Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, January 03, 1895, Image 4

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Two Sticks," the Sioux Murderer,
Expiates His Crime.
rlony l)limlMl And ! Trlaoner
lt m Kiu of Omi Hundred Iol-
lr Ami Coat ,lnr
ur AiillHml flattery.
An lnlin KBeculed.
Two Slicks a" Indian murderer,
wti hanued :it lcdvood,i. 1. Frl
day lv United States Mnmhai IV
miller of Yankton. It was the that
legal execution of an Indian in ttie
lUaok Hills. Two Sticks was a llrule
Sioux, and an tinrulv one as well. He
and four followers in u rile ted two cow
boys aud tv.o farmer lads at the ratine
caiupof Iluuiprey t Stenger on the
reservation near l'inn RUljje two years
The cowboy s were iu the employ
of th meat contractors, ami the other.
" were Nebraska boys who had ne to
the reservation in search of some horses
that had strayed away. They were
stajinjj with the cowboys and waitinp
for a storm to abate. Two Sticks and
his gaup went to the cabin after uiht
and asked for food, it was furnished.
After eating the Indians rose and at a
signal from Two Sticks Wran tiring
on the whites, who were lyinf in their
bunks. Judge Dundy last mouth sen
tenced Two Sticks to be handed, and
President Cleveland lefused to inter
Sheriff Kikenbary of this county was
a witness of tbr execution, his visit
there being made for the purnos of
picking up information pertaiuiog to
such affair. It will b the sheriff un
deasant dut? on the tlrst of next
March to end the life of Harry Hill in
this citT and whatever he learns at
Deadwood will come in good play.
WhsJea Cat CompforuUtJ.
In the case of state vs. Tim Whalen,
wherein the defendant had been
chareed with attenu'tlnz an assault
upon a cirl named Martha Luchinsky
in this city about a month aco, a ccta-
promise was effected Friday between
the accused and Use girl's relatives by
which Whalen was let off on a lighter
charge. At the request of the Luchin-
sky's the prosecution prepared an
amended complaint charging Wbalen
with assault and bitter), the agree
ment being mde that Whalen was to
be punished with the heaviest linepro
vided by the law. Tlx accused was
accordingly arraigned lefore Justice
Archer, and alter pleading guilty, I
a fine of $100 and coj.ts, ti e whole
amounting to i$PJ3-l, was assessed
against him. Th fundi were speedilr
produced and Wtialeti was giten his
Th MI KiMitl!.
The festival and tlance given at
White's hall Friday night by the local
Masonic lod e e id rornaiemoiation of
St. John's Day was a flattering success.
The hall was tastily decorated with
bunting, festooning and bant is em
blems of the Masonic order and at
uine o'clock, when lh llohemian or-
rhestra played the opening strains of
the grand march, ti) lens than two
titiudreil of riatt.UKut!!is most lepie-
tentative people were on hand to par
ticipate in the festivities of the eve
ning. Wheu the dancing concluded at
a late hour, the participants unani
mously votea that the Masons were
excellent entertainers and that their
zestivai nan tx-en a pronounce! suc
Fits, dizziness, hysteria and all ner
vous troubles cured by Magnetic Xtr-
vine. Sold and guaranteed by Fricke
A Co.
Harrington fn Un.
General Manager Holdrege of the
Burlington said Friday that his road
would transport free all cars of grain
and feed for the drouth sufferers i!
distributed through the state relief
bureau or through some one in whom
he had confidence. Mr. Holdrege
added that the road was always willing
to do all In its power to assist the suf
ferers and that if the special train
from the south went through Omaha
he would send free over the Burling
ton the cars of provisions and grain
intended for the people along the
A Vmrti.
Kditok JoiruttAi,: I see article in
Tiik JouitNAL, taken from Judge
Archer's court, judgment against Mas-
ale, in favor of (Jeo. IHrrett. The
court record should show judgment
against John (lilmore first, as I am only
surety on said note. The mammons read
John Oilmore and Mansie." Articles
of this nature, financially speaking,
are very likely to work against one's
cKEfriT, which wo an; nil striving to
maintain these trying times.
