A JOYOUS OCCASION, Happy Wedding of Miss Tillie Ven ard to Mr. Albert Wettenkamp. SOME SPEEDY RAILROADING. First Trip or tht BurllORton'a Jiew Mall Train Ktcortl Hreaker For Wet rrn Kailral Various Other Note ami .lotting. Happily Wedrttl. Miss Tillie Wnard of this city was Riven in marriage at 11:30 o'clock Tue s lay to Mr. Albert Wetenkamp at the home of Wm. Wetenkatrp, the 1 groom's father, in the presence of some sixty of the relatives and friends of the contracting parties. It was a very pleasant and happy affair. At the appointed time the notes of the weddiDg march rang out on the air from the deft fingers of Miss Florence Kichardson, and the wedding party inarched into the parlor with Misa Mary Sherman as bridesmaid and Mr. Frank Richardson as groomsman. The ceremony was then most be auti ful'.y performed by Rev. J.C. H.IIobbt. of the Eight Mile circuit. Congratu lations over, a bounteous repast was served and the afternoon was spent in social converse. ' Numerous and costly were the pres ents, including a farm of 160 acres ad joining the home farm on the east, by the groom's father, a bedroom set, and sewing machine, a set of china table ware, a parlor lamp, tea sets, table linen, and household bric-a-brac galore. Among the guests and donors were Grandfather and mother S. I. Long. Grant WettenkamD. Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Vallery, Mr. and Mrs.Samual Rich ard?on, Mr. and Mrs. Will Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. Watson Long, W. W. Marker, A. O.Carky, Wni. Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. Silas Long, Mr. Frank Rich ardson, Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Sherman. The Journal extends its congratu lations to both the bride and the groom, the Broom in securing as a wife a woman of rare amiability and com mendable qualities of mind and heart, in fact a real jewel. As for the bride, she has chosen a young man of excellent char acter, who is abundantly able to keep the wolf from the door. The young reoDle will be "at home' to their friends cm their farm next spring. Prof. W.N. Ilalsey and the Misses Lillian Smith and Alberta Hyers de Darted this morn in e to attend the an nual convention of the Nebraska Teachers association. Kant Time On the llurlington. The new fast mail train on the Bur lington, which passes through this ritv at 2:12 in the afternoon, is a ver itable hummer. The train made its flrat run under the new schedule on Monday afternoon. The trip was fast one over the entire line, but from Creston west it was unusually speedy as the train was twenty miles late out of that point. The distance from Creston to Council Bluffs is 107 miles In covering this distance the tram made four stops and as many slow dov. ii3, but it rolled into Council Bluffs in exactly 113 minute". Kailread men tigure that the stops and slow-downs retarded the train at least ten min utes. and an average speed of less than liftr-eight seconds per mile was thus attained from Creston to Counci Bluffs. The Chicago Inter Ocean, in mentioning the trip, stamps it as be ing the fastest mail train in the entire western country, and opines that the Burlington will yet surpass the crack eastern roads. Oeatlt of C. D. Palmer. That dread disease, consumption caused the demise on Monday last of Mr. CD. Palmer, juuior member o the firm of McBride & Palmer, hard ware merchants of Nebawka. Mr Palmer was a single man and was about thirty-five years of age. In the campaign of '93 he was prominently mentioned as a candidate for the of fice of register of deeds, and in the reuublican county convention lacked but a few votes of securing the nomi nation. He . was one of Nehawka most enterprising business men and his demise will be