Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, January 10, 1895, Image 3

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Mrs. Perry Walker is home from a
visit in Chicago.
Silas Pattrrson of South Rend was
a riattsmuuth visitor Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Harrington, liv
ing south of town, are happy over the
birth of a tine big to baby this Loom
ing. F. Latham local agent foi the li. '&
M., who has been ailing for the pant
week with pneumonia, is reported to
be on the mend.
Maj. Francis McCourtls feelingvery
thankful to Congressman liryan for
his promptness in attending to a mat
ter of business for him.
The lliirlitigton beats the Northern
Pacific into Chicago from Hillings,
Mont., a clean seven hours- 1 he Dur
lington takes a backseat for no west-
ern railroad. j
Uev. Jos. Mape.of tht U. IS. church,
preache u sermon at the M I'.chutch
Suuday fVninij. He was in the minu
tr nearl) forty vars before retiring
from active servire.
The M issouri Pacific is figuring on a
big change in their time card to take
fleet abut theiXUh. What effect it
will have on trans leaving this city is
not yet known. Nebraska City Press.
Misses Edith Patterson and Ixu
White have retutnd to their studies
at Kvanston, Ills., after a fortnight's
holiday visit horn?. While at borne
they both .ave evidence of studious
Mb Grace Wile, who has been vis
iiing out in th precinct for the past
two weeks with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Tho. Wiles, rrturned Monday
to her Indies at th- Cottier uni
versity, Lincoln.
Patterson V Kuutzman and T. J.
Thomas ,& Sn, the b itchr firms, have
joined hnds in fitting up tlie burrtd
out IKrald Cice on ine and Fifth
streets ard will fill the same with i:e
lor tL ir sunnier Hse.
Uev. Dr Ieroy Hritt was called to
Malvern Monday to the bedside of his
aed father, who is lying dangerously
ill. at th ld hom-?tead. TLe doctor
H bavin rather mre than his share
of afHici-ins these days.
We notice that Itepresentatlf
Cooler wf Cas h is moved that "the
Trading of the minuter be di.pnsed
nith. Mr. i.Vo.ry U a hard-working
representative and we felt certain all
along tbt lie would make his mark.
Messr -I"hn Heigman. John lick.
A B. Ta!or. Chr M-tzger of the
precinct, (to HVirn of Louisville jre
cinet. lion jtn'l Maxwell of Fremont
and others ha recently renewed their
rub'criptions to the Weekly. Thanks.
The stockholders of the Farmers
Mutual Insurance company in Ne
braka ta-t in Line. In jeterday and
eie ttd officers tort e uxl year. J.
P House, a Ca county farmer resrd
im r.ear Green wood. m chJen vice
prestlent .
The buine:f introducing bills in
the legislature is proceetltng with
promptness and dispatch, and the
number already bai run well into a
nindr tl. indicating that the session
will probably b as long as usual the
hard times nevertheless.
E P. Davis of Union rode to Platts
mouth against the strong nor'wester
Mouday ou his wheel, and after at
tending to some business at the court
house started out on an easy jog for
borne. With the breeze at bis back he
anticipated an easy trip of it.
Mrs. Mar.d Brown, who has made
her home in Milan, Ills, for a ytar
past, has returned to Plattsmoutb and
is mating her home with her mother.
Mrs. Vivian. Her husband w ill.after a
short time, come from Milan to again
take up Ids residence in this city.
"The .Sunny Suns of Sunny Side"
is the title of a romance just out,
with Miss Alice Eikenbary of this city
as the authoress, as stated In the
Omaha Bee. Tne many friends of
Miss E. will aw.iit the opportunity to
read the book with pleasant anticipa
tions. Mr. and Mrs. L. 0. Hrinckman are
rejoicing over the birth of a fine girl
baby at their house, the event occur
ring Sunday last. It is ttie third of the
series. Mr. B., wr-o is a clerk in the
R. & M. stor department will accent
the congratulations of his friends
through The Journal.
C. II. Parmele sold a barrel of whis
key on Saturday at Louisville. It has
been a grxd many years since Mr Par
mele did the like, but betook the
chance of violating the law in order to
get rid of some liquor he had taken on
a chattel mortgage from J. N. Drake.
