WEEKLY JOURNAL, ! THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1894 IN AND AKOUNO TIIK TOWN. Dr. J. F. Brendell was in town Mon day morning enronte to Omaha. .Tno. Holmes departed for Reaver City, Furnas county, Friday morning. liana Timra. a well known farmer of Nelian ts precinct, wa in the city Tueslay The MurJ ck Columbian still con tinues to be the thinnest newspaper printed in Cass county. Nicholas Youn and son, Silas, of Liberty precinct, were in the city Tuesday and made The JoruXAL a c tl 1 . Andrew Seuwaps.of Rock Bluffs pre cinct, recently returned from St. Joe, where he has been under treatment for toniach trouble, but is no better. The infant child of Frank Campbell, residing south of Rock Bluffs, died Saturday last after a brief illnesf, and was buried Sunday at Lewiaton cemetery. Robert Dow, an old resident of Sarpy county, died at his home in Bellevue on Monday night after an illness of two weeks. lie was 82 years of age and has resided in Sarpy county since 1S61. The annual convention of the Ne braska Teachers' association will oc cur at Lincoln the last part of next week and quite a few of the teachers from this city and county are planning to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Cha3. Martin, who re side some three miles south of town, are call upon to mourn the loss of their infant son. The little one ex pired Tuesday evening and was a suf ferer with erysipelas. A Washington dispatch says: Sec retary Morton has determined to dis tribute his quota of free seeds, amount ing to oue-tbird of the whole to the farmers in those western states that have suffered so severely through last season's drouth. The description of the petrified man, recently unearthed over at the quarries some ten miles north of Pacific Junc tion, tallies exactly with the one ex hibited in this city some two years ago and which afterwards was proven to be a fake. The chances are that it is the same petrification. John McBride o& Columbus, Ohio was elected president of the American Federation of Labor at Denver Mon day, vice Samual Gompers. lie is a leader among coal miners. The chief opposition to Gompers grew out of his partial decisions as president, and to his action last summer in refusing to uphold the A. R U. strike. The people of Elm wood are agitating the question of cons) rue! ing a water works lor lir protection. Of couise the ' oid fogies' will oppose the scheme, but some of these mornings- they will wake up and find the town half burned down, and then the enterprising cliiss will wis-h that the had not listened to the wail of the sain "old fogies." The many friends of Ltw Gibersoki will be grieved to le irn of his death which occuired l-int week at his home in Lincoln. II is ailm Jnt w is txphoid fever. Mi . G :er-'ii sMidi 1 l i with C mr?y Attorney Travis at Weeping Wa'.er and wu admitted to the Cass c untv oir i;i the summer of "93. lie le.ives a vvi'.'e arid baby lo mount his departure. The funeral of the late Mrs. Geo. W. Sawtelle, whose death occured Friday night after an illness with congestion of the lun23, occurred Sunday after noon from the home in Mercerville addition, Rev. Homer McKay preach ing the funeral sermon. Mr. Sawtelle and his three motherless children have the sympathy of the entire public in their affliction. EJward Chilcott. a well-known young man residing near Union, died at that place suddenly Sunday. He was injured while hauling stone last week and despite the best medical skill, died as above stated. lie was a popular young man and highly re spected by all. ilis bereaved parents have the sympathy of all in the loss of their beloved sou. Nebraska City News. Chairman Patterson of the board of countv commissioners finds it no easy tusk to attend to the calls and de mands in behalf of the poor,which are numerous and are becoming more bo every day. Of coarse there are always some who apply that are unworthy and improvident of what they get, and such case? have to be watched so that the county shall not be imposed upon and this makes' the work more serious. flenr Kubl-. the 16-year-old-son of Frtk K mble f Granite and Sixth v i. . , :. ! ' ' ti b 'i t - of hir. lei t fore arm broh-f-u 1 huisday evening while plaiiig what the buys cairfoot and-a-half" a species of leap-fro, w ith some of his companions. He bore the p tin like a soldier while Dr. W. A. !I rnf'hi!