Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, January 03, 1895, Image 2

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    Tho FlattbiiiJiilb Journal
C. W. SHERilAN, Editor.
One copy one year, In advance, by mall... to 0i
One copy alx month, In alvg.nce, by mail, S M
one copy one month, tu lv.uc by mall, M
One ropy, by carrier, per e t 10
Put nhJ every aftornoou rxec t Sunday.
Single cepy, oueyaar II 00
Single coiy. tlx raonlh St)
Published every Thursday. Payable, la ad Tarn
Entered at the ;i tofflce at Plaliaiaouth, Ne
braitka. as eeoud claa manor.
Official County Paper,
Tub policemen who have begun a
war on Police Judge Arcbet are likely
to hear something droj at the next
council meeting.
CiiKisTM as was observed with pretty
near the usual amount of ceremony
and eclat this year Including tlrluklug
sprees and tights.
Two Sticks, the Sioux murderer.
was duly hauged at Dead win d Fri
day, and died with the. Indian death
song on his lips.
How appropriate it is to see the Nc
bruska City News rush to the defense
of John C. Watson! After Heuedict
Arnold sold himself to the British he
vas the worst enemy America had.
The czar of Russia promises to be
oue of the ruoat popular mouarchs iu
Europe, lie has completely won the
M. Petersburg populace by his lack of
fear in going about the strata of the
capita! unattended.
Sixty-jive per cent of the taxes
paid by Nebraska City prorty own
er goes to pay Interest ou bonds
These bonds are held by foreign bond
holders and the interest goes abroad.
Nebraska City Independent.
Aitek Christmas came a cold wave
which recaindtd the most indifferent
that for a fact winter had come in
earnest. A lowering of th tempera
ture from 40 degrees above to 3 below
in 36 hours is a pretty stiff change.
ALTnoroii a tory, Lord Handolph
Churchill was quite democratic in hi
general! conduct, and was popular with
the people in cousequence. Ills loss
will be severely felt by his party, both
in and out of parlament. His illness is
said to be a fatal malady.
A siiokt session of the legislature
would be very acceptable to the people
of this state, but it is safe to say that
the full sixty days will Le us-ed. The
republicans do not believe iu econcrny,
especially when their salaries are at
stake. Nebraska City News.
Hei'LT.ucan papers are now assert
ing that "the people don't likn demo
cratic tuonej." Don't, eh? Tut gold
and silver n a parity n.i it tras tefore
republican legislation fd its
efj'iality ( value ami you will soon
realize your mistake. Council Muds
f tlubt.
Sen'atu-Klkt John II. (Jkau,
lia.i teen stricken with apop'exy aul i
in a critical condition at hit apart
merit at the rorllaml, in Wahinton.
A dispatch from that city aj s: -The
prevailing opinion ia that the distinguish-:!
ou of Iowa is stricken with
Tiik Cleveland administration has
,not yet succeeded in fulfilling demo
cratic pledges or in enforcing demo
cratic lawn against monopoly, but Mr.
Cleveland is, nevertheless, to be con
gratulated on the trip which demon
strated that he add.t genius as a duck
shooter to his talent as a fisherman. -New
York Herald.
Tiik hearts made glad Chrialma
would till a !! larger than the Ku
cylopeilia llrltUnica. Nebraiika City
Th "book" our contemporary refers
t' is probably tho sort of "book" play
ers of whist make. Otherwise it might
be troublesome to put hearts in a
Cos o i: E-vs man Tkac.y of New Yoik
has moved an amendment to the new
currency bill, miking bank notes re
deemable in equal parts of gold and
silver. This gold-bug see ms to be mov
ing in the right direction. (Jive thein
time and they will learn what they
should have known from the start.
Crete Democrat.
John' Is very close in the
matter of personal expenses, and has a
pique at the Pullman company for
over-charges which heproposestotake
out by a bit of national legislation. He
Is soon to propose an amendment to
the pooling bill which has passed the
house. His measure .prescribes one
half cent per mile for lower arid one
third cent for upper berths lu sleepers,
and provides fit penalties for a viola
tion or over charge.