He bad the authority from Judge
Dundy to make the sale.
The Methodist people have been very
fortunate in the assignment made for
the Plattsmoutb ministerial appoint
ment this conference year. Rev.
Peter Van Fleet is preaching thought
ful, earne3t and devout sermons that
are appreciated, as his growing con
gregation attest. The church mem
bership I certain to increase under
his ministry.
First and Second Class Cities Will
Seek Relief.
Mayor ami City Attorney For Nebraska
CHI Sleet at Lincoln ami Disc usa
Muolelpjl Mailer of
lrluce JuIIIds.
A meeting of tho mayors and city
attorneys representing the several
first and second-clas cities in Ne
braska was held in Lincoln Thursday,
the object being for the discussion and
formulation of plans for some needed
legislation to be sought at the hands
of the state legislature. Mayor Newell
of this city wa in attendance and re
ports u k4 attendance and an abun
dance of genuine interest. The ques
tion if assessing property at its full
valuation was discussed at consider
able length, and the ntiment was
unanimous that the present system of
assessing property at a fractional part
of it value was a detriment to the n-
tire state aud more especially to cities
ot the first and second class. Ti e
registration law was also discussed.
the sentiment biug neutral that the
expense occasioned to the cities was
needlessh large. It was finally voted
as the sense of the meeting that the
law should be revised so as to require
a general reaL-tratioit but ouce in two
years, while a revision of the voters
could be had on one day prior to other
elections. A coruirtittee of tl.ire was
appoiuted to draft two I ilis for pre
sentation to the legislature embody
ing the idejs adopted by the meeting,
and a second session was called to co
at Lincoln on Jan. lth, when the
bills as drafted will come before the
met-ting for adoption. A concerted
action, such as described above, is cer
tuinly a move in the riht direct!. in.
and if the matter is presented in the
proper light to the legislature there is
evrv reason for believing that the de
sired relief will be obtained.
Hum Tht.t
We offer one huudred dollars reward
tn any case of catarrh that can not b
Cired by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
I . J. ClIESKY, : Co., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned hive known V.
Cheney for the last llfleen years.
&nd blieve him perfectly honorable
in all b'niness transactions and unan-
cll!y .b! toe. try out any obligation
made by their hrm.
WrA: Ti'.aux. Wholesale urug-
gists, Toledo. O.
'.Vh!.;4le DruCHts. l o'.rdo, C.
!I Us Catarrh Cure m taken inter-
nallv. acting directly upon the om
m.I nuirosM surfaces ol the ststuni.
Tstlmonial.enl free. CitCe ?5c. per
Iwttle Sold bv nil tlruggists.
Sunday evening last a number of
voung men anl biys made a disturb-
mce at the Hapt!' church at llethle-
hera. which rrsulted In a general row.
On Monday a half dozen or so of them
were arretel fur disturbing a rdi'--ious
merlin?, and ta e:i b-fore a jus
tice of the peace. The Imjs emplojed
Matthew Gering, Lsq .of this city to
defend them and he demanded a Jury
trial. The jury was summoned from
"the body of the people," good men
and true, and th trial proceeded. It
was a funny afliir.and Matthew rn;ide
the most of it. drawing largely on his
imagination for his facts, his address
to that jury was a ''corker. 'r and no
mistake. As he pictured the beauties
of that faith which taught men to for
give and to love and live together in
unity and neighborly affection, his ap
peal drew forth exclamations of emo
tion and religious fervor, such as
"Amen,' "bless the Lord," etc.,
from some of the good sisters who
were attending the trial, and
the jury at midnight brought in a ver
dict of acquittal. One of the jurymen,
alter the trial, took the attorney to
one side and said: "Now, give the
boys a good talking to, and tell them
to behave themselves hereafter.' Evi
dently It was a Scotch verdiet.
The Japanese Pile Cure is the only
proper application for internal piles
and Is guaranteed in every easo by
Fricke it Co.
Kdltor Art) Kscmpt.
