Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, January 03, 1895, Image 3
V 1 V ,1 f r.' - l, J - f r 5 ! V 1 1 f WEEKLY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, JANUAKY r. IN AM) AUOl Nll THK TOWN. Chas. llebner of Xehawka was a riattsruouth visiter Saturday. J.W. Pitman, one of Liberty pre cinct's most progressive fanuers.was a riattsmouth biter Saturday. The World-IIeralil says that "the Burlington aiui N"ort!vestern o&ciula may ilt-cide to shorten tlieliuie of tlie fast mail trains even more." A few teams have crostil the Mis souri on the ice since the river c'o?eiI, and as the ice is getting stronger dailj a few days w ill probably see general crossing opposite town. Captain David. McCain of Wabash was in the city Friday looking after matters pertaining to his candidacy for the superintendent of the sol dier's houie ut Grand Island. Governor-K'ect II oleomb banded in his resignation Tue?da) as juve of the Twelfth judicial district uud llov. Croucse at once, appointed Hector M. Siuclair of Kearney to fill the vacancy. Sinclair is a republican. Jacob Swindler, a former Platts mouth citizen but who is now tilling the soil out cu the Simeon Jxng farm near Mynard. is the father of a uew daughter. The little one arrived at an early hour this morning. O.J. King, the Omaha contractor who bail tlm Cass couuty court bouse, has been awarded the contract for constructing the superstructure of the new government building at Kansas City, Mo. His bid was iM). A small boy in an Austin. Tex. .Sun day school was asked: Where do the wicked anally go y" "They practice law for a spell and then go to the leg islature," was the put reply of the ob serving youth. Christian Intelligen cer. The memers of the local Turnvetein who journeyed to Nebraska City and and assisted the society in the latter town in a turning exhibition, report that the-, were roally entertained and wish to return thanks for the e 1 treatment showr them. Frank Suda. a jo mg Bohemian wko lived tut in Fillmore county, shot and killed himself with a revolver about four o'clock Tuesday morning. lie had just been to the weddinf of a former sweetheart, and it is thought he could not Iwar to see her wedded to another. Tiie following batch of postmaster-snip-? wa dishe-i out to worthy Ne braskacs by the authorities at Wash ington Thursday: At Capalpa. Holt county, J. K. Emerson, vice O. M. Anru, resigned; at Halrstown, Knox county. IMie. Harrison, vice John D I; hin, resignrd. The Burl;i.;ton dul a quick job of bridge building at the burned-out bridge north of Bllvnd. The ma terial train left Jir.coln at 5 p. m. on Wednesday. At ?. a.m. yesterday the train ran over the repaired bridge. There were eight bents, or W feet, of the bridge destroyed. Lincoln Jour nal. Baker township, York count? . had a circle hunt Tuesday. Just after the round-up. George Spooner. who lives in York, clisib-! into the wagon to start home and wa standing up with his arm renting on the muzzle of his gun. when i wa discharged. The ball passed -fi rough the arm, badly shattering it. Jno. Bed del!, the new chief of the Omaha Cre department, took formal charge Tuesday and made an inspec tion of all the engin bouses and equipments. Ex-Chief Gallegan, who was deposed in Heddell favor, has been retired on a pension of izj) per year, the sam as hi-v salary as chief. 