TIio Plattsmouth Journal DAILT AND WEEKLY. C. W. SHERIIAN, Editor. TERMS roil DAILY. One copy one year. In advance . bj mall . . .1 5 Oh One cop? tlx month. Ina.Jrance, hy mail, 2 .0 cme copy one month. In advance, by mall, NJ One ropy, by carrier. pr week I'ubllkbed every afternoon except SuuJay. WEEKLY JOCUNAL. Single cpy, one year l Slnfle copy, alx month v' HublUhed every TharJay. Payable lu advance Entered at the post Jce at riatwmoutb, tratka. at econ l clasa mailer. Official County Paper. Cakteh, the Nebraska book agent, has been electetl senator from Mon tana. Any financial scheme which con templates a contiuuanee of the gold standard is a delusion and a snare. Skkatou Aixkx was in evidence iu the senate the other day in a defense of populism. He ripped the protective tariff up the back. The French national assembly have elected Felix Faure president, iu place of Ferier, resigned. He is of the same political faith a? his predecessor. Somk man who is a statesman will do the right thing by proposing a duty on the importation of tea and cofTe to increase the revenues where they are needed. As time passes it becomes more ap parent that republicanism in Cass county needs only the vigorous oppo sition of a united democracy to knock it off the perch. The South Dakotadefalcaticn grows worse all the time, and the indications now are that a good many county treasurers will ilnd it hard to make prompt settlements. The bob-tail democrats had a meet ing at Lincoln when Mr. Morton was there and resolved that they ask no favcrs of Gov. Ilolcomb. Their favors all come from the railroads. Tm country is going through a sweat box of proverty and depression as a result of high tariillsm and a worship of the gulden calf which the republican party set up when it de monetized silver. Free salt and free wool, two of the good thiugi resulting to the people from the passage of the Wilson bill, are objects of especial attack by the former beneficiaries of the tariff duties on these articles. With all the talk sgainst Wait .eeley, it seem3 that oleaginous indi vidual ha3 slipped into a place in the employ of the senate, just where he wasn't wanted to take care of en rolled and engrossed bills. Omaha won her tight for the loca tion of the state fair for the next five years, and her statesmen and specula tors are happy over the result. It will cost her a good round sum to maintain it and make it a success. Omaha citizens in chorus: Hurrah ! We have the state fair for the next live years. It's the biggest thing out ! Lincoln citizens In response: Humph ! You'ie welcome to it. It don't amount to much. You'll find it's an elephant ! It will be quite a promotion for Mr. Thurston from head lobbyist of the Union Pacific railway to the U. S. senate. lint he will find plenty of good company there such men as JJrice, Elkins, Quay and Chandler have been In the same business for years. Ik, as has been intimated, Repre sentative liurns has declared In favor of soma legislation for the relief of the farmers who are compelled to patronize the Omaha stock yards, there i fun ahead for Bill Paxton, the democratic boss of the republican legislature. Lincoln News. The suicide of J. II. Harris and wife near Paxton, in the northwest part of the state, on Monday last through fear of starvation, adds emphasis to the fact that there are many people in ac tual want In western Nebraska. The circumstances of this case, which were most heartrending, ought to shut the mouths of speculators from longer de ceiving the public, as they have done through the Omaha Uee. The recent selection of J. M. Patter son as county commissioner has put new life Into that body, and has been the means of suggesting new plans for economizing in county affairs. The visit of the board to Glen wood yesterday Is one of the results of this state of facts. How best to manage the poor farm la the problem that is well worth the attention of the board, and the probable outcome is a new plan for letting the contract for the poor farm this coming year. A 1'AOSrEKOrs CO.MMl'MTY Ana lIot It ISectn soicli-Ait i;aiile WU Worthy of Imitation. About sixteen years ago somo two dozen of the residents of Mills county, Iowa, came together for the purpose of organizing a horticultural society for that county. Papers were read upon the subject of fruit-growing, a display of apples of many varieties was made by men who had been per sisted in the effort to raiso fruit, dis cussions followed as to varieties ami methods and a general interchange of ideas on ths subject, resulting not only in the permanent organization of the society, but in that of a society embracing all the counties in south west Iowa, in the belief, based upon' experience of men who had made a success of it, that fruit-raising could be made protltablo in that region. These societies stimulated a rivalry and put energy into the movement of planting fruit trees. Local nurseries were patronized and enlarged, and the number of acres covered with orchards increased as the years went on, and it was noticed that the farmers who had the biggest and best orchards were trie most prosperous. Small fruits were also cultivated and experimented on with good