Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901, December 27, 1894, Image 1

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    Blivlo IlUoilcal hoc! Jjr
VOL. 14. NO. I.
MO U ill
Postmaster Smith of Union Enters
His Plea In Federal Court.
knbimttln: Frululin Report of Slump
Can-elli tout (; h rotmtir
a Klae of Fifty Dollar ud
Cox In N"t.
ss Postmaster Smith Union, against
n' .... itiilinrmoi.t U' Q Q ri t 11 r II -fl frlV
theirrand inrv on the char ire of de
frauding the uovi-riiment, appeared be
fore . udge Dundx 1 hursday in the
federal court of Oniaha and after
(.leading guilty Wbs fined $50 and costs.
Mr. Sooth's criuoe was so easy of de
tection hat tbe affair is rather pecu
liar. In postoffices of tbe class to
which Union belong postmasters are
unit .11 uriit iiri iin to the number of
-letups cancelled on outgoing letters
Hinlpjpera Smith reported a larger
Jk amunt uf cancellations than usual
for a recent month and the depart
? meut immediately instructed postal
I clerks to keep tab on the mail received
at Union The reports of the Postal
-- - . r
clerks and that of the postmaster
failed to tally for tbe next month. The
discrepancy resulted in an investiga
tion bv the grand jury with a result
which is rath-r damaging to the post
iualer. It is surmised that he will
' the t do it attain.
ir A Mebrask t.lonnuent.
Hue Glenvvood, la., Opinion, de
tearrrfrt the apprehension and arrest;ol
. She trtrtbraska man who Med with a
eiwee i aher than his w ife, as follows:
'hi- . unut the first week in November
'.nple .irrivel in Glenwood ard put
V at the E l wards House, who were
- 'ediiaiipd in giving instructions in paint
ing aiid enlarging pictures. He was a
mm aoout. forty years old, pleasant
tnd tgreeatl, and fond of a game of
bill ai da She was a good-looking
worn in about i birty. They left Gleii-
W mi.'I on -U uaj oi oruiuri.
sopped a week at Hasting.
kn.l arrived at Hed Oak about the 1st
of December. Whi'e here they were
k -if. u as Mr. and Mrs Young and
lived as man and wife. Marshal Mc
leu received a postal card front
U:l. N-! inquiring for Thos. Pratu
id 1i Lunde) , vh eloped togethei
fr-m hre. he le.ivinir a wife aim
three children, she a husband and
CM'id Fioni the description it was
evident 'hit rhe pteiendt d Yung and
w!t At-ie .he parties On Mtnda
M'-i I at.r came to Glenwood and
til- J "f 'rmat -on before Enquire Bjers,
oh iitfi1 g nduiu i ii tl t se potties. ard
I'll-sda Marshall M;1illen went to
Ud Oik ml found them living
man -tnd .fe at I he boarding house "f
Mrs. F rd He arrested them on the
charg- of adu t ry and brought them
o , ood tod placed them in jail
T'teti c.iis.- is now before the urand
jur f r i- vest igat i v The woman is
very penitent now and spendsher time
wt t-pingand lament ing, and is begin
ning to realize that the wav of the
transgressor is hard.
'-Wednesday inorningan indictment
f r adultery was ret urned to court by
the grand jury, and they were ar
raiirned. They asked time to file
pleas." '
Examine our elegant line of plush
;ind leather photoeraph albums.'
Gekino & Co.
TIik llarlington's New Mail Train.