The Lincoln News.w hich is a staunch
republican paper, recently contained a
lengthy editorial review of the testi
mony of John M. Thurston, published
In Sunday's World-Herald, and very
aptly takes its party to task, for being
the servant ot the railway powers. It
argues thus:
'Keference la made to thlit testimony or Mr.
Thurston at this time, not leauo 11 vr ill
change the statute of affair or have anv ten
dency to prevent hla election, tut merely to
hw Just what argument tie republican party
will have to meet nest fall when It soon I fore
toe people again ou lt record. What defcime
la possible ? ' What dcfcuo was poilble to the
charge of forgery and fraud again! Tom Ma
jora ttt hla attempt to break Into eotigrea when
the testimony vn In black and w hlte
When will the republican party of Nebraska
earn that It cannot play with tire without be
tig burnt? There are none who will dtiutt
Mr. Thnrston'a ability or eloquence, but a tuat.
whohaa for tweuly years reirrentcd n rail
road company, not onlr to the court but be
fore legislature and on the Hump (aee hi own
woru tatemeot), cannot chaugo hi opinion'
or hla prejudice In a day merely because th
mantle of the people's representative has fallen
u)ii him. Who believed Tout Major wheu he
professed to have recanted and been born
again? Evidently the curso of Nt-braska re
puMiranUiu lira In the kt Judgment of It
leader nburfu to profit by the lesson taujht
by the recent loa of the gutoriiorsMp, but In
stst on giving the lt o!T.ce In the party' gtft
to a rllrvad lawyrr who oj-enly admitted that
p;tif hisdutif wast he Itir! ncurlng of Irgtsla
tot lu behalf of his corporatuti. We hare, in
deed, fallen upon troublous time.'
ThJulrk I'alli tu lllmelallUm.
Shall we substitute bank notes for
greenbacks and treasury notes, or ex
ercise the option to redeem iu silver ?
To the latter is to restore bimetal
lism, so far as silver already coined is
concerned to restore to the former
would be uo real aid, because the same
parties who now draw gold on paper
money would present silver dollars arid
silver certificates, demand their re
demption in gold, and ue the atne ar
gument used now, namely: "If you
refuse gold that metal will go to a
premium, and we shall b on a silver
basis." The treasury must exercise
the right to redeem in silver when that
is most convenient. Omaha Werld
"Tut: American jeople are patient
and long suffering, and they ate. too.
disposed to trust their public servants,"
sajs a prominent Journal,
the action of the minority in thesenate
of the United States. True, the people
are "patient and long suffering," but
when the servants whom they have
chosen to perform certain duties,
come imbued with the idea that thev
are the masters and not the servants
of those who have chosen the m, lp
American people are liable to become
indignant and determine on a change
and the selection of others to till the
places of those who seek to play the
role of rustrr instead of servant,
whether they be of hiph or low due.
()rror l!lumt
Sialas A. Holcomb was bom Aug.
lvr", and is now In his thirty-seventh
year. He first saw the light of day on
the old Holcorub homestead lu (iibson
county, Indiana, near Princeton the
present couuty seat. He is a man of
flne form and flgurtvitaud six ft el and
twoinckc-s high and has art open, frank
countenance, which portrays excellent
traits of character.
His father, JW !. llokomb, was a
nail Virginian, but came to Indiana
in an early day and w as known as one
of the pioneers of that state. His moth
er's maiden name was iucinda It. Skel
ton, her native state being North Caro
lina. She was the second wife of John
C. Holcomb and Silas A. i the oldest
of his mother's children. Although (iov
ernor-elect Holcomb commenced life in
an humble way on an Indiana home
stead, his ancestors were largely public
men. . His grandfather, was a Hapttst
milliliter of considerable note. His
grandmother Holcomb was a I.eo and
a relative of (ienetal llcbtrt 11. leo of
confedeiate fame. State Journal.
It cost one dollar a ton to transport lie k
Mprlngscoal toOtuaha. Th t of rn!n!n arid
handling 1 lcs than a dollar ton. Yet the
(eople of Nebraska have for year lceri rum -l-elled
ti pay 1 7 a ton fur It. When tho Mierl
dan talncft wt re op nrd by Ue H A M. road It
was hoped that legitimate competition would
I'ompel a reduction of price at the hand of the
I'nlon I'arlflr, but It ha ended In a vain hop
Four dollar a ton would t-e a fair price for
Wyoming coal laid down In Omaha.--!!'--.