2'iite a nap ! The Loup river bridge, between Ord and B-llwood on the Burlington, was discovered to be on fire Thursday morning. It is supposed to have caught from an engine. Ten bents or alout 2X feet were burned away be fore the fire could be extinguished. The material train was sent up from Lincoln as soon as possible and the damage will be repaired in a day or so. Lincoln Journal. From the Oxford Standard we glean a mention of the marriage of Mr. Jas. Bid of Stamford, Harlan county, to Iins Elsie Moore, proprietress of the Bazaar millinery store in this city for several years past. Mr. Beid will le remembered as a former employe in th B. A M. store Inuse in this city under Storekeeper I. S. Guild. The newly-wedded couple will make their home in Stamford. On behalf of their many frtnds in this city Tun Joujvi: nai, extends congratulations. Attention. Farmer Theunnual meeting of the Farmers Mutual Insurance company of Cass county will be held at the Hell school house, in Eight Mile (J rove precinct, on- Saturday, January 12th, at one o'clock p. ru.. for the purpose, of electing ofllcers for the ensuing year, and also to transact such businens as may lawfully come before the meeting. J a con Tkitm h, i'res. J. P. Faltkh, Sec'y. An To 91 ra NoUn. The declaration of the Dawes county BherilT that be knows where to lay his hands on Mrs. Notson, the Omaha school teacher who so mysteriously disupiH-ared from the view of the pub lic and numerous creditors sometime ago. is given color by the fact that it has been discovered that Mrs. Xotson had an ardent admirer in nearly the exact vicinity where the sherifT claimed to have located her. While Mrs. Not son was campaign ing last fall she left the key to her private!lice box in care of one of her lady friends in Omaha. During the time that she was absent this iriend took care of her mail, which consisted mostly of four or five bulky Setters ach week from Mr. Notsou. There v.eie also numerous epistles from another man, with whose identity no one seems to be familiar. After Mrs. Notson returned, and just befcre election, she hhowed an ex tract from oue of these letters to her friend, after binding her to bfcrecy. It had been written by a man who was considerably impressed with the charms of his correspondent and the extract which was exhibited consisted of a eh?ruent appeal to her to obtain a divorce I t orn her husband and marry tbe writer. Mrs. .Notsor did not divulge the identity of the writer, but said he wa? well otT and lived near Chadron. She aid ut the time that she felt that if she went away at all she ought to go to her husband, but she found much that, was congenial m her new admirer and did uct know just what she would do. On this