Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, January 24, 1895, Image 1

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    fcuiU HUtcilcn! acclctj
VOL. 1 i. NO. 5.
ii:it viun
f !. IN Ai.VANc,:
Trcspectors Will Soon Institute
Search In This Vicinity.
One 4 4Ulliuouth'it Mol FillmuM
Yuc UoliifO I Cllet lv Ilrr
ri Kn rl luneral Her
lr Toeljr.
Will l'rovpert l or (ol.
J. P. Eckert & Co., is the title 1 a
concern which, under the manage
ment of J. 1. Eckert has began opera
tions in boring for coul in this county.
They have obtained coal leases on a
number of farms along Kock Creek,
and on Four-Mile, aud piopese mak
ing a vigorous eilort to find a vein of
the black diamonds. Mr. Kckert and
his father, who is associated with him,
are prospectors of much experience in
the coal fields of Iowa and elsewhere,
and hating purchased a boring nia-
chine at Sioux City do not mean to
give up the work until they find coal
or satisfy themselves there is none to
be found within a paying distance.
An t'.mrlr lth.
l):EiOf quick consumption, at the
home of her parents, on Pearl street
Iwtwren Ninth and Teuth. at 10
o'clock Sunday evening. Miss Olli
Boyd, eldest daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Mojd, aged twenty-one
Up to three mouths ago deceased
a the picture of health and youthful
vi2t For two years pa
been teacbiug in the public schools.
'Ivitltxl fall went to Concordia. Kan.,
and en-a'id in teaching there. Some
imr in die fall she was caught out In
a rainstorm and from the drenching
cs-ntractd a cold which settled on her
luaes. prdcicg consumption, from
whicti she ditil. Six weeks ago she
m as brought hue and gradually grew
worse ue til deatU came to her relief.
Miss End was reared from a child
i in this city. She w as bright, intelli-
: gent and very ambitbHis to excel in all
her undertakings. She was a member
of the Christian chu:h and an active
timber of the Curt tlaa Endeavor
society, and took great itrest in the
?va.s-?etEent of its work. Jlcr friends
a:e v-ry numerous in the city who will
esters ler death a personal bereave
ment. TLe jvarenl will receive the
icthe sm pu'-Ly i f a Itrsre circ le cf
friends in their la?.
The funeral services of the late Miss
Bayd were performed Tuesday after
noon at the Presbyterian church, which
wa crowded w ith sympathetic friends
o! the family and of the deceased.
A ti( SurUpr.
The Barrett Scott mystery has been
unravelled by the finding of the man's
bol in the Niobrara river near
- O'Neill. The discovery wa made last
7Saturday night, after the searchers
. had cut out ice in th river for a period
of several hours. The man's bacds
-were tied behind hi body, while a
-;rope dangled from his neck, clearly
proving that Scott had first been
hanged until he was dead and the body
: then consigned to the river to conceal
. the crime. The corpse was fro::en
r tifT and the identification was com
plete. The defalcation of Scott as
f-;ounty treasurer of Holt county, his
Slight to Mexico and subsequent arrest
uifi his abduction and lynching on the
xaoI January 1st by a band of vig
atfe3, constitutes a blot on the fair
v u n n i
this state. The Holt county
tfiities should spare no efforts In
'i down Scott's murderers and
Yi them to justice.
ttjjr. from Jackson, Dakota
Deputy UniUd States
-iy and Thrasher, the
A disp
county, sa.
Marshals 1
Utter of Pla.
23ulh, Tuesday placed
'Aj.. A. McCorraack and
isn. postmaster! at
under arrest
Dan C. HefT.
South Sioux Cii
'yd Jackson respec--i.5t3
charging them
vtal .returns. Eoth
tively.on indict
with falsify injr p
are prominent citf.
