WEEKLY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1S94. IX IMU AKHl'M) I'll E TOWN. Julius Peppfibur gave away h uumber of mHoaojotli cigars on Christ uias, as is bis custom. ivi iiocKeiioeruer, n-" evtuiri for Hull oi.iiy,has beMi acquitted af- r-al on the charge ot eoibezz.ini .n fuuiis. The evidence was not conclusive. Koj Iiiiit's conii ion shows coutin uvl improvement and his physicians h ive n..iii iopes for his ultimate re covery. His return to health will gladly welcomed by a host of friends. X lit! pUUIIU etuu"ia uii'acu tor a two week's vacation, and the chil ren and teachers will be Riven an opportunity to celebrate 'he holiday se3--ii in accoidauce to their own sweet desires. Snow was falling all over western 'Nebraska Thursday night and there was plenty of it, too. Winter wheat was adly in need of some of the beau tiful, and farmers in that section are consequently j .bilaut. Manager Carl Morton, of the Atyo starch works, presented each of his mule employes with a nice turkey aud the lady employes, some thirty in number, each with a nice dress pattern for Chris, tn.i. .Nebraska City News We are somewhat surprised at the c:iange of heart evidenced by the Glen- wood papers. In limes of small pox th-ycall our neighboring settlement just across ttie river East riattsmouth X w :he cail it l its proper name Be blrhrru Miss Mildred McGuwen, instructor of penni tnship for tlie past threeyears in tlie IMattsmoulh city schools, has resigned lier position and after this week will return to her home at Big Uipi'J-, Michigan. .10 accept a mole lucrative one. Tn tax agent f r the Mistouii ra dio iailwa was looking over the reconls in the county treasurer's office Friday prepaiit g lor the payment of the CiMmpaJiv's ?D4 personal taxes on t&e urst 01 next t euruary . 1 ue amount for tti eutire county is $12,87S.2J. There in talk in B;triington circles 01 if .trranninn the 11 .in service so thai the List mail ihat now reaches Lincoln eiw eeno and G will arrive at4 o'clock. 'his is iu line with the move jusi ide t the North western putting the Sicago fast mail some two hours earlier into Omaha. Lincoln Journal. Clerk Vrijt of the iiovtrnor's otlice had a relapse Fridav when lie went to record a batch ot new convicts and found t the return that John RoeUer. ot X l.tnrH C'fMK.v, had been -entencrfu to r-ighi-eii uiuiu lis in tht- penitentiary f.r frjer . yet the iellow is- tinted as brim u nabie to read or write. Lin coln Journal. The annual fair of the Plattsmouth Turnwtein closed Monday nielit at t li-s cie: 's h ill on Washington ave .w and ilieatiendance was tintipuall) laurt The program consisted of a turning exhibition, the grand drawing and a social hop, and the Uitrry mak ig was continued until a late hour. The proceeds reach a neat figure and The Journal, congratulates the t uVners on their success. A dispatch from Chadron says: "Deputy Sheriff Manly has returned from lns trip, bf til on iindiug Mrs. Ida Xotson. Alt hough he did not locate her, he,is still peifectly confident she ism this virility. The ranch where she 13 -upposeii e is one that she visited last miu uiei. ! ut he could not find'out anythiiig about her. Hapdy has not given up the search, but will follow the clue until he is is convinced she is not in Jthis couuty." The- sixth annual reunion of Ne braska veterans w ill be held at Te cumseh on Wednesday and Thursday of this week. .The first and second reunions of ihis association were held in I'l ittr-mouth and th people of this -i r n.tiir!l t ike M ereat interest it. 1 lie sucres -tf 1I1 r it 11 1 . a I reunions Cass county still contains a eoodl number if Nebraska veterans and it (roes without sainn that most of theiii will ke an