F. M. Mass ik.
Messrs. F.J. Morgan, the democratic
state committeeman, District Clerk
Dearing andCouncilmau (i rimes of the
Second wan! were sojourners In Lin
coln today.
All legal business given prompt at
tention, D.O. Dwyer, attorney. Flails-month.
A Nehawka correspondent writes
that: A jolly party, consisting of I). U.
West nnd wife, II. W. Fittman and
wife, Lee Carper and 1. K. Stone, took
the 11 o'clock train Christmas night
for Fairfax, Mo., to be present at th
wedding of Alfrod It. Carper to Miss
Laura McDaniel, a most charming
young lady of that place, ltev. rowers,
of St. Jots, to oQlciate. The happy
couple will reach here in about a week
and begin their married life at the
groom's home, with his mother, a few
mites south of town. Dick, as ho is
familiarly called, is well and favorably
known in this community, where ho
has always lived, and is regaidi-d as
one of our most honorable and enter
prising farmers. The bride, we under
stand, is a most estiuiublu young
lady, ami we congratulate Mr. Carper
on the prize he has drawn. May they
live long and be happy is the w ish of
the Ilegister.
. The Vau Court & Lecilst Stone Co.,
sentdown a check for ic!,700 Monday to
apply on the time checks held by our
merchauts. Cashier West refused to
honor it until he could communicate
with the Om ih:i bank The check was
protcrdid at Omaha, and the mer
chants heie and Yaidmaster James
Afple were pretty btdly worked up
over the turn atTairs had taken; oue
tirm that was in for l.Sx ottering to
take T. cents on the dolbtr. Hut the
uextd.iv Mi. West received ntelegram
from the bank at Om iha telling him to
send up the check and tt would be hon
ored. It was welcome news to the uieu
who haul accommodated the ijuarry
boys all summer long. Xehawka
tlnl Tlm In lit ILAtty !.
Iv. White lives on the liver front
mile nurth of the iteof o!d Kenosha
He came to Cass county away back iu
the tiftics. He knows something
of the trials of pioneer days. In speak
mg to in writer a tew uajs since
4bout hard times aud clve money
mailers row ne tnau iat "the pvopie
noHf-Jujs don't know wltat hart times
are. Why," said h- warming up to
his subject, "after the failure of the
western banks in S7 and "6.S we had
precious little money iu Nebraska til
freighting times of the sixties brought
money in from tl.e gold mines of the
mountains. In the yrars "i'J and
-kla. at a a
, i uarujy inm i saw as mucit as
live tlolS.trs at a time, and I really
don't ksjovv how wr icot our taxes paid
All the tran tactions betw ten men w as
lont by barter, aud in tl.o.e Uys
Cottonwood lumber was a legal ten
der. Why, un!" j It was especially
agreed on tio trade wa ui.i.l with any
idea uf paying money, on either sid
HorseH, cattle, hogs, hay, corn, wheat
in fact, every lltiug was turned iu to
pay debts at thu store or elsewhere.
Some who lived along the river got i
little ruouey sometimes from steam
boats that plied on the river for wtot
they had cut ami corded on the bank,
and new settlers coming in
brought money with them, but as
rule men paid nearly all they had to
I,' nele Sam for land to settle on. Why,
one can see a th uuiid dolUrs change
hands now to w here they could net a
dollar In thoe time. Money is llu-h
if people only thought it."
!! ol la (intrant.
The fallowing dispatch ftoui Dead-
wtMxt ahows that the lllack II ill i j --
pie do not propose to be outdone iu the
matter of giving charitv to the drouth
stricken unfortunates in the western
part of this state: "A mass meeting
of the citizens of Deadwood has been
held to take action toward relieving
the distress prevalent in some portions
of Nebraska. Committees have been
appointed in every towu in the Hills
and the wtrk of raising funds, provi
sions and clothing already started
upoo. Without hardly an effort two
car loads of flour have been secured
and will be shipped immediately to the
relief committee in Nebraska. No
effort will be spared by the people of
the Hills to aid their neighbors in
need, and from their store of plenty a
goodly portion will be forwarded to re
lieve the sufferings of the unfortuuate
drouth victims."