VNtJ.of the county,
ude.and attends
MufTortitin i Pdiint v
to bl. duty at t!.c c untT t. wl.II.
his wif,. acting . :Za;
charge of the postofTic lh re xaKy
were taken to Lincoln. m
DiJ you notice how soft anA tender
mat young iau nanus
a an odium's
Well, if you were to see hi
hands you would probably
rough and hard, and the tern
Cud tlei-
Icier they
are in one cae the rougher i
in the other. In such cases,
are surprislnaly frequent, it .
easy to tell who spends the mi
In the kitchen.
a fthose
trad they
fast mail from the east is going to be
sillU further reduced very shortly
Tlic new schedule for Glenwood it is
understood will N 12:10, a reduction
of an ecen hour and a half. The run
! from Chicago to Council Bluffs will be
mad: in just ten hours, averaging the
great speed of fifty miles an hour in
cluding stops for the entire distance.
Thete f requeut reductions in time are
f the lesult of a keen competition on the
part of the Chicago ,V Northwestern
people who are after the contract from
the irovernment to carry the mall. The
I Northwestern lias a slight advantage
over the in the matter of distance
the former road being some fourteen
miles shorter than that of the (.'
The Northwestern it is said also has
the still further advantage of a more
level country through which its track
passes. However, notwithstanding all
tins we predict that the "O with its
customary pluck and enterprise, will
come out ahead and continue to carry
the fast mail Horn the east. The peo
ple along the route of the t " ought
certainly to appreciate the efforts be
ing made by this company to retain
the fast mail contract as its loss would
mean to the people along the line m
thee parts a difference of some twenty
hocrs or more in the arrival of the
eastern mail. Glenwood Tribune.
Train Ktbr t"iUirt
Evr since the robbery of an express
train on the Burlington road near Ot
tumwa ten days ago, in which
it is supposed about 4 12. (" was ob
tained. that vicinity has swarmed with
IMnkerton and t&ilway detectives,
fteofiicers suspected the robbers were
ex-railway employes, from their evi
dent familiarity with the operations of
th? trainmen, and have Wen acting on
tht theory that they would attempt to
escape into Missouri along the line of
th Wabash railway. It was learned
tlx Jit a Wabash engineer named Ful
lett, running be tween Otturnwa and
M .vierly.had mettwoinen inOttumwa
the morning following the robbery, and
had given them a meal on their claim
that they were " broke." Tbey were
ex-brakeiiien. camM Kly and Pate
man. In a few Ioors t? nut them
acain.when Ely palled out a roll of
bills and repaid him. He aked Ely
where he got the money so soon after
clsimiug to be "broke," but got no
sitisfaction. This aroued the en
gineer's suspicion, and when Jlly and
tlatemati went to MoUrly he deter
mined to k'p t tern under surveillance
As good luck would hae it, UuUett
occupied at dat in Moberly, and soon
fter tlieir arrival in Mol-erly the two
trakemen rented a rcKm from Iluliett
and his wife. East Friday morning
before lea ing home Iluliett heard the
two men quarreling in an adjoining
room over a division of money, ltullett
went to Otturnwa and told his story,
whereupon a message was sent to Mo
bet !y, asking the operator there If any
arrests had been made. He replied
that two men named Eateman and
Kilgland, ex-Wabash brakemtn. had
been arrested in a notorious resort in
Moberly, after a desperate fight, and
landed In jail, and would be taken to
Otturnwa for examination. In them
the "Q,? ciliciate think that they have
located two of the men who robbed
their train.
A U Hilltop Ilonarnm.
The report ii current In this city,
says the Omaha Pee, that 1U. Ilev.
Thomas Eonacum, Homan Catholic
bishop of Lincoln, is to be transferred
to the diocese at Sioux Falls, S. I).
Bishop Marty, the first bishop of that
diocese, was recently transferred to
the diocese of St. Cloud, Mien., as a
means of ending the discord between
him and his priests. By transferring
Piahop Ponacum to the vacant seat
similar results, it i3 expected, will be
attained. The main foundation of the
report is the growing hostility of the
laity to the present church administra
tion. Many missions are without
priests, and the changes made during
the past year have not been productive
of harmony ltween the newcomers
and the congregations. This hostile
feeling was held In check during the
life of Hon. John Fitzgerald, who,
though an opponent of the bishop,
would not sanction an open rupture
between the laity and th church au
thorities. II Jsdcath removed a power
ful restraining influence and the rela
tions of both have become strained.