Collector North expects to send out
blanks to persons having Incomes of
$3..'i00or over and will direct one to
each person in his district that he is
satisfied ought to make a return, pay
ing on ail above $1,000. Instructions
received are as already outlined in
dispatches in thin paper. Returns
must be mado by the first Monday in
March. Mr. North says he his no au
thority to employ extra help. World
Herald. Harber Nick Lewis' pet nag wasn't
stolen after all. Home vandal broke
open the stable door and the horse In
stinctively made its way down to the
home of its former owner, Henry
Kaufmann, south of town. Lewis re
gained possession of the horse Friday
morning, and now proposes to put a
double lock on his stable door.
Skating on the bayou and on the
river is very fine these days and the
young people of town have been tak
ing advantage of it to a great extent.
Livingston Loan & Building
or riatUmoiitli. trakit, on the. 31tt
flay of Itoeemlser, I HOI.
Find mortKKs loans
Loads socured by stuck of Ihlt assocla
Keal estate
Kxpeuxe and tio ald
Cash wltli treasurer
Interest tt on withdrawal
l.l-M 00
interest iii on iiii payanso.. ..
Tniea auJ Insurance paid and
Due J rum Mock holder
.71 00
Total tl-'fi IS
Capital Mo k. al! U tAV.-CW 00
Premium pal.! varnel, f.3us.3l ; mi
earucl. f 1.S.J6 M 4. Hfi.H
Intercut reoelvfit an! charged lt.i ..
Yv t-ollei tetl amt chanced ft'.7.4t
Mi'intxThhtp rer
Traufferfwa 3vTS
Total i.0 .13
tftale of Nebraska,
t'a I'ontitv. I
1, llrury It. io'!n. ortt.-i!'y of tlu at.ove
named i!.-H tatl.ii. do nolnunl v that tho
for-oiiiif statement or the coujition of aatd an-o-iatlou
! truo and forret t to ttie lt of toy
knowledge "tut U'lltf. llrNar K. itmu.
Sutwrlled and rorn to lfore inethiTlh
day of January, l; Toi: Waliihm.
Notary fublie.
M v cttnt;!"n etplrea March 4lh,
Axl'rved: l. H. ?mitm. i
A. II. Wtaiiti it, Dlrrrtors.
C. A. M AMii4t.u 1
Notlro of ( Itattrl MruB a.
Notloe I hereby riven thiit ty virtue of a
chattel morU'ae. itatel on the K'.h day of i. t
oter, mi.l duly ti ed lu the oftu of th
county eterk of fa county. Net ranka. oti the
tn day of tK lot-er. t, and viecutod by Mn
Letumf Vleicrodr jvMinletiwm to urnrf the
t afruenlof Itirtimol f :i i and tmerett and
c't. and ujx.u wfetch there l n due the uisj
of tTS.tOaod Interest n lf(. lefau!t bai iiijj
been ma-le In the amrii of ald um. an 1 iw
ultr other -roreedlUK at law havlu tKcen
Instituted to recover said dta. or any (ait
thereof, therefore I ll sell the rros eriy therein
described. t: Ulshea, chairs, tattles, etifsrs.
tot soco, canned too!, coun ters, spittoons. Ice
boxes and all other prt:-eriy of the Max Letuta
restaurant. In hulMli-it n east half lot six. tlock
thlrl-tbree. In city of I'lattstuouth. Neb., at
t ublic auction, at tie Ctriier of Koiiria and
Main strreis of t'UUstuuuth city. In Cas county,
on th i:th day of January, at isuu'cUt
p. & of sal t lar.
M i:i.'HOIIt S'iK.NNlClHEN. Murtaire.
Date! liecemt er A)lh. 14. is J
Itoad Not lets
T- t t. h.j ir ast ixtr:
The cotuiuls-loner aptint-rd ! ilea t'l
r-e!iih!r.i at the northwest corner Of section SK,
town l ttn li. runrdc thenc south one
rr.l on section Una and trmlnatU:jt at the
uut'iSMtrorcr of saJ settou 21 12. has
ret-ortcl In f svur of the Uciitlun tacreof. asjd
ail otct!.tis therein, or rhiims f or daimges.
tanst t-e f.S.d lu th county cerk'a t2.t on or
t-efora noon on the llih day of Ter-r-ary. A I.
s-. or iacfi rod 1M ! lx-ste.! :tho:t
refcrr.-e thereto. Kit A N K Mi K-N,
l 4 Co-uity Clerk
Itoad Nolle.