The Burlington's new west-bound
fast mail train made its initial trip
Monday under the new time schedule
The train left Chicago at 3 a.m. and
arrived at l'lattt-moutli at 2:14 p. m.
just two minutes behind time. Omaha
was reached at 2:39 a run of twenty
two mile fr m this city in twenty-five
minutes. The train whisked in and
out of Plattsmouth within a few brief
seconds ond the large crowd, which as
sein bled at the depot to get a glimpse
of the fas-test mail train ever run over
a western railroad, not a eiimpse, and
nothing more, for, in fact, the train
was not in sizht lone enough to admit
of anything like an inspection. The
new trair brings Chicago papers to
this city less than four hours behind
th' Omaha papers, while New York
"mail is delivered the second afternoon
out The nterprie of the Burlington
road deseiventobe appreciated
Bennett Tutt will have tor th
holiday trade -a tare line of beautifti
China ware and lamps of a'l kinds, as
. well as candies, n its, raisens, oranges
" lemons, dates and figs, and in fact any
thing that is good.
Col. Conuor And ih. WhI-key Trunt.
Col. Joseph A. Connor, a former
resident of Plattsmouth but now of a stockholder in the whiskey
trust. He doesn't m to be intensely
pleased at the ruauner in which the
trust otEcers are conducting affairs
and in au interview has expressed
himself as follows:
"In my opinion stock in the trust
should sell for 20c instead of 9J. The
c impany owns eighty-one houses,
twenty-one of which are live houses.
The business would be in excellent
condition were ic not for Greenhut's
imbecile man ement. The object of
the circular just issued is to depress
the stock, because Greenbut and his
conferees, among whom Nelson Mor
ris is prominent, are short. Anyone
familiar with whiskey trust business
knows that ftock of the value of $35.
000.000 if sold at sheriff's sale would
bring at least $15,000,000. Greenbut
is controlled by Morris, and even if
disposed he has not the ability to
handle such an enormous affair."
Mllltln Boyn Will GetTlieir Pay.
Glenwood's militia boys now breathe
easy. The supreme court last Friday
morning decided that the state should
pay their expenses incurred during the
Kelly invasion at Council Bluffs last
May. It will be remembered that
Governor Jackson ordered out eight
companies of militia for that occasion
of which number our own company C
wasone. The state auditor claimed
that Pottawattamie county should
foot the bills and alleged that the sdate
could not be held responsible therefor.
AfteFa hard fight however the su
preme court decided otherwise and
now the state will pay the amount in
ull which reaches the sum of $4,102.11.
It has been a notable case and closely
contested and has kept the 'sojer' boys
waiting over six n onths for their
money. Glenwood Tribune.
Strayed Red Irish setter pop, five
months old. W. C besfeu.
A Muddle at F.ngl
Yesterday's Lincoln News says:
Deputy Sheriff. L.indlolT went out
to the vincinitv "f Eagle,
ass county, today to levy attach
ments on whatever property of E. M.
Albers & Sons he can find lyingaround
loose. The attachments were sworn
ut by Heinrich Urnlaud. and Hans
Wulf. who hold promissory notes for
200and $321 respectively. The affi
davits set up that th Albers. of whom
E. M. appears to Le a woman, have
eft tne country for New Mexico, and
nave removed or are bout to remove
heir property with intent to defraud
ireditors. Several Lincoln business
firms are. said have been caught for
mall amounts
A child can buy as cheap as a man !
w here ? At Gekino & Co s.
Attention, t-ariiiers!
Tne annual meeting of the Farmers'
Mutual Insurance company of Cass
county will be held at the Heil school
house, in Eight Mile Grove precinct,!
on Saturday, January 12th. 1S95. at
one o'c'ock p. m., for the purpose of
electing officers for the ensuing year,
and also to transact such business as
may lawfully come before the meeting.
Jacob TuiTscn, Pres.
J. P. Fai.tek, Se ''.
Abandoned the Team.
Yesterday morning about 7 o'clock a
stranger drove into Levi's livery
stable " at Nebraska City,
and had his team cared for.
That was the last seen of him. Last
evening a telegram was received rjy
John Frazier from Louisville, Neb.,
which asked him to arrest and hold
one Charles Noyes, and described him
as being a tall, slender man, light
mustache and wearing a light over
coat. By means of private marks Mr.