- 'setiimr thn broken b e- il y - t -i i c irr er le f ! ; :. X ; in- ; lll.r, t.t i H faithful bo ur im in- pH! tir i' mc t The Iowa Cw Tliief. Junction Itecordcr. A lew weeks ago It. E. McDonald of thia town was the possessor of a lice, fat jouhr cow, which he prized very highly. The animal was dry and roam ed arouud loose all day growing fat up- on the succulent herbage which grows i : t l : ;;; I ... a. V. so luxuriantly in this vicinity, but she always returned about sundown to get her feed of bran and corn. One even ing, however, the bovine failed to show up at her customary hour, and i Mr. McDonald scoured the tow n and the country adjacent for several dys, without result. He fiuallv concluded to advertise lor the cow and soon after ' a response t the - ad." was received I from PhittsuuutU to the effect that ! Mr. McDonald could obtain informa-; tion regarding his missing cow by call ing upjri the writer, Amos Cline. Mr. McDonald went over to Plattsmouth, taw Amos, and then found the remains of his butter producer. There was only the hide and horns left. The ani mal had been stolen by Cal. Bunce, driven over to Plattsmouth and then slaughtered. Amos Cline knew Mr. McDonald's cow and recognized it as it w as being driven through tbe streets in Plattsmouth. The police were noti fied, and au attempt made to appre hend Bunce, but that festive cow puncher had skipped down to Ne braska City, and although tbe officers of the law have been hot on his track ever since, he has successfully eluded tbeir vigilance. Those who happen to detect indica tions of diphtheria and cannot secure the attention of a physician at once may find use for the following sugges tion: At tbe first indication of diph theria in the throat of a child make the room close, then take a tin cup and pour into it a quantity of tar and tur pentine, equal parts. Then hold the can over a fire so as to fill the room with fumes. The little patient on in baling the fumes, will cough up and spit out all tbe membraneous matter, and the diphtheria will pass out. The lumen of the tar and turpentine w ill loosen the matter in the throat and thus afford the relief. Ilow'n Thik! We offer one hundred doliai s reward tor any case of catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney, & Co., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned have known F. J. Cheney for the last fifteen years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and finan cially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. W est & Tracx, T7holesale Drug gists, Toledo. O. Waldino, Kinnan & Mauvix, Wholesale Druggists. Toledo, O. Hill's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the svsttm. Testimonials sent free Price 75c per bottle Sold by all drmrgists He was rather a fly young man and he seemed to be entertaining very well the three young women w ho sat oppo site to him in the B u linton waiting j rarm. During his gyrations he pot up ; rnd sat down several limes. The lusi ' irxte tie got up ucaitt suddi iil wi' h an 4ixiouB lojk on his face He frisked J around among the coat tails of his i lonu over coat and brought u: '.hr re mains of a flat class bottle. lie had -tatdnwr. too hard on his pocket flask and his clothes were :tiurat d with a verv lo id smelling perl