effort to attend. pi f 'it t lie Y rk G and Elec tric Liktti' cuian vasso.d Mouda at sheriff ale f..r $.5,205. The origna) cost of tlie plant was $12,000. It was knocked 'down to John It. . Pierson. cashier of the City National bank of York who is supposed to represent the leailion Hfookholder in the old com pany. It is unders'ocd that a new cornpaiy will be organized immedi ately to place the plaut, which has greatl deprecated, in 11 -st class order. I). .1. Shoineriis. deal r in boots ard shoe- ;i X .hi kn Cit . lni naoe n asmgnme .! in he O'oe county sheriff. IIi I-,Imi 1 i s w ill n -t exceed $2,500, -a-hi in- 1 s m "iiit to $3,500. The credr o. a e all residents of Xebr -City nnd friend of Mr. Shomerus. A little over a year ago Mr. Shomerus' stock was greatlv damaged by fire, and he has never fullv recovered from its effects. It is believed that matters will be so arranged that he can con tinue the business. Xeuiaha Oolil Find. Respecting the recently reported gold-find near Brownville, the Auburn Herald las this to say, which seems to put some credence in the story: "Word was received in this city Wednesday bat a rich deposit of gold ore had been iiscovered iu the bluff between Ne maha City and Brownville. The dis oovery was made Mime time ago by John W. Skeen and Mart May, who ept the matter quiet until they se ur d a deed to the property. S imples t the ore sent to Washington and tssayed there produce at the rate of $500 of fold to the ton. T.iis is con Mdered a rich yield and we are glad to hear of the good fortune that has be fallen the lot of the gentlemen We nulerstand milling operations will be oegun at once." 40weww0ewe9 OALIFOHNI A. Farmer's uarudise, delightful climate, no crop ailures. For geueral farming, dairy mgand fruit raising, can't be excelled 30,000 acres irrigated lands at Bakers- tiehl. Kern county, for sale. Low prices, easy terms. Write W. 11 IIujian, Omaha, Neb. 50-4 A" eleii 'it line of lamps at Gerirg & Co'a. Notice or Chattel Mortgage Sale. Notice Is hereby civen that by virtue of n chattel mortgage, duteil on the Klh day of Ocl- bi-r, ami duly lnel 1 11 the omce ot tne county clerk of t ats county, Jiebrasku, on the lMa day or uctotter, ism, ami executed iy Max Lenimto Melchoir soennlehsen to secure too paymeut of the sum ot $75.o and interest ami .Oflf, uikI upou which there is now due the sum of JT.VOO iDil interest and costs. Default haviuc oeeu madeiu the payment of said Hum, and no suit or other proceedings at law iiaving been iiiMitnted to recover said debt, or any part nereor.ttiererore 1 win sell tne property t Herein lexcribed. viz: Dishes, chairs, tables, clears. obacco, canned goods, counters, spittoons, ice ooxes aud all other property ot the .Max Leiam restaurant, in building on cast hair lot six. block thirty-three, in city of Plattsmouth, Neb., at piiidie auction, at tie corner of Fourth and vl.iln streetsot riattsmouth city, in Cass county on the llith day cf January, !!.", at two o'clock p. m. ot Kiln iay. MEM.'HOIU SOCNNIC1ISEN, Mortgagee. Dated Decern Ler 0th, M'M. S-3 Rnad Notice. TO A L HOM IT MAT CONCERN: The cna.mis-ioner appointed to view a road ommencing at the southwest corner of section 13. town 11. range 14. running thence north one mile on section line between sections $ and o.l said town and range, nn-1 terminating at the northwest corner of said section 3.'l-ll-H, ha reported In favor of the loealion thereof, and ill oMections thereto, or claims for damage?. must be tiled iu tlie county clerk's otlice on or efore noon on he l;ih day of reoruary, A u. 115. r such road will be located w ithout refer ence thereto. FRANK D1CK-ON, 51-4 (. ounty t lerk. Road Notice Hi ALL WHOM IT MAT TOXCEEV: The