It is asserted that many Catholic
families are moving out of the diocese
on that account.
Bishop Ponacum is at present hi St.
Louis lecturing in behalf o!f the Ne
braska sufferers.
rwo good offices to rent. T. II. Pol
lock, Sherwood block.
It lemained for IV. 11. Pool of this
county to administer a fitting rebuke
to Walt Seeley, the celebrated political
shark and heeler for the Lincoln ulate
house ring. Mr. Pool was made chief
engrossing clerk for the senate, and
was careful togive keys to the room
j to employes only. One day last week
1 the lock wa changed and when Mr.
Fool entered the room he found Seely
seated thereiu acaunlng a bit of oP.lclal
work and marking errors thereon. Mr.
Fool promptly took the copy out of
Seeley hands and plainly informed
him thit he wasn't wanted about the
place, llefore he went, however, Mr.
Fool inquired tf the celebrated capper
and learned that he was in possession
of one of the keys to the room. Seeley
thereupon went away and has not
since that lime made his appearance
around that room. Pool afterwards
had the lock changed and sought to
ascertain who had authorized Seeley to
have the janitor change the lock In the
first place, but could find no one who
admitted having done so. One thing
that U . little queer i that
when he wanted the loik put back he
had to get an order from the lieuten
ant governor before the head janitor
would do the work.
As a result of the recent cigar
maker's strike, Chinese workmen have
been taken to New York City from
Cuba. Chinamen have leen encaged
in the manufacture of cigars in Cuba
and other parts of the West Indies for
many years, hut It is only nltbin a
short time that they have attempted
to ply tlieir trade in the Fnited States,
for obvicus reasons, one being, of
course, the very great prejudice exist
inz in this country against Chinese
cheap labor. It is said that there are
now fully VX) cigar makers on strike
whose places have Letn rea!ily filled
bv Chinese nwn and women, the latter I
also beioi an iunoa:in in thebusl-1
nes.. Hereafter tit? public ill have
good reas n for giving New York m ade
Cigars the granJ shake.
In reporting the legislative busice.-s
of Monday the Lincoln News say:
Davies, of Cum, oiTrred a resalutlan
fur the appointment of a committee
m resolution to which all resolutions
should be rrfsrre I. The measure was
adopted. Davies has been ignored in
the committees and will doubtless get
this on.
Maj. Joseph W. Paddock, govern
ment director of the I'nl-n l'aciuc
railway, died at his home in Omaha
Sunday, of pneumonia, contracted
on his recent trip to Denver. Major
Paddock was born in St. Lawrence
county. New York," sixty-nine years
azo. He has been a resident of Ne
braska nearly forty cars. He served
with distinction In the civil war, and
was tip to the time of his death prom
inent in iJrand Army circles. When
the first territorial legislature of Ne
braska convened. Major Paddock was
elected clerk. Since that time he has
been frequently honored with positions
of trust and honor. For the last four
years he has leen one of the board of
county commissioners for Douglas
county, and has been a government
director of the Union Pacific railway
for several years.
The ladies of Crete have charge of
this week's issue of the Democrat of
tht plactf and are preparing to get out
one of the best weeklies ever issued
in the-state. The proceeds cf the un
dertaking will be devoted to charity,
and the ladies report that the orders
already In'will tax the canaci:y of the
office. The? expect to be swamped
with orders before the week is ended.
Mrs. J. C. Snively is the acting editor-in-chief.
The anil-railway newspapers gener
ally pay tlieir taxes after a distress
warrant has been issued by the county
treasurer. Evening News.
And those that wear the railway
collar never pay theirs.
Twenty young ladies of Bertram!,
a ft m
xseorasca, nave rorvvaruea a com
munication to the legislature in which
thatttody is asked to adopt a bill to
protect children from the, evil use of
tobacco. According to the ncheme,
all tobacco-users who own a house are
to be compelled to set aside ono apart
ment as a tobacco room.tho same to
beair-tlght.and children and non-users
are not to be permitted toenterlhcrein.