That is substantially what Tiik
JouitNAL argued two years ago. From
the mountain region to the Missouri
river is a continuous down-grade, re
quiring little motive power, while the
empty cars could be cheaply hauled up
grade to the mines. The policy of
taking "all that the Unfile will bear" is
a short-sighted one, and if tho mana
gers willed it they could easily drive all
the anthracite out of this market find
have it all themselves at n better
paying rate than they gift for hauling
the anthracite.
Jons W. FosTKii, Harrison's secre
tary of state has been sent for to goto
Japan to aid China to make peace with
Japan. The Chinese want Japan to let
go, and don't seem to bo able to make
It takes responsibility to bring out a
man's real qualities. The country
never knew much of the ability of
Daniel Manning until he became, sec
retary of the treasury, bqt iu that
place he disclosed a breadth of states
manship which was remarkable. It
was uot until he became president
that James A. Garfield gave evideuce
of the weakness of hie character, and
up to the time that Tho. 1 Hay ard
became secretary of Btate everybody
counted upon him as a statesman of
great breadth and rate accomplish
ments, but his career in that olVice was
anything but reassuring. Of all the
men, however, who have been foisted
into cabinet positions that have disap
pointed the expectations of his friends
and the world at large none have made
a greater or more complete failure
than Johu G. Carlisle has done as sec
retary of the treasury . As a member
of congress, as speaker of the house
and as a senator Mr. Carlisle, has
shown talents, principles and charac
teristics which lifted him hih on the
roll of fame, greatly endeared him
in tho people and gave him a warm
place iu tho hearts and eiteem of the
democratic masses, and had his home
been north Instead of south of the Ohio
there are many who now believe that
he would have been tho democratic
uomineo for president iu 1K- instead
of Clcvel tud, with the bet chance In
the world of winning.
In an hour that was evil to him and
to his lasting reputation, however, he
was chosen for a place in Mr. Cleve
land's cabinet, and from the moment
he became secretary of the treasury It
seems that his individuality has for
saken him, and the principles which
guided Ids action lu congress have
been deserted and troddeu upon. An
ardent advocate of the free coinage of
silver then, he has been one of its worst
and moat powerful enemies. While
Senator Ucck lived Carlisle was otet f
h!s firmest supporters in advocacy of
the white metal. Now 11 s opinions
and roller em to be moulded in the
while house, and to ault white house
purposes, and !norii:g hi formerly
expressed ideas and opinions, which
were radically opposed to the course he
now pro f-ajMvH to believe in and is act
ing upon.
That f;ich a coarse should alienate
the friends o' the olden time and create
ilitru-t ntid ant of confidence is but
natural, an 1 t beepvied. And af
ter losing the friend- who o:.ce ad
mired him, reposed unlimited cunli
dence in him and hoked up to htm as a
strong leader and for whom they hofed
and expected !me time lo support fvr
pre-ulent, it was to le exacted that
his new-found friend among the
ShyIcksof Wall !te t would be de
lighted tilh their new convert and
make much over him; but not so. if we
are to beheve la'.o teh-gtams from New
York. It i .i:d that Ihe banker- aie
now concerting measure for hi t.
traction, and that th curieocy meas
ure he h projhwit In lot them ev
eral million of money, and they lueau
to get even milh him for Io uabMiug
atmt fiom pillar to . The fact is
the position of M'ctelary of the treas
ury was tt big for him. an. 1 lacking
the limine to be tint to hime!f, he
ha tried the lu'e of coj.ii for his
chief, the president. That he .nhmild
fall t please the president's friends,
the New York bankers, is but natural.