lesults, and up to Io0 several farmers in the county had as much as thirty, forty and even sixty acres planted In orchards. Mills county had for several years been making dis plays at fails and expositions that at tracted much interest ami carried oil the best prizes, not only at Pes Moines, but at St. Joseph and Kansas City. It was not till lsjO, however. when the full fruition of the hopes of the most sanguine were realized. That year the orchards turned off a wonder fulcrop, and mote money was realized from apples than ever was expected: $5,000, $0,000, $S,000 aud even as high as $l-,000 was made from single or chards. It wai like nuding a bonanza gold or silver mine. The heads of many were turned at the great results. Train-loads cf the choicest apples ever grown were shipped away at a time to market. ThU crop settled the future of the problem and a great stimulus was given to planting fruit orchards. Thousands of acres hate since theu been cleared t:p and cov ered with growing orchards and the bluffy land, lying between the town of Glen wood and the Missouri bottoms. before that not deemed worth cultiva tion,is now nearly all planted in or chards and small fruits. Since 110 no great crop has been harvested, hut enough was turned off each year to net a good profit, and it is estimated that with one great crop grown in live years it is the best paying crop the farmer cart raise. Now, as to results: Thirteen years ago, when the writer left ;ienwod to settle in Plattsn.outh, that town was terribly ''down at the heel,' property could hardly be o!d for any price, ami many vacant houses were going to rack. Today, w ith depression and dis aster broadcast over the land Glen wood is a prosperous and growing cormnuuity . Property is worth more than ever, new homes are seen in every direction, and every house has a tenant or, what is better, aconlented owner. Hundreds of men find living employment in caring for orchards and fruit in its season, and the visitor will find there much contentment and happiness. As a moral of this pialu statement of facts The Jori:ir. wishes to point out the fact that surrounding this city the hills and lauds aro just as well tilted for raising fruits of all kinds as are those of our neighboring county across the IJig Muddy, and the men who here plant orchards and vine yards are ls certain to reap rich har vests for their labor and enterprise. While the enterprising men in town have vainly endeavored to build up manufactures, hero is a field that needs only to be worked to bring rich returns. TntE man who assumes that the Car lisle currency bill, as introduced in the bouse, would prove a satisfactory set tlement of the troublesome (jucstion of finance must be short-sighted, indeed, and when men arraign Mr. Ilryan for flying in the face of his party for vot ing against that bill, as a party meas ure, forget that Mr. Cleveland him solf last yi'ar vetoed the bill for coin ing the seigniorage a party measure, made so by a house caucus and fur thermore that he refused to sign even the Wilson bill. Why not arraign tho president for tho bad example he set? Knowing, or believing, that the bill was unwite and would prove a failure, and that it would be detrimental to the people, Mr. Ilryan exercised his best judgment In tho endeavor to defeat tho bill, because he wanted something better something not based upon bestowing a great favor upon a class to the detriment of tho masses. A democracy which docs not stand upon the principle of equal rights to all and special privileges to nono is not worth lighting for, and can never win even If the party were united In its favor. The Carlisle bill was an un -democratic measure, aud deserved defeat. The real democrats ate proud of the posi tion taken by Mr. Bryan. Of the 1J5 democrats who voted for the Carlisle bill a majority of them were defeated at the last election. In his speech to the legislature on Wednesday, Senator-elect Thurston at tributed the recent bond issues to the low tarilf and the hard times to the tariff scare. lie wants the McKinley bill re-enacted. As to the latter pro position he will find few supporters on the republican side in congress. From John Sherman down, tho repubHancs have had enough cf McKinleylsm. Its prohibitory rates va3 the mean by which the treasury w as drained of its cash before the Wih;on bill was framed, much less passed, and a bond issue followed. Mr. Thurston is passe in his high tariff notious. Kverybody of intelligence kuows that the high tariff was especially intended for the benefit of the New Lngland and At lantic coast manufacturers, giviug them a monopoly of tho manufacture of American merchandise for almost the whole country wide, and if pros perity resulted U was a forced condi tion, sifting out through the medium of their extraordinary profits, and only for tho time being. As Mr. Heed sug gested in his fatuous Boston home market speech, in which he warned Massachusetts people about the com lag power of the omnivorous West," the tariff was made especially fer htr benefit, and if she lost her power and prestige, by losing the rUht. giv u bj the McKlnley act, to tax the people for her gain, sh ou!d nevf r get it back again