occasion the postortice key was returned to Mrs. Not son by her friend and that whs the lust time she saw her. She did not think i f the letter which she had seen until after she read the statement of the sheriS that he knew Mrs. NoUon was in that vicinity and th-n she made up her mind that the unknown admirer had probably carried his point and that Mrs. Notrtutl had decided to unite h-r destiuifS with his. Succulent sauer kraut, put up by a German adept, at tl To a barrel, at McCourts. OALIPOUNl2L-Farmrs paradise, drltghtful climate, no crop failures. For general farming, dairy ing and fruit raising, cau't Ik excelled. 3ot) acres irrigated lands at Bakers field, Kern county, for sale. Iw prices, easy terms. Write W. B. Human, Omaha, Neb. '-o-t ,tc or t httl Morjr ! N-oUce t. L-rft-y j?tva Ut: Vy ft ChtUri tis r". i: Ki :T .-t- l-Vi. t iu;y C.r-1 lit l!i? iff tar Cicislt c.f ! t.r tt:..l!".. 1 ra. uu t;.- KS !J of 'fc-t'?-T. i..S fl." I J WI .t-Ect.t f li.f ;a t! fii w :r.t-rt C.!. r.! i; i Itr iff f .i eu M'J l.'." a4 -.'.. lv!'::iU(iti t.3 lu lir- 15-.i-:i! tf futiv! ti-Jia. r.- t i.l vT Dit.rr i-r !'... ft; ! Um.x.U t.-s ft tutujtr-l Ut r mrr 1 ;!.. cr fcr j it; tt-.errf.t.4'rv- r- I wlV, tl rrv,"fSj l!.:r.r3 .1c:t u !::-. rl.air. tMv r:cr. t;i! itct n, c.!: rl it:, tit'iUlf. 1 tcirll.-li.;Jotitr J Ti ;-rtT 'f tl: Mt I)JJ2 r .jtiral. i.u y.::.g .u c Uaif lit : l. 8-1 j i icltty-ttra. la vny ! pjt:uao'.iis ri . : VSiiC u.ilfti : ! e riri,rr tf l't',ft ! M A! n l.J'sr'fyt of t.inuSI. ".tt in ra'ii!ti. r w. l"Jti ly i)f Ji:UTJ . i -. &t l . i i j;. ti of :l !T . MSIU.If li; viSNSH.H'KV. V.-rtrvr. It i I.-rrt-r wjtit. t. ; K'l olU TJ U. M'H IT MAT i s'" tti . ratXi'brtt: : tt uU.'it tornef of -rl:uti 23s tuwti 11. rj!jf( 14 ruuroriij i!i-sjv im!i fE.;, oi tfrUuii line Utftt e-Jltjr. Z-i AfT- :ii fttJ tou ai. 1 rmur. mn ! -miisl!i c I ti.- rurtf r ; niin i". i: it. l r-jr.jftil l a f -r ut lt,r i.. iiu;. o-S ;j ot )"rtlc.f ifcrcta. ur f r !itiA:-. l-UiT ti.n on tKe IV.J iy of ffVSrrjarjf. A I. or y.rti r i vcl'.l V ! i I wJthotit rf'r cufm titfrlu. fl:.NK. tl bntX. ,1 4 t Irrt. Ti u. iit.i it t ifm : Xfc oirann'.iJ'acr fi-ciiat.I to tI- fcj t-j:tii)lr,- itt lte rsorttiwKii of n ti- lo-ivn If). 12. r-jtnlT.c l!iriir tutr-i one cili on mtliau liiic m trrtuluatine t (br outLAr;; enrnrr of ? tiia ?'. !! !i lm rornr In favor of ili lorti..a tbrrcof. an ol )c!lm ll.errt, or rllia f r lai.ic. mut l1 Cltl in ttie roufcty ctrrk'a r lf .-rr tioon r,n tlie tim tlajr of ltr?iary. A I. l'r.. or i:i'-h rt..l mil !Mttr-) without rf-Ti4 ibrrtto. THANK IH' KjN. 51-4 Ci!utj Jerk. a n Fare Paid a To OMAHA AND RETURN. That H j,000 stock of men's and boys clothing, gents" furnishings, hats and shoes oi: the late Globe Clothing Co. has to be closed at once. Men'aovercoats, 1 ..; tiluck coats, vrool lined f;'c; warm wool mittens, with leather facing. l"c; Men's black clay worsted suits. 4.ij; Boys long gray ulsters, H!c; Men's heavy wool socks 5c a pair; Overshoes. ?.'.c: a big assortment of fur overcoats. 