em- ry. There was no question " t his time about the vonne v roen binffe-tTtainrd They showed it visibly. Lircoln Jnsin al. You will need to complete your Christmas dinner, plum pudding. lives. celery, cranberries, mince meat , wee! cider or om kind of canned fruits aul vendibles. You cm g-t them of Bennett & I utt. Al I'ont, the bashful bachelor who; edits the Howell Journal, had heaps of trouble in Schuyler, one day last week, sayB the Scribner News. He was 1 transacting some business in the ounty judge's iffice when a couple came in to be married. There was no chance to escape and he held the baby for them while the ceremony was per- formed. He was badly rattled, but the Journal came out on time. A letter from Hamburg, Iowa, makes the following statement as to fruit shipments from that place: "The ship ments of green fruit from here this season have been as follows: Apples, 12.9S9 barrels; grapes, by freight, 1,100 baskets; plums, 215 caskets. Over eighty cars were required to carry off these apples. In 1891 there were 34.615 barrels of apples shipped from Ham burg in 230 cars. This year's crop is a good one for the season." There is no eood reason why the shipments from this place should not double that from Hamburg if only the energies and enterprise of land owners about town were directed toward raisiDg fruits. The hilly and bluff land adjacent to the river is the best in the world for raising fruit Just think of itl For the holiday we will sell fn-.-h mixed nuts for ten cents a pound; fresh candies from ten; to twentv-five cents a pound: fresh fisrs from ten to twentv cents a nound: frpsh rlutpa tn ppntfl ji nminri-fresh rniaensfive to fifteen cents a round. and evt-rytiiitnj elst in our line pr- piriioi'tel !w liKNNETT & i UTT. An t-itfnt line of lamps at Gering & t'w's. Failare at Louisville. The creditors of J. N. Drake, who has operated a general merchandise store at Louisville for several years past, took possession of that gentle man's business Saturday, and the same u.:i immpil itl v f-lnseri don n. TliP 15al)iliUe8 are 90me $S (m and tbe as 7 sets are estimated at sixty per cent of tjjat sum. Mr. Drake is a popular gentleman and he has the sympathy cf many friends in his misfortune. An Important Change. To our friends and patrons: After due consideration we have decided to adoPl l,lt CASl1 system, and on and iiflpr January 1, 1S95, we will do no n,OIe "editing except U those whose nam r I,ow ,,T1 ,,r l,ook aud a,e prompt in meeting their accounts We have tried the credit business for nearly fifteen years and have pro fitted but very little thereby, the most of our earnings being on our books or lost by uncollected accounts. By selline for cash we CAN and WILL give our patrons the benefit of our gains, and tbe advantages derived from getting spot cash by selling them goods at a reduced price. Of course we shall continue to ex change goods for produce as hereto tore. Come in and get our prices and see how far a dollar will go these hard times. Bennett & Tctt. A pair ufspectacles makes a very nice Xraas present for father or mother, buy them of Gekim & Co. List of L.ttr Remaining uncalled for in the post office at Plattsmouth Dec. 19, for week ending Dec. 12,1S94: O'Brien I'urdie, Josevh Svarc, A. Persons calling for any of the above letters or parcels will please say "ad vertised." W. K. Fox. P. M. Bennett & Tutt will have for the holiday trade a large line of beautiful China ware and lamps of all kinds, as well as candies, nuts, raisens, oranges, lemons, dates and figs, and in factany thing that is good. Gerinn & Co's syrup of tar and cherry compound will cure that cold, or they will refund the money. OAT IFORKI .-Farmer's paradise, delightful climate, no crop railures. For general farming, dairy ingand fruit raising, can't be excelled. 