It would be lost foreer. Well, she has lost that privilege now. ami we shall watch Mr. Thurston's tf fort to giv it back to her, with inter est. Isacae that was on trial before Judge- Satuat of the V. S. dUlrict cotirt in Chicago Wednesday, w herein a 3oung woman had sued the C. N. W. railway company for damages for the Joss of totli of her legs, the jury re fued to enter a verdict for the defense at. th direction of iSe judge, and one of the j-irors even refused to do so un der prole:. The judije foamed and stormed, but it was r.o go. The juror simply t aid he did not believe it was simply a paestioa of law, but that th testimony showed negligence cn the part of the defendant, and that was a question of fact. The judge had the man locked up for contempt, but after wards released him. At one stage of the matter th jury agreed on n ver diet of over SlHl.i'oo damages, but the ju Ige would not allow that fact to be ma le a part of the record. This rase is something like thecelebrated bridge tax case in this county, wherein Judge field bull-dosed a jury into returning a verdict for the railway company against its will, and that the supreme court aft"rw ards set aside that verdict Judges are becoming more and more inclined to arrogate power to then, selves that do rod belong to them. Thk efforts of the gold standard ad vocales to maintain specie payments on a gold basis are daily becoming more strained and difiicult of accomplish ment. The reason of this difficulty is found in the double, fact of a depleted and depleting treasury and that there is such a large amount of paper money afloat which the goldites claim is re deemable in gold. This amount is enormous, as the following table,takeu from a treasury report, shows: ;rttiit.ii''k f.;ic.oi.o:i (ioM note (of t cf July. r ll',fill.2."Vl cold cortir.cAtc min.xw Mlver rcrtlftciaea , ajtl. too, 301 National Lank notci IT-', 132,1 e; Currency cerlinratc 11.1 !. f0 Total tUIU-.O-lS Tjik fact that with all this load to carry on less than a hundred millions of a reserve fund and gold constantly vanishing to Kurope presages an early plunge to a silver basis, aud there is apparently no help for it. In view of this fact, would it not be better to adopt free coinage at once, and thus avert a cadrophc? Single standard theorists are invited to think of this. Xi-:uhaska presents a peculiar spec tacle. The republicans in the legisla ture have nominated for United States senator the attorney for a railway cor poration against which a suit for ex tortionate freight charges has just been appealed to the supreme court of the United States. It is tho maxiraun freight case, in which the people are prosecuting the railroad, and tho at torney of the railroad is sent by the re publicans to Washington as United States senator, where hn can attend to the railroad side of tho case. Chicago Herald. to imiimi: Tin: chasm. Many are the plans suggested iu con gress to relieve the financial strain now confronting the country. Besides the Carlisle and numerous other measures propositi in the house, Seuatora Jones, McPherson aud Vest have prepared billsin the senate all of them in .some degree compromises. Mr. Bryan has also introduced a bill which gives promise of ielief. In a recent inter view he explained the measure in fewer worths than to copy the bill it ¬ self, as follows: "The bill does not introduce any new principle, but simply applies tlueeold principles. It think that the hill would settle the treasury difficulty for the pre-.ent. It provides, first, for coining the seigniorage in the same language used in the Bland selguioragu bill, w hich w as passed last year and vetoed by the president. The coinage of this seigniorage would add $51,000,o00 to the treasurer's assets and relieve the deficit. Tho second section is iu sub stance a revival of the Matthews reso lution, pa.s:-ed some fifteen years ago. and declares the right of the govern ment to redeem coin obligations in either gold or silver and denying that the note-hol ler has a right to choose the metal in which his note is re deemed and denying also that the gov eminent is required to redeem one metal with another. Sj long as the note-holder can choice pdd we are at the mercy of any band of conspirator who may find a pecuniary profit in at tacking the gold roetve. ?v long as the government will receive gold and silver without discrimination for debts ami dues to the government there can be no mat-rial premium on cold except for export, and th t cannot amount to a great deal, but under present ruling we can force all of our money to a high premium over other kinds of propeity, loth" injury of all business enterprises in ireneral and to the injury if a:i debtors in particular. "The third section applies to these who attempt to rou th.' w hole people the same punishment that we apply to those who attempt t job Individuals. The New York Pot rt ctntly quoted. with approval, the advsce ot K iward Atkins n tth fleet that tho-ewho wanted bonds ixsutd should systema tJca'ly present greenbacks ran! trea ury liotes t" the treasury for redemp tion and dtaw out go?d until the d s;retl bonds weie isMied. S'it !i a plan it no !es than a conspiracy to take fiom all the e ple through tave the interest received by th" bondholders. Bedemptiou was li"t intended for that pur e." Ni;w rrATKN are disciusmg ti e problem of tho distribution f wraith, relating to the fjue-dion as to how the accumulation cf so much wealth in a few hands is to he prevented, but none that we have noticed gr to the root of the matter and that is the rvrr.KE.