commissioner appointed to view a r ad Degi lining at the northwesl corner of section 6, town 10. range 12. running thence south one idle on section line find terminating at the outhwest corner of said section 2t-10-12. has reported in favor of the location thereof, and all objections thereto, or claims for damages, must be filed in the county clerk's ottice on or efore noon on tne lath day of hetiruary, A D. lb;5. or such road will be located without reference thereto. KKAN'K Dli KM , M-4 County rierk. Fare Paid To OMAHA AND REXUi&K. l'Uau S 15, 'J00 slock 01 uieu'sauU oo- eiuiliiiiK, n-ijib l ui msUiugs, ha s u .u siiots i f ttie late Globe Clotlnng Co. Ua.- 10 be closed at once, ilen'sovercoaif. il.50; duck coats, wool lined 69c; waiin out uiiiteiiii. with leat er facing, lot-; ten's black clav o tied .uns i4 5; is long uray ulsters. IS!).-; Mens iavy wool socks oc a pail ; Overshoes, 39i; a bis; assortment ot fur overcoat. 7 75; Men's warm caps, loo; ' lurab'e suits 75c; Striped cotton socks 2? a nali; Fine kersev overcoats. $4 50; Extreme heavy underwear scarlet o vellow. 45c; Wool mits. 9c; Men's heavv wool lilled pants, SO"; Men's eavv wool melton shirts, 39e; Men's hoes, 89c; Men's cnatskin eloves. 15c Thereisaliiff overstock of fine suits nd overcoats in this stock. (The Globe. had the refutation of carrvine the ripest eods in the citv.) All must fn for about half of cost of production Receiver's Sale AT GLOBE'S OLD STAND. 115 S. 16th, Near Douglas St. Opposite BOSTON STORE P S. Bring this papef with you and also receipt from Station Agent for Round Trip Fare, and if you purchased 110 or more at this sale, your Kound Trip Fare will be refunded. The Keystone Watch Case Co. of Philadelphia, the largest watch case manufactur ing concern in the world, is now putting upon the Jas. Boss Filled and other cases made by it, a bow (ring) which cannot be twisted or pulled off the watch. It is a sure protection against the pickpocket and the many accidents that befall watches fitted with the old-style bow, which is simply held in by friction and can be twisted off with the fingers. It is called the 1 11 Sfei' I -ii I if r '" 9 5 f JJ I rr-S t Perfection in fit. finish nml wfar 4 lug q iHlities is what you want 4 in Clothir.K . But You Want Comfort, too. Come to Omaha TO - BOSTON STORE N. W. for. Ifltli and Iougla-St. OMAHA. A LL are inbiii-! in our CS 50 Co:t. It ia 1111 Im t its, success mditcon tHins a wenltli f w .inn h, but not an ounce too iniieti of wpig'u. I1K K S1I ION' ! K A N l BV WEAUIXG Of It CLOTHING "F uruu i; m f P s ERHAPS you wnnt trouser!". (Do 5 not en!l them "pants." A dot; makes I. nun t If .4... t ...til V I a, r-u, vill ,, JlllL-l ,CT.,H n lit i'i your fancy and you- l.mlis. Wii are ready for Ihe boys. too. with bttter school and dress-up suits llian ever. Boston Store is doing the fore most dry goods business in the whole west. The result of always selling the best goods for the LOWEST PRICES IN THE WORLD SI'KCIAr. UKVSONS WHV Yon shimM come to IiOSTOX STOKE, OMAII.l: It's the greiitest msrcautile estub- lishrnent in the west. Otec 100 different departments, each carrying separate lines. More than a million olIais worth of merchandise on hand all the time. Grandest Holiday Exhibit Kvcr show 11 in the f nited Mates. Our grand four-story and basement fire-proof mammoth building, covering nearly a whole block, is tilled to over ilowing with staple and holiday goods f every description, at prices fkom 2o TO 50 I'Kii CENT LOW'EK THAN ANY OTIIElt STORES. MORGAN'S, The Leading Clothier. 