T- LL U.'W I ' aT oa'ajf
Th e n.t::ts.' aj'-t.nt-l t vtesr a r sd
e.rrntceiif In at t.'.a sO';lJiSJt si corner of eci:,,r
XV town II. rn(o li rutitdr.i theuse mrVh o:,
ru!! on section Una t-eteu sections Si and U.
s!d trt and, n I te-t sltiatir c at the
northwest of sai l section J It-II. has
rerorre.! !n fa"r of tii Io-aH..n If-.e'eof. ! 1
all ct !eet!ors thereto, or rli irns fur i!im.
taut t-o nle-l In th conity i-rt' i'- ou or
r-efor ro"n on t e t-.h dsrof rerjsry. A P,
lr.V ors uh roa 1 srlll t-e iihui rfr-
ene ifcereto. KiMN'K ll( K'.
ij 4 t.ur.ty C;erk.
First Premium
at the
Columbian Exposition
The Singer Maj'f'g Co.
it x:: i :i v i :i
54: First Awards,
l'.elc the tartrrst t4intr of awards obtained
by any ihlt-it r an I m re tan dnMa the
ourabr re-elte-l by a'.l otner winif Marhlr.e
corapanlea. Awards renriTedon the foiiowlr :
family Sf!ti waehlccs, V. S. No. ?.
I F.C I an l "lufEo Thread Automatic
Chain Mllr Machine. -w tr. Machine
Cabinet. Art Ktabroiderie. l.are. t or
tains, l'ph-;siry. Artlsilc P'urnisbtncs.
rwioifsnl embroidery. Tiipestry Ma
r-htoe Work.
Also 43 a,ward. rorrrtr. machines
f.r manufarturo In reery whrrn a
riwin Mn-Siln can ta use. on Wol
Cotton ami Mlk Cloth. Knit ood
leather, rtr , for Ornamental stitching
nation holca. Kyehrta. HarrlDjr. trer
s.'am' tajln. etc
Tho Singer M'fe Co
"All Over tho World."
Ilraneh tlfflc-1510 Ioac'a ".. Omaha
con ii r
Haa p irchased the i'aimelo A Hutho
ford itockanl wlllrtiti both th
Main-st. and Scbildkneclit Barns.
JIU of all descriptions, from a Sa 1 lie
horsa to a Slxtoen-patsomjer Wagon.
Caba, Pall Bearer VVatcoti, Carryall an-I
averythlnif for picnic, weddlnsra and
Trull rlr
Tolophono 7l.
Prlcca Iteaaonablo. No credit over M
day. Old and new customer aro In
Tiled to call, when aatUfactlou la guar
an tool. W. 1). JUNK
Attorneys at Law,
OFFICII -K'trtf rald Mrx k. over PlralN'atM bank
vThaa Baby was !ck. tr cat her Cactorta,
When alio wn a CbHJ, ah cried far Caatorta,
then aha bcam Muut, h clung Caatorl.
tVben tho bad Clilllrcn, aha jtv tbtm Caktorla,
The PlattsmoiUh Mills,
C. 1IEISEI,. Prop.
This Mill baa been rebuilt, and furnished with
Machinery ot W:p ist mnsuinnnic
In the aor'd. Tl r!r
"Plansifter" Flour
H.ts no SrjjH-rlnr In America. CJ I t It
trial and ! rt tiTincrd.
JAfctfe t Well
rsta ura.