accepted with deep regret all over the county. Just think of it! For the holiday we will sell fresh mixed nuts for ten cents a pound; fresh candies from ten to twenty-live cents a pound; fresh figs from ten to twenty cents a pound; fresh dates ten cents a pound; fresh raisens five to fifteen cents a pound, and everything else in our line pro portionately low. Bennett & Tutt. Holiday Kate On the M. P. The Missouri Pacific railway will give a special holiday rate of one and a third fare for the round triptoall points within a radus of 200 miles. Dates for sale, Dec. 22, 23,24, 25, and 31 and Jan. 1. Return limit, Jan. 2. C. F. Stoutexkorougii, Agent. Japanese Liver Pellets are smail, but great in their effects; no griping; fifty doses twenty-five cents. Sold at Fricke $ Co's. List of Letter Remaining uncalled for in the post- offlce at riattsmouth Dec. 20, for week ending Dec. 19, 1S91:. Anderson, Mrs. Mau t'abolt, Mrs. Kate Johnson, Mrs. A. P, McDonald, Mrs. Nora Wiley, C. E. Persons calling for any of the above letters or parcels will please say "ad vertised.'' W. K. Fox, P. M. Hows This! We ofEer one hundred dollars reward for any case of catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CnENEY, & Co., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned have known F. J. Cheney for the last fifteen years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and fin an cially able to carry out any obligations made by their hrtn. Wet& Tkai-x, Wholesale Drug iriats. Toledo. O. Walding, Kisnax & Marvin, Wholesale Druireists. Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood nd raueous suriaces oi me svsieui. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. An Important Chance. To our friends and patrons: After lue consideration we have decided to dopt the CASH system, and on and after January 1, 1895, we will do no more crediting except to those whose names are now on our book and are prompt in meeting their accounts. We have tried the credit business for nearly fifteen years and have pro fitted but very little thereby, the most of our earnings being on our books or lost by uncollected accounts. By selling for cash we CAN and WILL give our patrons the benefit of our gains, and the advantages derived from getting spot cash by selling them goods at a reduced price. Of course we shall continue to ex channe troods for produce as hereto rore. Come in and get our prices and see how far a dollar will go these hara times. I5ENNETT oc 1 I TT Gering & Co's syrup of tar an. pherrv omtound will cure that -old r thev will refund the money. - - r J. W. Burke, of the painting depart ment of the B. & M . at Lincoln, after oeing"atthe front"' all fall painting station houses, came to Plattsmoutn to spend Chr.stmas with his sister, Mrs. Wm. Neville, and other friends. Why undergo terrible sufferings and endanger your life when you can he cured by Japanese Pile Cure; guaran teed by Fricke & Co. A HKOWMi; FKKE fO EVERY LITTLE GIBL Oil BOY MAKING A PURCHASE AT WM. UEKOLl& SON. Dick Gallagher a former Platts moutn boy but now of Chicago, is in town shaking hands with friends. He will remain until after New Years's day. Holiday Prices at Slwcrej't Frnit Store. Bananas 15 and 20 per doz; oranges 20c per doz; mixed candies 20c per lb., cream and fancy candies 15c. Rest of fresh fruits always in stock. 