87.7.r; Men's warm caps, l."c; Boys1 d urable an its. 70c; Striped cotton socks. '2c a pair; Fine kersey overcoats, f 1.00; Bxtreme heavv underwear. scarlet or yellow, 4'tc; Wool mlts, !c; Men's iieavy wool filled pants, Wc; Men's heavy wool melton shirts, 3?'c; Men's shorn, S!e; Men's goatskin cloves. Irc. There is a big overstock of fine suits and overcoats in this stock. (The Globe had the reputation of carrying the finest goods in the cltv.) All must go for about half of costof production. Receiver's Sale AT (lUlir.'H OLD STAND. 115 S. 16th, Near Douglas St. Opposite BOSTON STORE. P. H. Itrfnic tl.l i r with yuii ami nlo r-c-l;ri from station Arnt for l:Minl Trlj Fare, eunl If you J.urcha-1 f 10 or luorf at tliW ale, yo'iir Uuuml Trip Kar 'will !? rof ui..J-l. O frO 0rO G 9 a. COMFORT OAHRIKK, ix 41 a. l',.rf.M-tion III !U. r;it.ii nti.l i ar In n'jalltie 1 ht O a a- t n l.tln I But You Want 5 S Comfort, too. 2 1.1: arM'iii!iliit'U hi i:r 1 S '. ; It i at) StH'T'ri: ir i . am! it taiu a t-i th i f ri.i;h. tut u-t all iiMiitf t m.; ii t.f t,-ij;st. f A e . . a ItH I v ION A III I iM'iiMii)i:roti.t: HY WKi:iN4. i i.' t i! i N ; . to a 9 P!.'!:ilAr uu 'it jri-i.r. tlu Jtt Ca'.i tJt-r. "!, t-1 . " A ltif thc. If . o!ir Vlotrr ilt-Ii-. w u CI J"-.:r r.t.r .'. your .rr, Wf. nrt rri ;jr f r tlif l''. I.. it5 !i?er 'h; a lr-iij .;!; tli;i rM-r. . . . i o e MORGAN'S, I The Leading Clothier. 1 1894. i SHIPPED C. O. D. HIGH GRADE BICYCLES Anyul t re, - - - J" B: -c!e S I'J '' I'C At: our ...'.c ;'j.O All Sljles and T' Bicc!e Z.T we It uters riols !- B;cc!e f'- r-en.d tor l! ati d catalue. c, OMiVHA. :;eb. C Li f r-4 , - .-r fctsi i 1 -t-'-"2 L ' - 1..-- ..." V ' 'v.- . - V ar lr r-iaaia- V. . ft if t- ; JOSEPH FETZER. VSTALl racrtrrt . ra I. J r4c 7k Well . tira. Aa.o of "aiii , a. --L , Irt X VITA I ic e-r Pfcinu nrmnrnv a 1.. a frodaraa tit Akr Itil: la SO lUja. It cU powrrf uii v anJ qu. kly. C.'urr-a al;rn!l Ptbr XalL Youmc mpfi will r'Aln tllr lost tr.acLtxxl. laJ ti; J cun will recover tlir-ir jrutliful vlror by uainr VITALIS. It qnUkly ail nurY'ly n?. atorea Krriui4f I-t Ylt&m jr. Imrotncy, Nirbt! Kmlaamna. Imt JVwrr, Kaliinj: Mrtn cry. W amine lisca-a. ami all rTc-s or arif abujic r fTr anl lnilitcr-tinn. Wards c3 l:Tanlty anj coniTnpUon. Iruilal en havlC'5 VITAU1S, tio itor. Vau carried In trrt Ccttrt. liy mall. fl.oO tt pat'ViM". or fix for So.". vUh m poaltlts wrlllra fraaraata to rars IT tvTaail ta mj. t'trrular Irw. Alli1rrg3 CaLtHLT lil.JII.I'l' liaflXT. itlftiro. 111. Foraalfl at riatlunouth. Nc.. y . It. njirr nfi'1 (iorlttt nriiic;iU. FAT PEOPIiE ! J'auk cmt-iTT I'lti.a will rrlnre y'jr wcIkM PKKMANK'STI.Y frutu IS to I. huii.. a mntilli. N TAItVISi. Hi- k,4 or Injury: No I'l l UrlTY. Thry built tip tljo I.eaMli a;il tfautl f y th rinlrxlon. loaMn No WKJN K1.K- or alt.lti-u. fTtl'T AIUOVnN atit dltlirtiit riatl)lnf Kiirfijr rfltpri"!. No KXI'EHIM KXT. t.tit a j.kM ifli ;icl xltlvi rilrf. aloiiI utily aflt-r yi-ir of 'ip,rlet'v All onlrra w ) !ii -l !iri--t t ri:i our o!ii-. I'rlt'o f