When a man has the weakness to take
an Insincere position at oie time it 1
to bo expected that he Hill not be able
to satisfy the demand those who
are making tie of him. The attempt
to ride two horse that uio going iu
opN).iite directions has been tried
often, but it never was done v.ith sue-
Tiik legislaturo was organized
Tuesday, C. L. Richards of Hihron be
ing chosen speaker of the house ami
John C. Watson president pro tern of
the ttenate. W. M. (Jeddes of Grand
Island was selected chief clerk of tho
house, and Frank II. Wilson of this
city got nothing. The organization is
thoroughly in harmony with the idea
of electing John M. Thurston to tho
senate the whole holy wears a rail
toad collar, and will do nothing that is
not In accord with the wishes of those
of West Union, Iowa, who disappeared
mysteriously ami who was believed to
havo been murdered, has discovered
himself lu Indianapolis trying to re
coup his fortunes by working ns a book
agent. Mr. Uutler cannot explain how
or why he went to Indiana, or upon
what theory ho hoped to lay up wealth
canvassing, but he claims to be per
fectly sane. He has returned to his
home, ami overybody at Oolwein is
Kalda Ou the Oold rile.
Russia is borrowing $75,i'0O,O0O in
gold in eastern Europe, and Austria is
borrowing 37,000,000 iu gold to com
plete its arrangements for setting up
the gotd standard. This is causing an
other such transfer of stocks of gold as
was seen two years ago, wheu the out
go from the United Ststes was so
heavy. Taken in connection with the
prevailing disposition of Europeans to
carry as small a supply of American
securities as possible, these develop
ments promise to make the drain upon
our gold reserve this winter and next
spriug unusually heavy. New York
Miss. Amkma Uimimkii, one of the
oldest and most noted retiiderits of
Council Jlluffs, died ou Sunday lat.
Mrs. Illoomer had an interefltlng career,
and became famous in a most unwit
ting manner. Iu lSI'J she was pub
lishing a magazine called the Lily,
w hich was chielly devoted to the inter
ests of woman iu the field knoftu as
"Woman's Rights," and among other
things advocated dress reform. While
discussing this subject she invented a
costume ami beau weaung It, that
was modeled clo.nely after the costume
of the Turks. This dress at
once became famous and known as
the"Rloomer," but never became fash
ionable, although its usefulness and
propriety for all outdoor movements of
women were acknowleged on allsides.
Mrs. Illoomer was a woman of much
intellectual talent, and afterwards
published the Western Home Visitor
at Mt. Vernon, Ohio, removing thence
with her husband, D. I'. Rloouier, to
Council ltluffs iu 1S''J, where they have
resided since. Contrary to the general
belief, he was of a modest, retiring
nature, and through the later years
of her life devoted heiself almost
wholly to works of charity and bene
volence. She w a an ornament to her
sex, and as oue of the pioneers iu the
cause of a reform of the laws relating
to women did much to .hapet the sub
sequent course of thor.e who came into
that field at a later period. She was
greatly esteemed by all who erer knew
tt-r f w iiuny giace of character and
life. The writer of tle.e line became
acquainted w ith her when a toy. and
only when recollection fades will he
cease to revere her memory as one of
the uiret and bent of women.
Tjif: death of lsn !u's most wealthy
citizen, Fitzgerald, I announced.
Tor three jrars he has ufered from a
complaint which resulted in p.iralyis.
and regarded t-vi ntuiHy of a fatal
chwa:ter. Tht. at the -f f.ixly
llo. hasp.t"etl aw i'.j one of the utrong
eit character in the ut-;f. Iiornin
Irehind. w i'.h !uhi opjrt'"nit:-s for
no lu? tto:. driven by the oppie-j;ou
of landlord!.!!! to America, he carved
out a fortune by gr ; sag the opportu
nities which ti e bu;!d:ng up f the
w et afforded. I!ert a stupendous
worker. aid l:i h at'lite days hardly
took the tsai' nature absolutely re
quited fr re.-tt. tits ambition was the
accumulation of wealth, and in thi tie
was suevvs iful to a r tu ukablo degree
Iq mailer t Iojjk-!" lie wa very
strict to m:is:.:.i:n his rights, yet he
wa broad and liberal iu aid id cl.ati-
tie and iu h Ipifig ever put he eater
prie. He had th faculty f holding
friend, and ( taiol!tig by them.
That he was a nun of patriotic im
pulse. and cf sentiment was evidenced
by his interest in the Fenian move
ment year ago. and by hn put he
t ok iu the Ltnd I ."ague in later
years. His lo.-s .will be sincerely
mourned by : huge circle of friend,
both iu and out of his church.