The bill fixes a fine for all violations.
The house of representatives, to which
body the communication was sent,
very considerately referred the com
munication to the committee on live
stock and grazing.
Nebraska Turners Will Next Do Bat
tic in Plattsmouth.
A 'ntinit It Iro of Twciitjr.l'lf Cltll
I'huirH to .Mr I III City Coumll
und I)rua the l.lgHtlftg
i'fJll.ittouth tt lit Nrit Tarn.l'eM.
Messrs'. John Sattler and Otto Wurl
relumed home Monday from Fre
mont, whither they journeyed on Sat
urday last to represent the local
Turner society in the seventh annual
convention of the state organisation.
ThM report a large attendance and an
enthusiastic session. Lincoln was
designated as the seat of the state ex
ecutive cou.mlm, while Plattsmouth
was unanimously given the next turn-f-st,
or tournament. The local so
ciety will fix tha dates, but following
the u-ua! custom, the affair will occur
either in June of July, to continue
during thtee da 6. Jt is the desire of
the members of the loal society to
hang up some liberal prize to be con
tested fur by the viJtSng Turners. To
do so they must have the assistance cf
the merchants and citizens of Platts
rnoutii. The turnfest will bring hun
dreds of visitors to this city, and while
the town will reap quite u tentU by
the:r coming, it is the duty of our citl
ren to it cder all possible assistance
to local Turners In providing suitably
for the visitors entertainment. The
local to embers will institute a canvass
in the nMr future for subscriptions,
an 1 TitK Jt'i uS Al. truts that they be
given every po.ilIe encouragement.
S errsto ti e turnfest of 'l !
1li- l.l o Tral MM"
The ralit rapacity of tin county
judge's .-:Vi-:c was well filled by inter
ested listeners Monday evening at the
ca! th p resid ut and secretary of
theb'Mrd ff trade. President Wind
ham called the meeting tnrder. Secre
tary (Bering read t he minutes and the
president made an addrt of some
length, setting forth the objects of the
meeting and a general exposition of
the affair of the .-its. A general discus-ion
thn ftdlowid. participated in
by Mes.r.A N. Sullivan. 1. W. Bridge.
BjronCSark and oilier. tn motion
the president was author t-d to ap
point a c-unmlttee of twenty-five with
himself as chairman to confer with the
city conned for the purpose of con
shlering the bmli r- Interests efthe
city. at iU in itntit n. After the adop
tion of this motion the meeting ad
journed. The president announced
the committee as follow s:
ii. I. Dovey.S. Waugh. F. J. Mor
gan. C K Wescolt. Horatio Dover,
Wm. HeroM.H. Boeck, L D.Bennett,
J. M . Patterson, C. Ureckenfeld, J. W.
Hemlee, J. A. (iutsche, II. J. Streight,
B. Elson. J. VT. Johnson. C. II. Par
mele, Wm. Neville, Wm. Ballance. W.
K. Fox, W. A. Humphrey, C. D. Cum
mins, Julius Pepperberg, John Water
man, J. V. Egenberger, sr., Henry
Geringand It. B. Wbidham.
A gentlemen who is familiar with
the plans of the lh .V M. railroad com
pany states that the Burlington will
certainly be built west from Sheridan
through the Big Horn basin to Yellow
stone Park next summer. The Little
(ioose creek survey will be adopted as
the route, the roail crossing the Big
Horn mountains via Dome lake, the
fine pleasure resort which is now beg
ins built by some of the railroad offi
cials up iu the mountains, thirty miles
west of Sheridan. Sheridan will be
the supply point for that vast agricul
tural region lying west of the Big Horn
mountain. The building of this line
will be a great impetus to business,
and Sheridan will no doubt enjoy a
rapid growth next season.
Bids w ill be received at the office of
the county clerk on or before coon of
the 7th day of February, lS'.i , for the
care and support of the poor and care
of poor farm for a period of three years
from March Dt, lS!.i, providing the
uffairs of said farm are conducted
satisfactorily to the Inlaid of county
commissioner. Said farm contains
li'd acres. Bids must state how much
parties ate willing to pay as rent for
said farm, and the price per week for
which they will board the poor, the
county to lurnltih nil light, fuel and
clothing for the inmates. Board re
serves the right to reject any or nil
bids. FltANK Dll'KMN,
djtwi County Cleik.