Franzier, who in a member of the
livery men's association, readily iden
tified the team and said they had been
stolen from a stable in Louisville. The
police made u search lor Noyes but
could not find him, but did find a
young man w ho had come to the city
with him, but he was discharged as be
easily proved be had nothing to do
with the stealing. The. team was
taken back today. Nebraska City
Of cour&p it wasn't intentional but
at the grand drawing at the Turnve
rein fair on Monday night, a young
lady held the ticket which drew a pair
of men's trousers, while a saloon
keeper drew a bottle of wine which
was donated by a competitor in busi
nes Of course the saloon keeper
can use the wine, but the problem of
tho young lady is more difficult to
The" Plan Sifter"tlour is trie popular
brand. Ask for it from your grocer.
The J unction Recorder hints at some (
shocking proceeding which are sup- j
posed to occur at East Plattsmouth,
in tbe following: "The little commu
nity that embraces the dimly defined
litnitsof East Plattsmouth is composed
for the most part of a somewhat reli
gious element, to which condition the
two handsome churches will substan
tially testify. But, unfortunately, a j A
black spot in the peaceful community i
has been recently uncovered, and the
garish proiligancy of a certain set fills j
the morally disposed with anger and j
disgust. It is claimed that at least ;
three nights a week the residence of a j
certain party is the scene ot such I
boisterous merriment and terpsichor- J
ean orgies that the fair name of the
proprietress is greatly jeopardized.
while the neighbors claim to be greatly
scandalized y the proceedings. The
orderly people of the community con
template taking the law into their own
hands if the revelries are not some
what toned down, but it is to be hoped
that tbe persons implicated will desist
from their unseemly conduct and
cease to scandalize the neighborhood
without the intervention of more
stringent measures."
There are exactly nineteen appli
cants for the wardenship of the peni
tentiary. Councilman O'Shee of Lin
coln, who is backed by Congressman
Bryan, is almost ready to extend sym
pathy to the other eighteen. Several
Lincoln physicians are applicants for
the superintendency of the Lincoln
hospital for the insane. I'rs. Bowman,
Casebeer and Britt of Lincoln, Lr.
Abbott of Fremont and Dr. C-off man
of Ord are among the applicauts,while
Dr. Dean of Omaha would like the
place of assistant. Lincoln Journal.
Monday's Omaha Bee, in giving a
brief sketch of the lives of the oue
hundred thirty-thiet members of the
next Nebraska legislature, m;kes the
following comment on Jno. A. Davies.
one of Cass county's members: "John
A. Davies of Cass county served his
maiden term as a legislator two year
ago and attained much prominence by
hisel'iquent and scathing arraingment
of the boodle methods that had pre
vailed for so many years in the man
agement of the tdate institutions. He
was one of the leaders in that house
and is bound to be a prominent mem
ber at the coming session. He re
ceived a college education while a
young man and afterwards graduated
from the Iowa State university. He
is one of the leading candidates for
speaker of the house, and his abilities
are universally recogn
Becent developements show
that Mrs Notson, the missing Omaha
school teacher, instead of being at the
bottom of the Missouri liver, is still
alive and in hiding. The sheriff of
Dawes county, this state, claims that
he is in possession of positive infor
mation to the effect that the woman
and ber two children are living on a
ranch some fifty miles out of Chadron,
and tbe officer clatms he will be able
to produce them in a very few days.
The principal hitch in the proceedings
is over the question of reward, and
when it is settled to the satisfaction
of the Dawes county sheriff he main
tains that he will divulge the where
abouts of the much-wanted woman.
The Omaha World-Herald of Sun
day last did a splendid i hing I y print
ing the testimony given b John M
Thnrston, then assistant attorney for
the U. P. railway, before the U.S. com
mission to investigate the management
ot that raUway, in 18S7. That testi
mony gave many of the dcails of the
management of the lobby at Lincoln on
behalf of that company. Thurston
says that as assistant attorney of the
U. P. he was specially instructed to
look after legislation in Nebraska and
protect the company's interests from
adverse enactment. He employed law
yers from various parts of the state to
visit Lincoln and use their "influence''
upon members in the interest of the U.