i.U) jkt imi'tai-p or trirr r-arkntrf" for f.VOn l-jr ri!U JmoI ( ni l . T'tiiiotilHli mi ) parllrtilnr. aralctl j 2 rent t tr All rurrvtouilciice ftrlrUy roiiii.l vnU. Park Heiuedy Co., Boston, Mass. XXPEEDY end I.ABTIIIO HESUlvTS. FAT PEOPLE No lacontretilrnre. TimpJe, j Bura. ZZ:LT:L17 Tilt from any iujurw .nlrrt. Ws CtllRAMILE a CURE: orrHund our money. lr ir ho'ilo. Srad 4c. lor treads "UKMINX AlKlllOAl. CU IkiUuu. !' a V tnftt CM tay Come to Omaha TO - BOSTON STORE N. W. Cor. Kllli hiI Ioui:laaSta. OMAHA. 'V ', ,,,l- 'i,- jgrjr' litiston Store is tlolnj the ftrc imst dry ;oocls business in the whoL west. Thcr result of always scllinj; tlie best j.;ootIs for the LOWEST PHlCt-S IN T11K WOULD. tfHiAi. ul:o4 aviiv You liu!l foiuc So BJSTOX STOKi:, OllAllA: It's tlu Krtft mercantile eatab- liht.uirijt in tlie west. l)vir lot! different Iepartinents,eacb carrluj; separate lines. Moie than a million ollar's worth of tuervhaudirie on hand alt the time. Grandest Holiday Exhibit Krr sltfiwii In ll l lill'S-t Malra. Our ira:d four-story and basement xire-proof uiammoth buihMti, covering nearly a whole bhxk, is lilied to over I'.nvti: v.iili staple and holiday jrood a - i every description, at prices tkuom fti ,V Ir'.U Ci:r LOWKU THAN" ANY t iu:i; Mt:i. v v m rr:!; kiu x iiu:nri t. - is molt t.uAin SUccs, Slippcrc UxuliTU'rar. Hosiery. Noclcwoax A KIUI.( 1IK (.M IM: It A IK. A INS I'vrrj .l--rliiM-iS la iur c(lt! itlnufnt. In a 1 1 ; t ; n irniitet"ru.r!in al l"ar r.-. fef-!t-rt -i:riir;:tiry Ualsitf lar-a!u. Al'tt trjr iii-t artii-:-. rillier u.tful or bma-s:i-tii;. tr -lh. rr.ay l I rv---ir'.l at cut pr'.. Tj.r ofTrt.ttsr. tt iu ! Irr .mJ. t Tt u.nut. t. ?!-. Jrriry. I'amlT. i;rr "i!.rrj. l.nil-. 4'!::a. I'll I'jrturr , T-tr;c. t 5-a .ia.. IC'sf. l-, C'o;irh. !Vnmr. Ir;'-it, l"urt'-tt. I tn-tr-::. P .r:Uti. ll!itit-r--?,: . W .::.. M!itrtirr S-t., T-il -la. f uian. t ti--r.-rr. -.i" aua X.!!- i!t- v r.s t, j;s. ii'v-t at i t xi:i.i- !:t;N ami INFANT. IT WILL PAY Ytt" To 'lMi: 1o t t r.rv r .tjthioc l.l.a la nt BOSTON STORE Omaha, Neb. Let Us Give You One. roifnmii! If ) mi laf tut 5t vistta-t our Stte m)!tl it will rrjKty a trip to Omaha. DON'T a - ' J Dci! upon att-- - i(rt-:A- JL i -- - ' -- your HOLIDAY GXFT Till you havo soon tho many beau tiful nrtlcloa wo aro showintr. Writing Dciks. - - - $S.oo Cabinet Hook Cases, - - 8.50 Music Cabinets, - - - O.OO Onyx Tabic, 6.00 Gilt Chair, - - 7.50 Banquet Lamp and silk shades 5.00 Cobbler Seat Rockers, - 3. 50 Parmelee &. Otis, Continental Itl k, 1414 Iuugla St., Omaha V i ti tacu 'rj? V 2 i cr tcrc rfjPC fr. E. C. WV Kro cr.d Brain Trfatmpnl l '.! ut, '.. r in t ai n o n 1'iMrnt.ii A, l-y kuIIi-j;-ir-i t. ?rt!m ii-" St .,V M. rix-r): !" ft l.riJ'i i;:..l Nr I n it ; i ?. j .if... l; i ui--it.'; Niwiit JiK.; i .1 ! citrt; liJi r' ,; rrniKi -.' ; Ijv-1'i ; jit Jir,.;); 1ak!i( I'-,tr ;.f llii' .! i.-.:'m tfr.'-.n-t In t llti-r ai, ru-n. lj iiTfiJ.initiim; Y'mttif il J.rr.-:: , ir Mlrr ft T. .,ir.vt, (i.lmil rr IJ'i'.itvr, vhl. U Ihhi t !tor, fi '--.u" TiJi'Mt. hi-.