0 0 1894. HIGH GRADE SHIPPED C. O. D. BICYCLES Anywhere, - - -$ 21 Bicycle $ 12 50 I'oAnyone - - - o0 IJicycle 25.00 All Styles and Trices, 7-3 Uicycle 37.50 Save Dealers' Profits li" I3icvcle 62.50 trend for illustrated catalogue. HHT. X-3T-A-ie3D-Z- CO., OMAHA, T'EB. z- a. .: ; Clironic Nervousness Could Not Sleep, Nervous Headaches. Gentlemen: 1 h.ivc been taking your Ilestorativc Nervine for the past three months and I cannot say cuougU in its praise. It Las Saved fly Life, for I had almost" given up hope of ever being well again. I was a chronic Euffercr from nervousness and could not sleep. 1 was also troubled with nervus headache, and had tried doctors in vain, until I used your Nervine. Yours truly, MRS. M. WOOD. Kingwood, 111. Dr. Miles' Nervine Cures. ftnd CAN ONLY BE HAD with cases bearing their trade mark Sold only through watch dealers, without extra charge. Don't osa your knlfo or finger nails to opan your watch caia. Sand lor an opener (free). Wa HaveMo iey to Loan at 6 per cent in farm or city property In any Bt-ction of tbc country where property ban "h fixed "arket VHin- Moniv r:.nl for immi'dinte tonus wbf re een:'l!T nnd title iH iood No erninlvs.irn. We Hrit applications. Blauki- rni.shed upou requeiitf .1 - ALl.KNtril.,4fl4l Hrnntwy,Nw Tnrk Dr. Miles' Nervine i? sold on n. Tiositlve cunranU tlmt the first bottlo 'will tn-netit. All druetiists sell it atl, d bottles for t.1, or It will bo nt, prepaid, on receipt of priro by the lr. MUea" Medical Co., Elkhart, lnd. Sold by all druggists. Mir a rfe VV. Znm Zz S3 SHO IS THE EEST. NO CCUEAKINCV f5. COKDOVAM, r r4:iv'iVA 1-. w wi s uow 54.s3.5? FiNECALf3trfi!!'wCi FOLIC E,3 Scles. e:tsa fime. j..tsBcysSckoolShoes. LADIES- W.L DOUGLAS. BROCKTON. MAS3. You coa anre money by purchaalutf Vv . L.. Iluuslnx Phue, Because, vre are the largest manufacturers ot advertised shoe in the world, and guarantee the value by stamping the name and price on the bottom, which protects you agaiiifct high prices aud the middleman's profits. Our shoes i-iual custom work; in style, easy fitting and arias? qualities. We have tiiera sold every- r - at luwtr prices for the value given than ' c-.htr r.'t'..ti. T ke r.o substitute. If your ;.r cannot supply you, vc can. Sold by JOSEPH FXJLi.. W E OF FEU FOR I 1 I (IMIKHrn, . THE HOLIDAYS I VV . . ItAKGAINS IN HIGH O I AIIE OlcaJrs, Dress Goods, Slices, Slippers, Underwear, Hosiery, Neckwear A DlllKCTOKV OF G KM INK B KG A INS Every department in our establishment. In addition to entire assortments at low prioes. of fers extraordinary lending biirKnins. Almost every known article, either useful or orna mental, or both, iiiky lie procured at cut prices. These oll'erlnss include Dress Goods. Clonks, Toys. Books. Games. Jewelry. Candy. Silver 'ntlery. Lamp . China. Cut Glass, Pictures, Tapestries. Fans, Opera Glosses, Utisrs. Desks, Conehcs. Porteries. liraj.eries. Curtain, I m brelliis, I'oekelbooks. Card Cses. Handker chiefs, Mntllers, Msnionrc Sets. Toilet Sets. Perfumes, Stitionerv, Slea's and Ladles Slip pers, and im infinity of articles adapted for mk ami wiimk-m, uos and gikls, liuld- IiKN ami INFANTS. IT WILL 1AY VOL TO COME TO 1'S TO r.UY Cliristmas "lPreserits r Anything KIse Yon Want. BOSTON STORE Omaha, Neb. A POINTER! Let U Give You One. Where to 8uy lip I ku lJW I If y u l live net ei visiicd our s'oie room it will rpay a trip to Omaha. DON'T i l : -sJ-Hi : D-cid ii i your HOLIDAY GIFT Till you have seen the many beau tiful articles we are showing'. Writing Desks, - - - 8.oo Cabinet Book Cases, - - 8.50 Music Cabinets, - - - - 6.00 Onyx Table, ----- 6.00 Gilt Chair, - - - - - 7.50 Panquet Lamp and silk hades 5.00 C bblcr Seat Rockers, - 3.50 Parmelee & Otis, Con-inrn al ISI'k. 1414 ItonglH .., Omaha DR. A. MATTHEWS, In The Painless Dentist, Wrfping Water, Nebr., Makes a !siprialty of Fine Oold Fillings, Gold - and Porcelain