P. He also prepared amendments to
bil s affecting railroad legislation and
had them submitted by friendly mem
bers. In straight plain English he
was nothing more or less than a rail
road lobbyist, and. was paid $7,000 a
year for such work. No man with
good sense would assume that when
elected to the U. S. senate he will be
anything short of that as a senator.
One might just as well expect Satan
to become an angel of light as to think
John M. Thurston would ever act for
the people against the railways. If a
man sells his soul to the devil he can
never buy it back.
A Pair of Villians Plan to Wreck a
Burlington Mail Train.
Miarp Curve Tlie Selertl Spot Hut the
Oligttiction Was Dinrovered Hefore
tlie HaniHge Was l)one-Vr-ioo
Other Notes.
A dastardly attempt was made to
wreck the Burlington's west bound
fast mail train some three miles north
of town Sunday.
Sunday afternoon at about 1:30
o'clock, George Tarsch and Charles
Shepherd, two young men well known
about the town, borrowed a railway
velocipede and started out for a ride
to Oreapolis on tbe Burlington's track.
Their trip was void of any special in
cident until they reached a point
in the track directly opposite tbe big
bluff known as "Swallow Hill," and
around which the track makes a very
sharp curve before entering the Platte
river bottom. Here they found tbe track
obstructed by a pair of railroad ties.
Behind the ties weie piled a number
of large rocks, while a large iron fish
plate connected the tie with the rails
on both sides, the whole thing being
arranged in such manner as to guide
the front locomotive wheels up on the
ties, thus insuring an awful railroad
wreck. The boys threw the ties and
rocks oil to one side and continued
their journey to Oreapolis, returning
home at about 3:30 o clock, lney re
ported their discovery to the officers
and Deputy Sheriff Hyers and Chief
Dunn immediately adjourned to the
scene of action. The foot prints of the
wreckers were easily discernable. The
tracks of one were somewhat dim, but
the track3 of the second party were
easy of measurement, and the use cf a
foot-rule disclosed the shoe to be a
No. T. The tracks led off to the left
toward the tall blufis. A search was
made of the surrounding premises bt
no further trace of the wreckers could
be discovered.
By reason of a mistake in the print
ing of the B. & M. time card, a change
was announced to take place sun
day in the time of tLe west-bound af
ternoon mail train from Chicago. Tbe
old time was 3:52. while tbe new time
was 2:12. The obstruction on the track
was arranged for the express purpose
of wrecking the fust mail, as it was
quite close to the time of the passage
of Ibis train when the boy's made
their discovery . It w as at the same
spot that a bad smash-up occurred
some ten years ago when the south
bound K. C. passenger train crashed
into the rear of a construction train.
No lives were lost, but the destruction
of railroad property was considerable.
The fact that the train-wreckers se
lected a spot so well adopted to mak
ing a success of their dastardly
scheme, makes it appear that they are
residents of tbi3 community and are
acquainted with the topography of the
company's tracks,-
The authorities intend to make a
thorough investigation of the affair,
but it is not thought that they will be
able to locate the perpetrators of the
damnable scheme.
Fresh new Oregon cider, (it for the
gods, at McCourt's.
James E. Murphy was pardoned
Christmas eve by Governor Crounse.
He had never been in the penitentiary.
but was awaiting tiansportation
thither from Seward county, where tbe
court bad given eighteen months
for assaulting an old man and break
ing his leg. The assault was a brutal
one, and nfter breaking the old man's
leg. Murphy followed him across the
street, where he had been taken by
friends, and pushed and kicked him.