The ocean, sea and lake surface of
our planet is estimated at something
like H"j,000,(kx) square miles, with an
average depth of 12,000 feet, and is
calculated to contain no less than 3,-
270,r,OO billion tons of water. The
rivers of the earth are estimated to
have a How sufllclent to cover thirty-
six cubic miles of the above era each
day. Now, If all the oceans were sud
denly dried and the rivera would keep
up their present rate of llow (which.
of course, they could not without ocean
evaporation) it would take S-VKH) years
to refill the basin.
Cal. Hunce, who is wanted by the
authorities on Him charge of stealing
cattle over on the Iowa bottoms and
selling them iu thin city , was iu town
the other night, parties having seen
him at about l:.'Ui o'clock in tho morn
ing out on Chicago avenue. It is re
ported ttiat Bunee is living down on
the big island in the Missouri river
south of town, ami that his visits to
this city during thn night season are
quite frequent.
Hot weiner-wurst, free lunch aud
Anheuser-llusch beer at the Casino.
A Htolan flora.
Nick Lewis, one of the proprietors
of the '. K. "barber shop in the base
ment of the Can ut h building, is minus
a horse, the same having been stolen.
The nag has been housed in the old
basement Ihery bam on the corner of i
lVailuud Sixth studs. Last night
the door was broken aud the hort-e
taken away. Mr. Lewis did not learn
of his loss until this afternoon, when !
he Immediately reported the situation
to the authorities. The matter is now
That Sllaaln:; I'ul iiinlrr.
A tlitp iti h from Broken Bow leads: .
"I'p to dale there is no clew to Broken
Bow's missing postmaster. The iu-j
spector has completed i.n investigation '
of his books and finds him short in his !
accounts with the government Sl,70.
Four of his bondsmen came iu today
and appointed K. C. Dickinson to take
charge of th postotllce temporatily.
Already there are a number uf
candidates tor tlm appointment and
the action tf the bandsmen and In
spector Sinclair hi putting Dkkinson
in charge is not meeting the approval
of the other candidates. Di kln-oii Is
;t young man, who recently located
Iu the city, having com here Ies than
two months a from Illinois, and has
no acqu alntanc.' here except his
couiin.Attt.ii ey II. W. Dickinson. It
i claimed that the bondimen wen in
liuenced to place young Dit kinsoti in
charge by him offering to furnish the
money to make good the defalcations
of (iilmore. If this be true Dickinson
may find that he has paid dear for his
whistle, as the fixtures are mortgaged
to BldCkwell & Co. for nutcbase
money , which (illmore's successor will
have to pay or he will have a pot
i.'!5ce without boxes or furniture."
The death of John Fitzgerald will
niske necessary an order reviving,
against the administration of his es
tate, the action brought by the stale
of Nebraska against ex-State Treas
urer J. II. Hill aud his tondsmen. to
recoer the amount of money of t he
state which had been deposited iu the
Capital National bank. Fitzgerald
as one uf Hill's There
was an attempt to get this case to
trial in December made by Attorney
eneral Hastings and the supreme
court fixed the day ami appointed the
commissioners to !ei the jury. Affi
davits were li'el by the name defen
dants and by Fitzgerald's attorney in
support of a motion to give further
time. These affidavits set out that
Fitzgerald, T. M. Manjuett and ;. II.
Ames, tin two latter being attorneys
in thecase-. were very furiously ill and
and probably would not l physically
able to attend the trial before spring.
Since that time two of these men,
Marquett aud Fitzgerald, have dird.
Just think of It ' For the hotnlay
we w ill st'SI fresh mixed nuts for ten
csbts a pound; flesh candies from ten
to twenty-five cents a pound; fresh figs
from ten to twenty cents a pound;
fresh dales ten cents a pound; fresh
rahens five to fifteen cents a pound,
ami everything else in our line pr
portionatety low.
lr. tf ltrlalnr.1
Tin: Jri;N.r. is pleafed tonotethe
retention i f Mr. J. N. Wie. of thin
city, us tax clerk iu the otllce of Om
aha's new city clerk. The new clerk Is
a republican, but Mr. Wise's ability as
a tax expert is such that his services
could not b spared without a detri
ment to the office, and his retention is
a source of gratification among his
many friends in this city.