-T phas of it. D;d yon ever realie that if every man got his share of the fruit of his toil there would he very little, if any, poverty m the world".' Only the drones of the wr!d would suffer thoe who now Jive, and many grow rich, on the earning of others. If every man whoeo-.jJJ would e'ginr;ow to pay as he goes he rould contribute largely to bring this state of affairs about. Trn: meeting of citizens at the county judge's f ll'ice last evening ought to be the means of arousing alt en t ion on the part of cili-ns generally aud of tax payers in particular. The situation in which the city is placed is far more serious than was supposed, ami de serves serlousconslderation. Mr. Wind barn showed himself well-versed in city finances aud made an address that was verv creditable to him. The JnUUNAi. hopes that some practical solution will be found to tho problem now before the city how to get out of debt ami lessen taxes at the same time. All tho money-changers of tho country are opposed to bimetallism. Can you tell why? They all want money scarce and dear and everything else cheap. Put the volume of money iu such a shape that they can't comer It, and tho body of the people would be able to get along.withoi.t borrowing of them. That's what hurls. Christ throw tho money-changers out of the temple because they had made it a den of thieves. The same crowd is to day defiling the temple of liberty in America, and they ought to bo simi larly treated by congress and the presi dent. Trr h election of John M. Thurston to the United States senato puts another corporation attorney in the American house of lords. Not until the represen tatives and senators aro elected by the popular ballot will tho peoplo oust paid corporation attorneys from that branch of tho national cougress. ---Kalamazoo (Mich.) tfazetto. More ,t1nut Frull-firowliig. The article in yesterday's Joi'itNAL respecting thl! successful fruit-growing of Mills county, (Iowa), farmers, has attracted much attention, and de servedly. In addition thereto we glean the follow ing facts from the back of a letter of a (tlenwood business man, which indicates the reliance pi teed in fruit culture as a mean of adv vtisiru; for the town and county : "This beautiful littlecity ((lieu aooU) is situated in tho midst of the great and justly celebrated "Fruit B?lt of South-west Iowa," an orchard region already widely known, and destined within a few years to b the leading "Apple Area of America." The soil and climate in the vicinity of (Jlcn- wood are admirably adapted to the growth of utraw berries, raspberries, grapes, plums, cherrU s aud apples.nmi in every direction within a radius of many miles fiuit orchards meet the e)nr.t every turn, and are a ftene of rate beauty for thy eye of the Leholder and a source of large revenue to the growers. One of these orchards, that of Iowa's attorney- general, lion. John V. Stue. cover about Sou acres, w ith a planting of over 10f,0:tj trees. "Mills county apples have taken first premiums, amounting in the aggre gate to over Snoo iu cash, the exhibits being made as follows: Creston Blue (Jrass Pa'.ac, 1 ; VJ-U; State Horti cultural society, Des Moines, JsJ; Iowa state fair, Des Moines, 1-'1; western horticultural society .Atlantic. Iowa, '.: same. Council BUnfs, intir-state f air and exposition, Kansas City, llM; and the great St. Louis fair, 1'. Honors and ducats are always ruled al the feet f Mill county's fruit exhibitors, among whom should al ways be prominently mentioned (Jen. J. W. Murphy, who has teen inde fatigable in every effort to bring to public notice this great fruit region. "The fruit inl a a try is yet in its in fancy, but is developing with wonder ful rapidity. The shipment of 'fruit to the m trket of the world within the last five years have aggregated over $"o0.ooo iii value. People coming from all srctions of the country buying smaller arid larger tracts of orchard land, planting fruit trees at.d vine yards and making b autitul hemes." Lvery couunen latioti of so;l ;nd climate in the above extract is jut as applicable to Plattsmouth and vicinity. Our people should plant f r -ait trees and vineyards. Trric Omaha B-e and several papers of that stripe are bing 1 udly de nounced by th people in this section for trying to hide the truth in regard to the destitution in parts of XeLraka There can be no ipaelion but what this is done in the irderest i f real es tate speculator?. The Bee, if its list contalu any Nebraska exchanges at all. knows what the conditionof affairs is, andtheie is no ex :ue for hiding the facts when perhaps by so doing the suffering of many people will be greatly increased. Let the truth be knewn, even though it mav take a few dollars out of some speculator's pocket tern porarily. Nebraska i a'.l right, only a little unfortunate yis. at present. -FuUertcn