The governor based his action on tbe
large petition from Seward county
citizens, and the fact that the man
has left destitute his wife and a large
family of small children. Lincoln
Dr. E. Vvr. Cook is in receiptof an in
vitation to the wedding of Mr. Clifton
II. Cook to M' Victorine Evans. The
affair will occur at Salem. Ia., on Jan
2d. The groom is a brother of Dr
Cook, while the bride is a sister of
Miss Winona Evans, assistant prin
cipal in the local high school. The
couple will make their home in Om
Haveyou tried any of the buckwheat
from the Heisel mills? It is the best
you have ever used. Try it and satisfy
! Judcre Chapman has overulled the
motion for a new trial in the case of
Benedict vs. the Citizens Bank in
which the bank was recently accorded
a judgment. The plaintiff w ill prose
cute an appeal to the supreme court.
Judgment was rendtred in district
court today in the plaintiff's favor in
suit of the Plattsmouth Loan - Build
ing Association vs. J. L. Farthing, the
judgment amounting to $001.50. A de
cree of foreclosure was entered and a
sale of the mortgaged premises or
dered. CCwNTY COURT.
License to wed was issued in county
court Wednesday to Mr. Harry Pinker
ton of Lincoln and Miss Martha Korn
of Louisville.
License to wed was issued iu county
court Monday to Mr. Jno. Perry and
Miss Chrissie Young. The wedding
was consummated Tuesday at the resi
dence of the bride's father, L. H.
Young, in Mt. Pleasant. Both parties
to tbe marriage were born and reared
in Cass county and possess hosts of
friends, who will siucerely hope that
their wedded life may be replete with
much happiness and prosperity -
Henry Granger, the printer and
book-binder whom Officer Fitzpatrick
consigned to the tender mercies of
Jailor Denson yesterday, called on Po
lice Judge Archer this moming and in
default of payment of a fine of $1 and
costs, was sent back to jail to board it
Judge Chapman has appointed a
special committee of the bar, consist
ing of Lawyers Windham, Sullivan,
Beeson and Clark, to draft suitable
resolutions in memory of the late
T. M. Marquette.
County Superintendent Farley has
concluded the labors attendant to
making the January semi-annual ap
portionment of school funds among
the 101 school districts in the county.
The amount of money is $5,406.16, the
same to be distributed among the vari
ous districts according to their school
population. The entire population for
the countv is 8.131 children. The
Plattsmouth schools, with a school
population, of 2,213. receives $1,132.53.
Sheriff Eikenbary and County Sur
veyor Hilton journeyed to Bock Bluffs
Saturday. Th sheriff went to
serve some district court papers, while
the surveyor's mission was to stake
out the lots for some ten or twelve
eight-story business blocks which will
be built in that place sometime during
the next century. Mr. Hilton will get
his pay when the buildings are erected
and he is ready to wager the entire
amount that Andy tiy will be Ne
braska's next governor.
Funds for federal juries have been
apportioned to Marshal White, and
consequently Judge Dundy has noti
fied tbe grand jury. Captain Alley,
foreman, to report for duty at Omaha
on January 3. It adjourned to that
time when funds ran low. The Capi
al National bank investigation is to
be finished then and other important
cases taken up. The grand jury has
made many indictments and the pros
pects are that trials of offenders will
consume much of the time of the court
next month.
Charles Sherman, of South Omaha,
who attempted a hold-up on Phil
Kraus, the former Plattsmouth grocer
but now of Albright, had his prelim
inary examination at South Omaha
yesterday and was held to the Douglas
county district court under a bond of
$3 000. At the time of tbe assault
Kraus pulled a gun and shot Sher
man's nat on. Most people did not
consider Kraus capable of displaying
such nerve, but tbe fact that the hat
was afterwards proven to be Sherman's
property materially assisted in holding
the thug for trial.