Flattsmouth. Neb., Jan. 21), 1S05.
AKOl'NI) TV. COt'lir HI(I H.
iisti;ict cot nr. . .
Judge Chapman was in Nebraska
City Monday and held a short session
of district court. Swift punishment
was meted out to a pair of burglars,
whose crime was couirnittttl only
three days ago. The men concluded
to plead guilty and Judge Chapman
gave them fifteen months in the peni
tentiary. Ci.'-NTY COUltT.
Eicense to wed was issued iu county
court Tuesday to Mr. Herman Lessler
and Mrs. Laura lTpton. The latter is
the widow of the atp Joseph Upton of
The will of the late Jas. E. Banning
of Neh iwka was filed In county court
Saturday with a petition for the ap
pointment of Frank P.Sheldon as ad
ministrator. ! In the two Louisville replevin suits
I .I Ir...M C. tJ-v ... at I 1. t f
merce and Peid, Murdoch A: Co. vs.
August Panska.the plaintiffs filed a
motion Monday before County Judge
Itamsey attacking the jurisdiction of
the court in allowing the defendants
toptove. The matter was argued at
some leugth and resulted in the court
overruling the motion. The plaintiffs
will take an appeal to the district
Jf stick e ott:r.
iieorge Lindsay was taken befcie
Police Judge Archer to answer to the
charge of thumping a Bohemian while
at work up near the water works
pump house Saturday afternoon. It
developed that the scene of battle was
outside the city limits and asJuige
Archer had no jurisdiction he was
compelled to order Lindsay's release.
John and Tom Smith, of Pock Bluffs,
set upon and gave one William Wood
a thumping the other day, and the
Rock Bluffs constable took them before
Justice Fred Patterson for punish
tcenl. The Smiths to. k a change cf
venue to Justice Archer's court In this
city, and Saturday appeared ana en
tered a plea of guilty. The hn and
costs amounted to K fcr each man.
couht IUM NOTE.
The case of Alexander vs. Thacker,
jo which Messrs. Beeson A. Boot ap
peared for Mr. Thacker, was affirmed
by the supreme court Thursday. This
gives Alexander simply a tax lien on
the farm ownenl by D, T. Thacker.
It is a practical victory for the defense.
County Miperintendent Farley was
busied Saturday examining the follow
ing applicants for teacher's certificates:
Mildred Burdsall, Mary Carnes and F.
A. Keefer of Greenwood. Ellen Stein
and Ella Buck of Union, Anrde and
Grace Taylor of Hock Bluffs, Stella
Norrisof Murray, and Bertha Kennedy
Lillie Matthews. Alice Smith and
Mamie Holmes of Flattsmouth.
As will be noticed in anothercolumn,
the county commissioners are adver
tising for bids for the care of the
county hospital and its inmates. The
commissioners believe that thehospital
can be operated for less money than it
is costing at present, and judging from
the number of persons who have signi
fied their intentions of filing bids, the
bidding should be quite spirited.
11. H. Johnson, whose house was
burned down last fall, the same being
situated out near the Fairfield Hill
has made a settlement with the in
surance company on the loss. The ori
ginal policy was for $300, but he failed
to procure a vacancy permit and the
insurance .was reduced to $150. He
also failed to make proof of the loss.
as required by the company, within
thirty days, and the company refused
payment. The matter was patched up.
however, by County Attorney Polk,
and Mr. Johnson was paid $75. The
entire loss was $500.
The luckiest man in sixteen slates
is located down iu Cooper county. Mis
souri. He has just unearthed n sixty
five foot vein of cannel coal cn his
land, the same being only eight feet
under the surface of the earth. The
owner is having a railroad branch
built out to the coal field and will soon
be mining it. There is no doubt but
what ho will reap a fortune in a very
few years, as e'annel coal is one of the
very best of fuels and always finds a
ready market. Walter White of this
city Is in correspondence with the man,
and if he can make satisfactory ar
rangements, will le enabled to furnish
this fuel to Flattsmouth people at a
moderate price.