A movement has ben on foot for
some weeks among a few of the busi
ness mn in the town looking to the
developement of resources which. If
successful, will prove of vast import
ance to the interests of this city, and
not of this city only, but of every part
of Nebraska. Just now we will not.
mention what it is, but the patties in
terested have every confidence in its
success and aie risking all that that
they have in it. We shall hope to see
it pushed to a successful termination.
I.iat of Letter
Remaining uncalled for in the post-
office at I'lattsmouth Jar.. 2, for week
ending Dec. ls;H:
CftrtH-t, ('. a. F.njflUli, Arthur
Chren drier h. Alien! Jotc. Ell
Uitrhurt,T. J.
I'ersons calling for any of the above
letteraor parcels will please say "ad
vertised.'1 W. K. Fox, 1 M.
Tho Builington's new time card.
shortening the time on the Billing
branch, will go into effect Sunday,
January III.
We are pleased to announce that F.
(I. Fricke fc Co., our enterprising
druggists have secured tho agency for
the Japanese File Cure; u most
wonderful discovery for the cure of
piles oi every kind, which they will
sell w llh a written guarantee to refund
the money if it does not cure. It Is
said to be a specific for that terrible
and dangerous disease. Cot a free
sample and try it.
The "O. K." bath rooms will re
main open ou Sumlays ti ut 11 12 o'clock
noon.) Best baths iu the city . l'rice
rt cents. 1
j Entire Stock of Clothing, Furnishing Goods,
! Must be Sold for the Benefit of
i;al of Stock Will Oomimmco Tnosday, Dec. 18th,
Dollar's Wortli Is Sold.
-4-One Door West of the
Have Such an Opportunity Again.
ait ltrtHC Italic.
To our f i lends aud patrons: After
tine consideration we have decided to
adopt the CASH system, and on audi
alter January I, Ih'.H't, we will do no?
more crediting except to those whose
names are now ou our book and are ?
prompt in meeting their account. j
We have tried the credit Ijumuchs
for nearly fifteen y ears and have pio-
tilted hut very little thereby, the most
of our earnings bring on our Ihxj
!ot by uncollected accounts.
By billing for canh we CAN and
WILL give our pattous the benefit of
our gains, and the advantages derived
from getting put cash by selling tht m
goM at a reduced price.
Ot caure v.e ?h.d contmtie to ex
charige gojds fl produce as l.eit lo
IiTe. t'ofue in anil grt our prices and see
how far ; d ollar will gi the-e hrd
tinus. IJksnktt fc Tl'TT.
at l b!ock.
Clia. IIeilrliatj-.'n, a well-known
Jouiville 1'oy, is oSJ.cUtil:g tw-hind the
bar at the M.'e salmon, and in him
Mr. McVey has s-curd a gonial g"xl
fellow X or a lur-tender. Visitors at
Me'e! me svs-:rii
and gM
'i warm welca.e
Mr. C r.e 4. si 'ic t.tkiu C?' Ildry
llotel, w IJir to ruL dou n !; stin k 'f
pianos, organs, In!, txk. ty.
games, plush cae-, albums, etc. His
holida) line ;n well sHecti-d. and it
will p.y y -u I.i; k ftr tf
IIwIUlMjr I'rtrr, m I' rait Mui
l!iii):iH i .iiul 2U per doz; ora!!'-s
2Vner d.2; mixed candies per lb.,
cream and fancy candies I'm. Bet of
fresh fruits alwa- iu tfk.
21-2-w S. Mom'uky.
f r
We will r 11 our l'httlsmonth ice
business ut a bargain, also a line lt
of Ice tu!i at a bargain.
II. I. McMakkn V Son.
Joe McVey without question carries
the finest line of whiskies, brandies
and liquors in the city. (Jive him a
Fresh new Oregon cider, tit for the
gods, at McCourt's.
Limterger cheese ten cents a cake at
McVey s bar room is free from row
dies and toughs, (tontlemen will find
it strictly an orderly and reputable re
soit. Bay the improved Singereewing ma
chine. Anton Trlllity. local agent,
office in UnrulTs furniture store.
Constipation and sickdieadache posi
tively cured by Japanese Liver Fellets
fifty pills twenty-five cents. Sold at
Fricke & Cos.
Hot drinks at McVey 's by an expert
mixer. Try it for yourself.