Chas. Ilendricksou is serving out a
nine days' sentence over with Jailor
Denson for helping himself to Law
rence StulPs hay out on the Platte
bottom. Ilendricksou drove up to
one of the Stull hay stacks tbe other
day and very coolly commenced to
transfer bay from the stack to the box
of his wagon. The Stulls witnessed
tbe proceedings and caused Hendrick
son's arrest. Hendrickson stood trial
before Justice Aicher on Monday and
tbe court found him guilty. The sen
tence was five days in jail and costs,
but Hendrickson was short on funds
and the cost bill will cause him to be
restrained for four additional days.
Judge Chapman Decides That Pay
ment Has Once Been Made.
A l.iiiereriili; SnKpivion Tlint Ilie flock
Company Will Call Wi kerahain To
Account tor Apjiropriatin);
thtt I'uimI-XoIi.
The County Win.
The application of the Seth Thomas
Clock company to compel tlie Cass
county commissioners to i?stte theni a
warrant in payment, of the court house
clock, has been denied. The testimony
was introduced Fiid.iy.aud Saturday
morning Judge Chapman made
an entry on hi docket in
favor of the county. The court
held that the county had pre
viously delivered a warrant to Chas.
Wickershatn, the clock company's
authorized agent, in full payment of
he clock. The clock company gave
notice of an appeal and tbe matter
will be fought over again in the su
preme court. WickerMiam, who ab
sconded with the clock funds, is said
to bo living in St. Joe and there is a
ingering suspicion that, in case the
appeal case is decided adverse1 , they
will invite Wickersbarn to whack up or
entertain some trouble.
itrutal shooting at Nebraska City.
John Schmidt shot and fatally
wounded Anton Kramer in Nebnuka
City Saturday night. Schmidt fired
five shots, four of which took effect.
Schmidt is undoubtedly insane.
Three years ago he was sent from .Ne
braska City to tbe insane asylum at
Lincoln. After a year's treatment he
was discharged as cured. He is an ex-
son-in-law of bis victim, his wife hav
ing secured a divorce some time ago,
after Schmidt had chased her around
the house with a hatchet. Since
Schmidt's return from the asylum be
has been very friendly with Kramer.
Saturday evening he met the old gen
tleman near the corner of Sixteenth
street and Fourth corso. Smith bade
Kranis good evening and immediately
pulled a revolver and commenced
firing. One shot struck Kramer in the
chin, one in the forehead, one in the
ear and the last in the back near the
spinal column. The latter shot caused
Immediately after the shooting
Schmidt disappeared. Kramer was
carried into his house. Schmidt was
arrested later at the Peoria house.
where he had taken a room for the
night. He expressed no sorrow for
the deed and said if he could have
found the old woman (meaning his
divorced wife) he would have rhot ber
also. Kramer is seventy-five years old
and cannot live.
County Attorney Travis' official
record is one of which his friends can
well feel proud. During bis four years
term the county, with one exception,
has come out first Lest in all of tbe
civil actions waged against it. The
one exception was theLouisville bridge
case and in this Mr. Travis advised tbe
commissioners, when the question of
suit was first broached, tbat tbe case
would go against them. Mr. Travis'
record as a criminal prosecutor is also
an excellent one. and if his successor
does as well the county can not suffer
for lack of a legal adviser, by any
All legal business Kiven prompt at
tention, D. O. D wyer, attorney, Platts
mouth: The members of-'Tne Society for the
Prevention of the Propogation of
Chickens." an organization composed
Of a set of romantic youths about six
teen years of age, are looking for the
fiend who applied the match to their
meeting place. The boys dug into the
vitals of Mother Earth some place over
in the Second ward and fitted up a
cave where they could meet and ar
range plans todo away with the evils
caused by the living of chickens and
other fowls. The boys complain that
the aforesaid fiend forced his way
into the cave yesterday afternoon,
while the members were out cairying
their chicken-killing schemes into ef
fect, and ruthlessly ruined the place by
burning out the roof. The members
of the society have strapped an addi
tional "warm boanP'to their belts ami
propose to have a full and complete
revenge if the identity of the incen
diary comes to light.
Headquarters for cheese at Week
bach's grocery. '