News. Tin: Brooklyn stret car strike has reached a stage wh-ie compromise is possible, by reason of the fact that a large number of the linemen have joined with the niotorrnen and conduc tors in the strike. As soon, therefore, as a line is cot and the connection broken, cars tnu-d stop on that line, as linemen cannot be improved out of hoboes on the street. The militia has been iu possession of the town for two days, iind numerous collisions with mobs occurred. The str ike of the line men make a success for the conductors possible where failure seemed certain. Livks of poor men ott remind us. honest men thm't stand a chance; the more we work, there grow behind us bigger patches on our pants. On our pants, onco new and glossy, there are stripes ot diiTVrent hue, because our readers do not pay us what is honestly our due. So, good friends, be up and doing; send your dues, however small; or, when the snow of winter strikesus. we shall have no pants at all. Min neapolis Times. IIoitACi: Boiks was right when he said "the currency question is tho great one of the future,'' but it is not to bo settled by makeshifts which con tinue wrong and robbery. If the presi dent and democrats in congress would follow well-established d rnocratic principles they could Kettle the ques tion easily and rightly nut not by th passage of the Carlisle bill. Without a doubt the insurance companies are making au effort to se cure the repeal of the "Valued Policy" law by the present legislature, and there is a good chance of their suc cess, too. It more is anything nn average iusurance company dislikes it Is to pay out the full value of im policy upon which it has beenieeiv ing premiums. IS Tills ill hNI r It would ti interesting to know whether or not the members of the present legislature feci satisfied that they are doing their duty. If they do, the Lincoln News thinks, they must have a queer idea of what constitutes the duty of a public official. The ses sion has been in progress now for three weeks. U hat are the tangible results? Keally they are so insigni ficent th it they are hardly worth enu merating. In the senate the entire three wciks have been taken up in ap pointing more than the statutory num ber of employe and w rangling to get a few more appointed. In the house it has been a cons'ant struggle to keep the number of diawers of salaries within the statutory limits. But the house has done something else. Two bills have been pa.sed. One was a bill to pry the salaries of the members and employes. It has been speedily advanced by the senate to a third reading and will pass with out any avoidable delay. The othfr was a measure to allow counties in the distric s where drought has impover ished the people to vote bocds with which to bu grain for freed for use in the spring. This is an important meas ure to the people of those districts ar.d their interests dtmand that it be speedily passed, but the prospects are that it has been hung up in the senate, and well hung up. So well, indeed, that a substitute will doubtless be in troduced in that body, aud this will necesiiate li e house doing its work all over again. The.-e are the tangible results nf three week- of legislation. On Vy .r Looklxg At It. Nt !,rs "!ty Nev.-. The City council of Plattsmouth has started oat to refoim the wa-rld. They have instructed the chief of police to stop all card play ing in saloons and to pro.vcute ail druggists who fell liquor except on prescription. Tin: ch;-f reas- n,s m- j -ople think, why the town is down at the heel, is th tt th- men w!i i have made the tnot money in tii" rtn and necau.-e ol its existi nee do the !rj f-r i and take the !ai interest in its well-doing. However true this may te there ought to be a ch nce for ot hers, now that the old fogies are ptiug away. The new Mo -d will ha" to f-.ke tit? !e.4 1 in tl e futtii'-. at au ra?e. Is the- times it is doubtful if m ney is on the average worth two per cent., yet, the law allows seven per cent, on ju lgm-nts. and rnboJy ever heard of i Shyl-k?k taking le-s than the lettt r i f the loud. It will be noticed that the greatest, howl at-out the Income tax comes from the nun who have incomes liable to taxation. All other men would l-e wil ling to p;y the tax if they had the income.- I ren.ont HeruM. TilKur. is every pr-'Spect of a war be tween Mexico and li uatamauht over matters of territorial juri-d;ctn n. fli- (it-ma! sa!iiiMit ior th i;te l ily II.it t'o.. 4iii 4l.. rl.. Wrilro: Magnet Chemical Co Iear Sirs: By applying Macsirr Pir.K Kili.ki: for two days I cured an aggravated case of Bleeding Tiles. One dollar is cheap for such a wonderful compound. 1 cheerfully recommend it to my friends of the traveling fra-tt-rnitv. who may be suffering frci Bectal diseases. ilratefully yours. 11 EO. COTT. SAM GOTffiANK & GO, WHOLESALE ond RETAIL DEALERS IN AND THE ItEST Ciga rsr Sole agents for the CELEBRATED M I L W A U X i: F Pabst Beer Deliveries T,M"- ' r; n n- cit v or ! 'i Made i,. VVM. NEVILLE, RESIDENT MANAGER. SPEEDY" end X,AST7G I1E3U1XS. FATPOF5..fci. No laconvcnlrnre. Simple, j ur. a:::::;::?, rssii from nv i sii-p. We Cl'tRA ii? j'! ' i -iu ' Cbr none?. WliTi P 1 v tff Ir I en gat I V. iX JJ