Don't miss seeing the line of holiday
goods at the post office book store.
tf W. W. COATKS.
First National Bank
Capital, paid up 8GO.OOO
tlconuK E. D-ivnr PrcMoid t
V. E. Whit View preMonl
H. Waioii Chlt r
H. NMKivtv AItntCshler
llcorKO E. Iivy. K. K. White, 1. lUwkuworth
H. 'Vi;h mid II. N. lovey.
I'rtrfful tltMitl.m Klvt-ii t IntoreM of
cutotiiei-N. OoIIpi tloim niftde mid urotuptly
romlttud for. IIIghOHt nmrket prle Imd for
ruuutr M'rrnt mid ittv mid county Ikih
i . . i -
S-iri:liV'.'v 'i
i : i:-'n .(:
1 1 iiiii i i i i i tin Tit
In TimG for Dinner.
How often have you ordered something especially in
viting for the noon-day meal, only to be disappointed by
not getting it in time. Uy
! r,raHpri n T HfinrlQ FflPiV
We prevent this aggravation and preserve
mor of our patrons. Our rapid transit
serve you promptly.
BENNETT & TUTT, The Grocers,
Best and Most Complete Stock in the City
The City Hotel,'
Corner Main and Third Sts.,
Special Attention Given to the
Accommodation of Farmers.
First-Class Bar
R.ates-31 Per Day.
H. H. GOOS. Prop'r.
InsUrJ KiHrrct Pit p.
Interne! nnri Externel.
viirv jam :j.uim. sti ii.'X-
i!A. I me !; r:r.. .
, ..:-, Su.r -. Ji-, O.UJV t.:
roc uflDPL s'i'yn rr":l'i" rrfrBrl .
ll.C nUUwt til.- ;iw'i st.H-k. ! !. ttr-r..Ti.
I;vm- in ex b.. irve f I hm Xv. fciie ;,v.
I Kilotsl a?wi Tdilt. ni Q r-t S k 5 n C a r e J
Tmcm 0autlf)r. L.ndt : t.rA It Oi n:
d lion t tai l Mghhr prt umil ffii-t s w
i.'.o ruirkrt II ! absolutely cur.
It ft-, f It-'Mntf. cinnf t' fcr'Tt 1 I fc i
F. . Fill I Kt & CO.. IU'lif.!STiv.
$o!o at PUIUmoath. Neb.
r lo onK-iiiRl raid only FHF.NCII. .ireand re
iiabicuro on th roarkot. I'rico 1.1H; cnt bj
ainti. (ieuuino fold only Ly
Fricke & Co., Drusrists.
S500 Howard!
VK wilt f..iy
Wver Coaip'
diRestion Cm.
rmo w it Ji .t
the Jirrcsi
aiv ion t i y ,
intact u.
Uc-wair oi i w.i.
uinr ii,iiv
ic i1ov reward for any case ol
!ypc sick Headache. In
r iii !i or Costivcnes we ennnot
, Vcv;rt:d)le Liver FilU, when
- r-irictty complied with. Th"
.V.c. ltul never I'nil to ; ive .i
: wlcu. IiriiC Ix'soi, .'s cenn
i. il a;id l -u i i it tca. 'i ho wen-
1 ."il v t'V TIIK JOHN C. V KT
Hats, Caps, Gloves, etc.,
nnd Coiitinuo Until Every
Old Stands
You Will Nfiver
for Mortgagee.
the good hu
dclivery will
- weckbach,
All Kinds of
In Season.
of kvkky miscnirriON
We are agents for the cele
brated lllAMOM MII.1.S
At nj Unse. rrc-mpt attention g!Ten to ordr
Agent lor Seven of the
Telephone 3G.
Main Street.
A Specialty.
One door North of Postofficc.
VVeHaveMonoy to Loan at 6 percent
On farm or city properly In miy erilou or the
couutry whero prortr lun m. tlse.t nitrket
vmue.. MoiifT for iiuinedia'.e l.n wh.-m
outlly i.J iH!elKuo.l .Nocm1u;l.lj1 u
ollclt uppMt-mtoui. IKmiks fnrnt-he.1! uk.ii
il.l.EMCO.,40t4i nroJwriN.w York