Aao of
iT aJJ BY V ' -
1 at Pay. V,
i Is? I,
ms mm m t s s s s s m m
I IWJItTI IB, ".li" mm m'mjm -
powerfully and qun kly. Cures when all Other
. a L . , - tl. I T m m m It urtl
latL l ouiitr ir.en win refrain torir iot imuuuwi
and eld tjieu wul recover their youthful TisTor
fy ustnir VITALIS. Iiouickly and aure!y re
atoren .SVrmuMnts. Ixt Viuvlity. lmtcncy,
NiehtT r.ruiaaion. Ixsl I'owrr, Kailtng Mem
cry, Waatlm; DiM-atrs. and alt rffeeta of aeif
h'juw or execi-a and lDdiacretloo. Vr3 oil
ir.ainy ana cuat;rr.piion. iuiiki i"'
rockrt. ly SI.OO per package, or tx for
ae ref4 Ike aMiy. Circular free. Addrean
... . . . .w . i . M. ft. a- -LM S. ft Sf S m. rf
UUAI.I HHM'I '-.J., .mm -s mm
rora'e at r.atts.'nou'.h. Neh.. by O. It . Sr:jder
and irln A C j.. aructd'.
flrnew's Er&mo-CeiBrg.
Ft'len lid rwMfii r"r I ftr y.-TTews oe HUk
t a
Ltssctmi ue - .' . 1 . Mr ... m m.imt& Uws
sivaat.m. uii, s,w7 n
(st, Anr A e. I . a tor A Ux'i u
fcrt CKrtS tm-mmm- s. i l li, w aad iVlSSfcU
151 VitkU"sa-. CKICA'5''
Attorney at Law,
OTKU'S v-nti 1 fl r of the Todd tlok
est of t!.e r.. -irt
OKAi ri: in-
Lumber and Coal.
Mrr.dota e! .
Hard co:
Cncn Ci:y
. 10 00
Attorney at Law,
OFFICE: -ecoij o-t of t:;e TJ4 btork. caa
f l!.f rrt b n
TIro liny Capwi!ca artssopcrfor
to IUl'jun c CipiJba, "v
Cu!xb an.l Injection?. fJIJTTIl
cure la t3 loun t!tc V
tamo tltseavMi witjiout anylncoa
53500 Howard!
:v. xrir, - v .
I.l-er C- f; vv( i
diicealinn :. -,
rtire r i " r -the
dire-.-t: .
ar rureijr V. . .
Isiicti'W. 1 !
liewarc f r i ;
uine niamii.4.
CuMi'ANY. V..;c
'. p r- a .ird for any c o
t. i"j .-U. "nH llridith In-
r Co"!inf sre cinuH
tab l.lver rill, when
'is :'. c-T.jplicd witli. Tl"
r. 5i4 nTff fail to plve va
i'.r.t. I,arsre loae. r cent.
. .. 1 -,nd imiitlra. The ten-
-; hr Tltii JOHN c wtr
Sixth Street Checker Barn.
."Social atUMitlon to Funeral.. Harks be
jun c all tralaa. "rrornpinps an i Fl le'iltj to
Cuatotne'B lMrao'i
Or. E. C. Wetr Here anJ Drain Trr slmenl
li ftn'i) 1.(1. 1.i. lu I' I 11 t... 't ..a.Ima I.Mttll...-
li"l li(.'-iil4 fMiij, ti -ai Vnk Mejiixrj: 1S of
lialiirid Ner' lvwor; Iu : fc; utiIuhH ; t,'Ht- U.wtwe.
i Mi! '.it lo '.-. ; 1- I i ) ; c f Con.n.loiiee;
j ftTV)'i;ni i; I ?v !:; a. I i'i,.iri.; lA,ot J'i'er
; ( f lt' :c,n'rit; tr,-j:M l:i i!'" f t', ci;-"1 by
, reiT-' t Viz.j;h,"M l.i Ci.rn, r i; .."csv-ive t'toi
'', ti.ium or I i'ncr, wiitvt. i i. i-.i l f
. Ml-!, t'cuinjjnptj. J ii'timi y !)fntii. 1. mul
II n tl fur .": -rii i r ii I c,;.' rr,M- t. cure o
(.'ini Money. Ui.S'r'tiOH '.,.; HYIt.. 'P. .vrcrtalu
turn f ,r i mii I;-- t '!(, A'lli'ni, j;'TnUM., t-rou;.,
V(i.M.,ii!jj iii!.-fi, Snr 'l !.r...if. l,'HMti.t to iko.