Tift: immensity ot tl.e public con
venience which the New Yoik and
Hfookly u budge affords can cnl be ap
preciated by reading the fact. em
braced tti th annual report of the
biidgo trustees, which has just been
issued, a follows.
Tnti.1 - t-li-t Irtun I. ?t.l'.O.t si ll
Krem rallwat . I.tiV.0.
from arrhovHy . vr,7WO
r-cnp'r carried lit railway....'... 4l.;it,'J.V
Avcraso niontlily toll fr Is-.O . .. I IW.l'Wwl
" " " ... W.'.atT
Total rceelpta from all ourrv ... 1i.14J.1
Total excnditiirv l..jl.lwW VI
Italanru on hand v,.,.sl.2
Tho fare on tho railways i.s two
tickets for five cents. In the past y ear
only two hours ami forty-seven minutes
havo been lost by delays. The bridge
has been built over eleven years, and
lias carried l;)V,":H pa-;cngeis up
to date of report. It is a cable rail
way and has replaced six cables from
Jamks llirpp, the democratic governor-elect
of California, notwithstand
ing the contest made by Estee, the
republican candidate, will take his
oih'clal seat. Mr.lhidd wasagtiestof the
Iroquois club of SanFrancisco tho other
evening and in an address to the club
on the occasion, among other appropri
ate remarks said in nn emphatic man- j
nor: "I received a plurality or l.'JOo.
If I had received nil the votes I was
entitled to, it would have been A ,000
I would not take the olllce
of governor on any technicality. I
would not take it on any subterfuge of j
a legislative recount, but i-y I am tlec- j
ted I shall take my oath of oillce and i
my seat as governor of the state of Cali
WiHLK it is the proper thing for our
people who are able to help the west
ern sufferers, the fact .should not be
forgotten that there are many worthy
poor iu our own midst who aie iu diro
need, and who must have subtdantial
aid from some source or they will
perish. There are many families who
are destitute who never before made
application for public charity, ami it
takes away all the pride and self-respect
to apply to the county authorities.
Tiik Jol'unal ventures to suggest
that there are several gentlemen in
gotxl circumstances who own timber
land near town and they could make
donations of timber for fuel, and by a
little effort a chopping and hauling
bee could tie organized and thus supply
a number of families. What say you?
As A consequence of a new constitu
tional provision prohibiting the issu
ance of free passes, the genial I)ew,
president of the New York Central,
has ordered the insertion of this clause
in the flue pi int carrie J by all the dead
head railway pastedoaids on the lines
of the N. Y. Central: "As a conse
quence of the constitutional amend
ment relating to free passes, our passes
given to people of whom we know very
little will rend in future to the effect
that the holder is not a holder of pub
lic ollice." Still the presumption is that
few "people of whom we know very
little are on Chauncey 's free ltfct.
Tiik editor of the New York I'ost is
plunged in a gulf of melancholy be
cause he notices that Lyman Trum
bull has attached his name to a resolu
tion favoring the free coinage of hilver
at 10 to 1, and observes that every huch
resolution "is a fountain of despon
dency to every intelligent lover of his
race, and after writing those senti
ments he wipes the salt water frt-m his
tear-bedimmej eyes and proceeds to
clip the coupons frm his bonds, and
sets up a w ail that can almost 1 heard
by the starving people in Trinity's
rotten tenea:ent5 on the next block.
It is melancholy, indeed.
(Jurat harmony prevailed in ti e re
publican legislative caucttf. and it is
said tint every republican member but
four in both houses has pledged him
self to ote fcr J. 'dm M. Thurston for
senator. That is proi-er. If the party
txdoiigs to the railways it r-hould put
their chief lobby ist to the front as an
exemplar of its principles. There was
great harnvmy amvng the privileged
classes of Frame before the revoluti n
of vj, which swept them fr-m power.
CONOllfc MAN llliVAN, the J'OUIlg
stiver gladiator of Nebraska is after
the administration with a sharp stick,
and it is evident that he intends to
make it warm for tke financial heads
luring the brief time if maining of his
term as congressman. Urynn is in the
right, and in addition to this triple
armament, is ehviuent and convincing.