21-2-w S. Moscrey. Japanese Pile Cure is the only one that can be guaranteed, as it is the only cure. Sold by Fricke & Co. Chas. Vallery returned this after noon to his labors in the Burlington offices in Chicago, after a short holi day visit here with bis parents. A nickle-plated, round burner, with opal shade, stand lamp, for $1.7-5 com plete, at Gering & Co. Mrs. Eva Reese and her children, of NOrth Platte, is visiting with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. II. C. McMaken, over the holidays. The "O. K." bath rDoma will re main open on Sundays until 12 o'clock (noon.) Rest baths in the city. Price 15 cents. Buy the improved Singersewing ma chine. Anton Trillity, local agent, ofiice in Unruh's furniture store. Lawyer J. L. Root and family are in Beatrice eniovinc a holiday visit with relatives. Chas. Ileitzhausen, a well-known Louisville boy, is officiating behind the bar at the McVey saloon, and in him Mr. McVey has secured a genial good fellow for a bar-tender. Visitors at McVey's aie assured a warm welcome and good treatment. A IIKOWNIK FltKK TO EVERY LITTLE GIRL OR BOY MAKING A PURCHASE AT WM. IIEROLD&SON. McVey's bar room ia free from row dies and toughs. Gentlemen will find it strictly an orderly and reputable re sort. Succulent sauer kraut, put up by a German adept, at 92.75 a barrel, at McCourts. If you want a cheap heating stove the place to get it is at Clam Rreken feld'a. Always the best fresh fruits, nuts and confectioneries at Schulhof & Co. Six bars of White Russian soap for a quarter at McCourt'a grocery. Kraut in half barrels. Zuckweiler & Lutz, corner Sixth and Pearl. Hot weiner-wurst, free lunch and A nrtaiiaar.TiiQAfi Kaor o t f Yta PaaitiA illiliCTirtr;-jrurvil an a v bill- vuniilVi BUY NOW. An opportunity like this seldom occurs. OVERCOATS 50 Cents on the Dollar. THE CONTINENTAL Clothing House, OMAHA. Are selling the Rosenwald & Weil Overcoat Stock AT 50 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR. Men's Overcoats and Ulsters S5.00 i. 9.50 Men's Overcoats and Ulsters $6.00 vortii $10.00 Men's Kersey. Overcoats. $7.00 wourn $13.50 Boys' Overcoats $3.50, $4 and $5 Hundreds to select from, all colors. weights and styles at just half the regnlar retail price. Cor. 15th and Douglas St. THE CONTINENTAL The Building With the Clock. Cut This Out and Bring it With You. Dr. Agnes V. Swetland, HOMEOPATHIST. Scial attention to Obstetric, Diseases Women and Woman's Surgeir. of Office: 19'J3 Farnam treet, TeJephene HM. Omalia, fleb VITAL-! PHOTUOHAPHED t4z a Well A&r of VITA I IQ . ' f8 III nhlU luto ua AilJS UltiAl COth UftJ". FRENCH REMEDY SOtll ProilarfS the AlMrr Kenolts ia SO lists. It acts powerfully aud qu.t-kly. furcs when all others fail. Younu men will refrain thHr lost manhood, andoldnv-n will recovvr tlieir youthful vior by using VITALIS. It quickly aud surely re stores Nervousness, Lost Vitafity. Impotency, NiRhtly KmissionH, Lost Power. Fuiling Mem ory, Wasting; Diseases, and all effects of self abuse or excess and Indiscretion. Wards off Insanity and consumption. Insist on having VITALIS. no other. Can be carried in vest pocket. My mail. 1.00 per packaae. or six for 5.(H. with a positive written guarantee to curs or refund the moiipjr. Circular free. Address ClLtHKT Ill.SKIr 'MMl'AXV, t bingo. 111. For Bale at PUttsraouth, Xeb., by O. H. Snyder and Gering A Co., arugslstH. ED. FITZGERALD, TIIK OtU HIXI A BLK Liveryman HAS PURCHASED THE Sixth Street Checkered 8am. AND WILL RUN IT IK FIRST-CLASS VI p. Special attention to Funerals. 11 net b be j un to all trains. "Promptness and Fidelity to Customers lihlsrao'o BYRON CLARK, Attorney at Law, PLATTSMOUTU. NEB. OFFICE; Second floor of tte Todd blocr east of the court house. mm These tiny Capsules are superior lialsaia of fJopalba, I A jCubel Ifti They faS A same Cubebs and Injections. ftfATMi cure in 48 hours tho J same diseases without any incon venience. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS V til a r af-1 V V SV - 0 i M isav. -r. v stt ' - Tay. In order to encourage cash sales and close up business promptly I make the following offers: On all Cash Sales mi? AT IlLV on a.,nmif OFF if -naid bv D i u f " January 1. ISo l r, Vi, fiTvi tor Cz lO llilU llUAlj iUi w w CENT. Will GLAUS P. J. HANSEN, DEALER IN STAPLE and FANCY Groceries, Crockery AND- Glassware. FLOTTR AND FEED A Specialty. One door North of Postoffice. The City Hotel, Corner Main and Third Sts., PLATTSMOUTH. A FIRST-CLASS HOSTELRY IN EVERY RESPECT. REFITTED and REFURNISHED Special Attention Given to the Accommodation of Farmers. First-Class Bar In t'nnnrc tlon. . . . CLEAN ROOMS AND TABLE Rates $1 Per Day. H. H. GOOS, PropV. ' SURB A Kf-vr end r.'pto Trcatirieiit, conplstinj r PliFiWiTOilli' ' Cap-clo3 -f Ointment and Iv l;ovpof Ohiiiut'jf. A rever-tr-.ilhii Care for Pile. of .viry r..-.turo uuA desrcsi. it rnktxi un operallnii rl!U tho knifo cr Injections of carbolio acid, wh are ininliU olid wldoia a permaEciit P'Jre, and oft et reeultiuff la death, DDneceseary. Why ndur this terrible c4is0nse? W cuarant.( boxes to cur an case. You only pay rot beceSM repel? .il. I a Njx. C t rr fr by mail. OMnyi t rrs Ocnrantef l-!ud by our atrputa. rfSfj55Y?r3r.T5iy Cured. Piles Prtvenlod bUrtO I 11 kVti tyjaoanese Liver Pellet Hio trr,t I.ivril and STtWl ACll KKliULATOK an-1 BlOODHJKlFlEll. Small, mild and pleuwut tn tnLn, especially adupteU fur chiklrtn'cJ WAJfc(jf O cpnts. U UABA5TEE9 JssnaJ only by F.1 G r Kit KK & TO.. DRUKLITK. 8 le apronta Plutismiii th, Nch. Zuchweiler & Lutz The Grocers, Cor. Sixth and Pearl Sts., KEEP EVERYTHING IN THEIR LIXE. Sell Cheap, Give Good Weight, Deliver Promptly. j TOUR CUSTOM IS SOtlCIVKD. SPEEDY" end I.ASTINO HESTTlvrS. FAT PEOPLt No loconvenlpnce. Simply sure. AE3CLUTEL? 7BSS from any injurious substance. W GUARANTEE a CORE or refund your mt.ne. Price 3.oo per bottle. Send 4c. (or tieetur TBEMONX MEDICAL CO.. Boon. if -nmrf hpfn-m January 1. All accounts running- am I I Ml get can itay 1 I C 5N1 Hi! I will erive member 1, and FIVE PER GENT OF - .S, -. , m-m-ivT T - win aaa jtjj . uvj its ( J lViKirCiS to maiie J- vv mi i. i rZjU rw now be solu for at BREKENFELD AN : ABSOLUTE f EAT The House of For the purpose to the people of this A CUT PRICE - - ON HIS NEW - - Wood Base Burner. THE CUT OPERATES AS FOLLOWS: fit M n f.ii' i St I I I" Size No. 1, - $35-00 - $30.00. ,f' Size No. 2, . - ' 30 00 - 27.50. These Stoves are perfect in material adapted to the -BURNING Better results are, obtained than by the use of Hard Coal in any of the Base Burners on the market PEARLMAN gives an Absolute Guaran tee that these Stoves will give entire Satisfaction in every particular. Messrs. J. C. Petersen, E. R. Todd, A. B. Taylor, H. D. Travis, Samuel Richard son and others are now using this stove in place of a hard coal burner, and the public is referred to any of the above. Drop in and see the Stove. D I. Gdl lllldll, Opposite the W. D. JONES, Com County's Oldest. LIVERYMAN, Has purchased the Farmele & Kuthe -ford stock and will run both the Main-st. and Schildknecht Barns. I Rigs of all descriptions, from a Sndc'.e i horse to a Sixteen-passenger Wagon, i Cabs, Pall Bearer Wagon, Carryalls and everything for picnics, wedding and funerals. Train rclern; AT KKULLAK HAItn. Tclepliono ri. Prices Rensonablft No credit over JO d" Old and new customers are in viCPTIcal). when satisfHiion is guar auteed. W. I). J)Nfc i Give 1 TEN PER GEN: , ' - n I - m - D PTP'MT1 "NT Cost. : GUARANTEE A Furnisher further introducing1 l ) vicinity, offers 4 elegant in design, f and are especially I OF WOOD. I The . . . Wil House - Furnisher, J Court House. J STREIGHT & SATTLEE, Successors to Honrj Bock, n a stoves, Kanires, rians. Organx. In every deU Our ? it r- I'i llaj : :a i Anlnvpstigation lscrt.iln to convince. ir nr Liver C dijjesti' cure the- ' jine in: COMPAN , , i l! i i .1 ft