Iwnalt in :ti ia. it u-ta rowcrlu'.'.y ai-.a ;..ii "m es t livn all others lalL Yom.c trrn will ri :'A'.n t!. Jr lot ir.jra.K0. 6r.d old x;i . n will no. r tl oir y.nihf'it yot Py u.sin.T VITALIS. Un:;i!y und Ft.irrs .Wrum .iK-.v'., Ist V na'.ity. lr-ip ';'". KU'htlT F.mNi.Mis. I-l I'owfr, l':i.;i ;' rv, ;h,.;-t Hlvmx.. and all r:f nbii-e ( v cxtfs ii'i-l ImlKCTi'tiorL nr. iu iii.tiiltv :u-d to..-i ii'pti Itii-t n having VITALIS. J o itt ' r. Cm c rr.. d in t i'fk-k .t i u" i..iti. 1.m) v. r P.u !.--. r U lor I S5.U0, lth it r tiittH r-rawtt' to cM tALt ill i III 'II lV "1,A.. KrS at PlHttstnowtli. NrV, ' y II . Stijder FAT PEOPI.2 ! rK; t)nrirv I'iIm will rodnoo yosr tvculd l'KUMANKN II.V tnan 1 I 1". p -"U : "'ItV " N s' l INf.. M.-kiifx i-r inrir ; M I I .l'IT. rii.'V U t tip l!"' !t-.Hi 'd :!! fy tl.,-.or:M.K ... I. 1:1 N,K , 1',-it.i'iin-s... v , . i : i , 1 1 1 ' i i i . n ' J ; L ': ' 1 .friMiiMir,-'( r.ll.Mv! So I. v fl-. til M h.S 1. Mit -v. i -nlii.-hut lOvitlvo rvtU f. " l-'f-l . BfterVnrs..i ri".-.' All r.. -f H.u.p. . l .Pr.'t l" fromo'iro li. . I'ri.-t - I" r p--fc ..r Um o I.t u l-.V n"' 'I ! -'-l " Ti-liifiot!i;Uand p.irt:. iiirs l.-i!e-l ! - " t" . t"Alli-..!r'!Ki:i'li".t'Hiii!!j ..tM.lviiilfl. . 2 7 tl E A V I Park Remedy Co., Boston, Mass