Ieadwod Paily l'n nor.
W. II. of Wab tsh. thi county,
got the position of enrolling clerk of
the senate. Otherwise Cass county
was not recognized in tin-organization.
Mr. Fool comes from his fatrn on Sec
tion -1, to which he was retired by the
voters tf Cass county with such satis
faction six y ears ag . No doubt he will
make a capable enrolling clerk.
Tin: local post of the (J. A. R. on
Saturday eveniug last passed resolu
tions of a very sintering character en
dorsing Capt. David McCaig and re
commending him to (Jov. Holcomb for
appointment to the command of the
soldiers' home at Kearney all of w hich
meets ihe hearty endorsement of this
What has become of the calamity
howl of last tall i (Jov. Holcomb was
inaugurated today, and still eastern
money lerders aie anxious to get loans
on Nebraska realty at the old rate of
interest if not less.
TiiKgoid reserve is dwindling rap
idly, aud more bonds are iu sight.
Ilou'a 1 hl:
We offer one hundred dollais reward
I r any case of catarrh that can not be
J ired by Hall's Catarrh Cute.
F. J. CiikNkv. oi Co.. Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned have known F.
J. Cheney for the last fifteen years,
and believe him perfectly honorable
in all business transactions and finan
cially able toc ury out any obligations
made by their firm.
WkstA Tuaiw, Wholesale Drug
gists, Toledo, O.
Walionu, Kinnan & Makvin,
Wholesale Druggists. Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally, acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the avstem.
Testimonialssent free. Fiice75c. per
bottle. Sold by all druggists.
Renuett K: Tutt will have for the
holiday trade a large line of beautiful
China ware and lamp of all kinds, as
well as candies, nuts, raisens, oranges,
lemons, dates and figs, ami in factany
thing that is good.
Headquarters for cheese at Week
bach's grocery.
An opportunity liko
this seldom ocenrs.
w ' Cfci, .
Arc selling tho Rosonwald
& Woll Overcoat Stock
Men's Overcoats and Ulsters,
$5.00 .:rn $9.50
Men's Overcoats and Ulsters,
$6.00 .t.. $10.00
Men's Kersey Overcoats,
$7.00 wo. $13.50
Boys' Overcoats,
$3.50. $4 and $5
Hundreds to eelect from, nil colors,
weights and styles at just half
tho regular retail price.
Cor. lotli and Douglas St.
The Building With the Clock.
Cut This Oat and Erin? it With Ycu.
Dr. Agnes V. Swetland,
Sj-e!l :ivnt!-'U t-. U.i-u ic of
Wonjeu ar.-l Worsen -rttT
Office : imr:i:;X nr"- Omh, Kei
First Premium
at the
Columbian Exposition
The Singer HaaT'g Co.
t lie 1 A7vet irs:nl-rr of warvl .f-ta
l jr rut e'ii;:i r :! urv Ui: lc-:t-'.e
co:a; atilo. A r! r-"Pivel on te ty.'.o
Kra!lr wvi!!ic MAchtn. V. S. No. 1
I. F. ii. n t lni T.lw l AutoiutlO
t"!m: iU U M n-iu:u. ln Mnctmie
ruMnci.. Art Kni' ri lf rit . Lr-". t'ur
1" !iol-?TT, Ar;i-Ui' Fur:i!:i!r.tfs.
fhlnc Work.
AUo 43 Awnl. cowf!n ma--!,
tor :tia:infomrv lu erory il;ie w N
l:if !
rottoti an l M.k l I o tli. Mill
lllicr.rir., fur -titrl
wauiiuif. MJ l!ir, etc.
TIio Singer ITi Co
"All Over tho World."
llranrU Otttre 1316 !.ujl St., ti a.
Count '
IIa tvirchAcl lle TaruKle Hu'.ho
fiTl sU fc al will run !;! the
Maiu-st. aud Sciiildkneclit Barns.
Kills of all deer!ptL!i!i. frai a SaMIe
lioro to a Sixteen -j-assiMiger Wajrun.
Cali. l'all Hearer Wagon. CiirryalU an l
everything for I'ienlo. wel.lir.K aud
T'ntln Ordew
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