30,000 acres irrigated lands at Bakers field, Kern county, for sale. Low prices, easy terms Write W. R II oman, Omaha. Neb. -o0-4 9 Perfection In fit. litmh nntl w sr 4 in; q-nlities is ha; you want 4 in nothing i T !. 5 But You Want Comfort, too. Z A LL are combined in our 8 .10 Cant. It in mi linnienM suooes. mid It con tains a wealth f warmth, but not au ounce too much of weight. 5 ANII roMFOKT ltl.K BY WEARING OUR CLOTHING. J e PERHAPS you want trousers. (Do not call them "pants." A dog makes those.) If so, our Winter designs will tit your fancy and your limbs. WA are ready for the boys, too, with better school and dress-up suits than ever.' MORGAN'S, The Leading Clothier. 1894. SHIPPED C. O. D. high dipxpi re flRADF D I VJ I uLLO Anywhere, - - -$ 25 Bicycle $12.50 To Any one - - - 50 Bicycle 25.00 ' otyies ana 1 rices, 40 liicycie m.ov Save Dealers' Profits 125 Bicycle 62.50 Send for illustrated catalogue. hatspt sz co., OMAHA. NEB. tJi J If If-. '5 C0MF03T 0 'RTiTa. s Come to Omaha TO - BOSTON STORE N. IV. Cor. lGth and Douglas-St. OMAHA. 3 Boston Store is doing the fore most dry goods business in the whole west. The result of always selling the best goods for the LOWEST TRICES IN THE WORLD. SPECIAL KKISOXS WHY You should come to BOSTON STOUF, OMAHA: It's the greatest mercantile estab lishment in the west. Over 100 different departments, each carrying separate lines. More than a million collar's worth of merchandise on hand all the time. Grandest Holiday Exhibit Ever shown in the United States. O'jr grand four-story and basement fire-proof mammoth building, covering nearly a whole block, is filled to over flowing with staple and holiday goods of every description, at prices from 25 TO a0 PEIt CENT LOWER THAN ANY OTHER STORES. WE OFFER FOR I I O.NllEBFn THE HOLIDAYS I s vv . . 11AKGAINS IN HIGH GRAPE OlcaOss, IDress Gccds, Slices, Slippers, Underwear, Hosiery, Neckwear A DIRECTORY OF GEN I INK RAKGAINS Every department in our establish ruent. In addition to entire assortments nt low lmces. of fers extraordinary leading bureains. Almost every known article, cither useful or orna mental, or both, may be procured at out price. These offering include Dress Goods, cloaks. Tos. Hooks, Games, Jewelry. Candy. Silver Cutlery. Lamp-. China. Cut Glass, Pictures, Taesiries. Fans, Opera Glasses. Rues, Desks, Couches. Porteries. lrHeriei. Curtail"1, I m hrellas, Poeketbook. Card Cases. Haudker chiefs, Multlers. Manicure Sets, Toilet Sets. Perfumes. Stitionerv, Men's and Ladles' Slip pers, and an intiuitv of article adapted for MEN and WciMEN, BOYS and GIRLS. CHILD REN and INFANTS. IT WILL PAY YOU TO POME TO US TO BUY CHristm Pressnts Or Anything You Want. BOSTON STORE Omaha, Neb. Let Us Give You One. Where to Buy raiiDtno If y ti have not yniimnm jet visiinl our store will rep, to Om DON'T JJf I)ecid 11 p o 1 your HOLIDAY GIFT Till you have seen the many beau tiful articles we are showing. Writing Desks, - - - $8.00 Cabinet Book Cases, - - 0.50 Music Cabinets, - - - - 6.00 Onyx Table, ----- 6.00 Gilt Chair, 7.50 Banquet Lamp and silk shades 5.00 Cobbler Seat Rockers, - 3. 50 Parmelee & Otis, Continental 111 k. 1414 Donctas St.. Omaha We HaveMoiey ta Loan at "6 percent On farm or city property in any section of tbe countrT- -where property bag a fixed market value. " M oner ready for immediate loans where ecuritv and title i good. XocoramiMion, We nolu'lt "applirations. BlankB turniidied upon rei'iest. ALLEN & CO., 40 & 43 Krodway.Kw York DR. A. MATTHEWS, The Painless Dentist, Weeping Water, Nebr., Makes a Specialty of Fine Gold Fillings, (iold and Porcelain Crowns, Bridge work, etc. TEETn POSITIVELY EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN Oli DANGER BSON & ROOT. Attorneys at Law, PLATTSMOLTn, NEB. OFFICE-F'UKfcralfJ block, over FiretNaf 1 hank POINTER ! I ( WOOD MANTELS. THE A.LDINB, PEERLESS, Write for Cuts and Pricfi.. COLUMBIAN AND MONARCH fiRATBS. MILTON ROGERS & SONS, 14th and Farnam Streets. OMAHA, NEB. SHEOS DELIVERED i:'REE! 0 i5 Fare Paid HI d To OMAHA Ul. AND RETURN. That $45,000 stock of men's and boys clothing, gents' furnishings, hats and shoes of the late Globe Clothing Co. has to be closed at once. Men's ov ercoats. $1.50; duck coats, wool lined K9c; warm wool mittens, with leather facing. 