A boy can go skating for hours and
never feel tired. But just set him to
cutting wood once, and see how quick
he tires out ! It is amazing.
A Cas County School District Loses
a Suit In ths Courts.
Slrml.rr cf t,rt
rtl limy Vtlili A fpro pr la t I irr.
Mullhew iiiic Mil
Keep Out of ICItutrtMxt
Affalnat the School District.
The supreme ceoirt of the state
handed down u decision Friday in
the suit of Mies Blanche Traver (now
Mrs. John Seibetts ui Omaha) vs.
school district No. i of Cass county.
The suit had its erigin in the release
of Miss Traver as teacher iu that dis
trict and she brought suit injustice
court lor some 75, the iame repre
senting the sum she w ould have earned
on her contract. The suit in juttce
court was decided in the young lady 'a
favor, and the school district took an
appeal to the district court without
giving an appeal bond, claimlug that
the district could cot be required to
furnish same. The attorneys, for the
teacher moved in district court to
quash the appeal on the ground that
no bond was furnished and Judge
Chapman sustained the motion. The
school distuct thereupon prosecuted
another appeal to the supreme court
and that body aClrmed the action
takeu iu district court. The school
district will now be called upon
to pay the teacher her money.
Memorial Oretnr.uir--. . . r .
Memorial services in behalf of the
A.O. U.W. were held Friday eveniDgal
their hall, under the auspices cf Injge
No. S, in the presence of a large num
ber of members and their wives. Dr.
J. II. Hail presided.
The services were opened by prater
by Pev. J. H. McKay.
Dr. Hall then stated the object u
the gathering, read the announcement
by the supreme recorder setting apart
January Kh for ceremonies appro
priate to a comrcemoratioa of the de
ceased members of the order. He
stated that fourteen memters of the
order belonging to Flattsmouth lodges
had died during the past twelve years,
when the fim lodge was established
here. Their names are a fo!!ows"
Clint Deelum, F.J. White, Wiu.
Heron. S im Stewart, I.e Houquet.-lohn
t'ilufihait, S. F. Fogtdsong. Homer
Schriner, John Gobblemaun, Phillip
Gobhlenrmn. John Striegel. Wm.
Hayes, B. W. Fierce and Nels Aagard.
There are now four lodges in the city
with a combined membership of GSt.
The membership In the state is 17.'
and at large is .:c,70S. An average of
about iV2 a year is paid in asesn;ents
on S'J.000 life certificates.
Addresses were then made by Hon.
R. B. Windham. ex-Judge Sullivan
and Pev. Dr. L. F. Britt, all being ap
propriate to the occasion and very in
The choir of the German lodge en
livened and varied the exercises by
the rendition, very nicely, of several
airs, aud the audience in conclusion
joined in singing the closing ode of the
ritual, with Mrs. Campbell at the
Mall Mut Keep Out I nmnxl
The Elm wood Echo threatens Law
yer Matt Gering with some dreadful
punishment in the following: "If Matt
(iering would come out this way with
his petition ssking the commutation
of Harry Hill's death sentence to life
imprisonment we fearhe would receive
a cool reception. Hill's murder he
committed was as co!d a blooded one
as could bo conceived and while w e do
not approve of capital punishmeut, yet
we think there Is no hope to save Hill's
nsck, and any further expense heaped
upon thecounty by Matt Geringhou!d
not be tolerated."
The Omaha Bee says: "Health
department officials and Dr. Spalding
are much pleased with the results of
the use of anti-toxin In n case of diph
theria at 1913 Douglas street. Sunday
evening the appearance was o. the
left side alone. Monday evening
when the application was made the
appearauce was also on the right side
and had Increased one-third on the
left. Yesterday noon when the case
was seen the appearance was wholly
gone on the i ight and half gone on the
left. Although the Improvement Is
such that it is not thought it will ba
necessary to use tho remedy u second
time, though usually at least th-ee ar
plications are required." '