-l Iti. 1; n.nt fl a; r f r I witr uriiif.i ti. .. "t o to-urc IrfuinJ tn"vy. ,t . ( K ( i ; J s V Ut vrrta::i KMT- ..r t vi, i.. i- .!, aUi;i. l.r"n.'t;:i ',('n.m Vi lufcipii.ff if ui U, S .r. 'i ri ii'.U I ai:rl InUkc. HtiiMi) fit- in- ''..itiiur.l; . I, .i.-r., i mwJv.; olj II Uf, ufwv. iil'AKANTi.ils 1.uhI mi! Fa 0. FrlckP it Co, druggists. 8TREIGHT d: SATTLER, HurtiM.ortln llwtirjr Im k. Furniture Undertaking Hlot, It tuc". riila, Ol::tii.. Our Far i . i-; '.i i ' ; l-n in vir y dolt An ltivuliirtiii l ft-rtAtit t ttnivl m r. A POINTER Where rJSb to kf "J if WOOD MANTELS. THE A.LDINH, PRHRLIiSS. Wrtt for ( uta ai.l l'lr-a. COLUMBIAN AND MONARCH t lit ATKJr. MILTON ROGERS &. SONS, 14th and Farnam Streets. OMAHA, NEB DELIVERED FREE! AN : ABSOLUTE (TJ f" i 3i The House Furnisher, For the purpose of further introducing it to the people of this vicinity, offers A CUT PRICE - - ON HIS NEW - - Wood Base Burner. THE CUT OPERATES AS FOLLOWS: Size No. 1, Size No. 2, These Stoves are perfect in material adapted to the BURNING Better results are obtained than by the use of Hard Coal in any of the Base Burners on the market. PEARLMAN gives an Absolute Guaran tee that these Stoves will give entire Satisfaction in every particular. Messrs. J. C. Petersen, E. R. Todd, A. B. Taylor, H. D. Travis, Samuel Richard son and others are now using this stove in place of a hard coal burner, and the public is referred to any of the above. Drop in and see the Stove. PG8TIIII8II, House - Furnisher, Opposite the Court House. The Plattsmouth Ills, C. HEISCL. Prop. Tfcl Mlil ha l-wn rcl-u'lt. art.! f:;rnllnd IU XarLlnrry of ti.r lft niaitracinrr In tlie a.riJ. Tlit'lrt It Plansifter" Flour Uaa no Iurrrtor In Amtrlra. tJUIt trial anJ tf ronv!nrl. DR. A. MATTHEWS. Tlio Painless Dontist, Vceping Water, Ncbr., Makna tHMaltr uf Fine OuM Filllnpt. loM an.l Port olaln Crown, Hrll w ork. etc. TKETIl I'OSITIVELY EXTRACTED WITIUU T TAIN OR DANC.EIC. BYRON CLARK, Attornej at Law, I'LATTSMOL'TH. NEH. OFFICE ooonJ floor of the To.t-1 blocl' cat of the court house. BEESON ROOT, Attorneys at Law, n.ATTSMOUTIl. NUM. OFifIOB-FIUitral.l blK:k. over FlrlNai'I hank rini:ii.ACK. iumui ANIi MALI, TII.E. I -U onr Slacec: euro VLxec, and cue price tc , tlaero. ntLHK WXLCOX CO., ! I.H.1 I.M7 i.tgl. Om.ti. : GUARANTEE! roKMXK l-iiicr. $35.00 30-00 l'KILNT l IlItK. - $30.00. 27.50. elegant in design, and are especially OF WOOD. H. A. WATERMAN t SON, 1 HALE US IN dumber and Coal, MeaJota rtal .... UarJ roal Ctton CI: j rikal f 4 X5 . to 00 OHAS. GUI LUIS. Attorney at Law, PLATTSMOUTII. NEB. OFFICE: Jcon4 Cor of Cie Toi ! t.'ork. a. of the cotirt ho:ia. Xlsc tiny Capsules amrjpcriar to Balsam of CopaiIa, Liiltl and Injtvtioas. Pin j ey ctnx ia 13 lura tbe V Bam diseases iritliout anyinco. vcn!cnce. SOLD ETALLDRL'CCISTt 10 I "J till m w m Zuchweiler 8z Lutz Tho Grocors, Cor. Sixth and Pearl Sts., keei t:vi:iVTiiiN; in thkiij um: ai Sell Cheap, Give Good Weight, Deliver Promptly. a a VOCH CVSTtlM 18 l0LICITCU. . I .--A I 1. t . 1 r