15c; Men's black clav worsted suits. 4 25; Boys long gray ulsters, 89c; Men's heavy wool socks 5c a pair; Overshoes. 39c: a big assortment of fur overcoats. 97. to; Men's warm caps, 15c; Boys durable suits, 75c; Striped cotton Bocks, 2c a pair; Tine kersey overcoats. $4.50; extreme heavy underwear. scarlet or yellow, 45c; Wool mits, 9c; Men's heavy wool filled pantc, 89c; Men's heavy wool melton shirts, 39c; Men's shoes, fc9c; Men's goatskin gloves, 15c. There is a big overstock of fine suits and overcoats in this stock. (The Globe had tbe reputation of carrying the finest goods in the city.) All mast go for about half of cost of production. Receiver's Sale AT GLOBE'S OLD STAND. 15 S. 16th, Near Douglas St. Opposite BOSTON STORE. P. S. Bring this paper with you and also receipt from Station Agent for Round Trip Fare, and If you purchased tJO or more at this sale, your Round Trip Fare -will be refunded. The Plattsmouth Mills, C. HEISEL. Prop. This Mill has leen rebuilt, and furnished with Machinery of the beet manufacture in the world. Their "Plansifter" Flour Has no Superior In America. Giv? It trial and be convinced. IAGNETIC NERVINE. Is told with written guarantee 1 cure NeryousProetra tion, Fi.6, DiZli neas.f ii.'t' and furuitria niulVJte-fulnese.cau-d byex- Tolacco au-1 Alco - AFTER' Mon, Sott-nirifc. -f 'rain, ennsrnR Misery, insanity ar.d Death, -s Imtuiivui- , Uo-t Power tn either sex, rtrjru'e Old Ase, Involuntary Ionise, cnvsd . . r-iu lulirpui e, overexertion of tbe Brtun and r of Youth. It irivesto Weak Onraus their : I Vi?nr and douHes tbe Joys nt life; cures r: )iua and Female Weakness. A uionth's treat , ui plain pai kuire. ly mail, to any addre, tJ ' ftx, 6 h:xes to. W ith every to order we m ve ten Cuarantee to cure or refund the money. cL'ani f rvo. uuirautee isue-l only by our ex- f. a FKiiKF & c., in.?iT'". S tie ppi:t Plattpmn.ith . Not. na ' .1 - Udnt. IVmrA. W.L.DOUCLAS' 33 SHOE"'! SaUEA KING. 5. CORDOVAN, FRENCH& ENnMLLLED CALF. 4 3.P RNECAlf AlftiaARCl 3.5? P0LICE.3 SOLES. 9so.$2.WCRKINGMtkj EXTTJA FINE. 2.I75 boys'SchcslShoes. LADIES' SEND FOR CATALOGUE W'L'DOUSLAS, BROCKTON. rlASS. Yea can sate money by arckasiuK V . lo Doaglaa sheea. Because, we are the largest manufacturers ol advertised shoes in tbe world, and euarautee the value by stamping the name and price on the bottom, which protects 5-ou against high prices and the middleman's profits. Our shoes equal custom work in style, easy fitting and wearing qualities. We have them sold every, where at lower prices for the value given than eny other make. Take 110 substitute. If your dealer cannot supply you, we can. Sold by JOSEPH FETZER. A B C Ernoia's ErcmiHieisiy. Pplend id curative aoent for Kerwm or 6ick UeaUache. Brain KxhiuHitira. 8leetleeinm Lapeoial or peaeral Neuraltna: aio zor Ithea pewa. Anemia. Anruioce lor awoooiu ana other ext l'rut, JO, Kand suosau THE ARNOLD CHEMICAL CO. 1 51 S. Westers Avenue. CHICA" LADIES ix know DR. FELIX LE BRUN'S STEEL BSD PERHYBOYEL FILLS ire the origins! and only FRENCH, safe and re liable cure on the market. Price $L0l; seat by mail. Genuine sold only by Fricke & Co., Druggists. $500 Reward! WE will mv the above reward for any case ol Liver Complaint. Dyspepsia, Sick Headache In digestion constipation or ccstiveness we cannot cure with West's Veer-table Liver Pills, when the directions are strictly complied with. The aie