H'noii i-i -: ols'i tiilt-ii' ;(, fk, r;sv V'-e.; oi I
1 i.u tu,vt U I ' AitAS iili-i luc J in') l y .
t (2. Frlf k iL Co, drills! s.
The House
For the purpose of further introducing it
to the people of this vicinity, offers
- -. ON HIS NEW - -
Wood Base Burner.
n c.Mcii riti . i it kkm t fine:.
Size No. 1, - $35.00 - $30.00. 4
T Size No. 2, - 30.00 - 27.50. T
These Stoves are elegant in design,
perfect in material and are especially
adapted to the
Better results are obtained than by
the use of Hard Coal in any of the
Base Burners on the market.
PEARLMAN gives an Absolute Guaran
tee that these Stoves will give entire
Satisfaction in every particular.
Messrs. J. C. Petersen, E. R. Todd, A. B.
Taylor. H. D. Travis, Samuel Richard
son and others are now using this
stove in place of a hard coal burner,
and the public is referred to any of the
above. Drop in and see the Stove.
1 cai liiian,
Opposite the
Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher prescription, for Infants
nntl Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute
for Parcjroric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil.
It Is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirtv jc .t use by
Millions of Mothers. Castoria is tho Children's Panacea
the Mother's Friend.
'Castorla U to well a.larel tocMldrrti that
I reounmenj It aa auperior to may prpacTlrioo
known to ttM.w H. A. Avbu, L
111 So, Oifonl St, Hnx.iljri, N. Y.
The use ot ' Oaatoria la no ur J cersal and
tta merit ao well known that it aoema a work
of gursgrprcatioo to endorao It, w ar the
nteCi4fit famllie who do Dot kerp Castoria
wiUUn aaxr reach.
Cajtxoa Hjuittk, H. D,
New York City.
Tim Cssrrarm
It told with wrltttn
fulnes,caue I bj
t CfvTs)usson.'iuio,
Toliacsx and AU
- Ar-rtfV ri.. aoiteniov. -f
:h Ernln, eanslnx MIeary, Ineanlty aivt Dtath,
Hurreoewe, linr4 -ncy, Loat Pcwar In aitiier sex,
Pramatura Old A, lnrolumarr raved
"y oTer-lui!ul(rn,s oereiertlon or tba iraln an.l
trroraof Youth. Itsrlreatt Weak trans tlielr
Natural Vlsror attd iloulea tha Jya ot life; cures
t.u.rrlura and i'e.Tikl Veakna. A month's tr"N
r.iir', lu p'aiti tiackiu. l y tunil, t any a.lilre.. tl
"i r liox,6lniMiK. V.;h every orlrr wti ctr n
iVrittan Quarwnteo ! enre or rerun.t tbe uumcy.
ireu mm trev. tiuari t.'0 imsi uly by our tx
ive nirsiit.
F. 15 FUll Kl. at CO,, I)UlT.t;iST
S1 arvtta Plattunouth, N.
CALIFORNI A.-Fftrtner's
paradise, dellglitful climate, no crop
failures. For peneral farming, dairy
inprsnd fruit raislnj?, can't be Axcelled.
80,000 acres irrigated lands at Rikers
Held, Kern county, for sale. Low
prices, easy terms. Write W. It.
IIoman, Omaha, Neb. fWM
House - Furnisher,
Court House.
t is
Caatnria cuna CVilk-, Constipation,
Kur Stomacli, Diarrboro, ractatio.
Kills AVomiA, girn Jej and rcraota t
Without Injuritxia medication.
For sjprerml yoam I hare rwrnai. .
your 'Owiori-v,' and tiiMll aJsraja cost.': a t j
do ao a It bat lnTarlaJ producvsl bvssficii
J2Mli Street and Uix Am, New York City.
Conrajrr, 77 Mnuur RTwrr, Trw York Crrr
-- - i :. -. 1 r I
- AM-
A Spocinlty,
One door North ofP-
N 1