Crowns, I.rMe work, etc. TEETH POSITIVELY EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN OK DANGER. FAT PEOPLE ! Park Obesity Pills will reduc-o your weight PEHMANK NTLV from Ii to l."i)onndH a month. NO STARVING, sickness or injury; NO PUB LICITY. They build up the lieutth and beauti fy the complexion, leaving Nti WKIXhLKtor flahtiness. Sl'Ol'T ABDOMENS and dillictilt breathiiiK sureiy relieved. NO EXPKItlMKNT, but asMeiitilii; an 1 positive relief, adopted only after years of experienee. All orders an pplied direct from our otlice. l'riee i.00 per packaEe or three psckages for f".(i hy mail postpaid. Testimonials slid particulars sealed Scen'a. ;"A1I correspondence strictly confidenUal. Park Remedy Co., Boston, M?,es. "King" the Christmas "Belles!" WE have plain gold rings, hand-engraved rings, set rings, diamonds, pearls, opals, rubies, garnets and all combina tions. PRICES ARE VERY LOW ! IN SILVER NOVELTIES WE have cut all prices in two. Child's set (knife, fork and epoon), 203 and up. Child's cup3, 18c and up. Nut . cracker and six picks, 35c. Fin trays, 15ctucl up. Pic ture frames, 18c. IN WATCHES W B have all grades and siz 23, solid izold and fil'od. Wo are offerinar som-s rare banartiins, from u irilvermo Eltciii at $3.75 upwards. Tne largest line of Jewelry in tne conn'y. Pin, Ear rings, Necklaces. Chains. Charms Knttons. Call and see our stock, whetlier you wisii lo pu reliant or in it. If n. til ii hrt y u want, we arc sure to save you money on it. . Areh L Coleman, -Carruth's Old Stand.- WOOD MANTELS. KICK If. TK, H.'Mllt AM WALL TILK. THE A.LDINE, PEERLESS. Write for Cnta ami Prlcta. COLUMBIAN AND MONARCH URATES. MILTON ROGERS & SONS, 14th and Farnam Streets. OMAHA, NEB SHEOS DELIVERED FREE! -A-ll oiar SUcss are j marked Ixx -pla-Iix -fxgr-I Mies, and cue price tc j all, -wlietlier liere cr ; tliero. j FRANK WILCOX CO.. i 1515 and 1517 !out;la Street. Oinalm. Nl -X2SSS2SIXSZ3 What is mm) J "I Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substituto for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty yc.-i' nso by Millions of Mothers. Castoria is the Children's Panac the Mother's Friend. Castoria. "Castoria is no well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." II. A. Archer, M. 1)., Ill So. Oxford St Brooklyn, N. Y. " The use of ' Castoria is so uni venal and Its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few. ore the Intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach. CuUiOe Maxttn. D. D New York City. Castoria. Catoriav cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, TJiarrhoea, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di grestion. Without injurious medication. "For several years I have recommend- your 'Castoria, and shall always continue to do so as it has invariably produced beneficial results.'" Eownr F. Pardex, 5L D, 123th Street and 7th Ave., New York Cfty. Tn Cehtadb Company, 77 MtnutAT Street, New York Cm HL'NT&VII.I.K, .Mu.,.luiy2 1N04. S. C. WICLLS & IM. OjiiMt-niju: I wriK' tit ix letter to aekuow leiige me value of your Slitloh'a t:ure. I think it is the greuien remedy ever discovered tur linn; di.-cai.es hik! croup. The life of ono of my friends, who for two years whs l elicvetl to have consumption and whofe cough was terrible, was Haved by liiliih'a t'irr. she U now enrirely well .Mj baby that is now nearly two years old was also taved by Miilnh'x Curr- llty was cruupy and woulci never have Mirvived without your remedy. I had not believed Ibcre was sut-h a tro d croup mtdiciiie in the world. I would not be without a bottle of it in ihc house for it u limes the ptioc of it. It hos savel me many a dollar iu doctor bills. Sincerely, M lit-. J. B. MAItTIN. Ski .' V