purely Vegetable, pnd never fail to give sn isiaction. Eus:ir Cor.tcu. Lsirirc boxes, 25 cent Beware of coanteriei'.n and imitations. Theeen- nine manutactured only by TH K JOHN C WEST COMPANY. CHICAGO, ILL. Sf-tl FIltEPLACf). FI.OOK AN1 wall tilk c"Uj: Slices sire m arrived, in plain fig" nres, L33.a. one price to a,ll, -vtietlier lcro cr FRANK WILCOX CO., 1515 and 151 T Douglas Street. Omaha. Jet. F. S. WHITE, Main Street, Plattsmouth. moduli! i US ALWAYS FUEHII. Teas and Coffees Unexcelled, Curtice Bros.' Celebrated CANNED GOODS. SOLE AGENT FOR Pillshury's !c MINNESOTA FLOUR, The Vest in the World. The "XXXX" and "Best" Brands FAT PEOPLE ! Park Omirtr Pills will reduce tour welsht PERMANENTLY from IS to Impounds a month. NO STAKVIN'Ci. sickness or injury; No PL'b LICITV. Thev build up the health and beauti fy the comtilef Ion. leaving No WRINKLES or flabbiness. STOL'T ABDOMENS and difficnlt breathiue surely relieved. Nt) EXPERIMENT, but ascientiiic and positive relief, adopted only after years of experience. All orders supplied direct from our otlice. Price 2.00 per package or three packages for 85.00 by mail postpaid. Testimonials and particulars sealed Scents. J:rAll correspondence strictly cou'hdential. Park Kemedy Co., Boston, Mass. First Premium at the Columbian Exposition The Singer Han'f'g Co. UECEIVED 54: First Awards, Belntt the largest number of award obtained by any exhibitor rikI more than doable the number received by all other iewin(r Machine companies. Awards received on the following: Family Sewius Machines, V. S. No. 2. I. F. J. B. and Siimle Thread Automatic Chain Stitch Machine. Sewing Machine cabinets. Art embroideries. Laces. Cur tains. Upholstery, Artistic Fiirnishir.es ewingr and tmbroidery. Tapestry .Ma chine Work. Also 43 Awards, covering machines for manufacture in every line where a Sewing Machine can te used on Wool Cotton and Silk Cloth. Knit Goods Leather, etc., for Ornamental Stitching Button holes. Eyelets, Barring, Over seaming, staying, etc AGENTS WANTED. The Singer M'fe Co " All Over the World." Ilr.Drh Office 151G iJouglas St.. Omalia First National Bank PLATTSMol'TH, KKU. Capital, paid up 850,000 OFFICERS: GKORfiE E. Dovet President F. E. White Vice president S. Wiroa Cashier EC. N. Dovet . . Assistant Cashier DIRECTORS : George E. Dovey, F. E. White. D. Oawksworth S. Wauga and H. X. Dovey. Careful attention given to the Interests of customers. Collections made and promptly remitted for. Highest market price paid for county warrants and state and connty bonds- NEW LIFE Or. E. C West's Nerve and Brain Treatment Is sold under positive written guarantee, by author ized ageuts only, to cure Weak Memory; Lops of Brain and Nerve Power; Lost Manhood; Vuirknets; Kisht Lowes; Kvil lream: i.act of Coiifiiience; KiTTonmew; Ijiwirude; all jDrnins; Ixws nt Power of the Generative. tri-um in either eex, caused by over-eTertion; Vonthful Lrrors, or Exeesaive I'se c Tobacoo, Opium or Liquor, which soon lenl t Misery, Consumption, Insanity and Death. By niai H a box; 6 for fi; with wrttten punrnntee to cure o refund money. WEST'S COCOH HYRVP. A certain cure fnr O-Hiphs, Ciliin, Athnia, Bmnchitis, Croup, Whoopinic ut;h, Kore Throat. Tleasant to take. Pruall .Ue aisooniinued; old. Boo, size, now 25c.; old tl size, now 60c OLAiiANlXiij issued only by F. G. Fricke & Co, urngists. vThen Baby was sick, we gave ber CastoriA, When ahe was a Child, she cried for Castorla. When she became Jliss, she clung to Costoria, When she bad Children, she give them Castoria, JEPEEDY end LASTING BESHLTSi FAT PEOPLE, No Inconvenience. Simple, sore. AS2QL7TZX.T Til II istiy from arnr injurious substance. thbm, . LAI3I AEZCXISS SEIIS. Wa GUARANTEE a CURE er refund tout iionel. . -1rioe SS.ooper bottle. Send 4c lor treatise. KSIOKI UEmCAL. CON Baoa, BEFORE FTERvN Ecansst